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Nonlinear Finite Element Methods Course Presentation

Nonlinear Finite Element Methods for Solids
Summer semester 2017
Instructors: Prof. Roger A. Sauer, sauer@aices.rwth-aachen.de
Dr. Stephan Wulfinghoff, stephan.wulfinghoff@rwth-aachen.de
Lectures: Thursday & Friday 12.15pm – 13:45pm in kl. Physik
(Rogowski building)
Lecture and exercise notes available on L2P
Office hours: after lectures and by appointment
Examination: Projects and Oral Examination
the course is worth 5CP
Sauer / Wulfinghoff
Nonlinear Finite Element Methods for Solids
Summer 2017
Sauer / Wulfinghoff
Nonlinear Finite Element Methods for Solids
basic basic adv. basic matlab
mech conti conti FEM
Summer 2017
Course outline (tentative)
Mechanics of a nonlinear 1D bar
1D finite element formulations
Elastoplasticity in 1D
Review of continuum mechanics
2D finite element formulations
Boundary conditions
Mesh generation
10. Error estimation
Sauer / Wulfinghoff
Nonlinear Finite Element Methods for Solids
Summer 2017
Finite element literature
Belytschko, T., Liu, W.K and Moran, B.: Nonlinear Finite Elements for Continua
and Structures, Wiley & Sons, 2006
Oden, J.T.: Finite Elements of Nonlinear Continua, Dover Ed., 2006
Wriggers, P.: Nonlinear Finite Element Methods, Springer, 2008
Literature on continuum mechanics:
Chadwick, P.: Continuum Mechanics – Concise Theory and Problems, Dover,
Holzapfel, G.A.: Nonlinear Solid Mechanics – A Continuum Approach for
Engineering, 2nd Ed., Wiley & Sons, 2000
Sauer / Wulfinghoff
Nonlinear Finite Element Methods for Solids
Summer 2017
Challenges in finite element analysis
Large deformations
Material modeling: Viscoelasticity, Damage (Plasticity, Fracture)
Accurate, efficient & robust computational formulations
Different phyical length scales (Multiscale modeling)
Coupling of different methods, e.g. FEM - DEM
Multi-physical modeling
Contact, friction & adhesion
Structural stability
Large scale computations
Car crash simulation
Sauer / Wulfinghoff
Nonlinear Finite Element Methods for Solids
Summer 2017
Historical review (up to the 1970s)
• 17th & 18th century: Development of variational methods
• Leibniz (1696): Brachistochrone minimization problem; solved by using
piecewise linear functions
• Schellbach (1851): Plateau problem, solved by piecewise linear triangles
• Riemann/Hilbert: Variational approach to Poisson’s equation
• Rayleigh/Ritz (1909/10): Minimization with global functions
• Galerkin (1915): Weak formulation with trial and test functions
• Courant (1943): “Courant element”, the linear triangle
• 1940s and 50s: First engineering analysis on analog computers
• Turner (1952/53): Aircraft analysis at Boeing; origin of modern FEM
• Clough (1960): Introduced the term “Finite Element method”
• Wilson (1963): First modern FEM code
• Zienkiewicz (1967): Major FEM book
• 1960s and 70s: Mathematical proofs and books
Sauer / Wulfinghoff
Nonlinear Finite Element Methods for Solids
Babuska (2011),
Belytschko et al. (2006)
Summer 2017
Historical review (nonlinear focus)
• 1960s: implicit FE code NOSAP (Berkeley)
• Constantino (1964): first explicit FE code
• Argyris (1965), Marcal & King (1967): First major nonlinear FEM papers
• late 1960s, early 70’s: commercial nonlinear FEM codes
ANSYS (J. Swanson), ABAQUS (D. Hibbitt), ADINA (K.-J. Bathe)
• Belytschko (1969/72): SAMSON and WRECKER codes featuring an
element-by-element computation
• 1970s and 80s: pioneering work by Berkeley researchers: Hughes, Taylor,
Simo, Bathe, Felippa, Bergan, Willam, Ramm, Ortiz
• further pioneers: Oden, Belytschko, Crisfield, Stein, Zienkiewicz
• Hallquist (1976): DYNA code; later distributed commercially as LSDYNA
• textbooks on nonlinear FEM: Oden (1972), Kleiber (1989), Crisfield (1991),
Zhong (1993), Belytschko et al. (2000), Wriggers (2001)
Babuska (2011),
Belytschko et al. (2006)
Sauer / Wulfinghoff
Nonlinear Finite Element Methods for Solids
Summer 2017