?0aa CSECTttvE Physics June 2000 I 2 1. I I gram is equal to 7 l0 miliigrams B 100 milligrams C I 000 milligrams l0 000 milligrams D 2 3.t415926 expressed to TWO figuies is (A) (B) (c) I ll III si-en Wind energy Fossil fuels I only II and III only I and III only I and II only (c) (D) r4 3.2 I (D) Solar radiation (A) (B) ificant 3. t 3. Which of the follorving ene rgy sources isl are rene!r.able? 8 JI If an objecr is moving aiong a surface rvith a constint acceleration. the net force ac(ing on the object is 3. 2 pm means (A) (B) (A) 2 x 106 re (B) 2xl0rm (C) 2x I0-rm (D) 2x t0-6m 4 zero (c) consrant increasing (D) dec re asing (A) Errergy Momentu m (D) J Which of lhe follorving insrrumenrs is B EST sulledlor n]easuring the dianleter oIa srrand (A) R trle (B) Vern ier callipers (c) 6 Nl icrome te r scre\\--gaLr-qe n ,t,n" )],'i,'rt (Ar r D:I follorr in,s is rr-or an 0024C L/F 1000r I t I I -SI bcse I r11 \ tCr (D) I I I r Engineer's callipers (D) I I I I Velocity Relative de nsity (c) I I Which of the follorving has NO units? (E) I cl.I1 T LJO ON TO ]'FiE NEX-i I'ALL { J 3 9 g;ffif.,:,i..".,x:[rx.:j# 10. I Tension in stem (A) l I I I I IYiDd I I I Weight I A I I B I Tension irl stem (B) tYhd ;i,{,;;.;;^,*,ffi:rr;t;* Weight (A) (B) Tension (c) (c) in stem I i: (D) gravitational force electrostatic force magnetic force centripe tai force rvhd 11. Weighr (A) (B) Tension in (D) stem o-- A stable well-designed have a (c) IVind (D) racing car must lorv ssn1L of _qravi6y narrow \vheel base sun roof long fronr I { 00240t/F 20ao rvuight Co o\ To l'Htr f r.v- ^. - I I I 4 Item 12 refers to the following diagrams rvhich depict some simple machines. 13. Displacem ent/m I 21 I Nut cracker i 72 0 10 Timds Twcezers used II The graph aboye shows how the displace_ ment of a runner from a starting line varies with time. This runner is for pulllng out hair hair (A) (B) (c) m (D) going at a steady speed going faster and faster not mbving going slower and slower Human forearm tlsnd 14. rv A falling raindrop reaches when (A) (B) a constanr speed there is no net force acting on it the pulloftheearth on rhe raindrop is equal to the weight of lYbeel.barrow the raindrop 72. In which of these machines \,r'ould the effort applied be less than the load? (A) I hni II only (B) I and IV only (C) II and IV only (D) II aud III only (c) the upthrust due !o the air is at minimum (D) the air surrounding rhe raindrop becomes sarurated with water a YaPOUT IJ The constant unbalanced force acting on a body is at right angles to irs velocity. lVhich of the follorving statements about this motion is conect? (A) (B) The body has no acceleration. The kinetic energl, of rhe body is inc reasin g. (c) The body is slorving dorvn. (D) The body is moving in a circuler P3rh. GO ON TO THE NEXT PACE I I T I I I 5 I6 The kinetic energy of a body of mass, ,r. and velociry, r,, is tn (A) (B) nu' (c) T (D) 77. Which of rhe following gives the efficiency of a machine? (A) (B) Load x D istance moved Effon Effon x Di stance moved by i oad Load x D rstance moved x I Load - t00qo Effort - l0O7o x 1007o Effon x Disr ance moved by Effon (c) ffon xDi stance moved Load x Distanc e moved E b by Load (D) Effon x Di Stance m oved Load x b l00Vo Load Di stance moved by E ffon I 18. 19. + Water +4^- Dam Wh-en liqlids X and y are raken from ootues.at room lemperatures and dabbed ,h:. b=k of your hand, X feets cooter :.n rnan y. I he MOST likely r€ason ls that (A) The diagram above shows a dam. The pressure on the dam at the bortom of rhe reservoir de oe nds on the (A) lll l:l (IJ) depth ol the warer volJme ef wx19l held mass of ..r.aler hrld by lensrh c.f the reservoir (B) (c) (D) X has a.higher specific heat capac icy t han Y X- rs a poore r conductor of he at rh an Y X evrp6161., more quick!\ rl--"^ \, A rs less dense Ih3n y bi rhe darn rhe drm GO nN T/1 I )i -a Whichof rhe follo,.ving-rvould explain rvhy an ordinary 0 _ n0 "C laborarory ther_ mometer is not used to measure human body tempe rature I. .,1 Which of rhe follorving dia_srams BEST llustrates convection current in a liq u id? ? (A) The reading would change rvhen (: the thermometer is taken from the II. III. patient's mourh. It is not sensitive enough to measure Bursen buroer small changes in (emperature. lr ddes not have a laige enough range. (A) (B) (c) (D) ?t. I, II and (c) Bursen turrrer III (c) (D) )tr Bunsen burner The pressure of rhe gas increases, The average distance between the molecules decreases. The I _t I only I and.lI only II and III only A fixtd mass of gas at consrant temperaIure is reduced in volume. Which of rhe follow_ ing statemenrs is NOT rrue about the gas? (A) (B) ?,? (B) (D) rage speed of the molecules decreases. The rnolecules collide rvith thervalls of the container more often. ave lt Bunsen burner Which of rlre follorving srarements about heaI radiarion is NOT true? (.A) rB I (C) Racliation is rhe rransfer ofheat by ' el:;tromagnetic waves. A shrrry surlece is a bclrtr emirter of raciialion rhan a ciull black surface. Racliarion can occur throush a VAUUUN] (D) Solir heat oanels on houses aie pa inred blac\ ro :rbsorb more rhermal radiarion. An e,\periment is se( up rvirh a smoke cell [or den.:o:rsirating Brorr.nl36 motion. Thc moving specks observed are (A) srnoke partrcles seen by reflecred tB) smoke p:rricieS ti_ehr Y (C) Dl f ibrat in ,-:rrsi.r:, ro n molecules oI r.ibraring air ,.nolecuies oi carbon in rlndt-.r-: ntc rion 7 d?.r?1" f:i.s: strates that lighr demon_ I!g.u# refers to the follorving g1201]1 1*;,1., th_e same scalesioi t*o sound ,,vaves, p and e. axes having (A) !l] !:l (U, 26. slit experimen( has a particle nature produces sharp images rravets in a srraighr Iine ts a rvaye mo(ion Which- of rhe D isplac e me n t tlYave P following is rhe correct rela_ TirrE the lvavelengrh, L, speed, u, :,_"1 .Tl]"* " and tequency, /, of a rvave? (A) ). fu (B) fl T (c) f -\- (D) 27. ], U Displacement Wevc Q i ). 1l Time The_table below lists the refractive indices for light of four different materials NIa te ria I Air Refractive Ind ex t.0 Ice 1.3 Perspex 1.5 Diamood 2.4 In whlqlr medium would the lighr rlaves h 28. - lVhich.of the-following sratements is true? (A) (u (c) ave the slo!vest speed? (A) (B) (c) (D) (D) Air D but e a P is louder than e and also has higher pitch rhan e. a Q is louder rhan p bu t p has a higher Q is louder than p and also has higher pirch than p. lce Perspe e has hi-eher pitch. prtch. The nomt (c) (D) il heii in_9 range oIa y.ou ng person 20 Hz ro 2 000 Hz ?0 Hz ro 20 000 Hz -200 Hz ro 2 000 Hz 100 Hz to 20 000 Hz l I a r: irmond (A) (B) I P is louder rhan co oN TO THF Npvr o ^ ,- - 8 30. In the electromagneric s pecrrum, are between _(A) (B) (c) (D) X-rays 32 gamma rays and ultra_violet rays ultra-violer rays and visible lish( visible light and infra-red rayslntra-red rays and radio waves Which of the follorving does NOT sug6 thar light travels in straight lines? 111 iP) (C) (D) Sunbeams streaming rhrough rr A rainbow formarion in the sky Th6 formation of shadows Light from a projector on irs wa) a screen 31. Plane mirror 33. A ray of light in air strikes a glass block an angle of incidence of 0o. The light u be Object (A) (B) (c) (D) The diagram above represents an object llaced in fronr of a plane mirror. IVhich of the iollorving BEST represents the image prociuced by the plane mirror? 34. lVhich of the diagrams BEST represer the passage oia beam ofrvhire light throui (A) (A) (B) (c) (c) @) (D) I T I t undeviated torally reflected refracled at 90" to normal refracted at an unknorvn angle a triangular glass prism? CB) t t I t I I T t I I t I t I I 9 35. -_Convergiag lens CB) x Focal poiot x F (c) (A) x x (D) In the diagram above, rhe incidenr rays of lighr from an object are parallel. Where will the image oi the object be formed? 36. \ I Image Object Eye The diagram above shows the formarion of an image bya (A) (B) (c) (D) 3'i lens camera pin hole camera telescope magn ify ing glass The cunent in a wrre ls one amDere charge of (ir) (B) if a i0couionrbs fl,j\\slh.ouoir i. n i0 sec on js coulomb flori,s throush it in IO i0 coulombs [ioiv rhiough ir rn I second (D) I00 aoulombs floiv through ir in seconds Which ol the follorving relationships be, trreen elecrrical quantities is correct? seconcis (Ll 3g. i0 ( A) I (B) R (', O l/l F ) (D) GO ON TO THF NFYT p 61-:tr I I I I -l0?o Which. of rhe following diagra s.enrs rhe fi"iJ""*"iffi:T.[?:; "r.",ri" rrvo oppositely charged point 4t. r:,t"wing units can measure quantities of energy? be used Ir:,:l_:r]I charges? I. Joule Coulomb II, (A) + II I. Kilowat[-hour (A) (B) I only I and II only I and III only II and III only (c) (D) (8) of the circuirs below woutd rl. readings which rvoutd enabt Fir" you to determine the resisrance of the.fi lr I-:*'.n + I:l:" { { { ment lamp? { (A) i: (c) + + { { (D) (B) +o o- { + { + (c) .t 40 the fottorving rarios coutd repre. ampere? ])L,:1.r sent the r e cond \iolt IL { Ohnt (A) (B) (c) (D) (D) Watr - \'o li I cnly I and III cnly _ ii I T Coulomb 5 IIi + and Ill only I. Iiand III GO ON TO THE NEX:]' PAC I lt 43. Which of the:following is a representation or rhe currenL/p.d. relationship for a metal_ llc conductor at a constant tcmperature? 45. a circuit to measure the 1":::!:ll requires of a resisror. which of rhe cir:::::,:":" cutts below iS correctly connected? I (A) (A) I (B) (B) I (c) I (D) 41. l:ll:l:.lf: is co,nnecrec ro rrre marns by iies !\,hat colour I.ca0ie !vhlch has rhree,+ ,1. insutarron be on rhe $,ire ::":10, to the connected (A) (B) (C) (D ) fuse B ro,.,.,n B lack B lue G ree n/ye llo,,r, ? (c) (D) r t246. 48. A suspended bar magnet alrvay5 (A) (B) + above. The lame fir:fl c_omponents r,vere used and the to normal brightness in each bulb was Iit iase. of following sratements wourd :Yll:h De correct?Ie I II III The bulb is defective. The battery is defecrive. The diode is defective. (n: I only (Bl. (L.t (D) 49. wirh its N-pole poinring norrl: wrth irs N-pole poinrini soutf (c) perpendicular (D) opposire to the direction from rt started + w3s conducted uslng rhe 1:,:,1rj,.-,rl.", dlas.ams shown 5q19; t magnetic field ro th; hrch of the follorving shows the Ear shap ;t,T,TJ;[j:11_-,""il:::[ti rng cunent INTO rhe pug.i " III -con!-ucror d iode, produces ;A^,.s1mi hall:lav€.rectification of altemating cur_ rent, of the follorving sratements \\'ould,Which be true? (c) I The current obtained has a constanr value. II The current obtained florvs onlv in one direction There are periods when no tlows from the source. (B) (c) (D) II on ll I I only (B) III I { III only and T { (A) I and II only II *. I I Iy current (D) a ,/ I and III only II and III onl;- I I I I I I t I 002401/F 2000 GO ON TO THE NEXT PA, I l3 - 50 + I u Itr The diagrams above represent the electric fields around and between point charges and parallel plates as d rawn by a student. Which of the diagrams are correct? (A) (B) (C) (D) I and II only I and III only II I, and III only and III lI Item 52 refers to the following diagram- 51. w Primary Secondary coil coil P x The diagram above shows a typical relay The part labelled P must be made of Appropriate labels for W and X would be (A) (B) wx ironl (c) copPer pl ast ic (A) (D) brass (B) (D) step-dorvn transformer step-do!vn transformer a.c. rnPu t d-c. inpu t ": .i.c 'lit rrxlrsfomer step-up trans [orme r inou t O.C lllf u. GO ON TO THE NEXT PACE l4 53. An electricity compxny supplies a.c. bur not d.c. to the consumer. This is because (A) (B) ir (c) lts generators cannot produce d.c. most electdcal appliances cannot run on d.c. a.c. can be generated at a higher (D) a.c, can be transmitted 5l The diaeranr belorv shows the shelt mo of an atonr. Electro: volrage than d.c. e ProtoD more fficienrly rhan d.c. Neutron 54. Which of the following sratcmenrs is Magnet Magnet s corTect? N I. Current in wire II III The wire in the diagram above (A) (B) (C) (D) 55 will positively charged. move (.4) to\\,ards N towards S into rhe paper out of rhe paper (B) (c) (D) In the scatrering experimenr conducted by Geiger and lvlarsden, some of the alpha particles were deflected. The explanaiion for this phenomenon is that (,() (B) (C) (i)) 58. I only II only I and II only I, II arrd III When alpha particles, bera particle: gammx ra)"s from a radioacti!e sourc subjected to a transverse malgne(ic rvhich of rhem rvould i-r.-OT be der from their original parh? electrons have a small mass electrons have a smcll charge the nterJl foil was only a feu,rtorns rhick L ll. IIL Alpha the nuclear charge and mass are concent tred in a,<nrrll t.oiu me (,{ ) ll only Illonl;' (B) (c) (D) 56. The mass (nucleon) number is The atomic (proton) number is The atom shown in the diagra l'he nuclide oI senred as re pre se nt? an i X. e Bei:r Gemma I and ll ll and ) o n)1 o nly Ieme nt, X. cen be rep re - whcr does the leli.lr A Proton number (B) (c) (D) Elenre nr sy mbo I Neutron nu mbe r Nucleon nu mbe r I.: N /1\I 'T'] THtr NFYT -15 59 forrowing yj::i::l: r1e expression staremenrs about E = rnc2 ,rvguld 69 11ug2 I ' II I[. l[T".:'ii'"TJ] (c) (D) m u ,,':;H:ll'.. :l,,: ene .#iir" rsv rh a t ;",,, of Rutherford. II only ,:. number, A, and aromic ll3:: ,: mass of the new etemenr formed l.lT_o.r ;::J,""1;:'l'"1" (A) (B) (c) I and II on Iv II and III oitv I, Il and ltl IF YOU FINIS}I BEFORE TIME 002401/F 2000 m tt"r;11e-senr lhe facr that mass can acnle vements (A) (B) i 60. (D) IS Particre is emitted rrom 222 86 224 84 92 90 228 230 CALLED, CHECK YOUR }YORK ON THIS TEST. ________. • .,. AFFIX SF.Al. HERE • y .. _..., _ _ _ _ ..........._ I I ____ FORM TP 21134 .___ CARIBBEAN TEST CO!JE zn , MAY/JUNE 2001 ~ EXAMINATIONS 002401 COUNCIL SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE F.XAMINA TION PHYSICS Paper 01 - General Proficiency /~hours ( 11JUNE2901 (LID.) ) READ THE FOLWWING DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY In addition 10lhis1es1 booklet. you should have ananswers™"'t. 2. Each item in this test has four suggested answers lcucred (A). (B), (C), (!J). Read each item yuu are ati<iut to answer and decide which choice is best. 3. On your answer sheet. find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having the same leuer as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item helow. Sample Item @• TI1cSI unitoflength is the (8) newton metre (CJ (D) kilogram second <Al Sample Answer ©@ The best answer to this item is "metre" so answer spacc.(BJ has been shaded. 4. If you want 10 change your answer. be sure to erase your old answer rompletely and fill in your new choice. 5. When you are told to begin. tum the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can. If you cannot answer an item. omit it and go on to the next one. You can come back to the harder itc1n later. Your score will be the totaJ number of correct answers. t>. Figures are nol necessarily drawn lo scale. 7. You may do any rough work in this booklcl. 8. The use of non-programmable calcula1ors is allowed. 9. This lest consists of 60 items. You will have 75 minutes to answer them. IO. Do.not be concerned that the answer sheet provides spaces for more ansv..·ers lhan there are ircms in this lest. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTii, YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. <'opyrigh1 © 2000 f'aribhean Examina1ions Council. All rights rcsc:rvcd. 002401/F 2001 • .um:SEALllBlll • -2- I. Which of the following is NOT a fundamcnlal quantity? l AJ (BJ ((') (DJ 5. Temperature Heat energy Length Tune Which of the following means of measurement would produce the LEAST ACClJRATE result assuming the instrument used is working properly? (A) (B) 2. Which of the following would be correct? (C) I milliampere; 10-'A I megohm; lU •u I microcoulomb; IO· 'C (D) I. II Ill. (A) (B) (C) <Di J. I only II only I and 11 only I. 11 and III 6. Using a metre rule to measure the length of a desk Using vernier calipers lo fiml the thickness of a piece of paper Using a lever arrn balance to find the mass of a book Using a stop watch to time a 400m race Three immiscible liquids P. Q and R. have densities which differ. Q is denser than P but less dense than R. Which of the following diagrams shows how the liquids seulc in the measuring cylinder? The instrument MOST suitable for measuring the external diameter of a test rube is the (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) 4. micrometer screw gauge verniercalipen metre rule set square (B) A student finds the time for a ball to fall 50.0 cm in oil is 14.8 s. She divide& the distance by the ti me 10 find the speed and the calculator displays 3.3783783. The best way to write this value is (AJ (B) (CJ (0) 3.4 cm s· 1 3.38 cm s 1 3.378 cm s· 1 3.3783783cms· 1 (CJ (D) 000N101HBNBXTPAGE 002401/F2001 -3- 7. The force which keeps lhe moon in orbit is (A) (B) (Cl (DJ 10. magnetic centrifugal reactive gravitational Which oft he following could be used to find the average speed of an object? (Al Chan&c jn velocjty Time taken (B) Change jn djsplaccment Time taken 8. Distance travelled Time taken (0) 11. Distance travelled x Time taken A ball attached toa string is whirled round at a constant speed in a horizontal circle. It is true to say lhat (AJ lhe velocity is constant (B) there are no forces acting on the body the motion is accelerated the ball will drop vertically down wan.I (C) The diagram above shows a simple extension (x)lforce (F) graph for a light spring. Which (D) if lhe string breaks of lhe following statements would be true? I. II. The elastic limit of the spring was exceeded. The spring obeyed Hooke· s law over its entire extension. III. (A) (B) (C) (D) 9. The force per unit extension in lhc elastic region was 7.5 N cm·'. 12. A book of weight 12 N is resting on a table. The force that the table exerts on lhe book is I only (A) (8) <Cl I and Ill only (D) ON greater lhan 0 N but less than 12 N 12 N greater lhan 12 N II and Ill only I. II and m An object is NOT accelerating if (A) (B) (C) (0) its direction of motion is changing but its speed is not its velocity is changing it is stationary for a moment in midair it has no unbalanced force acting on it GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 00240l/P 2001 13. 16. p Full Q The globe shown in !he diagram below contains a gas the pressure of which is measured with a manometer. M. I Empty Two identical covered tins arc suspended by strings from abeam. Tin Pisfullofsandwhile Tin Q is empty. You can tell which is which by giving each a push. The full!in will require a larger push lo start swinging. This is because Tin Pis (A) (B) • ((') (D) 14. M greater weigh! than Tin Q greater mass than Tin Q greater momentum than Tin Q greater volume than Tin Q Which of the following statements would be correct? I. II. The kinetic e~rgy of a body of mass. m. and velocity.v.is m. (A) m I" (A) (8) (8) (C) !Cl m (D) -mv 2 K (D) The pressure of the gas is less than !hat of the atmosphere. If !he right hand side of the manometer rube were closed !he reading would be 1nore accurate. ln order to bring the two menisci in the manometer lo the same level one could open the stop-cock. K. I only II only I and n only I and III only ,. 17. I I I I 15. Doing work Converting energy Changing temperature (A). I only l1I only I andllonly 1.11 and Ill (8) (l) (D) I r-----7 {':::.} --- The rate of which of the following detennines the power output of a machine? I. II. III. Bra• cylinder I Table top A brass cylinder is standing on a !ahle as shown in the diagram above. I! is heated electrically until its temperature reaches l SO"C. Which of !he following properties increases as its temperature rises'? (A) (8) (Cl (DJ Density Volume Pre•-sure it exerts on the table Specific heat capacity GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 002401/F2001 -518. Some molten naphthalene at l00°C is allowed to cool down at room lemperature. If naphthalene has a melting point of 80°C. which of the following BEST represents the cooling curve' 21. 01•c JOO (A) IO Ice wrapped in copper gauze dmiD 01•c . Thefigureaboveshowsapieceoficewrappcd incoppergauzeandsubmergedinaglasslest tube of water. The water when heated at the top boils long before the ice is melted. The MAIN reason for this is that 100 (B) dmiD (C) 100 IO dmiD 22. el'c (D) (Bl the test tube is a poor conductor of heat copper is a good conductor of heat (C) (D) ice is less dense than water water is a poor conductor of heal (A) 01•c 100 IO Whichofthefollowingwouldcausethchotair above a fire to rise? I. Increase in the speed of the air molecules dmla U. UL Expansion of the air Decrease in the density of the air (A) I only Ill only II and Ill only I. II and Ill (B) (C) 19. The bombardment by the molecules of a gas on the wallsofitscontaining vessel determines its (A) (B) (C) (D) 20. mass volwne pressure temperature The unit for specific latent heat offusion is (AJ (Bl (C) (DJ (D) 23. Which of the following occurs when atoms arrange themselves in a regularly repeated pattern? (A) (B) (C) (D) Crystallisalion Evaporation Diffusion Condensation J J kg·' J K' J kg"' K' GOONTOTiiENEXTPAGB 00240l/F2lllOJ -6- 24. Which of the following is true ofevaporation? (A) (B) (CJ (D) 25. 26. It occurs throughout the liquid at no definite temperarure. II occurs at the surface of the liquid at no definite temperarure. It occurs at the surface of!he liquid at a definite temperature. It occurs throughout the liquid at a definitetemperarure. (AJ The ·glass-house' effect refers to the glass-house acting as a heat trap. This is a direct resu It of (A) (8) CC) (0) Which of the following graphs is obtained if the volume of a fixed mass of gas. at a constant presswe. is ploued against its Kelvin temperature? (8) short wavelength infra-red rays which are unable to penetrate glass long wavelength infra-red rays radiated from the sun which are unable to penetrate glass short wavelength infra-red rays radiated from the objects within the glass-house which are unable to penetrate glass long wavelength infra-red rays radiated from the objects within the glass-house which are unable to penetrate glass v ~ T v T (CJ v T (DJ v T 27. w1onoot•~~•••o Q P R S T A longitudinal wave is shown in the above diagram. Which oflhc following represents a wavelength? (A) (8) 002401JF2001 PQ (CJ QS QR (0) (]f -7- 28. Whichofthefollowingslalcmenlsabou!sound is NOT correct? (A) (B) (Cl 31. Sound is !ransmittcd as !ransvera: waves. Sound may beprodu<:ed by vibrating sys!ems. Sound does nol 1ravel 1hrough a x The figure above shows a wavc-fronl abou! to reach a reflecting surface XY. Which of the following would represenl the wavefront after reflection? vacuum. (0) y Sound !ravels more slowly !han light hem 29refers10 !he following. Two parallel scratches arc made on a slide which is otherwise pain!ed black. The slide is moun!ed so tha! the scratches are parallel 10 the s!raigh! filament of a red lamp. 29. (B) An experiment of this type was firsl performed by (C) Newlon Y0tu1g Huygens (D) Foucault (A) (BJ 30. (A) I. Diffraction Ill. Refraction ln!erfercnce (Al I only (B) monly CC) land Ill only 1. II and Ill only (D) .,,,.,------ ... , . ·- -x ... y --- --·y . ' ... ... __ - - __ .,,,., ", (C) (D) Which of the following is/are involved in a production offringes on a Young'sdoublc-slil experiment? n. ,, x 32. x x y y Sound waves are classified as longirudinal since they (A) (B) (C) (0) causetheparticlesofthemedium10 move along the line of propagation of the waves require a malerial medium for transmission may be produ<:ed by vibrating bodies cause the particles of the rnedi um to move at right angles to the line of propagation of the waves GOONTOlHENEXTPAGE -8- J6. JJ. . For which of the following does the phenomenon of refraction offer an explanation? Ill. The apparent bending of a stick in water Swimming pools looking shallower than they really are Formation of a mirage (A) (B) (C) (D) I and II only land ID only n and Ill only I, II and I. IL In the diagram above.Risa tall narrow wall. The report of a gun, fired atG, is heard by an observeratO. Whichofthefollowingcould account for this fact' I. n. Ill. (A) (8) (CJ (0) Diffraction takes place round the obstacle. 'The sound waves are longitudinal. Refraction takes place towards the ground J7. Which of the diagrams BEST represents the passage of abeam of white light thmugh a triangular glass prism? (A) I only land Ill only Ilandffionly ), u and llI (B) J4. Whichofthefollowingwouldbeinvolvedina production of fringes in the well-known dooble-slitexperiment? (C) I. Refraction Interference (A) I only Ill only I and llI only I. n and Ill only (8) (C) (0) JS. Reflection II. Ill. Which of the following demonstrates the Slraightline propagation oflight? (A) . (B) (C) (0) The spreadingoflightwhen it passes thmugh a narmw opening Thedispen1ionoflightbyaprism Aparallelbeamoflightcomingtoa point focus after reflection from a spherical mirror The formation of shadows (D) JS. m ,is: ~ ~ ~ A converging lens produces an image which is the same size as the object. It is true to say that the (A) (8) (C) (0) object is al the principal focus object is at infinity image is virtual image is inverted OOONTO'JHENEIITPAGE 002401JP2001 -9- 39. Which of the following would be true of the image fonned by the lens of a camera? I II. Ill. IV. (A) (Bl ((') (D) 40. !only ii and Ill only I and lVonly IV only Which of·the following is NOT one of the ways in which the strength of the magnetic field near a solenoid (long coil) carrying a current can be increased? (Al (Bl ((') (0) 41. It is virtual. It is real. It isdiminished. It is upright Increasing the resistance of the coil Increasing the current in the coil Increasing the number of turns per unit length of the coil Placing a soft iron core inside the coil Which ofthe following formulac(in which the symbols have their usual meaning) is a mathematical expression of Ohm· s Law? (Al (B) IC) ID) 00240I/F2001 V= IR P=Vt Q =It E=PI 42. Which of the following graphs illustrates an ALTERNATING current? (A) ._r 0 a a a Time (B) Time (C) (D) Clll'ftlll ~ nnr o-+-ul--+-+o-+-+-u+-n-- -1044. Which of the following statements concerning ammeters is correct? Its resistance 43. (Al The diagram above shows an electrical circuit wi!h a cell and two filament bulbs. Which of the following circuits is electrically the same as !he circuit above? (4) (B) (C) (D) 45. Low Low High High Circuit connection in series in parallel in parallel in series Which of the following is true of a secondary cell? (A) It is formed by connecting two or (B) It can be recharged by passing a directcummt in lhe same direction as it delivers current. It can be recharged by passing a ~primarycclls. (B) (C) (D) directcum:nt in !he opposite direction to which it de I ivers current. It can be recharged by "topping up" wi!hdilute sulphuric acid. (C) 46. In an electric waterhcater!hc metal part.•. not including !he heater circuit. are connected to earth by a conductor. The reason for!his is to (D) (A) (B) • (C) (D) 002401IP2001 preventashoncircuit set up an electric field set up a potential difference between !he metal parts and earth ensure !hat the metal parts are kept at the same potential as eanh · II ~refers lo lhc 47. following /-V gr,1ph.., for various con<luct1ng rncJ1a under .:ert:i1n con<lilions. •I 1; (A) In lhr parallel circuit sho\\.'ll above. the total currcnlsupplicJ by the batrcry <Bi g_l>t.'S through each oflhe n:sis1u1 'i j!(>es lluough the largest resistort1nly ,c) glK.'s through the smallest resistor tDI l·~uals ( 1\) I 0 (B) v I only the ~u111 of the i..:urrcnls in the t....,ores1stors 0 (C) I 0 (0) v I 0 48. v v Which graph illustrates the rclatiun~hip tw:· tween currt"nt and applied p.J. fo1 .1 \;1111p fila1ncn1') GOONTOTIIBNEXTPAGE 00240 l/F2001 • 12- 49. A north pole and a south pole of two equally strong magnets are brought near each other. l f the earth· s magnetic field is ignored. the magnetic field Ii nes between the poles would look like 50. A semi-<:onductordiode produces half- wave rectification of alternating current. Which of the following statements would be t;rue·> I. The current obtained has a II. The current obtamed nows only in one direction. There are periods when no current flows from the source. constant value. / (A) N -~ ' .... Ill. s ... .- (A) ~ (B) (C) (D) lonly llonly I and Ill only II and III only (B) 51. p The diagran1 above shows a typi(:al (C) rel~)'. The part. labelled P. must he made ol N (A) uun (B) copper plastic brass ((') (D) 52. Which of the following is uue when a magnet is moved relative lo a coil? (D) I. N IL III. IV. (A) (B) (C) (0) The induced current is in the same direction as the changt" causing it The greater the number of turns of coil the smaller the mducede.mf. The faster the magnet moves relative to the coil the greater the induced e.m.f. The stronger the magnet the greater the induced e.m.f. land IV only landlllonly · II and Ill only Ill and IV only UOONTUTHENEXTPAGE 002401/F2001 . 13 . 53. A conductor. rotating in a uniform magnetic 57. field. induces maximum instantaneous current when the conductor cuts the magnetic field lines at 54. (AJ 300 (8) (C) 45° (!)) 180° Which of the following statements may he used to define the term 'half-life'' I. II. 900 Ill. An ideal transformerhas6000primary rums and 4 000 secondary turns. The secondary <Al (Il) current is (C) (0) (A) (B) (C) (DJ l/2oftheprimarycurrent 213 of the primary current 3/2timestheprimarycurrent twice the primary current 58. (A) (B) (C) (0) 56. the atom of gold is very small theatomofgoldhasasmallpositively charged nucleus an a-particle is repelled by lheelec· Irons in the gold atom a-particles are much larger than atoms <AJ (CJ, (0) n=e p=e n+e=p n+p=e oe+ in1 ·I )' x y 53 (CJ 137 137 137 (D) 136 53 (Al (B) 511. 52 51 t'rom which of the following can a 'heel of lcadofthickness I mmprovidegoodprotec.• ? boo. According to the Rutherford-Bohr model ofa neutral. stable atom. if n = number of neutrons. p = number of protons and e= numberof electrons in the atom. then for all elements (B) ~ !only I and II only lland!Ilonly I, II and III The equation above represents the radioactive decay of a certain nucleus. The values ofx and y are. a-particles pass through a piece of gold foil. IL is observed that some of the a-particles are deflected from their original direction, a very small numberof them being deflected through large angles. This experiment provides evidence that SS. xTe~ It is half the time required by a nucleus to decay. It is the time for halfof the nuclei of a sample to decay. Time taken for sample undergoing a random decay process. to decay to halfits original value I. II. III. a-particles B-particles y-rays (A) I and II only I and Ill only II and III only I. II and Ill (B) (C) (DJ 60. Which of the following persons is associated with nuclear energy? (A) (BJ (C) (D) Thompson Bohr Chadwick Einstein IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. 00240111'200 I ; . CSEC Physics June 2002 P1 .:14~ 2o 02. -21. Which of the following physical quantities does NOT have a unit? (A) (B) (C) · (D) 6. . Item 6 refers to the diagram below. Refractive index e.m.f. Density Frequency The base unit of temperature of the S.I. system is the (A) (B) (C) (D) 3. degree Celsius degree Fahrenheit Kelvin degree centigrade The mass of a piece of metal is 43.7 g and its volume is 5.6 cm'. A student uses a calculator to find the density of the metal and obtains the figure 7.803571. He should write the density as (A) (B) (C) (D) x Q When x = 0, the value of y (A) (B) s (C) (D) is Q p PIR 7. 7.80357! g cnr' 7.80 g cm·' 7.8 g cm·' 8.0 g I• I I I 4. A simple pendulum oscillates about centre 0 between positions X and Y. Which of the followir:g could represent one complete oscillation? (The arrows indicate the direction of movement.) 1. 0 -> X _,. 0 _,. Y-> 0 (A) l only II[ only I and II only I, If and III (BJ (C) (D) 5. x_,.o_,.y_,.o_,.x 11. III. y_,.o_,.x I I I B Two light, styrofoam spheres, A and B, are suspended by insulating threads. If they are at rest in the positions shown in the diagram, the force keeping them apart is (A) (B) (C) (0) gravitational force electrostatic force magnefr; force centripetal force The unit of electrical resistance may be expressed as (C) 111 = l V.A" 1 111= l A.V 10 +I A.V· 1 (0) IQ• I W.A· 1 (A) (B) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE -38. In relation to the diagrams below, which of the following statements is/are correct? Body A Surface Plane I. II. Ill. Body A is in neutral equilibrium. Body B is in unstable equilibrium. Body C is in stable equilibrium. (A) (B) II only I and II only II and III only I, II and III (C) d 9. (D) Six forces act on a ball as shown in the diagram below. In which direction would you expect the ball to accelerate? 10. velocity 1---..:- - - - - - - - - -·~--- I 2N t, 0 lN time The diagram shows a velocity/time graph for a moving object. Which of the following statements about the object would be true? 3N (A) (B) (C) (D) North South East West I. II. III. (A) (8) (C) (D) ' .. lt returns to its starting point. lt has zero acceleration between times 12 and 1,. Its velocity at 14 is the same as its initial velocity. II only I and II only II and III only I, II and Ill GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE . . ~· ·' I -4- 11. If the resultant force on an object is zero, 15. the object can move with (A) (B) (C) (D) decreasing velocity constant vel<;>city constant acceleration increasing velocity A heavy parcel is tied with string. It is less painful for a person to pick up the parcel if a cloth is wrapped around the string. This is because the cloth (A) (B) (C) (D) 12. The constant unbalanced force acting on a body is at right angles to its velocity. Which of the following statements about this motion is correct? (A) (B), (C) (D) 13. . 16. A balloon filled with hydrogen gas and released accelerates upwards. The balloon must therefore have displaced a weight of air The body has no acceleration. The kinetic energy of the body is increasing. The body is slowing down. The body is moving in a circular path. (A) (B) (C) (D) less than its own weight equal to its own weight greater than its own weight equal to the weight of the basket and fabric only Which of the following is a unit of work? 17. (A) (B) kg m s· N m·1 (C) Nm (D) J s·' 2 A flask contains air under pressure. Some of the air is let out slowly over a period of 10 s. When the flask is closed the (A) (B) I -t. exerts less force on the fingers reduces the tension in the string makes the parcel lighter reduces the pressure on the fingers Two bodies, of masses m and 2m, have the some kinetic energy. lfthe velocity ofthc smaller body is v, what is the velocity of the other body? (A) (B) (C) (0) v pressure of the air in the flask will have increased volume of air in the flask will have decreased temperature in the flask will have increased number of molecules striking the wall per second will have decreased ..fi. ,. 18. The specific heat capacity of a material is the energy required to ~ (A) (C) Fv (B) (D) 2v (C) l (D) melt l kg of the material with no change of temperature change the temperature of the material by l K change l kg of the liquid material to l kg of gas without a change in temperature chanae the temperature of l the material by I K I.a of GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. \\ -519. An uninsulated closed container with water is heated from room temperature (30°C) until all the water has evaporated. Which of the following graphs most accurately represents the . variation of water temperature @) with time (t)? 21. ; Some molten naphthalene at 100°C -is allowed to cool do"'n at room temperature. If naphthalene has a melting point of80°C, which of the following BEST represents the cooling curve? 01•c . 100 e1°c (A) 80 --i (A). 30 tis 01•c 100 e1°c (B) 80 (B) ii min . 30 i. e1•c tis 100 e1°c (C) 80 (C) t/min el •c (D) e1°c (D) 100 80 t/min 30 tis 20. Which of the following would be responsible for the heating of the Earth by the Sun? I. ll. III. . Radiation Convection Conduction (A) (B) (C) (D) I only Ill only 1 and II only JI and Ill only 22. An experiment is set up with a.smoke cell for demonstrating Brownian motion. The moving specks observed are (A) (B) (C) (D) smoke particles seen by reflected light smoke. particles in constant vibration molecules of vibrating air molecules of carbon in random GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE ., I I -623. 26. Ice wrapped in copper gauze Water waves which are produced in a ripple tank travel more slowly as they move from deep to shallow water. Which of the following can this fact be used to demonstrate? I. IL III. Reflection Refraction Diffraction (A) (B) I only II only I and III only I, II and III (C) The figure above shows a piece of ice wrapped in copper gauze and submerged in a glass test tube of water. The water when heated at the top boils long before the ice is melted. The MAIN reason for this is that (A) (B) (C) (D) (D) 27. the test tube is a poor conductor of heat copper is a good conductor of heat ice is less dense than water water is a poor conductqr of heat (A) (B) (C) (D) 28. 24. Radiation is BEST absorbed by surfaces which are (A) (B) (C) (D) black and shiny white and shiny black and dull white and dull According to the kinetic theory, when a gas in a closed container is heated the pressure rises because (A) (B) · (C) (D) there are more molecules hitting the walls of the container the molecules move faster and hit each other harder and more often the molecules move faster and hit the walls of the container with greater force and with greater frequency the molecules expand and push harder on the walls of the con- amplitude frequency wavelength velocity Which of the following would have the shortest wavelength? (A) (B) (C) (D) 29. 25. The note from a drum is louder when it is struck harder because the sound waves produced have a greater Infra-red rays Light rays Sound waves Water waves Which of the following statements is/are true? I. II. III. (A) (B) (C) (D) Thermal radiation is a type of electromagnetic radiation. Blue light has a longer wavelength than infra-red radiation. The velocity ofX-rays in a vacuum is 300 000 000 m s· 1• I and II only I and III only II and III only I, II and III tainer GO ON TO THE NEXT PAOE 00?40 1IF 2002 I \ -7- \ 30. The figure above shows the profile ofa water wave. Using the same scale, which diagram below represents a wave twice the frequency and half the amplitude in the same tank of water? (A) (B) (C) (D) 31. The sharp edges of shadows suggest that light (A) (B) (C) (0) .... _..... - """""" has a wave nature is a form of energy travels in straight lines travels very quickly \ 32. Which of the following would be involved in the production of fringes in a Young's double-slit experiment? I. II. Ill. Diffraction Refraction Interference (A) (B) (C) (D) I only III only I and III only I, II and III GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE t• . • -8- 33. 35. For which of the following does the phenomenon of refraction offer an explanation? I. ManX Wall II. ManY Man X can hear man Y shouting but he cannot see him mainly because sound III. (A) (A) is a longitudinal wave, and therefore does not travel in straight lines has a greater amplitude, and therefore passes around obstacles whereas light does not has a slower speed, and therefore has more time to pass around obstacles than light does has a longer wavelength, and therefore diffracts around obstacles more than light does (B) (C) (D) (B) (C) (D) 36. Which of the following diagrams below could represent diffraction of water waves in a ripple tank? I an angle of incidence of 0°. The light will be (A) (B) (C) 37. ... _ - -~i=-'1':-: :- - (B) (C) (D) 38. (A) (13) (C) . (D) I only II only 1 and ll only II and Ill only undeviated totally reflected refracted at 90° to normal refracted at an unknown angle A virtual image (A) ... II I and II only I and ill only II and III only I, II and III A ray of light in air strikes a glass block at (D) 34. The apparent bending of a stick in water Swimming pools looking shallower than they really are The landscape 'shimmering' on a hot day has no light rays actually passing through ii is always magnified can be projected onto a screen is always laterally inverted A converging lens produces an image which is the same size as the object. It is true to say that the (A) (B) (C) (D) object is at the principal focus object is at infinity image is virtual image ·is inverted 00 ON TO THE NEXT PAGE I , " • -9- 39. Which of the following diagrams represeri.ts the electric field existing between two oppositely charged point charges? 42. Which of the following formulae (in which the symbols have their usual meaning) is a mathematical express ion of Ohm's Law? V=IR P= VJ Q=IT E=PT (A) (B) (A) (C) (D) 43. (B) The diagram below shows the construction of a zinc-carbon cell. R Q (C) .+•---------·p (D) Which of the following is correct? . 40. , t- r An electric current in a metal consists of a flow of (A) (B) (C) (D) j 41. neutrons protons electrons ions Which of the following appliances would require the fuse with the largest rating? 44. (A) (B) Q is carbon, R is zinc. P is copper oxide, Q is carbon. (C) R is iron and S is amnionium chlo- (D) ride. Sis sulphuric acid and Pis manganese dioxide. Which of the following concerning ammeters is correct? Circuit Its resistance Connection (A) Low Low High High (B) (C) (A) (B} (C) (D) A kettle marked I 800 W 120 V A freezer marked 360 W 120 V An iron marked 1 200 W 240 V A stove marked 12 000 W 240 V (D) in series in parallel in parallel in series GO ON TO THE NEXT PAOE 002401/F 2002 . t. .. • - 10 - 45. A student requires a circuit to measure the resistance of a resistor. Which of the circuits below is correctly connected? (A) i-----t 47. Which of the following pairs of statements is true for both iron and steel? Iron is Steel (A) easily magnetised does not retain magnetism (B) not easily magnetised retains its magnetism well (C) easily magnetised retains its magnetism well (D) not easily magnetised does not retain its magnetism A r-----1 (B) 48. -~----1 (C) + (D) 46. ~----i (C) _ R T- + - A experiment was conducted using the circuit diagrams shown above. The same components were used and the bulb was lit to normal brightness in each case. Which of the following statements would be correct? Which of the following relationships gives a correct value for the combined resistance of resistors R,, R,, and R, connected in parallel? (B). - R1 R2 R3 I. II. Ill. The bulb is defective. The battery is defective. The diode is defective. (A) (B) I only III only I and II only II and III only (C) R,+R2+R3 (D) I 1 1 RT=-+-+R, R2 R3 }. (D) 1 I I I -•-+-+RT R R R 1 3 1 -oo ON TO THE NEXT PAGE .. '· .. • 49. - 11 - A north pole and a south pole of two equally strong magnets are brought near to each other. If the earth's magnetic field is ignored, the magnetic field lines between the poles would look like 50. wrapped around an iron core. It works because . (A) (B) (A) N An electromagnet consists ofinsulated wire iron is a good electrical conductor a magnetic field is produced inside the coil an electric field is produced inside the coil iron is always magnetised (C) s (D) 51. (B) N s N (C) N The figure above shows two permanent magnets and three wires carrying current in the directions indicated. On which wire(s) will a force be exerted? (A) (B) (C) (D) (D) N s 52. I only II only I and II only I, II and III Which of the following make use of the magnetic field generated by an electric current? I. II. III. d.c. motor Moving coil/loudspeaker Electric iron (A) (B) I and II only I and III only II and III only I, II and III (C) (D) '"\ '' .• I ~· - 12 - •( 53. A ·conductor, rotating in a uniform magnetic field, induces maximum instantaneous current ~hen the conductor cuts the magnetic field lines at Ultra-violet radiation Infra-red radiation Gamma radiation Radio waves (C) ~I • (D) l~ 58. 54. Which of the following electromagnetic · radiations is produced only by a change in a nucleus? (A) (B) •309 45° (A) (B) (C) (D) 57. An electricity company supplies a.c. rather than d.c. to the consumer. This is because The element cobalt is represented by the . 2760co. expression This means that its neutron number is its generators cannot produce d.c. most electrical appliances cannot run on d.c. a.c. can be generated at a higher voltage than d.c. a.c. can be stepped up to a higher voltage whereas d.c. cannot (A) (B) (C) (D) 59. 55. . The Rutherford model of the atom suggests that an atom consists of a (A} (B) (D) 60 87 Activity 400 300 solid massofprotons and electrons nucleus of protons only with orbiting electrons nucleus of equal numbers of neutrons and electrons with orbiting protons nucleus of protons and neutrons with orbiting electrons (C) 27 33 (A) (B) (C) (D) 200 100 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Time/days The activity of a radioactive substance was measured at suitable intervals over a period of days and its radioactive decay curve plotted. The half life is Item 56 refers to the following table. Nuclei Mass No. Neutron Number p 16 13 8 9 10 11 Q, 18 R s 56. 21 (A) (B) (C) (D) 60. 1 day 2 days 3 days 4 days Which of the following scientists discovered that the nucleus also contained neutrons? Which pair of nuclei are isotopes? (A) (B) Pand Q (A) (B) Niels Bohr Jan\es Chadwick Marie Curie QandR (C) P and R (D) .Joseph Thompson QandS "'von nm~" RF.FORJ". :rtMF. 11'! .C.4' ·' .J:n. r.HJ:r.K YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. (C) (D) I nrnx SEALrrEREI TESTCODEOO24OI FORM TP 23II9 JLINE2OO3 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION PHYSICS Paper 01 - General Proficiency I-!nhours READ THB FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY L In addition to this test booklet,you shourdhave an answersheet. 2. Each item in this testhasfour suggestedanswerslettered(A), (B), (C), (D). Readeach item you are about to answerand decidewhich choicc is best. 3. On your answer sheet,find the number which correspondsto your item and shade the space having the same letter as the answcryou have chosen. [-ook at the sarnpleiteln below. Sample Item The SI unit of length is the (A) (B) (C) (D) 4. Sample Answer @ o @@ newton metre kilogram second 11 , >1, a trl The best answerto this item is "metre" so answer space(B) has becn shaded. - If you want to changeyour answer,be sureto eraseyour old answercompletclyand fill in your new choice. FI 5. When you are told to begin, turn the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can. Ifyou cannot answer an item, omit it and go on to the next one. You can come back to the hardcr item Iater. Your score will be the total number of correct answers. 6. Figuresare not necessarilydrawn to scale. 7. You may do any rough work in this booklet. 8. The use of non-programmablecalculatorsis allowed. 9. This test consistso{'60 iterns. you will have 75 minutesto answcr thcnr. 10. -- Do not be concernedthat the answer sheetprovides spacesfor more answersthan there are items in this test. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARIi TOLD TO DO SO. Copyright@ 2002 CaribbeanExaminationsCouncil. All rights reserved. 002401/F/JtJNE, 2003 ft! {> n 1. The unit of electricalresistancemay be expressedas (A) (B) (C) (D) 4' (A) (B) (C) (D) lo-1vA' I Q= 1AV lQ=1AV-r 1Cl=1WA' 5. Whichof thefollowingisNOTaf undamental quantity? (A) (B) (C) (D) for Which of the following is suitable hair? measuringthe dianreterof a human TaPe measure VerniercaliPers Micrometer screw gauge Metre rule Three irnmiscibleliquids P, Q and R have densitieswhich differ. Q is denscrtha' P but lessdensethan R' Which of the fohowing diagramsshowshow the liquidssettlein the cYlinder? measuring TemPerature HeatenergY Length Time (A) Its fa= (B) H lPe 3. l*= l-R- 100g Figure 1 160g Figure 2 FigureI showsameasuringcylindercontaining a fixed volumeof liquid' Figure2 showsa roiid Uodysubmergedin the liquid' ln each case,the total massof the containerand its contentsis indicated.Thedensityof thesolid r (c) U l P = is (A) (B) (C) (D) 0.30g mL-' 0 . 3 3g m L ' 3.00g mL' 3.20 gr'J'l r"= r'- (D) l-= la= GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 2003 oo240llF1IUNE -3Item 6 refersto the diagram below. 6. Whenr: 0, thevalueofy is (A) a (B) (C) (D) S P P/R 7. The diagramaboverepresents a 100g masswhich can be balancedby placing a rrassX at the positionshown. If MassX is to be usedto barance thc r00 g, it shourdbe (A) (B) (C) (D) 8. lessthan t00 g equalto 100g a little greaterthan I00 g about 200 g Which of the following is NOT true abour the moment of a force? (A) (B) (C) (D) It ismeasured in unitscallecl newton_ metres. It is thc amountof fbrcenecdeclto keepa bodyturning. It is theturningeffectthata forcehas when it actson a body. It is the productof the forceand the perpendicular distance of its lineof actionfrom a point. 00240t/F/JUNE 2003 9. A stablewell-designed racingcarlnusthave a (A) (B) (c) (D) low centreofgravity very large mass very h igh d rag(ai r-resi stancc) long front CO ON TO l'FlE Ntrxt- I)AGI, -4a vector Which of the following is NOT quantitY? 10. (A) (B) (C) (D) 11. 12. 14. DisPlacement Acceleration DensitY Momentum Which ofthe following canbeusedto speedofan object? ground and An object is removed frorn the properttes placei on a shelf- Which of its would You exPectto change? (A) (B) (C) (D) find the 15. Mass Volume Potentialenergy Kinetic energy trr' kinetic energy of a body of ntass' and velocitY,l', is 'fhe (A) Changein velocity Time taken (A) nt (B) Changein displacentent Tinre taken (B) Lnv (C) Distancetravelled Time taken (C) tttv' (D) Distancetravelled x Tirne taken (D) tttv2 is When two bodies collide, momentum conserved' This means that the (A) (B) (C) (D) kineticenergybeforeimpactis equal to that after imPact bodyis unchanged momentumofeach after imPact algebraicsumofthe velocitiesbefore imPactis equalto the sum of the velocitiesafter imPact totalmomentumof the bodiesbefore impactisequalto thetotalmomentum of the bodiesafter imPact 16. .) It is truc A liquid is containcdin a beaker' to saYthat tlre Pressure (A) i"l iCj (D) is greatcstat the bottomof the liquid is grcatestat the surfaceofthc liquicl is thc sameat all levelsin the liquid exertcdby the liquid is the sameas atnlosPheric Pressure 11. to Which of the lbllowing unitsis used a measurethe forcePcrunit areaon surface? 13. a table' A bookof weight12N is restingon book is the on exerts The force that the table (A) itj 0N greaterthan 0 N but lessthan l2 N (c) 1 2N (D) greaterthan 12 N (A) (B) (C) (D) The newton (N) The watt (W) The joule (J) The Pascal(Pa) GO ON TO I'IIE NE,XTPAGI: 00 0 0 2 4 0 1 / F / J U N2E ,3 18. W h i c h o f t h e f o l l o w i n g i s l o n g i t u d i n a il n nature? (A) (B) (C) (D) Infraredrays Lightrays Soundwaves Water waves 22. Somemoltennaphthaleneat 100'Cisallowed to cool down at room temperature. If naphthalene has a rneltingpoirrtof 80"C, whichof the followingBES1'represents thc coolingcurve? e/0c 100 (A) 19. Whichofthe fbllowingisresponsible forthe glasshouse effect? (A) (B) (c) (D) 20. Micror,vaves [Jltravioletrays Light rays lnfiared rays y'min (B) Whichofthe followinsiscorrect? (A) (fJ) (c) (D) 21. Eo /min 'l-/K:0t"C -.273 r/K: gt"c + 273 T/K= 213 jloC ' r/K: 273 Ot"C (c) Thc specific heat capacityof a material is the energy requiredto (A) (B) (c) (D) nrclt I kg of the materialwith no changeof temperature changcthe ternpcratureof the rnaterialby I K changeI kg of the liquid material to I kg of gaswithouta changein tempcrature charrgethe temperatureof I kg of the nraterialbv I K f ) f ) ? 4 0 1 / Fi l /r N [ : ' ) ( ) 0 1 /min e/ oc (D) 100 80 /min G O O N T O T I I E N F , X TP A C [ , -625. 23. /,i.',3 /:;t When a gas is heatedin a closed cotttainer at a constarttvolume, the pressureof the gas rises. Which of the followirrg statelnentscorlccrning this fact is/arc1'RtJE'/ t. - - - t --_ _7 II. Ice wrapped in coppcr gauze 'fhe figtlre above shows a piece of ice wrapped in copper gauzeand submerged 'flte water in a glass test tube of water' the before long boils top the when heatedat jbr is this ice is nrelted'The MAIN reason III. that (A) (B) (c) (A) (B) (C) (D) 24. the testtubc is a poor conductorof heat copperis a goodconductorofheat ice is lcssdensetltanwater wateris a poor colrductorof heat An electric kettle full of water is plugged into the mains. The processby which heat travelsthrough the watcr is (A) (B) (C) (D) electrification cvaporatioll convection radiation (D) 26. 'fhc pressrrrerises becausethe gas molcculesstrikethe walls ltlr thc containerwith grcatertnotnetltunt' 'I'he pressurerisesbecausetlre gas moleculesnow collidc with the walls ol'thc contaittcrtnore fiequently. Thc pre;;surerises bccausethe fbrcesbetwcenthc gasrnolcculcs are largcrat highcr telllpcraturcs. I only I and II only II andlll only I , I l a n dI l l ' Someof A flaskcontairtsair undcrpressurt: of I 0 s' pcriod a thc air is lct out slowly over Whcn the f'laskis clcscclthe (A) (B) (c) (D) pressureof thc air in the flask will have incrcased volumeof air in the llask will have dccreased tenrperaturein thc flask will have increased lesstrikingthewall numberofmolectr per secondwill llave decreased GO ON 1'O-fHE Ntlxl- PAGII 002401/F/ith-[200-i - 7- 27. 29. Plane water waves which travel fronr deep water to shallow water (A) (B) (C) (D) Displacement are diffracted increasethcir spcccl undergoa change in fiequency undcrgo a changc in u,avclength 30. Which of thefollowing statement(s)aboutthe wave shown in the diagrarn above is/are TRUE? L Il. III. PointsP, Q and R are in phase. PointsS and l'are out ofphase. The wavelengthof the wave is thc distancePR. (A) (B) I only II only I and ll only II and III only (c) (D) r I \ l \ t - - - - t - - t ' 'fhe figure aboveshowsa rvavef'rontabclutto rcacharcflectirrgsurlhcc XY. Which ofthe followingwou Id reprcsentthewavefrorrtafter reflection'2 (A) x Y 28. (B) C, R, C, R, c, R, Y c. lrl l l | t Il t l l ll l l l i l ill (c) 'lhe diagramaboverepresents a longitudinal wavewhere,C andR represent compressions and rarefactionsrespectively. If l" is the wavelength,the distancebetweenC, and It. is (A) \ - . - - X Y (D) Y )x (B) , l n (c) l]" (D) 2X L2," 002401/F/JtJNE 2003 - t ' GO ()N 't'o - 8 31. Which of the following statementsabout sound is NOT correct? 35. Sound is transmittedas trattsverse waves. Soundniay be producedby vibrating sYstems. Sounddoesnot travel through a vacuum. Soundtravels more slowly than (A) (B) (C) (D) light. 32. Which ofthe followingtypesof radiationis rf responsiblefor an atom of c changing into an atornof (A) cr (B) p If Nl 36. 33. The sharp edgesof shadowssuggestthat lisht (D) Which of thc diagrzrtrlsBlrS-f rcprcserrts the passageof a beanro l-rvhite I i ght thlotrgh a triangular glassPrisnl'/ (D) Refiactive Index Air 1.0 lce t.3 Perspex 1.5 Diamond L.q 31. In which medium would the light waves have the slowestsPeed? (A) (B) (C) (D) lonlY | a n dl l o n l Y l a n dl l l o n h l l a r r dl l l o r r l l ' (c) The tablebelowliststhe refractiveindices of four differentmaterials Material (A) (B) (C) (D) iu, has a wave nature is a form of energY travels in straightlines travelsvery quicklY (c) lt is v irttral. It isdinrinished. [t is ttcarct'to tlrc c1'c than the ob.icct. n Inliared (A) (B) I. II. lll. (A) L\( -"L) (c) v (D) Which of thc follou'itrgwould be truc o{'the imageof an objecl placedat the bottom ol' a tank of water and vie*'ed vcllically' li'orrl above'/ Air Ice PersPcx Diatnond 'fhe A Ax*-7-\\ irnage on thc tilrn tll' a cittttera is usually (A) (B) (cr) (D) invertcd.dinrinishcd,real inverted,dinrinishcd.virtual u p r i g h t ,d i n r i rirs h e d .r c a l r'cal ght. nragtriliccl. Lrpri GO ON 002401/F/iuNt 2003 'l'O l - l l L .N I - X I l ' u \ C E -9- 38. For which of the following objectdistances will a convex lens of focal length l8 cm produce a real image? 41. The currentin a wire is oneampereif a charge of (A) I. II. III. 1 5c m 36 crn 54 cm l0 coulombsflows through it for l0 seconds I coulonrbflows throughit in l0 seconds l0 coulombsflow throughit in I second 100 coulombsflows throughit in l0 seconds (B) (C) (A) (B) (C) (D) I only I a n dI I o n l y II and III only l,II and III (D) 42. 39. A plasticrod, P, is rubbedwith cloth, Q. P positivelycharged.This is bccause becomes Which of the following forrnulae(in which the symbolshave their usualmeaning)is a rnathematicalexpressionof Ohm's Law? (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) protons flowcd lionr Q to P protonsflowed from P to Q electronsf-lowedfrom Q to P clectronsflowed fiom P to Q V=lR P=VI Q=lt E= Pt Which of thefollowingdiagrarnsrepresents theelectricfield existingbetweentwo oppositelychargedpointcharges? A beamof lightpassesfiom one medium to anotherof greaterrefiactive index. Whcn it refractsthc (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) 44. (B) liequency changes wavelengthchanges spced incrcases bcanrbendsawayfionr the normal 'fhe rcfractive indcx of a transparent medium with a critical angle,c, for light travclling from thc medium to air is (A) I L' (C) (B) + (D) 4\ +o \F (c) 90" s i nc sin 90" silr c o- (D) SIN C GO ON TO THE NEXT PACE 002401/F/JUNE 2003 -1045. 47. the A studentrequiresa circuitto measure of a resistor.Whichofthecircuits resistance connected? belowiscorrectlY The diagranlabovesltowsan electrical circuit with a cell andtwo filamerrtbulbs' Whichof thc followingcircuitsis electrically the samcas the circuitabovc? (A) (8,ffi (c)ffi (A) (8,il (c)f--cl L (D,ffi (D) When a largecurrent passesthrough a fusc'. which of the following is the sequenceor events? (A) (B) (C) (D) -> Wire gets hot -+ wire melts current is cut off Wire getshot -+ current is cut off -> wire melts -> Wire melts -> current is cut off wire getshot '> Wire nrelts-+ wirc getshot current is cut ofT 48. a Rectiflcationcan BES'l be donc by using (A) (ts) (c) (D) translormct capacitor transistor diode CO ON 003 0 0 2 4 0 1 / F / J U N2D 'IO 'I-IIE NE,X'|PAGE, l l 49. 50. Steelis NO'f suitablelor use in an electro_ magnetbecauseit (A) (B) I (c) (D) \ Whichofthecircuitsbelowcouldprocluce the traceon theoscilloscope screensho'arn in the diagramabovewhenthe endsof the resistor areconnected to the Y plates? 51. Wh ichofthcfollowingC'ANNO'l'bedeflectcd bv a magneticfleld? (A) (fl) (C) (D) (A) 52. (B) Il. lll. C.R.O 53. (D) -l-hctinretakcnlbrthcactivityofany givcrrsarnplc to falltohall'itsoriginal valuc 'l'hc tinretakcrrfbr hall'thenuclei prese nt in alrygivensarrrplc to decay Flalftheaverage numberol'disintegrationsper second (A) I and ll onl1, (B) I andIll only (D) I, ll andlll (c) rra n d l l l o r r l y (c) C.R.O Alpha parricles Beta particlcs Gamnra,rays lrlectrons Whichol-thelbllowingaredellnitiorrs ol.the tcrnr'haI l'-li {c' ol'radioactive rruclidc,/ l. C.R.O is too dil'llcultto magnetise retainsrnagnetisnrtoo well losesits nragnetisrntoo easily containstoo rnanydomains Which ofthe lollr)rving personsisassttciar.ed witlt nuclearencrgr,'? (A) (R) (C) (D) l'hompsorr llolrr Chadu'ick [ ; i n s t ien C.R.O 0 0 1 4 0 1 / F / J U lN0E0 i GO ON -fO l-tlE NEXT PAGII t2a uniform magA conductor,rotating in instantaneI'ield, inducesmaximum -"u,t"n, netic the when the concluctorcuts oo, magneticfield lines at diagram ot Item 54 refers to the following a simPlea.c. generator' (A) (B) 30o 45o (c) 90" (D) 180" atom suggests The Rutherford mocJelof the a of that an atom consists J/. (A) igi 54. (C) the diagram are The parts labellcd X in known as the (A) (B) (C) (D) (D) coil armature sliPrtngs commutator model According to thc Ruthertord-Bohr = if n number of oio n"u,r-ut,stable atorn' protons and e = nelltrons, 12= number of atom' thenfbr all numberof clcctronsin the clctnents diagram' Item 55 refers to the following W (A) (B) (C) (D) SecondrtrY Coil 59. X would be Appropriatelabelsfor W and w (A) (B) (C) (D) steP-downtransformer steP-downtransformer step-uptransformer steP-uptransformer X solid massof protons.and :t"t-tJ:lt orbrtrng nucleusof protonsonly wtth electrons neutrons nucleusof equalnumber'sof protons andelectronswith orbiting neutrons and nucleusof protons with orbitingelectrons n=e P=c tt+e=P tt+P=c Which of the followingis NOT an clectric lield ] (A) (B) (C) (D) affectedby AlPha Plirticlc Beta Particle Neutron Electron a.c.inPut d.c. tnput a.c.inPut d.c. inPut GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE oo240ltFIJUNE2003 - 1 3Item 60 refers to the fbllowing diagranrof a coil carrying a current and wrapped around a wooden cylinder. Y a 60. Which row of the table bclow showsthe magnetic field directionsat X. Y andZ2 A <_- ts +--+ C _+ D ---+ +- IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHBCK YOUR woRK oN THIS TEST. 002401/F/JtJNE 2003 CO ON'fO l'ftti NI:XI'PAGE __ ,,,,..- .,"" :5 ;;LJ__~ + AFFIX SEAL HERE f ··• .Y CAIIT''...,ATE-PLEASENOTE! YOU r···l P· ~n below and retum tbis booklet with the)· \11ffr'"hed.: FaUuR10· do-~may-res..Jtin F'u.t<MTP20041:3 t TESTCOD}':012380:..J \, MA. Y/JUNE2004 Signature CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION PHYSICS Paper 01 - General Proficiency 75minutes .( 07 JUNE 2004 (a.m.) ) READ THE FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY I. In !'ddition to this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet. 2. Each item in this test has four suggested answers lellered (A). (B), (C), (D). Read euch item you """ about to an~wer and decide which choice is b<;st. 3. On your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below. Sample Item The SI unit of length is the (A) (B) newton metre (C) kilogram second (D) Sample Answer @• ©@ - The best answer to this item is "metre" so answer space (B) has been shaded. I If you \.Vant to change your answer. bP- sure 10 e.rase. your old an: wer completely and fil~ i·:: '".::.:~ new choice. -- -- .. 5. When you are told to begin, turn the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can. If you cannot answer an item, omit it and go on to the next one. You can come back to the harder item later. Your score will be the total number of correct answers. 6. Figures are not necessarily drawn to scale. 7. You may do any rough work in this booklet. 8. The use of non-programmable calculators is allowed. 9. This test consists of 60 items. You will have 75 minutes to answer them. I0. Do not be concerned that the answer sheet provides spaces for more answe~s than there are items in this test. ------~D.,O- NOT TURN 'THIS ..... PAGE UNTIL ~00 ARE IOLlJTO DO SO. Copyright© 2003 Caribbean I' xamin~tions Counci I. All righlsreserved. ~ .. - 1. The unit of electrical resistance may be expressed as (A) (B) (C) (D) 2. 5. 1Ω = 1 V.A-1 1Ω = 1 A.V 1Ω = I A.V -1 1Ω =1 W.A -1 (A) (B) (C) (D) 1 gram is equal to (A) (B) (C) (D) Which of the following quantities is dimensionless? Density Mass Relative Density Volume Item 6 refers to the diagram below. 10 milligrams 100 milligrams 1 000 milligrams 10000 milligrams 3. By switching on the heater in the following apparatus for a known time and weighing the water collected in the beaker, the specific latent heat of fusion of ice can be measured 6. For any point (x, y) on the line QS, when x = 0, the value of y is (A) (B) (C) (D) 7. Why is this method very inaccurate when used in the Caribbean? (A) (B) (C) (D) 4. The heater is not powerful enough to melt the ice. The ice would melt, even if the heater were not turned on. The temperature of the ice is 30°C instead of 00C. Water would be evaporating from the open beaker. Which of the following units is the unit of momentum? (A) (B) (C) (D) kg s -1 kg m s -1 kg m s-2 Nm OQ OS OP OP/OR An object of mass, m, is attached to a spring balance and its weight, w, recorded. What will be the result if the object is taken to the moon and weighed there? (A) (B) (C) (D) Mass = m; weight greater than w Mass = m: weight less than w Mass greater than m; weight = w Mass less than m; weight = w 8. Which of the following quantities will be constant, if a constant net force is applied to a body? (A) (B) (C) (D) Velocity Kinetic energy Momentum Acceleration 1 9.A stable well designed racing car must have a (A) (B) (C) (D) low centre of gravity narrow wheel base sun roof long front 11. 10. The diagrams below, drawn to scale, represent two forces S and T acting at O. In which of the following diagrams is the result-ant in the direction, OX? Which of the following formulae could be used to find the average speed of an object? (A) Change in velocity Time taken (B) Change in displacement Time taken (C) Distance travelled Time taken ((D) Distance travelled × Time taken 12. Which of the following measuring devices is suitable for measuring the diameter of a human hair? (A) (B) (C) (D) 13. When two bodies collide, momentum is conserved. This means that the (A) (B) (C) (D) 14. Tape measure Vernier calipers Micrometer screw gauge Metre rule kinetic energy before impact is equal to that after impact momentum of each body is unchanged algebraic sum of the velocities be-fore impact is equal to the sum of the velocities after impact total momentum of the bodies before impact is equal to the total momentum of the bodies after impact Power can be defined as (A) force x distance moved (B) force time (C) work done time (D) work done x time 2 15. An object is removed from the ground and placed on a shelf. Which of its properties would you expect to change? (A) (B) (C) (D) 16. Mass Volume Potential energy Kinetic energy 18. A glass bulb is filled with a gas at a temperature of 293 K. If the initial pressure of the gas is P. what will it be when the temperature increases to 360 K? Pressure, P, in a liquid can be calculated from the formula P = ρgh Which sets of units below will give the pressure in the SI unit? ρ (A) (B) (C) ((D) 17. g cm -3 kg m -3 g cm-3 kg m -3 g m s -2 Nkg -1 N kg -1 cm s -1 (B) (C) (D) 293 ×P 360 (B) 360 ×P 293 (C) 293 1 × 360 P (D) 360 1 × 293 P h mm m m cm 19. Boyle's law for a gas can be tested experimentally, provided which of the following is/are maintained constant? A bubble of gas rises to the surface of a soft drink. This is because the (A) (A) upthrust on the bubble is greater than the weight of the bubble upthrust on the bubble is greater than the weight of water it displaces weight of water displaced by the bubble is less than the weight of the bubble density of the gas is greater than the density of the drink 20. I. II. III. IV. Temperature Pressure Density Mass (A) (B) (C) (D) III only I and II only I and IV only I, II and III only Which of the following is the MOST suit-able range for a clinical thermometer? (A) (B) (C) (D) 0°C to 44 0C -10 °C to 110 0C 35 °C to 100 0C 35°C to 44 0C 3 21. The specific heat capacity of a material is the energy required to (A) (B) (C) (D) 25. (A) liquid and gas melt 1 kg of the material with no (B) solid and a liquid change of temperature (C) liquid change the temperature of the material by 1 K (D) gas change 1 kg of the liquid material to 1 kg of gas without a change in 26. In a Brownian motion experiment with a smoke cell, temperature the fast random motion of the smoke particles change the temperature of 1 kg of the which is observed is due to the material by 1 K (A) 22. The specific latent heat of vaporization of water is the energy required to change 1 kg of water at (A) (B) (C) (D) II. III. (A) (B) (C) (D) (C) (D) III only I and II only I and III only II and III only electrification evaporation convection radiation collision of smoke particles with air molecules in the cell bombardment of one smoke particle by other smoke particles regular vibration of the smoke particles collision of the smoke particles with the walls of the container 27. Which of the following is the correct relation between the wavelength A., speed v, and frequency f, of a wave? Radiation can only take place in a material medium. A good absorber is also a good emitter of radiation. Dark dull surfaces are better emitters than shiny ones. 24. An electric kettle full of water is plugged into the mains. The process by which heat travels through the water is (A) (B) (C) (D) (B) 0 °C to steam at 100 °C 99.9 °C to steam at 100.1 °C 100 °C to steam at 100 °C 0°C to ice at 0°C 23. Which of the following statements concerning the radiation of heat is true? I. There are NO attractive forces between the molecules in a 28. (A) λ = fv (B) f = (C) f = (D) λ= λ v v λ f v The spreading of a wave into the region behind an obstruction is called (A) (B) (C) (D) diffraction refraction superposition interference 4 32. 29. The figure above shows a wave-front about to reach a reflecting surface XY. Which of the following would represent the wave-front after reflection? Which of the following statements about the wave shown in the. diagram above is/ are true: I. II. III. Points P, Q and R are in phase. Points S and T are out of phase. The wavelength of the wave is the distance PR. (A) (B) (C) (D) I only II only I and II only II and III only 30. If sounds of differing frequencies are played on a piano, in which of the following characteristics would a change be detected? (A) (B) (C) (D) 31. Loudness Speed Pitch Wavelength An explosion causes the emission of the following types of radiation. I. II. III. I and II only I and III only II and III only I, II and III The sharp edges of shadows suggest that light (A) (B) (C) (D) Light Sound Infra-red Which of these will be received first by a person some distance away? (A) (B) (C) (D) 33. 34. has a wave nature is a form of energy travels in straight lines travels very quickly The specific latent heat of fusion of water is 340 kJ kg-1 . This means that when 10 kg of water freezes (A) (B) (C) (D) 34 kJ of heat is absorbed 34 kJ of heat is given out 3 400 kJ of heat is absorbed 3 400 kJ of heat is given out 5 37. 35. The diagram above shows a ray of white light being dispersed by a prism to form a visible spectrum. Which of the following makes this possible. (A) (B) (C) (D) The colour violet has the shorter wavelength, hence refracts more than colour red. The colour red has the longer wavelength, hence refracts more than colour violet. The colour violet has the longer wavelength, hence refracts more than colour red. The colour red has the shorter wavelength, hence refracts more than colour violet. 36. Which of the following statements would be true of the image of an object placed at the bottom of a tank of water and viewed vertically from above? I. II. III. It is virtual. It is diminished. It is nearer to the eye than the object. (A) (B) (C) (D) III only I and only I and III only II and III only The above diagram represents a thin converging lens, L, with a principal axis GL. FL is the focal length of the lens and GF = FL. Where should an object be placed so as to produce a virtual magnified image? (A) (B) (C) (D) 38. At G To the left of G Between F and G Between L and F Which of the following would be true of the image formed by the lens of a camera? I. II. III. IV. It is virtual. It is real. It is diminished. It is upright (A) (B) (C) (D) I only II and III only I and IV only IV only 39. A glass rod is rubbed with a piece of silk and becomes positively charged. The glass rod became charged by (A) (B) (C) (D) gaining protons losing protons gaining electrons losing electrons 6 40. Which of the following diagrams represents the electric field existing between two oppositely charged point charges? 42. Which of the following could NOT be a unit of current? (A) (B) (C) (D) W V-1 V Ω -1 Cs-1 Cs 43. Which of the following equations CANNOT be used to determine the power dissipated in a resistor? (A) . P = I 2 R ( B) P = V/ R2 ( C) P = VI (D) P= R/ V2 44. The refractive index of a transparent medium with a critical angle, c, for light travelling from the medium to air is The graph above shows the variation of alternating current with time. The value frequency of this current is (A) t1 (B) 1 /t 1 ( C) I1 (D) 1 /I 1 (A) 1 c (B) 90 0 sin c (C) sin 90 sin c ((D) sin c 45. In domestic installation systems, which of the following should be placed in the live wire? I. II. III. Switches Circuit breakers Fuses (A) (B) (C) (D) I only III only II and III only I, II and III 7 46. In which of the following diagrams are resistors P and Q in series with each other and parallel with R? 48. A simple experiment was conducted using the circuit diagrams shown above. The same components were used and the bulb was lit to normal brightness in each case. Which of the following statements would be correct? 47. When a large current passes through a fuse. which of the following is the sequence of events? (A) (B) (C) (D) Wire gets hot –> wire melts --> current is cut off Wire gets hot –> current is cut off >wire melts Wire melts -> current is cut off ---> wire gets hot Wire melts –> wire gets hot ---> current is cut off I. II. III. The bulb is defective. The battery is defective. The diode is defective. (A) (B) (C) (D) I only III only I and II only II and III only 49. Two light, aluminium spheres A and B are suspended by insulating threads. If they come to rest as shown in the diagram, the force keeping them apart is (A) (B) (C) (D) gravitational electrostatic magnetic centripetal 8 51. 50. The diagrams below show the magnetic field lines plotted by a student. Which of the circuits below could produce the trace on the oscilloscope screen shown in the diagram above when the ends of the resistor are connected to the Y plates? Which of the following are correct? (A) (B) (C) (D) I and II only I and III only II and III only I, II and III 9 52. Which of the following statements about alternating current 55. is true? (A) (B) (C) (D) It can be changed into direct cur-rent by a transformer. It can be rectified by using a semi-conductor diode. It can be used to recharge a battery. It is used to transmit electrical energy because of its high frequency. (A) (B) (C) (D) 53. A wire carrying a current in a magnetic field may experience a 56. force. Which of the following devices does NOT depend on this force? (A) (B) (C) (D) The Rutherford model of the atom suggests that an atom consists of a The number of neutrons present in the nucleus of the nuclide 222 Rn 86 is (A) (B) (C) (D) Loudspeaker Electric motor Moving coil galvanometer Electromagnet 57. Item 54 refers to the following diagram. 5 4 , The parts labelled X in the diagram are known as the (A) (B) (C) (D) brushes commutator armature coil Marie Curie Isaac Newton Albert Einstein J. J. Thompson Which of the following CANNOT be deflected by a magnetic field? (A) (B) (C) (D) 60. Alpha particle Beta particle Neutron Electron Which of the following scientists discovered radium? (A) (B) (C) (D) 59. 86 136 222 308 Which of the following is NOT affected by an electric field? (A) (B) (C) (D) 58. solid mass of protons and electrons nucleus of protons only with orbiting electrons nucleus of equal numbers of neutrons and electrons with orbiting protons nucleus of protons and neutrons with orbiting electrons Alpha particles Beta particles Gamma rays Electrons Which of the following scientists would you associate with nuclear energy? (A) (B) (C) (D) Thompson Bohr Chadwick Einstein 10 , I '~."'Z. ' . ·"" . .. "• .. .... "'" . "'"" . I ' -· t .. AFFIX SEAL HERE t I TEST CODE FORM TP2005118 01238010 MAY/JUNE 2005 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION .• .PHYSICS Paper 01-General Proficiency 75minutes ( 06 JUNE 20.05 (a.m.)) READ THE FOLLOV!(ING DIRECTIONS CAREFUJ .LY ' I. In ad.di ti on to this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet. 2. Each item ·in this test has four suggested answers'l"lilttered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item you are about to answer and decide which choice is best. 3. Or, your answer sheet, firid the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look atthe sample item below. Sample Item The SI unitoflength is the (A) (B) (C) (D) Sample Answer @•©@ newton metre kilogram second - The best answer to this item is "metre" so answer space (B) has been shaded. I 4. If you wanttochangeyouranswer, be sure to erase youroldanswercompletely and fill in your new choice. 5. When you are told to begin, turn the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can. If you cannot answer an item, omit it and go on to the next one. You can come back to the harder item later. Your score will be the total number of correct answers. 6. Figures are not necessarily drawn to scale. 7. You may do any rough work in this booklet. 8. The use of non-programmable calculators is allowed. 9. This test consists of60 items. You will have 75 minutes ttJ answer them. I 0. . - Do not be concerned that the answer sheet provides spaces form ore answers than there are items in this test. DO NOT TURN THlS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. Copyright Q 2004Caribbean Examinatiolli Council." · All rights reserved . I .. 1. . . -2- Which of the diagrams below indicates the correct way of taking the reading of the volume of the liquid in ameasuringcylinder? ,.. I ., A student sets upasimplependulum and finds that the period is 1.7 s. To obtain a period. nearer to one second, he should . (AJ (BJ / / / ,' ""·~ 3. (C) / (DJ / use a heavier bob use a lighter bob lengthen the pendulum shorten the pendulum }5[f ,.. ~ 4. The instrumentMOSTsuitable for measuring the external diameter of a test tube is a II (AJ (B) (C) ; (DJ ' 5. I gram is equal to 10 milligrams l 00 milligrams I 000 milligrams 10 000 milligrams (A) (B) III (CJ '' ·~ (D) ' micrometer screw gauge vernier calipers metre rule set square 6. y p IV ~~7 --- -- R Q (A) (B) (C) (D) 2. I II When x III IV Th~ unit of electrical resistance may be expressed as =l -------- x =0, the value of y is (A) Q (B) S (C) (D) p P/R V.A' (A) JQ (B) 10= 1 A.V (C) (D) lr.!=lA.V"' JQ = 1 W.A' GO ON TO THE NEXT PAOF. r I -37. l i SN i I i 6N P The diagram above shows two forces of magnitudes 6 N and 8 N acting on a particle P. The resultant force acting on P is of magnitude (A) (B) (C) CD) 2N 10 N 14-'N 100N· 8. lOcm 10.2cm II metre rule ...__ _ _ _ __,2"'0_,c,,,m,__"-10'-.'-2_cm=--- pivot The diagram above represents a I 00 g mass which can be balanced by placing mass at I in the position shown. If Mass I is to be used to balance the I 00 g, it should be (A) (B) I (C) (D) less than JOO g IOOg a Ii ttle greater than I 00 g about200g ' ~ • 9. WhichofthefollowingisNOTafundamental quantity? (A) (B) . (C) (D) Mass Length Area Time 10. Which of the following is NOT a vector quantity? (A) (B) (C) (D) Displacement Acceleration Density Momentum ~'. GO ON TO THF NFlIT PA r.i:< •. ' -4 - 11. The slope of a: velocity-time graph is a measure of (A) (B) (C) (D) 15. distance acceleration instantaneous velocity The rate of which of the following determines the power of a machine? . I. 'II. III. Doing work Converting energy Changing temperature (A) !only III only I and II only I, II and III average velocity (B) 12. (C) The mass of an astronaut is 70kg when he is on the moon. When he returns to earth his approximate weight will be (A) (B) (C) (D) 70kg 420kg 70N 700N (D) 16. The globe shown in the diagram below contains a gas whose pressure is measured with a manometer,M. K 13. I "When body A exerts a force on body B. body B exerts an equal and opposite force on body A." This principle is attributable to which of the following scientists? (A) (B) (C) (D) 14. Aristotle Einstein Galileo Newton An object is removed from the ground and placed on a shelf. Which of its properties would you expect to change? (A) (B) (C) (D) Mass Volume Potential energy Kinetic energy Which of the following statements is/are correct? I. II. III. (A) (B) (C) (D) The pressure of the gas is less than that of the atmosphere. For a small pressure difference, mercury may be used in the manometer for an accurate reading of the gas pressure. In order to bring the two menisci in the manometer to the same level one could open the stopcock, K. !only II only I and II only I and III only r--:---------:--------.....,.---~----------=~~~~~~-~'"'"'I'"\ 'T'TTM 1'TCV'T' Df\ns:<'" -5- 17. 18. The height of liquid in a vessel is hand its · density p. If the atmospheric pressure is X and the acceleration due to gravity is g, what is the pressure on the base of the vessel? (All quantities are in S.I. units.) (A) X+hp (B) (C) (D) (X + f0 pg X+hpg (X + hp)g Volume/c.m3 R s -300 Which of the following would be responsible for the glass-house effect? (A) (B) (C) (D) 19. 21. The newton (N) The watt(W) The joule (J) The pascal (Pa) -100. 100 Temp/ 0 c Which of the graphs above shows how the volume of a fixed mass of gas varies with temperature at constant pressure? Infra-red rays Light rays Sound waves Water waves (A) (B) (C) (D) Which of the units below is used to measure the force per unit area on a surface? (A) (B) (C) (D) -200 p Q R s / 22. Which of the following formulae gives the efficiency of a machine? (A) Load x Distance moved by Effort x l.QQ% EffortxDistancemovedbyLoad 1 20. Manx Wall ManY (B) LoadxDistancemovedbyLoad x l.QQ% Effort x Distance moved by Effort I (C) EffortxDistancemovedbyEffort x l.QQ% Loadx Distance moved by Load I (D) EffortxDistancemovedbyLoad x lQQ% Load x Distance moved by Effort I ManXcan hearman Y shouting but he cannot see him mainly because sound (A) (B), (C) (D) is a longitudinal wave, and therefore does not travel in straight lines has a greater amplitude, and therefore passes around obstacles whereas light does not has a slower speed, and therefore has more time to pass around obstacles than light does has a longer wavelength, and therefore diffracts around obstacles more than light does .. 00 ONTOTiiBNEXT PAGE t . ! -624. 23. Which of the following graphs is obtained if -the volume of a fixed mass of gas, at a constant pressure, is plotted against its Ke! vi n temperature? {A) Ice wrapped in copper gauze (B) The figure above shows a piece of ice wrapped in copper gauze and submerged in a glass test tube of.water. The water, when heateg atthe top, boils long before the ice is melted.The MAIN reason for this is that (A) (B) (C) (D) (C) the test tube is a poor conductor of heat copper is a good conductor of heat ice is less dense than water water is a poor conductor of heat (D) 25. A flask contains air under pressure. Some of the airis let out slowly over a period of 10 s. When the flask is closed the (A) (B) (C) (D) pressure of the air in the flask will have increased volume of air in the flask will have decreased temperature in the flask will have increased numberofmoleculesstrikingthewall per second will have decreased GOONTOTHENEXTPAGE 012380JOIF2005 ..... -726. Some molten naphthalene at l oo0c is allowed to cool down at room temperature. If naphthalene has a meltingpointof 800C, which of the following BEST represents the cooling curve? 28: Temperature p R Q s 01 •e,, (A) Time 100 80 The graph above, arising from an experiment on change ofphase, shows thatsolidification startedatQ. During which of the stages is the substance in the liquid phase? I/min (A) e1•c (B) 100 80 - (B) (C) (D) AtPonly Between Q and R Between Rand S Between P and Q ' I/min e1•c (C) 100 80 - To supply / 1----lmmersion beater Boiling water t/min 1413121110 el •c (D) 100 80 Mass balance t/min 27. Which of the following waves travel only as longitudinal waves? Some water in a container (as shown above) is brought to its boiling point by an immersion heater. A watch is then started and the time, t, to boil off a mass, m, of water is found. If the heater has a power, P, the specific latent heat of vaporisation is (A) I. II. III. Sound waves Radio waves Water waves (A) (B) (C) (D) Ionly II only II and III only I, II and III Pt m (B) E. Im (C) m Pt (D) Pmt GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE. -830. 33. The sharp edges of shadows suggest that light (A) (B) x (C) y (D) The figur~ above shows a wavefront about to reach a reflecting surface XY. Which of the following diagrams would represent the wavefront after reflection? (A) (B) ... ... -----'."""-- .... .... ... x. 34. ' Which of the fo.llowing diagrams MOST clearly shows the path of a ray oflight when it strikes a plane mirror? (A) y ·-- ------- --x - ' y (B) ~ .... ~ has a wave nature is a forrn of ener.gy travels in straight lines travels very quickly ' ... ... _____ _.... ... ... ,,. " 7/77~ 7~777 ...... (C) (D) 31. (B) (C) (D) (C) y (D) x y The note from a drum is louder when it is struck harder because the sound waves produced have a greater (A) 32. x amplitude frequency wavelength velocity 35. '7777~7 In a projector the object is 5 cm from the lens, w hilethe screen is 500 cm from the lens on the other side. What is the magnification? (A) (B) 50 100 (C) (D) 250 500 Compared with Xrays, radio waves (A) (B) (C) (D) have a longer wavelength haveahigherfrequency travel faster in air pass through a sheet of steel more easily GO ON TO TIIB NEXT PAGE The diagram above represents a ray of light passing from glass to air. The refractive index of glass can be determined by calculating (A) (B) sin b sind IV. sin a smc (C) smc sin a (D) sinb sin c Which of the ray diagrams shown above are correct? (A) (B) (C) (D) II and III only II and IV only I and III only I and IV only GOONTOTHENEXTPAGE - 10 - 39. Which of the following actions is NOT one of the ways in which thestrengthofthemagnetic field near a solenoid (long coil) carrying a current can be increased? (A) (B) (C) (D) 40. Increasing the resistance of the coil Increasing the current in the coil Increasing the number of turns per unit length of the coil Placing a soft iron core inside the coil 41. Which of the following equations is NOT correct? (A) (B) (C) (D) 42. Which of the follow,ing diagrams represents the electric field existing between two oppositely charged point charges? A current I flows for a time t between two points at a potential difference of V. The power P being delivered is equal to (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) .. ~ 43. 1 C =1 A x 1 s 1 V = 1 Ax 1 Q 1 J =1 C x 1 V 1 w =1 v x 1 c !Vlt !Vt IV It Which of the following current-time graphs would represent direct current? I I I (B) + II (C) +• ·- I m (D) -:3~ ~v +• I I I ·(A) (B) (C) (D) II only ill only I and III only I, II and III GOONTOniENEXTPAGE - 11 - 44. A vibrator on a ripple tank sends waves over · the surface of the water. The vibrator is now adjusted so that the number of waves created each second is doubled. The waves would now (A) (B) (C) (D) 45. 46. An ammeter has a very low resistance so that it can be placed (A) (B) travel at half the original speed travel llt twice the original speed have twice the original wavelength have half the original wavelength (C) (D) A student requires a circuit to measure the resistance of a resistor. Whichofthecircuits below is correctly connected? in parallel with a component and not affect the circuit in series with a component and not affect the circuit in parallel with a component and the ammeter does not heat up in series with a component and the ammeter does not heat up Item 47 refers to th.e dia,gram below of the cross-section of a dry cell. R (A) 1---' A l-----1 Q / p (B) _ _ _ _ _...J 47. Which of the following is correct? (A) (B) (C) (D) (C) (D) Q is carbon, R is zinc. Pis copper oxide, Q is carbon. Ris iron, Sis ammonium chloride. S is sulphuric acid, Pis manganese dioxide. ~---...J GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE - 12 Item48refers to the following symbols. · 50. rr.=O-m.=f>B 48. Which of the symbols represents th~ AND gate? '· (A) (B) (C) (D) 49. Two light, aluminium spheres A and B are suspended by insulating threads. If they come to rest as shown in the diagram, the force keeping them apart is I II III IV (A) (B) (C) (D) The following graphs show four ways in which the current in a resistor may vary with time. Which graph BEST represents the current in the resistor when connected in series with a diode and a source of alternating current? Current~ (A) (B) (C) (D) 0 . The rad.ioactive decay of an isotope oflead is represented by the equation 214 Pb __. 82 . T". 1me a Bi + 0 e -1 b The values of a and bare respectively T'~me c~"~ 0 51. gravitational force electrostatic force magnetic force centripetal force (A) (B) (C) (D) a b 214 214 215 215 81 83 82 83 C•rr~•~ 0 . T"1me C•~'Ptfk O Time 00ONTO1llE NBXTPAGE - 13 - 52. Which of the followingaredefinitions of the term 'half-life' ofradioactive nuclide? I. II. III. (A) (B) (C) (D) 55. The graph below shows how the e.m.f. at the o~tput of an a.c. generator varies with time. The time taken forthe activity of any gi vesampleto fall to halfits original value. The 'time taken for half the nuclei present in any given sample. to decay. Half the average number of disintegrations per second. e.m.f.fV 4 2 tis 0.2 0.1 0 If the frequency of this waveform is doubled which of the following graphs is produced? I and II only I and Ill only II and III only I, II and III (A) e.m.f./V 4 2 53. (B) / (A) tis 0.2 Which of the following is an isotope of 1 ~ X ? 'x 3 e.m.fJV 4 2 (B) "X 6 (C) 12x 10 0 (C) tis e.m.f./V 4 2 (D) 0 54. 0.2 0.1 An isotopeofzinchasanuclide which can be represented as ~6 Zn . The number of elec- (D) trons in a neutral zinc atom is 0.1 0.2 tis e.m.f./V 4 2 (A) (B) 30 34 (C) (D) 6'I 94 0 56. 0.4 tis In which of the following devices is a commutator used? (A) (B) (C) (D) Transformers a.c. generators d.c. motors Moving coil microphones ..,..-------....-~-----··~ .. Lr - 14 - 57. T)le Rutherford model of the atom suggests that an atom consists of a (A) (BJ (C) (D) 58. 59. solid mass of protons and electrons nucleus of protons only with orbiting electrons nucleus ofequal numbers of neutrons and electrons with orbitingpr.otons nucleus of protons and neutrons with orbiting electrons I. II. III. (A) (B) It is possible to write the symbol fora certain particle x as ci x. This particle is a/an (C) (D) ;. (A) (B) (C)' (D) electron neutron proton alpha particle A neutral atom of Argon contains 18 protons and 20 neutrons. Which of the following statements concerning the atom is/are true? Its mass (nucleon) number is 38. It has 20 electrons in orbit about the nucleus. It is an isotope of the nuclide which hasamass(nucleon)numberof40 and an atomic (proton) number of 18. Ionly. I and II only I and III on! y I, II and III '· ~-,.60. Radiation coming from a radioactive source was deflected by a magnetic field and it was stopped by a few millimetres of air. The radiation was (A) (B) (C) (D) neutrons gamma rays beta-particles alpha-particles IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. ,,, ~.; ' CSEC Physics June 2006 P1 + AFFIX SEAL HERE t ST CODE FORM TP2007116 CARIBBEAN 01238010 MAY/JUNE2007 EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION PHYSICS PaperOl-GeneralProficiency 75 minutes (28 MAY 2007 (a.m.») READ THE FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY 1. In addition to this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet. 2. Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item you are about to answer and decide which choice is best. 3. On your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below. Sample Item The SI unit oflength isthe Sample Answer (A) (B) (C) (D) ®e©@ newton JIietre kilogram second The best answer to this item is "metre" so answer space (B) has been shaded. 4. Ifyou wantto change your answer, be sureto erase your old answer completely and fill inyour new choice. 5. When you are told to begin, turn the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can. If you cannot answer an item, omit it and go on to the next one. You can come back to the harder item later. Your score will be the total number of correct answers. 6. Figures are not necessarily drawn to scale. 7. You may do any rough work in this booklet. 8. The use of non-programmable calculators is allowed. 9. This test consists of60 items. You will have 75 minutestoanswerthem. 10. Do not beconcemed that the answer sheet provides spaces for more answers than there are items inthis test. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. Copyright ©2006 Caribbean Examinations Council ®. ...... . .• . .• -21. (B) Ampere Volt (C) otun (D) Coulomb (A) I 2. ,i To measure the external diameter of a measuring cylinder most accurately one should use a (A) I' (B) (C) (0) 3. _Ite_m_S refers to the diagram below. Which of the following is an SI base unit? tape measure metre rule length of string pairofvemiercallipers S. (A) (B) (C) (0) (A) (8) (C) (0) , 4. Q S P P/R When used in fiuntofaunittheprefix 'mega' means 6. . When x = 0, the value ofy is 1()6 Which of the following is a fundamental quantity? 1()3 10-3 10~ (A) (8) Density (C) Relativedensity (0) Vohune Mass Whichofthefollowingistrueabouttheperiod ofasimple pendulum? 7. (A) (B) (C) (0) It increases with the length of the pendulum It isdependent onthe mass of the bob Itchangeswith the volume ofthe bob It decreases with decreasing mnplitude Which ofthe following is NOT a derived quantity? (A) (8) Energy (C) Charge Current (0) Force - 38. A coconut falls from a tree. Which of the velocityltime graphs below BEST represents its motion, if air resistance is neglected? (A) 10. (A) (B) (C) J' (D) 11. t (B) J' t (C) t 12. I. II. III. Density ofthe liquid Depth from the surface Area of the cross-section of the container (A) Ionly monly I and II only I, II and III Which of the following is the unit of momentum? J' (A) 0 9. electrical resistance heat capacity density displacement On which of the following does the pressure at a point in a liquid depend? (8) (C) (0) J' 0 (D) An example ofavectorquantity is (8) (C) (0) t A bus, with luggage loaded on top, is more likely totip over when roundingacomerthan the same bus without the luggage. The reason forthis is that the luggage (A) (8) (C) increases the weight of the bus raises the centre of gravity of the bus lowers the centre of gravity of the (0) increases the momentum of the bus bus 13. ms·J kg m s-J kg m S·2 Ns To which of the following types of energy does a car, travelling on a level road, convert its kinetic energy when it slows down and stops, using its brakes? I. II. III. Thermal Potential Gravitational (A) Ionly IIonly I and II only I and III only (8) (C) (0) ••.......• - -- ..--....- •.•..•.•...•.. --. .•..•..•..... - •.•.•..• -.-- -4- 14. A single force, which can replace and have the same effect as two or more forces acting together, is known as the 17. The rate of which of the following is NO. true about the moment of a force? (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) resultant equilibrant (8) moment (C) vector (D) 15. A balloon full of hydrogen accelerates upwards in air. Which of the following statements would be true? I. II. III. (A) (B) (C) (D) 16. It is measured in units of newtonmetres. It is the amount of force needed to keepa body turning. It is the turning effectthata force has when it acts on a body. It is the product of a force and the perpendiculardistanceofits lineaf action from a point. Item 18 refers to the following diagram The hydrogen has no weight. The hydrogen exerts a resultant upward force on the balloon. The weightofairdisplaced is greater than the weight of the hydrogenfilledballoon. 10nJy II only monly II and III only The rate of which of the followingdetennines the power of a machine? I. II. III. Doingwork Convertingenergy Changingtemperature (A) (B) (C) (D) Ionly III only I and II only I, II and III 18. x, Y and Z are three balls of equal mass whose centres lie in a straight line. Yand Z are touching one another. X, travelling with a velocity ofvm S-I, hits on Y. Assumingthat the spheres are perfectly elastic, the resultant motion after impact will be that (A) x, Y andZ (B) X and Y both remain stationary while Z moves on with a velocity of v m S·I (C) x, Y and Z remain (D) X remains stationary while Y andZ move on together, with velocity of vm S·1 aUmove on together, with velocityvm S-1 stationary GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE -- - --- _._----~ -5 19. Which of the following BEST explains Brownian motion of smoke particles in air? (A) (8) (C) (D) 21. The intense beam oflightcauses the smoke particles to vibrate. Smoke particles are colliding with each other. Convection currents of air cause the vibration of smoke particles. The air molecules are moving and colliding withthe smoke particles. Which of the following diagrams BEST illustrates convection currents in a liquid? r-.) (A) Bunsen burner r ....,. (B) 20. '-...A tf '-" ..J In the pressure law, which of the following would be true? I. II. III. Bunsen burner Ratio of pressure to Kelvin temperature is constant. Volume isconstant. Pressure is constant. (C) (A) (8) (C) (D) Ionly III only I and II only I, II and III If( Bunsen burner (D) ttt Bunsen burner 22. In a thermocouple thermometer, which thermometric property is used? (A) (8) (C) (D) Variation of electrical resistance Expansionofmeta1s Emission of electrons from a hot metal surface ProductionofaCU1Tet1tatthe junction ofunlikemetaIs -6- 23. A gas ismuch easier to compress than a solid or liquid because the gas molecules (A) (B) (C) (D) 24. (B) J Jkg-I (C) (D) J K-I J kg-I K-I (B) ,I Ice wrapped in copper gauze The figure above shows a piece of ice wrapped in copper gauze and submerged in a glass test tube of water. The water, when heated at the top, boils long before the ice is melted. The MAIN reason forthis is that Which ofthe following istrue of evaporation? (A) II! are very numerous are arranged randomly aremoving very rapidly have no forces between them Which ofthe following would bethe unit of the heat capacity of an object? (A) 25. 27. (C) (D) It occurs throughout a liquid at no definite temperature. It occurs atthe surface of a liquid at no defmite temperature. It occurs at the surface of a liquid at a definite temperature. It occurs throughout a liquid at a definite temperature. (A) (B) (C) (0) 28. 26. When the volume of fixed mass ofa gas is reduced at a constant temperature, the average speed of the molecules (A) (B) (C) (D) remainsthesameasthetemperature does not change increases as the molecules have less space in which to move increases as the molecules hit each other more often decreases as the molecules have less space in which to move the test tube is a poor conductor of heat copper is a good conductorofheat ice is less dense that water water is a poor conductor ofheat Which ofthe followingscientistsprovided the evidence which led to the abandoning of the caloric theory ofheat? I. II. III. Newton Boyle Rmnford (A) IIIonly IIonly I and III only II and III only (B) (C) (D) r.n nN Tn THE NEXT PAGE -7- 29. Which of the following statements would be true? I. II. III. (A) (B) (C) (D) 31. (A) (B) Thermal radiation is an electromagnetic radiation. Blue light has a longer wave-length than inftared radiation. The velocity ofX -rays isthe same as the velocity oflight I and II only I and III only II and III only I, II and III In a longitudinal wave, the particles (C) (D) 32. Plane water waves which travel from deep water to shallow water (A) (8) (C) (D) 30. 33. The figure above shows the profile of a water wave. Using the same scale, which diagram below represents a wave TWICE the frequency and HALF the amplitude in the same tank of water? (B) V\NVV\ Which of the following statements would be true? I. A note of frequency 512 Hz has a higherpitch than oneofftequency II. III. A high pitched note travels faster than a low pitched note. If the pitch of a note is increased then the periodic time of the vibrations is also increased. (A) (8) (C) (D) Ionly I and II only land III only II and III only 34. Which of the following statements about waves is true? (A) (D) "V\/V\./V" are diffiacted increase their speed undergo a change in frequency undergo a change in wave-length 256 Hz. (A) (C) remainstationary move forward with the speed ofth e wave move backwards and forwards parallelto the direction of travel of the wave move from side to side, perpendicular to the direction of travel of the wave (8) (C) (D) Only transverse waves undergo reflection. Longitudinal waves do not undergo reITaction,but may be reflected. Diffiaction can only take place with light waves. All waves undergo reflection, refraction and diffiaction . .•.....•••....••. _ •••.T......, .•.....•...-_ .•...••.....• _ •..-- •..--- - • -- -835. ! I I i Which of the following would be true about the image fonned by a plane mirror? 1. II. III. It is virtual. Itislatera1lyinverted. It is magnified. (A) (8) (C) I only I and II only II and III only I, II and III CD) !. 37. The image on the film of a camera is usually (A) (8) (C) inverted,diminished,real inverted, diminished, virtual upright, diminished, real upright, magnified, real CD) 38. A ray, XY, enters a rectangular glass block as shown in the diagram below. Along which direction will the ray emerge? x 36. The critical angle of glass is42°. Which of the following diagrams correctly shows the path of a ray oflight through a triangular glass . ? pnsm. y (D) 39. When looking into a periscopethe image seen IS (A) (8) (C) CD) upsidedown virtual laterally inverted larger than the object (C) 40. , I , • In the human eye, most refraction occurs at the (A) (B) (C) (D) CD) air/corneaboundary aqueous humour liens boundary aqueoushumour/comeaboundary retina GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE -941. ----- Converging lens In the diagram above, the incident rays oflightare parallel. Where will the image of the object be fonned? 42. Which of the following gives the correct international colour code forwiring aplug? LIVE Brown (8) Red (q Blue (D) Green (A) 43. NEUTRAL EARTH Blue Green/yellow Blue Green Brown Blue Green/yeUow Brown 44. The force on acurrent-carrying conductor in a magnetic field could be doubled by (A) (8) (C) halving the field strength reducing the current by a factor of two increasing the current by a factor of (D) doublingthediarneteroftheconductor A positively charged particle, X, ismoving at high speed in the direction indicated in the diagram above. In which direction will the magnetic field deflect the particle? two i (A) (8) (C) (D) Upward To the left Downward To the right I no ON TO TJ-JPl\JPYT D A f":J:' i I , - 10- I i 45. (A) (B) (C) (0) i i A plastic rod, P, is rubbed with cloth, Q. P becomes positively charged. This isbecause I ,1 48. protonsflowedfromQtoP protons flowed from P to Q electrons flowed from Q to P electrons flowed from Pto Q p j: 'i II 46. 'i 47. I ', II R The figure above shows a cell, E, a diode, P, and a resistor, R, connected in series. The current through R is BEST illustrated by which of the following graphs? A fuse is used in a circuit to (A) (8) (C) (0) E reduce the effect of the battery prevent the flow of excessive current bridge a gap in the circuit act as an insulator IIA (A) Which of the following circuit symbols represents a fuse? (A) -1>1- (B) --Q><O- (C) -@- (D) -&- IIA (B) tis (C) IIA tis i: (D) IIA tis 49. Whichofthe following isMOST suitablefor the core of an electro-magnet? (A) (8) (C) (D) Copper Steel Carbon Soft iron GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE - 11 - 50. Rectification can BEST be done by using a (A) (B) (C) (D) 53. transfonner capacitor transistor diode An electromagnet consists of insulated w ire wrapped around an iron core. It works because (A) (B) (C) Item 51 refers to the following diagram. (D) 54. 51. The electric power supplied to homes and to factories is alternating rather than direct because (A) The current in wire Pis 0.9 A. The current in wire Q is (B) 52. iron isa good electrical conductor a magnetic field is produced insi de the coil an electric fieldisproduced insidethe coil iron is always magnetised (A) (B) (C) 0A 0.8A 0.9A (C) (D) 1.0A (D) the use of a.c. reduces electrical hazards a.c. voltages can be stepped up or down usingatransfonner a.c. enables a wider variety of appliances to be used a.c. power lines are less likely to be struck by lightningthan d.c.power lines Which of the following graphs illustrates an ALTERNA TINGcwrent? 55. f curren (A) Current o current (D) the equation r\ r\ r\ Time o l~C emissionXis alan (A) (B) (C) (D) (B) (C) l~C (Carbon 14)decays in accordance with betaparticle proton alpha particle gammaray ~ l~N + X. The -12 56. 58. Which of the following would be possible symbols for an isotope of nuclide prescmted by AX? z A - 2 I. (A) (8) (C) (0) X 11. A III. (D) I 57. nuc1earinstability a chemical reaction exposure to excess heat excess stress on the atom Several different types of emissions were directed at right angles to a magnetic field, and emerged undeflected. The emissions consisted of +2X (A) (8) (C) (D) Z I only III only II only I and III only 60. Activity \ takes place in an atom as a z 59. (A) (8) (C) Radioactivity result of Which of the following statements about a proton is NOT correct? (A) 400 (8) 300· (C) 200 (0) 100 anelectronbeam alpha-partic1es beta-particles gamma-rays It is a hydrogen atom minus an electron. It has the same mass as that of an electron. It has amass about 2 000 times that of an electron. It has a charge equal in size but opposite in sign to that of an electron. 0 1 3 4 5 , .TDDeldays The activity of a radioactive substance was measured at suitable intervals over a period of days and its radioactive decay curve plotted. The halflife, in days, is (A) (8) (C) (D) 1 2 3 4 IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON TillS TEST. CSEC Physics June 2008 P1 (A) (B) (C) (D) I and II only I and IV only II and III only II and IV only below an and a of the which from a plotting Pendulum 1: mass m, length l Pendulum 2: mass m, length 2l Pendulum 3: mass 3m, length l Pendulum 4: mass 3m, length 6l (A) 1 and 2 (B) 1 and 3 (C) 2 and 4 (D) 3 and 4 (A) (B) (C) (D) poles at the ends poles at the centre poles at the sides no poles J~ ~ .?-ooq -2­ 1. Which ofthe following is an SI base unit? CA) (B) Cc) CD) 2. Ampere Volt CA) Cc) (D) A slice ofbread is squeezed into a little hall. Which quantity does NOT change? (A) (B) Ohm Coulomb 3.1415926 expressed to TWO significant figuresis (B) 5. Cc) CD) 6. 3.1 3.14 3.2 31 Therelativedensityof brassis 8.4. Whichof the following is the BEST statement that can bernade? CA) (B) Cc) 3. When used in front ofa unit the prefix Omega' means CA) (B) Cc) CD) 10-6 10-3 (D) 7. The force which keeps the moon in orbit is CA) H)6 (B) Thetimeperiodofa simplependulumvibrating with asmall amplitude depends on the CA) (B) Cc) (D) Brass is heavierthan water. Wateris heavierthan brass. 100cm3 0fbrassisheavierthan 100 cm3 of water. 100 cm3 ofwaterisheavierthan 100 cm3 0fbrass. H}l Cc) 4. Mass Volume Density Width mass ofthe pendulumbob amplitude ofthe oscillation length ofthe pendulum force with which the pendulumis set intomotion (D) 8. magnetic centrifugal reactive gravitational Which of the following, when displaced, is seen to be in neutral equilibrium? CA) Aheavy weight suspended on a string (B) A pencil balanced on its point A beam of a balance in use A cone resting on a slanted edge CC) (D) GOONTOTijE.NEXTPAGE 012380101F2009 -3­ Itefu9 refers to thefollowing diagrams which 10. depict sorne simple machines. 1 The diagrams below, drawn to scale, represent two forces S and T acting at O. In which ofthe following is the resultant in the direction,OX? Nut cracker s o(------x (A) II~ T Tweezer used for pulling out haïr haïr s (B) o III T (C) s IV Wheel barrow T 9. In which ofthese machines would the effort applied beLESS than the load? (A) (B) (C) (D) 1 and II only 1 and IV only TI andillonly II and IV only (D) o~xs T 11. On which ofthe following does the pressure at a point in a liquid depend? 1. TI. ID. Density ofthe liquid Depth from the surface Area of the cross-section of the container (A) (B) Ionly IDonly I and TI only I, II and ID (C) (D) GO ON TO THE NEXTPAGE 012380101F2009 -4­ 12. Which of the following speed-time graphs could represent the motion of a cricket baIl which is thrown vertically upwards and caught by the thrower? (A) 13. vI (A) (B) (C) (D) t 14. (B) A glass marble, X, moving with a speed of6 ms-l, collides 'head on' with an identical stationary glass marble, Y. What is the yelocityof Y after collision assuming that X is brought to rest? vI Omçl 3 mç l 6ms- 1 12 mçl When an objectis floatingon aliquid, whichof the following would be true? A 1. II. t III. (C) vI .--..... (A) (B) (C) t (D) (D) 15. vl The object weighs the same as the volume of water displaced. The upthrust on the object is slightly greater than the weight of the object. The average density oftheobjectis just equal to that of the liquid. lonly Illonly l and II only l, II and ill A bookofweight 12N is resting on a table. The force that the table exerts on the book is t (A) (B) (C) (D) ON 12N greater than 12 N greater than 0 N but less than 12 N GO ON TO WNEXTPAGE 012380101F2009 -5­ 16. A particle moving with constant speed in a uniform circular path, has a (A) (B) (C) (D) 17. constant velocity constantacceleration along theradius ofits path variable acceleration constant acceleration tangential to its path Which of the following is NOT true'about the moment of a force? (A) (B) (C) (D) 18. 19. Itis measured in units callednewton metres. It is the amount of force needed to keep a body turning. lt is the turning effect that a force has when it acts on a body. It is the product of the force and the perpendicular dis tance of its line of action from a point. Which of the following is/are renewable source(s) ofenergy? 1. II. III. Solarenergy Wind energy Geothermal energy (A) lonly l and III only II and III only l, II and III (B) (C) (D) 20. Which of the following irnplements is/are designed to take advantage ofa large moment provided by a relatively small force? 1. II. III. IV. Claw harnmer Crowbar Pair of tweezers Pair of wire cutters (A) (B) (C) (D) IIIonly l and IV only l, II and III only l, II and IV only Which of the following would be characteristic features of a clinical thermometer? 1. II. III. Narrow constriction in the tube just above the bulb Lirnited range oftemperatures Large bore to make the mercury more visible (A) Ionly (B) (C) (D) landIIonly l and III only l, II and III GO ONTO TBE.NEXT PAGE 012380101F2009 - 6­ Item 21 refers to the diagram below which shows water boiling at the top of a glass test tube while a piece ofice remains unmelted at thebottom. 24. The heat capacity of a body depends on (A) (B) (C) (D) 25. 21. . Which of the following is a reason for this occurrence? (A) (B) (C) (D) Water is a poor conductor of heat. Gauze is a poor conductor of heat. Water is a good conductor of heat. Glass is a good conductor of heat. its mass and the specifie heat capacity ofthe material its mass and the temperature change the body undergoes the density and temperature of the material the density and expansivity of the material Sorne molten naphthalene at 100 oC is allowed to cool down at room temperature. If naphthalene has a me1ting point of 80 oC, which ofthe following BEST represents the coolingcurve? (A) SI Oc 100 80 tlmin 22. Which ofthe following types ofradiation is 1: responsible for an atom of C changing into (B) an atom of 1~ N ? (A) (B) (C) (D) 80 a tlmin ~ alOc 'Y n cC) 23. SI Oc 100 100 80f..... Aflaskcontains airunderpressure. Someof the air is let out slowly over a period of 10 seconds. When the flask is closed the (A) (B) (C) (D) pressure of the air in the flask will have increased volume of air in the flask will have decreased temperature in the flask will have increased numberofmolecules striking the wall per second will have decreased _ tlmin alOc CD) 100 80 tlmin GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 012380101F2009 26. An ~lectrickettle full ofwateris plugged into Item 28 refers to the following diagram. the mains. The process by which heat travels through the wateris (A) (B) (C) (D) ) electrification evaporation convection radiation 28. Item27 refers to the following diagram which shows a longitudinal wave, where, C and R represent compressions and rarefractions respectively. Cl R,l C2 R2 C3 R3 , 27. If À = wavelength, the distance between Cl andRzis 1 2 (A) -Â. (B) 1Â. (C) 1 - Â. (D) 2Â. y The circular wavefront shown above is progressing towards the reflecting surface xy. Which ofthe diagrams below correctly shows the shape of the wavefront after reflection? x C III 1 1 1 1" 1 1 1 .1111 1 1111 x (A) ( y ~) x ) y 1 2 (C) ~) ) c x y x y GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 012380 101F 2009 =---=---=-------=---=---=-.._-==============================----~~ J -8­ 29. Which of the foIlowing statements about sound waves, water waves and electro­ magnetic waves is NOT correct? 32. The image formed in a plane mirror is (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (D) 30. They all transmit energy from the source to the surroundings. They are aIl examples of transverse waves. They allundergo reflection, refraction and diffraction. They aIl have different speeds of propagation. In which of the following are the electromagnetic waves written in order of INCREASING frequency, starting with the lowest? (A) (B) (C) (D) X-rays, ultraviolet, infrared, radio X-rays, infrared, ultraviolet, radio Radio, x-rays, infrared, ultraviolet Radio,infrared, ultraviolet, x-rays Cc) (D) 33. Aray of lightin air strikes a glass blockatan angle ofincidence of 0°. The light will be CA) (B) (C) (D) 34. Which of the following demonstrates the straight line propagation of light? CA) (B) (C) (D) undeviated totallyreflected refracted at 90° to normal refracted at an unknown angle Which of the foIlowing statements about waves is true? (A) (B) Cc) 31. real and upright realandinverted(upsidedown) virtualandupright virtual andinverted (upside down) (D) Only transverse waves undergo reflection. AIl waves undergo reflection, refraction and diffraction. Diffraction can only take place with lightwaves. Longitudinal waves do not undergo reflection, but may be reflected. The spreading oflight when it passes through a narrow opening The dispersion of light by a prism A parallel beam of light coming to a point focus after reflection from a spherical mirror The operation ofthe pinhole camera GO ON Ta THE NEXT PAGE 0123801O/F2009 - 10­ Item 38 refers to the graph below which shows the variation of altemating CUITent withtime. 40. Which ofthe foUowing statements is true ofa secondary ceU? (A) Current (B) (C) Time 38. Item 41 refers to the diagram below which shows a battery éonnected across three resistors connected in parallel. The value ofthe CUITent I l at time t l is called the (A) (B) (C) (D) 39. (D) It is formed by connecting two or more primary ceUs. It can be recharged by passing a direct current in the opposite direction to whichitdelivers CUITent. 1t can be recharged by passing a direct CUITent in the same direction as i t delivers CUITen t. It can be recharged by 'topping up' withdilute sulphuric acid. sinusoidalvalue peakvalue root mean square value average value Which ofthe foUowing equations CANNOT be used to determine the power dissipated in aresistor? 41. (A) P=PR (B) P=V2 R It is ALWAYS true that the (A) (C) (B) (C) P==VI (D) (D) P=R V2 potentialdifference is the same across each resistor current is the same in each resistor applied voltage is proportional to the net resistance voltage across a given resistance is dependenton the value oftheresistors GO ON Ta THE NEXT PAGE 012380101F2009 - 11 ­ 42. Which of the following gives the correct colour code for electrical wiring? LnŒ NEUTRAL 45. Asuspendedbarmagnet, afterswingingfreely, always settles CA) EARTH (B) CA) Brown Blue (B) Blue Red Green!yellow Blue Green Brown Cc) CD) 43. Green! yellow Green Brown Blue The resistance of an IDEAL ammeter is assumed to be Cc) CD) 46. Magnetic induction occurs when CA) CA) (B) Cc) CD) 44. (B) zero O.lohrn 1 to2ohrn infinite Cc) CD) Which ofthe following circuits can be used for half-wave rectification? (A) t ~ on~n: Et (B) 47. (D) 1 a N pole attracts a S pole iron nails near a magnet become magnetised a magnet is suspended and points in theNS direction an electroscope is charged Which ofthe following shows the magnetic field between a bar magnet and a piece of iron? s~ (A) N __ IL....- (B) s~ I_N_---' (C) IN (D) I_N_ _ (C) Output with its poles pointing the same way with its N pole pointing geographic south perpendicularto theEarth' smagnetic field opposite to the direction from which itstarted ~ s~ -~ S@@ Iron Iron Ir.n Iron §on~n: GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 0123801O/F2009 - 12­ Item 48 refers to the diagram below which represents a straight wire carrying a current into the plane ofthe paper. ® 48. Which of the following diagrams BEST represents the magnetic field aroundthe wire? (A) Item 49 refers to the following diagram. ( V 00 ~f-~ 49. ~ ----1@ ~ ~ ()-j 0/0 Theflexible wire shown in the diagramabove is loosely supported in the strong magnetic field. When the switch, X, is closed the wire moves downwards upwards towards the north pole towards the south pole CA) (B) Cc) CD) (B) Item 50 refers to the following diagram. p Q (C) 50. The cUITent in wirePis 0.9 A. Thecurrent in wire Qis CA) CB) CC} CD) (D) 51. OA 0.8A 0.9A l.OA A conductor, rotating in a uniformmagnetic field, induces maximum instantaneous CUITent when the conductor cuts the magnetic field lines at CA) CB) CC) CD) 30° 45° 90° 180° GO ON TOTHE NEXT PAGE 012380101F2009 - 13 ­ 52. The'device for changing the voltage of an alternative supply is called a Item 55 refers to the following table. Nuclei (A) (B) (C) (D) transformer transducer transistor transposer Item 53 refers to the following diagram of a simple a.c. generator. 55. 56. 53. ThepartslabelledXinthediagramareknown as the (A) (B) (C) (D) 54. coils armatures sliprings commutators In the scattering experiment conducted by Geiger and Marsden, sorne of the apha particles weredeflected. The explanation for this phenornenon is that (A) (B) (C) (D) electrons have a small mass electrons have a small charge the metal foil was only a few atoms thick the nuclear charge and mass are concentrated in a small volume .p 16 8 Q 13 9 R 18 10 S 21 11 Which pair ofnuclei are isotopes? W P~Q ~ Q~R ~ P~R ~) QandS When alpha particles, beta particles and gamma rays from a radioactive source are subjectedto a transversemagnetic field, which ofthem would NOT be deviated from their originalpath? 1. II. III. Alpha Beta Gamma (A) (B) (C) IIonly IDonly 1 and II only II and III only ~) 57. Ato11Ùc Mass Neutron Number Which ofthe following equations fornuclear reactions is correct? (A) (B) 226 88 Ra 146 C (C) 226 88 ~) 1: C - t 222 Rn 86 + f3 - particle + f3 ­ particle - t 15N 7 Ra -t -t 222 Rn 86 1~ N + a - particle + a - particle GO ON Ta THE NEXT PAGE 012380101F2009 "l.. 1 / ------- - 14­ 58. Noradioactive nuclei are present in a sample attime t= O. 59. Which of the following graphs BEST represents the variation with time of the number, N, ofundecayednuclei present? Which ofthe following are defInitions ofthe term 'hali-life' ofradioactivenuclide? . 1. ll. (A) N ~ III. (A) 0' (B) , (B) (C) (D) time The time taken forthe activity ofany give sample to faIl to halfits original value. The time taken for half the nuclei presentinanygivensampletodecay. Half the average number of disintegrations per second. IandIIonly J and III oruy II and III only J, II and III N ~ 0''''''''''''- 60. tlme In the equation!1E= dmc2 (A) (B) (C) (D) (C) c = speed oflight, t:J.m =mass ofatom c = speed oflight, I:i.m = mass lost c = specifie heat capacity of substance, I:i.m = mass lost c = specifie heat capacity of substance, dm =mass ofsubstance time (D) N ~ 0' time IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON TIDS TEST. 111 ?1ROl OIF?OO9 C.)NQ!QAif;- PI EASE !'jOIE'. PRINT your name on fheline&elow ond rel urn this booklctwirhyouranswer:sheet. Failure lo do 50 nuay result in disqualifh:atfori. TES'f CODE-.01238010 FORM TP 2012102 MAY/JUNE2012 CARIBBEAN .EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION PHYSICS Paper 01 - General Proficiency 75 111i1111tes (o4 JUNE 2011 (n.m.)) READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. I. This test consists of 60 items. You will have 75 minutes to answer them. 2. In audition to this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet. 3. Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A). (B), (C), (D). Read each item you are about to answer and decide which choice is best. 4. On your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below. Sample Item The SI unit of length is the I - (AJ nt!wton (B) (Cl metre ki Jo gram second ID) = ---------- Samole Answer @•©@ .J. Ji' you ·..\-~1111 lo l:hang1.: yuur a11S\\t.:L eruse il co111plerely befon: you fill in your ne\v choice. <•. When you are told to b.:gin. turn th.: page mid \\·ork as quickly and as carefully as you can. If you cnnnot i.lllS\ver an ite1n. go on to the next one. You n1ay return to this itC111 later. Your score \Vi11 i...1: the lulal number of curred ans\\·crs. 7. Figures arc not necessarily dra\VJ1 to scale. 8. You may do any rough work in this booklet. 9. You may use a silent, non-programmable calculator to answer items. -- - -21. Item 6 refers to the following diagram. When used in front of a unit the prefix 'mega' means (A) (B) (C) (D) y 10 .. 10-3 p ------- JO' 106 s 2. 3.1415926 expressed as TWO significant figures is (A) (B) (C) (D) 3. (A) (B) (C) (D) 4. 5. 7. kg-• m s2 . kg m- 1 s2 kg m-• s-2 kg m s-2 (A) (B) IQ= 1 VA- 1 1 Q= I AV (C) (D) IQ= I Av- 1 JQ=IWA- 1 8. mass of the pendulum bob amplitude of the oscillation length of the pendulum for~e with which the pendulum is set into motion 9. p (D) P/R Velocity Kinetic energy Momentum Acceleration The newton-metre is the unit used to measure force momentum moment of a force power Which of the following expressions is used to calculate the efficiency of a machine? (A) (B) (D) .. s Which of the following will be constant, if a constant net force is applied to a body? (C) ' Q (A) (B) (C) {A) (B) (C) (D) The time period of a simple pendulum oscillating with a small amplitude depends on the x Whenx = 0, the value ofy is (A) (B) (C) (D) The unit of electrical resistance is expressed as (A) (B) (C) (D) 6. 3.1 3.14 3.2 31 If force = mass x acceleration, the unit of force could be written R Q Load x Distance moved by Effort Effort x Distance moved by Load l 00 x- I Load x Distance moved by Load xI 00 Effort x Distance moved by Effort I Effort x Distance moved by Effort 100 xLcad x Dista1ice moved by Load I Effort x Distance moved by Load I 00, Load x Distance moved by Effort 1 ----------'---X- -3Items 10-11 refer to the following velocitytime graph which shows a ball being thrown vertically upwards from the ground. Velocity m/s- 1 30 (A) (B) (C) Q -- - - - -- - - - - If an object is moving along a surface with a constant acceleration, the net force acting on the object is 13. I I 20 (D) zero constant increasing decreasing 10 0 x 2 -10 14. 4 5 6 7 8 Time/s -20 -30 p 10. (B) (C) (D) II. at its highest point above the ground at rest on the ground just about to be thrown upwards on its way downwards (D) 15. 0 m s- 1 3 m s- 1 6 m s- 1 12 m S-I The rate of which of the following will determine the power of a machine? I. II. III. Doing work Converting energy Changing temperature The gradient of the line, PQ, represents the (A) (B) (C) (D) 12. (A) (B) (C) The point, X, on the graph shows when the ball is · (A) A glass marble, X, moving with a speed of 6 m s- 1, collides 'head on' with an identical stationary glass marble, Y. What is the velocity ofY after collision assuming that X is brought to rest? distance the ball has covered displacement of the ball from the ground acceleration of the ball velocity of the ball for its entire flight ,(A) (B) (C) (D) 16. I only Ill only I and II only I, II and Ill Which of the following implements are designed to take advantage of a large moment provided by a relatively small force 9 A falling raindrop reaches a constant speed \Vhen (A) (13) (C) there is no net force acting on it the pull of the earth on the raindrop is equal to the weight of the raindrop the upthrust due to the air is at a 111111111111111 (D) IV. Claw hammer Crowbar Pair of tweezers Pair of wire cutters (A) (B) (C) (D) I and IV only I!! and IV only I, II and III only [, II and IV only I. the air surrounding the raindrop becomes saturated with water vapour • .. 11. JI I. -4Item 17 refers to the diagram below. 21. Jn which of the following is conduction th• main method of energy transfer? (A) (B) (C) 17. (A) (8) (C) (D) 18. (D) The diagram above shows a dam. The pressure on the dam at the bottom of the reservoir depends on the depth of the water volume of water held by the dam mass of water held back by the dam length of the reservoir 22. Which of the following are characteristic features of a clinical thermometer? I. II. III. A piece of string is tied onto a small stone and the stone is then suspended, totally immersed, in water. The tension in the string will be (A) (A) (8) (C) (D) 19. A bubble of gas rises to the surface of a soft drink. This is because the (A) (8) (C) (D) 20. zero equal to the weight of the stone less than the weight of the stone more than the weight of the stone upthrust on the bubble is greater than the weight of the bubble upthrust on the bubble is greater than the weight of water it displaces weight of water displaced by the bubble is less than the weight of the bubble density of the gas is greater than the density of the drink Which of the following is the MOST suitable range for a clinical thermometer? (A) (B) (C) (0) 0°Cto44°C -10 °C to 110 °C 35 'C to 100 'C 35 °C to 44 °C (8) (C) (D) 23. Food heated in a microwave oven Energy transferred from the sun tc earth Food being cooked on a barbecue Food being cooked in a pot on an electric stove Narrow constriction in the tube just above the bulb Limited range of temperatures Large bore to make the mercury more visible I only I and II only I and III only I, II and III Which of the following are reasons why a hot liquid, placed in a double-walled vacuum flask, retains its heat for a long time? J. I I. Ill. Evacuated space between the double walls reduces the loss ol heat by conduction. Silver inner walls reduce the los1 of heat by radiation. The silvered outer wall help1 to absorb heat from th< surroundings. (8) I and II only I and III only (C) (D) II and ![] only I, II and III (A) r- ,, -5- 24. The specific heat capacity of a substance is defined as the quantity of thermal energy (A) (B) (C) (0) 25. (C) (D) 26. (C) (D) lll. (A) (B) (C) (0) 28. (D) heater is supplying less heat substance is losing heat to the atmosphere substance needs to be stirred less frequently substance is changing state . ' 29. Refraction Diffraction Interference I and II only I and Ill only II and III only I, II and III Whenever there is complete destructive interference between two coherent wave trains, the waves must be (A) (B) (C) electrification evaporation convection radiation When heating a substance a point is reached where no further change in temperature is observed. The most likely reason for this would be that the (A) (B) Which of the following phenomena are exhibited by light waves? I. JI. the substance can hold 1 kg of the substance can hold required to raise the temperature of the substance by 1 degree Celsius required to raise the temperature of I kg of the substance by 1 degree Celsius An electric kettle full of water is plugged into the electrical mains. The process by which heat travels through the water is (A) (B) 27. in phase out of phase by halfofa wavelength out of phase by one wavelength out of phase by a quarter of a wavelength Which of the following is the correct relation between the wavelength, A., speed, u, and frequency,/; of a wave? (A) J..fu =0 (B) f=u (C) !=':!._ (0) J..=f u ;,. ;,. - 6. Item 30 refers to the following diagram showing a wave front about to reach a reflecting surface XY.. -- l- - In which of the following are th electromagnetic waves written in order • increasing frequency, starting with th lowest? (A) (B) - x 32. y (C) (D) 30. Which of the following would represent the wave front after reflection? 33. ----(A) (B) x y x -------- - - .y (C) '' ' x ~ ----- ~ ~ y Which of the following statements provide a reason why the diffraction of light is NO. usually observed? (A) (B) (C) (D) 34. (D) x y Which of the following statements about sound is NOT correct? (A) (B) (C) (D) Sound is transmitted as transverse 'vaves. Sound may be produced by vibrating systems. Sound does not travel through a vacuun1. Sound travels more slowly than light. Its wavelength is too small. Its frequency is too high. Its speed is too high. Its wavelength is too large. On which of the following would the positio1 of an image formed by a plane mirror depend' (A) (B) 31. X rays, ultra violet, infra red, radic X rays, infra red, ultra violet, radic Radio, X rays, infra red, ultra viol< Radio, infra red, ultra violet, X ray (C) (D) Distance of the observer from th< mirror Distance of the object from th' mirror Angle at which the image is viewe• Angle at which the object is viewe' - 735. Item 37 refers to the following diagram which shows an object placed in front of a plane Which diagram best shows the path taken by the ray oflight through the rectangular block? in1rror. Plane mirror (A) Object 37. (B) Which of the following images BEST represents the position of the object produced by the plane mirror? (A) (C) (B) (C) (D) (D) J6. Which of the fol lowing can produce a diminished virtual image of a real object? l. JI. III. A plane mirror · A diverging lens A converging lens (A) (B) (C) I only 11 only II and III only (D) I, II and Jil r -8- Item 38 refers to the diagrams below which show the magnetic field lines plotted by a student. Ill II 38. In which of the following diagrams are the magnetic field lines plotted correctly? (A) (B) (C) (D) 39. I and II only I anq III only II and III only I, II and III Which of the following is NOT one of the ways in which the strength of the magnetic field near a solenoid (long coil) carrying a current can be increased? (A) (B) (C) (D) Increasing the resistance of the coil Increasing the current in the coil Increasing the number of turns per unit length of the coil Placing a soft iron core inside the coil 41. In which of the circuits below would the Meters give readings which would enable a student to determine the resistance of the filament lamp? (A) (B) 40. Which of the following relationships between electrical quantities is correct? (A) V=PI (8) R =VI (Ci (C) Q= E (0) E= VI v / (0) -9- Item 42 refers to the following diagram which shows a cell E, a diode P and a resistor R connected in series. 44. The refractive index o fo transparent medium with a critical angle, c, for light travelling from the medium to air is ·· E (A) c 90' (Bl p 42. sin 90' --- (C) The current through R is BEST illustrated by which of the following graphs? (A) sin c R Sin C (DJ Sin C //A 45. tis Magnetic induction occurs when (A) (B) /IA (C) (B) (D) a N pole attracts a S pole iron nails near a magnet become magnetized a magnet is suspended and points in the N-S direction an electroscope is charged tis 46. /IA Which of the following characteristics concerning ammeters is correct? (C) Resistance (A) (B) (C) (0) tis Circuit connection Low Low High High in series in parallel in parallel in series /IA (D) 47. tis When a /argc.: current passes through a fuse. which nfthc following is the correct sequence ur t:\'ClltS°.1 (A) 43. Total internal reflection in a medium occurs only wlren the angle of incidence (B) equals 90° equals the angle of refraction (CJ is greater than the critical angle (D) is less than the critical angle (A) (B) (C) \Vi re gets hot ---+ \Vi re n1clts current is cut off Wire gets hot~ current is cut off ~ wire melts Wire melts~ current is cut off~ \Vire gets (DJ hot \Vire melts ~ wire gets hot 'current is cut off ....... , -:-- ...,..,,r. XICVT PA(1F, ~ - I0 48. Rectification can BEST be done by using a (A) (B) {C) (D) [tern SO refers to the following diagram showing a typical relay. transformer diode transistor capacitor p [tern 49 refers to the diagram below which represents a straight wire carrying a current into the plane of the paper. 50. 49. The part, labelled P, must be made of (A) (B) (C) (D) Which of the following diagrams BEST represents the magnetic field around the wire? {A) iron copper plastic brass Item 51 refers to the diagram below which shows flexible wire loosely supported in a strong magnetic field. (B) ---<XI--- ~---Jj1--_,_......x 51. "When the switch, X, is closed the wire moves (A) {B) (C) (C) (D) 52. (D) lt is possible to i11dL1ce a voltage in a wire coil by the use of a (A) (B) (C) (D) • downwards upwards towards the north pole towards the south pole steady magnetic field positively charged rod negatively charged rod changing magnetic field i - 11 - 53. Which of the following statements about alternating current is true? It can be changed into direct current by a transfonner. It can be rectified by using a semiconductor diode. It can be used to recharge a battery. It is used to transmit electrical energy because of its high frequency. (A) (B) (C) (D) 54. For a simple a.c. generator, which of the following graphs will be produced by two complete rotations of the armature? (A) 55. I. II. Ill. (A) (B) (C) (0) 56. (B) (C) (0) No. of rotations 57. + e.m.f. r---+--~----.-.. No. of rotations I. II. + e.1n.f. r---+---+---.----+ No. of rotations (A) (B) (C) (0) (D) + c.rn.f.1---+-+--+--t-+---+ No. of rotations I and II only I and III only II and Ill only I, II and III nuclear instability a chemical reaction exposure to excess heat excess stress on the atom Which of the following statements about radioactive decay are correct? III. (C) The resistance of the coils of wire Magnetization and demagnetization of the core Eddy currents in the core Radioactivity takes place in an atom as a result of (A) + e.m.f.r--~--------+ (BJ No practical transformer is I 00% efficient. ·Which of the following cause energy losses? It is dependent on conditions external to the nucleus. It is a random process. It is due to changes in the nuclei of atoms. I and l! only I and Ill only II and Ill only 1, Jl and Ill - 12 58. Which cif the following would be possible symbols for an isotope of nuclide presented by ? 60. N 0 radioactive nuclei are present in a sample at time t = 0. ;'x I. A-2x II. t-~x III. (A) (B) (C) (D) Which of the following graphs BEST represents the variation with time of the number, N, of undecayed nuclei present? ' (A) ' I only II only III only I and llJ only O'------ time (B) 59. (C) (D) N !'\. Which of the following scientists discovered the relationship E = me'? (A) (B) • A+2x Marie Curie Isaac Newton Albert Einstein J. J. Thompson oi....:::.__ _ __ time (C) N !'\. 0 (D) l time N !'\. t 0 time END OFTEST IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WO~K ON THIS TEST. • ' .. TEST CODE 01238010 FORM. TP 2013021 JANUARY 20i3 C'AR'.IBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE"' EXAl\fiNATION PHYSICS Paper 01 - General Proficiency • 1hour15 minutes (11JANUARY2013 (p.m.)) READ· THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY,.. 1. This test consists of 60 items. You will have 1 hour and 15 minutes to answer them. 2.• In addition to.this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet. - 3. Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item you are about to answer and decide which choice is best. 4. OD your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having the same.letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below. Samide Item The SI unit oflength is the (A) (B) (C) (D) Sample Answer newton metre kilogram second 5. The best answer to thi~ item is "metre" so answer sp~ce (B) has been shaded. If you want to change your answer, erase it completely before you fill in your new choice. 6. Wbenyou are told to begin, tum the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can. If you cannot answer an item, go on to the next one. You may return to this item later. Your score will ·be the total number of correct answers. 7. You may do any_ rough work in this booklet. 8. Figures are not necessarily drawn to scale. = - = = = 9. You may use a silent~ non-programmable calculator to answer items. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. . 2- I. Item 5 refers to the following diagram which shows the section of a thermometer. A physical quantity which is NOT one of the fundamental quantities is (A) (B) (C) (D) Mercury""- mass time current density I S. 2. ' I 90' I I I j ;.I~ ( 80' What is the reading shown? 0.0000357 N expressed in standard form is 88° 89° 91° 92° (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) 3. I 100• 3.57 3.75 3.75 3.75 (B) (C) (D) xlO-' N x 10' N x 10~ N x 10' N Item 6 refers to the graph below which shows a relationship represented by the straight line passing through QT. The period of a simple pendulum is MOST affected by the y (A) (B) (C) (D) length of the string amplitude of the oscillation mass of the bob force used to start it p ------- T I I I I S 4. Which of the following is suitable for measuring the diameter of a human hair? Tape measure (B) (C) Vernier caliper Micrometer screw gauge Metre rule (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) J02cm _ x For this relationship, when x = 0, the value ofy is Item 7 refers to the diagram below. [i]. R Q 6. (A) I I lOcm Q S p R .Fl metre rule iivot at centre 7. The diagram above represents a 100 g mass which can be balanced by placing a mass at I. If the mass at I is to be used to balance the I 00 g, it should be (A) 1B) (C) ID) less than 100 g JOO g a little greater than 100 g about 200 g 8. 9 It is NOT true that the 1no1nent of a force is (A) (B) (C). (D) 10. measured in units called nev.'ton metres the amount of force needed to keep a body turning the tuining effect that .a force has when it acts on a body the product of the force and the perpendicular distance of its line of action from a point In an expenment to locate the centre ofmass of a sheet of cardboard, a plumb line (string \Vith a small mass on the end)_is used. The plumb line is used to (A) check that the apparatus is vertical (B) check that the cardboard is swinging (C) freely show which points are vertically (D) below the pivot• measure the width of the cardboard Which of the following is a vector physical quantity? (A) (B) (C) (DJ Speed Energy Mass Displacement Item 11 refers to the following diagram which shows a velocity/time graph for a moving object. v r---~~-=--------------,,,~~~ c 11. 1, ,, ,, '• T \Vhich of the following statements about the object is/are true? I. II. III. It returns to its starting point. It has zero acceleration between times t, and~Its velocity at t,. is the same as its initial velocity. (A) (B) (C) I and II only I and Ill only II and III only I, II and III (D) r,n (INT() Ti.:11= 1\fl=VT 0/\ r:.L" 11•...n~1~11,r•T•'1""'1,····. . .•1r:--: 11 - 4- 12. Two smooth spheres, A and B, collide head on. Which of the following statemen.ts is/are true? I IL Ill. (A) (BJ (CJ (DJ 13. (A) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (DJ I only Ill only II and III only I, II and III Displacement Density Acceleration Momentum A piece of string is tied onto a small stone and the stone is then suspended, totally immersed, in water. The tension in the string will be • ~water 17. I. II. III. Solar energy Wind energy Geothermal energy (C) (A) I and II only I and III only II and III only I. II and III (DJ An ice cube sinks in liquid A but fit?ats in liquid 8. Which of the following statements is true? (BJ (D) 18. (B) (C) The upthrust is less in A than in B. The upthrust is greater in A than in B. The weight of the ice is less in A than iri B. (D) The weight of the ice is greater in Athan in B. dejJth of the water volume of water held by the dam mass ofwater held back by the dam length of the reservoir Which of the following tools is/are designed to take advantage of a large moment provided by a relatively small force? I. II. m. (A) Dam The diagram above shows a dam. The pressure on the dam at the bottom of the reservoir depends on the (A) (C) zero equal to the weight of the stone less than the weight ofthe stone more than the weight of the stone Item 17 refers to the following dia~am ofa dam. Which of the following are renewable sources of energy? (Bl 15. The momentum of A is the same after collision as it was before. The momentum of B is the same after collision as it was before. The total momentum of A and B is the same after collision as it was before. \Vhich oftbe following is NOT a vector quantity? (BJ 14. 16. IV. (A) (BJ (C) (D) Claw hammer Crowbar Pair of tweezers Pair of wire cutters III only I and IV only I, II and III only I, II and IV only - 519. · The temperature on a wa_rm day in the Caribbean is about (A) (B) (C) (D) 2L 32 K 240 K 273 K 305 i< Some molten naphthalene at 100 °C is allowed to cool down to room temperature. If napl:thalene has a melting point of _80 •C, which of the following graphs BEST represents the cooling curve? (A) 20. Which of the following is MOST likely to account for the fact that pot handles are usually made of wood or plastic? • (A) (B) (C) (D) timin Conduction Convection Radiation Evaporation (B) t/min (C) r/min (D) 22. Which ofthe following does NOT describe a proces~ which is an example ofevaporation? (A) (B) (C) (0) ----- ---- A slice of bread left in the open air becomes dry. The cooling effect of sweating in animals. The rapid disappearance of ether if exposed to the air. A loaded copper wire put around a block of ice gradually cuts through the ice. -- --~--::::..~1.i-1 -6Item 23 refers to the following diagrams which show how the pressllre, the volume and the temperature of a :fix~d mass of dry gas. are inter.related. Pressure Volume Pressure ~ 0 0 0 Volume 0 0 Celsius temperature 0 Celsius temperature II 23. Which of.the graphs can be used to establish the kelvin temperature scale? (A) (B) (C) (D) 24. III II only I and II only II and III only I, II and III The specific latent heat ofvapourization of water is the energy required to change I kg 26. of water at (A) (B) (C) (D) A detector of thermal energy is placed an equal distance in turn from each of four faces of a hollow metal cube full of water. The reading on the detector is GREATEST when the detector is turned to\vards the face which is O 'C to steam at JOO 'C 0 'C to ice at 0 'C 99.9 'C to steam at 100.1 'C 100 'C to steam at 100 °C (A) (B) (C) 25. An electric kenle full of water is plugged into the mains. The process by which heat travels through the water is (D) 27. painted silver painted dull black painted shiny white highly polished Which of the following waves travel only (A) (B) electrification convection longitudinally? (C) evaporation radiation I. II. lll. (D) (A) (B) (C) ID) Sound waves Radio waves Water waves I only II only II and III only I. II and llI -7- Iteffi 28 refers to the following diagram which represents a wave travelling to the right. Item 30 refers to the table below which lists the refractive indices for light of four different materials. Material Air lee Perspex Diamond 30. . 28. The amplitude of the wave is the distafJ.ce 29. (A) (B) oz TV (C) TX (D) Which of the following diagrams could represent diffraction of water waves in a ripple t"ank? 31. -=r_--~ - ·~:~ mJV I only II only I and JI only II and Ill only Air Ice Perspex Diamond Young's double slit experiment demonstrates that light (A) (B) (C) :-- (,.\) IB) (C) (D) In which medium would the light waves have the SLOWEST speed? ox (A) (B) (C) (D) Refractive Index LO 1.3 1.5 2.4 (D) has a particle nature is a wave motion travels in a straight line produces sharp images Item 32 refers to the diagram below ..,,.,.hi ch shows an instantaneous profile of a \vave travelling across a water surface. Displacement fl 2cmh ~ 2 cmf.--····--SJ' 20cm 32. C/J ~' Position ~Ocm From the information given. the frequency is (A) l -Hz 20 !Bl lOHz IC) ~a (D/ unknown Hz ii -833. Item 35 refers to the following diagram. If a converging lens is used as a magnifying glass, the image formed is (A) (B) (C) (DJ ) real, inverted, diminished real, erect, diminished virtual, inverted, magnified virtual, erect, magnified 35. 34. Which row in the table below correctly compares X rays and visible light? X-rays (AJ (BJ (CJ (DJ Visible Light Waves Particles High frequency Low frequency Long wavelength Short wavelength Carry less energy Carry more energy y The circular wavefront shown above is progressing towards the reflecting surfacd xy. Which of the diagrams below correctly· shows the shape of the wavefront after; reflection? x y x y x y x y ,, ::a I -9 - 36. Which of the following diagrams MOST clearly shows the path of a ray oflightwhen it strikes a plane mirror? 37. Which of the following diagrams BEST represents the passage of a beam of white light through a triangular glass prism? (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D) Item 38 refer~ to the diagram below. 2F F ~ Principal focus 38. Optical centre \Vith reference to the diagram above, a real image is produced \.Vith a converging lens when the object is lopated (A) (8) IC) bet\veen the optical centre and F between F and infinity at F only (0) at 2F only GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE , . , . iii Item 39 refers to the graphs below 'vhich represent two alternating currents. CurrentlmA Current/mA 5 5 II 39. Which of the following combinations correctly identifies these currents? (A) (B) (C) (D) 40. Current with greater frequency Current with greater peak value II Neither I Neither I Neither II Which of the following statements about insulators is/are true? I. II. III. IV. (A) (B) (C) (D) In an insulator all electrons are bound firmly to their atoms. In an insulator many electrons can move freely from atom to ato1n. ~ insulator cannot be charged by rubbing. A good insulator retains the charge better than a conductor. 41~ The current in a wire is one ampere if a charge of (A) 10 coulombs flows through it in l 0 (B) 1 coulomb flows through it in 1 seconds (C) (D) second 10 coulombs flow through it in 1 second 100 coulombs flows through it in 10 seconds I only I and II only II and III only II and IV GO ON TO THE NEXT PAqE 0123801 OIJANUARY/F 201 o - 11 - Item 44 refers to the diagram below. Item 42 refers to the following current-time .graphs. I. I 44. IL In the parallel circuit shown above, ALL of the current, I, supplied by the battery I (A) (B) (C) (D) 45. -l2. \Vhich of the graphs above represent(s) direct current? (A) (B) (CJ ( D) -43. II only III only I and III only I, II and III Which of the following statements about alternating current is true? (A) {B) (C) (D) goes through each of the resistors goes through the largest resistor only goes through the smallest resistor only equals the sum of the currents in the two resistors Which of the following relationships gives a correct value for the combined resistance Rr of resistors Rl, R2, and R3 connected in parallel? (A) R,. = R, +R, +R, (B) R = (C) R ' =- ' (D) R,. Ri R1 Rl R, +R,+R, I R, - R, It can be changed into direct current by a transformer. It can be rectified _by using a semiconductor diode. It can be used to recharge a battery. It is used to transmit electrical energy because of its high frequency. di + -+ R, + - l R, - I R, + - R, - 12 46. Item 47 refers to the following diagram. In I, II and Ill below, which graph could have been obtained from measurements made using the circuit above it? I p 47. The diagram above shows a typical relay. The part, labelled P, must be made of (A) (B) (C) (D) II 48. Which of the following formulae (in which the symbols have their usual meaning) is a mathematical expression of Ohm's Law? (A) (B) (C) (D) 49. III I • - I and II only I and Ill only II and Ill only I, II and Ill transformer capacitor transistor diode Magnetic induction occurs when (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (D) V= IR P=VI Q=IT E=PT Rectification can BEST be done by using a (A) (B) (C) (D) 50. brass iron plastic copper (C) (D) a N pole attracts a S pole iron nails near a magnet becon1e magnetized a magnet is suspended and points in the N S direction an electroscope is charged GO ON TO THF NFYT Pt> r.t:: - 13 51. The direction of a 1nagnet1c field is the direction in which (A) (B) (C) (D) 52. the S pole of a magnet points when placed in it the N pole of a magnet points when placed in it a positive charge moves when placed in it a negative charge moves when placed in it 54. No radioactive nuclei are present in a sample at time t =O. Which of the following graphs BEST represents the variation with time of. the number, N, ofundecayed nuclei present? (A) • In which of the following devices is a commutator used? (A) (B) (C) (D) Transformers AC generators D C motors Moving coil microphones ~ O (B) refers to the following circuit (C) .- '-----l t----~ I II A simple experiment was conducted using the circuit diagrams shown above. The same components were used and the bulb was lit to nonnal brightness in each case. Which of the following components would be defective? !. II. III. The bulb The battery The diode (A) I only lllonly I and !I only fl and only iB) !Cl ID) time ~~ O 53. time ~LL 0_ diagrams. .- ~b_ m (D) time N~ '~ O time - 14 - 55. Which of the following actions is NOT one of the ways in which the strength of the magnetic field near a solenoid (long coil) carrying a current can be increased? (A) {B) (C) (D) 56. Increasing the resistance of the coil Increasing the current in the coil Increasing the number of turns per unit length of the coil Placing a soft iron core inside the coil (C) (D) number of electrons number Of protons number of neutrons atomic number Which of the follo\ving are definitions of the term 'half-life' of radioactive nuclide? I. II. III. (A) (B) Isotopes ofan elementdifferfrom each other in that they have a different (A) (B) 57. 58. (C) (D) 59. (A) (B) (C) a sheet of paper (D). a few millimetres of aluminium a few centimetres of aluminium several centimetres of lead 60. I and II only I and III only II and III only I_ II and III Which of the following pairs of terms describes two properties of an a -particle? Gamma rays may be stopped by (A) (B) (C) (D) The time taken for the activity of any given sample to fall tO half its original value. The time taken for half the nuclei present in any given sample to decay. Half the average number of disintegrations per second. No charge, very penetrating Positive charge, very penetrating Positive charge, not very penetrating Negativecharge,notverypenetrating In the equation .O.E = L'!i.mc~ (A) c = speed of light, Arn = mass of (B) (C) c = speed oflight, Am = change in mass c = specific heat capacity of (D) c=specificheatcapacityofsubstance, atom substance, Am""' change in mass .6.m = mass of substance END OFTEST IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. ~ ® TEST CODE 01238010 MAY/JUNE 2014 FORM TP 2014099 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE® EXAMINATION PHYSICS Paper 01- General Proficiency 1 hour 15 minutes ( os JUNE 2014 (a.m.D READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. 1. This test consists of 60 items. You will have 1 hour and 15 minutes to answer them. 2. In addition to this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet. 3. Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item you are about to answer and decide which choice is best. 4. On your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below. Sample Item Sample Answer The SI unit of length is the· (A) (B) (C) "(D) 0 e ©© newto_n metre kilogram second The best answer to this item is ''metre" so answer space (B) has been shaded. 5. If you want to change your answer, erase it completely before you fill in your new choice. 6. When you are told to begin, tum the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can. If you cannot answer an·item, go on to the next one. You may return to this item later. Your score will be the total number of correct answers. . 7. Figures are not necessarily drawn to scale. -- 8. You may do any rough work in this booklet. i iiiii ----== i iiiii -- 9. You may use a silent, non-programmable calculator to answer items. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. Copyright© 2012 Caribbean Examinations Council A. 11 -~ -1-.L ______ ____ ..J -21. When used in front of a unit the prefix, 'mega' means 6. (A) (B) (C) (D) 2. (D) 3. (A) (B) (C) (D) If force = mass x acceleration, the unit of force could be written (A) (B) (C) ~g- 1 7. m s2 (C) (D) 8. 9. 4 .. Which of the following pairs consist(s) of fundamental quantities? I. II. IlL (A) (B) (C) (D) 5. Mass and weight Mass and length · Time and current 0.0293 kg 0.94A 5.321 v 10.42 m The newton-metre is the unit used to measure (A) (B) (C) (D) Celsius Fahrenheit Kelvin Centigrade Current Charge Length Temperature Which of the following measurements has THREE significant figures? (A) (B) kg m-1 sz .kg m- 1 s-2 kg m s-2 The base unit of temperature of the S.I. system is the (A) (B) (C) (D) Which of the following quantities is defined in terms of SI units? force power momentum moment of a force Two forces of 8 N and 10 N CANNOT give a resultant of (A) 1N (B) (C) (D) 2N 9N 18 N I only II only I and III only II and III only The time period of a simple pendulum oscillating with a small amplitude depends on the (A) (B) (C) (D) mass ofthe pendulum bob amplitude ofthe oscillation length of the pendulum force with which the pendulum is set into motion nn nN Tn THF NFXT PAGE -3Item 10 refers to the following graph. 13. Displacement/m 24 -------------------------- A hydroelectric power station uses a renewable source of energy, X. This energy raises water to the top of a mountain so that it has gravitational potential energy. As the water runs down the mountain, it turns a turbine which converts Y energy into Z energy. Which set of answers for X, Y and Z is correct? X 50 Time/s 10. The graph above shows how the displacement of a runner from a starting line varies with time. This runner is (A) (B) (C) (D) . 11. not moving going at a steady speed going faster and faster going slower and slow~r 14. A body moving with a constant acceleration has applied to it (A) a constant force a decreasing force an increasing force a resultant zero force (B) (C) (D) 12. (A) (B) (C) (D) Two smooth spheres, A and B, collide head on. Which of the following statements is/ani TRUE? 15. II. III. (A) (B) (C) (D) The momentum of A is the same after collision as it was before. The momentum of B is the same after collision as it was before. The total momentum ofA and B is the same after collision as it was before. I only III only II and III only I, II and III potential kinetic Solar Geothermal potential kinetic Chemical z kinetic electrical electrical electrical A glass marble, X, moving with a speed of 6 m s- 1, collides 'head on' with an identical stationary glass marble, Y. What is the velocity ofY after collision assuming that X is brought to rest? (A) (B) (C) 0 m s- 1 3m s- 1 6 m s- 1 (D) 12m s-1 On which ofthe following features does the pressure at a point in a liquid depend? I. II. III. I. Electrical y Density ofthe liquid Depth from the surface An:;;u o£ th" "ro;s;s section o£ the container (A) I only (B) III only I and II only I, II and III (C) (D) -416.. Which of the following implements are designed to take advantage of a large moment provided by a relatively small force? I. · II. III. IV. Claw hammer Crowbar Pair of tweezers ,- Pair of wire cutters (A) (B) (C) (D) I and IV only ill and IV only I, II and III only I, II and IV only 19. Which of the following would explain why an ordinary 0-11 0°C laboratory thermometer is NOT used to measure human body temperature? I. II. III. (A) (B) Item 17 refers to the following diagram which shows adam. (C) (D) 20. 17. (A) (B) (C) (D) depth of the water volume of water held by the dam mass.ofwater held back by the dam length of the reservoir (D) 21. (B) A piece of string is tied onto a small stone and the stone is then suspended, totally immersed, in water. The tension in the string will be (A) (B) (C) (D) zero equal to the weight of the stone less than the weight of the stone more than the .weight of the stone (C) (D) 22. 0 -10 35 35 octo 44 oc octo 110 oc octo 100 oc °C to 44 °C In which of the following is conduction the MAIN method of energy transfer? (A) 18. I only I and II only II and III only I, II and III Which of the following is the MOST suitable range for a clinical thermometer? (A) (B) (C) The pressure on the dam at the bottom of the reservoir depends on the The reading would change when the thermometer is taken from the patient's mouth. It is not sensitive enough to measure small changes in temperature. It does not have a large enough range. Food heated in a microwave oven Energy transferred from the sun to earth Food being cooked on a barbecue grill Food being cooked in a pot on an electric stove When illuminated smoke is viewed through a .microscope, small, bright specks can be seen moving in a jerky haphazard manner. These specks are (A) (B) (C) (D) atoms molecules smoke particles light particles -523. Most refrigerators are painted white because a white suface is (A) (B) (C) (D) easily cleaned a good reflector ofthermal radiation a good absorber of radiation a poor reflector of radiation l 24. 25. The heat from a nearby fire reaches us MAINLY by (A) (B) (C) (D) - · Which of the following diagrams BEST illustrates convection current in a liquid? 26. A flask contains air under pressure. So'me of the air is let out slowly over a period of 10 seconds. When the flask is closed the (A) (A) (B) Bunsen burner (C) (D) ...._ (B) ... tt Bunsen burner (C) 1tr Bunsen burner (D) conduction convection absorption radiation ttt Bunsen burner pressure of the air in the flask will have increased volume of air in the flask will have decreased temperature in the flask will have increased number of molecules striking the wall per second will have decreased -627. Some molten naphthalene at 100 oC is allowed to cool down to room temperature. If naphthalene has a melting point of 80 oc, which of the following graphs BEST represents the cooling curve? Item 28 refers to the diagram below which shows water boiling at the top of a glass test tube while a piece of ice remains unmelted at the bottom. Water (A) Bunsen ~--flame t/min (B) q/oC 100 80 Ice wrapped in gauze 28. (A) (B) (C) (D) t/min (C) q/oC 100 80 29. t/min (D) q/oC 100 80 t/min Which of the following statements is the reason for this occurrence? Water is a poor conductor of heat. Gauze is a poor conductor of heat. Water is a good conductor of heat. Glass is a good conductor of heat. Which of the following waves travel(s) only as longitudinal waves? I. II. III. Sound Radio Water (A) (B) (C) (D) I only II only II and III only I, II and III -7Item 30 refers to the following diagram which .shows a longitudinal wave, where, C and R . represent compressions and rarefractions respectively. cl Rl c2 ~ c3 R3 If A- = wavelength, the distance between C 1 and~is (A) ~A. (B) fA. (C) .1 ~A. 2 (D) 21-. 8cm10 u n ~u n c4 Ill I· I I II II I IIIII I II I 30. Item 31 refers to the following diagram . 2 21 em 31. The diagram above illustrates the side view of a water wave. The amplitude o,f the wave is (A) (B) (C) (D) 4 em 7 em 8 em 21 em Item 32 refers to the following diagram. 32. The figure above shows the profile of a water wave. Using the same scale, which diagram below represents a wave twice the frequency and half the amplitude in the same tank of water? (A) (B) (C) (D) -833. . Which of the following statements provides a reason why the diffraction of light is NOT usually observed? (A) (B) (C) (D) 36. Which diagram BEST shows the path taken by the ray of light through the rectangular block? Its wavelength is too small. Its frequency is too high. Its speed is too high. Its wavelength is too large. (A) 34. On which of the following would the position of an image formed by a plane mirror depend? (A) (B) (C) (D) 35. Distance of the observer from the mirror Distance of the object from the mirror . Angle at which the image is viewed Angle at which the object is viewed (B) Which of the following can produce a diminished virtual image of a real object? I. II. III. A plane mirror A diverging lens A converging lens (A) (B) (C) (D) I only II only . II and III only I, II and III (C) (D) -9Item 37 refers to the following diagram. 38. Which of the following statements about waves is TRUE? Plane mirror (A) Object (B) (C) (D) 37. The diagram above represents an object placed in front of a plane mirror. Which of the following BEST represents the image produced by the plane mirror? (A) (B) (C) (D) \ \ I I 39. An echo is quieter than the original sound that produced it. This shows that, compared to the original sound, the echo has a (A) (B) (C) (D) 40. smaller amplitude shorter wavelength lower frequency slower speed Which ofthe following electromagnetic waves has the SHORTEST wavelength? (A) (B) (C) (D) 41. Only transverse waves undergo reflection. Longitudinal waves do not undergo refraction, but may be reflected. Diffraction can only take place with light waves. All waves undergo 'reflection, refraction and diffraction. Gamma rays Infrared waves Radio waves Ultraviolet radiation Which of the following objects can detect X-rays? (A) Thermometers (B) Photographic film (C) (D) Oscilloscopes Television aerials r!fl fll\.T Tfl TUP 1\.TPVT DA r!P - 1042. Which of the following is NOT one of the ways in which the strength of the magnetic field near a solenoid (long coil) carrying a current can be increased? (A) (B) (C\(D) 43. Increasing the resistance of the coil Increasing the current in the coil Increasing the number of turns per unit length of the coil Placing a soft iron core inside the coil 45. (A) (B) (C) (D) 46. It is virtual. It is laterally inverted. It is magnified. (A) (B) (C) I only I and II only II and III only I, II and III (D) Which of the following circuit symbols represents a fuse? (B) (C) (D) 47. An ammeter has a very low resistance so that it can be placed (A) 44. Which of the labelled paths, A, B, C or D in the diagram below, is correct for the ray XY? (B) (C) (A) (D) 48. X (C) (D) Glass prism · the angle ofincidence is 90° the critical angle is exceeded all the light is transmitted the incident ray is perpendicular to the glass boundary (A) Which of the following statements is/are · TRUE about the image formed by a plane mirror? I. II. III. Total internal reflection in glass occurs when in parallel with a component and not affect the circuit in series with a component and not affect the circuit in parallel with a component and the ammeter does not heat up in series with a component and the ammeter does not heat up Which of the following materials is MOS1 suitable for the core of an electromagnet? (A) (B) (C) (D) Copper Steel Carbon Soft iron - 1149. Which of the following pairs of statements is true for BOTH iron and steel? Iron (A) easily magnetised Steel does not retain its magnetism (B) not easily magnetised retains its magnetism well (C) ·easily magnetised (D) not 50. ea~ily retains its magnetism well magnetised does not retain its magnetism Which of.the following shows the magnetic field betWeen a bar magnet and a piece of iron? Item 52 refers to the following diagram. Primary coil w Secondary coil Iron (A) (B) 52. Appropriate labels for W and X would be w (C) IN (D) IN 51. Iron s@@ (A) (B) (C) (D) X step-up transformer a.c. input d.c. input step-up transformer step-down transformer a.c. input step-down transformer d.c. input Iron Steel is NOT suitable for use in an electromagnet because it (A) (B) (C) (D) is too difficult to magnetise retains magnetism too well loses its magnetism too easily contains too many domains r!ll llli..T ' r l l 'rU-.::1 li..TDV'r DA r!-.::1 - 12- Item 53 refers to the following diagram of a simple a.c. generator. 54. Which of the following is TRUE when a magnet is moved relative to a coil? I. II. III. IV. 53. The parts labelled X in the diagram are known as the (A) (B) (C) (D) 55. (A) (B) (C) (D) The induced current is in the same direction as the charge causing it. The greater the number of turns of coil the smaller the induced e.m.f. The faster the magnet moves relative to the coil the greater the induced e.m.f. The stronger the magnetic field the greater the induced e.m.f. I and III only I and IV only II and III only III and IV only coils armatures commutators slip rings Which of the following is TRUE for the relative charges on the neutron, proton and the electron? Relative charge on neutron Relative charge on proton Relative charge on electron (A) (B) 0 +1 +1 -1 -1 (C) (D) +1 0 -1 0 +1 0 0 -- ,...,..,.T ........ ~ "'T"'TTT: 1\.TL'V..,..... DA r!P - 13Items 56-57 refer to the following table. 58. · Nuclei Atomic Mass Neutron Number p 16 8 Q 13 9 R 18 10 s 21 Which of the following symbols would be possible for an isotope of nuclide presented by ~X? I. Which element follows ~Li in the Periodic Table? (A) (B) (C) (D) P·. Q. R S 59. 57. The nuclide (A) (B) (C) (D) z 11 II. 56. A·2x 9~Th contains 23 90 protons and 234 neutrons 235 protons and 90 neutrons 90 protons and 144 neutrons 144 protons and 90 neutrons z-~x III. A+2x (A) (B) (C) (D) I only II only III only I and III only z Which of the following scientists is associated with the relationship E = mc 2 ? (A) (B) (C) (D) Marie Curie Isaac Newton Albert Einstein J. J. Thompson - 14- 60. N 0 radioactive nuclei are present in a sample at timet= 0. Which of the following graphs BEST represents the variation with time of the number, N, ofundecay nuclei present? (A) 0'--------...... time (B) N Na 0'""""'------?- time (C) N ~ 0 '---------"-~ time (D) N Na oL----~7- time ENDOFTEST IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. CSEC Physics June 2016 P1 -2Item I refers to the following graph. Y v T 1. .| Which of the following pair of points are in phase? (A) (B) xw (c) s,v (D) S,T BR Given that force = mass x acceleration, the unit of force could be written as 4. ln carrying out an experiment to locate a real image using a converging lens, the object can be placed (A) (B) (c) (D) kg-r m kg m-r s2 s2 kg m-t 5-z kg m s-2 I. lt. III. between the focal point and the lens at the focal point between the focal point and a point at twice the focal length 3. The SI unit of temperature is the (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (D) (c) Celsius Fahrenheit (D) I only I and III only ll and III only III only Kelvin Centigrade GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE n tatorl rn /D anlr -35. The moment ofa force may be defined as the (A) moment in time when a force is first (B) applied to a body length of time for which a force is applied to a body (C) product of the force and Item 8 refers to the following diagram which showsthree forces ofmagnitudes L, M and N, all in the same plane and applied on a ring. its L perpendicular distance from the turning point to the force (D) ratio of the force and its R perpendicular distance from the M turning point N Item 6 refers to the following diagram which shows two forces, X and Y, applied onto an object. 8. stationary? x (A) L': M2 + N2 (B) N2: L'+ M' (C) N': L'- M' (D) N:L+M Y 6. What should be the magnitude and direction of a third force which will cause the object to remain stationary? (A) (B) (c) (D) Which of the following equations must be TRUE in order for the ring to remain X- Yto the left X+ Yto the left X - Y to the right X + Y to the right 9, Two forces of 8 N and l0 N CANNOT give a resultant of (A) (B) (c) (D) 7. IN 2N 9N r8N When a force F is applied to a spring of original length L the new length becomes L +x. What would be the new length of the spring if a force (A) L+Zx (B) 2 (c) L+x (D) L+ nl ??enr n/E ?nr 4 * tr , was applied instead? (L+ x) x -2 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 4 Item 13 refers to the following diagram which Item 10 refers to the following graph which shows how the displacement of a runner from a starting line varies with time. of magnitudes a and shows two vectors represented respectively bV OA b and OE. c A 24 l2 Time/s 10. runner is (A) (B) (c) (D) ll. 13. The vectors act at point O and are directly perpendicular to each other. Which of the following pairs represents BOTH the magnitude and direction of their resultant? not moving going at a steady speed going faster and faster going slower and slower Magnitude Direction A block is allowed to fall freely towards the ground. As it falls, its gravitational potential (A) 1 a *b-2 OC energy (B) a+b CO (c) ./ 1a'+ b'; CO (D) { 1a'+ 6'1 OC (A) (B) (c) (D) t2. o From the graph it can be deducted that the lncreases remains constant is converted to internal energJ is converted to kinetic energy Two smooth spheres, A and B, collide head on. Which of the following statements is/are TRUE? I II III The momentum of A is the same after collision as it was before. The momentum of B is the same after collision as it was before. The total momentum ofA and B is the same after collision as it was before. (A) (B) I only III only (c) II and III only I, II and III (D) 14. The height of liquid in a vessel is ft and its density p. If the atmospheric pressure isX and the acceleration due to gravity is g, what ofthe vessel? (All quantities are in SI units.) is the pressure on the base (A) X+hp (B) (x+ h) p g (C) X+hpg (D) (X+ h p)s GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE n r aron r r\lf: ai.rt E -515. The specific latent heat of vaporization of water is 2.26 x 106 J kg -'. When 0.01 kg of water is converted into steam it (A) (B) (C) (D) r6. absorbs 2.26 x 18. P,V, r, 104 J gives out 2.26 x lU J absorbs 2.26 x 10E J gives out 2.26 x lOt J I. II. III A body weighs 60 N on earth. When taken to the moon the body weighs l0 N. Which of the following would be the MAIN reason(s) for this fact? The earth rotates more slowlY than the moon. =P,V, T2 The mass of gas must be constant. P, and P, must be measured in mm of mercury. The unis of the product P, and V, must be the same as the units of the product of P, and Vr. (A) (B) I only II only (c) I and III only I, II and III (D) The earth has a larger mass than the II Under what conditions may we apply the following gas formula to solve problems? m0lrn. III Or, tlie rnoon -{ i Ii",rri3 r=:ii it alrd trll +nl1 I. tl and III ,8, tCi tDr tkre is no aunosphere. 19. energ-v-? (A) (B) Item 17 refers to the following diagram of a (c) clinical thermometer. 35 t7. 37 What temperature is indicated by the clinical thermometer in the diagram above? \\iho rvas responsible for arriving at the conclusion that measured amounts of electrical and mechanical energy can be converted to proportionate amounts of heat (D) 20. Joule Rumford Coulomb Newton Which ofthe following methods is the MOST suitable means of heating a brass bob in order to determine its specific heat capacity by the method of mixtures? (A) (B) 38.3'C 38.6'C (A) (c) Subjecting it to an open flame for ten minutes 38.7 "C (D) 38.8'C (B) Placing (c) (D) it in contact with an electrical heater for ten minutes Placing it in a boiling water bath for ten minutes Subjecting it to an infrared beam for ten minutes GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE -621. The energy required to change the state a substance was determined to be of 24. illustrates convection current in a liquid? E"- lf the mass of the substance was DOUBLED, the value of Which of the following diagrams BEST (A) E will { ) \__, H (A) (B) be halved (c) be quadrupled remain constant (D) Bunsen burner be doubled a- -5 22. (B) Which ofthe following statements is FALSE? (A) Evaporation occurs at room (B) temperature onlY. Evaporation requires heat energY ttlBunsen burner and causes cooling. (c) Evaporation occurs onlY at the (D) surface. In evaporation the faster molecules escape the (c) liquid. 1rr Bunsen burner 23. Most refrigerators are painted white because a white surface is (A) (B) (c) (D) easily cleaned (D) good reflectorof thermal radiation a good absorber of radiation a poor reflector of radiation a ttt Bunsen burner 25. The heat from a nearby fire reaches us MAINLY by (A) (B) (c) conduction convection absorption (D) radiation CO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE -7 26. Which of the following is the POOREST conductor of thermal energy? (A) (B) Air (c) Mercury Aluminium (D) 28. 27 Which of the following descriptions refer to BOTH a good absorber and a good emitter of thermal (heat) enerry? (A) (B) Copper (c) A polished, concave metal plate A polished, convex metal plate A flat, polished metal plate (D) A flat metal plate, painted black Which of the following diagrams BEST represents the wave generated in a ripple tank by a small spherical dipper vibrating at a constant frequency? (A) (c) (B) (D) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE i ! I j -8- l Item 29 refers to the following diagram which shows the instantaneous profile of a wave travelling across a water surface. Displacement 2cm Position 2cm cm 29. From the information given, the frequency is (A) I 20 Hz (c) l0 Hz 20Hz (D) unknown (B) 30. 40 cm The range of fr,equencies detectable by the normal human ear is (A) (B) (C) (D) l0 Hz to 100 Hz 20Hzto2OKHz l0 Hz to l0 KHz 20Hzto 2000 KHz Item 31 refers to the following diagram which illustrates the side view of a water wave. t 31. "rl The amplitude of the wave is (A) (B) (c) (D) 4cm 7cm 8cm 2l cm GO ON TO THE NEXT PACE l -932. shows the An object O is viewed in a plane mirror PQ. Which of the following diagrams colrectly formation of the image? I \a- -. ta- - (A) P (c) -, P o' o I. \a- I\ -. ta- - (B) (D) -. a"' \\\\\ P o item 33 refers to the follou'ing diagram X-l*" m I Air Glass I 33. determined from the ratio From the diagram above, the refractive index of glass can be (A) Sinm Sin I (B) Sinm Sin n (c) (D) Sin I Sin 90 Sin90 Sin n GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE l0 Item 34 refers to the following diagram which represents an object OB standing on the axis of the converging lens L. L o 01020 B 80 90 r00 110 cm I IM represents the image formed. The lens is placed at the 50 cm mark of a scale marked every l0 cm. 34. The focal length of the lens is (A) (c) 15 cm 20 cm 60 cm (D) 65 cm (B) I THENEXT GO ON TO PAGE 35. A ray of white light enters a transparent glass prism. In which of the following diagrams is the dispersion of light correctly illustrated? ll 36. Which diagram BEST shows the path taken by a ray of light through a rectangular block? (A) R o Y (A) G B I v (B) R o (B) Y G B I v (c) v I B G (c) Y o R (D) v I B G (D) Y o R GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE -12Item 37 refers to the following diagram. 40. Which of the following electromagnetic waves has the SHORTEST wavelength? ,it"",io, ofl*Pagation (A) (B) (c) Displacement (D) Gamma rays Infrared waves Radio waves Ultraviolet radiation Distence from origin 41. 37, Which of the following statements about the wave shown in the diagram is/are true? I. Il. III. (A) (B) (c) (D) 38. Points P, Q and R are in Phase. Points S and T are out ofPhase. The wavelength of the wave is the distance PR. I only ll only I and ll only II and III only In which of the following would a change be detected if sounds of differeing frequencies are played in succession? (Assume amplitude Which of the following diagrams shows the magnetic field between a bar magnet and a piece of iron? (A) N (B) NS (c) N (D) NS S lron Iron S Iron Iron constant.) 39. (A) (B) Loudness (c) Pitch (D) Timbre Speed Magnetic induction occurs when (A) (B) (c) (D) N pole attracts a S Pole iron nails near a magnet become an magnetized a magnet is susPended and Points in the NS direction an electroscoPe is charged GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE -13Item 42 refers to the following diagram which represents a straight wire carrying a current into the plane of a piece of paper. 42. Item 43 refers to the following diagram which shows the trace on the screen of an oscilloscope wired to an a.c. supply and a device X. Which of the following diagrams BEST represents the magnetic field around the wire? (A) 43. (B) X is probably a (A) (B) (C) (D) (c) diode resistor solenoid transformer Item 44 refers to the following diagrams labelled I,ll and III. Tlvo permanent magnets (D) I l Parallel wires carrying equal currents in the same direction into the paper Current flowing in a solenoid Itr 44. Which of the diagrams above correctly show(s) the magnetic fields created? (A) (B) (C) (D) n 1a'!on 1 itr ^^1 ? I only I and III only Il and lll only I, II and III GO ON TO THE NEXT PACE -14Which of the following materials is MOST suitable for the core of an electromagnet? 45. (A) (B) (A) Steel Copper Carbon Soft iron (c) (D) 46. An ammeter has avery lou'resisrance it can be placed in 47 (B) (c) (D) Which of the following circuit symbols represents a fuse? (A) (B) parallel with a comPcni:.: ::-': - :: affect the circuit series with a comPonen: 3j-€ -:li affect the circuit parallel with a comPonent ar": fu ammeter does not heat uP series with a comPonent an'J de ammeter does not heat uP An ideal transformer has a primary to 48. of l:3' An alternating potential difference of 200 V is applied to ihe primary coil and a resistance of 200 A secondary tums ratio --@€-- (c) the attached to the secondary coil' What is circuit? current in the secondary (D) (A) (B) (c) (D) 49. so that The following diagrams labelled I, Il and III, by a student. show the magnetic field lines plotted N I A 1.0 A 1.5 A 3.0 A 0.33 tr s N IU Which of the following are correct? (A) (B) I and II onlY I and III onlY (c) Il (D) I, and III onlY II and III GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE - 50. Which of the follorving voltage (V) - 15 - time (t) graphs BEST represents an a.c. voltage? v/v v/v tA) 0 tls (c) v/v v/v (B) 51. o t/s o t/s t/s (D) In which of the following circuits willthe lamp light up? (A) (B) (c) (D) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE nra^onrAtl^A1f -16Item 52 refers to the following diagram' f,t. Which of the following CANNOT deflected by a magnetic field? (A) (B) (c) 4 I (D) 56. Which of the following options shows the correct match of the component name and Which of the following are definitions of the term 'half-life'of a radioactive nuclide? its number? Diode LamP Resistor (A) (B) (c) (D) 53. 3 I 4 4 I 2 J I 3 4 2 2 2 4 3 I Il. (A) (B) (c) (D) C 0 0 I 0 1 I I 0 I (A) (B) I 0 (c) (c) (D) OR ln the scattering experiment conducted by Geiger and Marsden, some of the alpha particles were deflected. The explanation for this phenomenon is that (A) (B) (C) electrons have a small mass electrons have a small charge the metal foil was only a few atoms (D) thick the nuclear charge and mass are concentrated in a small volume It is half the average number of disintegrations Per second- B NAND NOR AND The time taken for the activitY of any given samPle to fall to half its original value. The time taken for half the nuclei present in anY given samPle to decay. III. A I 54. Fuse Given the following truth table with inputs Aand B and output C, which logic gate does it describe? (A) (B) Alpha particles Beta particles Gamma rays Electrons 3 2 52. be 57 I, lI and lll The nuclide (D) 58. I and II onlY t and lll onlY II and lll only 23rooTh contains 90 protons and234 neutrons 235 protons and 90 neutrons 90 protons and 144 neutrons 144 protons and 90 neutrons Which of the following statements describe the nature ofthe three types of emissions from radioactive substances? Alpha radiation is a stream of helium nuclei- It. Beta radiation is a stream of electrons. III Camma radiation is an electromagnetic radiation of very high frequencY. (A) (B) (c) (D) I and Il only I and lll onlY II and lll onlY I, Il and Ill GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE -17 59 Which ofthe following scientists discovered the relationship E = mc2? (A) (B) (C) (D) 60. Which of the following equations for nuclear reactions is correct? Marie Curie lsaac Newton (A) 'f[Ra -+ 'i|P* * B -particle Albert Einstein (B) '!c+'lN (c) "r[Ra -+ '31n"+a -particle (D) '!c J J Thompson -+tlN +B-par:ticle +a-particle END OF TEST IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. 0r238010/F 20r6 t TEST CODE FORM TP 2017021 01238010 JANUARY 20I7 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE@ EXAMINATION PHYSICS Paper 01 - General Proficiency I ltour 15 minutes 17 JANUARY 2017 (a.m.) READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. l. This test consists of 60 items. You will have 2 In addition to this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet. 3 iEal !!, 4 #i !.rrii I hour and l5 minutes to answer them. Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), are about to answer and decide which choice is best. (D). Read each item you On your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below. Sample ltem The SI unit of length is the (A) (B) (C) (D) Sample Answer @o@@ neMon metre kilogram second The best answer to this item is "metre", so (B) has been shaded. 5. If you want to change your answer, erase it completely before you fill in your new choice. 6. When you are told to begin, turn the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can. If you cannot answer an itent, go on to tlre next one. You may return to that item later. 7 You may do any rough work in this booklet. 8 Figures are not necessarily drawn to scale. 9 You may use a silent, non-progratnrnable calctrlator to answer itenrs. l'* DO NO'I' 'tUt{N THIS PAC;li tlNTt[, \'()tr :\lLF. TOLI) 1'O I)() St) ( l'i:, l.ii {rr 'r '^1::_ o1lr t'ieltt ,!') lo i ,i i , l ,i 21. How many significant figures are in the quantity 25.92 m32 4 Which ofthe following instruments is suitable for measuring the diameter of a human hair? (A) (B) 2 (A) (B) (c) 3 (c) (D) 4 (D) I Item 2 refers to the fpllowing measuring cylinder which is used to determine the volume of a liquid. 5. cm3 Thpe measure Vemier caliper Metre rule Micrometer screw gauge Three irnmiscible liquids B Q and R have densities which differ. Q is denser than P but less dense than R. Which of the following diagrams shows how tlre liquids settle in the measuring cylinder? t0 l 9 Dt- 8 (A) a R= 7 6 5 a= Liquid (B) P R= 2. The volume of the liquid, in cmr, is (A) (B) (c) (D) 3. 7.0 7.s R= a (c) 7.8 8.0 P In carrying out an experiment to locate a real image using a converging lens, the pI object can be placed . Il. II I. I R= a (D) between the focal point and the lens at the focal point between the focal point and a point at twice the focal length (A) (B) I only (c) l[[only (D) I arrcl 6. The mass of an astronaut is 70 kg wherr starrding orr the mootr. When lre returns to earth his approximate weiglrt will be ll only [il (A) orrly l:'F' (B) 70 kg ,r20 kg 'i\. t r/ I -i',, r/\r ((.) 70 N \; I t -37, When a force F is applied to a spring of original length L, the new length becomes L + x. What would be the new length of the tr was applied instead? spring if a force of 10 car? f (A) (B) (C) Which of the following features must be present in a stable, well-designed racing (A) (B) L+2x (L+ x) 2 (c) L-t x (D) (D) t* + 11. Which of the following statements represent ways in which energy may be used MORE effi ciently and econom ical ly in homes? Ilem 8 refers to the following diagram which shows three forces of magnitudes L, M and N, all in the same plane and applied on a ring. II L R III. M (A) (B) (c) N (D) 8. Washing fewer and larger loads in the washing machine Using a solar water heater instead of an electrical heater Hanging clothes out to dry in the sun instead of using an electric dryer I and ll only I and III only ll and III only I, II and III Which of the following equations must be TRUE in order for the ring to remain stationary? (A) (B) (C) (D) N2: L2 + M2 N2: L2 - M2 L2: M2 + N2 N:L+M t2. When a ball is thrown vertically upwards, 'and reaches its maximum height, it has (A) Linear momentum is (A) (B) (c) (D) the product ofmass and acceleration maximum kinetic energy and maximum potential energy (B) (C) 9. Low centre of gravity Narrow wheelbase Sunroof Long front (D) maximum kinetic energy and minimum potential energy maximum potential energy and minimum kinetic energy minimum kinetic energy and minimum potential energy the product of mass and velocity measured in neMon-metres measured in kilograrns per metre iiin iri,:1 r:1.!: -413. A large, heavy parcel is tied with string. It is less painful for a person to pick up the parcel if a cloth is wrapped around the string. This is because the cloth (A) (B) (c) (D) 14. t7 exerts less force on the fingers reduces the tension in the string makes the parcel lighter reduces the pressure on the fingers (B) (c) (D) (D) transfer? (A) Y --- X andY---+ Z (B) Y --.ZandX---+Z X ---+ Y andY -, Z Z+Y and Y -- X (c) (D) 16. The heat capacity of a substance is defined as the amourrt of heat energy (A) (B) (C) (D) the substance can hold I kg of the substance can hold required to change the substance to another state rreeclecl to raise the tenrperarttrrc ol' tlrc substarroe bv I cleqlcc of mercury. The units of P, and V, must be the same as those for P, and Vr. I only I and IV only I, II and IV only I, II, III and IV Wh ich scientist was responsible for arriv ing at the conclusion that measured amounts of electrical and mechanicalenergy can be converted to proportionate amounts of heat energy? (A) (B) (C) (D) Which of the following transitions BEST indicates the direction of net energy T2 be given in Kelvin. P, and P, must be measured in mm (c) Item 15 refers to the following diagram which shows a copper rod being heated. 15. Tr III (B) 18. P,Y, II (A) absorbs 2.26 x 104 I gives out 2.26 x 104 I absorbs 2.26 x 108 J gives out 2.26 x 108 J P,V, Mass of gas being constant. The temperatures T, and T, must IV. The specific latent heat of vaporization of water is2.26 x 106 J kg-r. When 0.01 kg of water is converted into steam it (A) Under what conditions could the following gas formula be applied to solve problems? r9 Joule Coulomb Rumford Newton Which of the following methods is the MOST suitable means of heating a brass bob in order to determine its specific heat capacity by the method of mixtures? (A) Subjecting it to an open flame for ten minutes (B) Placing (c) (D) it in contact with an electrical lreater for ten minutes Placing it in a boiling water bath for ten minutes Subjecting it to an infrared bearn flor ten minutes a'l. 5 20. A student carries out an experiment to determine the specific heat capacity, c, of a solid using the electrical method. Which of the following equations should be used? (A) (c) "^: (C) IVt MLo (D) MLe IVt ofthe substance was DOUBLED, the value of E, will mass 22. water freezes (D) remain constant (A) (B) 0"Ctoiceat0oC (c) 100 oC to steam at 100 "C oC 0 "C to steam at 100 'C long wavelength infrared rays which are radiated from the sun and are unable to penetrate glass short wavelength infrared rays which are radiated from the objects within the glasshouse and are unable to penetrate glass long wavelength infrared rays which are radiated from the objects within the glasshouse and are unable to penetrate glass The specific latent heat of fusion of water is 340 k J kg-r . This means that when l0 kg of (c) The specific latent heat of vaporization of water is the energy required to change I kg of water at (D) 24. (A) (B) be halved be doubled be quadrupled 99.9 oC to steam at 100.1 short wavelength infrared rays which are unable to penetrate glass (B) The energy required to change the state of a substance was determined to be Er. Ifthe (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) PI c: FxD MLo " The 'glasshouse' effect refers to the glasshouse acting as a heat trap. This is a direct result of ML0 (B) (D) 21. " 23. 34 34 3 400 3 400 kJ ofheat is absorbed kJ of heat is given out kJ ofheat is absorbed kJ of heat is given out I -6Item 25 refers to the following graphs (with axes lravirrg the same scales) of two sound waves, Displacem P and Q. Wave P Time Displacemen Wave Q Time 25. Which of the following statements is true? (A) (c) P is louder than Q but Q has a higher pitch. P is louder than Q and also has a lrigher pitch than Q. Q is louder than P but P has a higher pitch. (D) Q is louder than (B) P and also has a lrigher pitch than P. Item 26 refers to the following diagram which shows an instantaneous profile of a wave travelling across iEtorurtu"". Displacement 2cm 2cm 26. Position cm From the infonnation given, the frequency is (A) *^, (B) l0 Hz (c) 20 Hz (D) Uttkno',vtt 40 cm -7 - Item 29 refers to the following diagram which shows a beam of white light being dispersed (R - Red, V - Violet) by a prism to form a visible spectrum. Item?l refers to the following diagram which Pam facing a plane mirror which is shows 8.0 m away from her. f- o.s * R V 29. Which of the following features make the visible spectrum possible? The colour violet has the shorter wavelength, hence 8m refracts more than colour red. 27 Pam views the image of a vase, which is 0.5 m away from her. How far from Parn is the image of the vase? (A) (B) (c) (D) 28. 7.5 m 8.5 m 15.0 m 15.5 m An object is placed at the bottorn of a tank water and viewed vertically from above. I. III IV. of Which of the following would be TRUE of the image of the object? II. III. It. (A) (B) (c) (D) The colour red has the longer wavelength, hence refracts less than colour violet. The colour violet has the longer wavelength, hence refracts more than colour red. The colour red has the shorter wavelength, hence refracts more than colour violet. I and II only I and IV only II and III only III and IV only It is virtual. It is diminished. It is nearer to the eye than the object. (A) llorrly (B) I and II only I and lll only Il and ltl only (c) (D) .i. \:*: ,^ ''.". -8Item 30 refers to the following diagram of a riglrt-angled triangular glass prism, ABC. 33. x B c a P A piece of paper was burnt by adjusting the height of a converging lens above the paper until the mostconcentrated beam ofsunlight was obtained. The distance between the lens and the paper was l0 cm. What was the focal length, in cm, of the lens? (A) (B) l0 (c) t5 (D) 20 Which of the following 5 R A s 34 30 The critical angle for glass is 42". X is a ray of light, perpendicularto BC. The ray of light will emerge in the direction of (A) P (B) a (c) (D) 3I. 32 I Radio Infrared (c) Light (D) Sound The refractive index ofa transparent medium with a critical angle, c, for light travelling from the medium to air is (c) (D) -r- il l]lltl a of transm ission? (A) (B) -F R (B) (A) of water waves in a ripple tank? S Which of the following waves requires med ium represent diffraction iD III (A) (B) I only (c) I and (D) II and II only ll only lll only I c 90" sln c sin 90" stlt c sirr c j', .. diagrams could -9Item 35 refers to the following diagram which 37 shows a transverse wave at a particular Which of the following statements of a diverging lens? is TRUE instant. (A) It is thinner at the centre than at (B) It can form only inverted images. It can form only real images. It can form only enlarged images. ment the edge. (c) (D) 38. What is the equivalent resistance of the two resistors shown in the following diagrarn? Rl 35. The wavelength of the wave is equal to the distance (A) (B) PQ PR (c) PS (D) QR Itern 36 refers to the following diagram which shows a light ray whiclr is incident at the air- glass interface at an angle of incidence (A) (B) 0.5 c) (c) 6C) 8C, (D) 1.3 C, of 500. 39 A curent .I flows for a tirne / between two poirrts at a potential difference of V. The power P expended is equal to Air (A) (B) IV/I IVI Glass (c) U (D) It 500 40. A glass rod is rubbed with a piece of silk and is positively charged. The glass rod became charged by 36 .l ; ,'i1' :iri lf the critical angle for glass is 45o, tlre liglrt ray will be (A) (B) reflected refracted (c) cl (D) cl i ispersed ffiac ted (A) (B) (C) (D) losing protorls losing electrons gairring protons gairrirrg electrons js"" -104t Item 42 refers to the following diagram which shows an electrical circuit with a cell and two filament bulbs. Which ofthe following diagrams represents the electric field existing between two oppositely charged point charges? (A) + 42. (B) Wh ich ofthe fol Iowing circu its are electrical ly the same as the circuit above? + (A) (C) + (B) \f (D) +o \ o(c) (D) 43 The resistance of an IDEAL ammeter is assumed to be (A) (B) zero (c) 0.1 ohrn I to 2 ohrns (D) infinite -il44 Which of the following is NOT one of the ways in which the strength of the magnetic field near a solenoid (long coil) carrying a current can be increased? (A) (c) Which of the following diagrams represents the curent/potential d ifference relationsh i p for a metallic conductor at a constarrt temperature? Increasing the resistance ofthe coil Increasing the current in the coil Increasing the number of turns per (B) (A) unit length of the coil Placing a soft iron core inside the coil (D) 45. 46. Which V of the following concerning voltmeters is correct? (B) Resistance of a Voltmeter How it is Connected to the Component (A) Low In parallel (B) High ln parallel (c) Low ln series (D) High ln series V (c) V (D) V 47 An ideal transformer has 1200 turns on the prirnary coil and 600 turrrs on the secondary coil. lf the voltage across the prirnary is 20 V, the secondary voltage is (r\ ) (Ll) 2V JV ('c) IO V ) :1i.'jl- i "'.i r: ii \,' -12Item 48 refers to the following diagram 49 Which of the following statements about alternating current is TRUE? which shows a cell E, a diode P, and a resistor R, connected in series. (A) It can be changed into direct current by a transformer. E (B) It (c) It can be used to recharge a battery. It can be used to transmit electrical its high energy because can be rectified by using a semiconductor diode. (D) P of R frequency. 48. Which of the following graphs BEST illustrates the current through R? 50. (A) ilL Which of the following statements about insulators is NOT true? In an (A) insulator all electrons are bound firmly to their atoms. (B) In an insulator many electrons can (c) An insulator can be charged (D) A good insulator retains its move freely from atom to atom. by IIA rubbing. (B) charge better than a conductor. Item (c) IIA 5l refers to the following diagram. F.*"1 a tls IIA (D) 51. An iron rod, PQ, is placed inside a plastic pipe wound with a coil as shown in tlre diagram and a current is passed. When the current is switched off, the rod is likely to have (A) positive charge at P, negative charge atQ (B) negative charge at P, positive charge arQ (c) (D) N po,lg at B S pole at Q S pole at P, N lrole at Q a -1352 An electromagnet consists of insulated wire wrapped around an iron core. 55. (A) (B) (C) (D) It works because (A) (B) (c) (D) 53. iron is always magnetized iron is a good electrical conductor a magnetic field is produced inside the coil an electric field is produced inside the coil 50. The electric power supplied to homes and factories is alternating current (a.c.) rather tlran direct current (d.c.) because (A) the use of a.c. reduces electrical (B) hazards the use ofa.c. reduces transmission losses (c) (D) a.c. enables a wider variety of appliances to be used a.c. power Jines are less likely to be struck by lightning than d.c. power lines 54. The nuclide 57 Alpha (A) (B) (c) II only III only I and II only (D) ll (B) (c) (D) A z-2 A-2 z-2 /l+2 z X Beta Camma and lll only I (A) (B) z+2 7of its initial value? (c) (D) 1.2 days 60 days 80 days 320 days X X X l':t;* '!','ll' l:i:t neutrons neutrons neutrons neutrons A radioactive isotope has a half-life of 20 days. How many days will it take for a given sample to have its activity reduced represented Oy (A) 90 protons and 234 235 protons and 90 90 protons and 144 144 protons and 90 I. ll. III. to A-2 contains Alpha particles, beta particles and gamma rays from a radioactive source are subjected to a transverse magnetic field. Which of them would NOT be deviated from their original path? Which of the following would be possible symbols for an isotope of a nuclide )Xt 23rfTh -1458. Which of the following describes two 60. No radioactive nucleiare present in asample properties of an a-particle? attimet=0. (A) (B) (C) (D) represents the variation with time of the number, N, of undecayed nuclei present? No charge, very penetrating Positive charge, very penetrating Negativecharge,notverypenetrating Positive charge, notvery penetrating Which of the following graphs BEST (A) 59 \ Sodium 24decays into Magnesium 24 with the emission of a B-particle and can represented by the following equation. 'rorNo be - 'rius * 0 Which of the following should be placed in the box to complete the equation? (A) (B) (c) (D) N (B) N \ 0 -r€ o 4 0 e (c) He 0 -I N \ He 0 (D) N \ 0 time END OF TEST IF YOU FINISH IIEIORE TIME IS Cr\LLED, CFIECI( YOUIL WORK ON I'FttS TIIST TEST CODE 01238010 FORM. TP 2013021 JANUARY 20i3 C'AR'.IBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE"' EXAl\fiNATION PHYSICS Paper 01 - General Proficiency • 1hour15 minutes (11JANUARY2013 (p.m.)) READ· THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY,.. 1. This test consists of 60 items. You will have 1 hour and 15 minutes to answer them. 2.• In addition to.this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet. - 3. Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item you are about to answer and decide which choice is best. 4. OD your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having the same.letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below. Samide Item The SI unit oflength is the (A) (B) (C) (D) Sample Answer newton metre kilogram second 5. The best answer to thi~ item is "metre" so answer sp~ce (B) has been shaded. If you want to change your answer, erase it completely before you fill in your new choice. 6. Wbenyou are told to begin, tum the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can. If you cannot answer an item, go on to the next one. You may return to this item later. Your score will ·be the total number of correct answers. 7. You may do any_ rough work in this booklet. 8. Figures are not necessarily drawn to scale. = - = = = 9. You may use a silent~ non-programmable calculator to answer items. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. . 2- I. Item 5 refers to the following diagram which shows the section of a thermometer. A physical quantity which is NOT one of the fundamental quantities is (A) (B) (C) (D) Mercury""- mass time current density I S. 2. ' I 90' I I I j ;.I~ ( 80' What is the reading shown? 0.0000357 N expressed in standard form is 88° 89° 91° 92° (A) (A) (B) (C) (D) 3. I 100• 3.57 3.75 3.75 3.75 (B) (C) (D) xlO-' N x 10' N x 10~ N x 10' N Item 6 refers to the graph below which shows a relationship represented by the straight line passing through QT. The period of a simple pendulum is MOST affected by the y (A) (B) (C) (D) length of the string amplitude of the oscillation mass of the bob force used to start it p ------- T I I I I S 4. Which of the following is suitable for measuring the diameter of a human hair? Tape measure (B) (C) Vernier caliper Micrometer screw gauge Metre rule (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) J02cm _ x For this relationship, when x = 0, the value ofy is Item 7 refers to the diagram below. [i]. R Q 6. (A) I I lOcm Q S p R .Fl metre rule iivot at centre 7. The diagram above represents a 100 g mass which can be balanced by placing a mass at I. If the mass at I is to be used to balance the I 00 g, it should be (A) 1B) (C) ID) less than 100 g JOO g a little greater than 100 g about 200 g 8. 9 It is NOT true that the 1no1nent of a force is (A) (B) (C). (D) 10. measured in units called nev.'ton metres the amount of force needed to keep a body turning the tuining effect that .a force has when it acts on a body the product of the force and the perpendicular distance of its line of action from a point In an expenment to locate the centre ofmass of a sheet of cardboard, a plumb line (string \Vith a small mass on the end)_is used. The plumb line is used to (A) check that the apparatus is vertical (B) check that the cardboard is swinging (C) freely show which points are vertically (D) below the pivot• measure the width of the cardboard Which of the following is a vector physical quantity? (A) (B) (C) (DJ Speed Energy Mass Displacement Item 11 refers to the following diagram which shows a velocity/time graph for a moving object. v r---~~-=--------------,,,~~~ c 11. 1, ,, ,, '• T \Vhich of the following statements about the object is/are true? I. II. III. It returns to its starting point. It has zero acceleration between times t, and~Its velocity at t,. is the same as its initial velocity. (A) (B) (C) I and II only I and Ill only II and III only I, II and III (D) r,n (INT() Ti.:11= 1\fl=VT 0/\ r:.L" 11•...n~1~11,r•T•'1""'1,····. . .•1r:--: 11 - 4- 12. Two smooth spheres, A and B, collide head on. Which of the following statemen.ts is/are true? I IL Ill. (A) (BJ (CJ (DJ 13. (A) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (DJ I only Ill only II and III only I, II and III Displacement Density Acceleration Momentum A piece of string is tied onto a small stone and the stone is then suspended, totally immersed, in water. The tension in the string will be • ~water 17. I. II. III. Solar energy Wind energy Geothermal energy (C) (A) I and II only I and III only II and III only I. II and III (DJ An ice cube sinks in liquid A but fit?ats in liquid 8. Which of the following statements is true? (BJ (D) 18. (B) (C) The upthrust is less in A than in B. The upthrust is greater in A than in B. The weight of the ice is less in A than iri B. (D) The weight of the ice is greater in Athan in B. dejJth of the water volume of water held by the dam mass ofwater held back by the dam length of the reservoir Which of the following tools is/are designed to take advantage of a large moment provided by a relatively small force? I. II. m. (A) Dam The diagram above shows a dam. The pressure on the dam at the bottom of the reservoir depends on the (A) (C) zero equal to the weight of the stone less than the weight ofthe stone more than the weight of the stone Item 17 refers to the following dia~am ofa dam. Which of the following are renewable sources of energy? (Bl 15. The momentum of A is the same after collision as it was before. The momentum of B is the same after collision as it was before. The total momentum of A and B is the same after collision as it was before. \Vhich oftbe following is NOT a vector quantity? (BJ 14. 16. IV. (A) (BJ (C) (D) Claw hammer Crowbar Pair of tweezers Pair of wire cutters III only I and IV only I, II and III only I, II and IV only - 519. · The temperature on a wa_rm day in the Caribbean is about (A) (B) (C) (D) 2L 32 K 240 K 273 K 305 i< Some molten naphthalene at 100 °C is allowed to cool down to room temperature. If napl:thalene has a melting point of _80 •C, which of the following graphs BEST represents the cooling curve? (A) 20. Which of the following is MOST likely to account for the fact that pot handles are usually made of wood or plastic? • (A) (B) (C) (D) timin Conduction Convection Radiation Evaporation (B) t/min (C) r/min (D) 22. Which ofthe following does NOT describe a proces~ which is an example ofevaporation? (A) (B) (C) (0) ----- ---- A slice of bread left in the open air becomes dry. The cooling effect of sweating in animals. The rapid disappearance of ether if exposed to the air. A loaded copper wire put around a block of ice gradually cuts through the ice. -- --~--::::..~1.i-1 -6Item 23 refers to the following diagrams which show how the pressllre, the volume and the temperature of a :fix~d mass of dry gas. are inter.related. Pressure Volume Pressure ~ 0 0 0 Volume 0 0 Celsius temperature 0 Celsius temperature II 23. Which of.the graphs can be used to establish the kelvin temperature scale? (A) (B) (C) (D) 24. III II only I and II only II and III only I, II and III The specific latent heat ofvapourization of water is the energy required to change I kg 26. of water at (A) (B) (C) (D) A detector of thermal energy is placed an equal distance in turn from each of four faces of a hollow metal cube full of water. The reading on the detector is GREATEST when the detector is turned to\vards the face which is O 'C to steam at JOO 'C 0 'C to ice at 0 'C 99.9 'C to steam at 100.1 'C 100 'C to steam at 100 °C (A) (B) (C) 25. An electric kenle full of water is plugged into the mains. The process by which heat travels through the water is (D) 27. painted silver painted dull black painted shiny white highly polished Which of the following waves travel only (A) (B) electrification convection longitudinally? (C) evaporation radiation I. II. lll. (D) (A) (B) (C) ID) Sound waves Radio waves Water waves I only II only II and III only I. II and llI -7- Iteffi 28 refers to the following diagram which represents a wave travelling to the right. Item 30 refers to the table below which lists the refractive indices for light of four different materials. Material Air lee Perspex Diamond 30. . 28. The amplitude of the wave is the distafJ.ce 29. (A) (B) oz TV (C) TX (D) Which of the following diagrams could represent diffraction of water waves in a ripple t"ank? 31. -=r_--~ - ·~:~ mJV I only II only I and JI only II and Ill only Air Ice Perspex Diamond Young's double slit experiment demonstrates that light (A) (B) (C) :-- (,.\) IB) (C) (D) In which medium would the light waves have the SLOWEST speed? ox (A) (B) (C) (D) Refractive Index LO 1.3 1.5 2.4 (D) has a particle nature is a wave motion travels in a straight line produces sharp images Item 32 refers to the diagram below ..,,.,.hi ch shows an instantaneous profile of a \vave travelling across a water surface. Displacement fl 2cmh ~ 2 cmf.--····--SJ' 20cm 32. C/J ~' Position ~Ocm From the information given. the frequency is (A) l -Hz 20 !Bl lOHz IC) ~a (D/ unknown Hz ii -833. Item 35 refers to the following diagram. If a converging lens is used as a magnifying glass, the image formed is (A) (B) (C) (DJ ) real, inverted, diminished real, erect, diminished virtual, inverted, magnified virtual, erect, magnified 35. 34. Which row in the table below correctly compares X rays and visible light? X-rays (AJ (BJ (CJ (DJ Visible Light Waves Particles High frequency Low frequency Long wavelength Short wavelength Carry less energy Carry more energy y The circular wavefront shown above is progressing towards the reflecting surfacd xy. Which of the diagrams below correctly· shows the shape of the wavefront after; reflection? x y x y x y x y ,, ::a I -9 - 36. Which of the following diagrams MOST clearly shows the path of a ray oflightwhen it strikes a plane mirror? 37. Which of the following diagrams BEST represents the passage of a beam of white light through a triangular glass prism? (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (D) Item 38 refer~ to the diagram below. 2F F ~ Principal focus 38. Optical centre \Vith reference to the diagram above, a real image is produced \.Vith a converging lens when the object is lopated (A) (8) IC) bet\veen the optical centre and F between F and infinity at F only (0) at 2F only GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE , . , . iii Item 39 refers to the graphs below 'vhich represent two alternating currents. CurrentlmA Current/mA 5 5 II 39. Which of the following combinations correctly identifies these currents? (A) (B) (C) (D) 40. Current with greater frequency Current with greater peak value II Neither I Neither I Neither II Which of the following statements about insulators is/are true? I. II. III. IV. (A) (B) (C) (D) In an insulator all electrons are bound firmly to their atoms. In an insulator many electrons can move freely from atom to ato1n. ~ insulator cannot be charged by rubbing. A good insulator retains the charge better than a conductor. 41~ The current in a wire is one ampere if a charge of (A) 10 coulombs flows through it in l 0 (B) 1 coulomb flows through it in 1 seconds (C) (D) second 10 coulombs flow through it in 1 second 100 coulombs flows through it in 10 seconds I only I and II only II and III only II and IV GO ON TO THE NEXT PAqE 0123801 OIJANUARY/F 201 o - 11 - Item 44 refers to the diagram below. Item 42 refers to the following current-time .graphs. I. I 44. IL In the parallel circuit shown above, ALL of the current, I, supplied by the battery I (A) (B) (C) (D) 45. -l2. \Vhich of the graphs above represent(s) direct current? (A) (B) (CJ ( D) -43. II only III only I and III only I, II and III Which of the following statements about alternating current is true? (A) {B) (C) (D) goes through each of the resistors goes through the largest resistor only goes through the smallest resistor only equals the sum of the currents in the two resistors Which of the following relationships gives a correct value for the combined resistance Rr of resistors Rl, R2, and R3 connected in parallel? (A) R,. = R, +R, +R, (B) R = (C) R ' =- ' (D) R,. Ri R1 Rl R, +R,+R, I R, - R, It can be changed into direct current by a transformer. It can be rectified _by using a semiconductor diode. It can be used to recharge a battery. It is used to transmit electrical energy because of its high frequency. di + -+ R, + - l R, - I R, + - R, - 12 46. Item 47 refers to the following diagram. In I, II and Ill below, which graph could have been obtained from measurements made using the circuit above it? I p 47. The diagram above shows a typical relay. The part, labelled P, must be made of (A) (B) (C) (D) II 48. Which of the following formulae (in which the symbols have their usual meaning) is a mathematical expression of Ohm's Law? (A) (B) (C) (D) 49. III I • - I and II only I and Ill only II and Ill only I, II and Ill transformer capacitor transistor diode Magnetic induction occurs when (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (D) V= IR P=VI Q=IT E=PT Rectification can BEST be done by using a (A) (B) (C) (D) 50. brass iron plastic copper (C) (D) a N pole attracts a S pole iron nails near a magnet becon1e magnetized a magnet is suspended and points in the N S direction an electroscope is charged GO ON TO THF NFYT Pt> r.t:: - 13 51. The direction of a 1nagnet1c field is the direction in which (A) (B) (C) (D) 52. the S pole of a magnet points when placed in it the N pole of a magnet points when placed in it a positive charge moves when placed in it a negative charge moves when placed in it 54. No radioactive nuclei are present in a sample at time t =O. Which of the following graphs BEST represents the variation with time of. the number, N, ofundecayed nuclei present? (A) • In which of the following devices is a commutator used? (A) (B) (C) (D) Transformers AC generators D C motors Moving coil microphones ~ O (B) refers to the following circuit (C) .- '-----l t----~ I II A simple experiment was conducted using the circuit diagrams shown above. The same components were used and the bulb was lit to nonnal brightness in each case. Which of the following components would be defective? !. II. III. The bulb The battery The diode (A) I only lllonly I and !I only fl and only iB) !Cl ID) time ~~ O 53. time ~LL 0_ diagrams. .- ~b_ m (D) time N~ '~ O time - 14 - 55. Which of the following actions is NOT one of the ways in which the strength of the magnetic field near a solenoid (long coil) carrying a current can be increased? (A) {B) (C) (D) 56. Increasing the resistance of the coil Increasing the current in the coil Increasing the number of turns per unit length of the coil Placing a soft iron core inside the coil (C) (D) number of electrons number Of protons number of neutrons atomic number Which of the follo\ving are definitions of the term 'half-life' of radioactive nuclide? I. II. III. (A) (B) Isotopes ofan elementdifferfrom each other in that they have a different (A) (B) 57. 58. (C) (D) 59. (A) (B) (C) a sheet of paper (D). a few millimetres of aluminium a few centimetres of aluminium several centimetres of lead 60. I and II only I and III only II and III only I_ II and III Which of the following pairs of terms describes two properties of an a -particle? Gamma rays may be stopped by (A) (B) (C) (D) The time taken for the activity of any given sample to fall tO half its original value. The time taken for half the nuclei present in any given sample to decay. Half the average number of disintegrations per second. No charge, very penetrating Positive charge, very penetrating Positive charge, not very penetrating Negativecharge,notverypenetrating In the equation .O.E = L'!i.mc~ (A) c = speed of light, Arn = mass of (B) (C) c = speed oflight, Am = change in mass c = specific heat capacity of (D) c=specificheatcapacityofsubstance, atom substance, Am""' change in mass .6.m = mass of substance END OFTEST IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. :)?aper 01 - General :Proficiency 1 hour 15 1nillutes (i.7 JANUARY 2018 (a.m~)) READ Tfl_E, FOLLOWTN'G INSTRUCTIONS CAP..EFUT~LY. . · This test consists of 60 items. You will have 1 hour and 15 minutes to answer them. In addition to this test booklet,, you_ should have an answer sheet. Each item in this test has four suggested answ~rs lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item you are about to answer and decide which choice is best, On your answer sheet, find the n~mber which corresponds to your item and snade the space having the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below. · Sample Item The SI unit of length is "th~ (A)- (B) (C) (D) Samole Answer metre second newton kilogram The best answer to this item is "metre,,, so (A) has been shaded. If you want to change your answer, erase it completely before you fill in your new choice. When you are told to begin, turn the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can. If you cannot answer an item, go on the next one . You rnay return to that item later. to ~ . ou may do any rough work in this booklet. Figures ar • . e not necessarily drawn to scale . You may ·1 . · use _a st_e~t. non-prograr:nmable .cnlcu _lator to at:1swer items . ~o NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTI L YOU ~RE. TOLD 'To ·o·o · so: Copyright 0 20 I 6 Car ibbean Ex~m inat ions Co.u ric ii All rights reserved . -2 - .: • ,. 1. : Wh e n us e d in fro nt of a unit the pre.fix' . ' m ega ' m e ans I l'F1 .. ...!-- l \ :;. 1 Jo d1 ( - A 3. C (B) (C) (D) 4. B 4 .62 x 4 .62 x 4 .62 x 4.62 x s. 10-5 N 10 4 N lo-4 N 105 N 10· milligrams 100 milligrams 1 000 mill1grams 1o ooo (C) (D) ) F; C The diagram shows a non""uniform bar pivoted at P. W indrcates the weight of the · bar and forces FI and f 2 are appiied at the positions shown. (A) D Fl dl F, d 1 +Wd 3 CF, +W) (dl+d)) (B) (C) (D) ~,illigrams a nuclear force an electric force a magnetic force a frictional force ~J ~ . The sum of the clockwise moments about P equals When a student placed her hands close to a television screen, the hair on her hands stood up pointing towards the screen. This is an example of (A) (B) : . AC~Wd3 One gram is equal to· (A) \ . l 0 .0000462 N expressed in standard form is (A) . (B) (C) (D) ~ 1--------~•p _,,.,.Pivot, P . .. I I ./ (D) 2. •' ~ Item 5 refers to the following diagram . C -t,::' d F0..., · I ·, (A) (B) (C) ,.• ,·_ -. . F, d1 + F 2 d2 Which of the f9llowing are examples of alternative sources of energy used in the Caribbean? · · 6. I. '---- · IL Nuclear energy Geothermal energy Hydroelectric energy '--'- IIL C '-- I and II only I and Ill only II and Ill only I, II and in (A) (B) (C) (D) . . .. •' GO ON TO THE NEXT PAC£ -fr o~Lt.,fe c0.c,~ (A) (B) A (C) (D) ·y l.03 3 d\.Q;t be., clcipt-11'- A diving ball is to b e used at great depth s and so its walls are made thick . T he MAlN reason for this is thnt 7. d LO oH'\._ 10 water pressure increases with depth Whi c h of the following is true about X and the water is mu c h co lder at greater Y? depths a thin- walled vessel would float up to the surface the density of water is much greater at great depths (A) (B) (C) B (D) An object of mass, m, is attached to a spring balance and its weight, w, _recorded. What will be the result if the object is taken to the moon where the gravitational field strength is less, and wei_ghed? 8. .. A so lid obj ect, X , floa ts in n--i"e ~c~ry and sinks in water. A so lid object, Y , floa ts in both merc ury a nd water. X is less dense than Y. Xis more dense than Y. X and Yare both den s er than water. X and Y are both den ser than mercury: Item 11 refers to the following graph . -Displacement/m 24 ------------------. ------- , I I I Mass = m; weight less thari ·w Mass less than· m; weight= w ~(B) Mass = m; weight greater than w ~T\(Ol'\ ~ (C) . 1 (D) _ ~ a t e r than m; weight= w 9t.on D (A) ~ -+ho1\ ~ ' '\ : : I I > I I o,IL....----=s-::-o-----c.~1--;;-0-::-0"7 Time/s of X y I I .. - A hydroelectric pow·er station uses a renewable source of_energy, X. This energy raises water to the top a mduntain so that it has gravitational potential- energy. As the water runs down the mountain,- it tums a turbine which converts Y ~nergy into Z energy. Which set of answers for-X, Y and Z is correct? · C 12 --------- ---: . z (A) Electrical Potential Kinetic (B) Geothermal Potential ' Electrical (C) Solar Kineti_c Electrical (D) Chemical Kinetic Electrical 11. The graph above s·hows how the displacement of a ruriner from a starting line varies with time. This runner is (A) (B) (C) (D) not moving mov1ng· faster and faster moving at a steady speed moving_slower and slower C GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE j 't< "0.:S ct- -fleet - 4- Ll >> vJ 12 . < • (A) (B) ( C) (D) 0 J 13 . D • > h ,. •• • • A bubble of gas ri"ses tQ the surface of drink. This is because the asof t • •• density of the gas is greater than the density of the drink upthrust on _the bubble is greater than the weight of the bubble upthrust on the bubble is greater than . th~ ~~igh<qfwater it dispiaces weight of th~ water displaced by the bubble is- l~s than the weight of the bubble . A block is ·allowecJ 4> fall freely towards the ground. As it falls, its gravitaHonal potential energy (A) (B) (C) (D) increases· remains constant . is converted th internal en~rgy is converted ·to kinetic energy Pressure in a liquid c~n be calculated using the 1 formula p" = pgh· • Which of the followihg sets-of units will give the pressure in the SI unit? . . p 6 ~ (C) g cm·. 3 kg m·' gem·' (D) kgm·' g: h ni:_s-2 mm N·;kg- 1. 1 Nkgcm s-2 ' • m m. cm Item ·1s refers to the foli~~- ·· · ·, : · • . mg &rap~ o f a 11ght sprmg whic;h shows . • a SITTJple extens10n, x, versus force, F. x/cm 10'----------./ 75 15. ~ Which of the following statements are true? I. IL '-.J B FIN III. (A) . (B)° (C) (D) The elastic limit of the spring was exceeded. The spring obeyed Hooke's law · over its · entire extension. . The. force per unit extension . . in the "ela,sti~ region was 7.5 -N cm-1• I and II ·only I and III only II and III only I, Il and III 5 ·: ·. ·Jte m 16 refers to ·the follow in . . _ . ~r- at different levels connec te g d i Agrnn\ Wlll c h !\ h ow!\ two co nt11in c r s of diffe re nt. <i iz.e~. with wat d by n g lass t.ubc n n d .c on!ro ll c d by II t;ip . ~~~"'~ Tn p p· Q 16 . \ V hen t.1-:e t2.p is opened, w ater will flow from P to Q until ( A) container P is empt)/ ·D (B) (C) thewaterlevelofQ!isatX the water level of P ~s at Y the water level of P =and Qare equal (D) - L,0 ilix ~ 1-Lt ~ -rr . . ' " . I l,A....,L<'.'.: 17. (g.J--?u) Dr-Q5l2UN__ ~ - r LJJt,-ht . _ _Ot l ~I.___ ~ t_J . 0 C(j_JJ' Gs Qt~-Lt ~~ , ~ ~ S; , 1, ry1 n --- ~ ~ tne Item 18 refers to following graph based on an· experiment on change of phase. Two smooth spheres, A and B, collide head o n . Which _o f the following statements is/ a re t-ue? · ·Temperature I. I I. II I. The momentum_ of·A is the same after collision as it was before. The momentum of B is the same after collision as it was before . The total momentum of A and B is the same ~ft~r 11 is ion ·as it was before. L~S Q co R 8 s Time B I only III only II and Ill only I, ll and Ill 18 . J) The graph shows that solidificat ion started at Q . During which of the s tage s i. s the substance in the liquid phase? (A) (B) ( C) (D) - A~ P only Between Q and R Betw.een R and S Be~we.e n P and Q GO ON TO TH E N EXT PA GE C. - 6 - - - . - - -_ -. . . rep Q R J rii:1 s lire id~tiia(~onta.i:ners containing Item 1.9 refers to the foHowing d iagrams whc • • . . . d' t d . water of masses m , 2 m , 3 m and 4m res pectively at the temperatures m ,ca e . : · . : . · . : . · W bd 6m ~ . :.:: ... :~~'_. ·::::.:.:- - (C) (D) (D) 21 . Q R ~ ... . -.· · ... - 20 .0 c S Q R s the substance can hold 1 kg of the sul?stance can hold required to raise the tei;nperature of the substance by i d~gree Celsius required to ·raif · ·th~~ the temperature of· I kg o · e substance by 1 degree Celsius · 22. Which ofthefollowing·isNOTan example of evapotation1 .L~ ~ ·. (A) _~ (B) The cooling effect of sweating in animals A slice· of oread left in the open air (C) The iapiii·disappearance of ether if ..L-J (D) beco:.ries dty · exposed to the ait A copper wire put around a block ofi~'gtadua}ly cuts through the ice In the pressure law;which of the following statements is true? 23. B .. . .. . <·· ~ ~:~/_·:-: p The specific-heat capadty of a:substance is defined as the quantify of thermal energy (A) (B) (C) D 40 °C - . . In which of the c_o ntainers above is the ~verage kinetic energy ~fthe molecules GR.EA:EST? ~ 20. . :_.-..- :·:_~~...~>~:. ··.:.~ 60 °C 80°C p 19 . . . . . . . (A) (B) (C). (D) Pressure is C9ns~t. Volume is· constant. The ratio of votu!Ile· to pressure is constant. The ratio of v~lum~ to temperature is. constant. : A Who was responsible for . arriving · at the condus·ion ·that measured · amounts of electrical and mechanical energy can be converted to proportionate ~mounts ofheat erergy? (A) (B) (C) (D) lmtlc~ Newton Rumford Coulomb GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE ~ h - 7 - ·! A piece of string is tied onto a small s tone and the stone is then totally immersed and suspended in water. T he tension in the string will be 24 . C. (C) (D) l{ -) ~:; ccns(--b I \_r: \o cn~ng;ctthe. state of a s ubstance was determined to be Eh . lf the mass of the substance was DOUBLED the value of Eh will be ' 26 . . T lie energy required ~ 'M (C) (D) Itef:1 25 refers to the following diagram which shows water boiling at the top of a glass test tube while a piece of ice remains unmelted at the bottom. _! rf\ ~ C:- H :::: ( _D_ 6'!\J z.ero equal to the weight of the stone less than the weight of the stone more than the weight of the stone (A) . (8). ~ doubled quadrupled halved constant lte~ 27 refers to t~e following diagram . -A ~ A ~ C E CT~;, I · I Water 27_ wave train produced on a slinky. Which of the following distances represent the wavelength of the Vibration? · ~--Bunsen 1 flame Ice wrapped in gauze 25. ( C Whichofthefollowingstatemen~provides the reason for this occurrence? (A) (B) (C) (D) . Gauze is a poor conductor of heat. Water is .a good conductor of heat_ Water is· a poor conductor of heat. Glass is a · good con.ductor of heat. LDat..ai wcU j YMi:6-- (A) C 28. (B) (C) ·co) 11dt- L,CQ; Ato B . Ato E CtoE : D toE · The phenomenon in whi~h. a wave bends as it passes the edge of an object is known as (A) ~r_b- 1lo . The diagram above illustrqtes a longitudinal (B) (C) (D) refraction · diffraction rarcfraction interference g GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE -29. In the follo'w i'n g diagrams! X a nd Y represent tw~ wa~e~·ulses si.Jpe'r'p osi~~ -o~·eac h o th er a resultant R. W hic h· diagram BEST i i lustrates th e pnnc tple o f s uperpQSit,on · to give R (A) y (B) R _ __;___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ R . 30. Two types of radiation; L and R, fall on a woman's left and.right hm:iqs:respectively. Her left hand feels hot but does not become suntanned; her right harid does·itotfeel hot but it eventually becom~s s_unta.rined. Radiations L and R are, respectiyely, L visible light · x:rays ultraviolet infrared · 31. A sand wav~ of fr:equency,.f. moves with a speed, v. The wavelength of this wave is given by · (A) (B) . fa -f V R ,. X-rays visible light infrared · .ultraviolet ® (D) v· f. ' v=IA ~ I f - r.n nN TO THEN.EXT pAG - 9 - Wh ic h o f :th e· ..3 2 . In ·e ach of the following diagrams, F .represents the position of· the principal focus, and O the position of the object for the given lens . Which arrangement will 34 . fo ll o win g ·a re \aws ···of··. refraction ? ~ ~ = constant sin r I. I I. .(A) C@:) B . (C) . (D) land 11 only I and lil only LI and Ill only l , ll and Ill 9 (B) t @) (D) o __ \t dL'vf O....._ . F 0 (B) t of refractive index. l .6 . The· angle of refraction is 27°. What_is the sine of the angle of incidence? . l .6 t F F A ray of light leaves air and enters glass (A) _ J (A) 0 33. LL::> produce a real image? Angle of incidence = angle of refraction The incident ray, the refracted ray and the nor~a\ at the point of incidence all lie in the same plane F ·~ (C) t + sin 2_7° F 1.6 sin 27° 1.6 sin 27° 0 X F (D) sin 27° 1.6 t6 3 35. ,6QJ\ /)_( \ =- ·1-bx: -2..lh :it 0 X F . Which of the · following waves are NOT transverse wav_e s? (A) (B) (C) 0 F · (0) A ripple on a pond Light waves from a street lamp Sound w·a ves from a guitar string Radio waves travelling from a · satellite GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE ' - 10 - 36 . - ·W h ich d iagrn nH3ESTsh ciws the path take n -· by n rayo ft ight th ro u gh a rectangul ar block? 3 7 . · , · Which of tlf~· f~Howiitg combinations-of •· · ·•·, · ammeter characteristics is correct? Resistance of I How is it connected I to the component? an ammeter (A) A ln series (A) Low (B) High (C) Low (D) H igh 38 . (B) 13 C In series . . In pare\lel 1n pare\le\ In an experiment, the approximate method is used to estimate the focal length of a converging lens.- Why is it advised to use a distant object? (A) (B) (C) (D) Rays can -be seen better. Rays are almost parallel. Rays ·travel ~n straight lines. Rays diverge better at the lens. (D) . PA GO ON TO THE NEXT I\ \) () l t em J9 rc-frt~ t o thc- f1,llc1 wing diAg111m vV h f'\ 11 ~ po \ytht".n'°! rt) rl' 1; r1 1h l i"' rl w i th c \o th , it becornl':-~ ~ f--\ ;...O • 'I I (J\.) Gc n <' I ntn, B ~ (B) (C) p ~ n l< ~ Afe,vT (D) 0.5 m :i positi ve ly r:.h ;irge d b y ga 1rnn g pr o tons ne gativ e ly c harge d b y gain in g e\ec trons positively c harged b y ga m i n g e lectrons negatively c harged by l os ing protons m etr~ y X 39 ~ Item 42 refers to the follo win g voltage-time graph. Two similar loudspeakers_·are connected to the same audio-frequency generator and set up as shown. At some points along XY no sound is heard beca1:1se . (A) (B) (C) _ (D) the sound waves are diffracted sound is refracted away from those points interference of the sound waves takes pl'ace the sound waves are ·reflected back to the same source ~<h'Llch. O~_Q_; 42. 40 . - ear Tne human is incapable of hearing a silent dog whistle because · ( A) (B) C {C) it does not make ~ noise the speed of sot.ind is _too fast to be detected by the human ear the frequency of the waves are · above the range detected by-the (A) (B) :t> . (C) human ear (D ) ~ The frequency of 1:he ·voltage-time graph is given by (D) the waves are infrasound with frequencies belowthatdetectable by the human car · ti fhlJn()J\_ hfuJ ,u-Yg ._ c:2D [-( 2_ ~cJDCYG"b H?_ 43 . a I . a -~ ~ T j_ T 1 T Tho BEST material for the core of an electromagnet is ~ (C) (Q) iron wood stoel A alLHn in iurn ( iO O N TO THE NEXT PAGE -- 12 - Item 4·4 Tefers to the fotlo'wing d iagram . which shows a small negatively charged · dust particle midway between two plates and observed with a microscope. -\ lL __~\ il!ust · · - 4G. · · Which of the foll~wi~-g MOST suitable circuit for rne ra~cs t~e . asunng th current flowing through a \arn p?. e A =====;-.J,,a;=:==--= ~ -t=(] (A) Eye v Microscope (B) .s 44. Which of the following arrows correctly indicates-the direction ·of the dust particle when ~e switch, S> is closed? (C) b 45. D (A) (B) (C) t (D) .i Which of the following relationships gives a correct value for th~ combined resistance of resistors RP ~ : ahd -~ -· co·nnected in parallel? ·· · (B) (C) (D) .,R, ls ~ R, +.14·+~ R, =...!...+_.!_+J.... R,. Rz RJ (D) e_ _ o l '-.. ;J : . l ·. 4 : It 2.., - 1J Hern · 47 refers to the fo ll owins circ uit dia·gram . II ~9 Wh ich of the fo ll ow ing expressions can be used to calcl\late the electri cal power of a circuit? 4A 20 ,QA 6A 47. '-''- 6A (A) 03) @ \1 y 12 1 2 ~ 3 4 3 4. 2 R E> (8) (C) (D) 40 Using the.information given in the curcuit diagram, which pair of --:aiu_e s of\ and I~ is CORRECT? r. 11 (A) SO . ~('('()JC6 ~l2te1n (Q, Item 48 refers. to the following ~iagrarn of a dry cell. V1 R P == 12 R f -:;,...--, ··~e.p,, · Which of the fol lowing diagrams represen~ -the current/potential difference relationship .for a metallic conductor at a co·nstant temperature? ;t:plut2 Q~ ()__, raiLo -~ lV ltV p;:; /\} B (A) (B) lt!ilE--A -t::t---B · ------c ~ 1· (C) V IB~---lt.,__,-LEM~--D 43. ') Whic_h a·rrow po\nts to the depolarizing agent of the cell? (A) (B) A B (C) C .(D) D (D) V • . . GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE I '1 ,, . • • -.S l • Which of thc,fo llowin g qul\ntitics is tllc- SMALLEST? (A) (13) (C) (D) I+ ,o lte~ 53. refe rs to .the fdl lowi ng·d '1 agram. "' 1 _ ,l, cob¼L--tt Primary I mic roampere I milliampere 10--i amperc 10} ampere Item 52 refers to the following diagram which shows an electrical _circuit with · a · cell and filament bulbs. two 53 . -A t'f\r-tl= . Whichofthefollowingtircuitsareelectrically the same as the circuit above? 54. (A) Appropriate labels for W and X would be (A) _(B) (C) (D) g (B) (C) C step-up transformer step-up transformer step-down transformer step-down transformer X a.c. input d.c . input a.c . input d.c. input The electric power supplied to homes and factories is alternating current (a.c.) rather than direct current ( d~c.) because (A) (B) Secon dary w QQ.. 52. W (D) the use of a.c. reduces electrical hazards the use of a:.c. reduces transmission losses a.c. e!lables a wider variety of appliances·to be used . a.c. powedin.e s are less likely to be struck by lightning than d.c. power lines · · Two bull~ LJ\_,, )Q-fcoJ6 (C) (D) .... GO ON TO THE NEXt PAGE l '1 SS . \1/h ich of th e fol lowing graphs sh ows how the a ct ivity of a radi o active ·so urce vari es with tirne ? [tern 57 refers to th e follov1ing diagram 4/\)._D A_ _ B (A) Activity Time . (B ) 57 . Activfty 4Time (C) Activity 58. What is the output at C a nd D when a O O input is made at A a nd B ? C D (A) 0 0 (B) -(C) (D)' I 1 0 I 0 An isotope ofuranium, 234 U, changes - 92 to Time @ _ z30 90 - Th"IS .IS an examp - I e of Th. . Activity (A) (B) fission fusion (C) (D) a decay f3 decay C Time 56. A An alpha particle is (A) (B) (C) (D) {Sy a helium nucleus a po, itive electron a high.speed electron high -fre qu e ncy electromagnetic radiation I, ! )_ GO O N TO THE N EXT PA G E - \6 - • ·1 ltems 59-60 tefc.r to· the fo llowing information : Nucleus Neutron Number • •• , Pro1on • Number 126 126 125 14.6 ~ Q R s 59 . 60 . Pan~ Q Qand R Parid R QandS 92 SClfY\JL Mnffi ~ ~~ Which two elements ·could occupy adjacent positions in the periodic~table? .. A 82 Which pair of aton:ic _nuclei are isotopes? . (A) (B) . (C) (D) C • 82 83 (A) (B) P arid Q P .and R tc) Q·ari~ S (D) Rand·s . . TEST CODE 01238010 FORM TP 2020024 JANUARY2020 C A RIBB E A N E XAMINATI O NS C OUNCIL CARIBBEANS ECONDARY E DUCATION CERTIFICATE® EXAMINATION PHYSICS Paper 01 - General Proficiency 1hour15 minutes ( 17 JANUARY 2020 (p.m.) ) 1. 2. READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. This test consists of 60 items. You will have1 hour and15 minutes to answer them. In addition to this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet. 3. Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item you are about to answer and decide which choice is best. 4. On your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below. Sample Item The SI unit of length is the (A) (B) (C) (D) Sample Answer metre second newton kilogram The best answer to this item is "metre", so (A) has been shaded. 5. � I "''r If you want to change your answer, erase it completely before you fill in your new choice. 6. When you arc told to begin, tum the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can. If you cannot answer an item, go on to the next one. You may return to that item later. 7. You may do any rough work in this booklet. 8. Figures are not necessarily drawn to scale. 9. You may use a silent" non-programmable calculator to answer items. DO NOT TURN TIDS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD T O DO SO. Copyright <Cl2019 Caribbean Examinations Council All rights reserved. I I r 01238010/J/CSEC2020 ' - 2 - 1. Which of the following instruments is suitable for measuring the diameter of a human hair? (A) (B) (C) (D ) 2. 4. Metre rule Tape measure Vernier caliper Micrometer screw gauge In an experiment to locate the centre of mass ofa sheet ofcrudboard, a plumb line (string with a small mass on the end ) is used. The plumb line is used to (A) (B) (C) (D) 0.0000462N expressed in standard form is {A) (B) (C) (D) \Jis��..ffui. ;i r�"it.J;;r,,cJ., �11.11 .+owQ,fefs � w.fti. 1o-'N 104N 4.62 x 10..o1N 4.62 x 10' N 4.62" x 4.62 x Item 5 refers to the following diagram which shows a section of a thermometer. Item 3 refers to the following measuring cylinder which is used to determine the volume ofa liquid. cm' 10 I II 100° 5. 9 8 6 5 6. Liquid (B) (C) (D) 7.0 7.5 7.8 8.0 7. 70 kg 420kg 70 N 700N Which of the following is a derived unit? (A) (B) (C) (D) 0123 80 l 0/J/CSEC 2020 88° 89° 91° 92° When standing on the moon, the mass of an astronaut is 70 kg. When he returns to earth his approximate weight will be (A) (B) (C) (D) The volume of the liquid, in cm3, is (A) What is the reading shown oh the thermometer? (A) (B) (C) (D) 7 3. check that the apparatus is vertical measure the width ofthe cardboard show which points are vertically below the pivot checkthat the cardboard is swinging freely K s m3 kg GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE ' - 3 8. An object ofmass m is attached to a spring balance and its weight, w, iecorded. What will be the result ifthe object is taken to the moon, where the gravitntional field strength is Jess, and weighed? (A) (B) (C) (D) 9. 11. (C) = (D) 13. X is less dense than Y. X is more dense than Y. X and Yare both denserthan water. X and Y are both denser than mercury. Om s-1 s-1 6m s-1 12 m s -1 3m Which ofthe following expressions can be used to find the speed ofan object? (B) Low centre of gravity Narrow wheelbase Long front Sunroof 01238010/J/ CSEC 2020 · Change in displacement T.ime taken ,:::", t 14. (C) Distance travelled Time taken (D) Distance travelled x T.ime taken Pressure in a liquid can be calculated using the formula P = pgh . Which of the following sets of units will give the pressure in the SI unit? Which of the following features must be present in a stable, well-designed racing car? (A) (B) (C) (D) C hange in velocity Time taken (A) A glass marble, X, moving with a speed of 6m s-1, collides 'head on' with anidentical stationary glass marble, Y. What is the speed of Y after collision, assuming that X is brought to rest? (A) (B) (C) (D) kinetic energy before impact is equal to the kinetic energy after impact momentum of each body i s unchanged algebraic sum of the velocities before impact is equal to the sum ofthe velocities after impact total momentum of the bodres before impact is equal to the total momentum of the bodies after impact (B) A solid object, X, floatsinmercuryand sink.s in water. A solid object, Y, floats in both mercury and water. (A) (B) (C) (D) When two bodies collide, momentum is conserved. This means that the (A) Mass = m; weight less than w Mass less than m; weight= w Mass = m; weight greater than w Mass greater than m; weight w Which of the following statements is true about X and Y? 10. 12. p (A) ·(B) (C) (D) g cm-J kg m-3 g cm-3 kg m-3 g m s-2 Nkg-1 Nkg-' cm s-2 h mm m m cm GO ON TO TI-IENEXT PAGE - 4 15. IIJ. Solar energy Wind energy Geothermal ene1gy (A) (B) (C ) ( D) I and II only I and III only II and Ill only I, II and III I. II. 16. Temperature p R Q The heat capacity ofa substance is defined as the amount of heat energy (A) (B) (C) (J)) 17. Item 18 refers to the following graph which is based on nn experiment on change of phase. Which of the following sources ofenergy are classified as renewable? (A) (B) ( C) (D ) Time 18. the substance can hold 1 kg of the substance can bold required to change the substance to another state needed to raise the tempeiatute of the substance by 1 degree When a ball is thrown vertically upwards and reaches its maximum l;i,cight, it has maximum kinetic energy maximum potential energy maximum kinetic energy minimum potential energy maximum potential energy minimum kinetic energy minimum kinetic energy minimum potential energy 0123 80 I O/J/CSEC 2020 and and and s The graph shows that solidification started at Q. During which of the stages is the substance in t11e liquid phase? (A) (B) {C) (D) 19. At P only Between Q and R Between R and S Betwecn P and Q Which ofthe following processes is MOST likely to accountfo1 the fact that pot hand[es are usuaUy made of wood or plastic? (A) (B) (C) (D) Conduction Convection Evaporation Radiation and GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE - 5 20. To check the upper fixed point on a 23. A student carries out an experiment to thermometer on the Celsius scale, the determine the specific heat capacity, thermometer is placed i n a solid using the c, of electrical method. Which of the following equations should be used? (A) 21. boiling water at atmospheric (C) water in contact with melting ice (D) steam above boiling water at (A ) c = (B) c= (C) c= (D) c= pressure at atmospheric pressure atmospheric pressure In the pressure law, which of the following statements is true? (A) Pressure is constant. (C) The ratio of volume to pressure is (D) The ratio of volume to temperature (B) 22. melting ice at atmospheric pressure (B) Volume is constant. constant. is constant. Who was responsible for arriving at the conclusion that measured amounts of electrical and mechanical energy can be converted to proportionate amounts of heat energy? (A) (B) (C) (D) Joule 24. Mt,.B Ji] FXD MM !Vt MtiB MM !Vt --- Which of the following isNOTan example of evaporation? ( A) · A slice of bread left in the open air becomes dry. (B) The cooling effect of sweating in (C) The rapid disappearance of ether if (D) A loaded copper wire wrapped animals. exposed to the air. around a block of ice gradually cuts through the ice. Newton Rumfotd C oulomb GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01238010/J/CSEC 2020 - 6 - Item 25 refers to the following diagram which shows water boiling at the top of a glass test tube while a piece ofice wrapped in gauze remains urunelted at the bottom. The energy required to change the state of a substance was determined to be Eh· If the mass ofthe substance was DOUBLED, the new value ofE h will be 26. (A) (B) {C) (D) Water gauze Iccwrnppcd in 25. doubled halved constant quadrupled �Bunsen 1I flomo Which ofthe following statements provides the reason for this occurrence? Gauze is a poor conductor ofheat. Water is n good conductor of heat. Water is a poor conduct01 of bent. Glass is a good conductor of heat. (A) (B) (C) (D) Item 27 refers to the following diagram which illusti ates a longitudinal wave train produced on a slinky. A 1.7. C D E Which ofthe following distances represents the wavelength of the vibration? (A) (B) (C) (D) 28. B Ato B A toE C to E Dto n Which of the following electromagnetic waves has the SHORTEST wavelength? (A) (B) (C) (D) Radio Infuued Gamma Ultraviolet 0 1 238010/J/C SEC 2020 GO ON TO TI:IE NEXT PAGE - 7 In the following diagrams, X and Y represent two wave pulses superposing en each other to giye a resultant R. Which diagram BEST illustrates the principle of superposition? 29. (A) /\ \....__/ (B) (C) (D) x /\ y r\ x /\ y /\ x in succession, in which of the following properties would a change be detected? (A) (B) (C) (D) 31. Pitch Speed Loudness Wavelength The note from a drum is louder when it is struck harder because the sound waves produced have a greater (A) (B) (C) (D) velocity amplitude frequency wavelength 0123 801O/J/CSEC 2020 R R y Ifsounds ofdiffering frequencies are played · R y /\ \....__/ 30. x 32. Which of the following are laws of refraction? I. II. sin i sin r = constant III. Angle of incidence = angle of refraction The incident ray, the refracted ray and the normal at the point of incidence all lie in the sameplane (A) (B) (C) .CD) I and II only I and III only II and ill only I, II and III GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE '1 " - 8 33. (A) (B) (C) (D) 34. Item 36 refers to the following diagram. Whichofthe foll owing equations, regarding units ofphy�ical quantities, is NOT correct? A lC =lAxls lV = lAxl.Q. lJ=ICxlV lW =IVxlC A ray of light leaves air and enters glass of refractive index 1.6. The angle ofrefraction is 27°. What is the sine of the angle of incidence? (A) 1.6 +sin 27° (B) 1.6 sin 27° (C) 1.6 sin 27° (D) sin 27° lT Il 36. 37. Item 35 refers to the following table which lists the refractive indices of four different materials. 35. Matel'ial Refractive Index Air Ice Perspex Diamond 1.0 1.3 1.5 2.4 What is the output at C and D when an input ofO 0 is made at A and B? c D (A) 0 (B) (C) (D) 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 Which of the following combinations of ammeter chatacteristics is correct? Resistance of an Amnlete1· (A) Low (B) High (C) Low (D) High Connection of Ammeter to Component In series Ia series In parallel In parallel In which material would the light waves have the SLOWEST speed? (A) (B) (C) (D) Air Ice Perspex Diamond 01238010/J/CSEC 2020 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE - 9 - Item 38 refers to the following graph showing the variations of alternating current with time. � \JR.ms:. � Curren x \Jfi::· Time 38. The value of the current, 111 at time, ti' is called the root mean square value sinusoidal value average value peak value (A) (B) (C) (D) l Item 39 refers f to the following graphs which represent two alternating currents. Cutrcnt/mA 5 Current/mA 5 II l 39. Which of the following combinations correctly identifies these currents? Current with Greater Frequency (A) I (B) II (C) Neither (D) I 01238010/J/CSEC 2020 II Current with Greater PenkValue Ne ither I Neither GO ON TO TIIE NEXT PAGE - 10 40. A glass rod is tubbed with a piece ofsilk and becomes positively charged. The glass rod became charged by (A) (B) (C) (D) 41. 42. (A) losing protons losing electrons gaining protons gaining electrons Which of the following diagrams represents the electric field existing between two oppositely charged poiut charges? (A) A voltmeter has a very high resistance so that it can be placed in (B) (C) (D) 43. 'Which of the following statements about insulators arc true? I. II. III. (B) (A) (B) (C) (D) (C) parallel with a component and not affect the circuit series with a component and not affect the circuit parallel with a component and the volrneter does not heat up series with a component and the volmeter does not heat up All electrons are bound firmly to the atoms in an insulator. In an insulator many electrons con move freely from atom to atom. An insulator could be charged by rubbing. I and 11 only I and Ill only II and III only I, II and III +a,....----.--0·- 0 123 80 1O/J/CSE C2020 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE - 11 Item 44 refers to the following diagram which shows a small negatively charged dust particle midway between two plates and observed with a microscope. 45. For a simple a.c. generator, which of the following graphs will be produced by two complete rotations of the armature? + (A) l ., e.m.f. 0 4 c(] Eye No.of rotations JI Microscope + (B) e.m.f. 44. No.of rotntions Which of the following arrows correctly indicates the direction of the dust particle when the switch, S, is closed? (A) (B) (C) (D) (C) + -I�- No. of ! t (D) + .· No. of rotations 46. Which of the following relationships is correct for the combined resistance, � of resistors RI' R;. and � connected in parnllel? (A) I I I 1 I 1 1 (B) R,. = R1 + JS + R3 (C) R,.=]fI +]f2 +]f3 R1JSR3 R,. = R1 +R2 +JS (D) 01238010/J/CSEC 2020 R,. = R1 + JS +R3 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE - 12 Item 47 refers to the following circuit diagram. 20 48. Which ofthe following diagrams shows the magnetic field between a bar magnet and a piece of ii.on? Using the information given in the circuit diagram, which pair of values of 11 and 12 is correct? il � (A) 1 (B) (C) 2 3 5 4 (D) 4 � (A) ..._ IN ___,s (C) ..._IN_�s (D) �@ 6A 6A 47. 49. _ � Iron Iron Iron 3 2 Whenanexcessivecu1Tentpassesthrougha fuse, which ofthe following is the sequence of events? · (A) (B) (C) (D) Wire gets hot -> current is cut off -+ wire melts Wire gets hot -+ wire melts -+ current is cut off Wire melts -+ current is cut off-> wire gets hot Wire melts -> wire gets hot -+ current is cut off 0123 80 l O/J/CSEC 2020 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE - 13 50. Item 52 refers to the following diagram which shows an electrical circuit with a cell and two filament bulbs. Which of the following diagrams represents the current/potential difference relationship for a metallic conductor at a constant temperature? (A) 52. (B) (A) I (C) (B) v (C) (D) 51. (D) A device which converts sound into electricity is called (A) (B) (C) (D ) Which of the following circuits are electrically the same as the circuit abov�? a loudspeaker a microphone an amplifier a motor 53. Magnetic induction occurs when (A) (B) (C) (D) 01238010/J/CSEC 2020 � ' - a magnet is suspended and points in the north-south direction iron nails near a magnet become magnetized a north pole attracts a south pole an electroscope is charged GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE - 14 54. Isotopes of an element differ from each other in that they have different (A) (B) (C) (D) 55. 56. n =number ofneutrons, p =number ofprotons, and e =number of electrons in the atom, atomic numbers numbers ofprotons numbers of neutrons numbers of electrons �> � Mtt,l y� � then for all elements Which ofthe following graphs shows how the activity of a rndioactive source varies with time? (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (D) A�rify A<tt•lfy 57. Time (B) (C) (D) (D) A<tt•lfy 58. n=e p =e n+e=p n+p=e Which of the following symbols would be possible for an isotope of a nuclide represented by �X? (A) Time (C) Accol'ding to the Rutherford-B ohr model of a neutral, stable atom, if An A-2X Z-+'l A X Z-2 A-2 X Z-2 A+2X z isotope ofuianium,234U, changes P2 to 230Th : This is an example of 90 Time (A) (B) (C) (D) fission fusion a. decay J3'docay Time 0123 801 O/J/CSEC 2020 GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE - 15 - 59. Sodium-24 decays into Magnesium-24 with the emission of a 13-particle and can be represented by the following equation. 60. Which of the following statements about radioisotopes is true? (A) (B) Which ofthe following particles should be placed in the box to complete the equation? (A) 0 e 1 - (B) 0 e l (C) (D) (C) (D) They are not used in scientifi c work because they are too dangerous. They are most frequently used in radio communications. They are sometimes used in medicine. They are never found to occur naturally. '· ,He 4 _1H 0 e ) END OF TEST IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TllVill IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. 01238010/J/CSEC2020 I!:'': ·":"� .,