Uploaded by Leidy Solanyi Buitrago

Digital Technology Mind Map: OS, Internet, AI, Robotics

digitaly technology
codigo binario
web development
what is
what is
what is
An operating system (OS) is the
program that, after being initially
loaded into the computer by a
boot program, manages all of the
other application programs in a
computer. The application
programs make use of the
operating system by making
requests for services through a
defined application program
interface (API).
what is
What is
the Internet?
The Internet is a
vast network that
connects computers all over
the world. Through the Internet,
people can share information
and communicate from
anywhere with an
Sí es bueno navegar
4G technology
is a mobile
Internet or
service that is
designed to
support the
constant and
access of
mobile phones
and portable
devices to the
It is a
system in
which numbers
are represented
using only two
digits: zero and
one. This
coding system
is used, among
many other
things, to
represent text
or to process
No es bueno navegar
It is common on
the internet to
compare the visible
part of the web with
the Deep Web, as if
the former were simply
the tip of an iceberg.
This makes sense,
considering that 96%
of the internet is not
accessible through
traditional search
engines. What
happens is that, in the
absence of
regulation, literally
anything can be
what is
what it is used for
Cybersecurity is implementing
appropriate measures to
protect against criminal and
unauthorised use of your
company's data. Cyber attacks
can attack the confidentiality,
availability or integrity of your
data, and it is essential to
protect yourself from all types
of attacks.
computing and
telecommunications, binary
code is used with various
methods of encoding data,
such as character strings, or bit
strings. These methods can be of
fixed width or variable width. For
example in the case of a CD, the
signals that will reflect the "laser"
that will bounce off the CD will
be received by a sensor in a
different way indicating
whether it is a zero or a
what is
What is robotics?
Robotics could be
defined as a science
that brings together
several disciplines or
branches of
technology with the
aim of designing
programmed to
perform tasks
automatically or to
simulate human or
animal behaviour.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is
the combination of
algorithms designed to
create machines with the
same capabilities as human
beings. A technology that
still seems distant and
mysterious to us, but which
for some years now has
been present in our daily
lives at all times.
what is
Web developm ent is closely relat ed t o t he job of
designing t he feat ures and funct ionalit y of w ebsit es and
apps ( oft en called ?w eb design?) , but t he ?w eb
developm ent ? t erm is usually reserved for t he act ual
const ruct ion and program m ing of w ebsit es and apps.
Think of all t he w eb pages you have used over t he years ?
Web Developers built t hose sit es, m aking sure t hey
funct ioned properly and perform ed in w ays t hat allow ed
for a great user ex perience. Web Developers do t his by
what it is used for
w rit ing lines of code, using a variet y of program m ing
what it is used for
languages, w hich vary depending on t he t asks t hey are
perform ing and t he plat form s t hey are w orking on.
Robotics is dedicated to the
construction of artefacts that attempt
to realise the human desire to
create beings in their own likeness
in order to respond to some of
their most complex needs, and
also to free themselves from
tedious or dangerous work.
AI enables
technological systems
to perceive their
environment, interact
with it, solve problems
and act for a specific
purpose. The machine
receives data (already
prepared or collected
through its own
sensors, e.g. a
camera), processes it
and responds to it.
what is
Here are some of the top
gaming equipment and
peripherals you will
want to consider.
- Mice and Keyboards.
Smooth, ergonomic,
and highly responsive,
a pro gaming mouse
and keyboard are
typically going to be
your main set of
controls for PC gaming.
- Gaming Monitors. ...
- Gaming PCs. ...
- Gaming Headsets. ...
- Pro Controllers. ...
- Gaming Chairs.