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Mental Health Nursing Study Guide: Review Questions

1. The state of psychological and emotional well-being is referred to as _______ ________
(Ans: Mental Health)
2. A dynamic, collaborative, therapeutic, interactive process between the nurse and the client
meets the definition for __________ (Ans: Nurse –patient therapeutic relationship)
3. Mention in general the therapeutic approach in mental health practice which utilizes
relationship and communication to change feelings, attitudes, and behaviors _________
4. Dorothea Orem’s theory of nursing is also called the theory of:_________ (Self-care)
5. Four concepts central to nursing theoretical models are:________ ________ _________&
__________ (Ans: Person, environment, health, and nursing)
6. According to Freudian theory, unconscious actions or thoughts to protect the ego from anxiety
are called: __________ ____________ (Defense mechanisms)
7. According to Freudian theory, the component characterized by the desire for immediate and
complete satisfaction is the:__________ (Ans: The Id)
8. In the field of psychiatry, a cluster of mental disorders associated with exposure to or excessive
use of psychoactive substances, medications, or toxins fits in the description of:______________
(Ans: Substance used disorder or substance-induced disorders).
9. Recurrent use of a substance resulting in a failure to fulfill major role obligations or continued
use despite having persistent or recurrent social or interpersonal problems is referred to
as:__________ ( Ans: Abuse)
10. Coexistence of psychiatric disorders & substance related disorders with in the same person is
known as:________________ ( Ans: Dual Diagnosis)
11. The simplest screening tool consisting of only four questions related to alcohol abuse
is:____________ (Ans: CAGE)
12. The brain’s natural opiates are the neurotransmitters called:_____________ (Ans: Endophins or
13. A condition characterized by growth retardation, developmental delay, neurologic or intellectual
impairment as a result of excessive intake of alcohol in pregnant women is
called:_____________ (Ans: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome)
14. Persistent, excessive, irrational fear of a particular object or situation that can lead to avoiding
the feared object or situation is characteristic of:___________ (Ans: Phobia)
15. Fear of open spaces is referred to as___________________ (Ans: Agoraphobia)
16. The most common and significant feature in phobias is ___________ (Ans: Anxiety)
17. A mental disorder characterized by physical symptoms even in the absence of a real physical
illness is called___________ (Ans:Somatoform disorder)
18. The theory which looks at phobia as an outward manifestation of inner, unresolved childhood
conflicts is ________________ (Ans: Psychodynamic theory)
19. A state in which a person is suddenly unable to recall memories of important personal events
that were stressful or traumatic in nature is indicative of:_____________ (Ans: Dissociative
disorder or dissociative amnesia)
20. Paranoid Schizophrenia is characterized by preoccupation with one or more delusions
of:_________ (Ans: Persecution)
21. Episode of symptoms of schizophrenia that lasts at least 1 month but less than 6 months are
indicative of:______________ (Schizophreniform disorder)
22. The main medications used to treat psychotic disorders are called_______________ (Ans:
23. A condition in which the person becomes fixed in a single position for a very long time is known
as:______________(Ans: Catatonia)
24. A condition presenting with major depressive episode, or manic episode that occurs
concurrently with active phase schizophrenia symptoms is more indicative of:___________
(Schizoaffective disorder)
25. A disorder of mood in which there is at least one or more manic or hypomanic episodes, usually
with a history of one or more major depressive episodes is referred to as:____________ (Ans:
Bipolar disorder)
26. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is also known as_______________ (Ans: Winter depression or
Winter blues)
27. A disorder characterized by sustained, elevated, expansive, or irritable mood, lasting less than a
week is:____________ (Ans: Hypomania)
28. In the treatment of Manic episodes, Lithium carbonate, Sodium valproate, and carbamazepine
can be used as: ________________ (Mood stabilizers)
29. Fluoxetine and Paroxetine belong to a group of antidepressants categorized as: ___________
(Ans: Serotonin Selective Re-uptake inhibitors)
30. Antidepressants should be stopped immediately if patient presents with _____________ and
__________ (Ans: Pressure of speech and flight of ideas)
31. The drugs used for reducing parkinsonian side effects caused by use of antipsychotics
are:________ (Ans: Anticholinergics)
32. The first sign of dementia is usually loss of:_____________ (Ans: short-term Memory)
33. Filling gaps in memory with imaginary events is called: ____________ (Ans: confabulations)
34. The brain lesions that are characteristics of Alzheimer’s disease are :_______and________(Ans:
Neurotic plaques and Neurofibrillary tangles)
35. Extreme agitation that takes place before bed time in dementia is known as:__________ (Ans:
Sun downing)
36. A psycho-sexual disorder where an individual has preference for pre-puberty children to express
his or her sexual gratification is called:___________ (pedophilia).
37. In thought disorders at progression level patient begins with the topic but never reaches the
goal is known as:______________ (Ans: Tangentiality)
38. False perception without any stimuli is referred to as ___________ (Ans: Hallucination)
39. False interpretation of external stimuli is known as : (Ilusion)
40. Elation of mood is commonly seen in:_____________ (Ans: Mania)
41. In appropriate affect is commonly seen in:______________ (Schizophreania)
42. Inability to experience pleasure in any activity______________ (Ans: Anhedonia)
43. A person’s subjective sense of being unreal, strange or unfamiliar is______________(Ans:
44. Pathological repetition by imitation of the speech of another is called _____________ (Ans:
45. Pathological repetition by imitation of the behavior of another is referred to as ___________
(Ans: Echoprexia)
46. Reflection of the content of a patient’s communication back to him is called____________(Ans:
47. Histrionic personality disorders is categorized under the cluster:____________ (Ans: Cluster B)
48. A psychiatric emergency is an acute disturbance of:_____________ (Ans: Behaviour, thought or
49. A forced perpetration of an act of sexual contact with another person without consent is refered
to as: _________________ (Sexual assault or sexual harassment)
50. Complications of Electro-convulsive Therapy (ECT) can be reduced by:_____________ (Ans:
Modified ECT)
51. Patients should be kept Nil By Mouth prior to ECT treatment to prevent:____________ (Ans:
Aspiration pneumonia)
52. The patient’s head is hyper extended during ECT to prevent: (Ans: Airway obstruction)
53. Support to the patient’s body is essential during the convulsion as result of ECT to
prevent:__________ (Ans: Fracture/Dislocations)
54. Secondary prevention in mental health nursing is aimed at:_____________ (Ans: Early
detection & prompt treatment)
55. Partial hospitalization is at______________level of care for mentally illness (Ans: Intermediate)