BASIC COMPUTER APPLICATION DATA AND INFORMATION We always records events, transactions, items details e.t.c For example; Sales Purchases Salaries People's movements Customer/clients details. Etc These are reffered as DATA, by themselves are meaningless and useless, To extract meaning from data we need to combine it with other data. Example,to know if there is profit/loss, he/she needs to combine by comparing cost and price of the items. The process of making data meaningful or useful is called DATA PROCESSING Processed Data called INFORMATION Example of information are; Profit or loss Customer's bill Student's report Arranged values related to items Story..... These are meaningful and useful. Data processing consist of a series of actions or stages on data. The Data processing consist of four stages; 1. INPUT 2. PROCESS 3. OUTPUT 4. STORAGE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Information technology toos are used to processing data. Example of IT : Calculators, watches, typewriters,talaphones, television, appliances and various handheld devices, computer etc. Main device in IT is the computer.The computer embeds All other IT tools. COMPUTER - is the set of devices that work under control of stored program, works automatically. (NB: this definition is complete so if you need it find to others who complete it) FUNCTIONS OF COMPUTERS INPUT- collecting data PROCESS - converting data into information. OUTPUT - Display results STORAGE - For future use. CHARACTERISTICS OF COMPUTERS Speed Accuracy Storage Diligence Versatile Reliable No IQ No feelings Cheap Expensive MAIN PARTS OF COMPUTERS A computer system consists of two main parts; HARDWARE - Physical part SOFTWARE - Instructions