BIOINSTRUMENTATION – BMEN 303 ASSESSMENT RUBRIC-PROJECT PROGRESS PRESENTATION Group No: ……. CATEGORIES 1. Title: Concise and not misleading. Contains words such as designing, developing etc. 2. Project Background/Literature Review: Clearly state the gap by demonstrating sound knowledge of the literature. 3. Problem Definition & Need Statement: States the problem clearly, providing motivation for undertaking the project. If it is need-driven explain the need area. 4. Project Strategy: Significance of the proposed work and the Innovation the student is bringing to solve the problem. Clearly explain your benchmarking. 5. Aims/Objectives/Objective tree/flowchart/statement of purpose: There is a smooth transition from significance and innovation to proposed study including a clear statement of purpose/aims and objectives. If an objective tree/flowchart is proposed explain specific process to be followed. 6. Approach: Outline the materials, methods/design process/activities, instrumentation, techniques and computational tools you will use. Questions must be directed to each student in the team. Provide potential problems and alternative solutions. 7. Expected Results: Provides a sound plan for analyzing and evaluating your design. Is it a mock-up or a prototype? 8. Timelines: Provide time lines for each activity outlined in the aims/project objectives. 9. Budget (a) Are the resources requested justified? (b) Are the cost estimates realistic? 10. Impact of Proposed Project: Demonstrates the potential solution to a specific problem within the area of study. 11. Results: What has been achieved so far. Discuss the solution with the aid of illustration /representation in the form of mock-ups, models, simulations, processes. Solution should be backed with principles Proof that it is a suitable solution to the problem 10. References: Adequate citations of not less than 10 are provided. Very minimal web citations. Put in the text with the First authors name (e.g., Asimeng et al.) Name of Assessor: ………………………………………. Signature of Assessor: …………………………………... Date: 28th February 2023 5 Power Point minutes presentation MARKS