Uploaded by Inga Besehanich

Translation Transformations: English to Ukrainian

The translation of the given extract seems to have undergone various transformational
processes, such as lexical and semantic transformations, syntactical replacement,
partitioning, and compression/omission of words, among others.
In terms of lexical and semantic transformations, generalization and concretization of
meanings are applied, such as the substitution of the source language words/phrases
of narrow meaning by the target language words/phrases of general/broader meaning.
For instance, the phrase "get out of the house for a few days" in the original English
text is translated into Ukrainian as "виберися на кілька днів з дому" (literally
meaning "get out of the house for a few days"), but with the connotation of "go on a
There are also instances of syntactical replacement, such as the transposition of
words, phrases, and clauses, and the use of synonymous substitutions. For example,
the phrase "the notion of a trip" is translated into Ukrainian as "думка про поїздку"
(literally meaning "the thought of a trip"), where the word "notion" is replaced with
Partitioning is also applied, where the text is divided into smaller units, such as
sentences or clauses, to make it more comprehensible. Inner partitioning is evident in
the following sentence in the Ukrainian translation: "Маю на увазі, що лист міс
Кентон дав поштовх до певного ланцюжка міркувань" (literally meaning "I mean
that Miss Kenton's letter gave rise to a certain chain of ideas"), where the phrase "I
mean" is partitioned from the main sentence. Outer partitioning is observed in the
following sentence in the Ukrainian translation: "Хіба це нормально, коли людина
не має як подивитися на свою країну?" (literally meaning "Is it normal when a
person cannot see their own country?"), where the question is partitioned from the
rest of the sentence.
In addition, the translation also involves compression/omission of words, such as the
omission of the phrase "as just another instance of an American gentleman's
unfamiliarity with what was and what was not commonly done in England" in the
Ukrainian translation, which is implied in the context.
Here are some of the transformations that can be observed:
Syntactical replacement: The sentence structure of some sentences has been modified
to suit the target language, such as in "Дарлінпгтон-Голлі" in the Ukrainian
translation, where the English "Darlington Hall" has been modified to fit the syntax
of the target language.
Compensation: This is seen in the Ukrainian translation where "almost seven years if
one discounts the Christmas cards" is translated to "років за сім. не враховуючи
різдвяних листівок" to ensure that the intended meaning is not lost in translation.
Lexical and semantic transformations:
Generalization: In the Ukrainian translation, "American gentleman" is generalized to
"американського джентльмена," which has a broader meaning.
Concretization: "Стівенсе" in the Ukrainian translation concretizes the name
"Stevens" to fit the target language.
Differentiation: The Ukrainian translation differentiates between "свою країну" and
"Англії" to convey the intended meaning.
Synonymous substitution: In the Ukrainian translation, "пропозиції містера
Фаррадея" is used to replace "Mr. Farraday's suggestion" to suit the target language.
Antonymous translation: No antonymous translation is observed in the provided
Compression/omission of words: This is seen in the Ukrainian translation where
"what was and what was not commonly done in England" is compressed to "що
прийнято в Англії, а що - ні."
Transcoding: No specific example of transcoding is observed in the provided text.
Descriptive translation: This is observed in the Ukrainian translation where "chain of
ideas" is translated to "ланцюжок міркувань" to provide a more descriptive and
accurate translation.
Calque/loan/word-to-word translation: No calque or word-to-word translation is
observed in the Ukrainian translation.
Full rearrangement: No full rearrangement is observed in the Ukrainian translation.
Overall, the translation appears to be accurate and faithful to the source text, with the
use of various translation transformations to convey the intended meaning in the
target language.
Mr. Farraday did not seem to understand this statement, for he merely went on:
‘I mean it, Stevens. It’s wrong that a man can’t get to see around his own
country. Take my advice, get out of the house for a few days.’Однак містер
Фаррадей, схоже, не втямив того, про що я казав, бо продовжував далі: Ну справді, Стівенсе. Хіба це нормально, коли людина не має як
подивитися на свою країну? Послухай мене, виберися на кілька днів з
As you might expect, I did not take Mr. Farraday’s suggestion at all seriously
that afternoon, regarding it as just another instance of an American gentleman’s
unfamiliarity with what was and what was not commonly done in England. The
fact that my attitude to this same suggestion underwent a change over the
following days – indeed, that the notion of a trip to the West Country took an
ever-increasing hold on my thoughts – is no doubt substantially attributable to –
and why should I hide it? – the arrival of Miss Kenton’s letter, her first in
almost seven years if one discounts the Christmas cards. But let me make it
immediately clear what I mean by this; what I mean to say is that Miss Kenton’s
letter set off a certain chain of ideas to do with professional matters here at
Darlington Hall, and I would underline that it was a preoccupation with these
very same professional matters that led me to consider anew my employer’s
kindly meant suggestion. But let me explain further.
Як ви, напевно, здогадуєтесь, того пообіддя я не поставився до пропозиції
містера Фаррадея серйозно, а сприйняв її за ще один приклад необізнаності
американського джентльмена з тим, що прийнято в Англії, а що - ні. Те,
що упродовж кількох наступних днів моє ставлення до цієї пропозиції
змінилося і думка про поїздку до Вест-Кантрі міцно засіла в моїй голові,
безперечно, пов'язано - і я не бачу змісту це приховувати - з листом міс
Кeнтон, першим, якого я отримав від неї років за сім. не враховуючи
різдвяних листівок. Відразу скажу, про що мені йдеться. Маю на увазі, що
лист міс Кентон дав поштовх до певного ланцюжка міркувань, пов'язаних
зі службовими справами тут. у Дарлінпгтон-Голлі, і хочу наголосити, що
саме стурбованість цими справами спонукала мене задуматись над
люб'язною пропозицією мого господаря. Зараз поясню детальніше.