1-5. Multiple Choice 1. The expression 2+ 、J3 -」듣 is equivalent to 2--V3 (1) 2. The 11냄 (2) (3) 7 +4써 (4) 묘쩍 (4) 2냄 e때ression 않 - 꿇 is e빼ent to 2- 굉 (1) 7-4써 2냄 (2) 않 (3) 펀 Y II expressed in lowest terms? 3. What is the product II y + 1\IJI ------;;- '\1-y ‘ ) 、 (1) _1_τ (2) _J_ 1-y y-.L y+l (3) - (4) -1 y-1 4. T he expression . 핀그5 낸+얘 is. equiv려e따 to (1) ~ (2) -1 젠 ~꽉곽 (4) 11+/2 5 5. When resistors R1 and R2 are connected in a parallel electric circuit, the total resistance is --조-- . This complex fraction is equivalent to 1 1 ---+-Ri R2 (1) R1 +R2 (2) R+R ~ RiR2 (3) R. R -」L+-효 R2 - 185 - Ri (4) RR ___L__L Ri +R2 6-11. Write each fraction in lowest terms. 6. 3x+6 4-x2 8. 7. 10a2 -15ab 4a2-9b2 9. ah-b2 10. 5ah-5a2 2x2 -50 2x2 +5x-25 11. 3x3-27xy2 12x2 +36.xy x2 -4y2 x2+4찌1+4y2 12-26. Perform the indicated operation, and write the answer in simplest form. 12. 2J굵 +3J굶 2x+ y x+5y 17. - + x+2y x+2y 22. J45 15 J20 13. xJ48-2낸갈5 18. _2 : ~ --二-‘ a2-1 a+l 40 J굶 23. 끊- 14. (s-2낸)(s+2낸) a2-5 b2-5 19. - + a-b b-a 24. 81-x2 6x-54 15. (1+ 써)(2- 퍼) 20. 5 핍흙- 륨흙 25. 2x2 -32 20-5x x2 +x-12 2x2 -5x-3 16. (3굉 -2굉r 21. 2협표 26. - 3yefY + x2+9x 3x x+2 + 2 x2 -9 x2 +x-6 꾀 돼 27-30. Express each fraction as 없l equivalent fraction in simplest form with a rational denominator. In Exercise 28, x represents an integer greater than 1. “ M f; 2 28. 끄파 .J8 30 9. 파피5 펀펀펴 · J5- ah 31-36. Simplify each complex fraction. 3 1 --+x2 x 9 1~x2 31. 33. x-y -」-­ y -x %야 32. 1 1-w 1 1 w2 w 35. ----t x +-+ y--x . -vv 36. 1 m-m 1 m-2+m b 4 -----+b-3 b 1+ 」­ b-3 - 186 -