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Business Plan: Management & Organization

CHAPTER 2: Management and Organization
• Description of legal and shareholding
Lecture Outcomes
• Description of key personnel
• Presentation of organizational structure
• Describe the professional support needed
CHAPTER 2: Management and Organization
The section describes who is behind the business.
CHAPTER 2: Management and Organization
• Business is about people first and everything else second.
• Strategies ,processes ,structures and systems are only as good as the people
implementing them. Good ideas never succeed on their own.
2.1 Legal structure
• Describe your current legal status i.e. Private or Public Ltd
2.2 Shareholding structure
• Highlight the ownership structure of the business preferably on a tabular form
indicating how much each member contributed to the business.
• This is to show the individual commitment to the business.
2.3 Key Personnel
• Summary of who the owners and directors are and the degree of their control over the
• Evidence that the assembled team has the track record ,experience and expertise to
achieve its goals.
• Confirmation that the interests and competence of the team members are
• If you are yet to assemble the team describe what you are looking for and how you will
achieve the right balance between the team members.
• Analysis of the expected future staffing needs.
2.3 Key Personnel
• The following should be included:
• Title of the position
• Name of the title holder
• Duties and responsibility of the position-this should explain what the individual
should do and how the work should contribute to the development of the firm.
2.3 Key Personnel
• Previous industry and related experience –This should highlight how past
experiences relate to the new firm.
• Previous successes –any successes accomplished that can be beneficial to the
• Educational background-educational and professional qualifications.
• Key management positions could be
• Managing Director
• Finance Manger
• Sales Manager
• Human Resources
In essence be in a position to answer some of
the following questions:
• Who will be doing the work?
• How are they qualified ?
• What are their skills?
2.4 Organizational structure
• The structure should relate to the type of business you are doing. Eg
2.5 HR Requirements
• Describe the workforce needed other than key management personnel.
• Highlight their duties and responsibilities and the terms of service.
Questions to answer
• Who will be doing the work?
• How will they be hired?
• What will they be doing ?
• Outline the duties and job descriptions for all personnel
• Explain any employee benefit.
Mistakes To Avoid
• Placing unqualified members in key managerial positions.
• Assumption that previous success in other industry automatically translates to
our industry.
• Presenting a one man team –one person wearing all hats(dubbed one center of
• Not disclosing management team skills or competency gaps.
• Unclear plans for filling the skill or competency gap that are disclosed or clearly
2.6 Professional support
• Declare your attorneys
• Declare your auditors and accountants
• Explain each of their roles and their impact on the business daily operations and
general decisions.
2.7 Budget
• Prepare a yearly salary budget for the personnel
CHAPTER 2: Management and Organization
2.1 Legal structure
2.2 Shareholding structure
2.3 Key Personnel
2.4 Organizational structure
2.5 HR Requirements
2.6 Professional support
2.7 Budget