IEEE Trans. Electr. Insul, Vol EI-13 No 5, October 1978 349 IEEE AND IEC CODES TO INTERPRET INCIPIENT FAULTS IN TRANSFORMERS, USING GAS IN OIL ANALYSIS R. R. Rogers C.E.G.B. Transmission Division Guildford, England ABSTRACT The detection of incipient faults in oil immersed transformers by examination of the gases dissolved in the oil developed from the original Buchholz relay application. The gases produced during the deterioration of mineral oil and cellulose were examined and techniques were established to assist in the interpretation of the type of fault, incipient or growing, occurring within the transformer. The major technique now employed is the study of ratios of pairs of certain deterioration gases. The concepts used in the development of this technique and the modifications made to enable the technique to be established as the present method of fault interpretation, recommended by the IEC are discussed. INTRODUCTION Attempts to diagnose the type of fault from the gases evolved from the oil after the failure of mineral oil immersed power transformers started 50 years ago [1], and had developed by 1956 [2], into a detailed assessment of the fault from the gases collected in the Buchholz relay. It was quickly realized that if gases are evolved from the oil sufficient to operate a Buchholz relay, then slowly developing faults would also be producing decomposition gases which would be dissolved in the oil and only appear in the Buchholz at the end of a complicated system of interchange between the gases contained in bubbles rising to the surface and the less soluble atmospheric gases dissolved in the oil. It should thus be possible by analyzing the gases dissolved in the oil or in a nitrogen cushion to detect any incipient faults which may be present in the transformer [3,4]. Originally, indications of the type of fault occurring were developed from past history, or from experimental work on oil filled samples where the gases collected were differentiated as a major component of, or a percentage of the total gas accumulated. DEVELOPMENT OF THE INTERPRETATION THEORIES From 1968, the C.E.G.B. started regularly monitoring by chromatographic analysis gas in oil samples from increasing numbers of EHV transformers on a routine basis, and by 1970 over one thousand units of 132, 275, and 400 kV voltage rating were checked at least annually. From statistical assessment of the results, attempts were made to set gas levels whereby 90% of all transformers being below these levels, the assumption could be made that transformers with gas levels above these "Norms" were under suspicion of containing incipient faults likely to cause future trouble in service. However, study of the analyses showed that all transformers in service, including lightly loaded units known to be operating satisfactorily, evolved hydrogen and the other simple hydrocarbon gases, albeit in very small quantities, e.g. less than 0.1 ppm methane per month of service. Generally the total gas content depended on the time in service and the load conditions. In 1970, Dornenburg [5] differentiated between faults of thermal or electrical origin by comparing pairs of gases with approximately equal solubilities and diffusion coefficients such as ethylene and acetylene where an increase in the ratio of ethylene/acetylene above unity indicated an electrical fault, and also used the ratio of methane/hydrogen to suggest an indication of a thermal fault if the ratio was greater than 0.1 or a corona discharge if the ratio was less than 0.1. This method was recognized as promising, in that it eliminated the effect of oil volume and it simplified the choice of unit since one is measuring one gas produced per unit of another. In particular, the plot of successive samples forms a basis which can be used to deduce whether the fault is constant in nature. 0018-9367/78/1000-0349$00.75 (Q 1978 IEEE 350 IEEE Trans. Electr. Insul, Vol EI-13 No 5, October 1978 THE FIRST RATIOS -a L- .= 6L°1 a Hydrogen H2 Cs CL / I CODE 1 The above considerations led to the choice of 4 ratios for fault diagnosis, based on the order given in Fig. 1, i.e. methane/hydrogen, ethane/methane, ethylene/ethane and acetylene/ethylene [7]. The significant change point of each ratio was assumed arbitrarily to be unity and Table 1 illustrates the first elementary diagnoses used. In the tabulation, a value above 1 is indicated by 1 and a value below 1 by zero. The ratios were chosen so that a series of four zeros indicated satisfactory operation of the trans- former. Statistical study of nearly ten thousand C.E.G.B. analyses suggested that certain types of fault conditions could be differentiated within more detailed ranges and combinations of gas ratios. This was confirmed by internal examination of a number of suspect transformers together with post mortems on faulty units as well as by design studies of hot spots likely to be found in transformers under operational conditions. The refined code of ranges of gas ratios is shown in Table 2 and a fault diagnosis table based on the code is given in Table 3 [8]. The use of the Code facilitates the programming of a computer to provide a fault diagnosis directly from a chromatograph detector record. Methane CH4 gas Ethane C2H6 Ethylene C2 H4 Acetylene C2 H2 INTERNATIONAL STUDY OF THE RATIOS TECHNIQUE The various interpretation schemes employed in Europe were summarized in a CIGRE Study a trilinear scheme was described Paper in 1975 [9], and by Duval in 1974 [14]. In order to establish the identification of actual Fig. 1: oil as Comparative rates of evoZution of gases from a function of deccmrposition energy. A C.E.R.L. report produced in 1970 by Halstead but not published unti' 1973 [6], made a theoretical thermodynamic assessment of the formation of the simple decomposition gaseous hydrocarbons in mineral oil which suggested that on the basis of equilibrium pressures at various temperatures, the proportion of each gaseous hydrocarbon in comparison with each of the other hydrocarbon gases varied with the temperature of the point of decomposition. This led to the assumption that the rate of evolution of any particular gaseous hydrocarbon varied with temperature, and that at a particular temperature there would be a maximum rate of evolution of that gas and that each gas would attain its maximum rate at a different temperature. Study of the Halstead thermodynamic equilibria suggested that with increasing temperature, the maxima would be in turn methane, ethane, ethylene and acetylene, and Fig. 1 shows a non-qualitative representation of this hypothesis. Hydrogen evolution is shown first, but this is represented initially by a large amount of hydrogen produced by ionic bombardment under discharge conditions (i.e. "cold"), followed by a continual increase of hydrogen representing the increasing rudimentary fractionating of the long chain paraffin molecule under increasing temperature conditions. faults, the CIGRE WG 15-01 assessed one hundred sets of analyses from transformers with known faults, contributed from the records of members of the Working Group. The results of considerable laboratory work on small specimens were provided by several members in order to assess the probable temperatures at which the ratios indicated significant change. In the light of these results and further theoretical assessments, the significant changeover values of the ratios for both electrical and thermal faults were then modified. Because the ratio ethane/methane only indicated a limited temperature range of decomposition, but did not assist in further identifying the fault, it was deleted. It was considered that the use of only three ratios would simplify interpretation. To assist understanding of the technique, the tables were re-organized to produce a more rational progression of faults from minor incipient faults up to the major known faults identified in the above survey. The modified tables were included in IEC Document 10A (Secretariat) 53 and detailed at the 1977 Doble Conference [10] . It should be emphasized that the tables were intended demonstrate the range of phenomena expected to be likely to occur in a transformer in service, from normal ageing, through incipient electrical or thermal phenomena likely to reduce transformer life expectancy by negligible amounts (but nevertheless important for understanding of the reliability of a transformer under service conditions), to phenomena likely to cause Buchholz relay operation within a short time and thus requiring emergency action. In order to assist this identification, the tables were further modified at a recent IEC-10 meeting. The new table as shown in Table 4 is included in IEC Document 10A (Central Office) 37. to Rogers: Interpretation Incipient of TABLE 1 C C4C2H6 C2H4 C2i 2 H2 CH C H o 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 351 Faults ORIGINAL FAULT DIAGNOSIS - Percentage 2H Diagnosis 0 0 If CH 4 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 4 24 26 Sfled CH4 discharge otherwise - normal deterioration - below 150°C (?) - 150 - 2000C (?) - 200 - 3000C (?) General conductor overheating Circulating currents and/or overheated joints Flashover without power follow-through Tapchanger selector breaking current Arc with power follow-through - or persistent sparking C2H4 2 Less than 1.0 a4 Not less than 3.0 2H 2H6 2 4 0 5 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1/2 1/2 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 5 ( (> ( Not less than 3.0 - 2 6 1/2 2 0 9.7 5 1) 0 1 2 (< 1) 1) 0 1 (< 1) 0 3) 2 (< 0.5) (¢ 0.5,< 3) 0 1,< 3) ( 1 1 ( 3) 2 FAULT DIAGNOSIS TABLE BASED ON CODE GIVEN IN TABLE 2 2H4 C2H2 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 9.0 2.1 1.1 1, < 3) ( 3) (¢ Between 0.5 and 3.0 CH 7.8 11.1 0.1) 0.1,< ( Less than 0.5 2 2 4 ai 9.0 REFINED CODE Between 1.0 and 3.0 TABLE 3 34.2 11.8 Code CH 2 6 H H - Less than 1.0 Not less than 1.0 4 C 2.0 Slight overheating Slight overheating Slight overheating Not greater than 0.1 Between 0.1 and 1.0 Between 1.0 and 3.0 Not less than 3.0 C H C Partial 0.1 or H2 Range H_H2 of Sampled TABLE 2 Gas Ratio TABLE CH 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1/2 2 1/2 ianosis _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Normal Deterioration Partial Discharge Slight Overheating Overheating Overheating General Conductor - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ below 150 C (?) 150 - 200°C (?) 200- 300°C (?) Overheating Winding Circulating _ Currents Core and Tank Circulating Currents, overheated joints Flashover without Power Follow Through Arc with Power Follow Through Continuous Sparking to Floating Potential Partial Discharge with Tracking (note CO) IEEE Trans, Electr. 35 2 TABLE 4 - Insul, Vol EI-13 No 5, October 1978 CODE FOR EXAMINING ANALYSIS OF GAS DISSOLVED IN MINERAL OIL Ratios of Characteristic Gases Code of range of ratios CRH CHi .4 22 C2H4 H2 CH 2 4 C 2H6 0 1 1 2 1 0 2 2 0 0 1 2 <0.1 0.1- 1 1-3 >3 Case 0 1 2 3 4 Characteristic Fault Typical Examples 0 0 0 Normal ageing 0 but not 1 0 Discharges in gas filled cavities resulting from incomplete impregnation, or super saturation or cavitation or high humidity 1 1 0 As above, but leading to tracking or perforation of solid No fault Partial discharges of low energy density significant Partial discharges of high energy density insulation Discharges of low energy (see Note 1) l-12 0 1-e2 Discharges of high 1 0 2 Discharges with power follow through. Arcing-breakdown of oil between windings or coils or between coils to earth. Selector breaking current energy Continuous sparking in oil between bad connections of different potential or to floating potential. Breakdown of oil between solid materials 5 Thermal fault of temperature <1500C (see Note 2) 0 0 1 Insulated Conductor overheating 6 Thermal fault of low temgerature range 0 2 0 )Localised overheating of the )core due to concentrations of )flux. Increasing hot spot )temperatures; varying from Thermal fault of medium temperature 0 2 1 0 2 2 )shorting links in core, over)heating of copper due to eddy )currents, bad contacts/joints )(pyrolitic carbon formation) )up to core and tank )circulating 150 C to 300 C (see Note 3) 7 range 8 3000C.7000C Thermal fault of high temperature range >7000C (see Note 4) )small hot spots in core, )currents Note 1: For the purpose of this tabZe there wiZZ be a tendency for the ratio C2H2/C2H4 to rise from 0.1 to above 3 and for the ratio C2H4/C2H6 to rise from 1-3 to above 3 as the spark develops in intensity. The characteristic code of the fauZt at an incipient stage wiZZ then be 1.0.1 Note 2: In this case the gases come mainZy from the Note 3: This fauZt condition is normaZZy indicated by increasing gas concentrations. Ratio CH4/H2 is normaZZy about 1, the actuaZ vaZue above or below unity is dependent on many factors such as design of oiZ preservation system, actuaZ Zevel of temperature and oiZ quality. decomposition of the soZid insuZation, this explains the value of the ratio C2H4/C2H6. Rogers: Interpretation of InciDient Faults 353 Note 4: An increasing vaZue of the amount of C2H2 may indicate the hot point is higher than 1000°C. GeneraZ remarks (1) Significant vaZues quoted for ratios should be regarded typicaZ onZy. (2) Transformers fitted with in-tank on-Zoad tapchangers may indicate fauZts of type 202/102 depending on seepage or transmission of arc decomposition products in the diverter switch tank into the transformer tank oiZ. (3) Combinations of the ratios not incZuded above may occur in practice. Consideration is being given to the interpretation of such combinations. CELLULOSE DETERIORATION The effect of cellulose deterioration in assisting in the diagnosis of the phenomena should not be ignored. The relationship between carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide under normal or abnormal conditions depends on the amount of oxygen available to assist the thermal decomposition of cellulose [8,11,12]. Partial discharges of high energy density (Table 4 case 2) are generally accompanied by tracking of solid insulation and the production of measurable quantities of CO and CO2. Similarly for insulated conductor overheating (case 5), the increase of the unsaturated hydrocarbons such as ethylene compared with the saturated ethane should also be accompanied by increased CO and CO2. PROCEDURE Any indication of abnormal deterioration should be followed by a procedure such as detailed in Ref. 8 or IEC-IOA (Central Office) 37. Similar flow charts could be programmed into a computer which could examine previous records, request further samples and recommend necessary action tothe maintenance engineer. The IEC document emphasizes that any resulting action must be undertaken only after proper engineering judgment. as efficient of variation, any adjustment can be neglected. The indication of changing values of ratios allied to increased rate of gas production is of true significance, regardless of the type of oil or transformer. The data in Table 4 is based on present day knowledge and it is likely that with further international experience, there may be modifications to the significant ratios and new interpretations of other ratio combinations. CONCLUSIONS The application of the ratios to the interpretation of incipient faults technique in power transformers by dissolved gas analysis, has proved beneficial in that forced outage and repair costs have been consider- ably reduced. The application of the interpretation recommended in this paper should enable procedure the smaller utility, without the need for extended statistical and laboratory investigation, to the technique to reduce the overall costs for apply maintaining power transformers in service. Further application of this technique as a monitor the factory proving tests of transformers, is being developed employingpower very much greater detection sensitivities than used in the field. This shows great promise in that a number of likely to cause future trouble in service havefaults been detected, although in each case the transformer had satisfactorily passed the routine tests. during DISCUSSION As most of the original statistical work was done on high aromatic content, napthenic base oil and free breathing conservator transformers, reservations were made on the application of the ratios technique to sealed transformers filled with inhibited paraffinic base oil. International experience now indicates that the ratios selected apply equally to inhibited paraffinic base oil. With nitrogen sealed transformers the changed equilibrium conditions across the oil/nitrogen or air surface may be adjusted if necessary by the relative diffusion and solubilities but can generally be considered of limited significance. For diaphragm sealed units the ratios could be adjusted in accordance with the diffusion coefficients [13]. Nevertheless, as the significant values of ratios quoted in Table 4 should be regarded as typical only, with a large co- AC KNOWLEDGMENT The author wishes to thank the Directors of the Transmission Development and Construction Division of the Central Electricity Generating Board for permission to publish this paper, and acknowledges the work of colleagues in IEC lOA WG.02. IEEE Trans. Electr. Insul, Vol EI-13 No 5, October 1978 354 REFERENCES [1] M. Buchholz "The Buchholz protection system and its application in practice" E.T.Z. 49 (1928) 34 pp 1257-1262. [2] V. H. Howe, L. Massey, A.C.M. Wilson. "Identity and significance of gases collected in Buchholz protectors." M. V. Gazette May 1956. [3] P. S. Pugh, H. H. Wagner. "Detection of incipient faults by gas analysis." TAIEE 80 (1961) pp 189195. [4] L. C. Aicher, J. P. Vora. "Gas analysis - a transformer diagnostic tool." Allis Chalmers Electrical Review 28 (1963) 1, pp 22-24. [5] B. Fallou, F. Viale, I. Davies, R. R. Rogers, E. Dornenburg. "Application of Physico-Chemical Methods of analysis to the study of deterioration in the insulation of electrical apparatus." CIGRE 1970 Report 15-07. [6] W. D. Halstead. "A thermodynamic assessment of the formation of gaseous hydrocarbons in faulty transformers." J. Inst. Petroleum 59 Sept. 1973) 569 pp 239-241. [7] B. Barraclough, E. Bayley, I. Davies, K. Robinson, R. R. Rogers and C. Shanks. "CEGB Experience of the analysis of dissolved gas in transformer oil for the detection of incipient faults." IEE Conference on Diagnostic Testing of High Voltage Power Apparatus in Service 6-8 March, 1973. [8] R. R. Rogers. "UK Experience in the Interpretation of Incipient Faults in Power Transformers by Dissolved Gas-in-Oil Chromatographic Analysis." Doble Client Conference 1975 Paper 42 AIC 75. [9] CIGRE 15-01. "Detection of and Research for the Characteristics of an Incipient Fault from Analysis of Dissolved Gases in the Oil of an Insulation." Electra 42 (October 1975) pp 31-52. [10] R. R. Rogers. As Ref. 8. A Progress Report. Doble Client Conference 1977 Paper 44 AIC 77. [11] M. Thibault, J. Raboud. "Application of dissolved gas analyses to the maintenance of transformers". Rev. Gen. Elec. 84 (Feb 1975) 2, pp 81-90. [12] R. Muller, H. Schliesing, K. Soldner. "Assessment of working condition of transformers by gas analysis." Elektrizitatswirtschaft 76 (1977) 11, pp 345-349. [13] R. Andersson, U. Roderick, V. Jaakkola, N. Ostmann, "The transfer of fault gases in transformers and its effect upon the interpretation of gas analysis data." CIGRE 1976 Report 12-02. [14] M. Duval. "Fault gases in oil-filled breathing EHV power transformers. The interpretation of gas analysis data". IEEE PES Conference paper No. C74 476-8 (1974). Manuscript was received 11 November 1977, in finaZ form 1 May 1978. This paper was presented at the IEEE Power Enginerring Society Winter meeting, January 1978 in Nsw York, N.Y.