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MAPEH 9 Worksheet: Health, Music, Arts

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III
Grade & Sec: _____________________________
Direction: Read each statement carefully. Write “TRUE” if the statement is correct and
“FALSE” if not.
_________1. The quality of education is taken into consideration in a healthy community.
_________2. A community provides unhealthy and untimely information.
_________3. Healthy community has a safe home environment.
_________4. Romantic era includes all human existence before the emergence of writing.
_________5. Cave of Lascaux was discovered on September 25, 1945
_________6. Painting have been confined in the illumination of manuscript pages and the
painting of frescoes on the wall of churches in a cosmopolitan style.
_________7. Medieval music was an era of Wes tern music that focuses on songs,
instrumental pieces and liturgical music from 700 A.D. to 1400 A.D.
_________8. Gregorian chant is the oldest music we still have to its original form until today.
_________9. Madrigal is a secular vocal polyphonic music composition which originated
from Germany.
_________10. Game rule is a system of managing a sport, specifically on implementing the
game rules and keeping order in the duration of the game.
II. Directions: Identify what is being asked in the following sentences
_________1. It is a dramatic composition for solo singers, chorus, and instruments with
biblical and religious subjects.
_________2. It is a form of orchestral music that employs a solo instrument accompanied by
an orchestra.
_________3. Who made the monophonic plain chant and made this the approved music of
the catholic church?
_________4. This is the period when the Christian Church highly Influenced culture and
political affairs in Europe.
_________5. This is the most prominent musical instrument during the Renaissance Period.
_________6. He discovered the Cave of Lascaux?
_________7. Which method of painting is created using small pieces of colored paper,
glass, stone, and other materials?
_________8. This is the period of painting which shows the deceased life while on earth and
the journey afterlife to the underworld.
_________9. This mosaic can be seen on the floor in the House of Pompei. It shows the
battle between Darius III of Persia and the armies of Alexander the Great.
_________10. Most of the painting from this era were copied or imitated from Hellenic Greek
_________11. This is the ability of the heart and blood vessels to deliver oxygen to working
muscles and tissues, as well as the ability of those muscles and tissues to utilize oxygen
_________12. This is medical condition where the continuity of the bone is broken
_________13. He defines the success or failure of a certain physical activity, provide
leadership and guidance to participants.
_________14. This is the ability to deal with others at any given situation.
_________15. It refers to the emotional readiness to perform his or her role in the game.
_________16. It is defined as a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being.
_________17. This pollution may cause chloral, diphtheria and diarrhea if taken.
_________18. According to R.A No._____, a highly recommended formula is to adopt the
3Rs of Ecological Waste Management
_________19. What environmental problem causes climate change?
_________20. It is excessive sound that causes hearing loss, stress, fatigue, irritability,
tension, headaches, and high blood pressure.
III. Direction: Enumeration. Give what is being ask.
1- 4 Qualities of officiating official
5-10 Health care services
11-15 Sections inside the cave of Lascaux
16-20 Section of Mass
21-25 Characteristics of troubadour music
26-30 Kinds of Refuse materials
31-33 Components of skills related fitness
34-36 Components of health-related fitness
37-40 environmental problem