MSF Technical Support Units With the collaboration of ICRC Assistance Division, Water and Habitat Unit MSF–OCB, Logistic department, Technical support unit. – June 2016 Electrical Equipment and Installations in the Field Rules and Tools Acknowledgments Many people helped me finalize this project. Some gave a hand on the technical side, some on the writing side, some others on the management or sponsoring side. The first to mention are the coordinators and other members of the MSF Logistics Department in Brussels : Jean PLETINCKX and Francesc LOPEZ who must be thanked for their great support, Anibal ORDENEZ, Jean-François VRAUX, Belkacem AIT YAHIA and Elvina MOTARD who were good readers and gave such valuable feedback, Simon VAN LEEUW who gave very good support to the department during the time that I was unavailable because of this writing job, Philippe MAILLOT who gave valuable advice for the layout, and also Eva KONG from the Communications Department who gave the right framework in which to promote the final product. Then comes the ICRC team: if this book was finalized in less than one year, it is mainly due to their great support and involvement. Here we must thank Philippe DROSS, director of the Wathab unit, Samuel BONNET and Alexander HUMBERT who coordinated the collaboration, and Timothy GILES PITT who effectively corrected the first draft of the document. All of them are wathab engineers at the ICRC. I also have to thank so much all electricians who were and are still working in the field, both expatriates and national staff. It is naturally thanks to their work and all experiences shared with them during the last nine years that I learned so much about the specific challenges that we have to face in the field. So, I have particularly to mention Popol Manzana and the Push team in RDC, Julien Charlier, Robert Protka,, Agustin Mujica, Jim Cuts, Cypriaan Mujuri, Ahmadou Wouna, and so many others – I apologize to those I have not been able to mention! And finally we have to thank a lot all technical referents from the other MSF sections who supported the project and trusted a first release prior to any contents validation. First, Daniel MANGEL from MSF Switzerland who really helped a lot when the project was discussed in Geneva, and of course Jaap DOMENICUS and Danny WASSINGTON (Amsterdam), Benoît DAL, Alfredo GONZALES and Gregory GAMBOA (Paris and Bordeaux) and finally Agusti LOPEZ (Barcelona) – Maybe some of them don’t know that they helped me, but all guidelines, tools and training documents that they made during the past years were of course a good source of inspiration to compose this document. Somehow I also thank them in advance for the feedback that will be needed in order to compose the next release… Thanks to you all, the author, Harold PRAGER, MSF-OCB Technical Support Unit, Energy and temperature control. MSF-OCB – ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 (Draft) 5 6 MSF-OCB – ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 (Draft) Foreword The quality of the service offered to beneficiaries has always been a natural focus for humanitarian activities. The latest evolutions of humanitarian issues and responses, projects and actors are showing an increasing importance of the technical means that are deployed in the field. The basic as well as the larger setups and more sophisticated equipments are continuously needed , so that they have become more and more critical to satisfy the quality of service required for our beneficiaries. It has always been a natural duty to ensure both for beneficiaries and humanitarian workers safe reliable and efficient electrical setups. Practical references and technical standards had become essential. We must simplify the technical approaches, and ensure that all installations comply to clearly recognized requirements ensuring the safety and reliability of the electrical installations and equipment’s. The aim of offering to MSF and other agencies such a practical reference for internal technical regulation of electrical installations in the field was already expressed for a long time. Such a project was actually on the MSF workbench for several years. It must be said that it is thanks to the interest of the ICRC about sharing such a reference document that the job could be accelerated, and more resources could be mobilized for the project. Thus, it is out of an exceptional collaboration between MSF and the ICRC that this first version of “Electrical Equipment and Installations in the Field, Rules and Tools” was born and will be widely released. It is true and important to say that at the moment that this first version was finalized, the table of contents and the principle of the building of such reference book that will be common to all MSF sections and the ICRC have been validated, but not all technical contents, details have been fully validated by all partners, nevertheless from an engineering perspective most of the contents correspond to actual professional practice. One of the main purposes of this first release is therefore to get all the feedback possible from the field. That will be the basis upon which to build another version that can be submitted for a full validation by all partners. It remains that all elements presented into this book are fully referring to international standards, and all rules and recommendations that you will find here are largely in accord with our experience and needs in the field. So, read it, use it, and discuss it, and you will find how such a document is really the essential one, the one that was missing. Nevertheless, all practical electricity courses, guidelines, training, and tools that are already used in the field are still needed, but no one is offering yet the reference to rules that this “Electrical Equipment and Installations in the Field, Rules and Tools” is now doing. You will discover, page after page, how much this book is of interest not only to the engineer or the technician, but also to the supplier, the project manager, and anyone in charge of the ownership or the supervision of any electrical work needed to ensure the safety of individuals, the protection of equipment and the continuity of service. In any case, we must insist from now on that you are the main user of this project: we need your feedback to build the next version! Jean Pletinckx - MSF-OCB, Logistic department director. Philippe DROSS - ICRC, Water and Habitat unit director. MSF-OCB – ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 (Draft) 7 8 MSF-OCB – ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 (Draft) Executive summary This reference book is divided into four main parts. After an introduction giving the scope of application of the document, two chapters give all information about the worldwide regulatory framework, local regulations, and situations where internal rules must be applied within this framework. Several subjects are developed. After some vocabulary and definitions, the mission of the IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) is explained as well as the applicability of IEC publications. After this presentation, all main variations of standards around the world are shown and discussed before explaining the field of applicability and relevance of adopting internal rules. In a second part, you will find all information about the phasing and management of electrical projects. This matter is often missing in technical documents, but because it is one of the most important conditions to ensure that such work is organized and followed in a way ensuring the good running and results of the projects, it has been found of importance to include this chapter into the document. The following parts are more technical: The 5th chapter explains all requirements about safety, including the presentation of various grounding systems and explanations about all protection devices. The next chapter is exclusively dedicated to the quality requirements for electrical equipment: Cables, junctions, enclosures, switchgears, breakers and terminals, including lighting systems. After you will find a chapter about setup design. This matter is the most observed by electrical installers. Each country has – or hasn’t – its own way of defining the size and rates for lighting and socket circuits, the wiring and protection of wet areas, the way to establish a protective grounding. This last chapter will be particularly helpful for electrical designers and installers. The last part is a listing of tools and templates illustrating the subjects presented or explained in the first seven chapters. A lot of annexes also follow offering additional in-depth information, mainly about international references. MSF-OCB – ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 (Draft) 9 10 MSF-OCB – ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 (Draft) Table of Contents ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ................................................................................................................................................... 5 FOREWORD ..................................................................................................................................................................... 7 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................................................................................. 9 TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................................................................ 11 1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................... 15 1.1. SCOPE OF APPLICATION ....................................................................................................... 15 1.2. WHY ARE TECHNICAL STANDARDS NEEDED? ................................................................... 15 1.3. THE FOUR FUNDAMENTAL PRIORITIES ............................................................................... 16 2. 2.1. REGULATORY FRAMEWORK ............................................................................................................. 21 DEFINITIONS: NORMS, STANDARDS, REGULATIONS, RULES & RECOMMENDATIONS 21 2.2. INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS ............................................................................................... 25 2.2.1. The International Electrotechnical Commission 25 2.2.2. The IEC Affiliate Country Programme 26 2.2.3. What is the Content of the IEC Standards? 27 2.3. NATIONAL STANDARDS AND INTERNAL RULES ................................................................. 29 2.3.1. National Standards............................................................................................................................................ 29 2.3.2. Internal Rules .................................................................................................................................................... 30 3. VARIATION OF STANDARD MODELS AROUND THE WORLD.................................................. 33 3.1. WORLD VOLTAGES AND FREQUENCIES ............................................................................. 33 3.2. WORLD PLUG TYPES .............................................................................................................. 35 3.3. WORLD CABLE COLOUR CODE ............................................................................................. 39 3.3.1. AC Supply Colour Code for Electrical Cables 39 3.3.2. DC Supply Colour Code for Electrical Cables 39 3.3.3. General Colour Coding for Electrical Cables 41 3.4. WORLD MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS ...................................................................................... 43 3.5. VOCABULARY AND SYMBOLS ............................................................................................... 45 3.6. IDENTIFICATION RULES ......................................................................................................... 49 3.6.1. ROOM IDENTIFICATION 49 3.6.2. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS IDENTIFICATION 53 3.6.3. USE OF TITLE BLOCKS 57 4. MANAGEMENT OF ELECTRICAL PROJECTS .................................................................................. 59 4.1. PROJECT DEVELOPMENT CYCLE ......................................................................................... 59 4.2. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................................ 61 4.3. ELECTRICAL PROJECT TASKS AND OUTPUTS ................................................................... 63 4.4. IMPLEMENTATION OF ELECTRICAL PROJECT.................................................................... 65 4.5. CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................................... 66 MSF-OCB – ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 (Draft) 11 5. SAFETY OF INDIVIDUALS: TECHNICAL RULES ............................................................................ 69 5.1. THE DANGER OF ELECTRICAL CURRENTS ......................................................................... 69 5.2. THE CLASSES OF EQUIPMENT.............................................................................................. 73 5.3. PROTECTION FROM DIRECT CONTACT ............................................................................... 77 5.4. PROTECTION FROM INDIRECT CONTACT ........................................................................... 79 5.5. EARTHING SYSTEMS .............................................................................................................. 81 5.5.1. DIFFERENT EARTHING SYSTEMS 81 5.5.2. EXPLANATION OF THE THREE EARTHING SYSTEMS 82 5.5.3. USE OF RCDs WITH THE DIFFERENT EARTHING SYSTEMS 89 5.5.1. EARTHING SYSTEMS – EARTHING RODS 91 5.6. EARTH LEAKAGE PROTECTION DEVICES ........................................................................... 93 5.7. WORKING ON ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS: PROTECTION RULES.............................. 101 5.8. FIRE SAFETY .......................................................................................................................... 103 5.9. LIGHTNING PROTECTION..................................................................................................... 105 6. EQUIPMENT: QUALITY AND USAGE REQUIREMENTS. ............................................................ 111 6.1. CABLES ................................................................................................................................... 111 6.1.1. CABLES: GETTING THE RIGHT QUALITY 111 6.1.2. CABLES: GETTING THE RIGHT CABLE FOR THE RIGHT USE 115 6.1.3. CABLES: GETTING THE RIGHT CONDUIT 125 6.2. JUNCTIONS ............................................................................................................................ 127 6.3. ENCLOSURES ........................................................................................................................ 133 6.3.1. INGRESS PROTECTION RATINGS 133 6.3.2. JUNCTION BOXES 134 6.3.3. OTHER ENCLOSURES 136 6.4. SWITCHGEAR AND CONTROLGEAR ................................................................................... 139 6.5. CIRCUIT BREAKERS .............................................................................................................. 149 6.5.1. DEFINITION 149 6.5.2. FORMS 149 6.5.3. QUALITY REQUIREMENT 151 6.5.4. ASSIGNED CURRENT AND PROTECTION RATES 155 6.6. TERMINALS ............................................................................................................................ 159 6.6.1. DEFINITION 159 6.6.2. SOCKETS AND SWITCHES: VARIOUS SHAPES AND RELATED USAGES. 159 6.6.3. STANDARD SOCKETS FOR HOUSEHOLD COMMON USES 160 6.6.4. HEAVY DUTY POWER SOCKETS 164 6.6.5. SWITCHES 166 6.6.6. LIGHTING AND LIGHTING FIXTURES 168 6.7. VOLTAGE PROTECTION DEVICES ...................................................................................... 177 6.8. CONCLUSIONS ABOUT QUALITY AND USAGE REQUIREMENTS .................................... 181 12 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 7. RECOMMENDATION ABOUT SETUP DESIGN.............................................................................. 183 7.1. GENERAL ORGANISATION OF A DISTRIBUTION GRID ..................................................... 183 7.1.1. SIZE OF A DISTRIBUTION AREA 183 7.1.2. RATES OF THE MAIN DISTRIBUTION LINES. 185 7.1.3. POSITION OF THE MAIN BOARD 190 7.1.4. ROUTING OF THE MAIN CABLES 191 7.1.5. THE PROTECTIVE EARTHING NETWORK 193 7.2. DISTRIBUTION BOARDS ....................................................................................................... 197 7.2.1. PLACEMENT OF DISTRIBUTION BOARDS 197 7.2.2. DESIGN OF DISTRIBUTION BOARDS 198 7.3. PLACEMENT OF CONDUITS AND JUNCTION BOXES ....................................................... 203 7.3.1. UNDERGROUND CABLES .................................................................................................................................203 7.3.2. CABLES AND CONDUITS INSIDE A BUILDING ..................................................................................................205 7.4. PLACEMENT OF TERMINALS ............................................................................................... 210 7.5. SIZES AND AREAS OF DISTRIBUTION OF FINAL CIRCUITS............................................. 211 7.5.1. SIZE OF CIRCUITS 211 7.5.2. AREAS OF DISTRIBUTION 211 7.5.3. NUMBER OF POINTS IN GENERAL CIRCUITS 212 7.5.4. SPECIAL CIRCUITS 212 8. TOOLS AND TEMPLATES .................................................................................................................. 223 8.1. 8.2. 8.3. 8.4. 8.5. 8.6. 8.7. 8.8. 8.9. 8.10. 8.11. 8.12. 8.13. 9. TOOL: GROSS BUDGET CALCULATION.............................................................................. 225 TEMPLATE: GENERAL MAP OF A COMPOUND .................................................................. 229 TEMPLATE: GENERAL MAP OF A BUILDING ...................................................................... 231 TEMPLATE/ TOOL: ASSESMENT.DOC................................................................................. 233 TEMPLATE: POSITION DIAGRAM ......................................................................................... 247 TOOL: LOAD STUDY SHEET ................................................................................................. 249 TEMPLATE: POSITION DIAGRAM MAIN DISTRIBUTION (Visio) ......................................... 255 TEMPLATE: ELECTRICAL DIAGRAM MAIN BOARD (Visio) ................................................ 256 TEMPLATE: POSITION DIAGRAM FINAL CIRCUITS (Visio) ................................................ 257 TEMPLATE: ELECTRIC DIAGRAM FINAL CIRCUITS (Visio) ............................................... 258 TEMPLATE: ELECTRIC DIAGRAM FINAL CIRCUITS (Excel) .............................................. 259 TEMPLATE: ELECTRIC AND POSITION DIAGRAM FINAL CIRCUITS (Excel) ................... 260 TOOL: REPORT WORKS FOLLOW-UP ................................................................................. 261 ANNEXES ................................................................................................................................................ 265 ANNEX 1: Listing of full and associate IEC members ........................................................................ 265 ANNEX 2: Reference table: Listing of the IEC affiliate countries and adopted IEC norms ................. 266 ANNEX 3: Reference table: Socket and plug types around the world. ............................................... 267 ANNEX 4: Reference table: Wire colour codes around the world ....................................................... 273 ANNEX 5: Reference table: Electrical symbols and vocabulary around the world ............................. 275 ANNEX 6: Electrification rates around the world ................................................................................. 278 ANNEX 7: Reference table: Main features of national/local standards around the world ................... 279 TABLES ........................................................................................................................................................... 285 FIGURES .......................................................................................................................................................... 285 13 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 14 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. SCOPE OF APPLICATION Alongside their core activities around the world, international humanitarian organisations are also confronted with the technical management of numerous premises such as offices, warehouses, workshops and residences. The electrical installations in these premises are a source of frequent problems, some of them extremely serious. Several cases of electrocution and fires have been experienced, particularly during the last 5 years. Humanitarian organisations are very conscious about the safety of their teams and fully aware of their duty of care towards their staff. MSF has already taken certain steps to correct the potential short comings in the electrical installations. MSF and ICRC have jointly confirmed their commitment that all premises under their responsibility should comply with recognized minimal technical standards and rules. Officially, almost all countries have technical standards and rules defining what practices should be respected when designing and implementing electrical installations. However, in many countries where humanitarian organisations are operating, effective control procedures do not exist, and there is a lack of certified technicians and good quality electrical equipment. Hence, unfortunately in many cases the electrical installations do not comply with the country’s technical standards and rules. Additionally, national standards and rules can be obsolete, outdated or not adapted to humanitarian operations. In such contexts, humanitarian organisations should impose upon themselves appropriate technical standards and rules, and make sure that the correct resources are made available to ensure that the electrical installations in premises are implemented, maintained and operated correctly. The purpose of this paper is to present a set of internal rules that MSF and ICRC should apply as a minimum standard for all electrical installations in field premises. For MSF, field premises are considered to include: offices, residences, warehouses, workshops, hospitals and health centres. For ICRC, field premises are considered to include: offices, residences, warehouses, workshops and orthopaedic centres. 1.2. WHY ARE TECHNICAL STANDARDS NEEDED? Using technical standards and rules helps ensure that the essential safety aspects are taken into account. They also help simplify the definition of projects, and facilitate the implementation of similar solutions throughout the world. Following technical standards and rules is also the simplest way to satisfy quality requirements. A large variety of technical standards are used to varying degrees around the world, including a number of internationally established standards. However, as a result of specific situations, many countries only partly apply the requirements of the variety of national and international standards. As international organisations working in such countries, MSF and ICRC must clearly define how best to respect the relevant standards, whilst taking into account their limitations. MSF and ICRC should develop additional rules to correct the absence or limitations of local regulations in order to satisfy the specific levels of safety, quality and continuity needed in all their electrical installations. By preference, MSF and ICRC electrical projects are managed primarily in the field, and hence field staff must be properly equipped to assume this responsibility. The continued trend in electrical projects becoming larger and more complex, in turn makes the task of the field teams increasingly more complex. The correct application of appropriate technical standards can make a significant contribution to the effective management of electrical projects, which produce safe, reliable and good quality electrical installations. 15 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 1.3. THE FOUR FUNDAMENTAL PRIORITIES The objective of technical standards and rules is to ensure the respect of certain fundamental priorities in terms of electrical installations. When dealing with electrical installations one must keep in mind the following fundamental priorities: st 1 Priority: Safety of Individuals Protection against electrocution and fire (Saves lives and assets) ALL STANDARDS AND RULES RELATED TO THE SAFETY OF INDIVIDUALS ARE CRITICAL REQUIREMENTS 2nd Priority: Protection of Devices Protection against fire, power instability and effects of lightning (Saves assets) ALL STANDARDS AND RULES RELATED TO THE PROTECTION OF DEVICES ARE ESSENTIAL REQUIREMENTS 3rd Priority: Service Continuity Protection against service breakdown, failure of power sources or effects of any other interruption ALL STANDARDS AND RULES RELATED TO CONTINUITY OF SERVICE ARE FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS 4th Priority: Cost Control and Environmental Care Aspects that lead to the most accurate choice and sizing of the power sources, and control of the power demand Even if the 4th priority is related to major financial and ecological issues that are also critical at a certain point and must anyway be kept in mind, compared to the matter of the first priorities, it is considered that GUIDING PRINCIPLES RELATED TO COST CONTROL AND ENVIRONMENTAL CARE ARE OPTIONAL REQUIREMENTS 16 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 The service continuity: an operational objective Noted above as a functional requirement, the importance of service continuity can effectively become an essential or even critical requirement – for example in the case of the electrical installation for an emergency operating theatre or any lifesaving medical facility. Each fundamental priority is linked to specific requirements. Technical standards and rules are mainly concerned with the critical and essential requirements of protection of individuals and equipment. However, they also contribute to the functional requirement of service continuity, by reducing service interruption due to the tripping of protection devices. Considering priorities is of course helpful when it is needed to figure out some essentials. Each priority is linked to specific threats problems and solutions. All of them will be largely presented and explain into these pages. The next page gives a complete figure of the priorities linked with those specific threats, problems and solutions. However, as presented here these priorities cannot be an absolute: operational priorities are often forcing to a momentary acceptance for bad electrical installations. It is most specifically the case during emergency operations, while it is necessary to deploy a functional setup as fast as possible. But this doesn’t mean that emergencies are allowing safety essentials to be forgotten! Specific electrical equipments for fast deployment have therefore been developed and will be preferably used when possible. In every case, and even more if the electrical installations used during a first phase of an emergency are not fair, the situation must be corrected and stabilized as soon as possible, and a special attention must be accorded to avoid the “syndrome of the accepted nightmare”: It is very common in some unsafe poor or degraded contexts that unsafe installations are considered as a natural part of the context, and as far as they are functional they are accepted, without any consideration for their unsafe state. There is no way to add danger to the dangers, and it is a duty to offer to the humanitarian workers the best conditions to ensure their safety and the comfort needed to make their job with the best conditions. And such a comfort is certainly even more important when the contexts are already unsafe and stressing. 17 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Safety of individuals Protection of devices Priorities Service continuity Cost control and environmental care Threat / danger Electrocution Fire Problem Direct or indirect contact Short-circuit, overload, bad junction Faulty power supply Faulty user device Solution Insulation, grounding, terminals, residual current breaker devices Breakers and cable rates, junctions, terminals Voltage limiters, stabilisers, lightning arresters Correct selection, installation, use and maintenance Scope of intervention Costs and benefits High fuel and power consumption No backup Wrong load study Backup generator and UPS Generator sizing, Optimisation of power sources and power demand Damaged user device Electrical setup/ Technical intervention 90 % of investment costs Power break down 10 % costs High human benefits Device Management No costs Setup design, economy Low costs Cost reduction High financial payback Figure 1: Overview of priorities with linked threats and solutions. MSF-OCB – ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 (Draft) 18 Throughout this paper, where appropriate, the underlying issuing being addressed will be highlighted with the use of icons, as follows: Electrocution Protection of Individual Fire Risk Danger for Devices (Unprotected Devices) Protected Devices Risk of Lightning Power Continuity Power Interruption (Power Discontinuity) More general icons, are also highlighting Critical information, information of interest Do / don’t indications , Good / bad practices 19 MSF-OCB – ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 20 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 2. REGULATORY FRAMEWORK 2.1. DEFINITIONS: NORMS, STANDARDS, REGULATIONS, RULES & RECOMMENDATIONS It is not unusual for the same term used in different languages to have different meanings, or for different terms to actually mean the same thing. For example the terms ‘Normes’ in French, ‘Standards’ in English and ‘Code’ in American English, can all mean essentially the same thing. This can be illustrated with some typical examples in French and English: French English Norme Standard Standard – pratiques habituelles Standard - usual/ common practices Régulation – règlementation Standard, Regulation, Code (USA) Règles Rules Recommandations Recommendations It is also common, even within official documents, for many of the above terms to be used interchangeably. These terms are also frequently translated into other languages where their sense may not be exactly the same as originally intended. Additionally, these terms can be partly synonymous and their meanings can overlap one another. This document is intended to be used worldwide by MSF and ICRC and very often by people whose mother language may not be English or French. With this variety in mind, it is essential that MSF and ICRC adopt some internal conventions clearly defining the key terms used in this document. These conventions are set out below: Normative Standards (Common References, Norms) Normative standards are specifically related to normalised definitions, units, values, sizes, tolerances and tests protocols. They are intended to be universal standardised (normalised) references used in data sheets, declarations of specifications and technical exchanges between engineers. In English, the term ‘Standard’ is almost always used in the same sense as the term ‘Norm’ in French. 21 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Example: The normative standards defining the specifications of an electrical circuit breaker are regulated by the International Electrotechnical Commission/ European Norm 60947-2. A modular breaker satisfying all the requirements set out in the Norm can be considered to be certified for that Norm. All given values must have been tested in accordance with the definitions given by the Norm. In addition, the technical specifications related to the product must mention a complete listing of values and specifications. Typically, certification to a specific Norm is indicated on the product. Figure 2: indication of standard references on an electrical device. For example, the breaker illustrated here is certified to the IEC/EN 60947-2 Norm (as well as the National Electrical Manufacturers Association NEMA - AB1 Norm). All products complying with the same Norm have theoretically achieved similar results in the same normalised tests and are rated accorded to the same reference. Practical Standards (Usual and Common Practices) Practical Standards are common choices made to facilitate usages. A Practical Standard frequently refers to a set of normative standards, (norms, regulation, or code) but can also refer to practices that are not included in such a standard. We will use the term ‘common practice’ to designate common uses that are applied as “standards” these last being official or not. Example: 15A is a standard rate for circuit breakers in the United States, while 13A is a standard rate in UK and breakers are rated 16A in France & Germany. However, all four countries refer to the IEC Norm (IEC 60947-2) that defines the testing protocols and specifications for all rates of low voltage circuit breakers. Regulation Standards (Official Standards, Codes) Regulation Standards (Official Standards, Codes) are administrative decisions that oblige the use of a common standard in regards to a specific issue. Most of the time, when a Regulation Standard has been adopted, further controls are organised by the administrating authority in order to verify that the regulation has been respected. It is unlikely that a Regulation Standard would be fully respected if an effective system of control is not in place. The control and verification that Regulation Standards are respected is unfortunately sometimes 22 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 inadequate in countries where MSF and ICRC operate. In these situations, internal Regulation may be the most appropriate option. Example: A number of countries have prohibited the use of incandescent bulbs, requiring instead the use of energy saving bulbs. This is a Regulation, not a Norm, nor a Standard. ‘National standards’ (such as the British Standards – BS or the “Norme Française” – NF- ) for the design and implementation of electrical installations are in fact, in this terminology, national Regulations. They set out which standard (such as circuit breaker rating) has to be respected in which situation (domestic, public, industrial, commercial areas, etc.) Rules A Rule is a practical tool that helps to guide calculations and decisions in the design or implementation of an electrical installation. Rules can be viewed as a simplified method of ensuring compliance with the chosen Norms, Standards or Regulations. Example: MSF’s internal “Rule of 15 meters” gives an easy and practical method to assist in the design of an electrical installation. This simple rule influences the design of the main distribution system (including the positioning for all earthing poles and consumer units) in a way that ensures that the electrical installation complies with the relevant Norms and Standards. Recommendations A recommendation is a practical advice that helps in making decisions about the product selection, the design of a setup or the organisation of works. It does not necessarily relate to compliance with a specific Norm, Standard or Regulation. Example: When installing a generator it is recommended to consider providing good ventilation, to ensure effective cooling and hence efficient operation of the generator. 23 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 24 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 2.2. INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS Many international institutions are continually developing international standards in numerous different domains. One of the principle actors in the field of international standards is the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO). ISO works on a wide range of issues creating a range of international standards, commonly referred to as ISO standards (or Norms). The ISO also frequently works with other more specific organisations specialised in specific issues. The IEC –International electrotechnical commission - is one of these specialist organisations that deals primarily with the development of international standards related to electrical equipment and installations. 2.2.1. The International Electrotechnical Commission The international standards for electrical and electro-technical issues have been developed principally by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). The IEC’s over-arching objective is to promote co-operation on all issues concerning standardisation in the domain of electricity and electronics. IEC is promoting the idea of worldwide normalisation standardisation, and develops technical Norms and documents in accordance with the requirements of ISO. As such, the IEC is widely recognised as the international reference for electro-technical equipment and installations, and many countries are willing to be part of such international regulation. Currently 60 countries are Full members of the IEC, 26 are Associate members, and 83 are Affiliate members. Full and Associate members both have access to all the technical activities, however Associate members have restricted voting rights. The Affiliate membership is particularly relevant to the humanitarian context, and as such is discussed in more detail in section 2.2.2. The IEC standards are largely based on European practices, and as such adoption of IEC standards within Europe has been particularly strong. It is not uncommon for IEC and European standards to use the same reference, for example IEC 60947-2 and EN 60947-2 both deal with ‘Low-voltage Switchgear and Controlgear’, and both contents are completely similar. However, many other countries still do not officially recognise or follow the IEC international standards. There is also unfortunately the situation where some countries officially recognise the IEC standards but do not implement them. In addition there is sometimes the situation where the IEC standards contradict regional/ national standards or practices. A good example of this last situation is the United States. The US is a full member of the IEC, but it still uses the North American standard which does not conform completely to the IEC standard. The IEC has developed numerous standards, definitions and publications dealing with electrical and electro-technical issues. For example, the IEC has developed definitions for the range and limits of use of electrical equipment, and recommendations for best practices for the design and implementation of electrical installations, and many countries have adopted these publications. However, the IEC publications tend to be very detailed technical 25 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 documents, mainly intended to guide manufacturers, and to give a framework to national standards. As such, they are not necessarily useful as simple practical reference standards for designing and implementing simple electrical installations. A list of the countries participating with IEC as Full, Associate or Affiliate members is included in ANNEX 1: Listing of full and associate IEC members on page 265. 2.2.2. The IEC Affiliate Country Programme Started in 2001, the IEC Affiliate Country Programme offers developing and newly industrialised countries around the world a form of participation in the IEC without the financial burden of full or associate membership. The Affiliate Country Programme promotes the use and adoption of IEC International Standards in these countries. It also helps develop trade with these new markets, as participants adopt the IEC's International Standards and use its conformity assessment systems. The countries participating in the Affiliate programme is potentially very interesting for MSF and ICRC, as many of the countries where MSF and ICRC operate are participating in this programme. Knowing which international standards a particular country has officially adopted is a good starting point when considering the design or implementation of an electrical installation. Figure 3 below illustrates the countries participating in IEC and the level of their membership. For more details, the list of countries participating in the Affiliate programme, and the standards that they have adopted, is given in ANNEX 2: Reference table: Listing of the IEC affiliate countries and adopted IEC norms on page 266. More extensive details are available on the IEC website ( ). Full members Associate members Affiliate Members Figure 3: IEC Membership around the World 26 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 2.2.3. What is the Content of the IEC Standards? To date, the IEC works with 97 technical committees, 77 sub committees and has published approximately 7,000 documents. The content of the IEC standards can be divided into three categories. 1st - General Interest This category deals with the standardisation of: technical terms, definitions, vocabulary, identification methods and rules, classes of equipment and protection levels. For MSF and ICRC operations throughout the world, whatever the local uses of terms, it is important to utilise the same vocabulary and identification methods everywhere. The IEC standards should hence form the reference for standardising the terms and definitions used in technical design and implementation of electrical installations. 2nd - Quality, Performance and Testing of Electrical Devices This second category addresses the standardisation of the quality of electrical equipment. The IEC sets standards for the quality of electrical equipment, and certifies manufacturers and their products that meet these quality standards. Electrical equipment certified to IEC standards is effectively ensured to be of good quality. Given the questionable quality of locally produced or unregulated equipment, MSF and ICRC should only use equipment that complies with international standards – specifically IEC standards. Compliance with IEC standards should only be exempted in cases where there is an established regional or national strong preference for another recognised international standards system. This is only likely to occur in regions or countries that are strongly attached to the United States’ National Electrical Code, using preferably references to ANSI, NEMA or UL certifications Hence, our first internal rule comes out of the issue of the quality of electrical equipment. 1.1 To ensure the reliability of electrical equipment, only equipment referring at least to IEC certification should be purchased and installed. In specific instances, compliance with other recognised international standards, such as the United States National Electrical Code,NEMA, UL may be accepted in lieu of IEC compliance. 27 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 3rd - Rules and Recommendations for the Design of Installations The IEC has also developed recommendations about good practices for the design and implementation of electrical installations. MSF and ICRC are often directly in charge of designing or implementing electrical installations, hence the IEC’s recommendations are potentially very pertinent. In summary, MSF and ICRC need to take into account international standards for electrical equipment and installations in order to ensure the quality of their electrical installations and projects. In particular, MSF and ICRC should: • • • Use internationally recognised terms and symbols. Purchase only internationally certified electrical equipment Follow internationally authorised recommendations 28 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 2.3. NATIONAL STANDARDS AND INTERNAL RULES 2.3.1. National Standards Many countries have some form of national standards related to electronics and electrical installations. In a lot of cases, these national standards have been heavily inspired by national standards from certain developed countries – for example British Standards, French Standards, US Standards and German Standards. In some cases, mainly the most developed countries, the national standards comply with, or are very close to, the IEC standards. In other countries their national standards may be based on outdated foreign standards. This is particularly common in ex-colonial countries where the national standards are frequently based upon the ex-colonial country’s standards at the time that the country gained independence. In each individual context it would be useful to know whether the local national standard has been based upon a foreign standard (such as British, French, US or German), and if so – which one. Short-comings in the national standards could then potentially be compensated by referring to the source foreign code. For example, a short coming of the Pakistan national standard could be resolved by referring to the most recent version of the British Standard. Unfortunately some countries which do have national standards, do not actively enforce them allowing the space for organisations to use whatever standards they want. International development activities are sometimes contributing to this situation. A prime example of this is Afghanistan where the heavy presence of international development donors has created a mix of standards being followed (American, British, and German). Other countries may have no formal national standards and also not be officially following a specific foreign or international standard. In these situations the quality of electrical equipment available locally is principally influenced by the business market. It is worth bearing in mind that standardisation is principally an approach being promoted by developed countries, and is slowly trickling down to other countries. In the countries where MSF and ICRC typically work, the status and enforcement of national standards is likely to be particularly confused and chaotic. Even for countries where strong national standards do exist, there can be significant differences between national standards from different countries. Most of these differences are related to the power supply voltage and frequency used, the type power sockets outlets, and colour of wiring. Other differences can relate normalised rates of protection, cable sizes, and specific provisions related to the use of particular equipment or installations in particular areas. Where national standards exist, MSF and ICRC must respect all provisions of these standards. However, an important condition is that following the national standards must not cause the electrical installation to fall below the standard of the MSF/ ICRC Internal Rules. MSF and ICRC can implement electrical installations that surpass the requirements of the local national standards, but should never implement electrical installations that do not at least meet the MSF/ ICRC internal rules. 29 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 2.3.2. Internal Rules As outlined earlier, the purpose of this document is to set out a harmonised approach that MSF and ICRC should follow throughout the world when developing electrical installation projects. This is achieved primarily through the development of Internal Rules. Internal Rules are developed throughout this document and are highlighted in text boxes marked with an . The first Internal Rule was presented in section 2.2.3, and the next Internal Rules are presented below. Text boxes marked with an A. are highlighting Advice notes that are also developed throughout this document. Internal Rules are set by MSF and ICRC to control their own programmes. There is no formal, legal connection between these Internal Rules and the specific requirements of IEC (or any other) international standards. In the strict legal sense, there is no obligation to follow these rules. However, MSF and ICRC have voluntarily imposed these rules upon themselves – and hence there is an obligation for MSF and ICRC personnel to follow these rules. There will undoubtedly be some differences between such internal rules and local official standards or regulations. Some technical solutions that may be allowed under national standards may not necessarily be allowed by the Internal Rules. Where national standards are more onerous than Internal Rules, the requirements of the national standard should be applied. The intention is that the Internal Rules ensure an adequate level of safety and even if local national standards are inadequate. Considering the potential interaction of local national standards with the MSF and ICRC approach, leads to our next Internal Rule: 2.1 Everything being compulsory or forbidden under the authority of local national regulations must be applied, even if not compliant to our internal regulations / recommendations. 2.2 When a local regulation is not compliant to our internal recommendations, all ensuing inconveniences made to the respect of our priorities must be balanced by the definition and application of additional protection measures. 2.3 Everything being accepted by local authorities, included established conventional way of working is acceptable unless not compliant to our internal regulations / recommendations. 2.4 Everything being matter of regulation or recommendation which is not regulated by any local authorities is exclusively under the authority of our internal regulations / recommendations. 2.5 Unless not applicable, all internal standards / rules / recommendations that are defined and that are applied are referring to the international standards, rules and recommendations made by the IEC. 30 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 31 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 32 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 3. VARIATION OF STANDARD MODELS AROUND THE WORLD 3.1. WORLD VOLTAGES AND FREQUENCIES One of the most important differences between individual standards is the voltage and frequency used. While the IEC stipulates 220V-240V 50 Hz systems, the American NEC uses 100-127V 60Hz systems. In rare cases some particular countries also have 220-240V 60 Hz systems (such as Korea, and the Philippines) or 100-127V 50Hz systems (such as Madagascar). The distribution of voltage/ frequency systems is summarised in Figure 4 below: Figure 4: Voltage and Frequencies around the World This map clearly shows that, with the notable exception of South America, the vast majority of countries where MSF and ICRC are operational use the 220-240V / 50 Hz system. Most of the standard equipment sent to the field by humanitarian organisations complies with the standard voltage and frequency used in the organisation’s country of origin, and most equipment only complies with one specific voltage and frequency system. As can be seen from Figure 2, in the majority of cases, equipment purchased in Europe would be appropriate for installation in the field – at least in terms of voltage and frequency. However, particular attention should be paid when working in countries which do not follow the 220-240V / 50 Hz system. Or when purchasing equipment manufactured in countries using other voltage/ frequency systems – for example the United States. Voltage can easily be adapted using transformers. However, frequency can only be adapted by using costly frequency converters, or a double conversion UPS with programmable frequency output. Using the wrong frequency particularly effects devices such as 33 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 compressors, pumps, fridges, and motors. The main effects of a wrong frequency on such equipment are: loss of performance, overheating, and reduced lifespan. Hence the use of equipment in a country with another voltage/ frequency system is not simple, and this leads to the first Advice note in this publication. Advice notes highlight certain key issues that project managers should consider in the design or implementation of an electrical installation. Advice note ( always highlighted in text boxes marked with an A.) 1.1 Check the voltage and frequency of your equipment Before installing any electrical appliance, always read the specifications mentioned on the identification plate or into the user manual and check if it is fully compliant with the local standard. Multistandard appliances: Theoretically, only electronically regulated equipment such as phone chargers, AC adapters for laptops and some other equipment (which use DC voltage generated by embedded electronics) can be used with all systems. Most of the time their identification plate will at least mention ‘Input: 100–240V 50/60Hz’. Data plate for an AC/DC adapter complying with 50/60Hz frequencies and 100240V voltage range Data plate for an air conditioner, with a voltage range of 208-230V and frequency of 60 Hz Figure 5: Examples of Voltage/ Frequency Data Plates 34 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 3.2. WORLD PLUG TYPES Another of the important differences between individual standards is the type of plug and socket used in electrical installations. There are many different types of plugs and sockets and there usage varies throughout the world, as illustrated in Figure 4. Figure 6: Plug Types around the World The most common types of plugs and sockets are explained below, and additional details of socket and plug types around the world are contained in ANNEX 3: Reference table: Socket and plug types around the world., on page 267. Type A Commonly called the ‘American Socket’ Max 15A 100 – 127V Ungrounded Only Class II Devices Socket Type A can only be used with plug Type A • • • • • Type B • • • • Commonly called the ‘American grounded Socket’ Max 15A 100 – 127V Grounded Socket Type B can be used with plug Types A & B 35 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Type C Commonly called the ‘European Hotel Socket’ • Max 2A • 220-240V • Ungrounded • Pin Dia. 4mm • Only Class II Devices • Socket Type C can only be used with plug Type C • Plug Type C can be used in socket Types E & F. • This type of socket is usualy installed inside of bathrooms, mostly into hostels. They are commonly supplied by an insulation transformer and are mainly intended to be used with electric shavers. Type E Commonly called the ‘French Socket’ • • • • • • Max 16A 220-240V Grounded Pin Dia. 5mm Socket Type E can only be used with plug Types C & E Plug Type E cannot be used in socket Type F Type F Commonly called the ‘German or Shuko Socket’ • • • • • • Type E/F Hybrid Max 16A 220-240V Grounded Pin Dia. 5mm Socket Type F can only be used with plug Types C & F Plug Type F cannot be used in socket Type E Commonly called the ‘Universal European Plug’. Ungrounded type. • • • • • • Max 16A 220-240V Ungrounded Only Class II Devices Plug Type E/F Hybrid can be used in socket Types E & F Mainly used for portable electrical tools 36 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Type E/F Hybrid Commonly called the ‘Universal European Plug.’ grounded type. • • • • Type G Max 16A 220-240V Grounded Plug Type E/F Hybrid can be used in socket Types E & F Commonly called the ‘British Socket’ • • • • Max 13A 220-240V Grounded Socket Type G can only be used with plug Type G Local national standards for socket and plug types should be respected. Additional measures should be taken to adapt equipment fitted with other types of plugs, in order that they can be used correctly with the type of socket used in the country where the project is being undertaken. Our next internal rules come out of this point. 3.1 The national standard for electrical plugs and sockets must be respected. In particular all fixed domestic power outlets or sockets must be in accordance with the local standards. 3.2 Travel adapters can only be used for occasional use of low power Class II devices which do not need a grounding connection. 3.3 All electrical plugs fitted to fixed equipment must be fitted with a plug complying with the local standard. Adapters are not acceptable and electrical plugs should be removed and replaced with the correct type as necessary. 3.4 The only exception to rule 3.3 is in the case of equipment that is moved frequently between countries with different plug & socket standards. In this instance dedicated adapters should be purchased. 37 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 When travelling, or using non local standard devices “Universal” traveler socket adaptors… Most of them don’t have any connection for the earth pin! Only agreed for occasional use with low power class II equipment! This figure shows a French standard multiple outlets equipped with a British standard plug… The most reliable adapter for use of French standard plugs in a country equipped with British standard sockets. 38 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 3.3. WORLD CABLE COLOUR CODE A third important difference between individual standards is the colour of electrical cables used in an electrical installation. Accorded to the IEC standards (IEC 60446), the following colours are permitted for electrical cables: Black Brown Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Violet Grey White Pink Turquoise Striped cables using these colours are also permitted. There are also some widely accepted systems for cable colours, as outlined in the following sections. 3.3.1. AC Supply Colour Code for Electrical Cables In fixed installations, two main families of systems are common: Colour codes IEC/EN 60446 : 2001 BS 7671 since 2004 Former British Standard BS 7671 Neutral Blue Brown Phases Black Protective Earth Grey Green/Yellow Black Red Yellow Blue Green or Green/Yellow The following one is also commonly used in some British influenced countries. It is a simplification of the former official British system. Colour codes Also common Neutral Black Phases Red Red Protective Earth Red Green or Green/Yellow 3.3.2. DC Supply Colour Code for Electrical Cables DC supply cables must also comply with a colour coding system. There is a general agreement about the basic colour coding system to be used. Standard cable colours for DC supply Applied in most countries for DC supplies Positive Negative Forbidden Red Black Green or Green/Yellow However, considering the increased use of DC systems within MSF and ICRC, such a colour coding system should be developed further. The following is a proposed colour coding system for MSF and ICRC to adopt for DC supply electrical installations. 39 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 INTERNAL PROPOSAL The normal colour coding system for all DC voltages uses Red (+) and Black (-) cables for negative grounded systems, and Blue (-) and White (+) for positive grounded systems. It is proposed for MSF and ICRC to use the specific colours for the most common DC voltages. These colour cables should be available, at least through international purchasing. However, in the case where the correct colours are not available, the standard colour coding system should be used – and the cables should be marked with tape of the correct colour and stickers identifying the voltage of the system (if it is different than 12V). These stickers will use shape “0V” for the ground wire, and ‘+xxVDC’ or ‘-xxVDC’ for non-grounded wires (for example +12VDC, +24VDC, -12VDC, 24VDC). NEGATIVE GROUND VOLTAGE POSITIVE +12 V Red +24V Orange +48V Violet POSITIVE GROUND (Rare) NEGATIVE -12 V Blue -24V Brown -48V Black GROUND FORBIDDEN Black (-) GROUND FORBIDDEN White (+) A detailed listing of the different colour codes, including for flexible power cords, and some historical ones (which could be encountered in old installations) is given in ANNEX 4: Reference table: Wire colour codes around the world on page 273 40 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 3.3.3. General Colour Coding for Electrical Cables Important remark: Actually, many installations do not respect any colour coding system sometimes simply because the desired colour was not available on the market at the time the installation was made. It also happens that colours are mixed: a wire entering a cable conduit may have a different colour at the entry side than the one at the exit side. In such situations, the correct identification of the cables is vital. As a basic principle, everything confusing in the electrical cabling must be avoided. All identification must be clear, and the colour coding system used should make such identification easy. It is very important to respect the colour integrity of cables all along their circuit. The colour coding system used must facilitate the layout and execution of distribution boards making them easy and quickly understood. Whenever unidentified or confusing coloured cables are found, they should be marked immediately at the time of their identification. Wires having confusing colours should be marked by wrapping clearly the ends of their insulation with tape of the correct colour. If relevant for the purpose of identification, the cable may also need to be marked at additional locations or even along its entire length. If certain wires of the incorrect colour cannot be replaced in a short term, marking them with very visible and strong permanent identification tape is even more important. Consideration of colour coding systems for electrical cables, leads to the next set of Internal Rules. 4.1 The national standard colour coding system should be respected. 4.2 To ensure the integrity of installations, when former versions of colour codes have been used and are still allowed in existing installations, all identifications, repairs or replacement works made into such installations must be made according to this former colour code. 4.3 All new installations and extensions to old installations must respect the most recent local colour coding system. 4.4 If several colour codes are acceptable for new installations in a given country, the colour coding system which is the closest to the IEC system should be selected. 4.5 Whatever the colour coding system used, the integrity of the colour identification code and other identification of cables must be respected all along their circuit. 4.6 Identification of cables should be controlled and corrected at the time of the primary assessment works of any existing electrical installation. 4.7 As a specific means to ensure electrical boards are made very clear, the use of the right colour codes for all internal wiring of the boards is particularly important. 4.8 Ideally all cables that do not respect the applicable colour coding system should be replaced with the correctly coloured cables. If the extent of work needed to achieve this is considered unreasonable, the incorrectly coloured cables should, as a minimum, be clearly marked with tape of the correct colour. Additional identification methods may also be required. Colour codes are only a part of the identification methods and rules that must be used to ensure the clarity of electrical drawings and installations. Other identification methods and rules are developed throughout this publication. 41 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 42 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 3.4. WORLD MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS The two principle measurement systems used throughout the world are the metric system and the imperial system. The map in Figure 7 below shows when countries adopted the metric system, and which countries are not using the metric system. Figure 6 makes it clear that the majority of the world now follows the metric system. However there are countries that use the imperial system (shown in black) and countries that have not officially confirmed which system they follow (shown in grey). This last case is of particular interest, as it represents a number of countries where MSF and ICRC are operational. Figure 7: The Metric and Imperial System around the World In fact, considering electrical equipments, the imperial system is most effectively represented by the American Wire Gauge (AWG) system, defining the standard sizing for the cross section of wires. As a consequence, the metric and imperial systems are defining differently the rates of circuit breakers commonly accorded to minimal cross section of wires. These differences are illustrated in the following tables. 43 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Comparison between American Wire Gauge and Metric Systems – Cable Minimal Cross Sectional Areas/ Max Circuit Breaker Values/ Temperature Rise For applications in accordance to UL 489 and CSA C22.2 Standard (NEC) 16 (15 14 (13 12 (11 10 (9 8 (7 6 (5 4 (3 2 (1 Max circuit Minimal breaker cross rate section mm² (assigned current) 1,3 mm² 10 A 1.6 mm²) 2,1 mm² 15 A 2.6 mm²) 3,3 mm² 20 A 4.2 mm²) 5,3 mm² 30 A 6.6 mm²) 8,4 mm² 40 A 10.6 mm²) 13,3 mm² 50 A 16.8 mm²) 21,1 mm² 80 A 26.6 mm²) 33,6 mm² 110 A 42.2 mm²) 0 - 1/0 00 - 2/0 53,5 mm² 67,4 mm² 150 A 175 A 000 - 3/0 85 mm² 225 A 0000 - 4/0 107 mm² 250 A 250 127 mm² 300 A 350 177 mm² 350 A 400 203 mm² 400 A 500 253 mm² 500 A AWG No. For applications in accordance to IEC 60947-2 Standard Max circuit Minimal breaker rate cross section (assigned mm² current) 1.5 mm² 10 A 2.5 mm² 16 A 4 mm² 20 A 6 mm² 25 A 10 mm² 40 A 16 mm² 63 A 25 mm² 80 A 35 mm² 50 mm² 100 A 125 A 70 mm² 160 A 95 mm² 200 A 120 mm² 250 A 150 mm² 320 A 185 mm² 400 A 240 mm² 500 A Indicative cable temperature rise ( noninsulated single round copper wire into the air) 36 °C 30 °C 41 °C 35 °C 36 °C 27 °C 41 °C 23 °C 36 °C 27 °C 28 °C 34 °C 36 °C 28 °C 34 °C 26 °C 24 °C 31 °C 30 °C 24 °C 35 °C 23 °C 31 °C 26 °C 34 °C 30 °C 28 °C 35 °C 30 °C 37 °C 34 °C Table 1: Metric and AWG wire cross sections Common Rates of Circuit Breakers Used in Each System (Amperes) Imperial: 6, 10, 13, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 125, 150, 175, 200, 225 A Metric: 6, 10, 16, 20, 25, 32, 40, 50, 63, 80, 100, 125, 160, 200, 250, 320, 400 A It is not uncommon in countries where there is no strong and/or precise technical regulation for a mixture of imperial and metric systems to be used. This situation can be encountered in Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Sudan, Egypt, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Zambia, Pakistan, Thailand and Cambodia. 44 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 3.5. VOCABULARY AND SYMBOLS When talking or writing about technical matters, each language naturally uses its own vocabulary. The symbols used in diagrams and drawings can also vary significantly between regions, countries and languages. It is beyond the scope of this publication to present the whole variety of electrical terms and symbols used throughout the world. However, more information on the main symbols and vocabulary used globally is presented in Annex 5. For practical reasons it is always useful to know the local terms and symbols in order to communicate effectively with local contractors. Nevertheless, for internal communications and documents, MSF and ICRC should use the same vocabulary and symbols everywhere. Here are the main electrical symbols and related terms in English and in French. Terms and Vocabulary ENGLISH Circuit, Line, Feeder Main circuit Main distribution circuit Final circuits Auxiliary circuit Command circuit Diagram FRENCH Circuit, ligne, alimentation Circuit principal Circuit de distribution principal Circuits terminaux Circuit auxiliaire Circuit de commande Schéma Terms, Vocabulary and Symbols POWER SOURCES AC source SOURCES D’ENERGIE Source AC DC source Source DC Transformer Transformateur Single Phase Generator Générateur monophasé Three phases Generator Générateur triphasé Batterie Battery CABLES Phase wire CÂBLES Fil de phase Neutral wire Fil de neutre Earthing wire Fil de terre 2 conductors cable without earthing (1 N +1P) 3 conductors cable with earthing (1 N +1P+1G) Câble 2 conducteurs sans terre (1 N +1P) Câble 3 conducteurs avec terre (1 N +1P+1G) Three phases + neutral cable (1 N +3P) Câble triphasé avec neutre (1 N +3P) 45 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Three phases + neutral + earthing cable (1 N +3P +1G) Câble triphasé avec neutre et terre (1 N +3P +1G) Three phases cable without neutral nor earthing (3P) Câble triphasé sans neutre ni terre (3P) TERMINALS POWER OUTLET / SOCKETS TERMINAUX PRISES DE COURANT Single phase socket without earthing Prise monophasée sans terre Single phase socket with earthing Prise monophasée avec terre Watertight single phase socket with earthing Prise monophasée étanche avec terre Watertight three phases socket with earthing Prise triphasée étanche avec terre SWITCHES One way switch (general symbol) INTERRUPTEURS Interrupteur (symbole général) Two way switch Interrupteur va-et-vient Single pole switch Interrupteur monopolaire Bipolar switch Interrupteur bipolaire Watertight (bipolar) switch Interrupteur étanche (bipolaire) Change-over switch Inverseur de source LIGHTING ECLAIRAGE Lighting bulb (hanging) Lampe à ampoule (plafonnier) Lighting bulb (on a wall) Lampe à ampoule (Murale) Watertight lighting bulb Lampe à ampoule étanche Single fluorescent tube (TL) Tube fluorescent simple (TL) Double fluorescent tube (TL) Tube fluorescent double Watertight fluorescent tube Tube fluorescent étanche Autonomous emergency lighting unit DISTRIBUTION UNITS BOARDS AND BOXES Consumer unit / fuse box Junction/ derivation box Bloc de secours autoalimenté COMPOSANTS DISTRIBUTION DE TABLEAUX ET BOÎTIERS Tableau de distribution Boîte de jonction / dérivation 46 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 PROTECTIONS PROTECTIONS Circuit breaker (general symbol) Disjoncteur (symbole général) Thermal element Élément thermique Magnetic element Élément magnétique Thermal – magnetic circuit breaker (MCB) Single pole MCB Disjoncteur magnéto thermique Dual poles MCB Disjoncteur bipolaire Three poles MCB Disjoncteur tripolaire Four poles MCB Disjoncteur tétra polaire Residual current circuit breaker (RCCB) Residual current circuit breaker with overload protection (RCBO) Four poles RCBO Interrupteur différentiel Disjoncteur monopolaire Disjoncteur différentiel bipolaire Disjoncteur différentiel tétra polaire parafoudre Lightning protection PROTECTIVE EARTHING Protective Earth PE PROTECTIONS EQUIPOTENTIELLES Protection équipotentielle Earthing ( US: Grounding) Terre Frame / body Masse / châssis MISCELANEOUS AC Voltage stabilizer DC power supply / battery charger Power inverter Pump / compressor Air conditioner Heater Washing machine Dryer Water heater EQUIPEMENTS DIVERS Stabilisateur de tension AC Alimentation DC / Chargeur de batteries Onduleur Pompe / Compresseur Air conditionné Chauffage Machine à laver Séchoir Chauffe-eau Table 2: Main electrical symbols 47 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 48 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 3.6. IDENTIFICATION RULES 3.6.1. ROOM IDENTIFICATION For small premises there is no need to use a normalised method of identification. Most of the time, functional identifications such as Admin Office, Kitchen, Room 1, Room 2, Bathroom, etc. will be sufficient for plans and diagrams. When considering larger premises such as large offices or big compounds, a more rational room identification method is needed. Identifications are often still the name, or the function of a room. However, as the function of the room may well change over time, it is advised to also give each room a unique and constant identification reference. Here is a proposal for a rational identification method: Depending upon the configuration, each building, part of a building, or functional group of buildings is identified by a zone letter (for example A, B, C, etc.). Each room inside of a zone is identified by a number following the identification letter of the zone (for example A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3, etc.). As far as practical, identification letters and numbers are allocated in a clockwise direction starting at the entry side of the compound, zone or building. On sites with a linear distribution of buildings or zones, identification letters cannot be allocated in a clockwise manner – a linear approach should be used. Corridors, access areas and passages are identified by preceding the identification code with an ‘X’ (for example, XA1, XA2, XB1, XB2, etc.). Stairs are identified by preceding the identification code by a ‘W’ (for example WA1, WA2, WB1, WB2, etc.). Corridors, access areas, passages and stairs linking two zones (or building, part of a building, or functional group of buildings) with different identification letters are identified with the same ‘X’ followed by the two letters of the linked zones (for example XAB, XBC, WAB, WBC, etc.). Outdoor spaces are identified by preceding the identification code by a ‘Z’ (for example ZA1, ZA2, ZB1, ZB2, etc.). TO AVOID ANY CONFUSION WITH NUMBERS, THE CHARACTER I(i) and O(o) ARE NOT USED FOR ZONE IDENTIFICATION (for example the identification I1 should not be used) RESERVED LETTERS (W, X, Z) ARE ONLY USED FOR THE FUNCTIONS DESCRIBED ABOVE, THEY ARE NOT USED AGAIN FOR IDENTIFYING ROOMS OR ZONES (for example the identification WW1 should not be used) This identification method is best illustrated with some examples. 49 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Figure 8: Example of Zone Identification for a Large Compound Figure 9: Example of Room Numbering (Zone B within the Same Compound) 50 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Figure 10: Example of Zone Identification for a Large Building Into this example, letters could not be assigned in a clockwise system, due to the linear nature of the building. Instead, they were assigned in a linear approach from right to left, like the usual writing sense in the country Figure 11: Example of Room Identification Numbering (in zones A and B of the same building) To aid clarity, all identification references should be written on the doors or door jambs of all rooms, and the entries of passages or stairways, etc. There is no need to use large signs to mark these identification references, they should remain small and discrete. 51 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 52 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 3.6.2. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS IDENTIFICATION As a basic requirement for every electrical installation, circuits should be clearly identified inside the breaker boards. For small installations, functional identifications should be sufficient. Small stickers mentioning ‘Kitchen’, ‘Room 1’, etc. will be enough to help identify which circuits are protected by which breaker in the breaker panel. For large installations, the desired clarity can only be obtained by following rational identification rules, as explained in the preceding section. In addition, the Identification Reference of each terminal must be indicated on the terminal itself. This dedicated identification gives the entire path from the mains to the terminal: it contains the ID of the main line, the ID of the concerned final board, the ID of the circuit and the position of the terminal along the circuit. Whatever the size of the installation, all identifications are marked on both the position diagram and on the single line electric diagram. In order to facilitate the job of any electrician that must intervene, a copy of these diagrams must be located with the concerned board. Here are these identification rules and examples. Main boards: The power panel, containing the commutation devices for the power sources should be called PP, while the main distribution panel should be called MB (in English) or TG (in French). For these boards, let’s feel free to call them PP, MB GP, P0, B0, GB or whatever, it is not of importance, so, let’s do as they use to do locally : it is after the main board that it is recommended to apply a standard identification method. Figure 12: identification of main panels Main lines: Always use a CAPITAL LETTER – A, B, C… don’t use “I” “O” “X” “Z”… Figure 13: identification of main lines 53 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Figure 14: The Electrical Diagram of a Power Panel and Main Distribution Boards – Using the Same Identification Rules Panels on the main lines: Use an indication number according to the position of the panel along the main line. Hence, the complete identification of a final board is given by the letter of its supply line (feeder), and the number of its position: the 1st panel on line A is A1, the 3rd panel on the G line is G3, etc. Figure 15: identification of distribution panels Remark about main line and panel identification: The proposed identification method is suitable for a distribution structure with a single main panel and a number of final boards. In some instances, installations are organised using intermediary distribution panels. However, where ever possible, such structures should be avoided as using intermediary panels can make it difficult to choose the correct rate for the breakers. In situations where such intermediary panels are already installed and must be maintained, the identification reference should use additional letters to identify intermediary panels and lines, as explained below. 54 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Intermediary panels: The same identification method should be applied, with sub-distribution lines identified by a capital letter following the identification of the upstream panel. For example, the line ‘B’ out of the panel A2 will be ‘A2B’. The panels supplied by this secondary line will be identified by adding a number to the identification of their feeder line, for example A2B1. Following these rules means that all identification references for feeder lines end with a letter, while the identification references for panels end with a number. Figure 16: identification of intermediary panels Final circuits out of the final boards: Use numbers rather than letters, as there could be more than 25 circuits out of a panel. Use the small letter ‘c’ to indicate that this is a final circuit, for example c1, c 2, c3, etc. Figure 17: identification of final circuits Terminals: Use the following letters to identify the kind of terminal: Power sockets: P Switches: S Lights: L Junctions: J (if needed) For less common terminals, other letters can be used – but should be clearly defined in the legend of the design or diagram. Terminals should also be identified with a number, indicating their position on the circuit, for example P1, P2, S1, S2, L1, L2, etc. In this way, the complete identification reference of a terminal describes the complete path from the main board. For example terminal B3c1P2 is the 2nd socket on the 1st circuit from the 3rd panel on the main line B. In large installations, this identification reference should be physically written on the terminal. 55 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 For small boards supplying only a few terminals, the identification numbering should be continued from one circuit to another: Power sockets on c1 will be P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, and power sockets on c2 will be P6, P7, P8, etc. This will allow a simplified identification system to be used on the position diagram. On drawings and designs, in order to keep them simple and legible, only the final part of the indication reference should be shown, as illustrated in the example below. Figure 18: Identifications on a single line diagram For large boards supplying a lot of terminals, the same continuous numbering method should not be used, as it makes it difficult to cross check against drawings and diagrams. Instead, the numbering is reinitialised from 1 on each circuit: Power sockets on c1 will be P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, etc. and power sockets on c2 will also be P1, P2, P3, etc. In this case, the identification reference given on the position diagram must also include the number of the circuit: for example c1P1, c1P2, c1P3, c2P1, c2P2, c2P3, etc. 56 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 3.6.3. USE OF TITLE BLOCKS Not only the rooms and electrical components must be identified. Plans and diagrams also need to be clearly identified, and Title Blocks should be included on all plans and diagrams to achieve this. As a minimum, a Title Block should indicate the Owner, Date, Project Title, Document Identification, Document Type, Subject, and Author), as shown in the example below: OWNER / client Date Revision COUNTRY : PROJECT : TITLE Subject 1 Subject 2 Subject 3 Doc Type : Author: Contact : Figure 19: example of a title block 57 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 58 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 4. MANAGEMENT OF ELECTRICAL PROJECTS The objective of this chapter is to contextualize the Protocol for the Management of Construction Projects (PMCP) into electrical projects. The PMCP enhances management of electrical projects by outlining and explaining each step of the project development and clarifying the roles and responsibilities of each stakeholder. Following the steps of the PMCP, this chapter describes the different steps of a project cycle, and the prerequisites and deliverables particular to electrical projects. By applying the following rules, stakeholders will ensure consistency of the project, therefore contributing to the compliance of the works with technical standards and to the satisfaction of the end users. 5.1: Electrical projects, regardless of their size, must be managed according to the principles of the PMCP, and the guidelines further described in this chapter. 5.2: Each step of the project development must be validated by the project owner prior to starting the next one. Such validation is necessary to ensure that the project is in line with the project owner’s needs. 5.3: Unless force majeure events obligate to revise the project, changes in information validated beforehand must be avoided. 4.1. PROJECT DEVELOPMENT CYCLE Regardless of their nature and scale, electrical projects, as one of the core activities in construction, follows a similar cycle of development as described below: Vision Handover Feasibility Construction Design Procurement Figure 20: The project development cycle 59 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 • Vision Identification of the needs and project scope definition as expressed by the end user, further named in this document Project Owner. • Feasibility Examinations of the conditions under which the project shall be carried out and of major variables in regulations, standards and technology in order to come up with technical options. • Design Development of technical solutions and specifications compliant with the needs and requirements defined at vision and feasibility steps. • Procurement Preparation of contract documents for tender procedure based on the design documents and selection of the contractor, and/or purchase of the materials and tools if works are carried out in-house. • Construction Execution of the works under constant supervision throughout the implementation of the works in order to ensure compliance of the installations with the design and standards. • Handover Final inspection and testing of the works in order to proceed to the takeover of the works. Preparation of an operation and maintenance plan. 60 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 4.2. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Throughout a project development cycle, two main players are involved in an electrical project and their role and responsibilities varies as the project develops. Below is listed some of the major responsibilities of each party. The Project Owner is responsible for describing the scope of an electrical project (Vision). He owns the works when completed and handed-over, and therefore participates in the selection of most appropriate options when submitted by the Project manager. Either one or a group of persons can represent the project owner. Hence, the Project Owner shall: • • • • • • • • Assist the project manager is gathering all relevant information and authorizations, Provide a listing of the needs, as extensive as possible but not necessarily technical, Review and endorse the design at each step of its development in order to confirm that the design are in line with the scope of the project, Choose alternatives among several options if requested by the project manager, Provide all information should it be required by the project manager, Validate that the works complies with the needs at handover step, Develop together with the project manager an operation and maintenance strategy, Notify any defect that may appear after the works have been taken over during the warranty period, if any, The Project Manager is responsible for ensuring that the steps of the project development cycle are observed and that consolidated inputs are provided by the various stakeholders. He ensures that the project is carried out in line with the project owner’s needs and in compliance with technical standards. Depending on the technical complexity of the electrical project, the Project Manager, although represented by one person, may involve other specialist or technicians. Hence, the Project Manager shall: • • • • • • • • Advise the project owner on technical issues related to the project proposal, Carry out necessary technical assessments and investigations, Gather all missing information in terms of electrical needs, and produce a complete and consolidated listing of the needs with technical information, Get the project owner’s validation at each step of the project development, Provide various technical options and associated diagnosis, Coordinate the design of the project in line with the project owner’s needs and compliant with technical standards, Submit designs and clarify the possible implications of alternatives to the project owner, taking into consideration safety, sustainability, maintenance, cost, service continuity and environmental aspects, Identify and select the consultants, suppliers, technicians, contractors, personnel required to carry out the design and the works, 61 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 • • • • Manage the budget and timeframe of the project, order necessary material and equipment, and administrate the contract for works if any, Organize and supervise the works, ensuring compliance with the technical design documentation and technical standards, but also taking into consideration specific requirements in terms of service continuity, Organize the commissioning of the works, including all relevant tests and as-built documentation, and certify that the works have been completed in line with the technical design documents and technical standards; Organize the taking over of the works, and follow up the correction of defects noted at the completion of the works; 62 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 4.3. ELECTRICAL PROJECT TASKS AND OUTPUTS The following schedule details the phases and steps of a project development cycle accorded to the PMCP (Protocol for the Management of Construction Projects). Such project development cycle should be followed for all electrical projects regardless of their technical complexities or financial implications. In addition, deliverables and outputs specific to each phase are also listed, keeping in mind that they must be approved by the project owner prior to stepping into the next phase as mentioned in rule 5.1. VISION • • • • Description of the problem and the needs (including the list of equipments to be maintained or moved); General description and state of the existing installations, if any; Description of the projected situation (reasons and scope of intervention); Identification of the project owner and project manager. FEASIBILITY • • • • • • • • • • Feasibility study and Preliminary Design Detailed assessment of the existing installations, if any; (user's satisfaction, compliance with technical standards, state and/or obsolescence of the installations, etc.) Description of the constraints and the means; Sketches, technical options diagnosis and alternative proposals if relevant; Draft description of project organization in terms of HR, budget, time and procurement strategy; Area, building and room identification (refer to section 3.6.1 on page 49 for identification rules); Comprehensive listing of the electrical consumers (user's devices, needs) including available electrical specifications (power, cos phi,...) and usage factors); Draft listing of the user’s needs (number and position of all electrical terminals needed, list of equipments and devices, schedule of use, etc.); Position diagram (copy of the needs list on drawings showing exact location of all terminals and fixed equipment) DESIGN • Project Proposal as expressed by the Project Owner Developed Design and Technical Design Load calculation, power sources and back-up sizing, distribution sizing, protection devices sizing; Position diagram of main panel board and division boards indicating their distribution areas, and the position of the main distribution lines; Position diagram of the main grounding (equipotential) network and surge protection devices; 63 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 • • • • • • • Single line diagram of the main distribution (from power sources and main board(s) to the head protection of final distribution boards; Single line diagram of the final boards and related circuits and terminals; Numbering of the terminals made on the position diagram, to cross check with the related single line diagram; Additional information on position diagram (i.e. manholes, channels, junctions, specifications related to the conduits and their placements) Material specifications (refer to catalogs and supply lists, brand, model, references); Tools and specific equipments required for the works if works are done internally; Listing of auxiliary finishing works; PROCUREMENT • • • • Time program of the works; Preparation of tender documentation (Quantity estimation, Contract draft, etc.); Purchasing of materials, tools and equipments; Identification of the team or the company in charge of the works; CONSTRUCTION • • • • • • • Construction Supervision and Contract Administration Site reports and meeting minutes; Payment certificates; Site supervision with constant monitoring of the works implemented HANDOVER • Construction Procurement Substantial Completion and Taking-Over of the Works Final evaluation of the works (Conformity of the works with the project and technical standards); Commissioning report (Testing), Taking-Over certificate and Punch-list; Final Completion certificate (after corrections are made and guarantee period) As-built drawings; Operation and Maintenance plan; 64 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 4.4. IMPLEMENTATION OF ELECTRICAL PROJECT The development of appropriate and consistent design is the most important point that will ensure a good execution. However, adequate preparation and supervision of the works to be implemented is key in the success of a project. Before starting the implementation works, the project manager should keep in mind the following points: • • • • • • Technical design has been technically approved by the project manager and endorsed by the project owner; The supplies, materials and tools have been delivered and are stored into a dedicated warehouse, and an inventory has been made if the works or part of the works are done in-house, The Contractor has been designated and a contract for works has been signed if the works are outsourced, The phasing of the works has been prepared. The project supervision team has been identified, and the distribution of tasks and responsibilities is clear, Everything has been organized so that the people working / living into the place where the works have to be done is feeling comfortable, When starting the works, the project manager should keep in mind the following points: (About the site and follow-up preparedness) • All equipment and pieces of furniture that must be moved to free the space are moved, stored in a correct place, and protected as required, in accordance with the people living or working on the site of the works. • Dedicated secure places must be found to store the supplies and tools on site. • All movements of supplies between the central warehouse and the onsite storage must be recorded in a journal. • Small additional supplies will be anyway needed along the ongoing works. A purchase journal is needed to follow these. • All working hours of the implementation team members must be recorded as well. When executing the works, the project manager should keep in mind the following points: (About the order of the successive operations) • • • • Everything that must be removed or dismantled is removed and dismantled, The exact position of all terminals and boards is clearly marked on site, All mounting blocks (empty plastic boxes that will hold the terminals) are put in place with their cable entries set in right number and position, All boards (breaker boxes etc.) are prepared. Accorded to the size and weight of the boards different ways are possible: Empty boxes are installed at the same time as the mounting blocks of terminals are installed, or they can be prepared in advance, all modular devices being already put in place on their rails, and all internal wiring of the 65 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 • • • • • • • board being prepared in advance. Then, the boards will be put in place with all their equipment already set in place. But it is often easier to place empty boards first, All junction boxes, channels, pipes, trunks are put in place between the board and all mounting boxes of terminals, All cables and wires are put into the pipes and trunks, All identifications of wires are always made along the progression of the works, All terminals are installed and wired into their mounting boxes, All wires entering into the breaker board are connected to the modular devices, All identifications are reported on the modular devices, According to the situation, circuits can be tested one per one along the progress of the works, or can be tested after that all wiring jobs have been made. When completing the works, the project manager should keep in mind the following points: • • • • • • All identifications are updated, All drawings and diagrams are updated, A copy of the concerned updated position and electrical diagram is placed inside of each board. (These diagrams are only concerning the area and circuits supplied by the board), The site of the works is completely cleaned off and all remaining tools, supplies, accessories, and wastes are evacuated. While all remaining tools supplies and accessories are back into the warehouse a final inventory is established, Same for the inventory of the tools. A listing of the tools that have been damaged or lost must be established. It is also the right time for those to be cleaned, controlled and maintained, even if this must also be made during the works. 4.5. CONCLUSION The PMCP and guidelines introduced in this chapter per se are obviously not a magic wand that solves all the problems and challenges that may occur during the life of a project. As every project management tool, one of its most important aims is to foster multidisciplinary teamwork as the condition for success and satisfaction. 66 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 67 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 68 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 5. SAFETY OF INDIVIDUALS: TECHNICAL RULES 5.1. THE DANGER OF ELECTRICAL CURRENTS According to their level and duration, the effects of electrical currents on human beings can be very dangerous. A current of only 10mA creates a serious shock, and values over 30mA can potentially have irreversible effects (such as serious internal burns) or can be fatal due to respiratory or cardiac arrest. The following table gives some indications of the potential effects of different levels of current and contact time. INTENSITY DURATION EFFECTS 0,5 to 1 mA - Perception threshold 8 mA - Shock to the touch, backlash 10 mA 4m 30s Limbs muscles contraction, lasting crispation 20 mA 60 s Tetanisation start of the rib cage 30 mA 30 s Ventilatory paralysis 40 mA 3s Ventricular fibrillation 75 mA 1s Ventricular fibrillation 300 mA 110 ms Ventilatory paralysis 500 mA 100 ms Ventricular fibrillation 1A 25 ms Cardiac arrest 2A instantaneous Damage to nervous system Table 3: Danger of electrical currents Whether they are minor or serious, all incidences of electrocution have the same origin. Because all flows in electrical circuits are current loops that are returning to their source, electrocution occurs when a person, or a part of a person, is inserted into one of these loops. In this way an electrical circuit is established by simultaneous contact with two conductive objects having a difference of voltage and being inserted into the same electrical circuit. Hence: Electrified objects must be unreachable Voltage differences between objects being simultaneously touchable (frames, earth) must be suppressed. This danger is obvious for anybody touching at the same time both active wires of different polarity (poles) of an electrical system (double contact). The other case of dangerous contact 69 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 is when a person is simultaneously in contact with an electrified object and the earth (simple contact). Simple contacts are dangerous too because we need to give to the electrical network a voltage reference that is stable, close to the environment and close to 0 Volts. Most of the time, to achieve this, one pole of the electrical source is earthed (grounded). This earthed pole is called the neutral or the 0 V while the poles that are not earthed are called the phases (P), or the live (L). This permanent connection to the earth has two main intended effects: For all materials that are insulated from the earth, and particularly the conductive ones, the development of electrostatic charges reaching high voltage levels compared to the ground can be dangerous for people (sudden static discharges through persons) and for the devices (sudden static discharges through electrical insulations). Objects which are connected to the earth cannot accumulate electrostatic charges, as these will flow to the ground as they are developed. The reference voltage of the object will remain close to the voltage of the ground. (It is the OV reference) Because it is connected to the earth, the neutral will collect all currents (losses) from circuits (accidentally) in contact with the earth, and transmit them back to the power source. People are in almost permanent contact with the ground. As a result of the relation between the earth and the neutral, the earth is also the primary conductive object connected to the electrical circuit. Every non-grounded object with an exposed conductive part that is in contact with the phase (live) pole of the electrical source is dangerous in the situation where someone has a simple contact with it. With an earthed neutral, all simultaneous contact with the earth and a conductive part connected to the phase of a circuit are highly dangerous. Figure 21: Current flow in case of a direct simple contact with live conductor 70 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Simple contacts with electrified objects are of two kinds: 1. Direct simple contacts: A contact with an active live part of an electrical system (phase wire, junction, etc.) 2. Indirect simple contact: A contact with an exposed conductive part (e.g. user device frame) that is accidentally in contact with a live active part of an electrical system. In practice, if no protection means are installed, both a direct and an indirect contact have the same effect - the person is electrocuted. Not all exposed parts of electrical devices are equally dangerous: Depending on their design and conditions of use, electrical devices have very variable safety levels. The IEC made a classification of equipment related to their specific dangers and related specific requirements. It is required that the class of insulation of the electrical equipment in use is identified, and that the specific requirements of the class to which they belong are respected. To meet these requirements even in case of damaged, incorrect or faulty devices or electrical installation, three specific aspects of safety precaution have been established and are compulsory: The protection against direct contacts: Electrified objects (bare parts of wires, junctions) must be untouchable. The protection against indirect contacts: The voltage of all exposed conductive parts (ECP) must be reduced to the surrounding (reference) voltage by the mean of earthing.(Grounding) Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCIs) must interrupt the power in case of dangerous losses. The main strategies for addressing these key aspects of safety precaution will be discussed in the following sections. (5.3 to 5.6,on page 76 and following) 71 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 72 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 5.2. THE CLASSES OF EQUIPMENT According to the level of protection that equipment provides against electrical shocks, the IEC has defined the following protection classes (IEC 61140). These class definitions are used to differentiate between the protective-earth connections requirements of the equipment. Class 0 These appliances have no protective-earth connection and have only a single level of insulation between live parts and their metal frame. With such equipment, a single fault could cause an electric shock or other dangerous event without triggering any fuse or circuit breaker. Even though such equipment is forbidden by most local regulations, they can still be found in some countries. Example: Metallic light bulb holders. Class 0 equipment are strictly forbidden. Class I Class I Symbol These appliances must have their frame connected to the electrical protective earthing (PE) by a separate earth conductor. The earth protective conductor must be included in their power cord, which has 3 conductors. The power cord must be connected to a power outlet equipped with a protective earth. No single failure can result in a dangerous voltage being produced in the frame of the appliance - that might cause an electric shock. If a fault occurs, a breaker device can trigger and interrupt the supply to the faulty appliance. In case of a contact between a live conductor and the casing: If the earthing (grounding) resistance is low enough, the faulty current will trip an over-current device (fuse or circuit breaker). In any other situations, when it reaches the rated protection threshold, the faulty current will trip any ground fault breaker (RCCB or RCBO). Example: Most fixed appliances and some mobile appliances such as: Fridges, waterheaters, washing machines, coffee machines, micro waves, copy machines, printers, desktop computers, some laptop adaptors, etc. All class 1 equipment must be connected to the earth protective conductor (Yellow green - grounding). Otherwise their use is strictly forbidden. 73 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Class 0I Class 0I Symbol These appliances have their frame connected to earth with a separate terminal. The connection to the protective earth is made with a separated single conductor not included in the mains cable. In effect this provides the same automatic disconnection as Class I. Example: Generators If correctly connected to the protective earth, all class 0I equipment are similar to class I equipment. Class II Class II Symbol A Class II or double insulated electrical appliance is built in such a way that it does not require a connection to the protective earth (ground). No single failure inside of a class II equipment can result in a dangerous voltage in the external body of the equipment, as the electrical insulation has been doubled or reinforced by other means. Class II equipment must be labelled ‘Class II’ or ‘double insulated’. The double insulation symbol is generally present on the data plate of the equipment. Do not confuse ‘Class II’ with ‘Class 2’ equipment as defined by the UL standard. ‘Class II’ is a protection class as per IEC standards (IEC 61140), whereas ‘Class 2’ determines a range of voltage output of power adaptors as per UL standards. Example: Most of the light mobile equipment, such as: Phone chargers, DC power adapters for small laptops, drilling machines, grinders, portable electric saws, grass mowers, cooking mixers, etc. Class II equipment do not need a connection to the protective earth. All mobile equipment, and more specifically mobile tools, small domestic appliances and some electro medical appliances must be at least Class II appliances. Note that medical equipment must also comply with other requirements! 74 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Class III Class III Symbol A Class III appliance is designed to be supplied from an internal or separate safety extra-low voltage (SELV) power source (<48V DC). In every case, no contact with the supplied voltage is dangerous. SELV conditions have additional requirements All active parts must be: Double insulated from any electrical part of other installations (e.g. primary input voltage of the LV/ SELV power adaptor Insulated from the protective earthing wire. If there is a ground fault there is no risk of a SELV conductor becoming electrified because of contact with the faulty protective earth. We have 2 main kinds of class III equipment Supplied by a separated power adapter/generator with a Class III output Supplied by internal battery cells Example: Most of the equipment supplied by DC adapters and portable equipment, such as: Laptop computers, IT accessories (switches, modems), phones, all battery powered portable tools, torches, battery powered lights, etc. For many medical devices - at least the ones in contact with the patients - even compliance with Class III is not considered sufficient protection, and further more-stringent regulations must apply. 75 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Note about ELV and SELV: The following table gives the voltage classification as defined by the IEC (IEC 60338 and 61000-3-6): Code Name AC DC (S)ELV Extra Low Voltage Norm : U <50V = 48V dry 24V wet Norm < 120V = 72V dry 36V wet LV A Low Voltage A 50V < U < 500V 120V < U < 750V LV B Low Voltage B 500V < U < 1000V 750V < U < 1500V MV Medium Voltage 1kV < U < 35kV 1.5kV < U < 50kV HV High Voltage 35kV < U < 230 kV 50kV < U < 500 kV EHV Extra High Voltage U > 230kV U > 500kV Table 4: The voltage classification ELV max voltage varies according to the situation. In practice the recommendation is: Dry areas: 48VAC / 72VDC Wet areas: 24VAC / 36VDC. 76 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 5.3. PROTECTION FROM DIRECT CONTACT ! This concerns the protection against direct contact with electrified parts of the electrical system, such as bare wires and uncovered junctions. When properly installed, insulations, covers, caps, doors and other mechanical protection offer the only correct protection against the danger of direct contact. This involves: - Insulation (sheathing) of the cables Cover to boxes (distribution, junctions, or protection boxes or panels) Front covers of switches, sockets, etc. Insulation of lighting fixtures, and any kind of user devices Too often, the physical barriers which prevent direct contact with live electrical parts are damaged or missing. It is therefore necessary, before any other operation, to verify and reestablish these physical protections. This concerns the components of the electrical distribution systems as well as the appliances/devices/equipment supplied by these lasts. All components and appliances must be of an appropriate quality and in good condition – no deterioration of their protective qualities is acceptable. In the case of enclosures with doors that anyone can freely open, there are some additional specific requirements: - An additional protection must be installed inside of the enclosure. In the case of breaker panels, an additional protection layer must cover all junctions of the breakers, and only the part with the handle of the breaker should be accessible. For boards that do not have these additional inner protections of the electrical junctions, access must be restricted only to qualified electricians. These boards should be located into a closed technical room with restricted access, and otherwise access panels or doors should include locking mechanisms that can only be opened with a specific tool or dedicated key. 77 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 78 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 5.4. PROTECTION FROM INDIRECT CONTACT When a conductive (e.g. metallic) frame is in contact with a live electrical component because of a default of the device, touching this frame is as dangerous as touching the electrical component itself. This is called indirect contact, as the person is not touching the electrical component directly. Indirect contacts are as dangerous as direct contacts. The main protection against indirect contact is to connect all frames to an ‘equipotential earthing’ hence ensuring that the external surfaces of all objects that can be touched have the same voltage as the environment. The wiring system that connects all frames together in this way is called the protective earthing wire (PE). The following figure illustrates the principles of an equipotential protective earthing system. Losses GROUND Losses Figure 22: general principle of an equipotential bounding. Connecting all bodies and frames of devices to the ground reduces the potential (voltage) between the touchable parts of the appliances and the ground to close to zero volts – and hence reduces the risks associated with indirect contact. All losses due to a fault between phase and ground will be collected through the protective earthing wire and will go back to the neutral of the generator (or other power source), which is also earthed. The route of the losses is called the ‘fault loop’. L N PE The loss is collected by the neutral of the generator G EARTH STAKES THE LEAKAGE CURRENT PASSES THROUGH THE FRAME AND THEN TO THE EARTH WIRE P FAULT CONTACT BETWEEN PHASE AND FRAME! EARTH Figure 23 : Figure of a fault loop. 79 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Two different equipotential wiring systems are connected to the earth: 1. The protective earthing of the electrical system (all earth wires coming from the electrical terminals) 2. The protective earthing of the building (all protective wires coming from non-electrical objects which are conductive such as pipes, metallic carpentries, doors, windows, etc.) This is the general principle of the establishment of an equipotential of the frames and collection of losses through a protective earthing wire. However, different kinds of earthing systems are allowed, each of them having advantages and disadvantages. They are described into the next chapter, 5.5: The Earthing Systems. With a protective earth, most of the current losses pass by a controlled network of wires: the protective earthing system. Because it refers to the earth potential, if the loss is not too high, the contact voltage (voltage between a faulty device and the surrounding earthing) is decreased to an acceptable voltage of under 50V. But this voltage varies according to the conditions of the losses. If, compared to the total resistance of the fault loop (R (Phase wire) + R (fault)) + R (contactNeutral)) the resistance (R (Phase wire) + R (fault)) is very low, the contact voltage can increase over 50V. This is caused if R (fault) is very low, or if R (contact-Neutral) is too high. This contact voltage will also increase if the resistance between the surrounding earthing and the neutral is reduced (wet areas, bare feet, etc.). This means that the protection against dangerous contacts must include ground fault breakers. Requirements about Ground Fault breakers are explained in Section 5.6, Earth Leakage Protection Devices. The practical installation of an earthing system must also follow some rules. These will be detailed in the chapter about setup design and execution. 80 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 5.5. EARTHING SYSTEMS 5.5.1. DIFFERENT EARTHING SYSTEMS The need to install protective earthing systems has been clearly explained in the previous section about indirect contacts. We know that the neutral of the source and all frames must be connected to the earthing system. Different options are possible and must be examined. Whichever option is selected, the fundamentals of the protective earthing system remain the same: The pole of the power source that refers to the earth is called the Neutral It is defining the ‘0 Volt reference’ of the system It collects all losses coming back to the power source through the earth. All protective earthing systems include the interconnection of all metallic frames to an equipotential earthing. Any object of a given environment must refer to the potential of the ground (OV) Three main earthing systems are defined by the IEC (IEC 60364), They are called IT, TT, TN It is important to make the right choice for the earthing system of an installation. The two letters used to define earthing systems have the following meaning: The first letter is related to the neutral of the power source. o ‘I’ means that the neutral of the power source not directly connected to the earth. It is Isolated or is has an Impedant connection to the earth. (connection by the mean of an impedance - resistor or coil) o ‘T’ means that the neutral is connected to the earth (‘T’ comes from the French ‘Terre’ meaning earth) The second letter is related to the frames of the user devices. o ‘N’ means that the frames of the user devices are connected to the neutral o ‘T’ means that the frames of the user devices are connected to the earth 81 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 5.5.2. EXPLANATION OF THE THREE EARTHING SYSTEMS The IT earthing system For large installations, this system is rarely used and is difficult to manage. It concerns very small class II installations, or installations requiring a high level of continuity. Advantage: The first fault is never dangerous. In case of a single fault the service can be maintained. This is the reason why this system is for instance mandatory in sophisticated western medical operation theatres. Disadvantage: The insulation must be constantly controlled. The first fault must be detected and corrected before a second fault occurs and trig a protection breaker. Note: The IT earthing system is actually the one used by many very small generators (< 2 kVA) typically running to supply a small number of preferably class II users in a provisional and/or very small installation. It is acceptable because light portable generators often do not have any grounding connections (They are also Class II equipment). Additionally, with a small number of user devices the probability of a double fault is very low. The TT earthing system With the TT earthing system the neutral of the power source is earthed and the frames of the user devices are earthed separately. This system is the most common and it is often imposed when connecting to a public power distribution system. The neutral of the power source is connected to its frame which is then connected to an earthing rod. At the level of the power source the neutral and the earth are the same. On the side of the user devices all frames are connected to a separate earthing pole. The following figure illustrates the principles of a power distribution setup using a TT earthing system. Only the active wires are distributed Earthing of the neutral Earthing of the user devices Figure 24 : figure of a TT earthing system 82 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Advantages: - The intensity of the collected losses is limited by the earth resistance - Each user is responsible for their own protective earthing system Disadvantages: - Because the intensity of the losses is reduced by the resistance of the ground only Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCI), Residual Current Devices (RCD), Residual Current Circuit Breakers (RCCB), and Residual Current Circuit Breaker with Overload protection (RCBO) devices can protect against faulty circuits. - If the ground resistance is very high (sand, dry season etc.) the losses cannot be collected and GFCI devices would not be able to trip in case of an insulation fault occurring. - On public grids the quality and resistance of the earthing is also related to the earthing on the supply distribution side. If the earth on the supply side is not correct, even with a perfect earthing on the user’s side, the resistance of the ground loop or fault loop will not be correct. In this case the quality of the grounding can only be corrected if the faults on the distribution side are corrected. - In the case of a lightning strike, and depending upon the earth resistance, high voltages between user device frames and electrical system could be produced – damaging the the user devices. When using a TT earthing system: The earthing of the neutral and of the user devices are independent. The losses are passing through the ground. It is necessary to install residual current protection devices. If the ground resistance is too high the protection against losses is not effective. Voltage surges caused by lightning are more significant. The principles of the TT earthing system are illustrated in the figure following on next page. 83 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 TT 10 Ω < Earth resistance < 30 (100) Ω Figure 25: principle diagram of a TT system Earth resistance, GFCI and contact voltages in TT: • A 300mA GFCI will trip on a fair 230V fault (contact frame – phase) if the earth loop resistance is lower than 500 Ohms • A 30mA GFCI will trip on a fair 230V fault (contact frame – phase) if the earth loop resistance is even lower than 5000 Ohms • A 300mA GFCI will trip on a resistive fault (resistive contact frame – phase) with a contact voltage of 30V if the earth loop resistance is lower than 100 Ohms • A 30mA GFCI will trip on a resistive fault (resistive contact frame – phase) with a contact voltage of 30V if the earth loop resistance is even lower than 1000 Ohms • For these reasons the max earth loop resistance that is allowed is 100 Ohms, but it is recommended that the resistance of the earth loop is always lower than 30 Ohms. 84 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 The TN earthing systems within TN earthing systems the neutral of the power supply and the user devices frames are connected to the same earth. Advantages: • • • The fault loop has a permanent very low resistance. Protection devices are very sensitive and reliable Theoretically no need for Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter or Residual Current Device Disadvantages: • Fair faults (défaut franc in French) are short-circuits. There are a number of variations of the TN earthing system, designated by a third letter. TN systems can be ‘C’ (Combined Earthing) or ‘S’ (Separated Earthing). The three main variants are explained below: TNC System (The most basic one) In the TNC earthing system the neutral and the protective earthing are the same wire. This wire must be GREEN YELLOW and is called ‘PEN’. Its use is not recommended. It is only suitable for min 16mm² cables in industrial installations. The principles of the TNC earthing system are illustrated in the following figure. TNC Figure 26 : Diagram of a TNC System. 85 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Advantages: - Very low cost Disadvantages: - No breaker devices allowed on the neutral pole The neutral wire carries current and losses – a GFCI (RCD) device cannot be installed Important currents can pass into user device frames and the equipotential wiring, creating poor equipotential The PEN wire must be green-yellow. All junctions of the PEN are first made to the frame and only after from the frame to the neutral pole of the active electrical junctions. Some existing domestic installations are still wired with a TNC system, or similar. Such installations must be rewired with a separate protective earthing wire. TNS System (The most stable one) The earthing of the neutral is still the same as the earthing of the user device frames (TN), but in this case the Neutral and PE have each their own wire. Losses are only carried through the PE wire, and the equipotentiality of the frames is preserved. Use: Every kind of installation except those that must continue to function after the first fault. These should be protected with an IT system (as described earlier) as it provides a higher level of continuity. However, for reasons linked to the danger of lightnings, large size installations are requiring more than 1 earthing pole. Some limitations must therefore be made in case of large provisional emergency installations for which a TT system is most of the time more adapted, and are even mandatory if the cross section of the cables is lower than 16mm². TNS Figure 27: diagram of a TNS System. 86 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Advantages: - Very high reactivity of circuit breakers on fair faults. - Very high reactivity of RCD’s on resistive faults. - Higher selectivity than TT systems because MCB are tripping on fair faults. - The contact voltage of faulty devices always remains very low. - Better protection of user devices in case of lightning (single voltage reference). Disadvantages: - The selectivity of too sensitive DDR must be increased. - Fair faults can produce short-circuit currents, which can be destructive for the faulty devices. Constraints: The TNS earthing system is only suitable if you also control the earthing of the neutral at the power source. The TNS earthing system is the most suitable when the electrical installation is only powered by a generator. If the electrical installation is supplied by both the public grid (TT earthing system) and backup generators - there is no problem to run the generator with a TNS system. However, care must be taken to ensure that the neutral of the city power is not connected to the TNS earthing system through the neutral of the generator. In this situation, the pole(s) and the neutral wire of the unused source must be disconnected from the mains when operating the change-over switch. TNC-S System (The most affordable one) A TNC-S earthing system consists of a TNC system between the power source and the main board, and a TNS system after the main board. A TNC-S system is gives all the advantages of TNS system for a lower cost, as no separated PE needs to be installed between the power source and the main board. Remarks about TNC-S systems: • • As in a TNC system, the neutral wire from the power source to the main board must be at least 16mm², and the PEN wire must be green-yellow. It is strictly forbidden to go back to a TNC system after that it has passed to a TNS configuration. 87 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 A TNC_S System is a TN system beginning in TNC and ending in TNS: TNC-S Figure 28: Diagram of a TNC-S System. 88 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 5.5.3. USE OF RCDs WITH THE DIFFERENT EARTHING SYSTEMS Each of the 3 recognized earthing systems have advantages and disadvantages. Incomplete earthing systems or non-recognised earthing systems are also often encountered. These have to be replaced or improved in order to comply with recognised earthing systems and to satisfy the safety requirements. Only fully functional earthing systems are reliable. Whatever the earthing system used, protections against short-circuits must always be very fast and reliable. Their sensitivity must be accorded to the value of the potential short-circuit currents. But it is even more a concern in a TN system because fair faults are short-circuits. • • • • • In TT the RCD is breaking for faulty current remaining low even in case of fair faults. In TN, fair faults between phase and PE are shorts circuits. It becomes an additional reason to have well rated fast and reliable breakers. The breakers must trip immediately to avoid or reduce the damage that can be caused by short circuit currents at the level of a faulty contact with a frame. In TT, you have less selectivity than TN on fair losses that are most often breaking a general protection: most of the RCD are installed as general protection of boards, and only a few are used for the protection of final circuits, Because of their high cost. In TN, fair losses are breaking the final circuit protection, not the general one. The selectivity is higher with TN systems: RCD must also be installed in TN systems: • • • • Circuit breakers only detect fair faults. RCD are needed to detect resistive faults. Fair faults most often occur after resistive ones. Because of their high sensitivity to resistive faults in TN systems, RCD will prevent most of them. Defaults are detected very soon. To maintain the selectivity on fair faults, RCD’s installed as general protection must be of the selective type ‘S’ – delayed. Some commonly found problems with earthing systems, and suggestions on how to address these problems, are given in the section ‘Tools and Templates’. 89 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Summary about the different earthing systems Safety Losses/ Protection 1st fault Yes 2nd fault No No loss on 1st fault IT With Insulation controller Good if RE+ Ru < 30 Low losses. Dist (EarthInto PE TT User) < Need RCD 15m ShortCircuit Lightning IT TN Earth Dist (C & S) (Earth-User) < 15m TNC TNS Random: No RCD Wiring MCB Wiring MCB On fair faults, Losses are local short-circuits into frames. Protection with MCB Into PEN and Wiring frames. and Unprotected frames on low losses. Into PE. Very good RE=RU < 1 On low losses: RCD Wiring Floating Higher risk for devices. Need SPD Power Range < 2000W, Class II > 2000W, Class II Installation Cost Low Small < 15m Very high All Public grid. Long distances Medium Bad. Need SPD > 16mm² Cu Allowed between source and main board. Low Very good. Lower surges. Need SPD > 15m All All Medium Table 5: Main features of the various earthing systems 90 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 5.5.1. EARTHING SYSTEMS – EARTHING RODS In the previous section, earthing rods were mentioned in relation to the different earthing system used. A TT earthing system uses two earthing rods (1 at the power source and 1 for earthing the user device frames). A TN earthing system only uses 1 earthing rod (at the power source). However, beside these basic differences in the earthing systems, the effects of ground voltage caused by lightning also vary according to the number of earthing rods and the distance between them. Installations in countries with frequent thunderstorms must be protected against voltage surges linked to ground currents caused by lightning. Earthing systems and configurations are consistent only if the size of the installation is such that the distance from the earthing rod to the most remote point of the installation is less than 15 meters. In situations where this distance is further than 15m, steps should be taken to improve the earthing system. - In TT systems, if the distance between the earthing of the neutral and the earthing of the user devices is more than 15 m, surge protection is needed to protect sensitive devices. In almost all TT installations there is more than 15m between the earthing rods – hence the majority of TT systems will need to be equipped with surge protection devices (SPD). - In TN systems, if the distance between the earthing rod and the user devices is more than 15m, an additional earthing rod must be installed (closer to the user devices). Voltage surges will remain lower than in TT systems, but when an additional earthing rod has been installed, surge protection devices will also be needed. Only the reduction of the distance between user devices and earthing stake can mitigate the risk for people to be electrified by a frame in case of a lightning strike close by. Installations with more than one voltage reference must be protected against the variation of the ground voltage caused by lightning – which can cause voltage surges between frames and electrical systems. The difference of voltage between several earthing components can be reduced if these earthing components are linked to each other. Anyway when we have more than one earthing rod, lightning arresters must be installed at the level of all earthed ends (generators and boards) It is common to use the PE wire of the main distribution to interlink the earthing rods. However, at the moment of a lightning strike significant currents can be produced in this cable, causing it to burn out (particularly if it is less than 16mm2 in cross section). This situation can be improved by using underground PE interlinks instead of a PE wire included in the distribution cable. Such an underground interlink must be made with a bare conductor. It can be a 35mm² flat tinned copper braid, or a flat 100mm² galvanized steel ribbon. 91 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Finally, making such an underground interlink between earthing rods, included the one of the power source - even in a TT configuration - will have the same effect as having a TT configuration with a very low earth resistance, even if the quality of the soil is very resistive. Such an enhanced TT setup will definitely correct and stabilize too high earth resistances that we can observe in some regions during the dry season. This is of course much more the case in dry sandy soils. On the other hand, such an improvement of a TT system will turn it similar to a TN one, because the fault loop will have the same very low resistance. In other terms, underground interlinks of all earthing rods is making a very good TT system which is completely similar to a TN system. In that case, all requirements specific to TN systems must be respected. The next figure shows the principle of such an improvement. Figure 29: Use of underground links to improve the earth resistance. 92 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 5.6. EARTH LEAKAGE PROTECTION DEVICES An earth leakage protection device is a security device that will break off the power in case of losses: Accorded to the various local vocabularies they can be called ‘Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters’ (GFCI), ‘Residual Current Devices’ (RCD), ‘Residual Current Circuit-Breakers’ (RCCB), ‘Leakage Current Breakers’ or ‘Safety Breakers’. All are protection devices which turn off circuits if the measured losses are higher than their rating. PROTECTIONS inside the distribution board GENERATOR L L 1 L 2 3N DEFAULT A300 mA GFCI installed into the breaker board will detect the loss and will break the circuit. User Device Loss > 300mA GROUND Figure 30: The use of earth leakage protection devices These devices will detect losses and shut down the faulty circuits. They are very important for the majority of electrical installations, even if a protective earthing system is correctly installed. How are they functioning? - In practice, in a power supply circuit, the sum of electrical flow (forward + backward) must be zero. If this is not the case, it means that there is a loss in the system. The Residual Current Device measures this current value which ‘escapes’ the current flow system and returns to the generator by taking another route: whether it is via the earthing cable or through the ground itself. The requirements for RCDs are defined by: IEC 60755 (general requirements), IEC 61008 (RCCBs – Residual current circuit breakers), and IEC 61009 (RCBOs residual current circuit breaker with overload protection). An RCD can detect low leakage currents that could flow through the body of a person. It thus provides additional protection if the normal protection means fail, e.g. old or damaged insulation, human error, etc. This can also be referred to as the ultimate protection because it can interrupt the current even if the other devices have failed. 93 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 The use of a 30 mA RCD on all circuits supplying socket-outlets up to 20 A is now mandatory, as per IEC 60364-4-41 (Electrical installations in buildings: Protection for safety: Protection against electric shock). Note that an RCD does not limit the instantaneous current flowing through the body, but does limit the time for which the current flows. Note also that for a direct contact with a 230 V phase conductor, the current flowing would be approximately 150 mA. RCDs with 10 or 30 mA ratings let the same current through. The two ratings provide equivalent protection. However, the 30 mA threshold provides a cost-effective compromise between safety and continuity of service. Downstream of an RCD, it is possible to supply a number of loads or circuits as long as the leakage current does not trip the RCD. For a given leakage current, a reduction in the threshold makes it necessary to increase the number of protective devices. Protection against indirect contacts An RCD is the only solution to protect against indirect contacts on a TT system because the dangerous fault current is too low to be detected by overcurrent protective devices. It is also a simple solution for the TN-S and IT systems. For example, when the supply cable is very long, the low fault current makes it difficult to set the overcurrent protective devices. And when the length of the cable is unknown, calculation of the fault current is impossible and use of an RCD is the only possible solution. Under these conditions, the RCD operating threshold must be set to somewhere between a few amperes and a several tens of amperes. Protection against fire hazards IEC 60364-4-42 (Electrical installations in buildings: Protection for safety: Protection against thermal effects) also recognizes RCD effectiveness in protecting against fire hazards by requiring their use with a maximum operating threshold of 500 mA. This threshold will likely be reduced to 300 mA in the near future, as already recommended by certain national standards such as NF C 15-100 in France. In practice, almost no national regulation requires a protection threshold of 30mA for socket circuits as it is however required by IEC 60364-4-41. The most common requirement is to have a 300mA RCD as a general protection of a distribution board, and a 30mA protection on circuits supplying wet areas (bathrooms, outdoor circuits, laundries…) Unless local requirements are more demanding, (E.g. the US NEC, requiring 5mA protection on each socket) our internal rule is therefore to follow this common requirement, provided that all requirements about the protection against direct contacts and the first requirements about the protection against indirect contacts, meaning an efficient earthing of all frames, are fully respected. 94 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Residual current devices: symbol, values and types. 1. SYMBOL : Figure 31: Detailed Symbol of a RCD 2. VALUES: RATE OF A RESIDUAL CURRENT DEVICE = value of the loss permanently admissible without any risk of triggering the RCD. Every loss having a greater value will trigger the RCD. ADMITTED CURRENT = maximum value of the user current permitted, and maximum rate of the upstream breaker 3. TYPES: RESIDUAL CURRENT CIRCUIT BREAKER (RCCB): Autonomous operation downstream of a circuit-breaker. Good choice if the upstream breaker is protecting several residual current circuit breakers, or is installed into an upstream panel. Example: Four Pole 300mA Residual Current Breaker with an admitted current up to 63A Figure 32: Mounting scheme of a RCCB ! THE ADMITTED CURRENT MUST BE EQUAL TO OR HIGHER THAN THE RATE OF THE UPSTREAM BREAKER 95 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 RESIDUAL CURRENT CIRCUIT BREAKER WITH OVERLOAD PROTECTION (RCBO): Combining the function of residual current protection with the function of a circuit breaker. The symbol to be used is adapted to the corresponding type:, it combines the symbol of a circuit breaker with the symbol of a residual current device. Figure 33: figure of a RCBO RCBO are space saving devices, but they have a limited ruggedness, and you have a limited choice about the short-circuit protection type (curve of the magnetic trigger). RESIDUAL CURRENT TRIGGER DEVICES: Residual current tester mechanically linked to an associated upstream breaker. The symbol shows the measurement device and the system of mechanical coupling. Figure 34: symbol of a residual current trigger device Easy to mount. It is possible to choose the breaker curve type. The Residual Current Trigger Device is keyed, so that only a breaker from the same brand and having a rate equal to or lower than the current admitted by the residual current device can be linked to it. Figure 35: mounting of a trigger RCD 96 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 DIFFERENT TYPES OF RCD ARE ALSO PROPOSED ACCORDED TO THEIR SELECTIVITY AND IMMUNITY. AC Class Triggering is ensured for sinusoidal, alternating currents, whether they be quickly applied or slowly increase. A Class Triggering is ensured for sinusoidal, alternating residual currents as well as for pulsed DC residual currents, whether they be quickly applied or slowly increased. Application: loads with electronics, rectifiers, and instruments. ‘si’ type Reinforced continuity of supply on disturbed networks with: A high risk of nuisance triggering: successive lightning strikes, presence of electronic ballasts, presence of switchgear that incorporates interference filters i.e. lighting, microcomputing, etc. Sources of blinding: presence of harmonics or high frequency rejection, presence of DC components: diodes, thyristors, triacs. ‘SiE’ type The RCCB/ID ‘SiE’ types are particularly suitable for use in humid environments and/or environments polluted by aggressive agents, for example swimming pools, marinas, the foodprocessing industry, water treatment plants, industrial sites. They also incorporate RCCB/ID ‘si’ functions. Instantaneous Ensure instantaneous triggering (no time-delay). Selective (Time delayed) Total discrimination can be achieved using a non-selective residual current device placed downstream. They should be chosen for the general leakage current protection when in a TN configuration, or an enhanced TT configuration with a very low fault loop resistance. If fair defaults are occurring in such configuration, they will ensure discrimination with downstream circuit-breakers 97 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 TESTING OF RCD’s Figure 36: Testing of a RCD Residual current devices have a test button. This button should be pushed every month to verify if the differential is functioning correctly. Note that this test is only a mechanical test of the RCD. Only RCD testing devices can verify the actual behavior of an RCD when there is a loss. Requirements about RCD uses Accorded to the situation, the right class or type of RCD must be selected. - RCCBs are always the best choice. It is not advised to use RCBOs. - The ‘SiE’ type is the most adapted to the conditions typically encountered in most of the countries where humanitarian interventions are needed. - Evidently, the selective type is always preferable for the general protection of an installation, or the general protection of boards supplying user devices requiring a high continuity of service, specifically with a TN or similar configuration. Where to install RCD’s, and what rates to use • General protection of a setup Head protection of a main board for current rates > 63A The correct rate is between 1% and 2% of the rated current of the installation. • General protection of a final board, or installations with a current rate < 63A Unless the use of 30mA RCD is required by local authorities, 300mA is the max rate allowed for the general (head) protection of final boards. If needed, the selectivity can be increased by installing several RCDs, each protecting up to 15 final circuits, or a supplied surface of 150m². • Specific protection of final circuits 98 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Unless the use of 5mA or 10mA RCD is required by local authorities 30mA is the max rate allowed for the individual protection of circuits supplying some specific user devices or areas: Bathrooms Water heaters Washing machines Outdoor circuits Every Class I user device using water or being installed in wet or potentially wet areas The use of RCDs provides a very high level of safety for individuals and an excellent protection against fire, and for this reason RCDs are required in all electrical installations. But whatever the sensitivity and quantity of RCD that are installed, the primary means of ensuring the safety of people remains the complete protection against direct contact and the installation of a complete earthing system. 99 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 100 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 5.7. WORKING ON ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS: PROTECTION RULES Certified Electricians Technical interventions on electrical systems should only be performed by certified electricians, or by an electrician apprentice supervised by a certified electrician. The certification of the electrician must be according to the voltage level of the circuits where the intervention must be performed. In practice we never have to work with voltages higher than 600 V, but if it is needed to work on circuits with higher voltages, an electrician certified for medium or high voltages must be called, even if the concerned circuits are out of power. Turning the power off For all works inside distribution boards, the main breaker of the distribution board must be set in the OFF position. For all works on circuits, the closest upstream circuit breaker must be turned off. When the power has been turned off it must always be verified with a voltmeter that the power is actually off. It must be avoided that anyone could accidentally turn the breaker back into the ON position while working is going on. The breaker must be blocked by a padlock, or the door of the board must be locked with a key, or the room where the board is installed must be locked. If it is not possible to lock the breaker, the door or the room, all other means that can avoid an accidental reconnection of the concerned circuits must be used: the breaker can be blocked with a piece of tape, or the outgoing wires can be disconnected from the breaker and wrapped with tape (to avoid any contact with other circuits). Signalization In each case, and particularly when the circuit breaker that has been turned off to ensure safety cannot be readily seen by the worker while he is working - a warning panel, and/or a signalization tape, must be installed and easily visible indicating that an electrician is working on the system. 101 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 In every instances, and for certain if there is even a small probability that the circuits where it is needed to work can be accidentally reconnected during the time of the works, an ultimate safety measure is to connect to the ground all live wires supplying the worksite by the mean of thick cables equipped with alligator clips. In that case, any attempt of reconnection will resume in a triggering of the upstream protection device and the transient voltage will be reduced close to the earth voltage. Works on electrified parts If it is unavoidable to work on live parts the technician must wear 1000 Volts insulated gloves. Insulated gloves are not very strong and can suffer cuts or tears easily, and must be checked thoroughly prior to use. In order avoid damaging them, it is recommended to wear strong gloves over the insulated ones. Even when working with insulated gloves touching electrified parts with the hands must be avoided. It is always preferable to use insulated tools instead. A protection against sparks must also be worn. They consist in a helmet to protect the hair and a transparent protective mask to protect the face and the eyes. Additional protection can be given by wearing safety shoes, and or standing on an insulated carpet. Use of insulated tools. Even when working on circuits that are insulated from the mains, only dedicated electrician’s tools should be used. Electrician’s tools are almost completely covered with an insulating material. They must be 1000V insulated and compliant to EN/IEC 60900. Figure 37: insulated electrician handtools 102 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 5.8. FIRE SAFETY Electrical sparks and overheating of components is a very common origin of fires. It is believed that in developed countries, 40% of fires are caused by electrical defaults, as illustrated below: Explosion 1% Lightning 1% Electricity 41% Bare flame 37% Accident 7% Other 7% Cigarette 6% Figure 38: statistics about fire origins Fires not only damage goods and materials, they also present a significant risk of death or injury. Apart from the direct dangers posed by electrical installations, fires caused by electrical faults are a significant indirect risk from electrical installations. Fires can be caused by a wide range of electrical issues, such as overloaded circuits, short circuits, poor quality or inappropriate equipment (cables, breakers, etc.) or poor quality of workmanship in installing the system. It is possible to speculate that people are more often affected by fires caused by electrical problems than they are affected directly by electrical faults (such as electrocution). Additionally, fires can potentially affect a large number of people at the same time, whereas electrocution frequently only affects a single person at a time. Even if strongly related to the safety of people, technically protection against fire is considered as part of the protection of equipment. The next chapter deals with electrical equipment and specific requirements regarding their protection. It includes all standards and rules needed to avoid fires due to faults in electrical installations. 103 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 The cause of many electrical fires is a significant short-duration temperature rise or electric arc due to an insulation fault. Unfair or corroded junctions are also important causes of sparks, overheating, and fire. The risk increases with the level of the fault current. It also depends on the level of fire or explosion hazard specific to the room (storage of flammable materials, presence of volatile hydrocarbons, etc.). Many electrical fires are caused by a combination of factors: old installation, wear of insulation, bad junctions, losses, accumulation of dust and humidity, etc. Leakage current Carbonised insulation and dust Small discharges Figure 39: Process resulting in a fire These are additional reasons to investigate for weak points of electrical installations and user devices, and to correct all problems found. Well installed and correctly rated RCDs are also an important and compulsory protection against the dangers of fire. It is also too common that people consider that the installation of smoke detectors, fire alarm systems and fire extinguishers is the correct way to ensure fire safety. However, alarms and extinguishers only help a faster reaction and to reduce the consequences of a fire – once it has already started. Whilst it is always good to mitigate the consequences of an existing risk, no alarm system or extinguisher has ever avoided an electrical fire starting. The only way to avoid an electrical fire is to have a well-designed and well-constructed electrical system using good quality and appropriate equipment. 104 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 5.9. LIGHTNING PROTECTION Lightning is a major cause of accidents concerning people and equipment. The consequences of lightning mostly affect the ongoing operation of an electrical installation. Protection against lightning should be according to: • • The factor of risk, which is related to the ‘keraunic level’ (yearly lightning intensity – in hits/km²/years or days of thunderstorm/ year). The operational criticality and cost of the assets and equipment that could be damaged by lightning. The following figure illustrates the annual frequency of thunderstorms throughout the world. Figure 40: Map of the annual frequency of thunderstorms 105 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 There are three types of accidents related to lightning strikes. Fire As a direct effect of lightning striking flammable materials (roof, wooden poles, etc.) The next sketch shows where theoretically are the points most likely to be hit by lightning strikes – these are represented by the red areas. 90% of the lightning strikes can be expected to hit these areas. These areas can be identified by considering a hypothetical sphere, 100m in diameter, rolling across the surface of the ground (presented by the light blue circles in the figure). Where this sphere could come into direct contact with the surface represents the areas vulnerable to lightning strikes (areas shown in red, with yellow figures of lightning). Figure 41: Potential lightning sites on a landscape profile Lightning rods are designed to work in the same way as these red areas represented into the sketch. They will attract lightning and hence decrease the danger of lightning strikes in the surrounding area. A lightning rod which is 15 meter over the surrounding landscape will avoid lightning hits up to a distance of 35 meters. R= 50m Lightning rod, h=15m over the surrounding landscape Protected zone h=15m d=35m Lightning rods do not have any effect on the protection of electrical installations, in fact it is the contrary. Because they attract lightning, lightning rods increase the number of hits received by the site. Their unique protective effect is related to the danger of fire, as they decrease direct hits on surrounding roofs and other objects that could potentially catch fire. Figure 42: area of protection of a lightning rod If lightning rods are installed, the protection of the electrical installation against the effects of lightning must be increased, at least in areas close to the lightning rod. For this reason, it is rarely advisable to install lightning rods. Only specific equipment, such as high antennas, that are ‘natural’ lightning rods - should be considered in more detail to reduce the risk of damage by lightning strikes. Such ‘attracting objects’ like high antennas should be located as far as possible away from the electrical installations. For other structures, such as a corrugated sheet roof, if they are connected to the earthing system, the danger of fire is already significantly reduced. 106 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Electrocution of people When there is a lightning strike, very sudden and significant currents radiate into the ground from the initial point of impact. This means that the voltage can vary by several thousand volts within a few metres. In this situation, the voltage within the protective earthing close to the lightning strike can suddenly become significantly different from the voltage in remote parts of the site. If the distance to the closest earthing stake is large, the voltage of all frames connected to the protective earthing can become very different from the voltage of the physical site where the frame is installed. Hence, anyone standing close to a frame connected to a remote earthing stake could be electrified. For this reason, it is recommended that the distance from any location inside the area of distribution of an electrical system to the closest earthing stake must be less than 15 metres. There are three ways to decrease the danger from lightning strikes: - Have earthing stakes in close proximity - Increase the equipotentiality of the site. The more conductive and well connected the site is to the ground, the lower will be the voltage difference between different parts of the site. - When a lightning rod is present, it should be correctly connected to the protective earthing. To increase the equipotentiality (and hence the safety) of a site, all earthing grids (building, electrical, radio, lightning rods, etc.) must be connected together. Destruction of equipment We have seen in the previous point that people are protected from being electrified by indirect effects of lightings by installing close earthing stakes. On large sites, this means that you will have several earthing stakes. If there is a voltage difference between the earthing of the neutral (on the side of the source) and the local earthing of the electrical system, ground currents caused by lightning could induce a high voltage between equipment frames and the electrical system. High voltages between the earthing and the electrical system are a major source of equipment damage. There are three means to help avoid such voltage surges: - Again, by ensuring the equipotentiality of the site. Earthing belts and underground mesh in the foundations of the building (min 5m x 5m) are a good solution to help ensure this equipotentiality. - The installation of surge protection devices in breaker boards. - The installation of local surge protection devices to protect critical and sensitive materials. 107 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Installation of surge protection devices Surge protection devices (SPDs) connect all active and protection wires at the site where they are installed. They constantly monitor the voltage between active wires, and between active wires and the earthing. In case of voltage surges they create a short-circuit between the concerned conductors. This short circuit reduces the voltage surge to an acceptable value. SPDs employed as part of the structure’s fixed installation are classified according to the requirements and loads on the installation sites as surge protective devices Type 1, 2 and 3 (or class I, II, III) and tested according to IEC 61643-1. These three levels of protection are according to different protection zones: - Type1 (class I) for main electrical boards in highly dangerous areas. Type 2 (class II) for average danger – protection in sub distribution boards. And type 3 (class III) for protection at the level of the consumer. The concept of lightning protection zones (LPZ) according to IEC 62305-4 for power supply systems are stipulated in IEC 60364-5-53/A2 (IEC 64/1168/CDV: 2001) In practice: a. In breaker boards close to a lightning rod, or in main electrical boards installed in areas with high risk of lightning In this case the surge protection devices must be able to resist a current up to 100kA (max direct current of a lightning strike), and a Class 1 SPD must be installed. However, their cost is very high (more than $500 per pole). This is one of the reasons to avoid having lighting attractors too close to electrical installations. However, in case costly critical user devices are installed, Class 1 SPD can be a good statistical investment. Class a1 SPD also protect class 2 SPD otherwise installed in the other boards of the installation. b. In other breaker boards In most countries, Class 2 SPD must be installed in all breaker boards which have their own associated earthing stake. They can withstand short-circuits currents up to 10 – 45kA (depending upon the length of the surge). Note that the distance of protection is limited to 15 meters, and additional protection must be installed if necessary to avoid exceeding this distance. Other rules are associated to this factor of distance, and reference should be made to Chapter 7. The cost of a Class 2 SPD is about $50 per pole. c. In sockets supplying sensitive equipment This level of protection devices are not able to manage high surges and must be protected by upstream Class 1 or 2 equipment, and within a distance of 15m. They can also be installed inside sensitive devices. An important feature of SPDs is that they have a ‘Follow current extinguishing capability’. When they trip, SPDs make a short circuit during the time of the surge. But the source (generator) also supplies the short circuit during that time. This current from the source which is not interrupted after the surge has ended is called ‘the follow current’ and if this short – circuit current coming from the source is too high, the SPD cannot return to its resting position and it burns out. The current extinguishing capacity is about 300A For Class 1 protection and 150A for Class 2 protection. In the case where the upstream breaker has a 108 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 higher rate, the SPD must be protected by a dedicated 250A (Class 1) or a 125A (Class 2) fuse or circuit breaker. In every case, the SPD must be installed downstream from the main breaker of the breaker board where it is installed. (fuse, 300A) LPZ 1, Type 1 SPD (fuse, 125A) LPZ 2, Type 2 SPD LPZ 3, Type 3 SPD Figure 43: Installation diagram of lightning protections accorded to protection zones The above figure illustrates the 3 zones and classes of protection. MEBB means ‘main earthing bonding bar’, and EBB means ‘Earthing bonding bar’. The figure does not show the circuit breakers. F1 is the main overload protection at the SEB (Service entrance board). F2 are 300A fuses to protect Class 1 SPDs if the upstream CB is bigger than 300A. F3 are 125A fuses to protect Class 2 SPDs if the upstream CB is bigger than 125A. In a situation where the SPD cannot extinguish the ‘follow current’ an upstream fuse or circuit breaker must be able to trip and interrupt the short circuit current. Because SPDs can be damaged after severe and repeated shocks, they are equipped with indicators if they are still in a good state or not. Some have auxiliary contacts that can act on warning lights or other alarm system when the device needs to be replaced. SPDs must be regularly inspected, and damaged ones replaced. It is recommended to maintain a stock of spare SPDs cartridges in order to facilitate rapid replacement of damaged ones. Figure 44: Modular surge protection device This SPD is a 4 pole modular device with replaceable cartridges. The green windows show that it is in a good state. 109 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 110 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 6. EQUIPMENT: QUALITY AND USAGE REQUIREMENTS. Electrical installations are only made up of cables, junctions, enclosures, switchgears, and protections. Cables must be according to the situation and usage requirements. Their type, size, and colour are defined in accordance with technical requirements, local features and regulations. The section 6.1 is dedicated to cables and wires. Junctions connect cables together or with terminals. Junctions must also be according to the situation and usage requirement. They will be discussed in section 6.2 Enclosures are needed to protect various parts of the installations. Requirements for enclosures are presented in section 6.3 Switchgear are switching and isolating the main distribution circuits when required. They can be general switches, or change-over switches, and must also meet specific requirements. They will be discussed in section 6.4 Circuit-breakers are exclusively dedicated to the protection of the cables. Their quality and correct protection rating will be discussed in section 6.5 6.1. CABLES All the electrical power supplied to sockets, lights and other user terminals is delivered through a network of cables and wires. Hence, cables and wires are the most important part of an electrical installation. 6.1.1. CABLES: GETTING THE RIGHT QUALITY For most of the uses, the wire core must be pure, bare or tinned copper (Tin offers a better protection against corrosion) Be very vigilant: Some fake/counterfeit cables are made with coppered steel! How to check if a cable is made of copper or steel? Steel wires are easy to recognize. Steel is a hard metal while copper is a soft one. Steel is more rigid than copper, and if you bend slightly a steel wire it will come back into place like a spring. If you do the same with copper, you need much less strength to bend the wire and it will stay bent. However it is not as easy when considering stranded wires. The thinner the individual strands making your stranded wire, the more flexible will be the wire. There will no longer be this spring effect even if the wire is made of steel. But very thin steel wires are burnable, and corrosion (rust) might be visible at the end of the wire. 111 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Aluminium is also very common. It is cheaper than copper and it is therefore increasingly used, especially when large cross sections are needed. Such usage must be reserved for cross sections starting from 35 mm². Compared with copper, aluminium is lighter, but it is less conductive. To obtain a cable resistance equivalent to copper, its cross section must be doubled. (35mm² Al = 16mm² Cu) It is sometimes used for underground cabling, but the most frequent use of aluminium is for aerial lines, because of its light weight. Provisions when installing aerial lines Except for short distances, aerial cables cannot support themselves. They must be carried by a carrier line, generally made with galvanized steel. The electrical line is then hung from this supporting wire, which carries all the weight loading between the supports. Aerial lines must be protected against the effects of lightning, particularly when the distances are large. With thick cross sections it is easier to use several single conductor wires instead of a multi-conductor cable. To reduce the effects of voltage surges in aerial lines, the cable must be twisted, having 3 turns per meter. If multi-conductor cable is being used, it must be verified that the conductors are twisted inside the cable. Single conductor wires can be twisted manually. The uses of the different metals for electrical works: Aluminium Aluminium /Copper Plain Copper Tinned Copper Coppered Steel Fake cables, braid, earthing material Cable (mainly aerial lines) Junctions of aerial lines to copper wiring Cable, braid, earthing material Cable, braid, earthing material For Cable core > 35² Must be protected Recommended if strands are > 0.20mm² Mandatory if strands are < 0.20mm² NEVER The surface of bare aluminium is always oxidised. It must be cleaned before a junction is made Aluminiumcopper junctions must be made with dedicated junction pieces, and must be protected Large cross sections are very expensive. Very thin strands can be vulnerable to corrosion Tin protects the copper from corrosion The copper accelerates the corrosion of the steel Cheap Cheap Expensive Expensive Expensive effects Steel + Zinc Earthing material Only for earthing equipment The zinc protects the steel from corrosion (grounding stakes, grounding belts (galvanized steel ribbons) Cheap Table 6: Use of different metals in electric works 112 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Steel, Copper, Zinc, Aluminium – Solutions related to inter-metallic junctions When different kinds of metal are in contact one with another, corrosion effects can be very destructive, especially in humid conditions. In the case of bimetallic junctions, some provisions must be taken, and some associations must be completely avoided. Coppered Steel: Is often found in fake copper cables, and is also commonly used for earthing rods, and braided earthing belts. Copper does not protect steel against corrosion, in fact it is the opposite. Once the protective copper coating is damaged, corrosion of the steel begins very quickly. Iron oxide is more voluminous than iron and it will spall off the copper, thereby exacerbating the corrosion of the steel. Coppered steel should not be used, and grounding rods made from coppered steel are not reliable. Copper – Aluminium Junctions: Aluminium is only authorised for power cables starting from 35mm², and it is used primarily for aerial lines. Aluminium exposed to the air is fast oxidising on the surface, and this layer protects aluminium from further contact with the air, preventing further and deeper corrosion. Copper cables join the aluminium aerial lines to the local distribution system. Copper will exacerbate the corrosion of aluminium surfaces in contact with it. Corroded junctions mean losses and overheating caused by their reduced conductivity. Junctions between copper and aluminium are allowed, but they must be made with dedicated junctions and protected against air and moisture. Tinned cable shoes or tin solder applied to the copper surface before joining the copper wire with the cleaned aluminium will decrease the reaction. The pressure between surfaces must be maintained by screwed brass cage terminals. Several layers of car paint finalising the work will help ensure a good junction. Zinc Plated Steel: Is a very good association as zinc protects the steel even if the zinc plating is damaged. Like steel, zinc is less conductive than copper, but its corrosion protection of steel makes it a better option than Coppered Steel. Pure copper is evidently a better conducting material, but its price often makes it an impractical for earthing installations. Zinc plated steel is a good compromise between price, durability and conductivity and hence it is highly recommended that earthing installations use zinc plated steel if copper is not an option. Insulation: A lot of different insulation materials having varying characteristics are proposed by cable manufacturers. The most commonly used types of electrical insulation are: PVC (of various types) PE (polyethylene), and rubber. Most of the time, both the insulation of the wire and – if existing - the external coating of the cable are made out of PVC or PE. Rubber and other elastomers (silicone, flexible PVC) are used for flexible cables. PVC meets most of the qualities required for standard applications. 113 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 The thickness and arrangement of the insulation layers varies depending upon the voltage and environmental stress. For example, provisional installations must have cables with a high level of mechanical resistance, and hence only flexible cables with a thick rubber coating (min 3mm) can be used. Armoured cables are used in fixed installations, when a higher mechanical resistance is needed, specifically for underground cables, or for sites having higher mechanical stresses. Verification of the insulation quality The mechanical integrity and resistance of the insulation must be verified (elasticity, flexibility, no cracks). If corrosion appears at the end of the wire, it must be verified that the insulated part of the core is not corroded inside of the cable. It must be verified that the insulation is not adherent to the conductor. Adherence between the insulation material and the core means that the quality of the cable is probably not acceptable. This is sometimes due to bad quality material or production process, but it also occurs when cables have reached a too high temperature (overloaded second hand cables, storage temperature). Adherence between the insulation layers (core insulation, filling material, external coating) is also a sign of bad quality or overheated cables. Adherence is a sign of potential danger and causes technical difficulties. If it is a consequence of a precedent overheating, the regularity of the thickness and original physical properties of the insulation material is not ensured anymore, and could weaken the insulation properties. Insulation grade: Must be rated 600-700V and tested 2000V. Even if the rated voltage is only 400/230V the insulation must be able to face higher voltages. Surges due to events on the network (thunderstorms, disconnection of inductive loads) that could reach more than 1000V are very common, and it is not admissible that the insulation material could be destroyed by such events. 114 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 6.1.2. CABLES: GETTING THE RIGHT CABLE FOR THE RIGHT USE I. RIGID OR FLEXIBLE According to IEC standards (IEC 60228), cables are sorted into 4 classes of rigidity: Class 1: Solid (plain) core: Solid conductor, the core is formed by one single wire with a diameter up to 6 or 10 mm2 (also denoted by the letter U). Class 2: Wired (stranded) core: Stranded conductor intended for fixed installation. For cores with a diameter over 6 or 10 mm2, the core is usually formed by a number of thin wires (also referred to by the letter R). Class 5: Flexible Wired (stranded) core: The core is formed by a large number of thin wires. Class 6: Very Flexible Wired (stranded) core: RIGID CABLES Cables Class 1 Class 2 FLEXIBLE CABLES Wired Core Class 5 Flexible Core Class 6 Very Flexible Strands < 0.20mm²: tinned copper is preferred Solid Core mm² (1 strand) 1.5 2.5 BEST USE 4 6 10 N strand max AVOID Cross section VERY RIGID 35 50 70 95 120 150 185 240 BEST USE 25 NOT AVAILABLE (TOO RIGID) 16 s max /strand mm² N strands min s max / strand mm² N strands min s max / strand mm² 7 0,21 29 0.053 76 0.020 7 0,36 48 0.053 125 0.020 7 0,57 54 0.075 200 0.020 7 0,86 80 0.075 174 0.035 7 1,43 77 0.13 290 0.035 7 2,29 122 0.13 463 0.035 7 3,57 190 0.13 723 0.035 7 5,00 266 0.13 1012 0.035 19 2,63 380 0.13 663 0.075 19 3,68 344 0.20 928 0.075 19 5,00 466 0.20 1260 0.075 19 6,32 588 0.20 1591 0.075 19 7,89 735 0.20 1988 0.075 19 9,74 907 0.20 1402 0.132 19 12,63 1176 0.20 1819 0.132 Table 7: Classes of cables 115 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 a. RIGID CABLES Features/ quality requirements: Single core (solid cable, class 1) up to 4/6 mm² Stranded wires are made out of several twisted solid wires (the strands) For cables from 6/10mm², stranded wires of class 2 must be used. The criteria of rigidity reported in the table above are indicative. Practically, it is the rigidity of the wire which is the factor of importance. Too thick strands make the cable too rigid, and it cannot be bent. Too thin strands make the cable too flexible, and it cannot be used anymore in fixed installations, unless special provisions are applied for the junctions (See section on flexible cables). Solid core rigid single conductor cable Solid core rigid multiple conductor cable Figure 45 : several kinds of rigid cables Wired rigid conductor – strands are thick enough to get a ‘rigid’ cable but they allow that it can be curved in position Use of rigid cables: 6.1 Rigid cables are allowed for fixed installations, indoor and outdoor. -Are allowed for circuits wiring and internal board wiring. 6.2 Rigid cables cannot be used with portable or moving equipment - Cannot be used to supply equipment subjects to vibrations - Cannot be used as an extension cord or power cord for any electric device Each cable also has a minimum bending radius. If the bending radius is too small, the cable can be damaged. The thicker and more rigid a cable, the higher the minimum bending radius. For example, solid single conductor cables have a minimum bending radius of 5 x the cable diameter, whereas armoured cables have a minimum bending radius of 15 x the cable diameter. 5 < R/d <15 (Pending the type of cable) R d Figure 46: bending radius of cables Too small bending radius the cable is damaged 116 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Limits of use with rigid cables. Carrying out wiring internally within a board is very difficult with rigid cables when the cross section is over 6mm². In this situation, flexible wires will facilitate the job and can be used instead, provided that the wire ends are equipped with cable terminals. More details are given in the sections dealing with flexible cables, junctions and about boards. b. FLEXIBLE CABLES Features/ quality requirements: Thin wire strands are easier to use, but they are more vulnerable to corrosion than thicker ones. Good insulation must prevent exposing the wire strands to external agents. Some insulation material can become porous when age. Also, in poor quality cables sometimes a thin space is left between conductor and insulation. Both of these defaults can induce corrosion. It is also the case that at the ends of the cable, the conductor is most of the time exposed to the air, and problems of corrosion may appear faster with thin strands. Tinned copper offers a good level of corrosion protection for thin strands. Cable ends of non-tinned copper wires can be protected with tin solder, or specific insulation grease. More information and execution details concerning cable ends are given in the section about junctions. Flexible wire – strands are so thin that the cable is very flexible. Strands are tinned to protect the core against corrosion. Flexible multiple conductors cable for light use. 0.6mm insulation 1mm PVC coating Flexible multiple conductors cable for heavy use. 1mm insulation 3mm rubber coating Figure 47 : Various types of flexible cables Use of flexible cables: 7.1 Must be used in provisional and mobile installations, indoor and outdoor. 7.2 Must be used for extension cords or power cords for any electric device. 7.3 Must be used for any portable or mobile equipment. 7.4 Must be used for the wiring of mobile machinery, or devices subject to vibrations. • • • Flexible wires are make it easier to do the internal wiring of boards and panels. Flexible cables are allowed for every usage for which rigid cables are allowed Flexible cable terminations must be equipped with cable terminals 117 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 All flexible cable terminations must be equipped with cable terminals. Unless junctions are especially dedicated to accept flexible wires, do not connect flexible wires to any kind of junctions (screws, cages, etc.) without respecting special provisions to reinforce cable ends, even inside of plugs and sockets (see section on junctions). II. SINGLE CONDUCTOR OR MULTIPLE CONDUCTORS CABLE a. SINGLE CONDUCTOR CABLES Insulation for 230V: min 1mm PVC Figure 48: single conductor cable Use of single core cables: 8.1 Single conductor wires can only be used if they are protected by an external enclosure. Unsheathed multi-conductor cables must be considered as being single conductor wires. They can be placed: Inside a board; Inside a dedicated conduit, pipe, duct or trunking. 8.2 Wires belonging to distinct separate circuits cannot be placed in the same conduit, unless mechanical separations are included. (A circuit is defined as the cabling downstream of a protection device. Wires protected by different circuit breakers are consider to belong to separate circuits.) It is very common to use single wire conductors with PVC pipes. PVC pipes can be flexible (ringed) or rigid (smooth). Multiple conductors/ cables can also be placed into protective pipes/ sleeves Three single core wires placed into a ringed PVC pipe Ringed flexible PVC for underground sleeve (RED) Figure 49: various kinds of rigid and flexible pipes Rigid smooth PVC pipe 118 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Use of tubes and pipes for electrical conduits: 9.1 The minimum diameter of a round pipe used as electrical channel is 2cm (3/4”) 9.2 The minimum diameter of a round pipe used as electrical channel should be at least twice the diameter of the wires or the cable passing through it. b. MULTIPLE CONDUCTOR CABLES Insulation requirements: minimum 0.6mm + external coating (sheath) Use of multiple conductor cables according to their external coating (sheathing): 10.1 For fixed uses (preferably rigid cable) without external conduit, the coating must have 2 layers. 10.2 So far as their terminations are reinforced with cable terminals, flexible cables with a double PVC sheathing are also allowed in fixed installations. 10.3 Flexible cables with only 1mm PV sheathing cannot be used in fixed installations. Such cables are dedicated for power cords or extension cables, and should not be used in fixed installations. If no other solution could be found they could eventually be used in restricted circumstances, but they must be protected with a pipe (same provision as single conductor wire). 10.4 Flexible cables with 3mm rubber or PVC coating can be used in the same way as rigid or flexible cables with a sheathing built in 2 layers. However, such cables should be reserved for provisional outdoor installations (they are much more expensive than multiple conductor rigid cables designed for fixed installations). The purpose of having 2 layers is to reinforce the mechanical resistance of the cable and to avoid any damage to the insulation of the wires while unsheathing the cable. While unsheathing a cable, only the plain and smooth external coating must be cut with the knife or with the unsheathing tool. The internal coating (filling) can easily be torn and will be removed afterwards without using any cutting tool, ensuring that the wire insulation is not cut during the unsheathing operation. 119 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Plain PVC or PER outer coating (sheath) Tearable inner coating (filling) Plain Copper 0.6 mm single core (solid PVC or PER cable) insulation Thick coating, flexible: recommended for provisional installations and allowed for fixed installations Double coating, rigid: Recommended for all fixed installations Thin coating, flexible: Recommended for power cords and extensions. Allowed with provisions (in conduits) for fixed installations Figure 50: Features and uses of multiconductor cables III. ARMOURED OR UN-ARMOURED CABLES Armoured cable are primarily intended for underground lines. They are also recommended in areas with high mechanical stresses, or in locations where vehicles, heavy machines or pieces of equipment can move, for example workshops, external lines along walls, etc. Technically they do not require any additional conduits. However, a conduit could still be useful, for example the cable can be replaced without need to re-dig a trench. Armour and shields are not the same. A shield is a protection against magnetic interferences, and is mostly used in data cables. Shields are generally made out of braided copper. A simple shield is not armour, as it does not offer any mechanical protection. Shielded cable (aluminum foil) No mechanical protection is offered. Shielded cable (braided tinned copper) No mechanical protection is offered. Figure 51: Shielded cables 120 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Armour offers mechanical protection against shocks, pressures, tension, cuts, and various other mechanical constraints. Armour is generally made out of galvanized steel wires or steel tapes wrapped around the cable. Many use a combination of steel wire and tape. Armour will also act as a shield against magnetic interferences. Shields and armour must be grounded. Armoured cable (steel tape.) Armoured cable (steel wires) Figure 52: Armoured cables Please note that armoured cables are very heavy and rigid. They are not easy to install, so reserve their use for where it is really needed. Be very careful when unsheathing armoured cables. Cutting steel wires and tapes requires specific tools, and tools intended for cutting copper are not suitable. Please also notice that when they have been cut, armour edges are very sharp and can be a safety issue for personnel working with the cable. IV. ROUND OR FLAT CABLES All the above described multi-conductor cables are round cables. Another type of cable, the flat cable, can also be found in some installations. Flat cables are mostly used for visible installations, as their flat profile is more adapted for such installations, but there are a number of provisions and restrictions that must be pointed. They can be of different types, and their use must be restricted in accordance with their characteristics. Figure 53: flat cables without coating Two conductor flexible flat cables without external coating are forbidden in fixed installations. They can only be used as power cords for some light applications (double insulated bed lights or lightweight hanging lights, light DC uses like doorbells, audio uses like loudspeakers etc.). The use of such cables is never recommended. 121 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Cables with an external coating are stronger. However, if they do not have a protective earth conductor they can only be used in the same way as two conductor flat cables without external coating. Figure 54: flat cables with coating Flat cables with an external coating and a bare copper protective earth conductor are also forbidden. Figure 55: Flat cables with bare protective conductors are forbidden Flat cables with an external coating and an insulated protective earth conductor, with the same cross section as the active conductors, are not recommended. Never the less, they are allowed for visible use in indoor and outdoor fixed installations, and in areas without any mechanical constraints or and danger of due to the activities around (but only if stronger cables are unavailable). Note that flat cables never have a double protective external coating. Figure 56: Flat cables with external coating and insulated protective Even if they could be protected in a pipe, it is forbidden to use flat cables for embedded installations. Installation of a flat cable in a pipe or conduit is in any case difficult. All provisions concerning the use of flexible and rigid cables must be respected regardless of whether they are flat or round. Like round rigid cables, flat rigid cables are completely forbidden for power cords, extension cords and mobile applications. 122 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Use of flat cables: 11.1 Flat two conductor flexible cables without external coating are only allowed when used as power cords for light applications that do not need a protective earthing (class 2 equipment). They are forbidden for any fixed installation. 11.2 Flat two conductor flexible cables with an external coating are only allowed for the same use as flat flexible two conductor cables without external coating. 11.3 Flat cables with a protective earthing conductor thinner than the active conductors are forbidden. 11.4 Flat cables with a bare protective earthing conductor are forbidden. 11.5 Rigid coated flat cables with equally sized protective and active insulated conductor are allowed for apparent uses in indoor and outdoor areas provided that there are no mechanical constraints and stresses. 11.6 Flat cables cannot be used for embedded installations. 11.7 Following the above rules the use of flat cable is allowed, but is not recommended in any fixed installations. 123 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 124 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 6.1.3. CABLES: GETTING THE RIGHT CONDUIT Conduits, channels, trunks, pipes, are a complex matter. We have already seen that some cables require mechanical protection, others do not. According to the situation and types, only some types of conduit can, or should be used. The subject of the right choice and placement for conduits will be developed in the chapter about the design of installations. But it is also necessary to define the accordance between cables and conduits. Inside of walls Aerial Bare conducto r wire Single core insulated wire Not recom mended YES, if twisted. Needs a carrier without conduit NO NO Single coating NO NO Double coating Not recom mended YES On walls, with appare conduit nt Single conductor NO YES NO NO Multiple conductors Not recom NO mended YES YES Armoure NO YES NO YES d Flat cables NO NO NO NO without coating Flat Not Not cables recom recom NO NO with mended mended coating Table 8: Accordance between Cables and Conduits On trays, inside of false ceilings Underground without conduit with conduit NO NO NO NO YES, if core sections > 25mm² NO NO NO YES NO YES YES YES YES NO NO NO NO NO NO NO Remarks: Aerial lines are not recommended except for long distribution lines in sites where no other solution is possible, for example rocky sites where it is not possible to dig. In any case, special provisions must always be made in case an aerial line must be established. 125 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Protection against rodents: Rodents are very common in false ceilings, and are also commonly living underground: underground sleeves and manholes could be visited by them. Only armoured cable is offering in itself a protection against rodents. Rigid PVC pipes do not provide protection against rodents, but ringed soft flexible PVC pipes do give protection (as rodents do not gnaw soft materials). 126 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 6.2. JUNCTIONS Junctions are a very critical part of the electrical installation. The junctions must be well made and well fastened. Poor or loose connections are often the origin of fires because they can heat up or cause sparks. The junctions must be clean and free of corrosion. Corrosion is also often a source of overheating, and a cause of problems. According to the function and situation, each type of wire requires a proper junction. A lot of different kinds of junctions are possible, but not all of them are acceptable. Restriction on use of junctions: 12.1 No junction can be made outside of protective enclosures. 12.2 No junction is suitable to provide a tensile mechanical connection (e.g. hanging light fitting). 12.3 Unless they are mechanically sealed in-situ, non-insulated junctions are never permitted. 12.4 Junctions made by twisting wires together (either with or without insulating tape) are forbidden. 12.5 For 230V wires fixed into screwed junctions, a minimum distance (as well as an isolating separator) must be kept between the junctions. The separator must prevent any metal tool or object from touching adjacent junctions at the same time. 12.6 Unless they are equipped with specific crimped wire terminals, no flexible wiring is allowed in junction terminals specifically designed to allow only rigid wires. Junctions inside of junction boxes, and other protective enclosures: Insulated spring caps can be used to tight twisted rigid conductors together. Push-in block spring terminal are adapted to single strand rigid wires Lever block spring terminal are adapted to rigid and flexible wires Figure 57: Various types of junctions 127 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Insulated spring caps, push-in block spring terminals, or lever block spring terminals are the most adapted for wires up to 4 mm² inside of junction boxes. The lever block spring terminals are also suitable for flexible wires. Insulated spring caps and push in block terminals are never suitable for flexible wire, even if these are fitted with wire terminals. Figure 58: junction of flexible wires inside of a junction box Lever blocks are suitable for flexible wires. Junction boxes should preferably be constructed from insulating material (PVC, PE, PE). Metal boxes are only needed in harsh environments, where hard mechanical shocks are possible. Junctions of for wires with larger cross sections should be made with heavy duty screwed cage terminals. Heavy duty screwed cage terminals can be installed on DIN rails inside large junction boxes or breaker boards. Non-insulated junctions sealed in place inside junction boxes are often used for wires thicker than 4-6 mm². Figure 59: Heavy duty screwed junctions Screwed junctions are only suitable for rigid wires, or flexible wires equipped with rigid wire terminals. Not all screwed junctions are recommended. The most common screwed cage junction is the plastic block screwed junction. If no other junction type is available, they can be used in enclosures but note that they are not recommended. Figure 60: Use of plastic block screwed junctions In case that they are used, the stripped length of the wires coming from each entry of the terminal must overlap each other inside of the terminal, ensuring that all wires are tightened by both screws. 128 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Junctions with flexible cables: • • • To be used in screwed cage junctions, flexible wires must be fitted with cable terminals. Only lever block spring terminals are adapted to receive flexible wires without cable terminals Push-in block spring terminal are only adapted to single strand rigid wires and cannot be used with flexible cable, even if they are fitted with cable terminals It is recommended that unless the junction is specifically designed to receive flexible cables, when using flexible wires all junctions must be reinforced with cable terminals. Figure 62: Straight crimp terminals for use with flexible wire in screwed cage terminals Figure 63: Crimping Plier Terminals must be crimped with special pliers Figure 61: Various types of crimp terminals Each type is adapted to a specific use and junction type Figure 64: : Junctions inside of a generator. All cables are fitted with cable shoes. crimped with a dedicated plier 129 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Junctions inside breaker panels: Most modular protection devices are equipped with 35 mm² screwed cage terminals. They can accept any rigid wire from 1.5mm² to 35 mm² in cross-section. When wires have been inserted and tightened, their fitting must be tested by pulling on the wire. If needed, more than one wire can be fastened into the same junction. However, with some types of cage terminals, if there are multiple cables not all of them might be adequately secured. In this case, the core of the several wires can be twisted together before being fasten inside the junction. Alternatively, several cables can be connected together with a push-in or a lever spring block terminal, and then connected to the breaker with an additional piece of wire. The wiring of boards must be made very carefully and precisely. No bare part of the conductors should be visible, the wiring is straight and clear, the junctions are fair. Figure 65: Wiring of a breaker board The earthing busbars shown here above gather together all earthing wires inside of boards. Figure 66: Earthing busbars 130 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Various junction types are also used for the earthing protection system Copper rods need specific junction Main equipotential bounding. This pipe clamp is connecting the earthing protection to metal pipes. Figure 67: Various types of earthing junctions Galvanized steel rods often have a ‘flag connector’ to join several earthing conductors. The junction is made with specific screwed junctions using a lead piece to press the wire. 131 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 132 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 6.3. ENCLOSURES 6.3.1. INGRESS PROTECTION RATINGS The IP codes give universal values for the rates of ingress protection for enclosures. The IP code is given using 2 digits: A number from 1 to 5, related to ingresses of solid objects. A number from 1 to 8, related to the ingress of water. It is mandatory to always use enclosures with an IP protection rate according to the situation. When modifications (holes, cable glands, etc.) are made and/or accessories are added to enclosures, the original protection rate must be reconsidered according to the new state of the enclosure. The IP coding system is explained in the following table: . IP . First digit: Ingress of solid objects IP. . Second digit: Ingress of liquids 0 No protection 0 No protection 1 Protected against solid objects over 50mm (e.g. hands, large tools). 1 Protected against vertically falling drops of water or condensation. 2 Protected against solid objects over 12.5mm (e.g. hands, large tools). 2 Protected against falling drops of water, if the case is installed at an angle of up to 15° from vertical. 3 Protected against solid objects over 2.5mm (e.g. wire, small tools). 3 Protected against water spray from any direction, even if the case is installed at an angle of up to 60° from vertical. 4 Protected against solid objects over 1.0mm (e.g. wires). 4 Protected against water splashes from any direction. 5 Limited protection against dust ingress (no harmful deposit). 5 Protected against low pressure water jets from any direction. Limited ingress permitted. 6 Totally protected against dust ingress. 6 Protected against high pressure water jets from any direction. Limited ingress permitted. 7 Protected against short periods of immersion in water. 8 Protected against long, durable periods of immersion in water. Protected against close-range high 9k pressure, high temperature water spray. Table 9: The ingress protection ratings (IP code) 133 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Protection against ingresses: A specific issue Not only dust or water entering an electrical enclosure is problematic: Many kind of insects, and even small lizards like to make their nest in all sorts of spaces. They are often found inside of electrical conduits and enclosures like junction boxes, where they can degrade the installations and can be a source of problems and even fires. All openings, even very small, that can offer a mean of access to conduits, junction boxes or other electrical enclosures must be found and carefully sealed. 6.3.2. JUNCTION BOXES When it is necessary to join underground lines, junction boxes can be placed underground, preferably inside of manholes. In this situation the junctions must be at least IP66, and should be filled with an insulation gel. This gel can easily be removed if repairs are needed to the junctions. Such gel should be used inside junction boxes placed in humid environments. An electrical installation must last for at least 25 years. We never know what can happen during such a period. A lot of events and external factors can damage essential parts of the installation, and even more when they are installed in tropical environments. Junction boxes are potentially one of the most fragile parts of an instalation. Whatever their size, they must be strong enough to resist these environments. - All junction boxes must at least be IP 55. - They must be large enough to accommodate comfortably the required number of junctions. - The entrance points must be equipped with sealing systems adapted to the cable size and the environment. - For indoor use, rubber sealing systems are generally good enough to ensure that the junction box is protected against the ingress of humidity or any solid foreign objects (dust). Figure 68: Junction boxes 134 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 For outdoor use, in wet areas, or technical areas (subject to movement, grease deposits, dust or other volatile dirt - like laundries, mechanical workshops, or warehouses) stronger seals must be used. Cable glands are much more watertight and stronger than standard rubber seals. In such areas, the IP rate must be at least IP 66. A lot of different size and types of cable glands are available, each according to specific conditions of use. Standard PVC ones are frequently used in the most common situations. The following images illustrate different types of cable glands. Figure 69: Various types of cable glands Cable glands also reinforce the mechanical strength and attachment of the cable to the enclosure, ensuring that in case of tension on the cable it will not displace the cable and not put tension on the junction itself. 135 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 6.3.3. OTHER ENCLOSURES All other electrical enclosures must also meet certain specific requirements. For example: • • Electrical boards in dry areas must be at least IP44. Electrical boards placed outdoors or in technical areas must be at least IP66. Covers and doors must also ensure that the IP ratings are maintained. Closing systems, hinges and gaskets must be effective and in a good condition. It is preferable that electrical boards are manufactured from non-conductive materials (such as polycarbonate, polyester, PVC or ABS). However, larger boards which need additional structural strength may be fabricated from metal. The following images show some examples of electrical boxes: This board is not adequate it has no door and is made from weak materials. These enclosures are adequate - they are made with thick rigid PVC and have strong transparent doors. Figure 70: Various types of plastic boards Many cheap boards are too flexible and fragile. If a board deforms because of the mechanical stresses weight when equipped and installed, most of the time the cover doors will not close properly. Cheap boards that are constructed from thin plastic are also easily cracked or damaged when drilling holes, installing cable glands, or even when installing thick cables. All enclosures must be rigid and thick enough to resist to such mechanical stresses without any deforming or cracking. 136 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Very large enclosures (access door >1m²) should preferably be constructed from steel. However, metal enclosures are subject to corrosion, which weakens their ruggedness and watertight properties. Metal enclosures have to be properly protected with an anticorrosive layer (zinc coating or other antirust paint). A thick layer of epoxy or polyurethane will add the final protection, and also protect the board from most mechanical damage that could in turn damage the anticorrosion layer. Figure 71: Steel enclosure for large boards Din rails offer an easy way to mount and organise electrical boards. Breaker boards with horizontal Din rails are preferred. Din rails offer the most affordable solution for easy mounting and wiring of breaker boxes. Figure 72: Boards equipped with DIN rails 137 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 138 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 6.4. SWITCHGEAR AND CONTROLGEAR ‘Switchgear and Controlgear’ is a general term covering switching devices. It refers to all devices designed to connect or disconnect electrical mains, including: Their combination with associated control, measuring, protective and regulating equipment, Assemblies of such devices and equipment with associated interconnections, accessories, enclosures and supporting structures Switchgears are intended in principle for use in connection with generation, transmission, distribution and conversion of electric energy. Controlgears are intended in principle for the control of electric energy consuming equipment. They must comply with IEC standards and they can be: • • • Main switches of an electrical installation, or branch. Including change-over switches. (IEC60947-3) Electromechanical Contactors and motor-starters. (IEC 60947-4-1) Circuit breakers. (as per IEC 60947-2) Circuit breakers as per IEC 60698 and switches as per IEC 60669 are dedicated for other uses (Household and similar fixed electrical installations) and they are not considered to be switchgear or controlgear. They will be described in Section 6.5 ‘Circuit Breakers’ and In Section 6.6 ‘Terminals’. CLASSIFICATION OF SWITCHGEAR ACCORDING TO THEIR ABILITIES AND USES Switch. IEC 60947-1 ‘Mechanical switching device capable of making, carrying and breaking currents under normal circuit conditions including operating overload conditions’. A switch is provided for frequent opening and closing of circuits under load or slight overload conditions. It must be combined and coordinated with a protective device against overloads and short-circuits, such as a fuse or a circuit breaker. Contactor IEC 60947-4-1 ‘Switch having only one position of rest, operated otherwise than by hand’. 139 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 The IEC standard defines utilisation categories depending on the load and the control functions provided by the contactor. The class depends on the current, voltage and power factor, as well as contactor capacity in terms of frequency of operation and endurance. Disconnector. IEC 60947-3 ‘Mechanical switching device which, in the open position, complies with the requirements specified for the isolating function’. A disconnector serves to isolate upstream and downstream circuits. It is used to open or close circuits under no-load conditions or with a negligible current level. It can carry the rated circuit current and, for a specified time, the short-circuit current. Switch-disconnector IEC 60947-3 ‘Switch which, in the open position, satisfies the isolating requirements specified for the function of a disconnector, and which can break the circuit under load conditions’. A switchdisconnector serves for switching and isolation. The switch isolates the circuit. Protection is not provided. It may be capable of carrying short-circuit currents if it has the necessary carrying capacity, but it cannot break short-circuit currents. Combined fuse-switch disconnector / switch disconnector-fuse Switch disconnectors with a fuse used as switching device, or combined with a fuse in series with the switching devices. Switchgears can include overload protection fuses Figure 73: Fused switch disconnector 140 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 In addition to not having any protection against direct contacts, this switchgear is a ‘disconnector’ not a ‘switch-disconnector’. If it is turned off under load, the contacts will arc and are quickly damaged. It is not safe nor reliable and must be replaced by a correctly insulated ‘switch-disconnector’. Figure 74: Old model of a single disconnector This kind of changeover switch is also a ‘disconnector’. It should be replaced by a ‘switch- disconnector’. Figure 75: "blade" change over switch Damages linked to the use of a disconnector instead of a switch-disconnector are often a cause of fire. Figure 76: Disconnectors damaged by fire Switchgear are a critical part of electrical installations. Currents in the main distribution system are higher than in final circuits, but it is the need for switchgear to be able to both connect and disconnect circuits under load which is the most stringent. With inductive loads, high voltage transients can cause significant arcing across mechanical switching. The 141 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 disconnection of currents is much more significant source of arcing than the connection of currents. The design of switchgear must be made in a way that electric arcs will not destroy the contacts, or overheat or damage the casing. Contacts damaged by repetitive arcing can be a source of many problems, such as: poor contacts, current instability, overheating, intermittent or permanent arcing, and start of fires. Damaged or inappropriate switchgear are unfortunately a common cause of fire. Use of Switchgears 13.1 Switchgear must comply with IEC 60947-1 13.2 The use of disconnectors that are not switch-disconnectors is forbidden. 13.3 All switchgear must be able to switch off mixed loads at full load without destructive arcing (cos = 0.65). 13.4 They must be able to support short-circuit currents during a ‘short time’. CIRCUIT BREAKERS THAT CAN BE USED AS SWITCHGEAR The difference between standards IEC 60898-1 and IEC 60947-2. IEC 60898-1 • Relates to the ac. low-voltage circuit breakers (MCBs) found in homes, schools, shops, and offices. For use in final distribution electrical switchboards of buildings where nominal current does not exceed 125A. • They are intended for use in indoor, pollution and humidity-free conditions • They can be used by untrained people and do not need maintenance. • Pollution degree 2, Temperatures up to 30°C. • Impulse voltage 4kV, isolation voltage is the same as nominal voltage 400V. • THEY CANNOT BE USED AS SWITCHGEAR for the general switching, disconnection, or protection of mains, or branches of a main distribution. IEC 60947-2 • Defines additional requirements to IEC 60898-1 and relates to industrial, harsh or outdoor applications that require pollution degree 3, higher voltages, and higher power rates. • 30°C is not enough for industrial applications where the temperature in a switchboard can reach 50°C and higher. Manufacturers usually supply temperature rating tables which show the nominal current for different temperatures. For example for a 63-amp circuit breaker, it may be 70 amps at 30° and 56 amps at 70°C. • The rated voltage currently required in industrial-use CBs is 440, 690 volts or higher. • Impulse voltage is 6 or 8kV. • THEY CAN BE USED AS SWITCHGEAR, BUT NOT SPECIFICALLY AS SWITCHDISCONNECTORS IF NOT MENTIONED (frequent manual operation must be allowed as per 60947-3). • While IEC 60898-1 clearly describes B, C and D curves with ratio to rated current, in IEC 60947-2 the instantaneous tripping release may be adjustable according to the need of the user or pre-defined by manufacturer with ±20% tolerance. • This is the reason why manufacturers in addition provide a wide scope of different curves for 60947-2 CBs: K, Z, and MA. 142 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Table 10: Comparison between IEC 60898-1 and 60947-2 The most appropriate solution is to use MCBs certified to both standards as their performance meets requirements of use for residential installations, as well for industry and infrastructure applications. In practice, only IEC 60947-2 breakers are accorded to most of our context. Unless indicated, they cannot be used for frequent manual operations like ‘Switchdisconnectors’. Utilisation categories of IEC 60947-2 circuit breakers According to IEC 60947-2, the utilisation category of a circuit breaker shall be stated with reference to whether or not it is specifically intended for selectivity by means of an intentional time delay with respect to other circuit breakers in series on the load side under short-circuit conditions. Some circuit-breakers are also suitable to be used as switch-disconnector Figure 77: MCCB (Molded Case Circuit Breaker) 143 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Utilisation category A Without an intentional short-time delay for selectivity under short-circuit conditions and therefore without a short-time withstand current rating. Utilisation Category B With an intentional short-time delay (which may be adjustable) provided for selectivity to downstream breakers under short-circuit conditions. Such circuit-breakers have a short-time withstand current rating. They are also called current-limiting circuit breaker. They are circuitbreakers with a break-time short enough to prevent short-circuit currents reaching otherwise attainable peak values. If a higher discrimination and selectivity is needed Cat B breakers can be installed upstream of Cat A ones. Cat A breakers are allowed in all situations (unless a higher selectivity is required), and there are no safety issues if only Cat A breakers are used, as there is instantaneous tripping. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL SWITCHGEAR (for use in LV Installations) • • • • • • Insulation rates: Must be 500V min. Rated or assigned voltage: For use with 230 / 400V systems, must be 450 or 690V Rated or assigned current: The max admitted permanent current under normal conditions must be at least 2 x the average rated current of the installation, or (for switchgear other than breakers) 2 x the rate of the upstream breaker. Breaking capacity: The breaking capacity of switches must be at least 2 x the max rated current. Breakers must be able to break off short-circuit currents - their breaking capacity should be at a minimum of 6kA. This breaking capacity must eventually be increased, accorded to the actual calculation of short-circuit currents. Rated number of operations: The life time of the switching device, in number of operations. Switchgear are not supposed to be turned on and off every day, but in many situations in the field, they are. Their life time should be at least 5000 operations. Utilisation category: The kind of loads for which the switching device has been designed must be in accordance with the actual load connected to the switchgear. Some switches are only able to connect or disconnect resistive loads, while others are designed to switch inductive loads (such as motors, pumps, fluorescent tubes with coiled ballasts etc.). If they are switch-disconnectors, they are supposed to be able to disconnect loads with a power factor of 0.6 at full load without problems. Oversized switches may be needed for fluorescent tubes with inductive ballasts, as they often have a power factor of about 0.35. It is mainly for electromagnetic contactors that the right class of utilisation must be selected. For general use it is recommended that they are able to work with slight inductive loads (0.6). 144 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Utilisation Category and Type of Application (mainly used for contactors) AC-1 Non-inductive or slightly inductive loads, example: resistive furnaces, heaters Cat AC-1 is a very common category of utilisation. If the current rate is divided by 2 they can be used for general circuits included with more inductive loads. AC-2 Slip-ring motors: switching off AC-3 Squirrel-cage motors: starting, switching off motor during running time Cat. AC-3 is the most suitable for switching on and off mixed inductive and resistive loads without any problems if a high ability for switching inductive loads is required. AC-4 Squirrel-cage motors: starting, plugging, inching AC-5a Switching of discharge lamps AC-5b Switching of incandescent lamps AC-6a Switching of transformers AC-6b Switching of capacitor banks AC-7a Slightly inductive loads in household appliances: examples: mixers, blenders AC-7b Motor-loads for household appliances: examples: fans, central vacuum AC-8a Hermetic refrigerant compressor motor control with manual resetting overloads AC-8b Hermetic refrigerant compressor motor control with automatic resetting overloads The following categories define the category of utilisation in household appliances AC-20 Connecting and disconnecting under no-load conditions AC-21 Switching of resistive loads, including moderate overloads AC-22 Switching of mixed resistive and inductive loads, including moderate overloads -> Best switches for household appliances AC-23 Switching of motor loads or other highly inductive loads Cat A (IEC 60947 circuit breakers) Protection of circuits, with no rated short-time withstand current Cat B (IEC 60947 circuit breakers) Protection of circuits, with a rated short-time withstand current Table 11: utilisation categories of switchgears Before selecting switchgear it is useful to verify the rated category of utilisation to ensure that it is suitable for the intended use. Very often the required category of utilisation is very mixed and only a few categories are complying with mixed uses. Hence, the most common and universal categories of switchgear used are: AC-1, AC-3, AC22, and AC-23. With multipole switchgear it is very important that all poles are coordinated. Unless they are only operating off-load, all poles must switch and un-switch at exactly the same time. This is particularly the case if they are four-pole switchgear. If the neutral pole is not coordinated with the phases poles, it will be a cause a momentary supply of incorrect voltage that could damage the downstream devices. Another important requirement of switchgear is the mechanical strength of the junctions, for example, cheap equipment often have weak junction terminals. 145 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 CHANGE-OVER SWITCHES The picture on the right shows a model of a manual change over switch (pressure or cam contacts) that is widely reliable and adapted to more stringent uses. Other kinds of change-over switches are also available and could be more appropriate for some uses. Figure 78: Manual change-over switch Change-over switches can also be made with two electro-magnetic contactors. In this case, the command is given by an auxiliary switch that selects the contactor that should be active. The command button can be installed remotely, or the command can be a part of an automated selection system. Figure 79: Electro-Magnetic change-over switch Automated change-over switches, or automated transfer switches are another kind of source selector. They typically monitor whether or not the public network is operating and has the correct voltage. Depending up the status, it will either switch automatically to the ‘city power’ or start a backup generator. Automated change-over switches can be programmed for different waiting times, depending upon the situation. When the ‘city power’ is back, a timer is also activated, and will reconnect the city power only after the supply voltage has been acceptable during the sample time. Figure 80: Automated change-over or Automated Transfer Switch (ATS) 146 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 It is worthwhile recalling the main points for switchgear and controlgear: Switchgear must be able to switch and un-switch at normal circuit conditions including operating overload conditions and a cos φ of 0.65 without destructive arcing. They must be ‘switch-disconnectors’ according to IEC 60947-3. Switchgear must be able to carry slight overloads (1.2 x rate) without excessive heating. Switchgear must be able to carry short-circuit currents during a short time. Unless they are circuit breakers, switchgear are not able to disconnect shortcircuit-currents. Unless they are circuit-breakers or have embedded protections, they must be protected by upstream IEC 60947-2 circuit breakers. If they are not circuit-breakers, it is advised that the rated current of switchgear is a minimum of 150% of the protection rate of the upstream circuit-breaker. 147 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 148 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 6.5. CIRCUIT BREAKERS 6.5.1. DEFINITION A circuit breaker is a ‘Mechanical switching device, capable of making, carrying and breaking currents under normal circuit conditions and also making, carrying for a specified time and breaking currents under specified abnormal circuit conditions such as those of short-circuit’. Circuit-breakers are the device of choice for protection against overloads and short-circuits. 6.5.2. FORMS Many different forms of circuit-breakers have been developed for the protection of low voltage circuits. However, not all of them are acceptable. Two main formats are the most commonly used, and are becoming the standard reference everywhere: MCBs and MCCBs. MCB stands for ‘miniature circuit-breaker’ or ‘modular circuit-breaker’. Their size is normalised accorded to a standard module width of 17.5 mm. This standard size is according to the use of 35mm ‘DIN’ rails installed in dedicated electrical enclosures. Figure 81: Standard size of MCBs and DIN rails MCBs can be 1 to 4 poles. Single pole breakers are only allowed for low power applications situated inside the breaker board (pilot lamps etc.). 3 poles breakers are only allowed for 3 phase systems without a neutral. For Figure 82: Modular or miniature circuit breakers (MCB) all other uses (because if there is a neutral it must be also protected) it is required to use only 2 poles or 4 poles breakers. All MCBs should have a maximum of 1 pole per module. 149 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 MCCB means ‘moulded case circuit breaker’. MCCBs commonly relate to bigger circuitbreakers, used for the general protection or switchgear. Their size varies in accordance with their rate. Most are too large to be placed on a 35mm DIN rail and need to be installed in boards bigger than commonly used for final distribution boards. Figure 83: Various models of MCCBs Various sizes of MCCB are available, from 63A up to 630A or more. Some have an adjustable rate and delay. Some can include RCD features, also adjustable in rate and waiting time (‘S’ function for discrimination/ selectivity). Figure 84: Adjustment panel on a MCCB MCCBs are often used as switchgear and for general protection of installations, branches of an installation, or as final protection for heavy equipment (> 63A). But it must be repeated that unless it is mentioned that they are ‘switch disconnector’ they are not suitable for frequent manual operation. As the main features of switchgear has been discussed earlier, this section will look more specifically at the features and requirements for MCBs circuit-breakers that are used in common switchboards for household installations. 150 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 6.5.3. QUALITY REQUIREMENT The previous section showed that there are two IEC standards which define two different sets of specifications for low voltage circuit-breakers. Many companies offer MCBs that only comply with IEC 60898-1, meaning that they are only suitable for indoor applications in humidity and pollution free environments up to a temperature of 30°C. This does not match the reality of the conditions in many of the contexts where MSF & ICRC are operating. Hence, higher specification MCBs must be used: they must comply with IEC 60947-2. How to recognise an IEC 60947-2 compliant MCB One of the requirements of IEC 60947-2 compared to IEC 60968-1 is that many additional indications must be written on the device. These include details of the standards that the item meets, along with useful indications about their technical features. Figure 85: Mandatory indications as per IEC 60947-2 • • • • • • • • Manufacturer’s trademark Compliance with standard IEC/EN 60947-2 Selectivity category (Cat A) Rated voltage (500V) Rated impulse withstand voltage (U imp = 6kV) Rated short-circuit breaking capacity (Icu = 15kA @ 440V) Tripping curve (C curve) Reference temperature (if different from 30°C) - 50°C 151 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 • • • • Pollution degree (3) Rated insulation voltage (Ui = 500V) Suitability for isolation (should show even when circuit breaker is installed) Clearly marked ‘ON’ (red) and ‘OFF’ (green) positions (should show even when circuit breaker is installed) Main features of a MCB Some values are common to all MCBs that are compliant with IEC 60947-2, but related to the rate of a specific model, some values will vary. It is important to make the right selection, bearing in mind the most important values that must be according to the intended use: The rated voltage (Ue): Must be according to the service voltage. 450V or 500V are correct values for 230 / 400 volts systems. The breaking capacity (Icu): Can vary from 6kA to 15kA and more. 6kA is enough for most of the situations encountered in the fields. The rated current (In): Value of the permanent current that can flow without any tripping of the device. Common values are 2A, 6A, 10A, 13A, 16A, 20A, 25A, 32A, 40A, 50A, 63A. The tripping time will vary according to the situation. In case of overload, the tripping time is according to the severity of the overload, and ambient temperature. All MCBs are designed to allow a certain overload during a rated waiting time. It is the thermal sensor of the device (bimetal) that will finally trip the contacts. With an overload current I = 2 x In, the tripping time is normally close to 1 minute, but the allowance for overload varies a lot according to the rating of the MCB. The higher the rating, the shorter the waiting time. Figure 86: tripping curves of circuit breakers In case of a short-circuit, the current threshold that will trip the magnetic sensor vary with the rate (In) and the tripping curve: B, C, or D. • • • B curve will trip the sensor for currents between 3 x and 5 x In C curve will trip the sensor for currents between 5 x and 10 x In D curve will trip the sensor for currents between 10 x and 20 x In 152 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Prospective fault-current peak Rms value of the prospective fault current Current peak limited by the breaker In case of a short-circuit, the tripping time must be as short as possible. If Cat A, it is never more than 0.005 sec, but high current peaks are most often limited after less than 0.003 sec, which is necessary to limit the energy that the device should dissipate during a short-circuit. The arcing that occurs after the opening of the contacts can also last a few milliseconds before that it is blown by the device, which has an arcing chamber to do so. Low quality circuit-breakers most of the time have a longer reaction time and do not have an effective arcing chamber: they are much less safe to use. Tf: Delay before opening Ta: Arcing time Ttc: Total fault clearance time Figure 87: Tripping curve in case of a short circuit Main parts of a breaker 1. Manual lever switch and position indicator 2. Actuator mechanism that forces the contact together or apart. 3. Contacts 4. Screwed cage junction terminals 5. Bimetallic thermal sensor. In case of overload this sensor deforms with the temperature and acts on the actuator. 6. Adjustment screw – only for purpose of fine adjustment by the manufacturer. 7. Magnetic sensor. In case of high current rush, the solenoid acts on a magnetised piston that triggers the actuator. Figure 88: Internal view of a circuit breaker 8. Arcing chamber - which helps extinguish the arc in a very short time. 153 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Counterfeit MCBs Depending upon the country, as for cables and other technical equipment, circuit breakers that are purchased locally do not always meet the quality requirements. Many comply with IEC 60898-1. There are also counterfeit items which claim to be compliant with every required standard, but in fact do not comply with any. Some international brands of quality electrical equipment offer good quality devices, complying with the most stringent criteria of safety and quality of the IEC 60947-2 standard (such as ABB, LEGRAND, HAGER, SCHNEIDER). Unfortunately, counterfeit copies of these brands are also frequently sold on local markets, even by official distributors of international brands. Electrical protection is very important, so unfortunately it means that only additional controls or international purchase can ensure that original good quality parts are purchased. How to control the quality of a circuit-breaker Their packaging must be in good state. It must be as strong as the original one is supposed to be and all indications and references must be clear and complete. Specification sheets, installation manual and some accessories (labels, etc.) must also often be present in the packaging. Appearance: the quality of the plastic moulding, aspect, colour, sometimes indicates that the device is not original. Indications: if printed values and references are missing or look rough or irregular, the device is probably not original. Same for bar codes, or holograms that are supposed to be present. The weight can sometimes indicate the quality of the equipment. Surprisingly light devices are sometimes found and they must be avoided Their mechanical robustness and precision when operating the lever switch is also sometimes a good indication - even the sound of the mechanical operation. The strength and material of the screwed junction cages is also an indicator. Sometimes, signs of corrosion indicate that the metal is poor quality. If there is still doubt, the casing can be opened to verify that all the components are present (bimetal, solenoid, and arcing chamber) and appear to be of good quality. Unfortunately, even after making these tests and observations, it is still difficult to be sure that the equipment is the correct quality. Increasingly counterfeits can appear very similar to original equipment. The only way to be completely sure is through further testing, or international purchasing. 154 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 How to test the electrical features of a MCB Tests must be related to the specifications of the circuit-breaker. Its behaviour and waiting time in case of overload can easily be tested by connecting a load with twice the rate of the breaker. The tripping time must be between 10 sec and 1 minute. To test the durability and sustainability of the breaker in case of multiple trips, the test must be repeated several times, with a rest of two minutes between tests. The normal behaviour of the device must remain the same after several repetitions. The ability to reconnect as easily and firmly as for the first test must also be observed. No excessive heating or colour change of the casing must be observed. The same test can be made for short circuits. According to the tripping curve, the minimal short-circuit current must be applied (5 x In for B curve, 10 x In for C curve.) The breaker must trip immediately. To test the breaking capacity, higher currents must be applied. As for overload test, repetitions are a part of the test, and the same signs must be observed: stability and constancy in behaviour, ability to reconnect, no excessive heat, and colour variation of the casing. After testing the device, it can be opened in order to examine the condition of the components. However, such tests are not always easy to do. Influence of temperature The specifications at higher temperatures up to 50°C (for IEC 60947-2) do not reduce the quality requirements, but a derating must be applied. Practically, this derating means that at higher temperatures there is a higher sensitivity of the overload protection, because the thermal sensor of the device has a higher temperature. This is not really a problem, because the wires that are protected also have a higher temperature in such conditions, and it is good that their protection devices are also tripping in accordance with the surrounding temperature and not only the temperature produced by the current into the wires. This is an important feature, because circuit breakers are protecting the downstream cables against the danger of too high temperatures. The choice of the correct rate is closely related to the cable that must be protected. 6.5.4. ASSIGNED CURRENT AND PROTECTION RATES Three factors influence the dissipation of the heat produced by the current passing through a cable. These factors determine the maximum temperature rise of the cable for a given current rate. • • • The type of cable (number of active conductors, insulation and coating material - PVC, PE, armour, etc.). The placement of the cable, (in the air, embedded, in technical channels, false ceiling, insulating material, single cable or multiples cables). The ambient temperature. 155 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 In practice, the next table gives rates that have already been assigned to most of the encountered conditions in hot countries. More precise adjustments and calculations could give results that could potentially allow a reduction of the size of the cables. However, unless it is a very big installations (where the financial impact of such a reduction could be large), it is easier and better to respect the given values, which were calculated with a security factor that will be appropriate to most of the MSF & ICRC field situations. This table has already been presented in an earlier chapter to illustrate the differences between AWG and metric system as they apply to the cross section of cables. It is repeated here to highlight the correct rates that must be applied for circuit-breakers. American Wire Gauge/ Metric conversion table/ Minimal cross section & max circuit breaker values & temperature rise. For applications in accordance to UL 489 and CSA C22.2 Standard (NEC) Max circuit Minimal breaker rate cross (assigned section mm² current) 1.3 mm² 10 A 1.6 mm²) 2.1 mm² 15 A 2.6 mm²) 3.3 mm² 20 A 4.2 mm²) 5.3 mm² 30 A 6.6 mm²) 8.4 mm² 40 A 10.6 mm²) 13.3 mm² 50 A 16.8 mm²) 21.1 mm² 80 A 26.6 mm²) 33.6 mm² 110 A 42.2 mm²) AWG No. 16 (15 14 (13 12 (11 10 (9 8 (7 6 (5 4 (3 2 (1 0 - 1/0 00 - 2/0 53.5 mm² 67.4 mm² For applications in accordance to IEC 60947-2 Standard Minimal cross section mm² Max circuit breaker rate (assigned current) 1.5 mm² 10 A 2.5 mm² 16 A 4 mm² 20 A 6 mm² 25 A 10 mm² 40 A 16 mm² 63 A 25 mm² 80 A 35 mm² 50 mm² 100 A 125 A 70 mm² 160 A 95 mm² 200 A 120 mm² 250 A 150 mm² 320 A 185 mm² 400 A 240 mm² 500 A 150 A 175 A 000 - 3/0 85 mm² 225 A 0000 - 4/0 107 mm² 250 A 250 127 mm² 300 A 350 177 mm² 350 A 400 203 mm² 400 A 500 253 mm² 500 A Indicative cable temperature rise (non-insulated single round copper wire in the air) 36 °C 30 °C 41 °C 35 °C 36 °C 27 °C 41 °C 23 °C 36 °C 27 °C 28 °C 34 °C 36 °C 28 °C 34 °C 26 °C 24 °C 31 °C 30 °C 24 °C 35 °C 23 °C 31 °C 26 °C 34 °C 30 °C 28 °C 35 °C 30 °C 37 °C 34 °C Table 12: Cable size - AWG to metric conversion 156 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 In case of a long length of cable, the size of the cable has to be corrected. The calculation must ensure that the voltage drop at full load does not exceed 3% of the rated voltage. As a reminder, with an ampacity of 1 Amp/ mm² the voltage drop is about 1 Volt every 50 meters for a single wire, 1 volt every 25m within a two wires circuit. With 5 Amp/ mm², in a 2 wire circuit, the voltage drop is as much as 1 volt every 5 m. • The values given in the preceding table are established by applying a correction factor of about 0.5 - which is enough to foresee most of the worst conditions. • This factor is based on the typical situation in hot countries. Without knowing the quality of the cables that will be used, it was also assumed that no cable could exceed a temperature of 70°C. • There is no need to oversize any circuit-breaker, even if the cross section of the downstream cable has been oversized. The lower the rate, the higher the safety. The rate will therefore be calculated according to the expected maximum load of the circuit. • Permanent current in a conductor should not be more than 75% of the assigned current of the circuit. Produced heat is then 60% of the heat produced at 100% load. • Short-circuit protection curve: The ‘C’ Curve is the most usual curve. Icc = 7 – 10 x In. MSF & ICRC installations are often powered by generators, which have low shortcircuit currents (only twice their rated current), and hence the C curve cannot satisfy the requirements. Therefore, B curve breakers must be selected. They have a sensitivity to short-circuit current between 3x and 5x the assigned current. • For the same reason, to ensure their instantaneous tripping in case of a short-circuit, the rate for the head protection of branches (main distribution cables going to final boards) will preferably be limited to a rate of 1/3 of the rate of the generator. If all calculations are made appropriately, miniature circuit breakers complying with IEC/EN 60947-2 and designated CAT A, will meet these requirements, both with ensuring that their quality is also accorded to our requirements. 157 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 158 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 6.6. TERMINALS 6.6.1. DEFINITION Terminals are the fixed devices at the end of the final distribution of electrical circuits. In this sense they are the main objective of an electrical installation. Terminals are fixed socket outlets, fixed switches and fixed lighting appliances. 6.6.2. SOCKETS AND SWITCHES: VARIOUS SHAPES AND RELATED USAGES. INDOOR AND OUTDOOR USE, FLUSH OR APPARENT MOUNTING Flush mounting of indoor sockets and switches is always preferred, not only for aesthetical reasons. Apparent mounting is more fragile, because any fixed object protruding from a wall can be easily damaged by passing people or equipment, especially in high-traffic locations such as corridors. The following images illustrate several examples of both flush and apparent mounting terminals. Figure 89: Terminals and flush mounting blocks Various types of flush mounting blocks are available: they vary in size (for 1, 2 or 3 devices), they can be vertical or horizontal, and some are dedicated for hollow walls (round shape) while others for solid walls (square shape). They are standardised in size so that most devices can be mounted in them easily. Two standards of depth are generally available, 40mm and 65mm. The deeper boxes are preferred when possible. Apparent mounted sockets and switches are preferable for outdoors or wet environments, as it is easier to make them watertight. In outdoor situations the terminals need to be more robust and capable of resisting not only water ingress, but also the effects of UV, and even physical impact. The use of cable glands is often required to ensure the waterproofness of enclosures, and if not correctly installed, the ingress protection can be compromised. Figure 90: Apparent mounted terminals for outdoor use 159 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 6.6.3. STANDARD SOCKETS FOR HOUSEHOLD COMMON USES I. USAGE REQUIREMENTS As discussed in early sections, the shape of the socket used depends upon the local standards and regulations, and these local standards must be respected in MSF and ICRC electrical installations. However, it is not only the shapes of sockets that varies. Standards also define different current and voltage rates, such as: • • • • 2.5A/250V (EC type C, class II, ungrounded) 13A/250V (UK type G, grounded) 15A/135V (US type A , class II, ungrounded) & B, grounded), 16A/250V (EC type E & F, grounded), The protection rates of the circuits must be according to the current rating of the sockets. However, some local regulations are allowing exceptions to this rule, but not all of them are acceptable. - Type C sockets can be supplied by an insulation transformer, with a max power of 300VA. These transformers can be supplied by standard 10 / 16A circuits. Such an insulation transformer is mandatory for ungrounded sockets installed into a bathroom. Some European regulations allow 20A protection rate for 16A sockets. We recommend to use a rate of max 16A, more particularly into hot countries. - The British and British inspired regulations (BS 7671, 2004) allows 13A 2.5mm² switched sockets that can be installed in 32A Ring two specific ways: Circuit, RING Spur 20A Radial Ring circuits are not allowed Ring circuits have a cabling system (2.5mm²) making a ‘ring’ and coming back to a 32A circuit-breaker. There can also be individual ‘spur’ lines (2.5mm²) that must be individually protected by 13A fuses if the spur line has more than one socket. This is in conjunction with the use of plugs that also have an imbedded 13A fuse. RING Branch RADIAL Figure 91: "Ring Circuits" following the British Standards Not allowed! 13A Fuse Unit 160 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 For safety reasons, and better accordance with IEC recommendations (even if allowed by British Standards), ring circuits are not allowed by the MSF/ ICRC internal rules. Fused sockets or plugs are also not allowed. Radial circuits are the second option permitted under British Standards. They are also permitted under MSF/ ICRC internal rules – but with some minor (but important) differences with the British Standards. The most important of these differences is related to the current protection rating – with MSF/ ICRC internal rules limiting the protection rating of standard household sockets to 16A. Type G sockets (the British system) often incorporate switches. However, these switches are a potential point of weakness: mechanical problems (because they are rarely operated) corrosion, and poor contacts that can produce arcing and overheating. It is hence recommended to use sockets without switches. Some type G sockets have an embedded 13A circuit-breaker. This is better than a fuse, but such sockets are much more expensive than unprotected sockets. If the circuit is correctly protected by 13 or 16A circuit-breaker, there is no need to install sockets with an embedded circuit breaker. Ring circuits will also be discussed in more detail in the next chapter on installation design. Depending upon which socket system is used, other standards may need to be followed: • • • US sockets (A & B types) - compliant to UL 231: Should be used with 15A circuitbreaker protection. According to local regulations, they might include 5mA GFCI devices. German sockets, ‘Shuko’ (F types) – must be according to CEE 7, DIN 49440 French sockets, (E type) must be according to CEE7/5 (FR1-16R) NF / CEBEC German and French sockets must be installed on standard 16A protected circuits. II. QUALITY REQUIREMENTS All plugs and socket outlets must comply with IEC Standards (IEC 60884-1). Ingress protection rate: Sockets must include ‘children protection’ measures that avoid the introduction of any metallic object inside of the socket when no plug is inserted. At least IP 4x is requested. For sockets (as for other equipment), references to quality standards are not always genuine and if the quality is in doubt, it is advisable to carry out some tests. Here are some criteria that can be helpful to assess the quality of typical household electrical sockets: Appearance: general appearance, thickness and quality of plastic casing, cover plates, mechanical parts, fixations. The weight of the device is also an indicator. Mechanical and electrical behaviour must meet the following requirements: Mechanical: • Fixation to the mounting blocks must ensure that the appliance remains fixed in place when subjected to a perpendicular traction of 20 Newton. 161 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 • • Spring push in junctions or screwed cage junctions must resist traction on the wires up to 5 Newton. Flat screwed junctions are not recommended unless used with washer wire terminals on flexible wires. Distance and separation between poles must ensure that there is no possibility to make contact between the poles with any straight conductive object. Electrical: • • Spring push in junctions or screwed cage junctions must fit with twin 2.5mm² rigid wires (for parallel mounting of several sockets) - or flexible wires with dedicated terminals. Electrical contacts must be made with brass or any other conductive material with a contact surface and pressure such that no excessive heat can be observed with either a permanent current of 25A, or a current of 40A applied during 30 sec. The resistance to a short-circuit is proven if a current of 160A (10 x In) with a duration of 200ms does not cause damage to the contacts or the casing (melting, burning, etc.). All these requirements are adapted to all electrical consumers that are in the range of use of the sockets and related circuit breakers (permanent current < 80% x In and < 45 minutes). All electrical consumers with a potentially permanent (more than 45 minutes) consumption higher than 60% of the socket rate must be connected with dedicated power lines. This is concerning circuits which are supplying only one socket/ device. It must be the case for water heaters, hoven, washing machines, dryers, air conditioners and other fixed powerful devices. Figure 92: Single switch disconnector for heavy loads The connection device will then be a heavier duty socket, (industrial sockets) or a dedicated junction box. In that case, this junction box must include a switch disconnector, a contactor or a breaker, with a manual operated system. If installed in countries where frequent periods of under voltage are observed, also preferably with the addition of a under voltage coil triggering system. If the breaker box and circuit breaker that is protecting the circuit is at a distance of less than 5 meter from the supplied equipment, it is acceptable that its junction box is only equipped with screwed junction terminals and is not equipped with any disconnection device. 162 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 163 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 6.6.4. HEAVY DUTY POWER SOCKETS Not all electrical consumers need less than 13 or 16A. For higher demands where it is necessary to use a socket, specially designed models must be installed. The IEC Standards (IEC 60309) define a wide range of single phase and three phases connectors from 16A up to 125A that are now recognised almost worldwide. This system is organised in such a way that each standard voltage and frequency (American, European) is related to a unique shape and colour of plug or socket. Standard references are available for 16A, 32A, 63A and 125A, with 3, 4, or 5 pins (single phase, three phase delta without neutral, and three phase star with neutral). Models are available with IP ratings from IP44 to IP68. The differentiation key between the various types is made according to the position of the grounding pin. This position is expressed in terms of its equivalent position on a clock face. (The hour indication in the following table) The main available configurations compliant with the international and North American standards are shown here below. Table 13:Heavy duty industrial IEC sockets In practice, in most cases it will be the 3 pins single phase 230 V (blue) and the 5 pins three phases + neutral 230/400 V (red) that are used. As shown in the following images, models are available for mobile plugs, wall mount, panel mount, with a straight or inclined shape, and for both female and male connectors. This large range of products offers solutions for a wide variety of mobile (plugs) and fixed (sockets) needs. Figure 93: Most common Heavy duty IEC "industrial" plugs and sockets 164 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 165 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 6.6.5. SWITCHES Switches for household and similar fixed electrical installations must comply with IEC Standards (IEC 60669-1). Most of the requirements are similar to the requirements for sockets outlet. The most common standard current and voltage rating is 10A 250V. Usually standard lighting circuits are therefore wired with 1.5mm² cables and protected with 10A circuit-breakers. If it is necessary to supply lighting circuits with 16A (2.5mm²) circuits, all switches installed on the circuit must be rated 16A, even if the lights downstream to the switch require less than 16A. This requirement is related to the fact that switches must be able to withstand short-circuit currents whose level and duration are according to the rating of the protection and cross section of the wires. Mixed socket and lighting circuits: If 10A switches are installed on socket circuits, or branches of socket circuits, it is required that the socket circuits are protected by a 10A circuit breaker. Switches on 16A socket circuits must be 16A switches. For switches (as for sockets), references to quality standards are not always genuine and if the quality is in doubt, it is advisable to carry out some tests. Here are some criteria that can be helpful to assess the quality of typical household electrical switches: Appearance: general appearance, thickness and quality of plastic casing, cover plates, mechanical parts, fixations. The weight of the device is also an indicator. Mechanical and electrical behaviour must meet the following requirements: Mechanical: • • • Fixation to the mounting blocks must ensure that the appliance remains well fixed when subjected to a perpendicular traction of 10 Newton. Spring push in junctions or screwed cage junctions must resist traction on the wires up to 5 Newton. Flat screwed junctions are not recommended unless used with washer wire terminals on flexible wires. Distance and separation between poles must ensure that there is no possibility of making a contact between poles with any straight conductive object. Electrical: • • • • • Spring push in junctions or screwed cage junctions must fit with twin 1.5mm² rigid wires - or flexible wires with dedicated terminals. When the contact is established, they must support permanently their rated current in normal conditions and in conditions of overload, i.e. they are able to support such conditions without excessive heat. All switches must be able to connect, support and disconnect 1.25 x their rated current under a voltage of 1.1 x their rate (e.g. 250V + 10%) The acceptable overload is: 1 minute for 2 x the rate, and 15 seconds for 4 x their rate. The resistance to a short-circuit is proven if a current of 10 x In (100A or 160A) with a duration of 200ms does not cause damage to the contacts or the casing (melting, burning, etc.). 166 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Recommended maximum load on switches: Even if switches are tested to ensure their ability to withstand 1.2 x their rate without excessive heating, these tests are only relevant for short term behaviour. To help ensure the long life of switches, the acceptable permanent load (more than 45 min) should not exceed 60 % of their rating. The action of disconnection is the most critical function of a switch. Switches are supposed to be able to disconnect inductive loads (such as TL tubes with coiled ballast) without destructive arcing. Inductive loads always produce high transient voltages and electrical arcing at the moment of the disconnection. Household switches rarely have an arcing chamber, so it is highly recommended to limit the inductive load to a level that is lower than if it was a resistive load. In practice, to calculate the maximum rate that must be applied to downstream lighting circuits - the square root of the cos Φ is multiplied by the rate of the switch. Example: calculation of the maximum power (in watt) of TL tubes (cos Φ 0.35) that can be installed on a 10A switch: (0.35)0.5 x 10 A = 0.6 x 10A = 6A. True power in watt : 0.35 x 6A x 230V = 480 W Permanent use = 60% X 480W = 288W = 16 TL tubes of 18W, or 8 TL tubes of 36W This is one of the reasons why it is recommended to avoid using loads with a low power factor. Frequently, TL tubes must be balanced with capacitors, or, much better, only TL fixtures with electronic ballast (and therefore also a wider input voltage range) should be purchased. It is also more and more common to use remotely controlled stepping switches (also known as ‘uni-selectors’ or ‘stepping relays’). They are installed in breaker boards and are controlled by low voltage or very low voltage impulses sent by remote commands buttons. All requirements made for the manual switches can be extended to the quality and usage requirements needed for these switches (must comply with IEC 60947-5). 167 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 6.6.6. LIGHTING AND LIGHTING FIXTURES There are several different IEC standards that each deal with specific aspects of lighting and lighting fittings, such as: • • • • • • • TL tubes (IEC 60081 & 60901) Ballast for TL tubes (IEC 60920) Glass bulbs (IEC 60887) Bayonet lamp holders (IEC 61184) Safety of lamp holders (IEC 60061) LED lighting (IEC 62471 & 62717) Performance of lighting devices (IEC 62722) These have their equivalences in national regulations such as British standards and American codes. Common to these are some fundamental requirements that must be respected in MSF & ICRC electrical installations. III. CLASSES OF EQUIPMENT, EARTHING PROTECTION Fixed lightings: All ungrounded lighting fixtures should be class II equipment – in particular all external parts of bulb holders should be made from nonconductive material. Exposed conductive parts of lighting fixtures: If they cannot be connected to a protective earthing, should be double insulated from all electrified parts of the device. Junction blocks must be inside an insulated nonconductive compartment. Conductive channels (decorative tubing, etc.) containing wires and cables must be insulated on the inside. All cables must be mechanically protected from conductive parts that could damage the cable in case of friction, traction, or movement (common for some types of lighting fixtures). It is recommended that even if the fixture (exposed conductive parts) is connected to an earthing protection, the preceding requirements should still be respected, in order to help minimise insulation-related problems. Mobile lighting: It is recommended that all mobile lighting is at least class II equipment. Plugs, cords and ‘on-cords’ switches must be verified. IV. INGRESS PROTECTION All lighting fixtures must be at least IP 41 (no possibility of ingress of solid objects over 1mm). External lighting and lighting fixtures must be at least IP66. It is preferable that the frame of external lighting or lighting fixtures is made with strong nonconductive material. This requirement is principally to avoid the effects of possible corrosion of steel frames installed outdoors on ingress protection rating. It is also necessary that all external lighting and lighting fixtures are protected against possible impact from moving objects, vehicles or persons. This protection can be ensured by placing the lighting in a location aware from such potential impacts, or by ensuring that they are capable of resisting such impacts. 168 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 V. PROTECTION AGAINST HEAT According to the technology used and the power rates, some lighting can produce significant heat. All fixtures or exposed parts of lighting equipment that can reach temperatures higher than 45°C must be protected from being touched by a person. This protection can be a fixed metal protection mesh or any other mean that can produce the same protective result. Higher temperatures are allowed for parts or lighting equipment that cannot be reached. It must also be avoided that the heat projected by some powerful lighting can damage any surrounding object. The distance between lighting equipment and any surrounding objects must ensure that no danger or damage can be caused by the projected heat. VI. PERFORMANCE The lighting requirements must be defined prior to any considerations about the performance of lighting systems. Standard requirements of illumination are defined by ISO 8995-1:2002. These standards are considering 3 factors: The illumination level (Lux, lx) The ‘Lux’ is the illumination level given by 1 Lumen on 1 m² (1lx=1lm/m²). The table below shows the levels of natural lights and needs accorded to areas and activities. Natural light Moonless clear night sky with airglow Quarter moon Full moon on a clear light Full moon overhead at tropical latitudes Dark limit of twilight with a clear sky Very dark overcast day Sunrise or sunset on a clear day Full daylight (not direct sun) Direct sunlight Illumination needs - general Outdoor Basement Corridor / warehouse Restroom, sleeping room Kitchen, Office, workshop - light job Office, workshop - precise, intensive job Very precise working Illumination needs - medical facilities Night lighting Corridors Bedrooms Waiting room Examination room Laboratories Operating rooms Operating table Min 5 25 50 100 250 400 1000 Min 10 50 100 200 200 300 300 3000 LUX 0.002 0.01 0.27 1 3,4 100 400 10000-25000 32000-130000 Good Optimum 15 25 50 75 100 150 200 300 325 400 700 1000 2500 4000 Good Optimum 20 40 100 150 200 400 350 500 400 600 500 1000 500 1000 5000 8000 Table 14: iIlumination levels- facts and needs 169 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 The illumination level is not the only important factor to give the required comfort and clarity of vision. The luminance, which describes the brightness of a source of light and the colour temperature, also influences the feeling of comfort provided by a lighting system. For some specific activities, it is also very important to consider the colour rendering index, as this determines which colours will be clear, bright and discernible by the observer. The luminance (Candelas, Cd) The luminance is the value of the brightness of a source of light at a given distance. Roughly, it is proportional to the number of lumen emitted by a source divided by the apparent surface of the source, and to the distance between the light source and the observer. Very bright small sources can give the same quantity of light (lumen) as less bright larger sources. But the first one will dazzle you more than the second. Very bright sources are and are more stressful for people, and tend to attract more insects. The luminance of a light source can be reduced if it is surrounded by a diffusing glass or plastic globe. The colour temperature (Degrees Kelvin - K) Figure 94: The scale of the colour temperature ‘True white’ is considered to be around 6500K. In practice, we consider that: • • A ‘warm white’ colour is given by lighting with a colour temperature between 2400K and 3000K (2400K - very warm, 2700K - medium warm, 3000K - slightly warm). A ‘cold white’ colour is given by lighting with a colour temperature between 3400K and 6500K (3400K - slightly cold, 4500K - medium cold, 6500K - very cold) Figure 95: Colour temperature of usual lighting sources There is no difference in brightness between warm and cold colour light sources (if their power is the same), but it makes a difference to the feeling and mood provided by the lighting. Warmer lights are preferred in areas of rest, where it is good that people feel welcomed with conviviality, warmth and friendliness. Colder lights are preferred in areas of activity, work, where there is a need for precision, accuracy and concentration. 170 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Of course, both the resulting brightness and colour of a given lighting system in a particular place is influenced a lot by the colours of the surrounding walls, floor, and ceiling. However, it is still important (where available) to choose lighting systems that provide colour temperatures adapted to the nature of the room being served. This is also true for outdoor security lights: a warmer light makes a soothing atmosphere while colder lights will produce more stress. So, it is better to use warmer lights to decrease the stress at perception level. In the case of security lights it is also better to decrease the luminance of the sources, and to use several less powerful sources rather than a single powerful one. However, in the case of intrusion very bright cold light projectors could be beneficial. A last point about colours relates to insects. It appears that most are more attracted by blue lights (colder) than by yellow lights (warmer). The colour rendering index (CRI - in %) The CRI is a comparison to the colour spectrum of natural white light. A CRI of 100 means that all colours are perceived in true colour, because the intensities at each wavelength from red to violet - are similar to the ones of a natural light. A CRI of 0 means that the light source is monochromatic and only one colour is perceived in its true colour. For example, sodium lamps produce orange light and only orange appears the correct colour with sodium lamps. The following images show some examples of lighting sources with different CRIs: Figure 96: The colour rendering index of usual lighting sources According to the type of activity being undertaken, the need to be able to clearly distinguishing between colours varies. Medical examination and surgery requires not only a good illumination level, but also a CRI> 90. For indoor use, only light sources with CRI class 1 (>80) should be used. 171 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 The adjacent graph shows ranges of colour rendering related to usage of the room being illuminated. This graph uses the value Ra – which is an average rendering value for the first 8 samples (from the 11 considered as a reference for CRI). Figure 97: typical usages related to CRI requirements Whatever the lighting source used (TL tubes, bulbs, Halogens, LED), it must be marked with certain data. This should indicate not just electrical data (power, voltage) but also the temperature colour (in Kelvin) and the colour rendering index (in %). These latter items not only help in choosing an appropriate light source, but can also be a useful indicator of the quality of the product (a fake copy is less likely to have appropriate data for colour temperature and colour rendering). Figure 95 illustrates the coding system used for data information marking on light sources. POWER (WATTS) CRI : 9: > 90 8: > 80 7: > 70 CCT Kelvin 27= 2700 30 = 3000 40=4000K Figure 98: Information data on lighting devices Key performance criteria are related to both technical and economic aspects, namely: 1. 2. 3. The electrical performance - ratio electrical power/lighting power in watt/lumen, The cost and lifetime The ecological impact A complete table with specific features and requirements for common types of light source is given in the table 9 below. Otherwise, some additional important remarks about some lighting and lighting fixture components: 172 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Bulb holders: Must be made from insulating material. Do not mix bayonet (B) and screwed (E) bulb holders. The choice should be based upon the local regulations or common practices. Tube fixtures: Must be made from insulating and strong material. They are most effective if used in conjunction with reflectors and transparent diffuser covers (polycarbonate). Coiled ferromagnetic ballasts. These do not compensate the voltage/ frequency variations. Failed ignition of the starter when voltage is too low, reduced lifetime of starters, weaken and reduce the lifetime of the tube, unstable light (blinking), sensitive to corrosion, overheating and losses to frame/ earthing. Very bad cos . If many are installed, must be compensated with capacitor. Electronic ballasts. These are more expensive than ferromagnetic ballasts but provide better insulation, good regulation with voltage variation (less failed starts) no blinking, better lifetime of tubes. They avoid the need for a starter. They are lighter, but not as robust as coiled ones. Should be used in preference to ferromagnetic ballasts. Starters: (for tubes). They are only needed with coiled ballasts. They are suffering a lot when they try to ignite tubes under too low voltages . They are very dangerous inside of areas with flammables (high voltages & arcing during ignition). Incandescent bulbs: These use a lot of energy and have a short life span. Can be very hot and pose a fire risk. Sensitive to shocks and overvoltage. Halogen: These use less energy but have very hot surfaces. Mainly used as spot lights. Very sensitive to voltage variations and can be damaged simply by being touched. Fluorescent tubes: X5 - X10 less energy consumption, but fragile and contain mercury. Most recent versions are very efficient and contain less mercury. Compact fluorescent lamps: In theory, 5 x less energy consumption. Various shapes (spiral, bulb, etc.) but do not always fit as a direct replacement for incandescent bulbs (bigger and heavier). Fragile and contain mercury. Some are made with reduced quantities of mercury. All kind of high and low pressure gas lamps for outdoor use: For large spaces. The choice for the correct siting, installation of lamps, and type of ballast is more stringent than with other lamps. Need a long time to warm up but can become very hot. Fragile - when switched off must wait until they have cooled down before moving or manipulating them. Vulnerable under frequent switching. LED: Various efficiencies and forms available. The choice is particularly interesting if the efficiency is over 85 Lm/watt (preferably 100 Lm/watt). Light, robust, and some are dimmable. Still expensive, but very low cost over the long term. 173 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Direct Warm Starter dangerous with flammable s Heat/ consumpti on / short life Initial Cost / pleasant light. Consumpti on Direct Very hot Warm nice light Less consumer Very hot fragile Fragile Temperate No Low cons / Mercury Low cons ECO: Mercury, bad cos F Starter dangerous with flammables Temperate No Low cons / Mercury Low cons ECO: Mercury Can be dangerous with flammables Temperate No Low cons / Mercury Low cons ECO: Mercury Can be dangerous with flammables Temperate No Low cons / Mercury Low cons ECO: Mercury Can be dangerous with flammables Remark Frequent On/Off Yes need specific fixture General 10 78 - 2700 35000 6500 4 96 1 2 10 0.06 need specific fixture General Short 0.08 Short 13 Short 1,6 Short General 1 warm up need specific fixture 82 - 2700 6500 85 dimmable General 0.14 Good allowance Ambient, spot need specific fixture 18 Good allowance General low cost 1,4 Good allowance Use low cost 1 High sensitivity Holder/ fixture Cost/lume nX lifetime Cons Watt /1000 0.2 weak lumen Initial Cost (1000 lumen) 20 Doesn't like voltages peaks Cos 1 Sensitivity voltage variation CCT Kelvin 70 - 2700 0.35 6500 95 CRI 1-100 2 Lifetime (Hours) 63 Eff. Lm/W 4 No 2950 0.95 6000 No 1 No 143 No 1 ye s Eco Advantage s Disadvant age Heat Yes 0.95 Ye s 2700 Incandescent 7 1000 100 Halogen 16 2000 100 Fluorescent Tube T8 Mag ballast 50 5000 Fluorescent Tube T8 electron ballast 55 10000 71 - 2700 6500 95 Fluorescent TubeT5 low eff 80 20000 Fluorescent Tube T5 high eff Lighting Systems 174 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Heat Frequent On/Off Eco Advantages Disadvanta ge Remark Temperate Low cons / Mercury Low cons ECO: Mercury Can be dangerous with flammables Temperate Low cons / Mercury Low cons COST: Initial. ECO: Mercury Can be dangerous with flammables Hot Low cons Low cons COST: Initial. Can be dangerous with flammables Hot Low cons Low cons COST: Initial. Very low CRI Temperate Low cons Long life COST: Initial. Need to make good choice Specific, expansive Outdoor, powerful High Pressure Sodium (HPS) 85 16000 22 1900 0.9 8 12 0.5 Specific, expansive Outdoor, powerful Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) 10 50 - 2700 50000 6500 0 95 1 8 10 0.16 low cost general Direct 0.5 Long 19 Long 6 Medium 0.9 Medium 2900 4100 warm up 8196 dimmable General 53 12000 Good allowance Specific, costly Ceramic Metal Halide Medium allowance 0.3 Medium allowance General 14 Good allowance Use low cost 4 Bad Holder/ fixture 0.9 Sensitivity voltage variation Cost/lumen X lifetime 82 - 2700 6500 90 Lifetime (Hours) CRI 1-100 CCT Kelvin Cos Cons Watt /1000 lumen Initial Cost (1000 lumen) 69 12000 Eff. Lm/W MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Yes CFL nonintegrated ballast (Y es) No 0.3 No No 18 No No 3 No No 0.9 No Compact 82 - 2700 55 10000 Fluorescent (CFL) 4100 90 Lighting Systems Table 15: performances and typical specifications of various lighting systems 175 176 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 6.7. VOLTAGE PROTECTION DEVICES Breakers and RCDS protect people and equipment from the dangers of electrocution, overloads, short-circuits and fires. The quality requirements for equipment have also been defined and are an important factor for their durability. However, in the contexts where MSF & ICRC work there is often the problem and effects of voltage variations in the mains electricity supply. Most of the time the problem is that the voltage is too low, so that some devices do not work properly, and some others (motors, fridge compressors, etc.) are forcing and overheating. It happens also that there are too high voltages, for example during periods of lower load on the city grid (night time), and sometimes faulty voltage because of poor operation of the system (reversed junction of neutral and phase), or because the neutral has been disconnected. Sudden voltage peaks can also occur following heavy loads being suddenly disconnected from the grid, or as a consequence of thunderstorms. This reference document would not be complete without addressing the matter of protection against voltage variation. 1. Devices that are able to deal with voltage variations: Some devices are more able of supporting voltage variations than others: • • Many DC adapters for class III equipment are built to be ‘universal’ – meaning that they can work both in 50 and 60Hz, and with a voltage input between 90 and 265V. This represents a wide operating range, but such appliances will still not be able to withstand sudden peaks in excess of 400V. Electronic ballast for fluorescent tubes are also resistant to some voltage variations. It has already been recommended elsewhere in this paper that all fluorescent tubes should be equipped with electronic ballasts. But once again, electronic ballasts are not able to withstand sudden peaks in excess of 400V. 2. Voltage monitoring devices • • • If the voltage of the power source is not reliable, it should be monitored, and the power should be cut when the voltage is outside the acceptable operating range. The acceptable voltage range is typically between 205 and 245V. It is possible to find ‘Automatic voltage switchers’ that are able to ensure this function for various power ranges. An example is the AVS from the brand ‘Sollatek’, which can be found in many countries. Note that the power switching devices embedded in such equipment can be quickly damaged by electrical arcing between contacts if Figure 99: they are used at full power, so it is recommended Automatic Voltage Switcher 177 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 • to use them for a maximum of 50% of their rated max power. If there is a need for a centralised voltage control, it is better to use industrial voltage control relays in association with AC3 power contactors. A full range of good quality industrial control relays are available on the market and are very useful. They can monitor single and three phase systems monitor the voltage symmetry between phases, and even the phase sense if needed. To suit the specific site conditions, it is always more reliable and accurate to compose your voltage monitoring and switching system out of industrial voltage control relays associated with power contactors. The following figures present two examples of such control relays: for single phase systems, Schneider is offering the Figure 100: RM17UBE and for three phase system they Industrial voltage control relays propose the model RM35UB330. 3. Stabilisers Stabilisers are very frequently used in the field. They can correct voltages in a range of +15% -15% (which is correct for voltages between 190 and 250 Volts). There can be a lot of problems if low cost/ poor quality stabilisers are used. Many of these low cost stabilisers are unsafe, and frequently do not even have an earthing connection. The general criteria for selecting good quality stabilisers are the same as for other equipment, but here are some more specific points to consider: • • • • The weight, the price, the presence of an earthing junction, and the range of use are important points. Only a limited (and appropriate) number of devices should be connected to each stabiliser – particularly for small stabilisers. It is frequently a better option to install a central stabiliser for an entire compound. It is also important to consider carefully the voltage range of the stabiliser. The rated output power of a stabiliser (the power value given by the manufacturer) does not reflect the max power that the stabiliser should be able to deliver whatever the conditions. The actual max power is related to a max input current. When the input voltage decreases, the stabiliser must increase the input current to maintain the same output power. If the voltage decreases by 25%, the input current needs to increase by 25%. As the actual limit of a stabiliser is the input current, the max delivered power will be decreased 178 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 • • • accordingly. If the input voltage to a stabiliser rated 230V 10 kVA is 25% lower than 230V, the actual max output power of the stabiliser is decreased to 7.5kVA. Stabilisers must be oversized according to the input voltage range. As for many types of electrical equipment, especially in hot climates, it is advisable to use stabilisers at half of their official rating. For example if a supply of 50kVA is needed, install a 100kVA stabiliser. In this situation it will last longer, it will not overheat, and there is some reserve capacity if the power demand increases. Stabilisers made using copper coils are very sensitive to power cuts. Low quality ones often produce voltage surges when the power cuts, in effect acting in the same way as ignition coils. Hence, it is important that surge arresters are installed at the Figure 101: Low cost stabilizer - which does not have an input and output side of the stabiliser. earthing connection. Note that anyway electronic stabilisers are lighter and more reliable. 4. UPS Modern UPS are now all of the type ‘double conversion’. They will perform as an UPS if batteries are installed, and most of them will act alike stabilisers if there are no batteries installed. Their range is much wider than the range of copper coiled stabilisers. A typical double conversion UPS is able to work over a range between -35% to +30%. This range can increase to -55% to +30% if the normal load is 50% of the rated power. The same advice as for normal stabilisers is applicable, use them at the half of their rate, and they will have a long life. Figure 102: Example of a 6kVA double conversion UPS 179 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 180 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 6.8. CONCLUSIONS ABOUT QUALITY AND USAGE REQUIREMENTS Meeting the usage requirements of an electrical installation is under the responsibility of the MSF & ICRC teams. The MSF & ICRC teams also have the responsibility to choose the correct equipment. However, this choice is often limited by the availability of suppliers and manufacturers. Whilst local purchase is preferred for many good reasons, it is often a challenge to find the required quality. Here are some tips to find the correct supplies: • Look for the representatives and official suppliers of international brands. • Look for national distributors and ask them who are their main clients and local suppliers. • Look for consumers having similar needs and requirements and ask them where they found the right products, and the right services. • When national distributors cannot meet your specific requirements (e.g. B curve breakers, etc.) the delivery time can be very long. • Always make orders using the original reference code from the brand. • If there is any doubt on the quality or authenticity of a supply, always prefer international purchase. 181 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 182 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 7. RECOMMENDATION ABOUT SETUP DESIGN The setup design includes either the organisation, or structure of an electrical distribution system and practical details of execution. It concerns the position and hierarchy of the components, and it speaks about rates, sizes, distances, and their correct placement in various types of area. These recommendations concern the user’s installation, from a single final board to all terminals in all areas. The user’s installation is the one that the ‘client’ will see and use every day. Behind the user’s installation, we also have a main distribution system installed between the source and the final board. This can range from a single cable between the meter of the electrical company and a single board, to an expensive and extended network of cables supplying numerous boards from various power sources on a large setup. Recommendations about the design of the main distribution system are presented in the first section of this chapter. 7.1. GENERAL ORGANISATION OF A DISTRIBUTION GRID As described in Chapter 4 the first step of the ‘electrical project’, is to establish the position of the distribution board(s), and, if several are to be installed, a position diagram with their related areas of distribution. The structure and position of the main distribution system must be established according to the position of these areas. But the sizing and position of the distribution areas first needs to be established. 7.1.1. SIZE OF A DISTRIBUTION AREA The position of distribution boards and size of the distribution area is established following several criteria. The first ones are the ‘rules of the 15 meters’. Distances. 14.1. The distance between every location inside an electrified setup, and the related grounding stake must be less than 15 meters. Reasons: The level of voltage surges between device frames and the environment in case of lighting must be limited. This helps ensure the equipotentiality of all frames connected to the main earthing junction and all surrounding objects or persons in contact with the ground. The potential of the protective earthing must be close to the potential of the area and occupants, even in case of lightning. 183 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 14.2. The maximum length of a final circuit is ideally 15 meters. Reasons: 1. Reduce distances from terminals to their breaker panel. 2. Make smaller panels. 3. Simplify the wiring of the installation. 4. Reduce the lengths and costs of final cables. 5. Reduce number of cables, size and cost of ducting. 7. Ensure that the surge arresters are giving protection to all terminals. In practice, the circuits are longer than the direct distance from the board to the terminals. In order to limit the length of final circuits to 15 meters, the distribution area should be inside a circle of radius 10 meters from the distribution board. The distribution board must be close to both the main earthing junction and to the arrival point of the mains (which is rarely at the centre of a distribution area). In ordinary residences or offices, according to the size and arrangement of rooms and floors, an average distribution area is between 100 and 200 m². According to their use, larger spaces should preferably have more than one distribution board. According to the needs, some individual rooms should have their own board, for example workshops, laboratories, or technical areas. Final circuits that need to be longer than 15 meters should preferably only be used for class II or unreachable class I or 0I equipment, for example to supply remote outdoor lightings, or submerged pumps. For houses and offices, as a rough indication, the total installed power of an average distribution area, should not exceed 10 – 15 kVA. 184 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 7.1.2. RATES OF THE MAIN DISTRIBUTION LINES. 14.3. To ensure the instantaneous reactivity of the main protections in case of a short-circuit, the maximum rate of the circuit breakers of main distribution lines is 1/3 of the rate of the generator breaker. B curve breakers are mandatory. Reasons: 1. In case of a short circuit, alternators are not able to deliver more than 2x their max current. 2. In case of a short-circuit the most sensitive breakers (B Curve) react between 3.5 and 5x their rated value. To ensure an immediate tripping we must consider that we need a short-circuit current of 5x the rate. The breaker of the generator is correctly rated in case of overload (full rate) but is naturally oversized in case of short-circuits, because the short-circuit current never reaches a value of 5x the rate of the generator, but it can reach the value of 5x the rate of a B curve breaker rated 1/3 of the generator rate. 14.4. The maximum rate for main distribution lines must be limited to 63A (minimum cross section cable 16mm²). Reasons: 1. Stay within the range of domestic breakers (cheaper, and easier to find). 2. 16 mm² cables are still easy to move and install. They are still light and flexible compared to larger cross sections. 3. Reduce as much as possible the breaker rate due to the limited short-circuit current produced by a generator. A 63A B curve breaker is suitable for short-circuit currents produced by generators of 125kVA or above. But this breaker cannot react when using smaller generators. With smaller generators, the rate of the breakers has to be reduced in accordance with the short-circuit current, respecting the previous rule. 14.5. Preferably use several main distribution lines, up to 16 main lines or more on a large setup if required. Reasons: 1. More main lines mean main breakers of lower rates. 2. More lines will increase the selectivity in case of a breaker tripping. 185 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 3. The total quantity of cable will decrease, because doubling the cross section of a cable does not double the current that it can carry (due to heat dissipation). 4. More selectivity in case of a damaged cable – smaller areas are affected in case of a tripping protection or having a cable that has to be fixed or replaced. 14.6. Reduce the number of steps (subpanels) between the main distribution panel and the final panels. Ideally, no steps would be the best, i.e. all final panels directly supplied along the main distribution lines. Reasons: To decrease the rating level and quantity of protection devices, and ensure their reactivity and selectivity. Multiplying steps means that breaker rates have to increase from downstream to upstream at each step. Hence it is easy to reach rating levels that are too high, or to have rates too close together between upstream and downstream protections 14.7. Do not install more than 3 to 5 final boards on a main line – depending upon the power rates of these panels. Reasons: 1. More boards on the same line will decrease the selectivity in case of a main breaker tripping. 2. The rate of the head protection of each board remains correct whilst still respecting the right conditions to ensure enough selectivity. 14.8. On panels having more than 20 final circuits, divide the panel into several parts each having their own head protections. Reasons: 1. Dividing a board in several parts will allow a decrease in the rate of the head breaker. 2. This increases the reactivity and the selectivity of the protections, mostly for the main RCD. 186 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 In practice: Capacity of distribution and installed power Use of devices Simultaneity % installed loads/ distribution capacity Board Permanent Intensive Average Light Rare Total High Average Low Never 40% 50% 80% 100% 120% Range for a max installed power of Phases Amps 3 40 11 kVA 14 kVA 22 kVA 28 kVA 33 kVA 3 32 9 kVA 11 kVA 18 kVA 22 kVA 26 kVA 3 25 7 kVA 9 kVA 14 kVA 17 kVA 21 kVA 1 40 4 kVA 5 kVA 7 kVA 9 kVA 11 kVA 1 32 3 kVA 4 kVA 6 kVA 7 kVA 9 kVA 1 25 2 kVA 3 kVA 5 kVA 6 kVA 7 kVA This table shows the installed power, the type of use and a related range of the distribution capacity for boards rated between 6 and 28 kVA. It gives a better idea of the sizing of boards and areas of distribution. Table 16: Distribution capacity and power of user's devices The load study It is the load study that will finally be the best base to give correct sizes of boards and areas, avoiding the need for too large boards and rates for the general breakers of boards. Boards and local Installations are easier to install and manage when the number of circuits is between 10 and 20. If it is sometimes necessary to distribute more circuits from one board. For example, for some technical areas with a lot of powerful equipment, or other specific areas where it is necessary to have fewer larger boards instead of more smaller ones. In these situations, the main protection of the board can be divided into several protection devices, (main CB and RCD) each controlling a proportion of the circuits. This will decrease the rates and increase the selectivity and discrimination of the main protections. The sizing and protection rate of a single board is a part of the sizing and organisation of the entire installation. 187 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Distribution capacity of upstream and downstream circuits The next example shows a hierarchical tree and sizing of an installation and gives an idea of comparison between the rate of the power supply (100%), the average load (50%), and the total installed power (160%). It shows that the sum of the power rates of the distribution boards and circuits is finally 200%, 400% and 1400% of the total installed power of the user devices to supply. Figure 103: Circuit rates compared to their actual loads Important points in this example: • In this example the generator is correctly sized to supply a load between 23% and 57% of the total installed loads and can supply peaks up to 63% of the loads (max simultaneity). The distribution grid is largely able to supply all loads at 100% simultaneously. • The selectivity (discrimination upstream downstream) of the protections against short circuit and overloads is ensured. • Overloads on the main distribution lines and main protections are highly unlikely. 188 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 • Overloads of the generator are avoided in this example, but other situations could require supply peaks of up to 100%, and hence need a bigger generator. It is only in situations with relatively few consumers that the simultaneity rate can be 100%. In larger setup there is no need for a generator able to supply all consumers at the same time. For usual big installations, it is common that the power of the generator is between 30% and 50% of the power of the installed consumers. But the distribution grid must be able to carry much more. Two other methods are commonly used to size a final distribution system: Both are intended to give an idea for the sizing of the final distribution, not for the sizing of the power source. They are considered to be reasonably accurate in the case of ‘standard western installations’. But the density of power demands, number of user devices and number of terminals vary significantly between locations, and between western references and field situations. These methods can provide a good comparison, but cannot be used without adjustments. Method using the floor areas of rooms: The distribution capacity is calculated in W/m², according to the usual rates for different areas: 20W or 50W/m² is commonly used for corridors or warehouses; 100W/m² for bedrooms and living rooms; 200W/m² for offices; 400W/ m² for kitchens; etc. Method with the number of terminals The distribution capacity is calculated in watt per terminal: 300w/ socket; 200w/ switch. For both methods some fixed heavy consumers are added (water heater, washing machine, heaters, air conditioners, etc.). These two methods are more approximate than a model based on a more analytical need study and preceding rules and examples. But in the case of ‘average’ or ‘usual’ installations it is sometimes useful to crosscheck the results coming from the analytical method and compare with the results from these two methods. In practice: The selectivity and the use of C curve breakers for high starting currents. If C curve breakers are used instead of B curve ones, their maximum rate should be 1/6 of the rate of the generator breaker. It is recommended to use C curve breakers only for devices with high starting currents. However, the selectivity (discrimination) with an upstream B curve breaker is effective only if its rate is more than twice the rate of the C curve downstream breaker. In that case a higher rate B curve is sometimes the solution. 189 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Discrimination on short-circuit NO discrimination on short-circuit Discrimination on short-circuit, but the head CB must be oversized Discrimination on short-circuit, but thicker cable to load. Figure 104: Circuit Breakers : choice of tripping curves and discrimination 7.1.3. POSITION OF THE MAIN BOARD Thick main cables are expansive, and hence the main board must be positioned strategically. The main cable of a 100 kVA generator (our example) must be able to carry 3 x 150A. This means that the cable will be at least 4 x 50 mm², better 4 x 70 mm². This cross section must also be increased for distances over 100 m. Additionally to their high cost, the installation of heavy cables is not an easy job. It is unavoidable that the main cable sometimes needs to be very big, but its length must be reduced to a minimum thanks to the structure of the power distribution system from the source to the terminals. It must be designed so that the main distribution panel is not too far from the source and in a good position to supply the final distribution panels with suitably sized main distribution lines. 190 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 7.1.4. ROUTING OF THE MAIN CABLES The routing of the main cables between the main board and the final distribution board is according to the best positions that have be found for all final distribution boards. It is usual that a large part of the main lines are installed in trenches (underground lines) or alternatively as aerial lines. If only used for a single cable, trenches and aerial lines are more expensive than the cable. • The routing must be organised in such a way that will use the minimum length of trenches or aerial lines. • To reduce the cost, several cables can be grouped together in the same trench or aerial line, even if this adds slightly to the length of the cable. • When a new building is constructed, some trenches or ducting are also used for other services networks (e.g. water distribution, waste water, data network, outdoor lighting, etc.). If excavation works are made for one services network, it is useful to consider combining several services in each trench. There is no problem to have water pipes and electrical conduits in the same trench. The correct placement of underground services is one of the first jobs to do in virtually all construction projects. The placement of underground services must be coordinated the surface water drainage system and the construction of roads or footpaths. • Use the external walls as a support. Placing cables on a wall is much cheaper than underground. • When it is necessary to cross a building, it is important to first try to find an easy way of passing through the inside of the building (e.g. in a false ceiling or existing services ducting). This is likely to be cheaper than installing the electrical cables in trenches passing around the outside of the building. More details on the placement of boards are giving in section 7.2, and more explanations about underground technical sleeves and cable placement in section 7.3. The figures following next page show examples of adequate and inadequate routing of main cables. 191 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 MANY TRENCHES HAVE BEEN DUG TO REDUCE THE CABLE LENGTH. But the cost of trenches is higher than the cost of cables. Length of aerial lines can also be reduced. TO REDUCE THE COST SEVERAL CABLES ARE INSTALLED INTO THE SAME TRENCH. Where possible the cables have been placed on the walls. Aerial lines have been reduced to a minimum. Figure 105: Examples of main cable routing To reduce the number and total length of trenches also reduces the risks of accidental damage to underground lines. 192 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 7.1.5. THE PROTECTIVE EARTHING NETWORK The equipotentiality of a site cannot be ensured with only grounding stakes, even if all conductive parts of the building (steel carpentry, plumbing, steel beams etc.) have been correctly connected to the main earthing junction, close to the earthing stake. In countries where thunderstorms occur, ensuring the equipotential of the ground will greatly reduce the dangers linked to lightning strikes. In new buildings, the reinforcement bars inside the concrete will be connected to the protective earthing, and an earthing belt established around the building. This should be installed on all new buildings constructed by MSF and ICRC. This type of earthing system should also be added to existing buildings that are more than 10 meters long. Such a belt can be made with flat braided copper, 35 mm² (which is a very good conductor but is expensive) or with galvanized steel tapes of 100 mm². Figure 106: Grounding belt around a large building. The green triangles are the grounding stakes and the junctions to the reinforcement bars. An earthing belt around a building must be connected to the reinforcement bars of the slab every 5 meters. Earthing belts that are close to one another (less than 15 meters) must be interconnected. Earthing stakes should be used to reinforce the system at each corner of the building. In most of the situations, 3m long stakes is the recommended length. Humid soils always offer a better ground conductivity, but humidity always varies: when designing an earthing network, the driest situation will be considered, and sometimes, depending upon the conductivity of the ground, additional or longer stakes are needed 193 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 to ensure a good grounding of the site. More humid soils can sometimes be found deeper, but not always. With large buildings of more than 15-20 meters, it is advised to add stakes every 5 meters, preferably at the point where the belt is connected to the reinforcement bars. Board enclosure Protective earthing of electrical circuits Same cross section as circuits Earthing junction bar Main earthing of electrical circuits Same cross section as internal wiring of distribution board. Min 10 mm² SPD Surge protection device ‘lightning arrester’ Main earthing wire of electrical circuits. (< 3m) Without SPD: Same cross section as previous. (Min 10 mm²) With SPD: min 25 mm² is advised Main earthing junction Non electrical earthing (protection of building - plumbing, metal frames) 6 mm² Main earthing conductor Min 16 mm² With SPD: Min 25 mm² 35 mm² is advised Figure 107: Earthing wires and junctions Earthing stake or earthing belt Earthing junctions in buildings The main earthing junctions for the electrical boards must also be connected to a stake, in addition to the belt, if existing. It is frequently installed outdoors on an exterior wall, and brings together the earthing connection from the board and all other earthing protections in the area (inside and outside of the building). The max recommended 194 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 distance between board and main earthing junction is 3 meters. The junction and cross section of the earthing wires is shown into the figure below. An earthing network of a building has 3 main branches 1. The ‘ground’ earthing (background, underground, site reference) a. Earthing stake (rod, pole) X profile galvanized steel 3 m deep b. Earthing belt c. Building foundations/ bars / steel mesh / Basement All elements should be 35 mm² copper or 100 mm² galvanised steel. 2. The building earthing a. Conductive elements, corrugated iron roofs (6 – 16mm²) b. Metal frames, pipes, bathrooms (6 mm²) The earthing wire must be continuous (no breaks) up to the main earthing junction. Lights (10 -25 mm²) (2.5 mm²) Electrical Local (6mm²) distribution electrical board earthing (2.5 mm²) Main Socket, Metal bath/ (6mm²) electrical metal frame bath drain earthing wire Main Earthing Junction Test terminal/ disconnector (16-35 mm²) Junction to concrete bars (35 mm²) (6 mm²) Non electrical earthing Junctions to pipes (water, gas, fuel) Earthing stake/ belt Figure 108: Earthing junction in buildings 3. The electrical earthing a. Protective earthing of electrical terminals/ devices/ distribution cables/ bathrooms. b. All electrical protective earthing wires are connected to the earthing junction bar inside the breaker board. c. The frames within a bathroom (e.g. bath tub, pipes, drains, etc.) can be connected in one of three ways: • 6 mm² wire to a local socket/ junction box (reconnect to electrical network earthing). • 6 mm² wire to the earthing junction bar in the breaker box. • 6 mm² wire to the main earthing junction. 195 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Main earthing junction: Branches ‘2’ and ‘3’ are connected to the main earthing junction: - The building earthing wires join the main earthing junction (6-16mm²). The main electrical earthing wire joins the main earthing junction (1025mm²). The bathroom protective wire may join the main earthing junction (6 mm²). The main earthing junction is connected to Branch 1. - The main building earthing wire (16-35mm²) joins the main earthing junction to the ground earthing network (stake, belt). Test terminal/ disconnector: This is optional and commonly installed for testing or measurement purposes. Grounding stake Main earth conductor Inspection port Clamp: (Cable shoe, bolt or pierced galvanised bolt, lead washer, flat washer, nut) 10 cm Corrosion Protection X shape galvanized steel 2m – 3m deep Figure 109: placement of an grounding stake • The least expensive and most durable results are obtained with galvanised steel. • The total external surface area can be improved by using a ‘X’ profile stake. • Humid sites work better. • The dispersion conductivity can be improved by adding a conductive compound for 30cm around the stake (e.g. charcoal powder works well and is not expensive). Do not use salt or any other corrosive material to improve the conductivity. 196 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 7.2. DISTRIBUTION BOARDS 7.2.1. PLACEMENT OF DISTRIBUTION BOARDS Rules of placement for electrical boards • The final boards are positioned strategically inside their area of distribution. • The area of distribution is within a radius of 10 m maximum from the board supplying that area. • Apart from some exceptional excursions out of the area (long outdoor circuits,) the area of distribution can be smaller, not bigger. • The main earthing junction (stake, underground belt) is preferably at a max distance of 3 meters from the board (length of main earthing wire) • In new buildings, it is the architect that must design a dedicated embedded place and associated technical ducting for the placement of the distribution board. • According to the situation the boards must be in a dedicated room, or accessible for the users. • When boards are installed in a closed room, the access to the (key) room must be possible 24/24, for technical staff on duty. • All accesses and passages to the boards are kept free. • In particular, boards cannot be hidden by shelves or other pieces of furniture. • Boards must not create an obstacle for any movement in corridors or other passages, doors or stairs. • A minimum distance of 1 meter must be kept between a board and a window. • Boards cannot be placed in front of doors or windows. • Boards must be installed in dry places. When boards are installed outdoors, they must be IP66, the floor must be a dry slab or any other dry floor above the outdoor ground surface. They must be protected from the rain with appropriate roof and walls at least 2 meters around. If required the area around the shelter must be drained. The access to an electrical shelter must remain clear. • The top third of an electrical board should ideally be placed at a height of between 150 and 200 cm. Large boards (height bigger than 1.5m) must be placed on the floor • Must preferably be placed on a stand, (masonry, or steel feet) to ensure that the bottom of the board is at a height of 20 cm above the floor. • They must be fastened to a wall. • All provisions must be made so that no water could enter even when the floor is covered in water. • No equipment can be installed in a board below a height of 40 cm above the floor. • A battery powered autonomous emergency lighting must be installed in order to provide lighting of the board and surrounding area in case of a power cut. 197 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 7.2.2. DESIGN OF DISTRIBUTION BOARDS The sizing and structure of distribution board has been presented in the preceding chapter. But not only the electrical aspects of sizing are important, the general layout of distribution boards must also follow some rules. A distribution box must be clear. In a single glance anyone should be able to understand the general structure of a distribution board. It must be easy to identify where are the entry, the general protections and the outgoing circuits. All circuits should be identified or numbered. Printed copies of the position and electrical diagrams should be included inside the board, or in a sealed file close to the board. These diagrams must of course be up to date. MAINS GENERAL BREAKER GENERAL RESIDUAL CURRENT PROTECTION DEVICE LIGHTNING AND SURGE PROTECTION AS FAR AS POSSIBLE, THE GENERAL PROTECTION WILL BE PLACED TOP LEFT. THE WIRES ARE ENTERING TO THE TOP OF THE DEVICES AND COMING OUT FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE DEVICES. GENERAL PROTECTION FINAL CIRCUIT BREAKERS Earthing junction PROTECTION OF THE FINAL CIRCUITS RESIDUAL CURRENT DEVICE 30mA circuit W/ 30mA Protection TO MAIN EARTHING JUNCTION To the final circuits Figure 110: General layout of a distribution board A distribution box must be organised. It is usual to work from the left to the right and from the top to the bottom. Many board devices can work in the same way if they have their entries at the bottom or at the top. However, the preferred rule of ‘from left to right, and from top to bottom’. Should be applied to single board devices. The power should enter the 198 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 device by the top, and exit by the bottom. The distribution of the power to a bank of circuit breakers is also preferably made from the left to the right. It is not uncommon for incoming mains to enter a board at the bottom, and for outgoing circuits to exit from the top of the board. This is not necessarily a problem, and it is still possible to follow the prefer option of organising boards left to right and top to bottom. It simply necessary to have enough space for the incoming mains cable to cross the board in order to be connected at the top-left section. Similarly for the outgoing circuits to cross to the lower right section. In some situations, it may still be easier to organise a board from bottom to top (or in another manner). It is not the preferred way to do, but it can still be appropriate according to the situation. The most important thing is that the board is clear, ‘square’, easy to understand, has remaining empty spaces, and is consistent with the organisation of other boards within the specific installation. A special attention to the sizing of the distribution wires is required. It is unfortunately not rare that the wires coming from the main protection to the final circuit breakers are not of the correct cross section. The cross section of the wires distributing the power to all final circuits must be according to the rate of the head breaker. Figure 111: Wrong cross section inside of a breaker board DANGER! 2.5 mm² distribution to the breakers does not fit! 10 mm² 40A feeder With large boards having several dozen outgoing circuits, it is better to divide the board into several main parts, ensuring that each part can be protected by 32A protection. This will increase the selectivity (discrimination) and decrease the rate of head breakers and of distribution wires inside of the board. Figure 112: Dividing the main protection of boards In this example of a board, each rank has its own general protection. 199 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Using a maximum (if possible) rate of 32A for the head protection of boards, 6mm² wires can be used to distribute the power to the final breakers. Wires of 6mm² are still manageable, and not too difficult to manipulate. With higher breaker rates, 10mm² are required which are not so easy to manipulate. The best method for supplying a rank of breakers is to use connecting bars (commonly called ‘connecting combs’ or ‘bus bars’) instead of wire bridges. They are easier to install and take up less space inside the board. Without Busbar With Busbar Various types of bus bars are available: single phase 1 pole, 2 poles, three phases 3 poles or 4 poles, and for all rates of currents. Figure 113: Using bus bars to feed breakers It is recommended that 1/3 of a breaker board is left as free space. This will avoid overheating, will allow addition of circuits, and will make everything much more clear. For all boards, but more specifically large ones, it is important to define the space where the wires will be installed, between the entrance to the board and the connection to the board devices. They can pass behind the DIN rails or a special section can be reserved at the sides of the board. It is better to tie all wires 200 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 together in bundles, as they will take less space and help keep the board clear and simple. Bundles of wires can also be routed between banks of board devices. It is important that all wires entering a board are long enough to allow correct routing and easy connection to the board devices. When making the wiring of an installation, let always an excessive length of wires at the level of the terminals, junction boxes and boards. It is recommended that this excessive length is equivalent to the height plus the width of the enclosure, plus 10 cm. The length will then be adapted to the place of actual junction that will be made, but still having an orthogonal routing and enough excessive length to allow some further adaptation of the wiring. Sometimes existing boards can be very unsafe, and very complicated 201 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 202 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 7.3. PLACEMENT OF CONDUITS AND JUNCTION BOXES 7.3.1. UNDERGROUND CABLES protection cover Warning tape Backfill Protection mesh Cable inside of a conduit Underground cables must be armoured, or must be inserted into a flexible tube, or a PVC pipe. PVC pipes allow the placement of several cables inside of the same pipe, and facilitate the addition or replacement of cables. Yellow sand It is common on construction sites that service trenches are dug Trench 40cm around and through a site Figure 114: and installed with several Arrangement of a trench for underground cable PVC pipes of diameter 100120mm (provisional sleeves.) In this case, cables can be installed in these service pipes later. If several cables (armoured or inside flexible conduits) are placed in the same trench, the horizontal distance between cables should be 3-5cm. Do not over-tension buried cables. It is better that some slack remains in the cable in order to resist possible small-scale land movements. The correct depth of a trench is 80cm and the correct depth for a cable is 60cm. The protection cover is often omitted. It is only mandatory when crossing roads or pathways. According to the soil characteristics, during excavation of the trench shoring or angled-back excavation may be needed to ensure stability. As for all below ground work, excavation of service trenches should be done carefully bearing in mind what might be buried in the site. Yellow sand should be put under and above the cable. The colour is different from the surrounding ground so if someone is digging in the vicinity it is easier to see the presence of a cable. Many types of soil contain stones, and a surrounding of sand prevents stony soil from damaging the cable or conduits. In addition, plant roots and even rodents do not like to pass through sand. The protection mesh is not always used, but it does provide a good protection against spades and other excavation tools. The backfill is generally the earth excavated from the trench. 203 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 The warning tape is placed at a depth of 15-20 cm below the surface of the ground. Special tape is sometimes available, but otherwise a red/ white or a yellow/ black stripped tape can be used. Figure 115: Warning tape over underground cables Whatever what kind of sleeves are dug inside of a trench, some rules must also be applied when routing these: Max 25 m. Manhole Every 25 m. on straight ways Manhole At every curve Figure 116: Manholes along a trench All kind of underground sleeves must also follow other rules. Whatever it is water, gas, data or electricity, no curve, nor T junction nor any kind of direction change are allowed for underground sleeves. Manhole At the site of each curve or junction, a manhole must be placed. On straight ways, a manhole must be placed at least every 25 meters. All sections between manholes are straight. Manholes are made with special PVC boxes, or in place, with bricks or concrete. They are protected against the rain. They can include junction boxes (IP 68 + Magic gel) 204 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Exiting of buried cables When coming out of the ground, the electrical cables must be properly mechanically protected. If cables are coming vertically out of the ground, it must be beside a wall or a fixed structure. All vertical cable against a wall must be protected against shocks, specifically when installed outdoors. In such situations, cables must be protected by a thick steel pipe up to a height of 150cm. The top of the pipe should be fitted with an elbow to prevent rain water from entering. Figure 117: Pipe arrangement to exit out of the ground 7.3.2. CABLES AND CONDUITS INSIDE A BUILDING There are many ways to install cables and conduits inside buildings. Apparent cables General: • • • • • All vertical apparent cables should be installed parallel to surrounding walls. They can be installed in the corner between walls. All horizontal apparent cables should be installed parallel to the ceiling, at a distance of 25-35 cm from the ceiling. Apparent cables must be fixed with appropriate special hose clips. Cable curves should be fixed at each end with a hose clip Apparent cables fixed to the ceiling should be perpendicular to the wall from which it comes. Apparent cables without a conduit: • • • • • Apparent cables without conduits are less expansive but often do not look very nice. They are common in workshops or other technical areas. In some situations mechanical protection of the cables is required and apparent cables cannot be installed without conduits. The distance between hose clips fixing straight cables should not exceed 50 cm. In case several cables are following the same route, the minimum distance between cables should be at least equivalent to the half of the cable diameter. The distance between adjacent cables should be constant. 205 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Apparent cables in a circular conduit: • • • • The distance between hose clips fixing straight smooth PVC tubes should not exceed 60cm. Only straight parts of the circuit should be in circular conduits. If multi-conductor cable is used, bends can be made without using a conduit between lengths of straight circular conduit. If single conductor wires are used, bends must be formed with sections of flexible conduit. The preceding kinds of apparent installations are more adapted to warehouses or workshops. Apparent cables in square plastic trunking: • They have a better appearance than circular conduits and can be used in houses or offices. They are more hygienic than other kind of apparent ducts and can be used in medical facilities. They are often used inside of operation theatres and laboratories. • They must be installed very carefully. All junctions between sections of trunking must be very precisely sized and placed, if not the appearance can be rather ugly, and openings can be a source of problems or dirt. • They can be used around doors, directly under the ceiling, or along walls where they meet the floor. • If several circuits made with single conductor wires are to be installed in one cable trunking, this trunking must have separation system to segregate circuits from each other. Figure 118: Use of square plastic trunking 206 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 • Junctions can be made inside plastic trunking, in which case the need for junction boxes is reduced. • Some brands have terminals that can be incorporated into the cable trunking. Figure 119: terminals incorporated into square plastic trunking • Good quality plastic cable trunking can be expensive. Fastening conduits to walls or other supports A common problem with apparent cable or conduit installation is that they must be fastened to the walls, and sometimes walls are so weak that the fastening system is not strong enough. Cable or tube clips with nails are only effective in wood, and they are rarely strong enough in plain walls. Figure 120: Various types of tube clips Screws can be effective in plain walls as long as the wall construction is strong enough for a good fixing. Many different types of tube clips are available on the market, but the use of plastic ties in screwed bases is the best option. Horizontal and vertical routing of conduits on the walls do not have the same constraints. Horizontal channels will collapse easier than vertical ones. If only one screw is weak, the two screw on either side will carry more weight, will perhaps also 207 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 fail. This is the reason why after a time a horizontal conduit often bends in between the remaining fixing points. Another point is that horizontal channels accumulates dusts and grease. They cannot be used into medical facilities requiring a high level of hygiene and sterilization. Vertical channels have less problems. They do not collapse as easily or deform, and they will not accumulate so much dirt. Square plastic trunking have some advantages in terms of fixation. The location of fixing screws is flexible, so it can be adjusted to take advantage of strong fixing points on the wall. If the use of fixing screws is not possible, an adhesive could be used instead. Additionally, sealing the space between the wall (or ceiling) and the trunking with a putty will help reduce the build-up of dirt. However, in medical facilities the best will be to have an embedded installation. Cables on cable trays: Cable trays provide a simple way of supporting cables, and are frequently used in technical areas or workshops. If proprietary cable trays are not easily available, they can be made locally with thick steel wires, or even reinforcement bars (if particularly heavy cables are needed). Figure 121: Cable tray Hidden cables Cables embedded into plain walls Embedded cables must be installed inside plastic conduits. Preferably flexible conduits should be used, but the use of rigid conduits is also possible. It is preferable that only single conductor wires are installed in embedded conduits. Conduits should be a minimum of 20mm in diameter. There is no need to make deep grooves, as the depth of the groove should be 1 cm deeper than the diameter of the conduit. Conduits can be fixed in place inside the groove by nails or quick-setting plaster. The embedded conduit is covered thereafter with a 1cm layer of plaster. 208 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Embedded conduits should only run vertically or horizontally. By priority, there are certain locations within a room that should be reserved for the installation of embedded cables, as shown in the following figure: Figure 122: Spaces reserved for embedded conduits inside of a room Junction boxes should (by preference) be imbedded, but the cover must remain visible. Passing embedded conduits and cables through walls is permitted. However, in this situation additional consideration should be given to the strength and arrangement of the conduit and cable. Cables embedded inside hollow partition walls: Multi-conductor cables, as well as single conductor inside conduits, can be installed in hollow walls. There are no rules or conventions on the routing of cables inside of hollow walls. If rodents are likely to be present, it might be useful to install even multiconductor cables in larger flexible conduits. Cables in a false ceiling: Installing cables within a false ceiling is often a good solution, as it avoids the installation of cables horizontally in or on the walls. Inside of false ceilings, there is no convention on the routing of cables. However, where appropriate it is better to group cables together. To provide protection against rodents, all cables inside of false ceilings must be installed in flexible plastic conduits. Junction boxes are allowed inside of false ceilings, and it is recommended that they are IP 66, with cable glands. This to helps ensure that they will remain closed, and are protected against insects and dust. Cables under the floor: In case there is a hollow floor or a basement, cables can be installed under the floor. The same principles as for installations in false ceilings should be applied. 209 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 7.4. PLACEMENT OF TERMINALS Previous chapters have looked at the technical aspects of terminals. However, there are also some rules about the location of terminals. Floor sockets: • Minimum distance from corners: 50 cm • Minimum distance from a door frame: 20 cm • Height over the floor: between 20 and 30 cm. All sockets must be placed at the same height! • Avoid the installation of sockets under windows. • Think about the use: double sockets are sometimes needed. • Distance between adjacent sockets: 150 cm. Bench sockets, over-table sockets, workshops. • The recommended height is max 120 cm, but it should be according to the use. • The usual height above a bench or work table is between 15 and 30 cm. Switches: • All switches must be at the same height. Between 90cm and 120 cm is the standard height. Refer to the common use in the country. • Switches are often beside doors. But for special situations (outdoor light, bathroom, etc.) the switch may be in another location. • The switch must be on the handle side of the door. • Minimum distance from the door frame: 20 cm. 210 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 7.5. SIZES AND AREAS OF DISTRIBUTION OF FINAL CIRCUITS The size of the different final circuits is defined by the number of points supplied (such as sockets). The maximum number of points per circuit should be between 5 and 8 points. The choice of the area of distribution for a single circuit is also important: some areas have particular requirements. 7.5.1. SIZE OF CIRCUITS Good sense must help in making the appropriate choice for the size of a circuit. Between 5 and 8 points supplied is an indicative maximum, and the actual number of points (such as sockets) supplied must be according to the specific needs. An office with a lot of equipment (such as printers, monitors and laptops) could be connected to 8 sockets, plus a number of mobile multiple socket extension cables. But consideration needs to be given to how frequently these sockets will be used. As a reminder, the average actual load on final circuits is usually less than 10%, and a long lasting or continuous load on a single circuit should never be more than 60-70%. When sockets are constantly in use, they do not have the same status as sockets that are simply available in case of need. A lot of appliances are constantly plugged in to sockets, but may only actually be in use for a few minutes or hours per day (such as photocopiers). Circuits with sockets that are more intensively used, such as workshops or kitchens, should be divided into several circuits equipped with less sockets. This will help decrease the load on the circuit, and increase the continuity of service in the area. Some specific fixed uses also require their own circuit, for example if they have frequent high power demands (such as air conditioners, pumps, ovens, washing machines) or some other critical use (such an alarm system or a critical communication service). 7.5.2. AREAS OF DISTRIBUTION The area of distribution of circuits must be defined in a way that minimises the problems of power unavailability in case of one circuit breaks down. For example, if a lighting circuit loses power, the situation is much easier to cope with if some lighting in the area still has power. Ideally, lighting circuits should be distributed in such a way that any circuit supplying a particular area should not also supply the surrounding ones. In some situations, even within the same room, lighting can be served by more than one circuit. The same is also true for sockets. Special consideration should also be given to supplying critical equipment (such as cold-chain and medical equipment). Have more than one circuit supplying the area will help provide back-up resources in the event of a circuit failure. 211 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 7.5.3. NUMBER OF POINTS IN GENERAL CIRCUITS Sockets circuits. (16A standard circuits, UK 13A, US 15A) One socket = one point. Double sockets are also considered as only one point. Even if officially allowed in some countries, ring circuits are forbidden. Only radial circuits are allowed. Lighting circuits. (For standard 10A circuits) One switch = one point. Add one point for each tranche of 300 VA fixed lighting. This means that the maximum power in a general 10A lighting circuit is: 1 switch + 7 x 300VA = 2100VA. 7.5.4. SPECIAL CIRCUITS VII. Circuits for powerful fixed devices These circuits only supply one device. One fixed device = one circuit. These circuits supply fixed (powerful) devices such as ovens, washing machines, air conditioners, heaters, water pumps, big photocopiers, carpentry machinery, large computer servers, etc. These circuits must be specifically sized for their intended use, with a minimum of 16A and 2.5mm² wires. It is however allowed to supply two identical devices with a consumption rate lower than 1000VA from the same the same circuit (e.g. two identical low power air conditioners, or heaters). VIII. Circuits for critical devices These circuits also only supply one device. One critical device = one circuit. A critical device can be many different types of equipment such as an alarm system, security or emergency lighting, data storage, critical medical equipment, or critical 212 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 laboratory equipment. It is important to consider the criticality of a device in relation to other devices plugged into the same circuit. For example it would not be appropriate that a critical medical device was supplied from a circuit that could be tripped by a faulty hot water kettle. In the case of critical devices, it is not the power or the constant use that is the main criteria for the sizing of the circuit, it is continuity. It will not be always necessary to have a 16A circuit. But note that too thin wires are not mechanically strong enough and manageable in a fixed installation, and hence even for power rates lower than 10A the minimal cross section of wires into fixed installations is 1.5mm². IX. Bathrooms and other wet areas Wet areas and particularly bathrooms must meet very specific requirements. A wet area is an area where water is used in a way that the floor could become wet. The two main wet areas are the laundry and the bathroom. A wet area is not an area that can be underwater (like swimming pools) and other requirements are linked to underwater electrical installations. Bathrooms are particularly critical because when having a shower or a bath people are wet and are not wearing shoes (which can offer protection against electrical contacts). a. For all wet areas: All terminals must be at least IP44. All switches must be bipolar switches. All circuits (including the lighting) must be protected by an AC type residual current device with a minimal sensitivity of 30mA. It is sometimes required to have a RCD with a sensitivity of 10mA. This is not technically needed (the threshold of current hazardousness has been fixed to 30mA) – but is an additional precaution. In case a 10mA RCD is installed, do not put too many devices on the same RCD – an addition of small insignificant losses could trip the RCD. Most of the losses are anyway collected by the protective earthing connected to all frames that are therefore much less dangerous for people in case of a loss. But it remains that any faulty device must trip a protection before causing a risk of electrocution. All provisions made for wet areas also concerns equipment using water, even if installed in a ‘dry area’. Such as the case of washing machines and water heaters, that must be also protected by a RCD with a sensitivity of 30 (10) mA. 213 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 b. For bathrooms: In addition to the provisions made for all wet areas, a bathroom is divided into specific zones based on distances from the tub or the shower, and specific requirements have been defined for each of these zones. The ‘Zone 0’ is the inside of the bath or shower. The ‘Zone 1’ is the zone immediately above the bath tub or shower up to a height of 2.25m The ‘Zone 2’ is the extension of Zone 1 by 60 cm each side, and 75 cm above (up to a height of 3.00 meters.) Even if it is not defined as such in all official regulations, all the area 60cm above and around the sink is considered zone 2. Figure 123: Zone division and safety levels into a bathroom The ‘Zone 3’ is the remaining areas of the bathroom, up to a height of 2.25 m, 3.00 m if above Zone 1. The rest of the bathroom does not technically have a zone, however it is preferable to consider that the entire bathroom is at least in Zone 3. (30mA RCD is mandatory) It is highly recommended that electrical terminals or devices in bathrooms are only allowed in Zone 3 or non-zoned areas. 214 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 This concerns sockets as well as switches and lighting fixtures. Even lighting fixtures are only allowed in Zone 3. The general switch(es) for the lighting must be bipolar and must be placed outside of the bathroom. All additional lighting or service sockets inside of the bathroom (e.g. a ‘razor socket’ or lighting above the sink) must be as well controlled by the general external lighting switch of the bathroom. If there is a service socket around the sink, and the distance is less than 40cm from Zone 2 it must be insulated from the mains with a max 100W insulation transformer. This socket is only for class II equipment and must be free of an earthing junction. Other service sockets able to supply more powerful appliances (hair dryers, etc.) must be placed at a distance of more than 40 cm from Zone 2. Some official regulations require that such a socket is equipped with a 5mA RCD. (e.g. US regulations). If the ceiling of the bathroom is lower than 2.25 meters, only class II or class III lighting is allowed. For class III lighting devices supplied by an external SLV transformer, the transformer must be class II and situated in Zone 3 or outside of the bathroom. In case of a false ceiling, if it cannot be opened, it is considered out of the volume of the bathroom even if it is lower than 2.25 or 3 meters. The case of water heaters and washing machines inside of bathrooms. Some would prefer to not allow such devices to be installed in bathrooms. Particular attention to the junction of such devices to the protective earthing is mandatory, and it must be remembered that 30mA RCD are required in every case. Modern washing machines and heaters are covered with an insulating material, which significantly increases the safety. If any sign of corrosion of the bodies of water heaters is observed they should be discarded. If a few corrosion appears on washing machines or fridges, it should be removed and painted, but if they are more corroded or if losses are observed during an electrical measurement of their insulation, it must be decided to better discard than repair and maintain such degraded devices. 215 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 X. Outdoor Circuits All equipment installed outdoors must meet the same requirements as for every wet area, but additional requirements must also be respected. All equipment, including junction boxes, and all terminals must be at least IP 65. Cable glands and all entries of equipment must be made with a particular attention to their function as dedicated protection against ingresses and the mechanical reinforcement of cable entries. A cable gland must enable the cable to resist a tension of at least 10 Newton. Special attention should be paid to the cover of junction boxes. More generally attention also has to be paid to all mechanical fittings of outdoor electrical devices (even in dry climates) to avoid damage by sand and dust. All outdoor circuits, including outdoor lighting, must be protected by a 30mA sensitivity AC type RCD. All outdoor circuits, even sockets, must be switched by double pole switches, and the switch should preferably be installed indoor. The rate of the overload and short-circuit protection of switched sockets must be accorded to the rating of the switch, which most of the time is 10A. If 16A outdoor socket circuits are required, it must be verified that the switch is also rated at 16A. Because of the sensitivity of the required RCD, do not put too much outdoor lighting on the same circuit. In case a lot of lighting points are required, it is preferable to have several separated circuits, ensuring that even in case of a tripping of a RCD, you can still give enough light to the areas where it is needed. 216 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 XI. Emergency, Fast Deployment and Provisional Installations All provisional installations must meet the same requirements as outdoor installations. They are intended to be installed outdoor as well as indoor but all equipment must be at least IP66. The type of equipment that should be used is very similar to those used for outdoor worksites, or outdoor music festivals. All cables must be flexible cables coated with rubber or similar flexible, watertight and mechanically resistant material. The installation must be ‘plug and play’ – During an emergency it is not relevant to spend time with building and wiring breaker boards on site. All breaker boards and all cables are purchased complete and equipped with plugs and sockets. Figure 124: Boards dedicated to fast deployment and provisional installations Not only the boards and cables are specific, outdoor lighting terminals with pedestal or hanging systems are a part of all provisional installations, and are installed outdoors as well as indoors. As long as the power requirement is relatively low, and the area of installation is not too extended, small provisional installations are still easy to install. When installations need to provide more power, or to cover extended areas, the same method as for fixed installations must be applied. A site plan is needed, with the required terminals and associated power needs, the position of the main and local distribution boards, as well as the position of the distribution cables. As soon as there are more than a few boards and cables, it is necessary to identify them. Boards must have a number, and cables must have a ‘flag’ at each end, with the number of the source board, and the number of the circuit. It can rapidly become very difficult to manage and operate a provisional installation if cables have not been adequately identified. Figure 125: 32A extension on a reel. Distances are also important in provisional installations. In particular for the final circuits, avoid using chains of extensions to cover long distances, as well as chains of multiple outlet extensions. There should not be too many 217 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 junctions on one circuit, and a complex system of multiple extensions can make it difficult to identify where a circuit has been disconnected. In practice, it is advisable to have a final distribution boards every 20 meters. Final boards should be small boards with a few circuits (about 4 is generally enough) and embedded socket outputs. Their protection rate is generally about 1 x 32A, and they are preferably linkable - they have a main input and output allowing several boards to be supplied from the same line. They can be supplied from three phase 32A boards or from three phases 32A to 3 x single phase 32A splitters. Also from larger 50A or 63A breaker boards able to supply several lines in 3 x 32A. The rates and number of boards must naturally depend upon Typical structure of a provisional electrical distribution grid FINAL DISTRIB FINAL DISTRIB FINAL DISTRIB Main Distribution FINAL DISTRIB FINAL DISTRIB FINAL DISTRIB FINAL DISTRIB FINAL DISTRIB FINAL DISTRIB Main Distribution the size and power requirements of the provisional setup. It must be pointed that even installed indoors, the constraints on provisional installations are heavier than the constraints on fixed installations. Indoor provisional installations should be replaced by fixed installations as soon as possible. 218 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 In some situations where MSF and ICRC operate, provisional installations may be required to operate for extended periods of time. For example, large installations on refugee camps for instance may never be replaced by fixed installations. In this situation, all cables should be replaced every 2 years, and regular controls must be made for all boards, plugs, and lighting. Figure 127: Boards and lightings used in provisional installations Because of these specific requirements and particularly the extended use of rubber flexible cable, plugs, sockets, and boards designed for outdoor use, the price of a provisional electrical installation is between 2 and 3 times the price of an equivalent fixed installation. The principle advantage of provisional systems is the rapidity with which they can be installed. 219 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 220 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 XII. Storage of flammable materials This is the case of fuel storages, but also of other chemicals like oils, paints solvents, and some chlorine based products. Such storage spaces must of course meet other specific requirements, like ventilation, segregation, minimal distance from heat sources, limited volumes, humidity control (e.g. chlorine). Electrical installations in such areas should normally require ‘ATEX’ equipment. But this is intended more for poorly ventilated areas with a potential for explosive gases, it is very expensive, and some other solutions can be recommended. • • • Protective earthing in flammable materials storage areas: Particular attention must be paid to the installation of junctions of conductive frames to the earthing protection. Frames of conductive shelves (steel shelves) must also be connected to the protective earthing. It is highly required that fuel storage tanks made from conductive materials are properly connected to the earthing protection. Local earthing stakes will improve the local equi-potentiality of the site. Lighting in flammable materials storage areas: If possible, lighting systems should be installed out of the area and light the area via transparent windows. No switch is allowed inside of a flammable materials storage area. Switches must be installed outside of the area. If lighting fixtures must be installed inside the area, they must meet the following requirements : They must be at least IP 66 Fluorescent tubes and any other low or high pressure gasses lamps are forbidden. LED lighting is the preferred solution. Other electrical devices in flammable materials storage areas: No electrical junction box belonging to local circuits or to any other circuits are allowed. No service sockets are allowed. If an electrical supply is needed e.g. to execute some works, it should be supplied with an extension cord plugged into a remote socket. If electrical power tools are required inside the area, it is recommended to use preferably sealed class III devices. (E.g. battery powered drilling machine, etc.). If it is required to have permanently an electrical supply inside the storage area (e.g. small office, reception), a dedicated shelter or separate area must be built inside the storage area, and have its own ventilation. 221 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 222 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 8. TOOLS AND TEMPLATES Most of these documents are simply excel sheets, listings, and examples of plans and diagrams, made with excel or visio. These excel sheets and visio documents are available, adaptable, and can be used and modified according to the needs. They are only examples, and some may prefer to make or use other models. In fact each electrical installation project has produced its own documents, which can potentially be used as a reference or template. 223 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 224 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 8.1. TOOL: GROSS BUDGET CALCULATION Tool. Excel Sheet "Gross budget electrical works calculation.xls" The calculation is based on the following data: 1. The surfaces 2. A value giving the type, or level of installation 3. A percentage according to the scope of the works. 4. The local cost of supplies compared with the original price, and local cost of HR can be adjusted It can be used For a global project of rehabilitation including several building For a more detailed gross estimation for a single house. 1 Detailed explanation All yellow cells can be modified Surfaces: Consider indoor and associated equipped areas. The gross calculation sheet does not consider specific needs for large outdoor spaces, but they should be added on one line. (Example 2) 2 Type 3 Scope: 4 Daily costs of national and expat staff can be adjusted also Level Example 1 Light warehouses, buildings with basic electrical installations 2 Medium Light offices, residences, wards, meeting rooms… 3 Complex Intensive office, technical rooms, operation theatre, laboratories, server rooms… 1, 2, 3 are giving a good idea about what it can be, but this range from 1 to 3 can be extended: The value must be chosen as close as possible to a "real gross feeling" The actual situation could be at a level of 0.2, 0.5, 2.5 or 4 if it is your feeling. You can cross check your feeling with an additional criteria to attribute a "level": the number of points/10m2 1 0-1 points /10 m² 2 1-2 points 10/m² 3 3-6 points /10m² 100% Is considering a complete replacement of existing, or a new installation 0% Is when no works are needed. rate local cost % brut import 100% The cost rate of imported supplies (price + taxes) compared to their original price can be adjusted 225 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 1a EXAMPLE: GROSS BUDGET ASSESMENT FOR SEVERAL BUILDINGS DATAS Supply and RH Gross assessment % Surface type RH rehab Site type 1, Supplies m2 0-100 national expat 2, 3 Man days 20 $/J 500 $/J rate local cost % brut import Price $ Total Budget 100% Index Actual Index $/m² 100% 90 $/m² $ Offices 600 2 60 $25.200 90,0 72,0 18,0 $10.440 $35.640 59 $/m² $ 59.400 Residence 200 2 30 $4.200 15,0 12,0 3,0 $1.740 $5.940 30 $/m² $ 19.800 Residence 250 2 40 $7.000 25,0 20,0 5,0 $2.900 $9.900 40 $/m² $ 24.750 Residence 250 2 80 $14.000 50,0 40,0 10,0 $5.800 $19.800 79 $/m² $ 24.750 Residence 300 2 25 $5.250 18,8 15,0 3,8 $2.175 $7.425 25 $/m² $ 29.700 Residence 150 2 25 $2.625 9,4 7,5 1,9 $1.088 $3.713 25 $/m² $ 14.850 Clinic 400 2 60 $16.800 60,0 48,0 12,0 $6.960 $23.760 59 $/m² $ 39.600 Labo 50 3 100 $5.250 18,8 15,0 3,8 $2.175 $7.425 149 $/m² $ 7.425 Warehouse 600 1 60 $12.600 45,0 36,0 9,0 $5.220 $17.820 30 $/m² $ 29.700 Workshop 300 3100 m² 2 50 $10.500 37,5 30,0 7,5 $4.350 $14.850 50 $/m² $ 29.700 Rate 52% $103.425 369,4 295,5 73,9 $42.848 $146.273 47 $/m² $ 279.675 226 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 1b EXAMPLE: GROSS BUDGET ASSESMENT FOR A SINGLE BUILDING DATAS Supply and RH Gross assessment rate local cost % brut import % Surface type RH rehab Total Site Actual Index Budget type 1, Supplies m2 0-100 national expat Total RH $/m² Man 2, 3 Days 20 $/J 500 $/J $ $ 100% Index 100% = $ Corridor 10 0,5 50 $88 0,3 0,3 0,1 $36 $124 12 $/m² $ 248 Terrasse 30 1 50 $525 1,9 1,5 0,4 $218 $743 25 $/m² $ 1.485 Dining room 20 2 60 $840 3,0 2,4 0,6 $348 $1.188 59 $/m² $ 1.980 Kitchen 15 2,5 100 $1.313 4,7 3,8 0,9 $544 $1.856 124 $/m² $ 1.856 Sleeping room 16 2 50 $560 2,0 1,6 0,4 $232 $792 50 $/m² $ 1.584 Sleeping room 20 2 50 $700 2,5 2,0 0,5 $290 $990 50 $/m² $ 1.980 Sleeping room 13 2 50 $455 1,6 1,3 0,3 $189 $644 50 $/m² $ 1.287 Dining room 20 1,5 100 $1.050 3,8 3,0 0,8 $435 $1.485 74 $/m² $ 1.485 Living room 35 2 60 $1.470 5,3 4,2 1,1 $609 $2.079 59 $/m² $ 3.465 Shelter 60 0,5 100 $1.050 3,8 3,0 0,8 $435 $1.485 25 $/m² $ 1.485 239 m² 100 % = 71 $/m² $8.050 28,8 23,0 5,8 $3.335 $11.385 48 $/m² $2.100 7,5 6,0 1,5 $870 $2.970 5 $/m² $10.150 36,3 29,0 7,3 $4.205 $14.355 72% Total indoor Outdoor 600 0,1 100 TOTAL $16.855 $ 2.970 $19.825 227 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 228 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 8.2. TEMPLATE: GENERAL MAP OF A COMPOUND A 0 1 B 5 10 15 C D 20 E F G H I J K L M N O P Q 30 meters MAIN ENTRANCE RADIO ROOM GUARD ROOM 2 TRIAGE New Building MOSQUE 3 MORGUE PHYSIOTHERAPY TEMPORARY SHELTER MASS CASUALTY STORAGE 4 PANEL 3a X-RAY No line 6² To CMT and RTX 100A No line 6² To X Ray generator 100A 100A No line 100A 250A PANEL 3a ER 5 G 35² From Gen Room 5 G 25² to Panel 3a PHYSIOTHERAPY 5 CARE TAKER'S SHELTER LABORATORY M H11 PANEL 3 16² To IPD 3 16² To Old ER 100A 6 16² To LAB OT 1 100A 16² To Latrines 1 16² To IPD 2 100A SCRUB Panel M. II 16² To IPD 1 100A OT 2 100A 16² Latrines 2 100A 16² To ? 100A 2 Panel M. I ICU STORE 5 OT STORE IPD 1 PREP CLEAN 250A PANEL 3 5 G 35² From Gen Room 5 G 25² to Panel 3a M H4b M H3 PREP DIRTY Latrines 2 ICU 1 RECOVERY 2 2 2 LATRINE FEMALE CHANGING TOILET MALE CHANGING IPD 2 5 G 16² 8 M H9 STERILIZATION DRESSING PANEL 4 M H7b 16² To IPD Fem 1 16² To Old Sterilisation 100A 100A 16² To Old Dressing 16² To OT 100A 100A 16² To IPD Fem 2 16² To Storet 100A 9 Latrines 1 7 M H4a 100A 16² To IPD Fem 3 100A 250A 5 G 35² From Gen Room M H2 M H6 M H7 M H10 M H8 PANEL 4 IPD FEMALE 1 POSSIBLE EXTENTION IPD 3 4 10 Admin ICU FIELCO MALE CHANGING M H0 2 FEMALE CHANGING M H0 Med. Office ADMIN FIN 11 Med. Office PANEL 2 2 WATER PUMP MAIN PANEL ( in generator room) 3 2 1 4 5 6 IPD FEMALE 2 PANEL 2 4² To Pump 6² To Old Building 100A 6 Log Office LOG STORE 4 KITCHEN stock Meeting room and canteen 1 LOG STORE G1-165 G3- 65 MEETING ROOM 16² To West Basement 4 x 95² To panel M.II 5 KITCHEN 100A 250A 5 G 25² From Gen Room Generators room KITCHEN 100A Transl. office 3 12 100A 16² To ICU LAUNDRY GENERATORS 5 G 35² To Laudry and offices 6 2 6 4 x 95² To panel M.I 5 G 35² To female IPD (DEAD END) 5 x 35² To panel 4 5 G 35² To panel 3 5 G 35² To panel 2 5 G 25² to previous guest house (DEAD END) 5 G 25² to previous guest house (DEAD END) 5 G 35² To Waste zone FUEL MSF OCB G2 -165 27 07 2012 COUNTRY : AFGHANISTAN PROJECT : KUNDUZ 6 STOCK PANEL 1 ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION 13 Distribution lines Boards Groundings Doc Type : general principle proposal Author : Harold PRAGER - Tech ref - Brussels 14 WATSAN STOCK CARPENTRY WORKSHOP TEMPORARY STORAGE TEMPORARY STORAGE 15 16 WASTE ZONE TRANSFORMER 17 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 229 230 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 8.3. TEMPLATE: GENERAL MAP OF A BUILDING E D B C A ZC1 XC3 ZB1 ZD1 E9 E10 XE3 E11 E8 E7 E6 E5 XA2 C2 C1 A1 XC2 D8 D9 D10 XD2 D11 D12 B1 B2 B3 B4 A2 B5 XB1 E0 XD1 XE1 XB2 XB4 XA1 A3 XC1 E4 D7 XE2 E2 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 B11 B10 XB3 B9 B8 B7 B6 E1 XA4 A7 ZD2 E3 XA3 ZB2 C8 A6 A5 A4 C3 XC4 M H4b M H4a M H3 C7 C4 MSF OCB 27 07 2012 COUNTRY : AFGHANISTAN C6 C5 PROJECT : KUNDUZ ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION Distribution lines POSSIBLE EXTENTION Boards Groundings Doc Type : general principle proposal Author : Harold PRAGER - Tech ref - Brussels 231 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 232 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 8.4. TEMPLATE/ TOOL: ASSESMENT.DOC Checklist Electrical safety MSF facilities This safety checklist is a tool that helps to provide safe electrical systems to MSF OCA facilities. Every facility should be checked once a year. Everything connected to one main electrical distribution box is regarded as one facility. This checklist is designed as a form with questions. It guides the one who is executing the checklist towards the right checks to carry out and it can be used as an historical log for the specific facility. The checklist therefore should be stored in the appropriate binder from the LogAdmin kit. Before executing the checklist MAKE SURE THAT ALL POWER SOURCES ARE “DOWNSTREAM : BEHIND” THE MAIN SWITCH AND/OR CAN BE SWITCHED OFF WITH THE MAIN SWITCH. IF YOU ARE NOT SURE IF THERE ARE “HIDDEN” ALTERNATIVE POWER SOURCES, THE FACILITY IS TOO UNSAFE TO EXECUTE THE CHECKLIST: CONTACT YOUR SUPERVISOR FIRST! As you will need to cut power before executing the checklist, inform the end-users [= staff members] of the facility and agree on a time to cut the power. Only qualified1 personnel can execute the checklist. Be sure your hands are dry and, when working on a live system, wear nonconductive gloves and shoes with insulated soles. Assure that all possible sources of electrical supply and cut-off switches are identified at the facility you are about to check. Use diagrams/designs if possible or ask people that are familiar with the system. 1’ Qualified’ is considered someone who has skills and knowledge related to the construction and operation of the electrical equipment & installations and is able to recognize and avoid the hazards involved. On the OOPS KEY you can find several ‘How To’ that will help you to perform the checks mentioned in this checklist. 1. Header information. Project name: Name of facility and location: Date: Name of person executing checklist: the 233 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Check 0: Do you have the appropriate tools to execute the checks? A: Do you have insulated screwdrivers and cutting pliers, voltage tester and multimeter (RMS) and non-conductive gloves? B: Are you wearing shoes with rubber soles? Yes No Yes No C: Do you have appropriate warning material (see below for an example)? Yes No If any of the answers on A, B or C is “No”, report to your supervisor and await the arrival of above equipment/ tools before continuing the checklist. (If not available on site, you can make your own) Check 1: feedback from end-users/appliances check √ 1.1 Check with the end-users working in the facility if they experience specific problems? List their answers below. If problems are reported by the end-users that cannot be fixed on the spot, decide with your supervisor on a planning for improvement. The last part of this checklist [Plan for change] can be used for a planning. 234 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 √ 1.2 Check if any of the electrical appliances give a shock. Switch on the appliance, hold a voltage tester to the metal casing –if present- of the machine - if the voltage tester is positive, you have an appliance that gives a shock. Please record you results below. Number of appliances tested: Number of problematic appliances: If you encounter any appliance with a problem: please use “How to check earthing” to further investigate the problem. If the problem cannot be fixed on the spot, decide with your supervisor on a planning for improvement. The last part of this checklist [Plan for change] can be used for a planning. √ 1.3 Check all appliances connected to the electrical system. A: Do all plugs fit the sockets (that means no adapters1 are used)? Yes No B: Are all cables from appliances undamaged and well insulated? Yes No C: Are all sockets fixed properly to the wall and are not coming out easily? Yes No If you have answered “No” for any of the above the situations should be improved, please use the last part of this checklist to make a planning with your supervisor to improve the situation. Check 2: Main board and distribution boxes. Please locate the main board and the distribution boxes (if there are any) and answer the following questions. √ 2.1 Check if the main switch –on the main board- is accessible (is it known by the users where it is located and can it be switched off immediately in an emergency)? No Yes A: Is the main switch accessible? B: Are end-users able to locate the main switch? Yes No C: Do end-users know how to switch off the main switch? Yes No If the main switch is not accessible, change the layout. If this is not possible on the spot, discuss with your supervisor, and plan for improvement. If the users do not know the location of the main switch, decide with your supervisor on best approach: improved signing, training, etc. √ 2.2 Check if there is an up to date overview present in the main box and the distribution boxes indicating what fuse is used for what? (Switch appliances –if possible- and lights off and on and see whether the overview is still up to date.) Please record your findings below. 1 Adaptors or adaptor plugs are often poor quality and do not have an earth connection 235 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Number of distribution boxes: Number of distribution boxes with up to date overview: If there are no overviews present, please make them. Please plan with your supervisor when these will be completed. √ 2.3 A Read the amperage (A) indicated on the fuses /breakers (exclude the ground fault protection switches), and record below in ascending order, starting with the lowest amperage. DANGEROUS TASK: MAKE SURE YOU IDENTIFY THERE IS NO POWER ON THE WIRE YOU ARE ABOUT TO MEASURE. USE A VOLTAGE TESTER TO BE SURE! √ 2.3 B Determine the wire size for each distribution box (with a wire size comparison board), of the wire “leaving” the fuse/ is protected by the fuse. Indicate in the table below. If you encounter different wire sizes leaving one size (A) fuse, indicate the different wire sizes. Use Annex 1 - fuse/breaker and wire size comparison matrix- to judge whether the fuses/breakers match the wire sizes. Only when the wires are too thin for the fuse used, it is a problem. Location of distribution box (please fill): Amperage of Wire size(s) of wires leaving the fuses fuses/breakers in ascending order: Problem? Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Copy this table if need ed to allo w all distri butio n boxe s to be docu ment ed. If you No Yes have identified any problems, contact your supervisor and decide on action to take. Please indicate the plan of action in the planning section of this check list. 236 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 √ 2.4 Please locate the ground fault protection breaker (differential switch or earth fault switch also referred to as RCD, RCCB or GFCI) and perform the following checks: Please press the “test button” of every ground fault protection breaker √ A: Check if all the ground fault protection breakers switch off. If not replace the ground fault protection breaker before continuing with B √ B: Check if there is no more power in the system: none of the appliances or lights works. A: Are ground fault protection breakers installed for all circuits2? Yes No If you answered ”No” for question A, plan for installation using the last part of this check list and continue with check 2.5. If you have answered “Yes” continue with B and C. B: Do all ground fault protection breakers switch off when the “test” button is pressed? C: Is there no more power on the system after all ground fault protection breakers are switched off? Yes No Yes No IF ANSWER NO FOR C, YOU MIGHT HAVE AN ALTERNATIVE POWER SOURCE (E.G ANOTHER CONNECTION TO CITY POWER, OR A LINE FROM THE NEIGHBORS, OR A CHARGER/ INVERTER) THAT IS NOT PROTECTED. IF YOU ARE NOT SURE THAT THERE IS NO ALTERNATIVE POWER SOURCE, STOP ALL WORK AND CONTACT YOUR SUPERVISOR, STATING THE ENERGY SYSTEM IS NOT SAFE ENOUGH TO PERFORM THE CHECKLIST! If one of the answers on B or C is “No”, and you have taken the abovementioned warning into account, please plan for improvements. √ 2.5 Check if the distribution box/ boxes are properly protected and placed in a safe place. Please answer the questions below: Yes No A: Are the distribution boxes all in a dry place/under a roof? B: Are the distribution boxes all in a box/cupboard that can be closed? Yes No C: If the abovementioned is a metal box, is the box connected to an earth wire? D: Are all distribution boxes at a safe distance (>6m) from flammable or explosive materials? Yes No Yes No 2 The only exception allowed is a fixed appliance or wall socket that is grounded with a visible separate earth wire. 237 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 If you have answered “No” for any of the questions above, the distribution box should be changed and or moved. Please use the last part of this checklist to make a planning with your supervisor. √ 2.6 Check if the cables or wiring between buildings, distribution box and generator(s) are properly protected and have the correct wire size. Please answer the questions below: A: Are all cables in-between buildings and generator(s) well protected and No Yes insulated? B: Do all cables in-between buildings and generator(s) have an appropriate wire Yes No size 3? If you have answered “No” for any of the above, the situation should be improved. Please use the last part of this checklist to make a planning with your supervisor to improve the situation. Check 3: Earthing of system. Please have a look at “How to check earthing” if you need more explanation. 3.1 Please perform the checks below for the following locations: workshops, kitchens, bathrooms, operation theatres, sterilisation rooms and any other wet or humid places. Record your findings in the table below. √ Check 1: Is there an earth plug –with earth wire- between the plug and the appliance- on every non-portable appliance? √ Check 2: Are all portable appliances double insulated? Check for the following sign. √ Check 3: Are all plugs directly connected to the sockets? √ Check 4: Is an earth wire connected to the earth pin in the socket? (Open all the sockets) √ Check 5: Is the earth wire connected to an earth pin in the ground? (Follow the earth line where possible) √ Check 6: Are the water pipes earthed? Location 4 Workshop Kitchen Bathroom(s) Present? Check1 Check 2 Check 3 Check 4 Check 5 Check 6 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 3 See table in Annex 1 If more locations of the same kind are present [e.g. bathroom] please add an entry for each location in the table and check the locations separately. 4 238 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 N N N N N N N If you answered N N N N N N N “No” for Y Y Y Y Y Y Y any of the Sterilisation checks, room N N N N N N N the Y Y Y Y Y Y Y earthing in the N N N N N N N locations Y Y Y Y Y Y Y should be installed N N N N N N N or improved. We have had deadly accidents in the past for locations that were not properly earthed. Please use the last part of this checklist to make a planning with your supervisor to improve the situation. Operating Theatres Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 3.2 Please locate the earth pin(s) in the ground by following the earth line(s) and answer the questions below. The amount of earth pins in the ground identified: √ Check the earth pin connection by answering the questions below. You can use the picture on your right for clarification of terms. Please fill in a table with answers for each separate earth pin. Location of earth pin (please fill): A: Is the connection of the earth conductor to the clamp on the earth pin visible? B: Is the connection of the earth conductor to the clamp on the earth pin free of corrosion? Copy this table if needed to allow all earth pins to be documented Yes No Yes No If you have answered “No” for any of the above, the earth connection should be installed or improved. Please use the last part of this checklist to make a planning with your supervisor. 239 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Check 4: Connections, sockets, light switches, and wires. √ 4.1 Walk through every room of the facility, and check light switches, sockets, connections to the wiring and visible wires from appliances. Open around 10 switches, sockets, and connections (in total) to have a closer look, and answer the questions below. Please record your findings: Type Sockets Direct connections Light switches Amount in facility Amount opened for check Please, answer the following questions A: Can you confirm that you did not find any signs of overheating? B: Can you confirm that you did not find any dangerous situations related to quality, placing or fixation (e.g. broken sockets with bare wires, uncovered connections etc.)? C: Are all wires in the sockets well connected? D: Are all visible wires insulated? Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No If you have answered “No” for any of the above the situation should be improved. Please use the last part of this checklist to make a planning with your supervisor to improve the situation. NOTE: The plan should include a check and where needed improvement of ALL connections, sockets, switches and wires in every room of the facility! Check 5: extension cables, multi sockets, adaptors and appliances √ 5.1 Check all different make/brand of extension cables and multi sockets by opening them Yes No A: Can you confirm that you did not find any signs of overheating? B: Are all wires inside the cable of the right size for the maximum used wattage Yes No mentioned on the cable?5 Yes No C: Are all wires in the sockets well connected? D: Do all models with an earth connection indeed have an earth wire that is both No Yes connected to the plug and socket(s)? E: Can you confirm that you did not find any damage to the insulation of the Yes No cables? F: Can you confirm that you found no other reason to doubt the quality of the Yes No cables and multi sockets? G: Are the plugs in the extension cable of the same type as those of the appliances Yes No connected to them (no adaptors or “workarounds”)? H: Do plugs always make good contact immediately when plugged in the Yes No extension cable? 5 See table in Annex 1 240 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 If you have answered “No” for any of the above, please use the last part of this checklist to make a planning with your supervisor to improve the situation. Check 6: Back-up systems. √ Locate your UPS battery system(s) and answer the following: How many different battery systems – a separate pack of batteries on a location- did you locate? A: Are all ‘open’ (non-GEL or AGM or VLRA type) type batteries placed in well ventilated rooms? Yes No If you have answered “No” on the question above, please use the last part of this checklist to make a planning with your supervisor to improve the situation. Check 7: Specific checks. √ 7.1 Locate the shower (if there is one in the premises) and check if the electrical set up is safe: Please use the picture below for explanation of the zones: A: Is all electrical equipment outside zones 0, 1 and 2? Yes No If you have answered “No” for question A, immediately inform your supervisor and remove the equipment from the room or disconnect the equipment from the electricity until the situation is improved. B: Is all electrical equipment in zone 3 earthed? Yes No If you have answered “No” for question B, please use the last part of this checklist to make a planning with your supervisor to improve the situation. 241 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Plan for change. This part of the check list is to be completed together with your Please plan improvements for all problems encountered executing this check list. # Problem 1 Agreed solution Deadline supervisor. Responsible 2 3 4 5 6 Supervisor (name): ________________________ Date: ________________ Signature: _________________________________________ For the supervisor: make sure to update the deadlines in your standard Outlook 2007 agenda 242 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 243 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 TOOL: LISTING OF USER'S NEEDS DOC Excel sheet. Is the user’s part of the load calculation sheet. It also helps to calculate the sizing of the distribution. It reports all fixed and mobile devices, as well as number of sockets per location. In this example, power rates have already been allocated to the user’s devices (to calculate the load) and terminals (to size the distribution). The sheet contains a listing of sample devices including the most common associated values. It is easy to copy each sample and insert it into a listing. LISTING OF PREDEFINE USER DEVICES Energy consumer 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Location Nbr. / remarks Gross unit Power (W) P (W) P (W) total total ( (distributi installed on power) capacity) Type cos φ P (VA) Total Co ef. P eak (VA ) max St art t o t al . 5 Devices with link to predefined 24H simulation values. These values can be changed from the project tag : se Computer 1 Bulbs (indoor lighting) 1 Water heater 1 AC 1 Security lights 1 Other sample devices. All electrical values and OXYGEN CONCENTRATOR 1 STAND FAN 1 SPOTLIGHT 1 Ceiling fan 1 MEDIPREMA FABIE-AMBIA 1 FANS 1 Ceiling fan 1 Agitator 1 Centifugal device 1 Cofee machine 1 Micro wave 1 Neon indoor 1 Bulbs 1 Fridge 1 Freezer 1 Bulbs 1 X RAY DEVICE 1 Lampe scialytique 1 MICROSCOPE 1 1 Washing machine 1 Outdoor lighting Socket 1 65 W 65 W 130 W resistance 1 7W 7W 14 W resistance 1 1.500 W 1.500 W 3.000 W resistance 1 1.250 W 1.250 W 2.500 W compressor 0,8 40 W 40 W 80 W resistance 1 % for the 24 H simulation can be adapted individually. 400 W 400 W 800 W compressor 0,8 0,8 230 W 230 W 460 W Engine 100 W 100 W 200 W Engine 0,8 100 W 100 W 200 W Engine 0,8 1.300 W 1.300 W 2.600 W resistance 1 100 W 100 W 200 W Engine 0,8 25 W 25 W 50 W Engine 0,8 25 W 50 W Engine 0,8 25 W 0,8 55 W 55 W 110 W Engine 55 W 55 W 110 W Engine 0,8 55 W 55 W 110 W Engine 0,8 60 W 60 W 120 W resistance 1 23 W 23 W 46 W resistance 1 80 W 80 W 160 W compressor 0,8 120 W 120 W 240 W compressor 0,8 25 W 25 W 50 W resistance 1 2.500 W 2.500 W 5.000 W resistance 1 120 W 120 W 240 W resistance 1 20 W 20 W 40 W resistance 1 2.000 W 2.000 W 4.000 W Engine 0,8 1.000 W 1.000 W 2.000 W resistance 1 400 W 0W 800 W resistance 1 65 7 1.500 1.563 40 VA VA VA VA VA 1 1 1 5 1 65 7 1.500 7.813 40 VA VA VA VA VA 500 288 125 125 1.300 125 31 31 69 69 69 60 23 100 150 25 2.500 120 20 2.500 1.000 0 VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA 5 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 5 5 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2.500 863 375 375 1.300 375 94 94 206 206 206 60 23 500 750 25 2.500 120 20 7.500 1.000 0 VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA Remark : The power given to the sockets is only given to calculate the distribution capacity, not to calculate the power needs The listing can be made by picking sample devices or creating them manually. Some values are automatically associated with sample devices but all can be modified. The listing is clearer if it is made room by room. At this stage not all values are completed to calculate the power load and to size the distribution system. However, they are expected to be completed in the near future. 244 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Energy consumer Location / remarks M AI N PAN EL Generator room ( building 12) Bulbs Building 12 (generator room) PAN EL A1 Building 14 (building in construction) Gross unit Power (W) Nbr. 6 7W 4 15 400 W 7W 1 15 0 2 400 W 7W 1.500 W 2.600 W 2 30 1 1 7W 7W 2.000 W 400 W 1 1 22 1 1 1 0 8 200 W 65 W 7W 1.500 W 940 W 1.410 W 1 1 16 1 2 1 200 W 65 W 7W 1.500 W 1.410 W 400 W 2 1 26 1 1 8 0 200 W 65 W 7W 1.500 W 1.250 W 40 W 2 1 22 0 1 1 200 W 65 W 7W Will be used for stock Socket Bulbs (in and out) PAN EL A2 Building 15 (driver's room ) Socket Bulbs (in and out) Water heater AC Building Building Building Building PAN EL A3 Bulbs (indoor lighting) Bulbs (out) security Bulbs (out) security Socket To building 7 Socket Computer Bulbs (indoor lighting) Water heater AC AC Fridge Bulbs (out) PAN EL B2 Socket Computer Bulbs (indoor lighting) Water heater AC Fridge PAN EL C1 Socket Computer Bulbs (indoor lighting) Water heater AC Bulbs (out) Fridge PAN EL D1 Socket Computer Bulbs (indoor lighting) Water heater AC Fridge 15 15 15 15 Building 16 (guard house) Building Building Building Building 16 16 16 16 (guard house) (guard house) (guard house) (guard house) Building 7 ground floor Building Building Building Building Building Building Building Building 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 ground floor ground floor ground floor ground floor ground floor ground floor ground floor common 40 W Building 7 floor 1 Building Building Building Building Building Building 7 7 7 7 7 7 floor 1 ground floor floor 1 floor 1 floor 1 floor 1 Building 8 ground floor Building Building Building Building Building Building Building 8 7 8 8 8 8 8 ground floor ground floor ground floor ground floor ground floor common ground floor Building 8 floor 1 Building Building Building Building Building Building 8 7 8 8 8 8 floor 1 ground floor floor 1 floor 1 floor 1 floor 1 1.250 W 400 W 245 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 246 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 8.5. TEMPLATE: POSITION DIAGRAM Excel sheet: “drawing tool for installation diagrams.xls” This sheet contains all the needed symbols, pre-formatted sheets and sample of plans and diagrams. On this example we can see red circles of 10m radius centred on the distribution boards and showing how the entire area is covered by well-placed distribution boards. The blue dashed lines indicate the distribution areas. Because it is a simple installation, it is both the position diagram of the main and the final distribution. C D E B A 247 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 248 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 8.6. TOOL: LOAD STUDY SHEET Same excel sheet as the one used for the listing of user’s devices. This last is completed by the technician in charge of the load study. The load study is needed to size generators according to the variation of load throughout the day, or the seasons. Two different tools can be used: 1. Estimate the load profile for the highest and lowest consumption period. In countries with important seasonal variations, we should estimate the min and max load for the following periods: day & night, during winter, mid-season, and summer. In other countries we need only to estimate the min and max for day & night, weekends, and working days. The intention is to visualise a load profile that could be realistic, and open to limited accepted further development. Energy consumer M A IN P A NEL Bulbs P A NEL A 1 Location / remarks Nbr. Gen erat o r ro o m ( b u ild in g 1 2 ) Building 12 (generator room 6 Gross unit Power (W) 7W Bu ild in g 1 4 (b u ild in g in co n st ru ct io n ) Will be use for stock Socket Bulbs (in and out) P A NEL A 2 Building Building Building Building P A NEL A 3 Bu ild in g 1 6 (g u ard h o u se) To b u ild in g 7 Socket Computer Bulbs (indoor lighting) Water heater AC AC Fridge Bulbs (out) P A NEL B2 Building Building Building Building 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 (guard (guard (guard (guard house) house) house) house) Bu ild in g 7 g ro u n d flo o r Building Building Building Building Building Building Building Building 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 groundfloor groundfloor groundfloor groundfloor groundfloor groundfloor groundfloor common Bu ild in g 7 flo o r 1 Socket Computer Bulbs (indoor lighting) Water heater AC Fridge Building Building Building Building Building Building Socket Computer Bulbs (indoor lighting) Water heater AC Bulbs (out) Fridge Building Building Building Building Building Building Building P A NEL C1 400 W 7W 1 15 0 2 400 W 7W 1.500 W 2.600 W 2 30 1 1 7W 7W 2.000 W 400 W 1 1 22 1 1 1 0 8 200 W 65 W 7W 1.500 W 940 W 1.410 W 1 1 16 1 2 1 200 W 65 W 7W 1.500 W 1.410 W 400 W 2 1 26 1 1 8 0 200 W 65 W 7W 1.500 W 1.250 W 40 W Bu ild in g 1 5 (d river's ro o m) Socket Bulbs (in and out) Water heater AC Bulbs (indoor lighting) Bulbs (out) security Bulbs (out) security Socket 4 15 7 7 7 7 7 7 floor 1 groundfloor floor 1 floor 1 floor 1 floor 1 Bu ild in g 8 g ro u n d flo o r 8 7 8 8 8 8 8 groundfloor groundfloor groundfloor groundfloor groundfloor common groundfloor P (W) total ( installed power) 42 W 42 W % Lower period Higher Period % 0% 0W 10% 4W 0% 0% 10% 0W 0W 11 W 10% 10% 60% 0W 0W 63 W 105 W 0W 0W 105 W 5 .3 0 5 W 40 W 0 105 0 5.200 W W W W 2 .2 2 4 W 14 210 2.000 0 W W W W 4 .3 8 9 W 0 65 154 1.500 940 1.410 0 320 W W W W W W W W 4 .8 9 7 W 0 65 112 1.500 2.820 400 W W W W W W 3 .3 1 7 W 0 65 182 1.500 1.250 320 0 2 0 .2 7 9 W W W W W W W W 10% 10% 10% 30% 0 11 0 1.560 W W W W 10% 60% 40% 40% 0 63 0 2.080 W W W W 100% 0% 0% 10% 14 0 0 0 W W W W 60% 100% 100% 10% 8 210 2.000 0 W W W W 0% 5% 10% 30% 5% 5% 40% 5% 0 3 15 450 47 71 0 16 W W W W W W W W 10% 40% 60% 40% 40% 40% 40% 100% 0 26 92 600 376 564 0 320 W W W W W W W W 10% 5% 5% 30% 5% 40% 0 3 6 450 141 160 W W W W W W 10% 40% 60% 40% 40% 40% 0 26 67 600 1.128 160 W W W W W W 10% 5% 5% 15% 5% 10% 40% 0 3 9 225 63 32 0 W W W W W W W 10% 40% 60% 40% 40% 100% 40% 0 26 109 600 500 320 0 W W W W W W W 3 .2 8 9 W 9 .9 4 3 W The percentages entered represent the anticipated % of use of each device during the periods of lowest and highest demands. These will be considered as the average power that a generator must be able to supply (around 50 – 60% of the generator rate). The next example shows the addition at the end of a listing of 425 lines of devices for a large hospital. Compare the installed power with the estimation of average running power along the periods. 249 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Add Running power Running power HOT Season SDP Energy consumer Location Nbr. P (VA) total Im 396 Lights 397 Frige 398 Fan Mourge Mourge Mourge 4 2 2 399 400 401 402 Lights AC Submersible pump Fan Mosque Mosque Mosque Mosque 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 AC Lights Air cooler Fan Boiler Water dispenser Water pump Computer Laptop Frige Copy machine Printer Security lights Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing Nursing 416 417 418 419 Incinerator Boiler Lights Water cooker Waist Waist Waist Waist 420 421 422 423 424 Lights Air cooler Projector Water cooker Fan Main Main Main Main Main COLD Season DAY % NIGHT DAY % power % power 48 VA 2.000 VA 138 VA 0% 50% 50% 0 VA 50% 2.000 VA 50% 138 VA 0% 0% 50% 100% 0 VA 2.000 VA 275 VA 50% 50% 50% 30 2 1 16 720 4.500 2.500 2.200 VA VA VA VA 0% 50% 20% 100% 0 2.250 500 2.200 VA VA VA VA 30% 0% 10% 0% 216 0 250 0 3 31 1 18 2 1 1 3 2 1 1 2 10 5.625 744 688 2.475 3.000 688 625 900 130 150 620 1.500 1.000 VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA 50% 30% 100% 100% 50% 70% 20% 100% 100% 50% 15% 15% 0% 2.813 223 688 2.475 1.500 481 125 900 130 75 93 225 0 VA 20% VA 0% VA 0% VA 0% VA 50% VA 50% VA 10% VA 0% VA 0% VA 50% VA 0% VA 0% VA 100% 1.125 0 0 0 1.500 344 63 0 0 75 0 0 1.000 1 1 4 1 1.500 1.500 96 1.500 VA VA VA VA 30% 50% 10% 30% 450 750 10 450 hut hut hut hut hut 38 1 2 1 1 1.368 375 1.000 1.500 1.138 VA VA VA VA VA 0% 100% 0% 30% 100% 0 375 0 450 1.138 425 Heater Main gate/Guard hut FUTURE INSTALL ( fill t he row 12, a nd clik t o " a dd" ) 5 344 VA 0% zone zone zone zone gate/Guard gate/Guard gate/Guard gate/Guard gate/Guard 0% 0% 20% 30% 0 0 500 660 VA 50% VA 30% VA 0% 0% VA VA 50% VA 50% VA 20% VA 100% VA 100% VA 50% VA 15% VA 15% VA 0% 2.813 223 0 0 1.500 344 125 900 130 75 93 225 0 % NIGHT power % power 48 VA 2.000 VA 0 VA 0% 50% 50% 0 VA 50% 2.000 VA 50% 0% 138 VA VA 30% VA 0% VA 0% VA 0% 216 0 0 0 0% 0% 0% 0% 50% 50% 10% 0% 0% 50% 0% 0% ### 0 0 0 0 1.500 344 63 0 0 75 0 0 1.000 VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA DAY 0% 0% 20% 30% 0 0 500 660 VA 0% VA 30% VA 0% VA 0% VA 50% VA 50% VA 20% VA 100% VA 100% VA 50% VA 15% VA 15% VA 0% 0 223 0 0 1.500 344 125 900 130 75 93 225 0 VA VA VA VA % power VA 30% VA 0% VA 0% VA 0% VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA 48 VA 2.000 VA 0 VA 216 0 0 0 VA VA VA VA 0% 0% 0% 0% 50% 50% 10% 0% 0% 50% 0% 0% ### 0 0 0 0 1.500 344 63 0 0 75 0 0 1.000 VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA 0% 50% 30% 0% 0 750 29 0 VA VA VA VA 30% 50% 10% 30% 450 750 10 450 VA 0% VA 50% VA 30% VA 0% 0 750 29 0 VA VA VA VA 30% 50% 10% 30% 450 750 10 450 VA 0% VA 50% VA 30% VA 0% 0 750 29 0 VA VA VA VA VA 50% VA 50% VA 100% VA 15% VA 50% 684 188 1.000 225 569 VA VA VA VA VA 0% 0% 0% 30% 0% 0 0 0 450 0 VA 50% VA 0% VA ### VA 15% VA 0% 684 0 1.000 225 0 VA VA VA VA VA 0% 0% 0% 30% 0% 0 0 0 450 0 VA 50% VA 0% VA ### VA 15% VA 0% 684 0 1.000 225 0 VA VA VA VA VA 0 VA 70% 241 VA 50% 172 VA 0% 0 VA 686 kVA 6,0 % VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA MID Season NIGHT power 96 VA 4.000 VA 275 VA school school school school school school school school school school school school school Running power 326 kVA DAY 0% 220 kVA NIGHT 213 kVA DAY 0 VA 179 kVA 166 kVA NIGHT 0% DAY 0 VA 150 kVA NIGHT 8,0 % % of loos 6,0 % 6,0 % % of loos 6,0 % 6,0 % % of loos 6,0 % % of loo 6,0 % 784,88 % of loos 8,0 % 8,0 % % of loos 8,0 % 8,0 % % of loos 8,0 % % of loo 8,0 % 250 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 2. In the second method, not only the maximum and minimum are calculated: it helps to estimate a complete load profile during 24 hours. 24 hour simulation 06 -> 18 (day), 19 -> 05 5 (night) FILL IN the % The yellow cells can be changed directly, coloured ones are linked to specific figures % for these specific figures. They will be automatically updated into the genera ltime tab ON/OFF Bulbs (indoor) 5% 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Energy Location / consumer remarks Ceiling fan AC AC AC Bulbs Bulbs (indoor Bulbs AC Bulbs Bulbs Bulbs Bulbs AC AC AC AC AC AC END OF LIS T All rooms NEONAT EMERGENCIES ISOLATION OUTDOOR LAMPS Nbr. 20 1 2 3 40 1 MODULAIRES 18 CRENI 2 CRENI 6 HOSPITALISATION 12 MATERNITE 12 ADMIN 12 BAT ADMIN 2 LABO 2 PHARMACIE 1 HOSPITALISATION 2 MATERNITE ACCOUC 2 MATERNITE SALLE SU 2 BACK 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 30% 60% Security lights 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Computer 60% 60% 60% 60% 60% 30% 20% 10% 5% 5% 5% 5% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 20% 30% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 30% 15% 5% 5% Water heater 40% 70% 40% 30% 20% 20% 30% 30% 20% 20% 20% 30% 40% 70% 60% 40% 30% 20% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% AC 30% 60% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 60% 50% 40% 40% 40% 30% 30% 20% 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 24-0 50% 40% 40% 40% 80% 30% 40% 40% 80% 80% 80% 80% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 1 50% 40% 40% 40% 60% 20% 40% 40% 60% 60% 60% 60% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 2 50% 40% 40% 40% 50% 10% 40% 40% 50% 50% 50% 50% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 3 50% 30% 30% 30% 30% 5% 40% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 4 50% 30% 30% 30% 10% 5% 40% 30% 10% 10% 10% 10% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 5 50% 20% 20% 20% 10% 5% 40% 20% 10% 10% 10% 10% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% Gross unit Power (W) 100 W 1.500 W 1.500 W 1.500 W 60 W 7W 60 W 1.500 W 60 W 60 W 60 W 60 W 1.500 W 1.500 W 1.500 W 1.500 W 1.000 W 1.500 W 5% 5% 20% 20% 20% 6 50% 20% 20% 20% 10% 7 50% 20% 20% 20% 10% 8 50% 20% 20% 20% 10% 5% 5% 5% 5% 40% 20% 10% 10% 10% 10% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 40% 20% 10% 10% 10% 10% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 40% 20% 10% 10% 10% 10% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 40% 30% 10% 10% 10% 10% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 60% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 30% 60% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 30% 60% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 30% 5% 20% 60% 5% 20% 70% 5% 20% 70% 5% 20% 70% 5% 20% 70% 5% 20% 70% 5% 20% 70% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 30% 30% 30% 30% 60% 60% 60% 60% 60% 60% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 40% 30% 20% 70% 40% 40% 40% 40% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 60% 60% 40% 70% 60% 60% 60% 60% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 80% 60% 40% 70% 80% 80% 80% 80% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 60% 50% 70% 70% 60% 50% 70% 70% 60% 50% 100% 100% 100% 100% 60% 60% 60% 60% 40% 40% 40% 40% 70% 70% 60% 50% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 60% 60% 60% 60% 60% 60% 100% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% In this sheet, a percentage is entered for each period of the 24 hours. The yellow cells must be completed manually. The coloured ones are linked to a predefined schedule that can be modified in the 5 lines at the top - that show the schedule followed by all identical devices in the listing. The resulting values can be visualised on a graph, and the ideal size of generators is calculated. If the load variation shows important differences of average loads between day and night, two sizes of ideal generators are proposed: one for the low load period, one for the high load period. 251 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 The green curve shows the average power consumption in kW. It is varying between 8 and 25 kW. The plain blue curve shows the running periods and ideal rated power of the selected generators (here 25kVA and 53kVA). GRAPH OF AVERAGE LOAD RURING 24 HOURS with generators capability ### peak 60 kW 24 h vices ### min ### av 53 kVA peak ### ideal ### max 53 kVA max 50 ### peak 53 kVA ideal 40 53 kVA av 53 kVA min 30 25 kVA peak 25 kVA max 25 kVA ideal 20 25 kVA av 25 kVA min 10 From from2 2 Chosen Gen High 2 Chosen Gen low 0 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24-0 1 2 3 4 5 The dashed lines show the different running thresholds of the 53kVA generator in red, and of the 25 kVA in blue. The threshold values, explanations and calculation made to size the generators are also given in the sheet. 252 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 In this figure we have, out of the 24h diagram, an average use of 10.9 kW during the low period and 23.1 kW during the high period. AVERAGE AND RATED POWER CALCULATION BOX Average use Active devices Rated power of active devices % Average use / active power Lower on 24 H higher on 24 H 10,9 kW 23,1 kW 140 140 35,5 kW 35,5 kW 39% 73% Most powerful active device 1,5 kW 1,5 kW Average is 60% of 18,1 18,1 18,0 18,1 18,1 18,1 Corr. most powerfull device Corr. average / nbr devices Correct range in kW of generator temperature 25 °c altitude 468 m kVA Nominal kVA Prime kW kW kW kW kW kW 25kVA 23kVA 7kW 11kW 14kW 18kW 20kW Rated 60% max>50% rated Rated/ average Rated + 0,0 % + 0,0 % 110% 100% 40% 60% 80% 100% 110% 38,5 38,5 27,9 38,5 38,5 38,5 kW kW kW kW kW kW 53kVA 48kVA 15kW 23kW 31kW 39kW 42kW user devices that are not turned to 0 Sum of the power of active devices Average bulking applied we must consider the power of the most powerfull devices that could be started The average use must be around 60% of the rated power of the generator Accorded to the most powerful device, the rated power has to be corrected Accorded to the number of devices, the rated power has to be corrected. The final value is accorded to the correction giving the highest rate. Nominal rate / backup power Prime power rate Minimal constant load required Ideal average load Optimal load Maximal constant load admitted Peak load admitted 1h/24h A lot of information is given in this sheet. We can see for instance that during the low period the selected size of generator will be ideal to supply loads between 7 kW and 18 kW, with an average about 11 kW, an optimal at 14 kW, and an ability to give peaks up to 20 kW. We can also see the corresponding values for the big generator. It is the kW that has been considered because the generator is first sized accorded to the real power (thus in kW) that the engine must be able to deliver. If the Cos F remains higher than 0.8 (which is almost always the case) the alternator, which is delivering apparent power in kVA, will never be undersized. 253 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 254 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 8.7. TEMPLATE: POSITION DIAGRAM MAIN DISTRIBUTION (Visio) From Visio file: 260614 Cantahay Electricity.vsd. The visio template file “PUSH-TEMPLATE_2013-04-12.vst” is also available and already included in all symbol libraries. 255 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 8.8. TEMPLATE: ELECTRICAL DIAGRAM MAIN BOARD (Visio) From Visio file: 260614 Cantahay Electricity.vsd. 256 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 8.9. TEMPLATE: POSITION DIAGRAM FINAL CIRCUITS (Visio) From Visio file: 260614 Cantahay Electricity.vsd. 257 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 8.10. TEMPLATE: ELECTRIC DIAGRAM FINAL CIRCUITS (Visio) From Visio file: 260614 Cantahay Electricity.vsd. 258 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 8.11. TEMPLATE: ELECTRIC DIAGRAM FINAL CIRCUITS (Excel) From an excel sheet: sample electric diagram.xls 259 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 8.12. TEMPLATE: ELECTRIC AND POSITION DIAGRAM FINAL CIRCUITS (Excel) From an excel sheet: sample electric diagram.xls 260 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 8.13. TOOL: REPORT WORKS FOLLOW-UP From the file « template debriefing report electrician.doc » MISSION / PROJECT What: When: Who Contact E mail Phone Ref Tech Cell Attached documents/ path Current situation Current step Assessment / Project Preparation Implementation Evaluation Level Mission Project Object Info End of mission Short description % projected situation 261 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Budget Amount Ref docs Original Budget Used Budget Supply Total Supply foreseen Supply received Used In stock Team Number of people Man * Days foreseen Man * Days used Man * Days still required Problems Solved - Problems not solved - 262 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Ongoing situation Short description Jobs to be completed - Corrections to implement - Follow-up & recommendation Lesson learnt Advantage Disadvantage - - Opportunities Dangers - - Advise about project improvement/ personal remarks 263 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 264 MSF-OCB – ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 9. ANNEXES ANNEX 1: Listing of full and associate IEC members IEC – INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION The 60 full members and 26 associates: Africa Full: Algeria, Egypt, Libya, South Africa, Associates: Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, Tunisia, Asia Full: China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea (Republic of), Pakistan, Philippines (Rep. of the,) Singapore, Thailand, Democratic People's Republic of Korea Associates: Kazakhstan, Sri Lanka, Vietnam. Europe Full: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Associates: Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Cyprus, Estonia, Georgia, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, the Former Yugoslav Rep. of Macedonia, Middle East Full: Iran, Iraq, Israel, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, Associates: Bahrain, Jordan, Northern America Full: Canada, Mexico, United States of America Associates: Cuba Southern America Full: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Malaysia, Associates: Pacific / Oceanian Full: Australia, New-Zealand, Associates: 265 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 ANNEX 2: Reference table: Listing of the IEC affiliate countries and adopted IEC norms Here below is the listing of the 83 affiliate countries, mentioning how many international electrotechnical standards have been already adopted by each of them. This information could be of a high interest when estimating the situation regarding the accordance to international technical standardisation in a specific country. This listing is also published on the IEC website. In addition, the website mentions for each country which IEC norms have been adopted. Afghanistan (177) Angola (0) Antigua and Barbuda (0) Armenia (0) Azerbaijan (2) Bahamas (0) Bangladesh (149) Barbados (15) Belize (0) Benin (169) Bhutan (51) Bolivia (22) Botswana (99) Brunei Darussalam (74) Burkina Faso (0) Burundi (0) Cambodia (41) Cameroon (40) Central African Republic (0) Chad (0) Comoros (0) Congo Brazzaville (0) Congo Dem. Rep. (52) Costa Rica (90) Côte d’Ivoire (168) Dominica (0) Dominican Republic (2) Ecuador (289) El Salvador (0) Eritrea Ethiopia Fiji Gabon Gambia Ghana Grenada Guatemala Guinea Guinea Bissau Guyana Haiti Honduras Jamaica Kyrgyzstan Lao People's Dem. Rep. Lebanon Lesotho Madagascar Malawi (319) Mali Mauritania Mauritius Mongolia Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nepal (21) (248) (0) (0) (0) (387) (0) (0) (0) (0) (169) (0) (7) (0) (0) (50) (374) (0) (0) (0) (0) (48) (53) (0) (0) (0) (0) Niger (0) Palestine (200) Panama (0) Papua New Guinea (0) Paraguay (0) Peru (101) Rwanda (126) Saint Kitts and Nevis (0) Saint Lucia (6) Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (0) Senegal (24) Seychelles (0) Sierra Leone (27) South Sudan, Rep. of (0) Sudan (139) Suriname (3) Swaziland (0) Tanzania (0) Togo (0) Trinidad and Tobago (20) Turkmenistan (0) Uganda (213) Uruguay (117) Yemen (0) Zambia (107) Zimbabwe (71) 266 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 ANNEX 3: Reference table: Socket and plug types around the world. THE MOST COMMON ONES. “American Sockets” Mainly used in the USA, Canada, Mexico & Japan • 15 A • Almost always 100 – 127 V Type A • Not grounded (Only class II devices) • Socket A is only for plug A. Type B • Grounded • Socket B can be used with plugs A & B. Bahamas, Bangladesh, Bermuda, Bolivia, British Virgin Islands, Cambodia, Canada, China, People’s Republic of, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Japan, Laos, Liberia, Mexico, Myanmar, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Suriname, Taiwan, Thailand, United States of America (USA), Venezuela, Vietnam, Virgin Islands (British), Virgin Islands (USA), Yemen “European Sockets” Type C Mainly used in Europe, South America & Asia • • • • • Not grounded (only for low power class II devices) Max 2.5 A (pins diameter is 4 mm) 220 – 240 V Socket C is only for plug C. Plug C can be used in Sockets D, E, F (5mm hole) • Plugs E & F cannot be used in socket C • No grounding • 5 mm pins should not be forced into 4 mm holes 267 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 All countries using E or F type plugs. Type E Mostly used in France, Belgium, Poland, Slovakia & the Czech Republic COMMONLY CALLED “THE FRENCH SOCKET” • • • • • Grounded 16 A (pins diameter is 5 mm) 220 – 240 V Socket E can be used with plug types C & E Plug E cannot be used on socket F Belgium, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Democratic Republic of Congo, Czech Republic, Denmark, Djibouti, East Timor (Timor-Leste), Equatorial Guinea, France, French Guiana, Greenland, Guadeloupe, Laos, Madagascar, Mali, Martinique, Morocco, Niger, Poland, Senegal, Slovakia, Syria, Tunisia. Type F Used in almost all other European countries, except the UK & Ireland COMMONLY CALLED “THE GERMAN SOCKET” OR “SHUKO” • • • • • Grounded 16 A (pins diameter is 5 mm ) 220 – 240 V Socket F can be used with plug types C & F Plug F cannot be used on socket E Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cape Verde, Chad, Denmark, East Timor (Timor-Leste), Egypt, Estonia, Ethiopia, Finland, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Greenland, Guinea, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Iran, Italy, Jordan, Kazakhstan, South Korea , Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Madeira, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Mozambique, Netherlands, New Caledonia, Niger, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Suriname, Sweden, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uruguay, Uzbekistan. PLUGS Type E/F HYBRID THE “UNIVERSAL EUROPEAN PLUG” FOR GROUNDED 16A EQUIPMENTS E Type Grounding « French » E Type Grounding « French » F Type Grounding « German » F Type Grounding « German » The power cords of electrical equipment sold in continental Europe and other countries is more and more commonly equipped with such “universal European plug” usable on E and F type sockets. 268 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 PLUGS Type E/F HYBRID FOR CLASS II EQUIPMENTS THE “UNIVERSAL EUROPEAN PLUG” FOR NOT GROUNDED 16A EQUIPMENT Designed for 16A (3600VA) double insulated equipment (Class II) Usable on E&F sockets The main use is for portable electrical tools (drilling machines, grinders, electric saws, lawn mower etc.) and some portable kitchen tools (mixers, etc.) For safety reasons, all portable electrical tools must be double insulated equipment (Class II.) Type G Mainly used in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Malta, Malaysia & Singapore COMMONLY CALLED “THE BRITISH SOCKET” • • • • Grounded 13 A 220 – 240 V Socket G is only for plug G. Abu Dhabi, Bahrain, Bangladesh, , Bhutan, Botswana, Brunei, Cambodia, Cyprus, Cyprus North, Dominica, Dubai, England, Gambia, Ghana, Gibraltar, Great Britain (GB), Guyana, Hong Kong, Iraq, Ireland (Eire), Ireland, Northern, Isle of Man, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Macau, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Malta, Mauritius, Myanmar, Nigeria, Northern Ireland, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Uganda, United Arab Emirates (UAE), United Kingdom (UK), Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe 269 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 THE “EXOTIC” ONES Type D Mainly used in India • • • • • Grounded 5A 220 – 240 V Socket compatible with plug types C & D Unsafe compatibility with plugs E & F: No grounding connection Bangladesh, Bhutan, Botswana, Chad, Congo, Democratic Republic of, Dominica, French Guiana, Ghana, Guyana, India, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Maldives, Martinique, Myanmar, Namibia, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saint Kitts and Nevis (officially the Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis), Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tanzania, Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe Type H Used exclusively in Israel, the West Bank & the Gaza Strip • 3 pins • Grounded • 16 A • 220 – 240 V • Socket compatible with plug types C & H • Unsafe compatibility with plugs E & F : No grounding connection Gaza Strip (Gaza), Israel, Palestine Type I Mainly used in Australia, New Zealand, China & Argentina • • • • • 2 or 3 pins 2 pins: not grounded / 3 pins: grounded 10 A 220 – 240 V Can only be used with plug type I Argentina, Australia, China, People’s Republic of, East Timor (Timor-Leste), Fiji, Myanmar, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu 270 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Type J Used almost exclusively in Switzerland, Liechtenstein & Rwanda • • • • • 3 pins Grounded 10 A 220 – 240 V Socket compatible with plug types C (flat model) & J Jordan, Liechtenstein, Maldives, Rwanda, Switzerland Type K Used almost exclusively in Denmark & Greenland • 3 pins • Grounded • 16 A • 220 – 240 V • Socket compatible with plug types C & K • Unsafe compatibility with plugs E & F : No grounding connection Bangladesh, Denmark, Faeroe Islands, Greenland, Guinea, Maldives, Senegal Type L Used almost exclusively in Italy & Chile • 3 pins • Grounded • 10 & 16 A • 220 – 240 V • 10 A version socket can be used with plug types L & C (10 A) • 16 A version socket compatible with plug type L (16 A version) Chile, Eritrea, Italy, Libya, Maldives, San Marino, Syria, Uruguay, Vatican City Type M Mainly used in South Africa • 3 pins • Grounded • 15 A • 220 – 240 V • Can only be used with plug type M India, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, Nepal, South Africa, Swaziland 271 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Type N Used almost exclusively in Brazil • 3 pins • Grounded • 10 & 20 A • 220 – 240 V • Can be used with plugs types N & C Brazil, South Africa Type O Used exclusively in Thailand • 3 pins • Grounded • 16 A • 220 – 240 V • Can be used with plug types O & C • Unsafe compatibility with plugs E & F : No grounding connection Thailand 272 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 ANNEX 4: Reference table: Wire colour codes around the world Standard wire colours for flexible cable (e.g. Extension cords, power (line) cords and lamp cords) Region or Country Phases Neutral Protective earth/ground European Union (EU), Argentina, Australia, South Africa (IEC 60446) Australia, New Zealand (AS/NZS 3000:2007 3.8.3) , Brazil , United States, Canada , (brass screw tip) (silver screw tip) (green) or (green/yellow) Standard wire colours for fixed cable (e.g. In-, On- or Behind-the-wall wiring cables) Region or Country Most of IEC compliant countries, European Union (EU) (IEC 60446) UK from 31 March 2004 (BS 7671) Phases Neutral , , , (formerly) UK prior to 2004 Still effective in India, Pakistan, Kenya and other former British colonies Protective earth/ground , , bare conductor, sleeved at terminations (formerly) France, prior to 1970 Could be effective in some former French colonies and old installations Any colours other than (since about 1980) Australia, New Zealand (AS/NZS 3000:2007 clause 3.8.1, table 3.4) single phase: Or bare conductor, sleeved at terminations (formerly) multiphase: , Brazil South Africa (until about 1980) , , , or , bare conductor, sleeved at 273 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 terminations (brass screw tip) (120/208/240 V) United States and other US inspired countries , , (silver screw tip) (120/208/240 V) (277/480 V) (277/480 V) (green) bare conductor (ground or isolated ground) , single phase (isolated systems) (120/208/240 V) (green) , Canada ,‘ (600/347 V) , , , (three phase isolated systems) , (120/208/240 V) bare conductor (600/347 V) (isolated ground) , 274 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 ANNEX 5: Reference table: Electrical symbols and vocabulary around the world AMERICAN Wire gauge Power kW Current A Voltage V Frequency Hz Service entrance panel (or fuse Enclosure Fuse Circuit Breaker Ground fault circuit interrupter Equipment circuit breaker Hot wire Neutral wire Ground wire Single phase & neutral & ground Triple phase & neutral & ground Single pole 2 way switch 3 way switch Push button Single receptacle Single grounded receptacle G Switched grounded receptacle s Duplex receptacle Junction box Emergency lighting unit Building permit Developer Architect Electrical consulting engineer Specifications BID General contractor Electrical sub-contractor Electrical contractor Wiring devices ARABIC CHINESE ENGLISH Cross-section Power output Current rating Voltage Frequency Consumer unit Cabinet or enclosure Fuse Circuit breaker Residual current device Isolator switch Phase conductor Neutral conductor Protective conductor (earth) Single phase + N + E cable 3 phase + N + E cable One way switch Two way switch, single pole Push button Socket outlet Earthed socket outlet Switched socket outlet, single l Double socket outlet Junction box E.L.U. (Emergency Lighting Planning permission Developer Supervisor Architect Electrical consulting engineer Specifications Invitation to tender Main contractor Electrical work Electrical contractor Wiring accessories mm2 kW A V Hz FRENCH Section Puissance Courant Tension Fréquence Tableau d’abonné Armoire Fusible Disjoncteur Interrupteur Interrupteur Conducteur de Conducteur de Conducteur de mm2 kW A V Hz Câble PH + N + T Câble 3 PH + N + T Interrupteur Va-et-vient Bouton poussoir Prise de courant (PC) Prise de courant Prise de courant avec terre commandée Prise de courant Boîte de jonction / Boîte de dérivation Blocs autonome d’éclairage de sécurité (BAES) Permis de construire Maître d’ouvrage Maître d’oeuvre Architecte Bureau d’études Descriptif cahier des Appel d’offre Entreprise générale Lot électricité Installateur Appareillage 275 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 GERMAN Querschnitt Leistung Strom Spannung Frequenz Verteilung Verteiler Schrank Sicherung Schutzschalter FI-Schutzschalter Trennschalter Trenner Aussenleiter Phase Neutralleiter Null Schutzleiter PE Leitung 1/N/PE Leitung 3/N/PE Schalter Ausschalter Wechselschalter Taster Steckdose Schutzkontakt-Steckdose Schutzkontakt Steckdose abschaltabar 2-fach Steckdose Abzweigdose Sicherheits-leuchte Baugehnehmigung Bauherr Bauleiter Architekt Elektroplaner Pflichtenheft Ausschreibung anfrage Generalunternehmer Elektrisches Gewerk Elektroinstallateur Installationsmaterial A (mm²) P [kW] I [A] U [V] F [Hz] ITALIAN Sezione Potenza Corrente Tensione Frequenza Centralino Quadra generale Fusibile Interrutore automatico Interrutore differenziale Interrutore sezionatore Conduttore di fase Conduttore di neutro Conduttore di protezione (terra) Cavo di fase + neutro + terra Cavo di fase + neutro + terra Interrutore Deviatore Pulsante Presa di corrente Presa di corrente con terra Presa di corrente con terra comandata Presa di corrente doppia Scatola di derivazione Lampada d’emergenza Licenza di costruzione (Edile) Committente Architetto Studio tecnico (Engineering) Capitolato Richiesta d’offerta Impresa generale Parte elettrica Installatore (Elettrico) Apparecchiature elettriche KOREAN mm2 kW A V Hz PORTUGUESE/BRAZILIAN mm2 kW A V Hz Secção Potencia Corrente Tensão Frequencia mm2 kW A V Hz Quadro Quadro geral de baixa tensão Fusivel Disjunctor Interruptor diferencial Interruptor seccionador Condutor de fase Condutor de neutro Condutor de terra Condutor de fase + neutra + terra Condutor trifasico+ neutra + terra Interruptor Commutador de escada Botão de pressão Tomada de corrente Tomada de corrente con terra Tomada de corrente com interruptor Tomada de corrente dupla Caixa de derivação Bloco autonomo de illuminacão de i Licença de construção Promotor Director de obra Arquitecto Gabinete de projectos de electrotecnia Caderno de encargos Consulta Empreiteiro geral Empreiteiro de electricidade Instalador eléctrico Aparelhagem electrica 276 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 RUSSIAN SPANISH ENGLISH Secciõn mm2 kW Potencia kW A Intensidad A V Tensiõn V Hz Frecuencia Hz mm2 TURKISH mm2 kW A V Hz Çap -Toma de corriente con tierra - Cross-section Power output Current rating Voltage Frequency Consumer unit Cabinet or enclosure Fuse Circuit breaker Residual current device Isolator switch Phase conductor Neutral conductor Protective conductor (earth) Single phase + N + E cable 3 phase + N + E cable One way switch Two way switch, single pole Push button Socket outlet Earthed socket outlet - Switched socket outlet, single pole Anahtarli priz Doble toma de corriente Double socket outlet Junction box E.L.U. (Emergency Lighting Unit) Planning permission Developer Supervisor Architect Electrical consulting engineer Specifications Invitation to tender Main contractor Electrical work Electrical contractor Wiring accessories Ikizler priz Cuadro de abonado Cuadro general Fusible Magnetotérmico Interruptor diferencial Interruptor seccionador Conductor de fase Conductor de neutro Conductor de puesta a tierra Conductor de fase + neutro + tierra Conductor trifasico + neutro + tierra Interruptor Commutador Pulsador - Caja de derivaciõn Aparato autonõnomo de alumbrado de emergencia Licencia de construcciõn Propriedad promotor Arquitecto Estudio arquitectura ingeniera Pliego de condiciones Peticiõn de oferta Constructora Gremio elétrico Instalador electricista Material elétrico Guç Akim Gerilim Frekans mm2 kW A V Hz Otomat kutusu Pano Kartus Sigortalar Otomat Kaçak akim koruma rölesi Salter Faz Nötr Toprak Faz + nötr + toprak kablo Üç faz + nötr + toprak kablo Anahtar Vavien Zil butanu Priz Toprakli priz Buat Acil çikis ünitesi Iskan Müteahhitlik firmalari Mimar Projeve mühendislik bürosu Kesif Sartnäme Insaat firmasi Elektrik kesfi Elektrik tesicatçisi Elektrik malzemesi 277 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 ANNEX 6: Electrification rates around the world 1.6 billion people do not have electricity. (From the Global electrical network - Afghanistan Albania Algeria Angola Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bangladesh Belarus 6% 100% 73% 15% 95% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 38% 100% Belgium Belize Benin Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia/Herzeg. Botswana Brazil Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cent. Afric. Rep. Chad Chile China Colombia Congo, Dem Rep Congo, Pop. Rep Costa Rica Cote d'Ivoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark 100% 90% 22% 11% 64% 100% 22% 93% 100% 100% 9% 2% 33% 46% 100% 3% 2% 95% 96% 92% 6% 9% 95% 20% 100% 82% 100% 100% 100% Djibouti 15% Dominican rep. 91% East Timor 11% Ecuador 80% Egypt 98% El Salvador 65% Equt. Guinea 15% Eritrea 20% Estonia 100% Ethiopia 13% Finland 100% France 100% French Guiana 88% Gabon 74% Gambia 15% Georgia 33% Germany 100% Ghana 43% Greece 100% Greenland 90% Guatemala 85% Guinea 16% Guinea-Bissau 12% Guyana 60% Haiti 31% Honduras 45% Hungary 100% Iceland 100% India 82% Indonesia 63% Iran 94% Iraq 87% Ireland 100% Israel 100% Italy 100% Jamaica 70% Japan 100% Jordan 100% Kazakhstan 100% Kenya 15% Korea, North 92% Korea, South Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia 100% 100% 100% 39% 100% 98% 5% 5% 100% 100% 100% 100% Romania Russia Rwanda Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia-Monten. Sierra Leone Slovakia Slovenia Somalia South Africa Spain 100% 100% 6% 85% 32% 55% 5% 100% 100% 10% 66% 100% Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Mali Mauritania Mexico Moldova Mongolia Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Norway Oman Pakistan Panama Papua N. Guin Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Puerto Rico 11% 3% 97% 11% 22% 95% 99% 100% 65% 7% 15% 26% 25% 100% 100% 70% 7% 45% 100% 98% 60% 73% 45% 54% 75% 75% 100% 100% 100% Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syria Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand Togo Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Uganda Ukraine United Arab Em. United Kingdom United States Uruguay Uzbekistan Venezuela Vietnam Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe 68% 19% 95% 6% 100% 100% 99% 100% 95% 9% 98% 15% 98% 100% 100% 9% 100% 100% 100% 100% 95% 100% 95% 80% 43% 20% 42% 278 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 ANNEX 7: Reference table: Main features of national/local standards around the world IEC Country / state / territory Single-phase voltage Frequency (hertz) Plug type Abu Dhabi, Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, American Samoa, Andorra, Angola, Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Aruba, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Azores, Bahamas, Bahrain, Balearic Islands, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Belgium, Belize, Benin, Bermuda, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bonaire, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, British Virgin Islands, Brunei, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Canary Islands, Cape Verde, Cayman Islands, 230 V 220 V 230 V 230 V 120 V 230 V 220 V 110 V 230 V 220 V 230 V 120 V 230 V 230 V 220 V 230 V 120 V 230 V 230 V 220 V 115 V 220 V 230 V 110 V / 220 V 220 V 120 V 230 V 230 V 127 V 230 V 230 V 127 V / 220 V 110 V 240 V 230 V 220 V 220 V 230 V 220 V 120 V 230 V 230 V 120 V 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz G C/F C/F C/F A/B/F/I C/F C A/B A/B C/I C/F A/B/F I C/F C/F B/C/F A/B G C/F A/C/D/G/K A/B C/F C/E A/B/G C/E A/B C/D/G A/C A/C C/F D/G C/N A/B G C/F C/E C/E A/C/G C/E A/B C/E/F C/F A/B Closest standard Full Assoc reference to be Affil applied Member N/A Affil Assoc Full US N/A Affil N/A Affil Full Affil N/A Full Full Affil Portu Affil Assoc Spain Affil Affil Full Full Affil Affil N/A Affil Affil N/A Assoc Affil Full N/A Affil Full Affil Affil Affil Affil Full Spain N/A N/A IEC / UK IEC / D IEC / D IEC / D NEC IEC / D IEC / D NEC NEC IEC IEC / D NEC IEC IEC / D IEC / D IEC / D NEC IEC / UK IEC / D IEC NEC IEC / D IEC NEC IEC NEC IEC / UK IEC IEC/NEC IEC / D IEC / UK IEC/NEC NEC IEC IEC / D IEC IEC IEC / UK IEC NEC IEC IEC / D NEC 279 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Central African Republic, 220 V Chad, 220 V Channel Islands (Guernsey & 230 V Chile, 220 V China, People’s Republic of, 220 V Christmas Island, 230 V Cocos (Keeling) Islands, 230 V Colombia, 110 V Comoros, 220 V Congo, Democratic Republic of, 220 V Congo, People’s Republic of, 230 V Cook Islands, 240 V Costa Rica, 120 V Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast), 220 V Croatia, 230 V Cuba, 110 V / 220 V Curaçao, 127 V Cyprus, , 230 V Cyprus, North, 230 V Czech Republic, 230 V Denmark, 230 V Djibouti, 220 V Dominica, 230 V Dominican Republic, 120 V Dubai, 230 V East Timor (Timor-Leste), 220 V Ecuador, 120 V Egypt, 220 V El Salvador, 120 V England, 230 V Equatorial Guinea, 220 V Eritrea, 230 V Estonia, 230 V Ethiopia, 220 V Faeroe Islands, 230 V Falkland Islands, 240 V Fiji, 240 V Finland, 230 V France, 230 V French Guiana, 220 V Gabon (Gabonese Republic), 220 V Gambia, 230 V Gaza Strip (Gaza), 230 V Georgia, 220 V Germany, 230 V Ghana, 230 V Gibraltar, 230 V Great Britain (GB), 230 V Greece, 230 V Greenland, 230 V Grenada, 230 V 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz C/E C/D/E/F C/G C/L A/C/I I I A/B C/E C/D/E C/E I A/B C/E C/F A/B/C/L A/B G G C/E C/E/F/K C/E D/G A/B G C/E/F/I A/B C/F A/B G C/E C/L C/F C/F C/E/F/K G I C/F C/E C/D/E C G C/H C/F C/F D/G G G C/F C/E/F/K G Affil IEC Affil IEC UK IEC / UK Full IEC Full IEC N/A IEC N/A IEC Full NEC Affil IEC / F Affil IEC / F Affil IEC / F N/A IEC Affil NEC Affil IEC / F Full IEC / D Assoc IEC/NEC N/A NEC Assoc IEC N/A IEC Full IEC / F Full IEC N/A IEC / F Affil IEC / UK Affil NEC N/A IEC N/A IEC Affil NEC Full IEC / D Affil NEC Full IEC / UK N/A IEC Affil IEC Assoc IEC / D Affil IEC / D N/A IEC UK IEC / UK Affil IEC Full IEC / D Full IEC / F France IEC Affil IEC Affil IEC / UK Palest IEC Assoc IEC / D Full IEC / D Affil IEC / UK UK IEC / UK Full IEC / UK Full IEC / D Danm IEC Affil IEC / UK 280 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Guadeloupe, Guam, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland (Eire), Ireland, Northern, Isle of Man, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kiribati, Korea, North, Korea, South, Kosovo, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Latvia, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macau, Macedonia, Madagascar, Madeira, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Malta, Marshall Islands, Martinique, 230 V 110 V 120 V 220 V 220 V 120 / 240 V 110 / 220V 120 V 220 V 230 V 230 V 230 V 230 V 230 V 230 V 230 V 230 V 230 V 230 V 230 V 110 V 100 V 230 V 220 V 240 V 240 V 220 V 220 V 230 V 240 V 220 V 230 V 230 V 230 V 220 V 120 V > 240V 230 V 230 V 230 V 230 V 220 V 230 V 110 / 220 V 230 V 230 V 240 V 230 V 220 V 230 V 120 V 220 V 50 Hz 60 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 60 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 / 60 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 > 60 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz C/E A/B A/B C/F/K C A/B/D/G A/B A/B G C/F C/F C/D/M C/F C/F C/D/G G G C/G C/H C/F/L A/B A/B C/D/F/G/J C/F G I C C/F C/F G C/F A/B/C/E/F C/F C/D/G M A/B>C/F C/L C/J C/F C/F G C/F C/E C/F G G C/D/G/J/K/L C/E G A/B C/D/E Franc N/A Affil Affil Affil Affil Affil Affil CN Full Assoc Full Full Full Full Full UK UK Full Full Affil Full Assoc Assoc Assoc N/A Assoc Full N/A N/A Affil Affil Assoc Affil Affil N/A Full N/A Assoc Full CN Assoc Affil Port Affil Full N/A Affil Assoc N/A Franc IEC / F NEC NEC IEC IEC NEC IEC/NEC NEC IEC / UK IEC / D IEC / D IEC / UK IEC / D IEC / D IEC IEC / UK IEC / UK IEC / UK IEC IEC NEC NEC IEC / UK IEC / D IEC / UK IEC IEC IEC / D IEC / D IEC / UK IEC / D IEC IEC / D IEC / UK IEC IEC/NEC IEC IEC IEC / D IEC / D IEC / UK IEC / D IEC / F IEC / D IEC / UK IEC / UK IEC IEC / F IEC / UK NEC IEC 281 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Mauritania, Mauritius, Mayotte, Mexico, Micronesia, Federated States of, Moldova, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Montserrat, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar (formerly Burma), Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, Netherlands, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Niue, Norfolk Island, North Cyprus, Northern Ireland, North Korea, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Palau, Palestine, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Pitcairn Islands, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Qatar, Réunion, Romania, Russia (officially the Russian Federation Rwanda, Saba, Saint Barthélemy (Saint Barts), Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Martin, 220 V 230 V 230 V 127 V 120 V 230 V 230 V 230 V 230 V 230 V 220 V 220 V 230 V 220 V 240 V 230 V 230 V 220 V 230 V 120 V 220 V 230 V 230 V 230 V 230 V 230 V 220 V 230 V 240 V 230 V 120 V 230 V 120 V 240 V 220 V 220 V 240 V 230 V 230 V 230 V 120 V 240 V 230 V 230 V 220 V 230 V 110 V 230 V 230 V 230 V 220 V 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 60 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz C C/G C/E A/B A/B C/F C/E/F C/E C/F A/B C/E C/F/M A/C/D/G/I D/M I C/D/M C/F C/F I A/B C/D/E/F D/G I I G G C C/F G C/D A/B C/H A/B I C A/C A/B/C I C/E C/F A/B G C/E C/F C/F C/J A/B C/E D/G G C/E Affil Affil Franc Full N/A Assoc N/A Affil Assoc N/A Assoc Affil Affil Affil N/A Affil Full Franc Full N/A Affil Assoc N/A N/A N/A UK Assoc Full Full Full N/A Affil Affil Affil Affil Affil Full N/A Full Full US Full Franc Full Full Affil N/A Franc Affil Affil Franc IEC IEC / UK IEC / F NEC NEC IEC / D IEC IEC IEC / D IEC IEC / F IEC IEC IEC IEC IEC IEC / D IEC / D IEC NEC IEC / F IEC / UK IEC IEC IEC / UK IEC / UK IEC IEC / D IEC / UK IEC NEC IEC NEC IEC IEC IEC/NEC IEC/NEC IEC IEC / F IEC / D NEC IEC / UK IEC / F IEC / D IEC / D IEC NEC IEC / F IEC / UK IEC / UK IEC / F 282 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Saint Helena, Sint Eustatius, Sint Maarten, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, San Marino, São Tomé and Príncipe, Saudi Arabia, Scotland, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, Somalia, Somaliland, South Africa, South Korea, South Sudan, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Suriname, Swaziland, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Tahiti, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Togo, Tokelau, Tonga, Trinidad & Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Turks and Caicos Islands, Tuvalu, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates (UAE), United Kingdom (UK), United States of America (USA), United States Virgin Islands, Uruguay, 230 V 110 V / 220 V 110 V 110 V / 230 V 230 V 230 V 230 V 230 V 230 V 230 V 230 V 240 V 230 V 230 V 230 V 230 V 230 V 220 V 220 V 230 V 220 V 230 V 230 V 230 V 230 V 127 V / 230 V 230 V 230 V 230 V 220 V 220 V 110 V 220 V 230 V 230 V 220 V 230 V 240 V 115 V 230 V 230 V 220 V 120 V 230 V 240 V 230 V 230 V 230 V 120 V 110 V 220 V 50 Hz 60 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 / 60 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz G A/B/C/F A/B A/B/G I C/F/L C/F G G C/D/E/K C/F G D/G G C/E C/F G/I C C C/D/M/N C/F C/D C/F D/G C/D A/B/C/F M C/F C/J C/E/L C/E A/B C/F D/G A/B/C/O C I I A/B C/E C/F C/F A/B I G C/F G G A/B A/B C/F/L UK N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Full UK Affil Full Affil Affil Full Full Full N/A N/A N/A Full Assoc Affil Full Assoc Affil Affil Affil Full Full N/A Franc N/A N/A Affil Full Affil N/A N/A Affil Assoc Full Affil N/A N/A Affil Full Full Full Full US Affil IEC / UK IEC/NEC NEC IEC/NEC IEC IEC IEC / D IEC / UK IEC / UK IEC / F IEC / D IEC IEC IEC IEC / F IEC / D IEC IEC IEC IEC IEC / D IEC IEC / D IEC IEC IEC/NEC IEC IEC / D IEC IEC / F IEC / F NEC IEC / D IEC IEC IEC IEC IEC NEC IEC / F IEC / D IEC / D NEC IEC IEC / UK IEC / D IEC / UK IEC / UK NEC NEC IEC / D 283 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Vatican City, Venezuela, Vietnam, Virgin Islands (British), Virgin Islands (USA), Wales, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe, 220 V 230 V 230 V 120 V 220 V 110 V 110 V 230 V 230 V 230 V 240 V 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz C/F I C/F/L A/B A/C/D A/B A/B G A/D/G C/D/G D/G N/A IEC / D N/A IEC N/A IEC / D N/A NEC Assoc IEC US/UKNEC / IEC US NEC UK IEC / UK Affil IEC / UK Affil IEC / UK Affil IEC /UK 284 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Tables Table 1: Metric and AWG wire cross sections ....................................................................................44 Table 2: Main electrical symbols ........................................................................................................47 Table 3: Danger of electrical currents.................................................................................................69 Table 4: The voltage classification .....................................................................................................76 Table 5: Main features of the various earthing systems.....................................................................90 Table 6: Use of different metals in electric works .............................................................................112 Table 7: Classes of cables ...............................................................................................................115 Table 8: Accordance between Cables and Conduits ........................................................................125 Table 9: The ingress protection ratings (IP code) .............................................................................133 Table 10: Comparison between IEC 60898-1 and 60947-2 ..............................................................143 Table 11: utilisation categories of switchgears .................................................................................145 Table 12: Cable size - AWG to metric conversion ............................................................................156 Table 8:Heavy duty industrial IEC sockets .......................................................................................164 Table 14: iIlumination levels- facts and needs ..................................................................................169 Table 15: performances and typical specifications of various lighting systems .................................175 Table 16: Distribution capacity and power of user's devices.............................................................187 Figures 1. INTRODUCTION Figure 1: Overview of priorities with linked threats and solutions........................................................18 2. REGULATORY FRAMEWORK Figure 2: indication of standard references on an electrical device. ...................................................22 Figure 3: IEC Membership around the World .....................................................................................26 3. VARIATION OF STANDARD MODELS AROUND THE WORLD Figure 4: Voltage and Frequencies around the World ........................................................................33 Figure 5: Examples of Voltage/ Frequency Data Plates .....................................................................34 Figure 6: Plug Types around the World ..............................................................................................35 Figure 7: The Metric and Imperial System around the World ..............................................................43 Figure 8: Example of Zone Identification for a Large Compound ........................................................50 Figure 9: Example of Room Numbering (Zone B within the Same Compound) ..................................50 Figure 10: Example of Zone Identification for a Large Building...........................................................51 Figure 11: Example of Room Identification Numbering (in zones A and B of the same building) ........51 Figure 12: identification of main panels ..............................................................................................53 Figure 13: identification of main lines .................................................................................................53 Figure 14: The Electrical Diagram of a Power Panel and Main Distribution Boards ............................54 Figure 15: identification of distribution panels.....................................................................................54 Figure 16: identification of intermediary panels ..................................................................................55 Figure 17: identification of final circuits...............................................................................................55 Figure 18: Identifications on a single line diagram ..............................................................................56 285 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Figure 19: example of a title block ..................................................................................................... 57 4. MANAGEMENT OF ELECTRICAL PROJECTS Figure 20: The project development cycle ......................................................................................... 59 5. SAFETY OF INDIVIDUALS: TECHNICAL RULES Figure 21: Current flow in case of a direct simple contact with live conductor .................................... 70 Figure 22: general principle of an equipotential bounding. ................................................................. 79 Figure 23 : Figure of a fault loop. ....................................................................................................... 79 Figure 24 : figure of a TT earthing system ......................................................................................... 82 Figure 25: principle diagram of a TT system ...................................................................................... 84 Figure 26 : Diagram of a TNC System. .............................................................................................. 85 Figure 27: diagram of a TNS System. ................................................................................................ 86 Figure 28: Diagram of a TNC-S System. ........................................................................................... 88 Figure 29: Use of underground links to improve the earth resistance. ............................................... 92 Figure 30: The use of earth leakage protection devices ..................................................................... 93 Figure 31: Detailed Symbol of a RCD ................................................................................................ 95 Figure 32: Mounting scheme of a RCCB ........................................................................................... 95 Figure 33: figure of a RCBO .............................................................................................................. 96 Figure 34: symbol of a residual current trigger device........................................................................ 96 Figure 35: mounting of a trigger RCD ................................................................................................ 96 Figure 36: Testing of a RCD .............................................................................................................. 98 Figure 37: insulated electrician handtools ........................................................................................ 102 Figure 38: statistics about fire origins .............................................................................................. 103 Figure 39: Process resulting in a fire ............................................................................................... 104 Figure 40: Map of the annual frequency of thunderstorms ............................................................... 105 Figure 41: Potential lightning sites on a landscape profile ............................................................... 106 Figure 42: area of protection of a lightning rod................................................................................. 106 Figure 43: Installation diagram of lightning protections accorded to protection zones ...................... 109 Figure 44: Modular surge protection device ..................................................................................... 109 6. EQUIPMENT: QUALITY AND USAGE REQUIREMENTS. Figure 45 : several kinds of rigid cables ........................................................................................... 116 Figure 46: bending radius of cables ................................................................................................. 116 Figure 47 :Various types of flexible cables....................................................................................... 117 Figure 48: single conductor cable .................................................................................................... 118 Figure 49: various kinds of rigid and flexible pipes ........................................................................... 118 Figure 50: Features and uses of multiconductor cables ................................................................... 120 Figure 51: Shielded cables .............................................................................................................. 120 Figure 52: Armoured cables ............................................................................................................ 121 Figure 53: flat cables without coating ............................................................................................... 121 Figure 54: flat cables with coating.................................................................................................... 122 Figure 55: Flat cables with bare protective conductors are forbidden .............................................. 122 Figure 56: Flat cables with external coating and insulated protective ............................................... 122 Figure 57: Various types of junctions ............................................................................................... 127 Figure 58: junction of flexible wires inside of a junction box ............................................................. 128 Figure 59: Heavy duty screwed junctions ........................................................................................ 128 286 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Figure 60: Use of plastic block screwed junctions ............................................................................128 Figure 62: Straight crimp terminals ..................................................................................................129 Figure 61: Various types of crimp terminals .....................................................................................129 Figure 63: Crimping Plier .................................................................................................................129 Figure 64: Junctions inside of a generator. ......................................................................................129 Figure 65: Wiring of a breaker board ................................................................................................130 Figure 66: Earthing busbars .............................................................................................................130 Figure 67: Various types of earthing junctions..................................................................................131 Figure 68: Junction boxes ................................................................................................................134 Figure 69: Various types of cable glands .........................................................................................135 Figure 70: Various types of plastic boards .......................................................................................136 Figure 71: Steel enclosure for large boards......................................................................................137 Figure 72: Boards equipped with DIN rails .......................................................................................137 Figure 73: Fused switch disconnector ..............................................................................................140 Figure 74: Old model of a single disconnector .................................................................................141 Figure 75: "blade" change over switch .............................................................................................141 Figure 76: Disconnectors damaged by fire .......................................................................................141 Figure 77: MCCB (Molded Case Circuit Breaker) .............................................................................143 Figure 78: Manual change-over switch.............................................................................................146 Figure 79: Electro-Magnetic change-over switch ..............................................................................146 Figure 80: Automated change-over or Automated Transfer Switch (ATS) ........................................146 Figure 81: Standard size of MCBs and DIN rails ..............................................................................149 Figure 82: Modular or miniature circuit breakers (MCB) ...................................................................149 Figure 83: Various models of MCCBs ..............................................................................................150 Figure 84: Adjustment panel on a MCCB .........................................................................................150 Figure 85: Mandatory indications as per IEC 60947-2......................................................................151 Figure 86: tripping curves of circuit breakers ....................................................................................152 Figure 87: Tripping curve in case of a short circuit ...........................................................................153 Figure 88: Internal view of a circuit breaker ......................................................................................153 Figure 89: Terminals and flush mounting blocks ..............................................................................159 Figure 90: Apparent mounted terminals for outdoor use...................................................................159 Figure 91: "Ring Circuits" following the British Standards.................................................................160 Figure 92: Single switch disconnector for heavy loads .....................................................................162 Figure 93: Most common Heavy duty IEC "industrial" plugs and sockets .........................................164 Figure 94: The scale of the colour temperature ................................................................................170 Figure 95: Colour temperature of usual lighting sources ..................................................................170 Figure 96: The colour rendering index of usual lighting sources .......................................................171 Figure 97: typical usages related to CRI requirements .....................................................................172 Figure 98: Information data on lighting devices ................................................................................172 Figure 99: Automatic Voltage Switcher ............................................................................................177 Figure 100: Industrial voltage control relays .....................................................................................178 Figure 101: Low cost stabilizer .........................................................................................................179 Figure 102: Example of a 6kVA double conversion UPS ..................................................................179 7. RECOMMENDATION ABOUT SETUP DESIGN Figure 103: Circuit rates compared to their actual loads...................................................................188 Figure 104: Circuit Breakers : choice of tripping curves and discrimination ......................................190 Figure 105: Examples of main cable routing ....................................................................................192 Figure 106: Grounding belt around a large building..........................................................................193 287 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Figure 107: Earthing wires and junctions ......................................................................................... 194 Figure 108: Earthing junction in buildings ........................................................................................ 195 Figure 109: placement of an grounding stake .................................................................................. 196 Figure 110: General layout of a distribution board ........................................................................... 198 Figure 111: Wrong cross section inside of a breaker board ............................................................. 199 Figure 112: Dividing the main protection of boards .......................................................................... 199 Figure 113: Using bus bars to feed breakers ................................................................................... 200 Figure 114: Arrangement of a trench for underground cable............................................................ 203 Figure 115: Warning tape over underground cables ........................................................................ 204 Figure 116: Manholes along a trench .............................................................................................. 204 Figure 117: Pipe arrangement to exit out of the ground ................................................................... 205 Figure 118: Use of square plastic trunking....................................................................................... 206 Figure 119: terminals incorporated into square plastic trunking ....................................................... 207 Figure 120: Various types of tube clips ............................................................................................ 207 Figure 121: Cable tray ..................................................................................................................... 208 Figure 122: Spaces reserved for embedded conduits inside of a room ............................................ 209 Figure 123: Zone division and safety levels into a bathroom............................................................ 214 Figure 124: Boards dedicated to fast deployment and provisional installations ................................ 217 Figure 125: 32A extension on a reel ................................................................................................ 217 Figure 126: Structure of a provisional distribution grid ..................................................................... 218 Figure 127: Boards and lightings used in provisional installations.................................................... 219 288 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0 Sources IEC – International Electrotechnical Commission US National Electrical Code NF, BS, DIN Publications Vinçotte : Household electrical installations Schneider Group (Technical sheets) ABB (Technical sheets) Merlin Gerin : Technical Sheets Legrand International guide MSFF electricity support 2011 MSF OCG Electrical Safety Guide Line MSF OCB Training document 2015 MSF OCB Memento of electrical systems protection CICR - Electrical Safety Action Plan CICR – Protocol for the Management of Construction Projects 289 MSF– ICRC Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field: Rules and Tools. Version 0