Uploaded by Agnieszka Łukaszuk

6-Week Workout Plan: Glutes, Quads, Upper Body

Week one and two:
Monday: rest
Tuesday: cardio, HIIT, abs
Wednesday: glutes
1. Box squats 4x15
2. RDL 5x10
3. Hip thrusts (superset with KAS) on the smith 5x15
4. Bulgarian split squats on smith 3x12
5. Hip abductions 5x20 (last set drop set)
Thursday: rest
Friday: quads
1. Squat 4x12
2. Leg press 5x10
3. Walking lunges 3x15
4. Heels elevated goblet squat 4x12
5. Leg extension 5x10 (last set drop set)
Saturday: upper body
1. Chest press 4x10-12
2. Lateral raises 4x10-12
3. Lat pull down 5x10-12 (last set drop set)
4. Dumbbell single arm row 4x10-12
5. Triceps push down 3x12
6. Push ups/pull ups
Sunday: glutes
1. Smith Sumo machine Squat 3x10
2. Elevated Reverse lunges on the smith 4x10
3. Hip thrust on barbell 6x12
4. B-stance RDL (superset with sumo squat) 3x15
5. Kickbacks 4x12 (last set drop set)
Week three and four:
Monday: rest
Tuesday: cardio, HIIT, abs
Wednesday: glutes
1. B-stance hip thrust on barbell 5x12
2. Sumo deadlift 4x12
3. Step up on the smith machine 4x15
4. Single leg RDL 3x15
5. Back extensions 5x10 (last set drop set with the body weight)
Back extensions - feet facing outwards, plate away from the body and pause at the peak
Thursday: rest
Friday: quads
1. Squat 5x10
2. Forward lunge on smith machine (pulse) 3x15
3. Landmine squat 4x10
4. Goblet squat high heel 4x12
5. Leg extension 5x10 (last set drop set)
6. Hip adduction 3x12
Saturday: upper body
1. Barbell row 4x10
2. Single arm pull down 4x12
3. Chest press on barbell 5x12
4. Shoulder press 4x15
5. Side cable raises 3x12
6. Push ups/pull ups
Sunday: glutes
1. Hip thrust on the smith (superset with KAS) 6x15
2. Glute bridges 5x10
3. RDL to squat superset 4x10
4. B-stance RDL 3x15
5. Hip abduction 3x20 (last set drop set)
Week five and six:
Monday: rest
Tuesday: cardio, HIIT, abs
Wednesday: glutes
1. Box squat 5x12
2. RDL 4x12
3. Hip thrust on smith 10x10
4. Reverse lunges on smith 3x12
5. Glute medius kick backs 3x12
Thursday: rest day
Friday: quads
1. Static narrow stand lunge 3x12
2. Elevated squat on the smith machine 4x12
3. Leg press 5x10
4. Walking lunges 3x12
5. Leg extensions 4x10
Saturday: upper body
1. Chest press 4x12
2. Lat pullovers 5x12 (last set drop set)
3. T-bar row 4x10
4. Front raises 3x10
5. Face pulls superset with tricep push down 3x12
6. Pull up / push up
Sunday: glutes
1. B-stance hip thrust 5x10
2. Deadlift 4x12
3. Bulgarian split squat 4x12
4. Single leg RDL superset with sumo squat 3x15
5. Back extension 5x10 (last set drop set with the body weight)