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Consumer Psychology & Segmentation: Lesson 1

Why and how to segment consumers for marketing and communication activities?
The symbolic value of a brand is abstract
BASICS OF TARGETING: Understanding people
Understand and catching consumers means …To identify driver for success and key
conceptual areas to engage and connect with them in a relevant way  Actionable side: in
depth analysis of targets’ profile to audit strategic actions and set up a specific and focused
marketing and media plan
Understand & catching consumers:
Scenario analysis
People attitudes, behaviours and needs
Targeting and segmentation
Brands users profule
Media exposure
Touch points
Who are these people in terms of demos
What ?
What are ther
Consumers are increasingly changing, they’re difficult to understand and complex to define
They have a lot of wished, needs and expectations that are non-linear, multifaceted,
constantly moving
Difficult to reach and never “engaged”
In a market where competition works mostly on a symbolic layer, there aren’t permanent
and stable targets over time
There are only consumers who maximize the opportunities, that present themselves to
And that are the only one able to establish or not the success of companies effort and of
their marketing and communication strategies (ROI)
Necessary to build up targets with purposes that are not only diagnostic and informative but
really actionable
Targets “located”, conceived, “built” and reached from time to time with different promises,
means and specific languages.
New targets, which may not even correspond to our beliefs and expectations
Three main events are responsible of the extraordinary and rapid social transformations of
recent decades (including the consumption area):
The increase of individual resources
The crisis of ordinary institutions
The Increase in social complexity
The increase of individual resources
- More culture, education, information, knowledge, resources to think, act, invent
ways/paths of life
- Increased possibility of relationship and exchange (even virtual)
- Greater mobility on the territory and loosening of spatial constraints
- Search for autonomy and disintermediation
The crisis of ordinary institutions
- Loss of certainty in the role and legitimacy of social institutions
- Reduction of the presence of institutions in daily life
- Obsolescence of regulatory and traditional models of value and behavior
- Need to build new anchors of meaning
The Increase in social complexity
- Growth of the “risk society”: the structural difficulties, uncertainty, insecurity (work,
pensions, banks)
- Loss of homogeneous, unifying, shared, recognized social and cultural vision
- Increased social rhythms, widespread expectations of performance and multitasking
- Multiplying information, stimuli, roles, situations and scripts to master
From these three events, important implications derive
More resources and fewer constraints from which…
Tension towards individuality and search for recognition of individuals (as people before
But also:
More fluidity, more exchanges, relationships (more “vital worlds” and areas of experience
The Big map
Thought and sensitivity
Experimentalism, personal planning, coming out of own self, attention to the world and
other people, capability to perceive intangible aspect of things, that are “soft” and
meaningful aspects
Donation to the others
Incapability to act in order to establish oneself (also) as individua: the others drain the
individual and his sensitivity; thoughts and projects often remain unrealized
Incapability/inaction to act in order to establish oneself and own projects in social context
Lack/depletion if planning though; lack/depletion of action; dominance (or return) of basic
needs, reiterated and basic actions and choices
Instinct and egoism
Basic and self-centeredness interests and needs, limited attention to the word and to the
others, insensitivity to intangible aspects of life
Energy of action, without developed thoughts and sensitivity, drives to a high selfcenteredness and to a limited regard to the others. The success often remains more desired
than realized.
Energy to stablish own self in the social context, pursuing power, strength and success.
Highest attention to “hard”, structural aspects of things and of living
Greatest ability of action and thought: innovation, realization of both personal planning and
self in the social context
Female clothing styles
Red carpet
Mix and match
Free easy