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PNP Seal and Badge Symbolism Explained

Lapu-Lapu Hero
The great Filipino hero of Mactan, the prototype of the best and most
noble in Filipino manhood who is the symbol and embodiment of all the
genuine attributes of leadership, courage, nationalism, self-reliance and
a people-based and people powered community defense.
Green Laurel with 14 leaves, symbolizes the 14 Regional Commands. It
is also a symbol of the honor, dignity and the privilege of being a
member of a noble organization where the call to public service is par
excellence a commitment to public trust.
The symbol of the Philippine Constabulary, the first National Police by
virtue of Organic Act No. 175,
Three Stars
Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao and the 1,700 islands and the territorial
integrity wherein the National Police must enforce the law and maintain
peace and order with professionalism
Service • Honor • Justice
Added distinct ideals for the officers, men and women of the PNP
to ensure efficiency, integrity, cohesiveness, camaraderie and
equanimity to enhance community acceptance
Symbolize the flowering, maturing and ultimate realization of the
glorious evolution of the PC/INP into a National Police
Organization - "national in scope and civilian in
Philippine Monkey Eating Eagle The
National Bird
- symbol of swiftness and ferocity, power,
courage and immortality.
PNP Shield
Symbol of protection of all citizens.
Three Stars
Stands for Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao
which constitute the Republic's Territorial
Integrity over which the PNP must enforce
the law and maintain peace and order with
Eight Sun Rays
Represents the eight (8) provinces whose
ideals of courage, gallantry patriotism led to
their revolt against Spain.
Symbolizes the bravery of the Philippine
National Police.
Service, Honor, Justice
Service is the vibrant and cogent deeds
and actions in response to the needs
and wants of the people in distress:
Honor could be the overriding criterion
and consideration in the performance of
their entrusted task or mission.
Laurel Leaves
Symbolizes the competency, brilliance
and honor in the field of endeavor
expected from each and every member
of the PNP.
Philippine National Police –
Identity of Solidarity.
Hebrews 13:7
Remember your leaders, who
spoke the word of God to you.
Consider the outcome of their way
of life and imitate their faith.
I Timothy 3:8-10
Likewise, must the deacons be grave,
not double-tongued, not given to
much wine, not greedy of filthy lucre;
I Timothy 3:2
Therefore, an overseer must be above
reproach, the husband of one wife,
respectable, hospitable, able to teach,
I Timothy 5:17
Let the elders that rule well be
counted worthy of double honour,
especially they who labour in the
word and doctrine.
I Timothy 5:17
Remember your leaders, who
spoke the word of God to you.
Consider the outcome of their way
of life and imitate their faith.
Ephesians 4:11
And he himself gave some to be
apostles, some prophets, some
I Timothy 3:12 [8-13]
Let deacons each be the husband of
one wife, managing their children and
their own households well.
Proverbs 16:12
Kings detest wrongdoing, for a throne
is established through righteousness.