BIGGER ARMS 10-PAGES GUIDE TO BUILDING BIGGER ARMS 15-MINUTE ARM ROUTINE 45-MINUTE ARM ROUTINE VOLUME 1 | INTERMEDIATE TO ADVANCED Strength Training AMPLIFYADVANCED W W W . R O SBULKING S E D G L E Y . CPLAN OM 1 10-PAGE BIGGER ARM GUIDE - INDEX// YOUR TIME IS PRESCIOUS... SO THIS GUIDE IS EFFICIENT! Think of each THE FINDING OF FITNESS™guide like a „literary buffet“. You can pick and choose the chapters you want or you can read it in the order it’s written so you can properly „digest“ every page. Either way, it’s written so you can select what your body needs or your curiosity wants. “Absorb what is useful, Discard what is useless Add what is specifically your own.” ― Bruce Lee 1 Disclaimer 2-3 The Science To Big Arms 4-6 START STRONG | THE 3 RULES TO BIGGER ARMS 8-9 15-Minute Routine | 45-Minute Routine 10 Help & Support CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE... W W W . R O SAMPLIFYADVANCED SEDGLEY.COM BULKING PLAN INDEX - CONTINUED// W W W . R O SBULKING S E D G L E PLAN Y.COM AMPLIFYADVANCED BIGGER ARMS DISCLAIMER (the important stuff ) ! 10 PAGE TRANSFORMATION PLAN PLEASE READ CAREFULLY In order to participate in a programme you MUST be medically fit and well. We accept no liability for any injury resulting from participating in this guide. If you suffer from any illness or medical conditions please consult your GP/medical practitioner before commencing the programme. Training should be enjoyable. You are competing against yourself to ultimately improve your physique and achieve your aesthetic goals. Please maintain safety whilst training, emphasis should be on technique/form over weight. COPYRIGHT This programme and all future material is protected by copyright. It is strictly prohibited to: • • • • • Copy Share online Lend Sell Show to others SPECIAL MENTIONS Photographer - Chris Bailey, James Appleton & Harvey Gibson Designer - Shaun Preece 1 W W W . R AMPLIFYADVANCED O S S E D G L E Y . C O M BULKING PLAN THE SCIENCE TO BIG ARMS... How Do We Build Muscle? There are 3 ways to build muscles.These can be identified as Mechanical Tension, Metabolic Stress and Muscle Damage. Each comes with their own set of advantages, but worth noting is the muscular humans throughout history had learnt to use all 3. Either in a single workout or they “cycle” through them over the course of a week/ month. MECHANICAL TENSION METABOLIC STRESS MUSCLE DAMAGE DESCRIPTION MECHANICAL TENSION IS CREATED WHEN THE MUSCLE GENERATES FORCE TO LIFT HEAVY THINGS METABOLIC STRESS (“THE PUMP”) IS CREATED BY MAINTAINING CONSTANT TENSION ON THE MUSCLES BY REVERSING DIRECTIONS JUST SHORT OF “LOCKOUT” MUSCLE DAMAGE IS CREATED BY SLOW NEGATIVES, EXTENDED RANGE OF MOTION AND HIGH TENSION IN THE STRETCHED POSITION OF THE MUSCLE. (MOST) USED BY POWERLIFTERS BODYBUILDERS CROSSFITTERS USED “JUST LIFT HEAVY THINGS” “GET A GOOD PUMP” “MIX IT UP & SHOCK THE BODY” 3 TO 8 SETS 3 TO 4 SETS 2 TO 5 SETS (DEPENDING ON FREQUENCY) REPETITIONS 3-8 OR 5-12 REPETITIONS 12-20+ (TO FAILURE) REPETITIONS 8-12 TEMPO 2/0/1/0 OR 2/0/1/3 TEMPO 1/0/1/0 OR 2/3/1/0 TEMPO 4/0/1/0 REST 2-3 MINUTES REST LESS THAN 60 SECONDS REST 1-2 MINUTES HOW TO TRAIN IT (TRAINING VARIABLES) W W W . R OBULKING S S E D G L PLAN EY.COM AMPLIFYADVANCED 2 THE SCIENCE TO BIG ARMS... CONTRARY TO GYM FOLKLORE, BIG ARMS ARE NOT THE RESULT OF THOUSANDS OF DUMBBELL CURLS. NOR DOES SALVATION LIE IN THE LESSONS OF ‚BRO SCIENCE‘ TIPS EXCHANGED BY THE WATER FOUNTAIN. TO TRULY BUILD BIGGER ARMS YOU MUST FIRST UNDERSTAND SOME BASIC LESSONS IN HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY AND SPORTS SCIENCE MECHANICAL TENSION & METABOLIC STRESS Mechanical Tension and Metabolic Stress compete in a tug of war. More of one typically means less of the other. This is because when you add weight to the bar you generate more forces and therefore create more Mechanical Tension in the muscles. But this also means you can’t do as many repetitions. Therefore Metabolic Stress in the muscles is lower. Lower the weight on the bar and the opposite happens. You’re now able to perform more repetitions and produce more Metabolic Stress. But with less weight you can’t generate as much force therefore Mechanical Tension in the muscles is lower. Which is why so many bodybuilders use a variety of lifts to target both. Or will use the previously mentioned 6 15 repetition range, since the weight is: - Manageable enough that you can maintain good technique and care for your joints Heavy enough to create tension, but also produce a good range of motion with no “cheat” in form Light enough that you can work close to failure and not “burn out” But (again) let’s think beyond the “average” muscle with Muscle Damage. MUSCLE DAMAGE Have you ever triumphantly lifted a weight only to drop it thinking your work here is done? Of course you have. There‘s something satisfying about grinding out a rep and then proudly dropping the weight to signal to the weights room you‘ve won that particular bar fight. But a study conducted at the University of Florida, USA, has found that dropping the weight could in fact halve your efforts in the gym. That‘s because you‘re only performing a concentric muscle contraction. If you imagine a bicep curl this is where the biceps are contracting but the muscle itself is shortening. By dropping the weight you completely neglect the eccentric muscle contraction. During a dumbbell curl this is the lowering phase of the exercise where the bicep is lengthening. To quote the University of Florida, „More important is the dramatic effect of eccentric strength training on overall muscle strength.“ An idea supported by research published in the Journal of Applied Physiology, which stated Eccentric training can further enhance maximal muscle strength and power. In skeletal muscles, these functional adaptations are based on increases in muscle mass and number of sarcomeres (muscle fibres) 3 W WWWW. RAMPLIFYADVANCED WO. SR SOESDS GE LD EGYL. ECYO. M CBULKING OM PLAN GET BIG ARMS # ONE START STRONG | THE 3 RULES TO BIGGER ARMS START HERE You will never build bigger arms unless you understand this basic rule of human physiology: your arms are roughly two thirds tricep. That‘s the muscle at the back of your arm. Why biceps get so many column inches in fitness magazines is beyond us. If you want bigger arms it makes sense to train the area with the majority of muscle mass, but don‘t ignore biceps completely. Just make sure both areas get the attention they deserve. W W W . R O S S EBULKING D G L E Y . PLAN COM AMPLIFYADVANCED 4 GET BIG ARMS # TWO START STRONG | THE 3 RULES TO BIGGER ARMS 5 GO BIG OR GO HOME Sometimes you won‘t look pretty lifting weights. Make peace with this now and embrace the gurning and grunting. That‘s because scientists from the Neuromuscular Research Centre at the University of Jyväskylä in Finland found that your powerful muscle-building hormones like testosterone are spiked during heavy weight training. In summary, go big and heavy first and save the smaller tricep push downs for later. I won‘t lie, it is harder, but hormonally you‘ll be better equipped to fill your t-shirt sleeves by chasing mechanical tension first, followed by metabolic stress and muscle damage later. W W W . RAMPLIFYADVANCED O S S E D G L E Y . C O MBULKING PLAN GET BIG ARMS # THREE START STRONG | THE 3 RULES TO BIGGER ARMS TRAIN BIG EAT BIGGER All the sweat and toil in the gym won‘t build bigger arms without proper nutrition. Although training provides the necessary stimulus, it‘s what you eat after that will largely determine if your muscles grow. Just ask scientists from the School of Biomedical Sciences at Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia who discovered athletes experienced a greater degree of muscular hypertrophy-increase in muscle mass when implementing efficient “nutrient timing“. This is, „the strategic consumption of protein and carbohydrate after each workout“ which they concluded, „represents a simple but effective strategy that enhances the adaptations desired from training.“ For all the impressive sounding words this simply means after training be sure to eat 20g to 30g of protein and 60g to 90g of carbohydrates to kick-start the repair and regrowth of the muscles, an idea echoed by research published in the Journal of Physiology and Journal of Sports Medicine. W W W . RBULKING O S S E D G PLAN LEY.COM AMPLIFYADVANCED 6 ARMS BIGGER 7 STRENGTH AND SIZE PROGRAMME BEGINNER TO INTERMEDIATE AMPLIFYADVANCED BULKING PLAN GET BIG ARMS START STRONG | THE 15-MINUTE ARM ROUTINE 15-MINUTE ROUTINE EXERCISE REPETITIONS SETS REST TIME CLOSE-GRIP BENCH PRESS 8 - 10 3 90 SECONDS 5 90 SECONDS 3 60 SECONDS 4 60 SECONDS EMPHASIS ON MECHANICAL TENSION TRICEP PUSHDOWNS 20 EMPHASIS METABOLIC STRESS STANDING BARBELL CURLS 12 EMPHASIS ON MECHANICAL TENSION ECCENTRIC CLOSE-GRIP PULL UPS 12 REPS IN TOTAL 8 CONCENTRIC 4 ECCENTRIC EMPHASIS ON MUSCLE DAMAGE KEY HERE IS PERFORM 8 “NORMAL” REPS FOLLOWED BY 4 WHERE YOU SOLELY LOWER YOUR WEIGHT AS SLOW AS YOU CAN W W W . BULKING R O S S E D GPLAN LEY.COM AMPLIFYADVANCED 8 GET BIG ARMS START STRONG | THE 45-MINUTE ARM ROUTINE 45-MINUTE ROUTINE EXERCISE REPETITIONS SETS REST TIME WEIGHTED DIPS 8 3 90 SECONDS 3 90 SECONDS 3 60 SECONDS 4 90 SECONDS 4 60 SECONDS 4 60 SECONDS EMPHASIS ON MECHANICAL TENSION TRICEP FLOOR PRESS 8 EMPHASIS ON MECHANICAL TENSION OVERHEAD TRICEP EXTENSIONS 20 EMPHASIS ON METABOLIC STRESS CLOSE GRIP BENT OVER ROWS 8 EMPHASIS ON MECHANICAL TENSION SINGLE CONCENTRATION CURLS 20 EMPHASIS METABOLIC STRESS ECCENTRIC CLOSE-GRIP PULL UPS 12 REPS IN TOTAL 8 CONCENTRIC 4 ECCENTRIC EMPHASIS ON MUSCLE DAMAGE KEY HERE IS PERFORM 8 “NORMAL” REPS FOLLOWED BY 4 WHERE YOU SOLELY LOWER YOUR WEIGHT AS SLOW AS YOU CAN 9 W AMPLIFYADVANCED W W . R O S S E D G L E Y BULKING .COM PLAN EXPLORE & EXPERIMENT | THE FINDING OF FITNESS™ JOIN THE TRIBE | FURTHER SUPPORT I love this routine and time and again find myself using it. But know there are many more on so broaden your mind and the tools in your strength and conditioning arsenal. Also (as we often say) the important thing to understand is if a personal trainer or magazine prescribes 10 repetitions for three sets for months with no explanation or training theory as to why... avoid it. To quote one of the greatest strength and conditioning coaches to ever live: “The summary of training approaches given in the table may be adequate for the average personal trainer or coach dealing with the average client or lower level athlete, but it needs to be expanded upon to take into account the objectives stated.” - Dr. Yuri Verkhoshansky: Supertraining To sum up, use the above workout ― and then think beyond them ― to subject your body to new training stimuli. Whether that‘s as simple as greater volume with more reps, less rest between sets, more weight applied to each exercise or, like in the following examples, have it operating over a completely different range of motion. But above all else, think differently. Why change the training sessions? • • • • • • Variety and avoid boredom Reduce risk of injury Ensure all muscle fibres are incooperated Ensure adequate rest Reduce chance of reaching plateau Maximal and continual progression HELP & SUPPORT | THE FINDING OF FITNESS™ ONLINE SUPPORT If you are unsure how to do any of the exercises mentioned in the following training programme we always have LIVE Facebook and Instagram Feeds showing video tutorials. So be sure to follow and join should you have any questions as Ross (or members of THE FINDING OF FITNESS™ Community) will be on hand to help in any way they can. “THERE ARE MANY WAYS TO GET FITTER, STRONGER AND LEANER. YOU SHOULDN’T DISCRIMINATE AGAINST ANY OF THEM OR FAVOR ONE. AS SOON AS YOU DO, YOU CLOSE YOUR MIND AND LIMIT YOUR POTENTIAL.” Finally (and as always) if you are unsure of anything at all, please don‘t hesitate to drop us an email at: (ROSS EDGLEY, 2001) W W W . R O SBULKING S E D G L E PLAN Y.COM AMPLIFYADVANCED 10