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Grading Contract Comp II: Labor-Based Assessment

Grading Contract, Comp. II
Contract grading is a form of assessment that keeps the focus on your writing rather than grades. I will still give
feedback on your writing and suggestions for improvement, but your grade in the course will be determined by how
much work you put in rather than the quality of the writing itself. Basically, your grade will be based on labor rather
than results.
Because of the way the Canvas gradebook is set up, there will be a weighted point value assigned to course
assignments. During class, we will discuss the number of points and other factors that are reasonable expectations for
each grade. Assignment points are as follows:
Course Benchmarks (75%)
o Peer Reviews (5): 4 points each (4 points if you submit on time and fulfill the assignment requirements;
2 points for a late or incomplete submission) 20 points total
o Essay Reflections (5): 10 points each (10 points if you submit on time and fulfill the assignment
requirements; 5 points for a late or incomplete submission) 50 points total
o Writing Projects (5): 50 points each (50 points if you submit on time and fulfill the assignment
requirements; 25 points for a late or incomplete submission) 250 points total
 320 points total
Participation (10%)
o Bellringers, grammar activities, discussion posts, rough drafts, outlines, and other miscellaneous
assignments (Full points if you submit on time and fulfill the assignment requirements; docked to half
credit if late or incomplete)
Extras (15%) – These assignments demonstrate going above and beyond in your work and effort.
o One extra peer review on the project of your choice (5%)
o Revise and resubmit one writing project after receiving instructor feedback (5%)
o Select one of the following: (5%)
 Create a creative interpretation (one-pager, video, presentation, etc.) of a project of your choice
 Read a choice book and write a report OR create a one-pager about it
For a grade of A…
Earn approximately 93-100%
Fulfill all the requirements of a B grade
Complete three extras to demonstrate going “above and beyond” in your work.
o One extra peer review on the project of your choice (5%)
o Revise and resubmit one writing project after receiving instructor feedback (5%)
o Select one of the following: (5%)
 Create a creative interpretation (one-pager, video, presentation, etc.) of a project of your choice
 Read a choice book and write a report OR create a one-pager about it
For a grade of A-…
Earn approximately 92%
Fulfill all the requirements of a B grade
Complete two extras to demonstrate going “above and beyond” in your work.
o One extra peer review on the project of your choice (5%)
o Revise and resubmit one writing project after receiving instructor feedback (5%)
o Select one of the following: (5%)
 Create a creative interpretation (one-pager, video, presentation, etc.) of a project of your choice
Grading Contract, Comp. II
 Read a choice book and write a report OR create a one-pager about it
For a grade of B+…
Earn approximately 89%
Fulfill all the requirements of a B grade
Complete one extra:
o One extra peer review on the project of your choice (5%)
o Revise and resubmit one writing project after receiving instructor feedback (5%)
o Select one of the following: (5%)
 Create a creative interpretation (one-pager, video, presentation, etc.) of a project of your choice
 Read a choice book and write a report OR create a one-pager about it
For a grade of B…
Earn approximately 85%
Participate thoughtfully in all class discussions and activities, including online discussions and activities
Complete all required writing projects
Attend all required writing conferences
Participate thoughtfully in all peer reviews
For a grade of B-…
Earn approximately 82%
Participate thoughtfully in all class discussions and activities, including online discussions and activities
Complete all required writing projects
Attend all required writing conferences
Participate thoughtfully in all peer reviews
For a grade of C+…
Earn approximately 79%
Participate thoughtfully in all class discussions and activities, including online discussions and activities
Submit all required writing projects
Attend all required writing conferences
Participate thoughtfully in all peer reviews
For a grade of C…
Earn approximately 75%
Participate thoughtfully in all class discussions and activities, including online discussions and activities
Submit all required writing projects
Attend one required writing conference
Participate thoughtfully in all peer reviews
Grading Contract, Comp. II
Grades lower than a C will be determined in consultation with Ms. Lane. Students who do not submit required essays
will not pass the course. If you believe you are in danger of not fulfilling the above requirements, please meet with her
You can change your contracted grade at any point by contacting Ms. Lane.