Euclidean Geometry Theorem 1. If D AOB is a straight line, then x A x + y = 180 (adj. s on st. line) y [ 直線上的鄰角] O B Theorem 2, 3 (Converse of Theorem 1) If D x + y = 180, then (adj. s supp.) x y O A AOB is a straight line B [直線上的鄰角逆定理] 或 [鄰角互補] Corollary w + x + y + z = 360 (s at a pt.) w x [同頂角] y z Theorem 4. If A D x O two straight lines AOB, COD meet at O then y x=y (vert. opp. s) C [對頂角] B Theorem 5, 6, 7 a A then B If AB CD (1) a = b c (2) c = b C b Theorem 8, 9, 10 d D (3) c + d = 180 (corr.s, AB//CD) [同位角,AB//CD] (alt.s, AB//CD) [內錯角,AB//CD] (int.s, AB//CD) [同側內角,AB//CD] (Converse of (1) Theorem 5, 6, 7) If then (corr.s equal) [同位角相等] a A a=b AB//CD B (2) c If then c=b AB//CD (alt.s equal) [內錯角相等] b C d D (3) If then c + d = 180 AB//CD (int.s supp.) [同側內角互補] 1 Theorem 11. A If AB//CD and AB//EF then CD//EF B C D (// to the same st. line) [平行同一直線] E F Theorem 12, 13 In ABC (1) a + b + c = 180 A ( sum of ) [內角和] (ext. of ) [的外角] a (2) d = a + b b c d C B D Theorem 14,15,16,17,18. (Test for Congruent s) (1) In ABC, PQR If AB = PQ, b = q, BC = QR then ABC PQR A (S.A.S) a (2) b c B (A.S.A.) C P If b = q, BC = QR, c = r then ABC PQR (3) p If then q a = p, b = q, BC =QR ABC PQR (A.A.S.) r Q (4) R If AB = PQ, BC = QR, CA = RP then ABC PQR (S.S.S.) P A (5) If then Q C B B = Q = 90, AC = PR, BC = QR ABC PQR (R.H.S.) R Theorem 19, 20,21 (Tests for Similar Triangles) (1) A In ABC, PQR If a = p and b = q and c = r then ABC PQR a (A.A.A) (2) B b If then P p a = p and AB AC PQ PR ABC PQR (ratio of 2 sides, inc.) [兩對邊成比例,夾角相等] c Q q C (3) If then r R AB AC BC PQ PR QR ABC PQR (3 sides proportional) [對應邊成比例] 2 Theorem 22, 23. (1) The sum of the interior angles of a convex polygon with n sides is ( sum of (2) (n-2)x180 polygon) [多邊形內角和] If the sides of a convex polygon are produced in order, the sum of the exterior angles so formed is 360 (sum of ext.s of polygon) [多邊形外角和] Theorem 24 A If ABC is isosceles such that AB = AC then B = C (base s, isos.) [等腰的底角] B Theorem 25 C (Converse of Theorem 24) A If B = C then AC = AB (sides opp. equal s) [等角的對邊] B C Theorem 26 A If AB = BC = CA then A = B = C = 60 (Property of equilateral ) [等邊性質] B C Theorem 27, 28,29, 30. A B a b O c C then If ABDC is a parallelogram (1) AB = CD; AC = BD (opp. sides, //gram) [平行四邊形對邊] (2) a = d, c = b (opp. s, //gram) [平行四邊形對角] d D (3) AO = OD; CO = OB (diagonals //gram) [平行四邊形對角線] (4) area of ABC = area of DCB; area of ADC = area of DAB (diagonals bisect area of //gram) [平行四邊形被對角線平分] 3 Theorem 31,32,33 34. In quadrilateral ABCD, if AB = DC and AD = BC then ABCD is a parallelogram (1) (Tests for Parallelograms) A B a b O d (opp. sides equal) (2) if a = c and b = d then ABCD is a parallelogram (3) if AO = OC and BO = OD then ABCD is a parallelogram (opp.s equal) c D C Theorem 35. [對角線互相平分] if AB = DC and AB // DC then ABCD is a parallelogram (opp. sides equal and //) [對邊平行且相等] If ABDC is a square, then (1) AD = BC (2) AD BC (3) AD bisects BAC and BDC; BC bisects ABD and ACD (4) possess all properties of a parallelogram (property of square) [正方形性質] B O C [對角相等] (diagonals bisect each other) (4) A [對邊相等] D Theorem 36. A If ABCD is a rectangle, then (1) AC = BD (2) possess all properties of a parallelogram (property of rectangle) [矩形性質] B O D C Theorem 37. If ABCD is a rhombus, then (1) AC BD (2) AC bisects BAD, BCD; BD bisects ABC, ADC (3) possess all properties of a parallelogram (property of rhombus) [菱形性質] A D B C Theorem 38. (Mid-point theorem) In ABC, If D, E are mid-points of AB, AC respectively then (1) DE // BC (2) DE = BC/2 (Mid-pt. theorem) [中點定理] A E D B C Theorem 39. C E G (Equal intercept theorem) A B D If AB // CD // EF // GH and AC = CE = EG then BD = DF = FH (Equal intercept theorem) [等截距定理] or (Intercept theorem) [截線定理] F H 4 Theorem 40. (Intercept theorem) A E In ABC, If D is a mid-point of AB; DE // BC then AE = EC D (Intercept theorem) [截線定理] B Theorem 41. C (Theorem of equal ratio) A D, E divide AB, AC internally D E B C A D, E divide AB, AC externally C B If DE // BC then AD AE DB EC (Equal ratios theorem) D [等比定理] E E D D, E divide AB, AC externally A B C Theorem 42. (Converse of Theorem 42) A D, E divide AB, AC internally D AD AE DB EC If E then B C (Converse of equal ratios theorem) A D, E divide AB, AC externally C B D DE // BC [等比定理之逆定理] E E D A B D, E divide AB, AC externally C 5 Theorem 43. (Pythagoras' theorem) In A ABC B = 90 then AB2 BC2 AC2 (Pythagoras' theorem) [畢氏定理] B C (Converse of theorem 43) Theorem 44. A In ABC AB2 BC2 AC2 then B = 90 (Converse of Pythagoras' theorem) [畢氏定理之逆定理] C B Theorem 45. (Perpendicular bisector theorem) H If HK is the perpendicular bisector of AB P in a point on HK then PA = PB P ( bisector theorem) A B [中垂線定理] K Theorem 46. (Converse of Theorem 46) H If HK is the perpendicular bisector of AB PA = PB then P is a point on HK P A B (Converse of bisector theorem) [中垂線定理之逆定理] K Theorem 47. (Angle bisector theorem) A E F P B C D (Converse of Theorem 47) A Theorem 48. E F P B C If AD is the angle bisector of BAC P is a point on AD PE is the perpendicular distance of P from AB PF is the perpendicular distance of P from AC then PE = PF ( bisector theorem) [角平分線定理] If AD is the angle bisector of BAC PE is the perpendicular distance of P from AB PF is the perpendicular distance of P from AC PE = PF then P is a point on AD (Converse of bisector theorem) [角平分線定理之逆定理] D 6 Theorem 49. In A c ABC, a+b>c b+c>a c+a>b b (triangular inequality) B [三角形不等式] C a In ABC, (1) If a > b , then A > B . Theorem 50. A (greater side, greater opp. ) c b (2) [長邊對應大角] If A > B, then a > b . (greater , greater opp. side) [大角對應長邊] B C a Theorem 51a. (Centroid theorem) ABC, AD, CE, BF are the medians then (1) AD, CE and BF meet at a point, G. (G is the centroid of the triangle) (2) AG:GD = BG:GF = CG:GE = 2:1; In A F E G (Centroid theorem) B D C (Circum-centre theorem) Theorem 51b. [重心定理] ABC, DE, GF, KH are the perpendicular bisectors of the sides AB, AC and BC respectively then DE, GF and KH meet at a point, O. (O is the circumcentre of the triangle) In A G H D O (Circum-center theorem) E C F [外接圓心定理] K B Theorem 51c. (In-center theorem) F O E ABC, AD, BF, CE are the angle bisectors of the angles of the triangle then AD, BF, CE meet at a point, O. (O is the in-centre of the triangle) In A D C (In-centre theorem) [內切圓心定理] B Theorem 51d. (Ex-centre theorem) A ABC, AD is the angle bisector of a interior angle, BE and CF are the angle bisectors of the exterior angles of the other angles then AD, BE, CF meet at a point, O. (O is the ex-centre of the triangle) C In B E F D (Ex-centre theorem) [旁切圓心定理] 7 Theorem 51e. (Orthocentre theorem) A E then O B ABC, AD, BF, CE are the altitudes AD, BF, CE meet at a point, O. (O is the orthocenter of a triangle) (Orthocentre theorem) [垂心定理] In F D C Theorem 52,53. A D O If AB CD then arcAB arcCD. (equal chords, equal arcs) [等弦,等弧] Conversely If arcAB arcCD then AB CD. (equal arcs, equal chords) [等弧,等弦] B C Theorem 54,55 (corollary of theorem 52, 53) A C B D Two equal circles. If AB CD then arcAB arcCD. (equal chords, equal arcs) [等弦,等弧] Conversely If arcAB arcCD then AB CD. (equal arcs, equal chords) [等弧,等弦] Theorem 56, 57,58,59. If arcAB arcCD (or AB CD) then A (equal arcs, equal s) [等弧,等角] D (or equal chords, equal s O m m n. 等弦,等角) Conversely n If m n then arcAB arcCD (or AB CD). (equal s, equal arcs) [等角,等弧] B (or equal s, equal chords 等角,等弦) C Corollary 60,61,62, 63. Two equal circles. If arcAB arcCD (or AB CD) then m n. (equal arcs, equal s) [等弧,等角] A C m O n P (or equal chords, equal s Conversely If m n then arcAB arcCD (or AB CD). (equal s, equal arcs) [等角,等弧] D B 等弦,等角) (or equal s, equal chords 等角,等弦) Theorem 64. arcAB : arcBC m : n (arcs prop. to s at centre) O m n A [弧與圓心角成比例] C B 8 Corollary 65. Two equal circles. A C m O P n arcAB : arcCD m : n (arcs prop. to s at centre) [弧與圓心角成比例] D B Theorem 66. m arcAB : arcBC m : n n (arcs prop. to s at circumference) O A [弧與圓周角成比例] C B Corollary 67. Two equal circles. arcAB : arcCD m : n n A m (arcs prop. to s at circumference) C [弧與圓周角成比例] D B Theorem 68. If then AN NB. (line from centre chord bisects chord) O A [圓心至弦之垂線平分該弦] B N Theorem 69. (Converse of Theorem 68) AN NB then ON AB. If (line joining centre to mid-pt. of chord perp. to chord) O A ON AB [弦的中點與圓心聯線 該弦] B N Theorem 70. B AB CD then OM ON . If M A (equal chords, equidistant from centre) O [等弦與圓心等距] D N C Theorem 71. (Converse of Theorem 70) OM ON then AB CD. If B M A [與圓心等距的弦等長] O C (chords equidistant from centre are equal) N D 9 Theorem 72. P AOB 2APB ( at centre twice at circumference) O [圓心角兩倍於圓周角] O B P A A P A O B B Theorem 73. C A AB is a diameter, then ACB 90o If B O ( in semi-circle) [半圓上的圓周角] Theorem 74. P AB is a chord, then APB AQB. If Q (s in the same segment) [同弓形內的圓周角] A B Theorem 75. S If R P PQRS is a cyclic quadrilateral, then P R 180o ( or S Q 180o) (opp. s, cyclic quad.) [圓內接四邊形對角] Q Theorem 76. S If R PQRS is a cyclic quadrilateral, then S RQK (ext. s, cyclic quad.) [圓內接四邊形外角] P K Q Theorem 77. (Converse of Theorem 74) P If Q APB AQB then A, B, Q, P are concyclic. (Converse of s in the same segment) [同弓形內的圓周角的逆定理] A B 10 Theorem 78. (Converse of Theorem 75) S P R 180o ( or S Q 180o) If R then P, Q, R, S are concyclic. (opp. s supp) [對角互補] P Q Theorem 79. (Converse of Theorem 76) S R P If S RQK then P, Q, R, S are concyclic. (ext. = int. opp. ) [外角=內對角] K Q Theorem 80. If PQ is a tangent to the circle , then PQ OT . (tangent radius) [切線 半徑] O T P Q Theorem 81. (Converse of Theorem 80) If then O T P PQ OT , PQ is a tangent to the circle. (Converse of tangent [切線 半徑的逆定理] radius) Q Theorem 82. If TP, TQ are two tangents to the circle, then (1) TP=TQ (2) TOP TOQ (3) OTP OTQ P O T (tangent properties) [切線性質] Q Theorem 83. C B If then P A PAQ is a tangent to the circle at A, CAQ CBA (or BAP BCA) ( in alt. segment) [交錯弓形的圓周角] Q 11 Theorem 84. (Converse of Theorem 83) C B If then CAQ CBA (or BAP BCA), PAQ is a tangent to the circle at A. (Converse of in alt. segment) P A [交錯弓形的圓周角的逆定理] Q 12