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Math & Physics Flashcards

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A l i ghthouse i s 10 uni ts of l ength northwest of a dock. At what ti me wi l l be 8
uni ts?
8:54 AM
A wooden fla g pole is imbedded.
5.61 m
2 ci ti es 270 mi apart l i e on the same meri di an
3 degrees 54.4 mi nutes
Cebu Pa cific pla ne flew fr om Bus a n, Kor ea whos e la titude is 14 deg . At wha t long itude will it cr os s
113 deg r ees 33 minutes Ea s t
the equa tor ?
I n a hi l l y or mountai nous terrai n. What i s the el evati on at A?
A pennant i n a shape of a i soscel es tri angl e i s to be constructed f or the Sl i ddel
H S. F i nd the l engths of the si des of the tri angul ar pennant
A 25000 l b H ubbl e space tel escope was l aunched Apri l 1990.
Consi deri ng the earth as a sphere of radi us 3960 mi . F i nd the radi us of the 40th
paral l el of l ati tude.
2763 m
25 cm, 62 cm, 62cm
17000 mph
3030 mi l es
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Consi deri ng the earth as a sphere of radi us 3960 mi . F i nd the radi us of the 40th
paral l el of l ati tude.
On the l ate 1950s, the Sovi ets l abored to devel op a mi ssi l e. H ow wi de a path on
the earth’s surf ace coul d powers see f rom that al ti tude?
A bush pi l ot l ef t the F ai rbanks Ai rport i n a l i ght pl ane and f l ew 100 mi toward
F ort Y ukon. What i s her max di stance f rom F ai rbanks?
3030 mi l es
661.8 mi l es
134.5 mi l es
A l i ghtbul b i s pl aced at a certai n di stance. H ow f ar i s i t f rom the surf ace?
An i ce cream cone i s f i l l ed wi th i ce cream. F i nd the total vol ume.
31.3 cc
T he i nteri or of a satel l i te T V antenna i s a di sh... f i nd the di stance f rom the center
to the f ocus
A coast guard stati on A i s 200 mi l es east of sta. B. Locate the posi ti on of the shi p
at that ti me.
A f orgetf ul physi ci st f orgot hi s watch one day.
4.5 f eet
(42, 50)
2 hrs 54 mi ns 35 secs
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A cof f ee pot wi th ci rcul ar bottom tapers uni f orml y to a ci rcul ar top.
3 1/37 cups
3 ha r es a r e s ta nding a r e s ta nding in a tr ia ng ula r field which is exa ctly 100 ya r ds in ea ch s ide.
100 ya r ds
An ori gami expert started maki ng a N ani des ka
24 i nches
An ori gami expert started maki ng a N ani des ka
24 i nches
Ben Az oul l i
36 mi l es. 2 day tri p
Ya ng ying yung
One thir d pi r s qua r ed
D i aper
2.5 i nches sqr
A student begi nni ng the study of T ri gonometry. What are the val ues assumi ng 0
175 deg 185 deg
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A student begi nni ng the study of T ri gonometry. What are the val ues assumi ng 0
175 deg 185 deg
Ther e is one fla g a t the entr a nce to a r a cetr a ck. How long is the tr a ck?
1980 pi ft. or 3.36 fur long s
On a certai n day, our parki ng l ot contai ns 999 cars. What i s the probabi l i ty that
the numbers of the f i rst 4 cars to l eave the parki ng l ot are i ncreasi ng order i n
magni tude.
A bread sal esman
T wo urns contai n red and bl ack bal l s.
D r Stephens’ stati sti cs f or engi neers cl ass. What i s the probabi l i ty that her 2010
cl ass wi l l be 10CE , 30ChE , 40 I E , 10 E E ?
A coi n i s so unbal anced
A bus route on a ci ty street i s schedul ed f or 2 mi n headways. H ow many berths are
requi red?
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Whi ch of these contour characteri sti cs i s not true?
Based on the techni cal resol uti on of the I nternati onal Water Way congress, about
how many percent of the ti de i s guaranteed saf e f or the shi p?
T o sti mul ate hi s son i n the pursui t of parti al di f f erenti al equati ons, a math
prof essor of f ered to pay hi m $8. H ow many di d the boy sol ve correctl y?
A l i ghthouse i s l ocated on a smal l 2 mi of f a strai ght shore. T he beacon of the
l i ghthouse revol ves.. how f ast i s the l i ght beami ng
An engi neer wi shes to purchase an $80000 home by maki ng downpayment of $20000.
A man i s one year ol der than hi s wi f e and thei r son i s one year ol der than hi s wi f e.
What i s the age of the man i f thei r son i s not teenager?
A di vi ded hi ghway goes under a number of bri dges. What i s the l owest bri dge
under whi ch i t can pass?
Ja cks bea ns ta lk g r owth
Contours are ri ght angl es to the sl ope.
13pi /60
13 f t 5 i n
198 da ys
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A student i s twi ce as l i kel y to l i sten to a record as to do hi s homework. What i s
the probabi l i ty that he wi l l do hi s homework?
Super M ari o Card
A man passed 1/6th of hi s l i f e i n chi l dhood.... what i s the man’s f i nal age?
T wo candl es have equal l engths. When wi l l one be 3 ti mes as l ong as the other?
3-7/11 hours
M r. Perki ns deci ded to redesi gn hi s rectangul ar rose bed. What i s the peri meter
i n f eet of the new bed?
A ri ght ci rcul ar cone i s di vi ded i nto 3 porti ons. D etermi ne rati o of Vol ume of A to
that of B.
I n the f i nal seconds of the game, your f avori te N BA team i s behi nd 117 to 118.
What are your team’s overal l chances of wi nni ng?
M y house i s on a road where the numbers run 1,2,3,4... consecuti vel y. What i s my
number and how many houses are there i n my road?
140 f t
11/16 or about 69%
H ouse number 204: 288 houses
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M y house i s on a road where the numbers run 1,2,3,4... consecuti vel y. What i s my
number and how many houses are there i n my road?
H ouse number 204: 288 houses
A novi ce i n cal cul us
Sol ve usi ng: A l n A= 3
A hospi tal nursery..., what i s the probabi l i ty that the l ast addi ti on i s a gi rl ?
An engi neer’s l evel uses a l evel tube wi th a radi us of curvature of 4 meters. What
error on observed verti cal di spl acement on stati on 120 m away i f one space on the
0.06 meters
tube i s 0.5 mm l ong?
Y ou want to f i nd someone whose bi rthday matches yours. (50-50 chance)
A boat owner agrees to take a group on an outi ng? What i s the boat owner’s prof i t?
Poi nt P i s between poi nts Q and R.
18 deg 58 mi ns
A machi ne costs $10000 and i s expected to have a scrap val ue of 1500 whenever i t
i s reti red. D etermi ne the machi ne’s economi c l i f e.
8 years
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D etermi ne the mass of the sun
2x10^30 kg
A man j umpi ng f ron a bri dge wi th a bungee cord ti ed to hi s l egs.
205.7 f eet
A bri dge across a ri ver i s i n the f orm of an arc of a ci rcl e. H ow i s the ri ver?
80 f t
Lotti e and Lucy H i l l are both 90 years ol d. H ow ol d i s M ary?
On a verti cal photograph
1490f t
T here are two barrel s, one contai ni ng 40 gal of wi ne and 60 gal of water. What i s
the capaci ty of the pai l ?
8 gal
A basebal l di amond i s a square wi th each si de 90 f eet i n l ength.
10.8 f t/s
Shuf f l e board
30 7/8
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E l evati on of tri angul ati on stati on A i s 250 m whi l e that of B i s 685m.
A ci garette vendor 2400 and agreed to pay 3000 af ter 30 days. What i s the si mpl e
i nterest rate per annum?
M r. F rankl i n wants to save f or a new sports car.
A bank of f ers i ts customers a Chri stmas Cl ub account. What i s the nomi nal i nterest
rate assumi ng conti nuous compoundi ng?
37 meters
Chuck a l uck i s a gambl i ng game. What i s the expected l oss per uni t stake?
8% per pl ay
Coni cal dri nki ng cup
T wo parti cl es
T wo parti cl es
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South Ameri can botf l y
T emperature change
H ow thi ck a coi n be to have 1/3 chance of l andi ng on edge?
35% as thi ck as the di ameter of coi n
T wo strangera been asked to choose one posi ti ve whol e number
3 and 7
H avi ng l ost a checker game, a speci al i st i n l earni ng programs threw one of the red
checkers out the wi ndow. What i s the pri ori probabi l i ty of thi s occurence?
T here are three f ami l i es, each wi th two sons and two daughters. I n how many ways
can al l these young peopl e marri ed?
A box of bol ts contai ns 4 thi ck bol ts, 3 medi um bol ts and 3 thi n bol ts. What i s
the cl assi cal probabi l i ty that the nut f i ts the bol t?
Game of craps
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On the east coast, i t i s known f rom heal th records that the probabi l i ty of
sel ecti ng an adul t over 40 yrs
D i agnosed as havi ng cancer 0.096
Person di agnosed as havi ng cancer actual l y has the di sease
Person di agnosed as havi ng cancer actual l y has the di sease
A person di agnosed as havi ng cancer does not have the di sease