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Statistics Assignment: Regression, Confidence Intervals

STAT 310/270. Assignment II.
After going through the previous communication, handle the assignment below and submit
your work by 13/4/23 between 8 am to 9:30 am in the office
a) Suppose a random sample of 200 twenty – year old men is selected from a population and
their heights and weights recorded. A regression of weight on height is given as:
Weight = −99.41 + 3.94  Height , R 2 = 0.81, SER = 10.2
( 2.15) ( 0.31)
Where weight is measured in pounds and height in inches. A man has a late growth spurt
and grows 1.5 inches over the course of the year.
i) Construct a 99% confidence interval for the person’s weight gain
ii) Calculate p-value for the 2-sided test of H0 : 1 = 3.94 and determine whether 3.94 is
contained in the 95% CI for 1 .
b) Prove that F statistic is equal to the square of t statistic
c) A researcher has international cross-section data on aggregate wages, W, aggregate profits, P,
and aggregate income, Y, for a sample of n countries. By definition,
Yi = Wi + Pi
The regressions
Wˆi = a1 + a2Yi
Pˆ = b + b Y
2 i
are fitted using OLS regression analysis. Show that the regression coefficients will
automatically satisfy the following equations:
a2 + b2 = 1
a1 + b1 = 0
Explain intuitively why this should be so.
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