LISTENING AND SPEAKING Week 2 Day Theme Topic Learning Standard Objectives : : : : World of Knowledge Telecommunication 1.1.4, 1.2.4, 1.3.1 a By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to talk about the advantages of modern means of communication in 3 – 5 sentences. Time : 60 minutes Teaching Aids : Pictures Cce/Ee : Creativity and innovation Activities : Reflections : Set induction 1. Teacher shows pictures of means of communication used in the olden days. e.g. pigeon post, use of horse, telegraph, radio television. Teacher elicits response from pupils. Presentation 1. Teacher elicits pupils : means of communication e.g. telephone, cell phone 2. Teacher reads a sample dialogue. e.g. Two pupils talk about benefits of using computers in classrooms. 3. Teacher asks questions about the dialogue. e.g. What is the conversation about? What are the benefits? 4. Pupils get into groups. Select one means of communication e.g. cellphone, sms, facebook. 5. In groups, pupils talk about the advantages of one of the modern means of communication. Pupils present their discussions in 3-5 sentences. Closure Sing a song. 1 READING (Week 2) Day : Tuesday Date : 7th January 2014 Class : 4 Bestari Time : 8.15 – 9.15 am Theme : World of Knowledge Topic : Telecommunication Learning Standard : 2.2.2 a, 2.2.2 b, 2.2.4 b Objectives : By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to locate meanings of base words from the dictionary. Time : 60 minutes Teaching Aids : Pictures Cce/Ee : Creativity and innovation Activities : Reflections : Set induction 1. Teacher shows pictures of means of communication used in the olden days and modern days. Pupils name the pictures. e.g. pigeon post, use of horses, telegraph, radio, television. Teacher elicits response from pupils. Presentation Pre reading 1. Teacher shows word cards (words from the passage) e.g. communication, connection, interactive, entertainment. Teacher elicits the meaning from pupils. While Reading 1. Read the text silently. 2. Teacher asks questions on the text read. (to help the pupils understand more) 3. Pupils get into groups. - distribute task sheets - pupils transfer information from the text read into the task sheets. (benefits of communication) - Teacher displays a bubble map on the board. Group participation: complete the bubble map 4. Pupils look up for based words in the dictionary. (dictionary skill) (words in the passage) Post Reading 1. Word maze – Find 5 words that are related to communication. 2 Communications Through the Ages and Into the Next Century Communication is the ability to share information. We need communication. Communication keeps businesses and factories running. It helps people in trouble to contact police, fire departments, ambulances and doctors. Our military forces would be useless, and our government would not work without it. Transportation and food supplies would not meet the needs of the people. We would loose contact with our families and friends that live far away. There would be no radio or television stations to entertain us, or movies to see. Society would surely not be the same as it is now. Maybe someday, we will have telephones like wrist watches, or, televisions with only interactive 3D programming, or, we will have a mental connection with things so all we have to do is think, and it is done, or, computers will be able to visually connect with anyone in the world, without cameras. Only the future will tell. After all, hundreds of years ago no one would have dreamed of all the things we have today. 3 WRITING (Week 2) Day : Wednesday Date : 8th January 2014 Class : 4 Bestari Time : 8.45 – 9.45 am Theme : World of Knowledge Topic : Communication Learnning Standard: 3.2.1(a) Objectives : By the end of the lesson pupils will be able to : 1. list the benefits of a selected gadget such as a computer or a computer. 2. write 6-8 sentences about a selected gadget such as a mobile phone or an iphone. Time : 2 periods (1 hr.) Teaching aids : pictures, realia CCE/EE : creativity & innovation Activities : Set Induction: 1. Display a bubble map (from the previous lesson)and talk about the benefits of telecommunication. Presentation. 1. Tr. displays a picture of a computer and a mobile phone. Elicit responses based on the pictures. 2. Teacher writes key words on the board. 3. Teacher models sentences based on the key words. Practice: 1. Pupils get into groups and choose one gadget and discuss the benefits of the selected gadget. Production: 1. Pupils work in groups to write 6-8 sentences based on the selected gadget. 2. Each representative reads out the sentences. Closure: Pupils work in groups to promote their gadgets in the form of a poster or a jazz chant. Eample of Jazz Chant: Sound of hand phone ringing...... Samsung, Iphone X2 Hi there, I can call Gadgets I would like to have. Hi there, I can call Hi there, I can sms 4 GRAMMAR (Week 2) Day : Friday Date : 10th January 2014 Class : 4 Bestari Time : 7.45 – 8.45 am Theme : World of Knowledge Topic : Telecommunication Learning Standard : 5.1.1b, 5.1.1c, Objectives : By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to change the singular nouns to plural forms Time : 60 minutes Teaching Aids : Pictures Cce/Ee : Creativity and innovation Activities : Reflections : Set Induction: 1. Pupils are each given a word card. Those with similar words will get together. Example: FAMILY, CAMERA, BUS. Pupils are required to give the plural forms of the words. Presentation: 1. Teacher introduces the plural forms of the selected words. ( + s : + es: + ies ) 2. Each group identifies the given words and place them in correct category. 3. Teacher highlights the singular-plural rules for each category. Practice: 1. Pupils are given a text. 2. Pupils are asked to identify and underline the singular and plural nouns found in the text. 3. They are required to change form of the nouns [ singular to plural; plural to singular] 4. Teacher shows the correct answer and pupils check the answers. Production: 1. Pupils are divided into two groups. 2. Pupils are asked to sing the following song to the tune of ‘Oh My Clementine’. 5 6