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Choose a Tone for the Reader

Choose a Tone for the Reader
Types of Tone
• In control of situation
 Use the active voice
 Use the subject-verb-object structure
 Do not use weasel words (possibly, perhaps, maybe)
 Use imperatives
 Clearly indicate that you are the responsible agent
• I have decided to implement your suggestion
to form quality circles in our plant. This
proposal has great merit. You have
demonstrated that we can raise morale and
increase the bottom line. Make an
appointment to see me in order to set up the
basic planning.
• The writer addresses a superior
• The writer’s goal is to neutralize a potentially
negative reaction
 Avoid imperatives
 Use the passive voice
 Use weasel words
 Use longer sentences
 Do not explicitly take responsibility
• To express respect for the reader
• Reader and writer are equal
• To deliver a negative message
 Use the active voice
 Use first name
 Use personal pronouns
 Use short sentences
 Use contraction
 Direct questions at the reader
• The writer is not important
• The situation is neutral
• Downplaying personalities
 Do not use names, especially first names
 Do not use personal pronouns
 Use the passive voice
 Use longer sentences
• Jack, thanks for the suggestion about quality
circles, but we just can’t do it right now. I
agree with your point about morale, but I
think you’ve missed an important figure for
the bottom-line argument. Fred pointed out
the error. I know it’s a disappointment for you.
Could we get together to discuss what to do