Uploaded by Jizlle Aika Carvajal

Fiction Lesson Plan: Elements and Types

Semi- Detailed Lesson Plan in Teaching and Assessment of Literature Studies
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
a. define fiction as a type of literature; and
b. identify the basic elements and types of fiction.
Subject Matter
Topic: Fiction
Materials: PowerPoint and Visual aids
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Prayer
The student will be requested to lead the prayer.
2. Greetings
3. Classroom Management
The students will be asked to tidy up the surroundings and arrange the chairs
4. Checking of Attendance
The students will simply look at their seatmates to check if there are
5. Setting of Classroom Standards
The teacher will give class agreement that will be observed throughout the
class discussion.
B. Reviewing of Previous Lesson
The teacher will ask the students about their previous lesson on close reading.
C. Motivation
1. Describe Me Activity
The teacher will present pictures of famous books and movies, and ask
students theirs thought and observations about it.
Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 3
Picture 4
D. Presentation
1. What have you noticed about the activity that we have done?
2. Who can guess our topic for today’s discussion?
E. Discussion
Fiction- The word 'fiction' comes from the Latin word 'fictus', which means 'to
form' - fiction is stories that are 'formed' and created by a writer. Fiction refers to
any type of literature that's created from the imagination and typically has a
narrative. It describes imaginary events and people. Usually, this comes in the
form of books and stories. Fiction is the opposite of non-fiction. It can be based
on facts or real events, but the majority of the content has been curated by the
writer using their own imagination.
Basic Elements of Fiction
 Plot: All stories contain a plotline, which has a clearly defined beginning, middle
and end of story.
 Characters: There are many characters portrayed in fiction stories, but the
narrative generally focuses on a protagonist and an antagonist. The protagonist is
the hero of the story who the reader hopes to see succeed, and the antagonist is
the villain.
 Dialogue: Direct back-and-forth conversations between characters happen
throughout the story to help progress the plot.
 Conflict: There may be many instances of conflict throughout the story, but there
is usually one major conflict that needs to be solved by the story's end.
 Setting: Every type of fiction has a setting that explains where and when the
story takes place.
Different Types of Fiction
1. Science fiction- stories that often take place in the future and involve fictional
aspects of science and technology.
2. Mystery- is a genre of fiction that focuses on solving crimes and mysterious
events. Ordinarily, the protagonist is a detective, and the remaining characters
are suspects until proven otherwise.
3. Historical fiction- is a story that takes readers to a particular time and place in
the past, typically at least 50 years or more in order for it to be considered
historical fiction. Although the story takes place in the past, the plot itself is one
that didn't actually happen in history.
4. Thriller- is a genre that generally has a fast-paced storyline and tension and
suspense from beginning to end. There are many sub-genres within the thriller
genre such as the psychological, political and spy variety to name a few.
5. Young adult- Writers create and market young adult fiction to readers between
the ages of 12 and 18. The plotline can be realistic or can contain magical
elements, but in most young adult fiction the protagonist faces challenges and
changes that are relatable to an adolescent.
6. Realistic fiction- is a type of fiction in which a story is told that could easily
happen in today's society. It contains believable characters and events and takes
place in an actual setting, but the storyline itself is one that has never actually
7. Romance- genre that can take place during any time period and may contain a
realistic plot line or have magical elements, but the primary element of a
romance novel is that there is a central love story throughout the novel.
8. Horror- this genre's purpose is to create feelings of terror and excitement in the
9. Fantasy- is a type of fiction that focuses on magical and supernatural elements
that do not exist in the actual world.
Developing Mastery
Additional Activity(Remediation or Homework)
________ A. No. of learners who earned 80% inthe evaluation.
________ B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation whoscored below
________ C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.of learners who have caught up with the lesson.
________ D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation.
________ E. Which of my teaching strategiesworked well? Why did these work?
________ F. What difficulties did I encounterwhich my principal or supervisor can help me
________ G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which Iwish to share with
other teacher
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