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Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign Report - Qabatiya Medical Center

(Breast Cancer Awareness Month)
Qabatiya Medical Center, public health activity
• To diagnose breast cancer in the early stages of the disease, and to
facilitate access to more diagnostic and treatment procedures in
hospitals. Early detection is done in order to improve the quality and
outcome of breast cancer treatment, increase the cure rate to more
than 95%, and reduce the mortality rate by up to 30%.
• Monitoring the progress of work during the awareness day to
facilitate the medical day for breast cancer examination in terms of
reaching the center and starting the registration procedures and
distributing the auditors according to the age group to listen to
awareness lectures and starting the bed examination and
mammogram examination by the competent team. And the final
listening to the reviewers before the exit process.
• Early detection is done in order to improve the quality and outcome
of breast cancer treatment,
• This campaign includes awareness lectures, clinical examinations, and
mammogram examinations, according to the age group as follows:
Clinical examination 20 years and above, and mammogram
examination 40 years and above, under the supervision of a
specialized female medical staff
• Coordination has been made with Augusta Victoria Hospital, the
mobile clinic, and the municipality of Qabatiya in order to provide the
medical staff and medical equipment for the campaign
• Awareness lectures: for all grope of ages and focused on the benefit
of early detection of breast cancer, which increases the cure rate to
more than 95%, and reduces the mortality rate by up to 30%. And the
proper way for the self-breast exam at home.
• Clinical examinations: for grope age 20 years and above, done under
the supervision of a specialized female medical staff
• Mammogram examinations: for grope age 40 years and above, done
under the supervision of a specialized female medical staff
• Difficulties / Successes
• At first, it was difficult to coordinate with the specialized medical staff and
the mobile clinic at Augusta Victoria Hospital in order to attend the medical
center in Qabatiya for two consecutive days to carry out an early screening
campaign to detect breast cancer under the slogan “You check your life,”
but it was completed.
• An advertisement was published on the center's home page on the social
networking site Facebook, as follows: The "Your Life Examination
Campaign" has been postponed to a date to be determined later, due to a
malfunction in the special examination device in the campaign. Thank you
we apologize for this inconvenience
• Difficulties / Successes
• Awareness lectures, Clinical examinations, and Mammogram
examinations were done in a proper way for all the reviewers as easily
as possible with some increase in the waiting time for the
mammogram examinations.
• As for the educational lectures, they were held periodically once
every hour and a half to cover all the auditors and ensure their
attendance at the awareness lectures
• Recommendations
• The next campaign date will be officially announced as soon as the mammogram
device is fixed, and in the event of a delay in fixing the device, the campaign will
be carried out, but without the mammogram device, and coordination will be
made with another center to conduct the examination for women in the age
group over 40
• The recommendation was to carry out such campaigns on a regular basis and not
only be limited to the month of October and to last for a longer period
• It was recommended to provide a mammogram device for breast examination
inside Qabatiya Medical Center in order to facilitate the process of conducting
any future campaign where the mobile clinic device is not available or something
• Recommendations
• The recommendation was to carry out such campaigns on a regular
basis and not only be limited to the month of October and to last for
a longer period
• It was recommended to provide a mammogram device for breast
examination inside Qabatiya Medical Center in order to facilitate the
process of conducting any future campaign where the mobile clinic
device is not available or something similar
• Objectives achieved or not
• The goal of engaging in this campaign was to gain administrative
medical expertise to coordinate awareness campaigns that serve the
community. It seems that the first phase of these goals has been
• However, work must be done to complete the awareness campaign
and to follow up and evaluate the post-awareness campaign stage in
order to fully acquire the required administrative experience
• The aim of participating in this campaign was to gain administrative
medical expertise to coordinate awareness campaigns that serve the
community. This goal was fully accomplished by the end of the
awareness day.
• The awareness day has ended to the fullest, as awareness lectures,
self-examination, and mammogram examination were held, and the
recommendation for the coming times is that such an awareness day
be held two or three times annually instead of once annually