Uploaded by Vibhaviyaa Kuppam

Twelfth Night - Details - Kahoot!

11/28/22, 11:06 AM
Duplicate of Twelfth Night - Details - Kahoot!
Duplicate of Twelfth Night
0 plays • 0 players
A private kahoot
Questions (12)
1 - Quiz
What is the mood in these two scenes
20 sec
2 - Quiz
Who does Olivia get married to
20 sec
3 - Quiz
What are Olivia and Sebastian going to do?
20 sec
4 - Quiz
Duke was mad at Cesario, what was he wanting to do to Cesario?
20 sec
5 - Quiz
During what season does the Pagan Sword Dance happen
20 sec
6 - Quiz
How much did people pay to stand in the court yard and watch the play
20 sec
7 - Quiz
Where did people with more money sit while watching the plays?
20 sec
11/28/22, 11:06 AM
Duplicate of Twelfth Night - Details - Kahoot!
8 - True or false
Does the white flag at the start of the play represent a romance/comedy play?
20 sec
9 - Quiz
Malvolio is often referred to as
20 sec
10 - Quiz
"Flood of fortune" - what does this saying mean?
20 sec
11 - Quiz
"This is the air, that is the glorious sun" - Who says this line
10 sec
12 - Quiz
“Here comes the countess. Now heaven walks on earth.” Literary device
20 sec