Development of Environment Concerns Chapter 1 Outline Changes to the environment Level of environmental awareness 2 4/16/2023 BJTC 2033 Management & Environmental Engineering Changes to the Environment Before the legislative control of the environment, air, water and land-use free and open to anyone to dispose of waste. This does not cause a problem if the population is small, the factories is small and the products produced are slightly low compared to now. The ability to absorb the environment 'Dilutive Capacity' rarely exceeded and are considered to have an infinite capacity to absorb the waste. Changes in society/community cause serious pollution problems. 3 4/16/2023 BJTC 2033 Management & Environmental Engineering Changes to the Environment Below are the critical factors that led to this change: The development and population density Increase in wealth Changes in technology Increased awareness and concern 4 4/16/2023 BJTC 2033 Management & Environmental Engineering Stages of Environmental Concern Conservation 5 4/16/2023 Instrumental view of nature in Use natural resources wisely and not waste it. that nature has utility only as it serves human purpose Preservation Certain areas of the country are to be preserved in their nature state and closed to development Nature has intrinsic value apart from the services it provides for human beings Protection Focused on pollution control and dangers to human health. Human-centered Sustainability Concerned with global problems, and equity considerations Eco-centered BJTC 2033 Management & Environmental Engineering ECO-CENTERED Current Environmental Contexts Efforts to manage sustainable development meet 3 objectives: EQUITY To disseminate the knowledge and the means necessary to control human population growth To facilitate sufficiently dynamic economic growth and equitable distribution of its benefits to meet the basic needs of the human population in this and subsequent generations GLOBAL ISSUE To structure the growth in ways that keep its huge potential for environmental transformation within safe limits yet to be determined SURVIVAL SUSTAINABILITY Concepts and Principal of Ecology Chapter 2 Outline Definition of ecology Important concepts Principles of ecology 8 4/16/2023 BJTC 2033 Management & Environmental Engineering What is “Ecology”? Greek oikos means “house” or “place to live”. Concerned with the biology of groups of organisms and with functional processes on the land, in the oceans and freshwater, and in the air. Defined as the study of the structure and function of nature. The study of organisms and their environment and all the external conditions and factors, living and nonliving (biotic & abiotic), that affect an organism. It is the science of the interrelations between living organisms and their environment and dealt with the interactions of plants and animals in natural systems. 9 4/16/2023 BJTC 2033 Management & Environmental Engineering Level of Ecology THE ECOSYSTEM The community of organisms and populations interacting with one another and with the chemical and physical factors making up their environment THE POPULATION Group of individual organisms of the same species living within a particular area (temperature, nutrients, and moisture) THE INDIVIDUAL ORGANISM Any form of life including all plants and animals 10 4/16/2023 BJTC 2033 Management & Environmental Engineering THE COMMUNITY Populations of different plants and animals living and interacting in an area at a particular time THE BIOME LEVEL a classification of ecosystems into general categories that contain similar types of organisms Major Components of an Ecosystem 11 4/16/2023 BJTC 2033 Management & Environmental Engineering 12 4/16/2023 BJTC 2033 Management & Environmental Engineering Cycles Biological Clock Natural rhythms or cycles that are physiological mechanisms for measuring time in some fashion. The circulation of the chemical elements in the biosphere from the environment to organisms and back to the environment Food Chain The transfer of food energy from its sources in plants through a series of organisms where eaten is repeated several times Community Ecological Niche Any assemblage of populations living in a prescribed area or physical habitat that has characteristics in addition to its individual and population components An organism’s functional role in the community or its status. Habitat is the organism’s address; niche refers its role in the community. Concepts of Ecology Habitat Carrying Capacity The place where an organism lives. The 4 major habitats (atmosphere, marine & Maximum population of a particular species that a given habitat can support over a given period. estuarine, freshwater, and terrestrial). Range of Tolerance Threshold Effect A harmful or fatal reaction triggered when the limits of an organism’s tolerance have been exceeded. 13 4/16/2023 BJTC 2033 Management & Environmental Engineering Limiting Factors Single factor that limits the growth, abundance, and distribution of the population of a particular organism in an ecosystem The ability of species and organisms to respond to variations of physical and chemical factors in its environment. a. Organisms have a ranges of tolerance for each limiting factor that they encounter. b. Tolerance is the ability of any organisms to survive when exposed. 14 4/16/2023 BJTC 2033 Management & Environmental Engineering The Principles of Ecology Good and poor places exist for every species No population increases without limit Overexploited populations can collapse Communities can rebound from disturbances The distribution of species is limited by barriers and unfavorable environments The Principles of Ecology Communities can exist in several stable configurations Natural systems are products of evaluation Climates change – communities change 15 4/16/2023 BJTC 2033 Management & Environmental Engineering Keystone species may be essential to a Natural systems recycle essential materials community Environmental Ethics DEFINITION OF ETHICS B The quest for an understanding of what constitutes a good life and a concern for creating the conditions for humans to attain that good life 17 4/16/2023 BJTC 2033 Management & Environmental Engineering ENVIRONMENT ETHICS ANTHROPOCENTRIC The right & wrong are determined by human interest & the promotion of human welfare as the ultimate objective. GENERAL DEFINITION Critical thinking with respect to policies of the private & public sectors that have been developed in response to environmental problems and questions the assumptions upon which those policies are based. 18 4/16/2023 BJTC 2033 Management & Environmental Engineering ANTHROPOCENTRIC Also called “Humanistic Ethic” as concern for the environment is of a lower priority than a concern for humans, who are helped or hurt by the conditions of their environmental surroundings TRADITIONAL APPROACH OF WESTERN SOCIETY TOWARD NATURE To objectify nature & see nature as existing to serve human purposes Nature is there to be manipulated to serve human interests & has no interests of its own that deserve to be respected ECONOMIC ETHICS The ethical performance of business is tied up with marketplace performance. Successful business performance & acceptable ethical behavior are believed to be one and the same thing. In other word, the social & ethical responsibilities of business are exhausted in terms of marketplace performance. If business performs its economizing function well, it has fulfilled its social & ethical responsibilities. Management had no motivations to pay attention to environmental matters. 19 4/16/2023 BJTC 2033 Management & Environmental Engineering ECONOMIC ETHICS The ethical performance of business is tied up with marketplace performance. Successful business performance & acceptable ethical behavior are believed to be one and the same thing. In other word, the social & ethical responsibilities of business are exhausted in terms of marketplace performance. If business performs its economizing function well, it has fulfilled its social & ethical responsibilities. Management had no motivations to pay attention to environmental matters. 20 4/16/2023 BJTC 2033 Management & Environmental Engineering CURRENT DIRECTIONS IN ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS Greening Philosophy Biocentrism/Deep Ecology Moral Extensionism & Eligibility Extending moral consideration to entities & has changed a host of institutional practices that have impacts on human beings Extending the esteem in which individual lives were traditionally held to the biophysical matrix that created & sustained those lives. - The right to a safe & hazardfree workplace extended through legislation & regulation regarding safety & health in the workplace. - Uses the vehicle of rights to extend moral concern to more & more aspects of nature, but these rights are given by human beings 21 4/16/2023 BJTC 2033 Management & Environmental Engineering 01 02 03 Devalue individual life relative to the integrity, diversity & continuation of the ecosystem. Extending the esteem in which individual lives were traditionally held to the biophysical matrix that created & sustained those lives. Assumes nature already has intrinsic value that needs to be recognized by liberating nature from the system in which it is currently trapped. Question & Answer