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Individual Differences in Learning DE JESUS

in Learning
Reporter: John Alfred A. De Jesus
Learning Objectives:
Discover the impact on individual
Discover how an individual's mood
influences their learning.
Learn how mental activity affects
individual learning.
Ju mble Letter
Answer Key
in Learning
are deviations
variations between individuals in relation to a
single or a collection of qualities. It represents
the distinctions that distinguish one person
from another. Individual differences are
deviations or variations between individuals in
relation to a single or a collection of qualities. It
represents the distinctions that distinguish one
person from another.
C o g n i t i v e Effe ct o f
Individ ual Lea rning
The findings indicate that individual
differences in cognitive capacity
influence the optimality of strategic
skill development, yet the effect of
training intensity on transfer
performance varies with cognitive
ability. Individuals with a medium level
of cognitive capacity are the most
susceptible to the training
Cognitive Behavioral Theory holds
that a person's thoughts, feelings,
and behaviors influence how they
learn. In other words, their thought
habits and mindset influence how
individuals learn and remember
Affecti ve Effect in
Individual Learn ing
It was discovered that happy emotions
make instruction more successful.
Negative emotions caused teachers to lose
control, yell, and speak carelessly.
Teachers' bad emotions degraded and
terrified students, who eventually stopped
communicating during class.
Emotion has a significant impact on
human cognitive processes such as
perception, attention, learning,
memory, reasoning, and problemsolving. Emotion has a particularly
significant influence on attention,
influencing attention selectivity as
well as inspiring action and behavior.
Psychomotor Effect
in Individual Learning
According to studies, mental health
issues can affect a student's
energy level, concentration,
reliability, mental ability, and
optimism, resulting in poor
performance. According to
research, depression is connected
with poorer grade point averages,
and co-occurring depression and
anxiety can amplify this
Children who are unwell are more
likely to have educational troubles
than pupils who are healthy.
Students with poor health are
more likely to fail school, stay in
school, or drop out. The connection
between student health and
academic success is complicated.
What Is a
M i nds et and
Why It
What Is a Mindset?
Your mindset is a set of beliefs that
influence how you perceive the world and
yourself. It has an impact on how you
think, feel, and act in any given situation.
Differen t Types o f M i n d s e t i n
Individu al Learni ng
The Impact of
Your mindset influences how
you deal with life's obstacles. A
child with a growth mindset
has a strong drive to study and
to work hard in order to find
new things. This frequently
translates into academic
Thank You
See You Next Time
What is individual differences, causes & types of individual differences. Study Lecture Notes. (2020, September 18).
Retrieved June 14, 2022, from http://studylecturenotes.com/what-is-individual-differences-causes-types-of-individualdifferences/#:~:text=DEFINITION%20OF%20INDIVIDUAL%20DIFFERENCES&text=Individual%20differences%20stand%20fo
Simsek, A. (1970, January 1). Individual differences. SpringerLink. Retrieved June 14, 2022, from
Cognitive learning theory. 360Learning. (n.d.). Retrieved June 14, 2022, from https://360learning.com/guide/learningtheories/cognitive-learning-theory/
Consequences of student mental health issues. Consequences of Student Mental Health Issues | Suicide Prevention
Resource Center. (n.d.). Retrieved June 14, 2022, from https://www.sprc.org/colleges-universities/consequences
Cherry, K. (2021, April 29). Why cultivating a growth mindset can boost your success. Verywell Mind. Retrieved June 14,
2022, from https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-a-mindset-2795025
Consequences of student mental health issues. Consequences of Student Mental Health Issues | Suicide Prevention
Resource Center. (n.d.). Retrieved June 14, 2022, from https://www.sprc.org/colleges-universities/consequences