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Research Colloquium Takeaways: Educational Leadership

Valenzuela St., Capitol View Park Subd., Bulihan, City of Malolos
Professor: JOEY CABIGAO, PhD
Course: MAED - Social Studies
Takeaways/Learnings from the Research Colloquium:
La Consolacion University Philippines Graduate Studies Department executed another event for
the continuous development of the research industry. The Research Colloquium entitled “Approaches to
Research” was held at the university’s Kalinangan Auditorium on January 28, 2023. Given the definition
of a “research colloquium”, it is a kind of seminar formed to showcased outstanding researchers that
formulated their own study or developed and revised other existing research projects and shared in a wide
range of audiences especially in the field of education. In the colloquium, 5 research presenters have
presented their studies. They are Atty Ryan L. Estevez, DPA, Mr. Oliver G. Meneses, PhD, Ms. Jennylou
B. Dela Rosa, RPm, MS, Mr. Marvin C. Rogando, MAE and lastly, Mr. Jaymark B. Santos, PhD. The
following are my takeaways and my personal favorite on the research colloquium I have attended:
Atty Ryan L. Estevez, DPA was the first presenter with his research entitled, “An Assessment on
the Implementation of the Programs Under R.A. 10931 Among the Local Universities and Colleges: Basis
for Proposed Program and Policy Enhancement”. Atty. Estevez started his discussion by emphasizing that
not everyone is lucky to be given a chance to present their thesis or their study and graduated in Masterate
or Doctorate Programs since majority of people are busy working and doing other important stuffs. The
trends and issues in this research were ensuring the inclusive and equitable quality education and promotion
of lifelong learning opportunities for everyone. Due to the free tuition fee in the local state universities and
colleges under the implementation of RA 10931, there is a high-volume of students that are now entering
tertiary level. Because of this the research determined the issues, bottlenecks and manifested the benefits
of UniFAST, examine the possible or indirect linkages among implementations requiring harmonization to
access the impact and efficiency of the RA 10931, assess the implementation of the programs of RA 10931
for its program and policy enhancements and lastly, provides beneficial information to the LUCs, LGUs,
Policy makers and UniFAST Board. Another interesting presenter was done online by Mr. Oliver G.
Meneses, Ph.D since he is currently in abroad. His research was entitled “Catholic Schools Reimagined:
Actions and Approaches of Catholic School Administrators in Keeping Catholic Education Thrive during
Pandemic Crisis”. Before discussing his own study, he shared some tips and ideas on what we must always
remember in creating our own research appropriately. He emphasized that we must follow the acronym
SMART in creating our title. SMART stands for, S-Simple/Specific, M-Measurable, A-attainable, RRelevant and T- time-bound. My favorite part was Ms. Jennylou B. Dela Rosa RPm, MS’ presentation. She
presented her research entitled “Wheel of Life at the End of the Tunnel: A Phenomenological Study From
the Lens of the Aged People”. She started her discussion with the introduction that says that aging is a
celebration of life, the victory of public health, health care, advances in medicine and social development
over diseases that enable human life to span longer than expected and be productive citizens of their country.
She showed a figure that illustrates the four pillars at the end of the tunnel based on the lived experience of
the aged people residing in a homecare facility. These are as follows: personal concerns, reluctance and
unwillingness, religiosity, and spirituality and lastly, faith and good deeds. The conclusion of the study was,
there are factors that influences individual decisions to remained in home care facilities such as: their
children are now busy with their own careers and family and there is no one to assist them.
To end my reflection, I just want to share that I am grateful that I have attended this kind of
colloquium and have learned a lot from this activity. By observing how they keenly study and presented
their works made me realize how really research works. I must say that it is really a long journey but as
what they say, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. That makes me hope that someday
like them I will be presenting my own research study too.