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Wireshark Network Analysis Project: Sheridan College

ENGI 53809 - Project
Sheridan College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning
Faculty of Applied Science and Technology
Course Project
Wireshark is an open-source network protocol analysis software program, widely considered
the industry standard. A global organization of network specialists and software developers
supports Wireshark and continues to make updates for new network technologies and
encryption methods.
1. Using the Wireshark protocol analyser, capture all packets generated in response to your web
request to www.sheridancollege.ca and all packet to an internet request using one of the apps
you are using in your PC (e.g Outlook, WhatsApp, search app, MS Teams or any other app that
accesses the internet directly, not web-based)
In your report document, paste a screenshot of Wireshark and the first 10 packets of each of
the two internet requests above (web request to Sheridan and another internet request), then
research and explain (to your best knowledge) the contents of those 20 packets. Do you find
any alien packets not related to these two requests in the 10 packets you grabbed about each?
If so, what do you think that packet is about?
2. Run Wireshark and start a new capture (capturing network packets). Do your normal
computing tasks for one hour (studying, messaging, checking email, searching the web... etc.)
then analyse the captured traffic. List the protocols used in your capture, then research the
internet about the types of services and apps that are using each of these protocols. Add the
list of protocols to your report along with the list of possible services/apps using each of the
Can you identify what exact services/apps accessed the internet during this hour? If so, add
that list to your solution
3. Research and report about: How can a network administrator use Wireshark to troubleshoot
network problems?
4. Research and report about: How can cybersecurity specialists use Wireshark to examine
security issues across a network?
Hints and resources:
You may use more than one NIC (e.g. WiFi and Ethernet) in your capture
Have a look at “Wireshark Tutorial for Beginners” at
Tutorial: How to use Wireshark https://www.varonis.com/blog/how-to-use-wireshark
Be free to do further research about internet traffic and report on your findings.
Compile your report in a word document following APA style 7th edition
(https://extras.apa.org/apastyle/basics-7e), save the document as PDF and submit it by the due date
ENGI 53809 - Project
Unsatisfactory (040%)
Requirements •
are met
Completed less
than 50% of the
Satisfactory (40-60%)
Good (80%)
Excellent (100%)
• Requirements were
met and exceeded
Completed 50-60%
of the requirements
Completed 70-90%
of the requirements
Research and
• No signs of good
research were seen
in your report
• Some signs of
• Good research was
proper research were
done and references
seen in your report
Clarity and
• The report is not
clear enough to
• The report is
readable but missing
proper formatting
OR contains
language errors
• The report is
• The report is
readable, the writeup
excellent, with clear
is good
signs of exceptional
• Delivered on time,
in proper format
• Some details can be
• Completed most of
the requirements
• Delivered on time
Not delivered in
correct format
Late (subtract 10%
per day)
• Proper research was
done, extensive list
of references
• Completed between
90-100% of the
• Delivered on time,
and in correct format