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Sugar Beet Harvesting & Processing in Pakistan

Topic: Area&Season of harvesting, Processing of Sugar-Beet
Group 4:
Sumaira Salem
Maryam khanum
Sadia Maqbool
Rija Nayab
Ayesha Malik
Asia Bibi
History of Sugar-Beet
■ Sugar-Beet is an herbaceous plant belonging to a family known as Goosefoot family and
sub specie Betavulgarius . The plant consist of three parts Crown(Produces leaves) ,Neck,
Root(Cone shaped, store sugar)
Sugar beet was first grown in Japan around 1880
■ Since the middle of the 1920s Sugarbeet has also been grown in Turkey. In some other
Asian countries (e.g. Pakistan, Syria, China, Iran and Iraq) sugar beet was established as
a field crop
Season of Planting
■ Sugar-Beet is cultivated in Rabi season
■ October-November is consider an ideal month for sowing
■ Best planting time for South Punjab is mid to end of October
Processing of Sugar-Beet
■ Harvesting
In 1984 a equipment “skew bar Topper "is introduced for
harvesting,In Pakistan row harvesters used
■ Transport
After harvesting Sugarbeet is transported to Processing area in
different type of transport
■ Screeners
The screening systems remove loose dirt from the beets and pinch
the beet tops and leaves from the beet roots.
Reception to extraction
Processing of Sugar Beet
■ Cleaning
The conveyors transport the beets to storage areas and then to the final cleaning and
Several cleaning devices used for this purpose
■ Diffusion
The cleaned and washed beets are slice into long, thin strips, called cossettes.
The cossettes are conveyed to continuous diffusers, in which hot water is used to extract
sucrose from the cossettes.
Processing of Sugar-Beet
■ Purification and filtering
In the juice purification stage, non-sucrose impurities in the raw juice are removed by
defecation, carbonation, 2nd carbonation, sulphitation,so that the pure sucrose can be
Processing of Sugar-Beet
■ Evaporation
The evaporation process, which increases the sucrose concentration in the juice by
removing water,
Sugar is crystallized by low-temperature pan boiling.
Processing of Sugar-Beet
■ Centrifugation
Massecuite is poured into high-speed centrifugal, in which the liquid is centrifuged into
the outer shell, and the crystals are left in the inner centrifugal
Processing of Sugar-Beet
■ Washing
The sugar crystals are then washed with pure hot water and are sent to the
granulator, which is a combination rotary drum dryer and cooler.
■ Packaging
After cooling, the sugar is screened and then either packaged or stored in large
bins for future packaging.
By Products
● Top of beet used as Feed
● Pulp is used as feed of livestock
● Molasses also used as supplement of feed
Processing Line of Sugar-Beet
Growth of sugar beet in pakistan
■ Southern Punjab
Sindh(50 to 100 Hectares)
■ Sugar beet grown as a winter crop, both in lower Sindh and
■ Sown in October/November and harvested in April/ May
■ Pakistan needs to increase sugar production from sugar beet in
wake of serious water shortages in the country.
Mills in Pakistan
Sugar beet cultivation is already in production and four beet sugar factories were operating
in KPK since 1962-63.
The first beet-sugar factory in Pakistan was established during 1963 in Charsadda.
Sugar mills in KPK
1. Premier Charsadda (Saleem),
2. Takht-Bhai,
3. Al-Moiz
Sugar mills in Punjab/Sindh
1. JDW Sugar Mills Ltd (Unit1:Punjab)
2. JDW Sugar Mills Ltd (Unit2:Sindh)
Production During 2012-2013
■ https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2020-10/documen
■ https://www.technologytimes.pk/2019/04/23/sugar-beet-crop-sugarproduction/#:~:text=KPK%20produces%20beet%20at%20commercial,November%2
■ https://www.sugar.org/blog/a-brief-history-of-real-sugar-the-story-of-sugar-beets/
■ https://www.researchgate.net/publication/278020217_Sugar_Beet_Potential_to_B