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Travel Speech Outline: Open-Mindedness

Title of Speech: Travel
Specific Purpose Statement: To inform my audience about how travel makes you more open
minded Central Idea: How travel makes you more open minded
Pattern of Organization: (Chronological Order, Spatial Order, Causal Order, Problem-Solution
Order, Topical Order)
A. Attention Grabber/Getter: “The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one
B. Reveal Topic: Today we are going to talk about how travel makes us more open minded
C. Credibility Statement: Traveling more often than not involves venturing out into the
unknown. It involves traveling to a new place, meeting new people and engaging in new
experiences. As travelers, we naturally have an adventurous spirit. It is part of who we are, and
the more we travel, the more we feed this spirit
D. How topic related to audience:
E. Preview of main points: travelling makes you more open minded where it exposed our self to
discover variety of lifestyle, meet different people and try new things.
A. Main point 1: Travelling expose our self to discover variety of lifestyle
1. Sub-point – Meet people with different ethnic
Sub-sub-point – Ethnic is a category of people who identify with each other, usually on the
basis of presumed a common genealogy or ancestry or on similarities such as common language
or dialect, history, society, culture or nation. There is more than hundred ethnics in the world and
the only way to figure out these ethnicity is only by travelling. By knowing this ethnic, we will
be able to understand how their lifestyle goes and understand why their belief is different. People
who misunderstood some ethnic often someone who jump into conclusion without even do
research. Travelling helps us to see these ethnic and someday maybe you will be interest to try
live with them. The more we travel the more we are able to accept and understand the differences
that exist among us. This is why travelling can makes us more open minded as we are exposed to
everything outside the place we came from.
2. Sub-point – we can see a lot of different culture
Sub-sub-point – culture is an umbrella term which encompasses the social behavior and
norms found in human societies, as well as the knowledge, belief, arts, customs, capabilities and
habits of the individuals in this group. By travelling, you will find a lot of exquisite culture that
distinguish us form others. Seeing this culture will open our eyes to realize the differences that
exist between us. Through the differences we are able to accept each other. We can also learn
about their culture. How their lifestyle goes and what their belief hold onto. Travelling makes
you more open minded as you learn to appreciate and respect each other culture.
B. Main point 2: Gain new relationships and become more social
1. Sub-point – Travelling lead us to become more social.
Sub-sub point – Most trips are associated with meeting new people. One of the most
essential tools to have as a traveler is the ability to ask questions. For example, if you don’t know
the direction of the place that you want to go, you have to communicate with someone for
helping you. When travelling, you have the potential to meet more people than you would at
home. You have a choice to enjoy your own company or interact with those setting out to try
experiences just like you, many for the first time. Talking to new people is a great way to buildup your self-confidence. When interact with people from diverse backgrounds, you can
strengthen your communication skills.
2. Sub-point – Makes new friend Sub-sub-point – Travelling also give us opportunity to makes
new friend. We can meet new friend from different backgrounds. Making new friends can enrich
and rewarding experience, no matter how old you are. When you connect with someone, laugh
about something together or share the same interests, there can be something really fun and
exciting about it. Meeting new people might make you holiday getaway even more happy and
positive. New friends may encourage you to try new activities and expose you the things that you
would never have thought you’d like before. So, we can’t deny that travel can gain new
relationships and become more social.
C. Main point 3: Try new things
1. Sub-point – Encourage us to get out of our comfort zone.
Sub-sub-point - While travelling, you might find yourself stuck in situations you won’t
normally experience in your daily life. Being in a place where you do not know anyone will
assist you to gain more confident and encourage you to get out of your comfort zone. This can
help you understand yourself and how you react to such circumstances, preparing you for future
similar situations.
2. Sub-point – speak a language different from our native language
Sub-sub-point – Language barriers are a common problem face by tourists while travelling.
Because people speaking languages native to different regions. But while travelling we get the
chance to learn difference language, especially to areas where our native language is not widely
used, is that we can learn how to communicate better with other people. Travelling helps you
connect with different people from different cultures and language. We can brushing up our
knowledge on the most commonly used phrases or questions tourists ask can help us reach out to
and relate better with the locals. By learning a different languages we can overcome language
Reinforce the central idea: Everyone loves to travel, but some people may think that
travelling is just a waste of time and money. Therefore, if they do know how travelling
can encourage us to be more open minded and gives us a lot of benefits, it can be worth
Signal the end of the speech – Do not just make travel as your dream. Make it happen so
you are able to learn a lot of new things and experiences when you go for travel.