International Journal of Electronics Engineering, 1(1), 2009, pp. 1-6 Optimum Compensation and Stability of Potentiostat P. M. Nawghare Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering & Technology, University of Botswana, Gaborone, Botswana Abstract: An attempt is made to investigate and eliminate the problems in a potentiostat employing positive feedback method of solution resistance compensation which is widely used in electrochemical kinetic measurements. A method of optimum adjustment of solution resistance compensation employs an adequate pilot signal obtained by using selection criterion for minimum error. An analytical investigation of the conditions to achieve stability along with ringingfree operation and the maximum flat response is done. The effect of various factors is evaluated. The illustration by means of numerical example and experimental results of the potentiostat with optimum compensation and stable maximum flat response are given Keywords: Potentiostat, Optimum compensation, Adjustment error, Frequency response. 1. INTRODUCTION In the field of electrochemical kinetics, in order to set the working electrode potential constant with respect to the reference electrode, attempts have been made employing a kind of feedback control loop. The name potentiostat was first given to a vacuum tube type constant voltage equipment [1, 2, 3]. The major limitation of the potentiostat occurs due to the presence of a non-fardaic resistance between the reference and the working electrodes [4, 5, 6, 7]. This is called solution resistance. Even in case of small value of solution resistance, the electrode potential setting in a high frequency region is very difficult because the solution resistance drop becomes dominant over the true electrode potential, as the latter is shunted by the double layer capacity. The most generally applicable and hence most popular method for eliminating solution resistance is the positive feedback or series negative resistance method. It consists of connecting a current detecting resistance in series with the electrolytic cell and subtracting the voltage across it from the voltage to be controlled. The method has been used by many researchers and led to the improvement in electrochemical kinetic results [8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18] In using this method, the 100 % solution resistance compensation is very difficult, if not impossible and the solution resistance compensation tends to degradation of potentiostat stability margin, or else reduction in bandwidth [19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24]. Many researchers adopted the trial and error adjustment method in which the amount of compensating voltage is increased till the ringing disappears in the system, presuming *Corresponding author:; that the reason of the instability is the overcompensation only [ 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 ]. This did not give either a theoretical reasoning or the practical indication as to whether actually an ideal compensation, under compensation or overcompensation is obtained. Thus, the study of the work done by the researchers until now shows that the potentiostat employing solution resistance compensation suffers from the following problems: (1) No method of exact adjustment of solution resistance compensation is available. The incomplete adjustment results in the same undesirable effects as those in potentiostat without solution resistance compensation. (2) The positive feedback due to solution resistance compensation usually results in oscillations or instability of the system. (3) The attempts to get rid of problem 2 above, results in narrowing the bandwidth of the system so that the setting of the true electrode potential cannot be done at high frequency. The research work presented here aims at eliminating these problems. 2. THE POTENTIOSTAT Fig.1 shows the potentiostat employing a solution resistance compensation and a method of adjustment of compensation. In this figure, a cell is replaced by its electrical equivalent circuit consisting of a double layer capacity Cd shunted by faradic resistance Rf. First, a switch SW is placed in position 1, an adequate high frequency signal (called pilot signal hereafter) is applied at the input and the compensation is adjusted. Then the feedback loop is closed by taking switch SW in position 2 International Journal of Electronics Engineering Substituting for the transfer functions of amplifiers A2 = K2/(1 + jwt2) A3 = K3/(1 = jwt3) we get K3 Rl K 2 Rx =0 1 + jwt3 1 + jwt2 get Equating the real parts on both sides of equation, we K2 = K3 Rl/Rx (1) Next, equating the imaginary parts on both sides of equation and substituting from eqn.(1), we get t2 * = t3 (2) Equations (1) and (2) together form the condition for ideal compensation of solution resistance drop [25]. 3.2. Practical Optimum Adjustment In practice, it is difficult to make the voltage Vs actually zero, because Vs being a complex quantity, the adjustment of the gain K2 only is not sufficient for its control. Therefore, a phase detector is used to make the real part of Vs (i.e. the component of Vs in phase with the current Ip) zero [25]. From Fig. 1, we get Re (Vs ) = 0 i.e. K3 R f Figure 1: Modified System with compensation SW: Switch, PSD: Phase Sensitive Detector, C, R, W Counter, Reference & Working Electrodes Zc: Counter electrode impedance Rf: Faradaid impedance Cd: Double layer capacity of working electrode W R1: Solution resistance between W & R R1¢: Solution resistance between R & C electrodes Rx: Series Resistance, A1, A2, A3: Main Compensation and Buffer amplifers . 2 1 + w2p t3 3.1 The Principle When switch SW is placed in position 1 and an adequate high frequency signal (called pilot signal hereafter) of frequency wp is applied at the input Vi, the reactance of the double layer capacity becomes very small so that the impedance of the parallel combination of Rf and Cd is negligible as compared to the solution resistance Rl. In this situation, the potential drop between reference and working electrodes equals the solution resistance drop IpRl where Ip is a pilot signal current. Then the gain of amplifier A2 is adjusted such that Vs = VR Vx = 0 i.e. IpRl A3 Ip Rx A2 = 0 COM-6:\JOURNAL-2008\8-IJEE\1 NO. 1(2009)\1_PMNAWGHARE 1 + w2p R 2f Cd2 + Rl K3 RK - x 22 2 = 0 2 2 1 + w p t3 1 + w p t2 from which we get é R f 1 + w2p t22 1 - w2p R f Cd t3 R 1 + w2p t22 ù + l. K 2¢ = K3 ê . . ú (3) 2 2 2 2 2 Rx 1 + w2p t32 úû êë Rx 1 + w p t3 1 + w p R f Cd 3.3 Error in Adjustment Let the error in adjustment be denoted by d. Then and the system is ready for use in electrochemical kinetic measurements [25] 3. OPTIMUM COMPENSATION 1 - w2p R f Cd t3 d= K 2' - K 2* K 2* (4) If d is positive, solution resistance will be over compensated and if d is negative, it will be under compensated. Substituting from equation (1) and equation (3) in equation (4), and putting t¢2 = t3 +Dt, we get [25] d= é æ t f öæ Dt ö w2p t32 ù Dt w2p t32 . ê1 + ç1 + ú+ . ÷ç ÷ . t3 ø è t3 ø 1 + w2p t32 ûú t3 1 + w2p t32 1 + w2p t2f ëê è t f / tl (5) where tf = Rf..Cd and tl = Rl..Cd As pilot signal frequency wp is quite high, w2pt2f >> 1 can be assumed. Substituting this in equation (5), we get é æ tf d = d1 ê1 + ç1 + tl ë è ö ù ÷ .d 2 ú + d 2 ø û (6) ! Optimum Compensation and Stability of Potentiostat where d1 » 1 (7) w2p t f tl 2 2 æ Dt ö w p t3 d2 = ç ÷ . 2 2 è t3 ø 1 + w p t3 and (8) 3.4 Minimization of Error Using equation (7), d1 (in percent) is shown plotted [25] against the normalized frequency wptf with tl /tf varied as a parameter in Fig. 2. 12 10 3.5. Adequate Frequency of Pilot Signal Thus, we define an adequate frequency of pilot signal wpo as the frequency in the range where d1 and d2 and hence the total error d lies within the permissible limit. Let the permissible limit of error d be denoted by a. Then wpo is given as [25] wpl < wpo < wph (9) 1/2 where wpl = (1/ a tf tl) from Fig. 2 and equation (7) And wph = 1/t3 from Fig. 3. Percent (%) 8 6 4 2 0 1 10 The observation of Fig.3 shows that for a given value of Dt/t3, if wt3 is increased , then d2 goes on increasing and reaches a maximum value given by d2¢max = Dt/t3. However, in practice, the useful range of operation of the amplifiers A2 and A3 is wpt3 £ 1. The curves in Fig. 3 are symmetrical with respect to the wpt3 axis. d2 is positive or negative depending upon whether is positive or negative. Thus, depending upon the value of Dt/t3 there exists a limit of wpt3 below which d2 is negligibly small. Now, as d1 is negligibly small above certain value of wptf and d2 is negligibly small below certain value of wpt3, the middle term of equation (6) which has the product of d1 and d 2 as a coefficient, is also negligibly small in the frequency range where d1 or d2 or both are very small. 100 101 wptf 102 C= tf 103 t1 Figure 2: Error in Adjustment of Compensation in Low Frequency Range The observation of Fig.2 reveals that for a given tl /tf , d1 goes on increasing with the decrease of wptf and then reaches saturation at its maximum value given by d1 max =. tl /tf . If tl /tf is increased by two orders, the curve is shifted to the left by about one order of wptf. Thus, depending upon the value of tl /tf, a limit of wptf exists above which d1 is negligibly small. Next, using equation (8), d2 (in percent) is shown plotted [25] against the normalised frequency wpt3 with Dt/t3 varied as a parameter in Fig. 3. Figure 3: Error in Adjustment of Compensation in High Frequency Range COM-6:\JOURNAL-2008\8-IJEE\1 NO. 1(2009)\1_PMNAWGHARE 4. FREQUENCY RESPONSE CONSIDERATION Stability is the necessary condition for any system. Moreover, as the electrochemical system has electrolytic cell as a load, it needs to operate without occurrence of ringing, because ringing creates undesirable long period oscillations in the cell current and increases the settling time too much. This requires that the frequency response of the system should not have any peaking. The system also requires a wide bandwidth in order to be useful for the electrochemical experiments at high frequencies. Therefore, a condition for the non-occurrence of peaking in the frequency response is required to be investigated. Such a condition will not be necessary but will be sufficient for stability [26] Consider the system in Fig.1. Let the adjustment of compensation of solution resistance be made with switch SW in position 1. The value of gain K2 obtained by practical method of adjusting output of PSD to zero is given by K¢2= K3. Rl /Rx (1 + d) (10) Now, let the feedback loop be closed by taking switch SW to position 2. Then the closed loop transfer function of the system can be evaluated and is of third order. Here, the following two reasonable assumptions are made (1) w << 1/dtl i.e. the highest angular frequency of interest is much less than 1/dtl. (2) t1 >> t3 i.e. the bandwidth of amplifier A3 is much wider than that of amplifier A1. (3) t3 » 0 " International Journal of Electronics Engineering These assumptions simplify the transfer function to second order and it is given as [26] Vs( jw) k = Vi( jw) 1 + jwt f b - w2 t f 2 c (11) where k = b = c = K1 (1 - x) + 1 K1 (1 - x ) -DK1 (1 - x) + x + (t1 / t f ) 1 + K1 (1 - x) x(t1 / t f ) 1 + K1 (1 - x) It can be seen from equation (11) that for a given cell with time constant tf and a constant x, the factors affecting the frequency response are time constant t1, compensation error d and main control amplifier gain K1. Using the theory of control systems, the damping factor for the system is given as Damping factor z= b 2 c @ -DK1 (1 - x) + x + (t1 / t f ) 2 x (t1 / t f )[1 + K1 (1 - x)] (12) And the bandwidth is given as wc = 1 tf c = 1 tf 1 + K1 (1 - x) x(t1 / t f ) (13) For getting maximum flat response without peaking putting d = 0 and damping factor = 1/ 2 in Eq. (12), we get x tf 1 K1 = . . 2 (1 - x) t1 (14) Figure 4: Effect of Variation of t 1 on Frequency Response k = 0.99, d = 0, Curve 1: t1/tf =2.50×103, Curve 2: t1/tf = 1.75 × 103, Curve 3: t1/tf = 1.25 × 103, Curve 4: t1/tf = 0.75 × 103 Curve 5: t1/tf = 0.25 × 103 absence of peaking. If t1 is decreased the peaking is reduced. The value of t1 for optimum frequency response can be obtained. Curve 3 is nearly optimum response. It can be seen from Fig. 5 that curves 1 and 2 illustrate the peaking. Curves 4 and 5 illustrate no peaking but are under damped. If d is increased (i.e. over compensation), the peaking is increased. Curve 3 is nearly optimum response. In Fig. 6, Curve 1 shows peaking which is an effect of over compensation. Curves 2 and 3 also are over compensated but have reduced gain i.e. increased steady state error. Thus, the effect of lesser K1 which gives greater steady state error is to increase damping and reduce the chances of occurrence of peaking even in presence of a little over compensation, but at the same time the bandwidth of the response is reduced. for K1(1 x) >> 1 and x >> t1/tf Substituting Eq. (14) in Eq. (13) the bandwidth of the maximum flat response of the system is given as 5. 1 1 . for x >> t1 / tf 2 t1 1 (15) ILLUSTRATION The effect of t1 , d and K1 on frequency response is illustrated by numerical example [26]. Let the gain K1 be selected so that the system error at w = 0 may be 1%. i.e. k = 0.99. Also, assume x = 0.25 so that K1 = 132. Substituting these values in Eq. (11), the frequency response curves are shown plotted in Fig. 4, Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 for a series of values of t1 , d and K1 respectively. It can be seen from Fig. 4 that curves 1 and 2 illustrate the occurrence of peaking. The curves 4 and 5 illustrate the COM-6:\JOURNAL-2008\8-IJEE\1 NO. 1(2009)\1_PMNAWGHARE 1.2 |VsV1| wc max @ 1.4 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 100 101 102 wtf 103 104 Figure 5: Effect of Variation of d on Frequency Response k = 0.99, t1/ tf. = 1.25 × 103, Curve 1: d = 1% Curve 2: d = 0.5%, Curve 3: d = 0, Curve 4: d = 0.5% Curve 5: d = 1% # Optimum Compensation and Stability of Potentiostat Figure 6: Effect of Variation of K1 on Frequency Response d = 0.5%, t1/ tf. = 1.25 × 103, Curve 1: k = 0.99 Curve 2: k = 0.97 Curve 3: k = 0.95 6. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Using the principles analytically obtained above, a potentiostat was constructed. A multiplier with C preamplifier and a low pass filter was used as a phase sensitive detector. The specifications of the constructed system were measured and found as follows: A1: K1= 20 dB to 40 dB adjustable, t1 = 0.16 × 104 sec. A2: K2= 26 dB to 0 dB adjustable, t2 = t3 within permissible limit A3: K3= 0 dB, t3 = 0.16x10-6sec, CMRR = 98 dB at 1 KHz The chemical cell was constructed using gold (Au) wires as counter and working electrodes and a silver/silver chloride (Ag/AgCl) wire as reference electrode. An electrolytic solution of 0.1 Mol/litre potassium chloride (KCl) was used without reacting species in it. This cell was put to experimentation using the potentiostat constructed as above. For this cell tf = RfCd is of the order of several seconds and t1 = 0.16 × 104 sec, so that from equation (7), lower limit of pilot signal frequency is about 400 Hz. The upper limit is the cut off frequency of amplifiers A2 and A3 from Fig.3 i.e. 10 MHz. Therefore, using equation (9), 10 KHz was selected as a pilot signal frequency. The value of Rx was decided by trial and error to be 3 KW. With switch SW in position 1 and with pilot signal applied, the suitable value of K2 for getting optimum compensation was found to be 0.3, revealing that the solution resistance of the cell is about 1 KW. Next, switch SW was taken to position 2 and the gain of main control amplifier A1 was adjusted. The frequency responses plotted experimentally are shown in Fig. 7. Curve 1 is a case of 1 % over compensation with optimum value of K1. It shows a peaking due to over compensation. Curve 2 is a case of optimum compensation with optimum value of K1. It shows a maximum flat response. Curve 3 is a case COM-6:\JOURNAL-2008\8-IJEE\1 NO. 1(2009)\1_PMNAWGHARE 101 102 103 104 Frequency (Hz) 105 Figure 7: Experimentally Drawn Frequency Responses for Cell without Reacting Species of 1% under compensation with optimum value of 1. It shows over damping due to under compensation. Curve 4 is a case of 1 % over compensation with K1 lesser than optimum value. It shows the over damping due to under compensation and also increased steady state error due to reduced K1. Curve 5 is a case of optimum compensation with value of K1 greater than optimum. It shows the effect of incorrect adjustment of K1. 7. CONCLUSION In a potentiostat, the true electrode potential setting by the adjustment of solution resistance compensation within permissible error can be achieved by the adjustment of the gain of compensation amplifier done under the conditions of opening the loop and applying an adequate high frequency pilot signal (i.e. lying in the range with lower limit depending upon the cell parameters and the upper limit depending upon the time constants of the buffer and compensation amplifiers) to its input and detecting its zero output voltage by the phase sensitive detector. The effect of compensation adjustment error and that of main control amplifier gain and time constant are illustrated by numerical example. The maximum wide frequency band operation of the potentiostat employing solution resistance compensation can be obtained to be free from ringing if the gain and time constant of the main control amplifier in the system and the degree of solution resistance compensation satisfy the critical damping condition. The experimental results obtained are in agreement with the theoretical principles. REFERENCES [1] A. Hickling, Faraday Society Journal, 38, (1942), 27. $ International Journal of Electronics Engineering [2] H. Gerischer, W. Vielstich, Z. Phys. Chem., 3, (1955), 16. [3] W. Vielstich, H. Gerischer, IBID, 4, (1955), 110. [4] A. A. Pilla, Bull. Soc. Er. Elect., 4, (1963), 24. [5] G. L. Booman,WHHolbrook, Anal. Chem, 35, (1963), 1793. [6] R. S.Nicolson, I.Shain, Anal. Chem., 36, (1964), 706. [7] R. Bezman, Anal.Chem.,44, (1972), 11. [8] G. Jessop, British Patent, 776, (1957), 543. [9] G. Lauer, R. A. Osteryoung, Anal. Chem., 38, (1966), 9. 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