1. Arr[0] Amang Arr[1] egAy Arr[2] jenny Arr[3] GORING Arr[4] AMado Contents of the 1st iteration of outer loop Contents of 1st iteration of inner loop Arr[0] Amang Arr[1] egAy Arr[2] jenny Arr[3] GORING Arr[4] AMado Contents of 2nd iteration of inner loop Arr[0] Amang Arr[1] egAy Arr[2] jenny Arr[3] GORING Arr[4] AMado Contents of 3rd iteration of inner loop Arr[0] Amang Arr[1] egAy Arr[2] jenny Arr[3] GORING Arr[4] AMado Contents of 4th iteration of inner loop Arr[0] AMado Arr[1] egAy Arr[2] jenny Arr[3] GORING Arr[4] Amang Contents of the 2nd iteration of outer loop Contents of 1st iteration of inner loop Arr[0] AMado Arr[1] egAy Arr[2] jenny Arr[3] GORING Arr[4] Amang Contents of 2nd iteration of inner loop Arr[0] AMado Arr[1] GORING Arr[2] jenny Arr[3] egAy Arr[4] Amang Contents of 3rd iteration of inner loop Arr[0] AMado Arr[1] Amang Arr[2] jenny Arr[3] egAy Arr[4] GORING Contents of the 3rd iteration of outer loop Contents of 1st iteration of inner loop Arr[0] AMado Arr[1] Amang Arr[2] egAy Arr[3] jenny Arr[4] GORING Contents of 2nd iteration of inner loop Arr[0] AMado Arr[1] Amang Arr[2] GORING Arr[3] jenny Arr[4] egAy Contents of the 4th iteration of outer loop Contents of 1st iteration of inner loop Arr[0] AMado Arr[1] Amang Arr[2] GORING Arr[3] egAy Arr[4] jenny ULYSSES URCH D. DURAN AI22