- CONTENT VALIDATION FORM - Title of the Instrument for Validation: “The SVNHS Junior High School Students’ Perceptions of Parents’ Support and Involvement of their Mathematics Achievement in the New Normal” Dear Expert, I am conducting a research study about the relationship between the extent of parental support and involvement in the Mathematics achievement as perceived by the Junior High School students in San Vicente National High School, San Vicente, Palawan in the new normal. This survey is composed of the following parts: Part 1 determines the final grades in Mathematics for the first and second quarter of the respondents. Part 2 determines the extent of support of the respondents’ parents in relation to their Mathematics achievement. Part 3 determines the extent of involvement of the respondents’ parents in relation to their Mathematics achievement. I need your expert judgment on the degree of relevance and degree of clarity of each item to the measured domains. Please be guided on the use of the following rating scales: Degree of Relevance: 1 – the item is not relevant to the measured domain 2 – the item is somewhat relevant to the measured domain 3 – the item is quite relevant to the measured domain 4 – the item is highly relevant to the measured domain Degree of Clarity: 1 – the item is not clear 2 – the item needs some revision 3 – the item is clear but need some minor revision 4 – the item is very clear Thank you. More power and God bless. Respectfully yours, JESRELL S. ABREGUNDO Researcher - CONTENT VALIDATION TABULATION FORM Part 1: Students’ Mathematics Achievement SY 2020-2021 A 90-100 Encircle the letter that B 85-89 corresponds to your final C 80-84 grade in Mathematics. D 75-79 E Below 75 A B C D E SY 2021-2022 90-100 85-89 80-84 75-79 Below 75 Comment Part 2. Students’ Perceptions towards the Support of their Parents on their Mathematics Achievement Instructions Please indicate to what extent do you agree on the given statement. Likert Scale used 1 = Never; 2 = Rarely; 3 = Sometimes; 4 = Frequently; 5 = Always Your Assessment Kindly check the column which is appropriate for each item. Questionnaire Item 1. My parents give me praise when I get good grades in Math. 2. We have a warm and intimate times together especially when working with modules. 3. They give me reasons why I need to answer the modules on time. 4. They find it difficult to discipline me towards answering modules. 5. They are responsive to my feelings or needs about answering modules. Relevance (1) (2) (3) (4) No Item is Item is Item is relevance somewhat quite highly at all relevant relevant relevant (1) Not clear Clarity (2) (3) (4) Item Clear Very need but clear some need revision minor revision Comment 6. They help me understand the impact of not answering modules by giving encouragement to talk about the consequences of my own actions. 7. They give in when I do not want to answer the modules. 8. They encourage me to talk about my troubles in learning Math. 9. They yell or shout at me when I do not answer my Math modules. 10. They scold and criticize me when my grade in Math does not meet their expectations. 11. They allow me to give inputs into working on my modules. 12. They explain the consequences of not answering my modules. 13. They emphasize the reasons for answering the modules on time. 14. They take into account my preferences in studying Math lessons. 15. They give me comfort and understanding when I am upset about answering my modules. 16. They scold and criticize me to improve in Math. 17. They use threats as punishment whenever I fail to finish the modules on time with little or no justification. 18. They take my desires into account before asking me to work on my modules. 19. They show respect for my opinions about performing in Math by encouraging me to express them. 20. They punish me by taking privileges away with little if any explanations whenever I avoid working on my modules. 21. They encourage me to freely express my perspectives towards Math even when they disagree with me. 22. They explain how I feel about my good and bad behavior towards Math. 23. They slap me when I do not finish my modules on time. 24. When I ask why it is necessary to answer the modules, they say “because I said so, or I am your parent and I want you to…” 25. They explode in anger towards me especially when I do not work on my modules. 26. They punish me whenever I get lazy in answering my Math modules by putting me off somewhere alone with little if any explanations. Part 3. Students’ Perceptions towards the Involvement of their Parents on their Mathematics Achievement Instructions Please indicate to what extent do you agree on the given statement. Likert Scale used 1 = Never; 2 = Rarely; 3 = Sometimes; 4 = Frequently; 5 = Always Your Assessment Kindly check the column which is appropriate for each item. Questionnaire Item 1. They attend offline or online PTA meetings and other conferences especially if they are related to Mathematics. Relevance (1) (2) (3) (4) No Item is Item is Item is relevance somewhat quite highly at all relevant relevant relevant (1) Not clear Clarity (2) (3) (4) Item Clear Very need but clear some need revision minor revision Comment 2. They would happily contact school through chat, text or call and talk to my teachers to find my conditions and performance in Mathematics. 3. They perform the work requested of them by the school especially if it is related to Mathematics. 4. They are spending much of their time with my teachers discussing my Math performance. 5. They work harmoniously with my Mathematics teacher and other teachers in school. 6. They help me in my homework and assignments in Mathematics at home. 7. They are active and inspire me to do my best in school activities. 8. They are concerned with my Mathematics school affairs and activities. 9. They would come when asked by my teacher and excited to see my report card particularly my grade in Mathematics. 10. They are willing to know my performance in Mathematics and related activities. 11. They are proud to tell their friends, family and relatives (through social media or in person) about my achievement in Mathematics. 12. They would participate in my school work particularly in Mathematics. 13. They would participate in my Mathematics projects and activities. 14. They are willing to help me overcome my learning difficulties in Mathematics by teaching me at home. 15. They supervise my Mathematics studies at home. 16. They help and encourage me get involved in all Mathematics activities with the help of my teachers. 17. They are enthusiastic to know my daily and weekly happening in my Mathematics subject at school. 18. They supplement and extend my learning in Mathematics at home to strengthen the experience I acquired at school. 19. They are affected with my poor Mathematics performance, thus give me incentives and privileges at home to achieve better in school. 20. They would talk to my teachers about my school problems and others which concerned my Mathematics education. 21. They hire Mathematics tutor to assist me and increase my learning. 22. They buy and read Mathematics books or downloadable pdfs that will help them in assisting me. 23. They check my Mathematics notebooks or activity notebooks to monitor my performance. 24. They create or buy manipulatives, flashcards or toys that will enhance my mathematical ability and creative thinking. 25. They test my knowledge in Math by asking me basic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. 26. They buy load for me to surf the internet and watch online Math tutorial videos. 27. They buy android phones, laptops and other gadgets to help me with my studies. 28. They make sure that I have quality learning spaces at home for conducive learning. 29. They allot time with me to read Mathematics books and to answer exercises in it. 30. They go to school to retrieve and return my modules. 31. They are responsive to texts and calls of my teachers. __________________________________ Signature over Printed Name of Evaluator __________________________________ Date