Uploaded by Danielle Radcliffe

Immigrant & Refugee Children: Educator's Research Brief

EDUC 6003 Applied Linguistics: Current Issues Research Brief – 10 points
Instructions: Write a one-page research brief. Include summary of article and how that impacts your teaching
or your students. Include APA citation.
Information contributes to
professional growth and awareness
related to ESOL and/or ELLs.
Information related
to ESOL and/or
Information loosely
connected to ESOL
students, families,
and/or teachers.
Evidence of intellectual curiosity
and critical interpretation.
Offers meaningful
reflection or
connection to
current practice.
Attempt reflection,
but overly general.
Final product is well written and
includes citation. Comment to
another Wiki author is thoughtful
and specific..
Final product is
Final product is
complete. Evidence lacking citation or in
of initiative and
need of editing.
sound research.
Or collaborative
Comment to another comment is lacking.
Wiki author is
"Immigrant And Refugee Children: A Guide For Educators And School Support Staff | Teaching Tolerance Diversity, Equity And Justice". Tolerance.org. N.p., 2017. Web. 7 May 2017.
This article starts out talking about who it is created for. This article speaks to how immigration is
affecting our kids. The article states that, “School should be safe havens that embrace all students and families,
regardless of citizenship and national origin, and that includes unaccompanied and refugee children.” I agree.
Students who are worrying about whether immigration is going to be able to grab them from school would make
it so students would not come to school because they fear being taken away. Schools have to be a haven so
that we are educating the next generation. Their citizenship does not matter anymore, they are here and we
have to do something to help.
In 1982, the Supreme court ruled that these children have a right to receive a free education to help
these children become, “self-reliant and self-sufficient participant in society.” It is true that without assistance,
these students would not receive an education and would not become productive citizens.
There are some issues that plague some of our students who do not know if they are legal or not. Some
students were brought over when they were so young that all they know is the United States but they find out
when they apply for college, apply for a grant, or find out when they try to apply with their parents tac
information. These students were brought here without a choice and it is not acceptable to punish them and not
educate them.
As an educator, many questions come to my head about what is immigration allowed to do and where.
This article went through in a Q and A format and informed me on many items I had no clue on. The first
question is about the impact on the kids. These kids who experience this fear or experience a raid can have
PTSD and anxiety issues that change their sleep, eating, and other behavioral items. The second question was
one I did not even know, talking about where raids are prohibited. I think it’s a big deal for our illegal immigrants
to know that at school, hosptials, churches, funerals, weddings, or rallies that they are protected by thhe ICE
2011 sensitive location memo. Sadly this can easily be changed and has to be up to date.
I think the nicest part is the what can educators do. I think looking at knowing your rights, safe places,
strong relationships, maintain multiple languages, participate in support days, and help them manage stress. I
feel that as a teacher, I want to protect all my students and this article gave me many answers that I had no clue
even what questions to ask in the beginning.