Travel: Reasons, Transport, and Planning

Why do people travel?
• have a rest
• explore new places • for education – to study
• practise a foreign language
• for an adventure
• get to know new cultures
• for entertainment
• To see historical places
• For shopping reasons
• Because it´s their hobby
• Because of work or
go on business
• to commute to work/school
• to visit family
Ways of transport
- by land – car, bus, (drive a car, go by
bus) bicycle (ride a bike), train ( take a
train), motorcycle/motorbike, truck
(Am)/lorry, tram, van, scooter, underground
– by air – plane, hot-air balloon, jet (prúdové
lietadlo), helicopter,
– by water – ship, boat yacht, canoe, ferry
Means of transport – a car
• The dominant form of transport nowadays is undoubtedly the
car. Slovaks use it when they go on holidays or travel to closer
destinations. It has got some disadvantages but many
advantages .
• Pros – you can stop when you want, when you are sick and
tired, want to eat, a car has got a big boot so you can take a lot
of luggage with you
• Cons – if you travel long distances it is tiring, petrol/gas now is
expensive, this means of transport pollutes the environment a
lot (we should use unleaded petrol) and catalyzators to reduce
Means of transport – a train
• Travelling by train is quite common nowadays.
• Pros- relatively cheap, quick, comfortale – if you are tired of
sitting, you can walk. If you travel at night, you can sleep in a
sleeper and if hungry, you can eat in a dining-car. You can
enjoy the scenery, can work/study/take phone calls on the way.
• It doesn´t pollute environment a lot. (environmentally friendly
means of transport)
Cons – Railways stations and trains are noisy, overcrowded
and dirty sometimes. In a compartment you don´t have a
privacy, strangers staring, can be stressful, listening to other
people´s loud phone conversations can be unpleasant,
Walking, riding a bike
• If you travel for shorter distances – we can walk /go on foot or
ride a bike
• These are definitely the healthiest ways of travelling
• in big cities
• It´s very convenient way of travel, the undeground trains go
every five minutes, the rates are quite low, you can travel easily
even rush hours
Means of transport - plane
• Using a plane has become quite popular. It is most convenient
for longer distations
• Some people are afraid of flying but statistics show there are
fewer air accidents than the road ones. Moreover, flying is
faster and more comfortable, of course when the weather is
• Pros: it´s fast, comfortable, relatively safe
• Cons: it´s sometimes expensive, if you don´t travel with low
cost airlines – budget airlines,
• Moreover there is a danger of hijacking
Journey by plane
• If you want to fly, you have to book flight tickets in advance
• you can choose from the first class called also business class or second
class called economy class.
• On the day of your departure, you have to arrive at the airport at least two
hours before your departure
• At the airport the pasengers have check-in at first. The luggage is weighed
because each passenger can take only 20kg of luggage free of charge.
Then the passengers go through the customs to show their flight tickets and
passports For air traffic safety both people and luggage have to be checked
and metal objects have to be detected. It is forbidden to take sharp objects
and liquids on the board
• Then the passengers can go to the departure lounge. When the plane is
ready to take off the announcer calls passengers to get ready and board the
plane. Before the aircraft moves the notices flash up – „Fasten Your Safety
Belts“ and „No Smoking“. When the plane get permissions from the control
tower for flight it takes off.
• In the plane the stewardess shows passengers their seats and during the
flight she offers them some meals, refreshments or drinks.
Travelling abroad
• Slovak families usually travel to spent their holidays abroad
once a year. Families can use the services of travel agencies or
they can travel independently – on their own.
• If they travel on their own, they can stay in a campsite or rented
bungallow and prepare meals by themselves. (self-catering
• Home –swapping is a new type of holiday. You exchange your
home with a family in another country.
• Couch-surfing is a way of travelling for young people who want
to save money, accomodation is provided for free.
Hichhiking and backpacking
• Especially young people like to travel by hitchhiking. It is one of the cheapest
ways of travelling. They take their backpack and can go wherever they want.
• It’s cheap, but dangerous. And you must have luck by hitch-hiking. It is very
slow travelling.
• What to arrange before travel
• When we are going abroad we must have necessary documents- at first
checked a validity of your passport, sometimes we must get a visa and other
things e.g. we must exchange money.
When we are going by train, bus and plane. We must buy tickets.
We have to have information about accomodation, transportation and so
on. We have to get travel insurance
We can live in a hotel, a hostel, a cottage, a appartement.
cancel – zrušiť
delay – meškanie
connection – spoj
backpack – ruksak
handbag – príručná taška
suitcase – kufor
sleeping bag – spací vak
penknife – vreckový nožík
tent – stan
traveller´s cheques –
cestovné šeky
• tram – električka
truck – nákladné auto
yacht – jachta
boat – menšia loď
ferry-boat – trajekt
sailing ship – plachetnica
Its departure is scheduled
for... – jeho odchod je
naplánovaný na...
get on /off the train –
nastúpiť/vystúpiť na/do vlak/u
go for a holiday – ísť na
off-season – mimosezóna
on-season – v sezóne
excursion places – výletné
seamen – námorníci
shipyard – lodenica
aircraft – lietadlo
jet – prúdové lietadlo
be in charge of – mať na
crew – posádka
pilot, co-pilot – pilot, druhý pilot
deck – paluba
cockpit – palubný priestor
railways – železnice
arrivals and departures –
príchody a odchody
consult the rail guide – pozrieť
sa do cestovného poriadku
fare – cestovné
inquiry office – informácie
return ticket– cesta/lístok
single/one-way ticket –
obyčajný lístok
slot machine – automat na
baggage check – batožinový
left –luggage office – úschovňa
dining-car – jedálny vozeň
fast train – rýchlik
passenger train – osobný vlak
sleeping car – spací vozeň
smoker – fajčiarske oddelenie
catch / miss a train,bus – chytiť
/zmeškať vlak, autobus
in time – presne(o hodinách)
on time – presne(v určený čas)
book a seat – kúpiť si miestenku
seat reservation – miestenka
make a reservation for a ticket –
rezervovať lístok
independent travel – individuálna
itinerary – plán cesty
package tour – zájazd s pevným
low-cost – nízkonákladové
entry visa – vstupné vízum, valid visa
– platné v.
grant/refuse sb visa –
udeliť/zamietnuť niekomu vízum
business trip – služobná cesta
cruise – cesta loďou
Voyage (passage) – plavba, cesta
journey – cesta
be/go abroad – byť/ísť v/do
cross the frontier – prekročiť hranicu
customs – colnica
duty-free – oslobodený od cla
smuggle – pašovať
fine – pokuta
be worth (seeing)– mať cenu, oplatiť
extend the stay – prdĺžiť si pobyt
check-in – zaregistrovať sa na letisku
passenger lounge – odletová hala
land – pristáť, get off – vzlietnuť
hijack( a plane) – uniesť lietadlo
fasten the belts – pripútať sa
crash – zrútiť sa, havarovať
inconvenience - nepohodlie
pass through – prechádzať cez
travel via Sydney– cestovať cez ..