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Magnetically Actuated Kresling Origami Crawler

2022053609. Park Seung Hyun. PAE12832. (2023-04-14)
Magnetically actuated Kresling origami crawler can move straight, turn
around and overcome the resistance from contact in narrow space.
Magnetic force is used to realize forward motion of Kresling origami crawler.
A. Appropriate torque distribution to prevent Kresling crawler from rotation
1. A crawler made of two Kresling dipoles
2. Equation: T2 = 2 T1, T3 = T2, T4 = T1
B. Appropriate magnitude of torque
1. Torque by magnetic field
2. Change of the magnetization directions during contraction
C. The crawling speed
1. Magnitude of magnetic field
2. Frequencies of magnetic field
The magnetically actuated Kresling crawler has locomotion with multiple
degrees of freedom: turn around.
A. Change the direction of the external magnetic field.
B. Examples
1. “Z” path
2. Change of moving direction during crawling
Magnetic force helps to reinforce the crawler structure stiffness.
A. Unique anisotropic stiffness
B. Magnetic field is applied.
1. Axial direction
2. Lateral direction
Magnetic field is used to move Kresling crawler in direction to what you want
and sustain it in confined space.