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Force and Motion: Science 5 Worksheet

You are expected to:
• Describe how motion takes
place in a particular object;
• Trace and measure the time
and distance of an object in
motion with respect to its
reference point.
Let us study together the map below
Identify 3 paths that you can take in going to the lecture
room. Trace by drawing an arrow on the paths that you have
Label the arrow according to the number of way you have
Which of these ways is the shortest route in going to the
lecture room? Which is the longest?
Is there motion that took place as you take each way?
In order for Teacher D to start the lecture on time, which
way or route will you take to avoid getting late? Why?
Motion will always be a part of our daily living. Everything we do
involves movement. What causes the motion of an object? What stops
an object under motion? The answer is Force. Thus, Force and Motion
are interrelated to each other. Let us understand the meaning of force
and motion and their relationship.
Motion is relative, it is a change in position with respect to a reference
point. In other words, it refers to the movement of the body. It can be
described as change in direction, change in speed.
Reference point is a fixed place or an object used to determine the
position of an object. Through it, one can tell whether an object has
moved or not.
Force is defined as push or a pull that can affect the movement of an
Compare the diagrams above.
Diagram 1 shows that the balls changed its position with respect to the push cart (reference
point). The balls moved by taking them out from the push cart.
Diagram 2 shows that the balls did not change the position with respect to the push cart. However,
the push cart changed its position with respect to the ground (reference point). The cart moved by
pushing it against the ground.
Distance and displacement are different quantities but they are
related. Distance is an important factor in measuring motion. In
measuring distance, it is important to have a standard unit of
measurement and should be measured using appropriate tools
such as ruler, meter stick, measuring tape, measuring wheel, and
ultrasonic distance measurer. Let us find out the difference
between the two.
Distance is the measure of how far or near two points are from
one another. It is the complete length of the path between any two
Displacement is the change in position of an object. It is represented as an
arrow that points from the starting position to the final position. Displacement is
the direct length between any two points when measured along the minimum
path between them.
Let us understand the difference between speed and velocity.
Speed is how fast something moves.
It can be calculated by dividing the distance covered by an
object in motion by the time spent to cover the distance.
It is measured in meters per second (m/s) or kilometers per
hour (kph)
Velocity is speed with direction. It is the rate of change of
the object’s
position with respect to a frame of reference and time.
Activity 1: Force and Motion Exploration
• masking tape
small notebook
ramp (use any hard and plain material like cardboard,
hardbound book, plywood, etc.)
ruler or measuring tape
• small ball
toy car
Mark a spot on the floor with a masking tape and label it as point A.
2. Place the objects to be moved one at a time on the labeled mark.
3. Apply a right amount of force by blowing, pushing, and placing the objects
on the ramp at a time. Give the same amount of force in each object to be
4. Mark the spot where the object stops to move and label it as point B.
5. Measure its distance from point A to point B using a ruler or measuring tape
and record it using the table below.
• Which action causes all the objects move?
• Why do you think this action causes movement?
• Which among the objects is the hardest to move? The easiest to move? Why?
• What did you measure to ensure that objects moved from one place to another?
• What is the importance of point A in determining the movement of the object?
Note: There can be no motion without a force. Force, therefore, initiate
and influence motion. One can determined the movement of an object
with respect to its reference point where there is a change in position.
Thus, distance is an important factor in measuring motion.