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Select the perfect Commercial barn door hardware

A w el l- d es i gne d , b eau ti f ul Bar n d o or ma d e w it h hi g h quali ty mater ial s is a wi se i nves tme nt f o r y o ur i nte ri o r
déc o r . C omm er c i al bar n d o or har dwa re h a s im me ns e
impo rta nce i n manufac t ur ing f or i ts q ual it y, r el iab i lit y ,
and protection with safety .
Req u iremen t o f h a rd ware f o r ba rn
d o ors
The hardware required to install a barn
door consists of seven major
components: tracks, rollers, hangers,
door guides, jump blocks, spacers, and
stoppers. Each piece of hardware
serves the great purpose of ensuring
that the door functions properly, but
ensuring security is more important.
Pu rp o se o f ba rn do or ha rdware i n i nt eriors
Barn doors in the interior save space - the unique Sliding doors are specially
designed with the trend, i.e., perfect for small spaces. S wing doors need space to
open. As a result, it can block passageways or damage walls in tight spaces.
The likeness of the
Commercial barn door
Dependability on the Barn door hardware
solves the problems in small compartments.
Makes easy to fit in a little room to swing the
door open. Doors leading into narrow hallways,
closets in tight spaces, and doors you want to
cover without taking up floor space -all of
these situations are perfect places for a barn
www.calusa b ar n d oo r ha r dw a re.c o
Interior design is constantly evolving, but barn
doors are still a top trend in interior design. If
your home has a modern, rustic, or traditional
style, sliding doors are always versatile and
functional in look & style.
www.ca l u sa b a rnd oorha rd wa re.com
Cho o se y o u r b es t co llect ion f ro m t he ra ng e a v a ilable i n Ca lu sa
 Gr a n ad a Steel & Gl as s D oor: Pai nte d Ste el wit h Gla s s
S li di ng Steel Do or m ade of St ai nles s -S t eel Bar n Do or
style har d ware . Measur ement : 36 x 84 x 1 in c h .
(Customized sizes are also available) .
 Bermu d a Gol d Showe r E nc lo s ure H a rdw a re is a
c omplete c om merc ial Stai nl ess S t eel Ba r n D o o r
Ha r dw ar e suppor ted by 1 Rai l up t o 6 0 " lo n g, 2 Ra i l en d cap s, 4 Wheel assem blie s, 4 W heel asse mbl ies, 2 Glas s
ra il supp or ts, 3 g las s c lamps, 1 Fl o or gui d e, 2 Do o r st ops
& 1 Special wrench .
 8 Ft. Venice Series Sliding Barn Door Hardware for Wood Doors is the automatic choice for commercial
purposes in interior design. It is available in one 3/4" thickness. The commercial barn door hardware is suitable
for room dividers, office partitions, and closet doors.
 California Oil Rubbed Bronze Sliding Barn Door Hardware for Glass Doors is a complete set of Stainless-Steel
Barn Door Hardware in Oil Rubbed Bronze finish exclusively designed for fitting in glass doors up to 1/2" thick,
perfect for room dividers, office partitions, and closet doors to make your interior with a touch of elegance.
 Rio Gold Finish Barn Door Hardware for Glass Doors is a complete set of Stainless-Steel Barn Door Hardware
with a Gold finish. The commercial hardware is perfect for luxury living, specially designed for 3/8" and 1/2"
glass doors, and is suitable for room dividers and office partitions for closet doors.
www. ca lus a b a r n d o o rh a rd wa re.co
Why choose Calusa Hardware for
Commercial Barn Doors?
Calusa is the recognized dealer of barn sliding door hardware needed to
install a wood or glass door. Calusa Barn Door Hardware products include
wall brackets, wood doors, tracks, and other hardware used to install
modern and rustic doors.
Calusa Barn Door Hardware
7006 SW 46th Street Miami, FL, 33155, United States
Phone: 305 -7 4 0-6252
calusabarnd oor@a ol. c om