Virology 2420 Emerging & Re-Emerging Viruses Lectures: Ebolaviruses JASON KINDRACHUK, PhD Assistant Professor, Canada Research Chair Laboratory of Emerging & Re-Emerging Viruses Department of Medical Microbiology University of Manitoba Email: Twitter: @KindrachukJason GLOBAL PREPAREDNESS FOR EMERGING INFECTIOUS DISEASES URGENT ACTIONS TO PREPARE THE WORLD FOR HEALTH EMERGENCIES 1. 2. 3. 4. Heads of government must commit and invest Countries and regional organizations must lead by example All countries must build strong systems Countries, donors and multilateral institutions must be prepared for the worst September 2019 DISEASES OF URGENCY: • Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever • Filovirus diseases • Emerging coronaviruses • Lassa Fever • Nipah • Rift Valley Fever • Disease X PRIORITIZATION ELEMENTS 1. Human transmissibility 2. Severity or case fatality rate 3. Spillover potential 4. Evolutionary potential 5. Available countermeasures 6. Difficulty of detection or control 7. Public health context of the affected area(s) 8. Potential scope of outbreak (risk of international spread) 9. Potential societal impacts EMERGING AND RE-EMERGING ZOONOSES • Zoonoses: diseases and infections naturally transmitted between people and vertebrate animals (WHO) • Emerging and re-emerging zoonoses: newly appearing or existed previously and rapidly increasing in incidence or geographical range • ~60% of global emerging infectious diseases are zoonoses – have deleterious effects on human/animal health and global economies – SARS estimated to have lowered GDP in Canada by $1.5 billion CDN – West African EVD cost ~$53 billion USD Courtesy of World Health Organization INCREASING INTEGRATION OF SOCIAL DETERMINANTS TO ONE HEALTH Woldehanna S, Zimicki S. Soc Sci Med. 2015. 129: 87-95. Filoviruses FILOVIRUSES – TAXONOMY OVERVIEW Family Filoviridae belongs to the order Mononegavirales: Infect primates, bats or pigs Causes viral hemorrhagic fever in some primates Replicates exclusively in cytoplasm Kuhn et al., (2020) ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile: Filoviridae, J Gen Virol, 100, 911–912 FILOVIRUS TAXONOMY Kuhn et al., (2020) ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile: Filoviridae, J Gen Virol, 100, 911–912 GENOME ORGANIZATION AND REPLICATION Kuhn et al., (2020) ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile: Filoviridae, J Gen Virol, 100, 911–912 EBOLAVIRUS SPECIES Kuhn et al., (2020) ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile: Filoviridae, J Gen Virol, 100, 911–912 Courtesy of US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention EBOLAVIRUS STRUCTURAL OVERVIEW Ebolavirus Proteins 1. Glycoproteins (GP): formation depends on differential RNA editing a. b. c. d. GP1,2 secreted GP ssGP Δ-peptide 2. VP24: structural; IFN antagonism 3. VP30: RNP complex 4. VP35: RNP complex; IFN antagonism 5. NP: RNP complex 6. VP40: structural 7. L: polymerase EBOLAVIRUS LIFE CYCLE FILOVIRUS-MEDIATED IMMUNE MODULATION Viral proteins (VP24, VP35 – EBOV; VP35, VP40 – MARV) can inhibit induction of IFN responses Kindrachuk et al. Global Virology I. 2015. EBOLAVIRUS TRANSMISSION • Molecular evidence suggests that bats are reservoir for Ebola virus • Human-to-human transmission does not occur until development of early clinical symptoms (fever, general malaise) EBOLAVIRUS PATHOGENESIS Ebolaviruses CASE FATALITY RATES Zaire ebolavirus (EBOV) Sudan ebolavirus (SUDV) Bundibugyo ebolavirus (BDBV) Taï Forest ebolavirus (TAFV) Reston ebolavirus (RESTV) Baseler L et al. Annu Rev Pathol. 2017. 12:387-418 10 CLINICAL COURSE OF FILOVIRUS HEMORRHAGIC FEVER \]]] Courtesy of Dr. Jens H. Kuhn (NIH Integrated Research Facility) 11 CLINICAL COURSE OF NON-FATAL EBOLA VIRUS DISEASE (EVD) Background: • 34yr old male healthcare worker in Sierra Leone • Developed fever and malaise (March 2015) • Medevac to NIH Special Clinical Studies Unit (SCSU) Chertow, DS et al. Ann Rev Path. 2017. 12: 387-418. EBOV PERSISTENCE FOLLOWING RECOVERY Temporal investigation of EBOV persistence in semen from an EVD survivor • ~104 greater EBOV in semen at clinical discharge than peak viremia • Strand-specific RT-qPCR demonstrated EBOV undergoing active replication Barnes KG*, Kindrachuk J* et al. Clin Infect Dis. 2017. 65: 1400-1403. FILOVIRUS TRANSMISSION CYCLE • Molecular and serological evidence suggests that bats may be reservoir • Marburg virus has been recovered from Rousettus aegyptiacus Alexander KA. et al. PLoS Neg Trop Dis. 2015. 9:e0003652 PREDICTING EBOLAVIRUS ZOONOTIC DISTRIBUTION Pigott DM. et al. eLife. 2014. 3: e04395 RESTON VIRUS IS ENDEMIC IN PHILIPPINE PIGS • Reston virus emerged in 1989-1990: Philippines and Reston, VA, USA • Workers in both locations seroconverted • Outbreak in imported NHPs in 1996: TX, USA • Pigs test positive for virus in Manila, 2008 • Abattoir workers had seroconversion Reston virus isolated from porcine lymph node homogenate passaged in Vero cells Barrette, RW. et al. Science. 2009. 325: 204-206; Sayama, Y. et al. BMC Vet Res. 2012. 8: 82 SEROLOGICAL EVIDENCE FROM PIGS IN GUINEA • Serological assessments by WB, IFA and VNT • IFA of ELISA reactive sera where diluted porcine sera incubated with Vero cells expressing EBOV- or SUDV-GP Fischer K. et al. Transbound Emerg Dis. 2019. Oct 18. EBOLAVIRUSES HAVE DECIMATED GREAT APE POPULATIONS Carcass of a chimpanzee killed by EBOV in Republic of Congo (Walsh PD et al. Sci Rep. 2017. 7:43339 EBOV IN CENTRAL AFRICAN GREAT APES: 2001-2003 Leroy, AM. et al. Science. 2004. 303: 387-90. SEROLOGICAL EVIDENCE IN GABONESE DOGS Allela, L. et al. Emerg Infect Dis. 2005. 11: 385-90. MODELING EBOLAVIRUS SPILLOVERS WITH ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS • Spillover intensity increases between wet and dry seasons • Greatest at high (>1,000/km2) and very low (<100/km2) human population densities compared with intermediate levels Schmidt, JP. et al. Emerg Infect Dis. 2017. 23: 415-22. Rulli, MC. et al. Sci Rep. 2017. 7: 41613. WEST AFRICAN EBOLA VIRUS DISEASE EPIDEMIC Integrated Research Facility, Ft. Detrick, MD ELWA3 (Eternal Love Winning Africa) –Médecins Sans Frontières. Largest treatment center in Liberia during EVD epidemic. Liberian Institute for Biomedical Research, Monrovia, Liberia RESEARCH CONTAINMENT VERSUS OUTBREAK RESPONSE EBOLA VIRUS DIAGNOSTICS IN THE FIELD Locals bringing game to sell to LIBR staff Illegal taxi services resulted in close proximity to potentially infected patients Proximity to wildlife, including potential reservoirs Virology 2420 Emerging & Re-Emerging Viruses Lectures: Coronaviruses JASON KINDRACHUK, PhD Assistant Professor, Canada Research Chair Laboratory of Emerging & Re-Emerging Viruses Department of Medical Microbiology University of Manitoba Email: Twitter: @KindrachukJason SARS-COV-2 AND COVID-19: A PANDEMIC IN THE AGE OF SOCIAL MEDIA CORONAVIRUSES – A SHORT HISTORY • Coronaviridae virus family • RNA viruses with large genomes • Multiple subfamily members • Seven coronaviruses cause disease in humans – Mild to severe respiratory illnesses – Nosocomial transmission (SARS & MERS) Schindell B. ACS Infect Dis. 2020 CORONAVIRUSES IN ANIMALS Chen J et al. J Med Virol. 2020. 92: 418–423. CORONAVIRUSES GENOME STRUCTURE Shereen MA et al. J Adv Res. 2020. 24: 91-98 CORONAVIRUS LIFE CYCLE – SARS-COV-2 CORONAVIRUS LIFE CYCLE & THERAPEUTICS CORONAVIRUSES IN CHINA Latinne A. et al. BioRxiv. 2020. Identified >700 new bat-origin coronavirus sequences in China Showed that 3% of villagers in Yunnan province were seropositive for bat coronaviruses THE START (?) OF A PANDEMIC – DECEMBER 31, 2019 Atypical Pneumonia Cases in Hubei Province, China Initial reports of a “SARS-like” illness in China – late December Potential link to Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market SARS-COV-2 EMERGENCE • Increasing likelihood that the virus spilled over from a bat host • RaTG13 (Rhinolophus affinis) • ~96% identical to SARS-CoV-2 Lu R. et al. Lancet. 2020. 395: P565-574 • Similarity in RBD to pangolin CoVs (intermediate?) • Human-to-cat transmission • Human-to-mink transmission De Witt, E. et al. Nat Rev Micro. 2016. 14:523-533 CORONAVIRUS DISEASE 2019 PATHOGENESIS Cevik M, Kuppalli K, Kindrachuk J, Peiris M. BMJ. 2020 [accepted] SARS-COV-2/COVID-19 – WHAT WE KNOW Comparing SARS-CoV-2 & SARS-CoV 1. Differences in viral load kinetics and duration of infectivity 2. ↑ infectivity of SARS-CoV-2 -URT cells and conjunctiva: ACE2 receptor binding and affinity SARS-CoV-2 >> SARS-CoV Unknowns • Infectious dose? • Estimations of 100s to 1000s of particles for SARS-CoV • Diversity of clinical presentation and outcomes? • What factors contribute to superspreader events? COVID-19 CLINICAL DISEASE SPECTRUM Gandhi RT, Lynch JB, del Rio C. N Engl J Med. 2020. 383: 1757-1766 CDC COVID-19 PLANNING SCENARIOS COVID-19 DIAGNOSTICS Courtesy of BioRender DELAYS BETWEEN DIAGNOSIS AND ONSET OF SYMPTOMS De Witt, E. et al. Nat Rev Micro. 2016. 14:523-533 COVID-19 AND INFLUENZA COVID-19 AND INFLUENZA HOSPITALIZATIONS VS AGE GROUPS Courtesy of US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention De Witt, E. et al. Nat Rev Micro. 2016. 14:523-533 CURRENT GAPS IN KNOWLEDGE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Aerosol transmission during daily activities (e.g. talking, coughing, etc) and medical procedures (e.g. intubation) Infectious aerosol generation in asymptomatic and presymptomatic infections Impact of infection in vulnerable populations (age, comorbidities) Biological characteristics underlying superspreading events Disinfection and ventilation procedures Santarpia JL et al. Sci Rep. 2020. 10: 12732 Richard M et al. Nat Comm. 2020. 11: 3496 WHEN DID SARS-COV-2 EMERGE? Data remains inconclusive but suggests virus was likely spreading earlier than December Huang C. et al. Lancet. 2020. 395: 497-506. SEROPREVALENCE INVESTIGATIONS • Duration of IgG for at least 120 days (Icelandic population) • Stronger induction related to disease severity and age • Human data remains variable Gubdjartsson DF. et al. NEJM. 2020. DOES REINFECTION OCCUR? Rhesus macaques protected from reinfection following recovery Bao L. et al. bioRxiv. 2020. RT-qPCR sensitivity issues at LOD in clinical samples Wolfel R. et al. Nature. 2020. THE RACE TO FIND TREATMENTS Tay MZ. et al. Nat Rev Immunol. 2020. 20: 363-374. THE RACE TO FIND TREATMENTS Cevik M, Kuppalli K, Kindrachuk J, Peiris M. BMJ. 2020 [accepted] Current FDA approvals and emergency use authorizations: 1. Remdesivir (Veklury) – virus replication inhibitor • not recommended by WHO 2. Bamlanivimab – monoclonal antibody • Mild to moderate Covid-19 only 3. Casirivimab & Imdevimab – monoclonal antibody cocktail • Mild to moderate Covid-19 only 4. Baricitinib & Remdesivir – target JAK (inflammation) and viral replication • Severe Covid-19 treatment LIGHT AT THE END OF A LONG TUNNEL Courtesy of The New York Times LIGHT AT THE END OF A LONG TUNNEL Krammer F. Nature. 2020. 586: 516-527 LIGHT AT THE END OF A LONG TUNNEL Krammer F. Nature. 2020. 586: 516-527 LIGHT AT THE END OF A LONG TUNNEL Krammer F. Nature. 2020. 586: 516-527 VARIANTS OF CONCERN B.1.1.7 transmission across UK Nov-Dec 2020 Compilation of SARS-CoV-2 spike mutations occurring in humas and animals Courtesy of RF Garry (