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PNP Command Visit Security Plan: Bukidnon PPO IMPLAN

R Republic of the Philippines
National Police Commission
Camp Captain Ramon M Onahon, Malaybalay City
August 18, 2022
Director PRO 10 Command Visit”
a. Scheduled Command Visit of Regional Director in Bukidnon;
b. PNP MC No. 2017-021 dated March 8, 2017 with subject: Enhanced
Operational Concept of the Managing Police Operations (MPO); and
c. PNP LOI 13/2011 (SANG-INGAT-CHARLIE) dated April 13, 2011.
This Implementation Plan provides the guidelines and procedures to be
undertaken by Buk PPO in the execution of security coverage to ensure the safety and
security of PBGEN LAWRENCE BALDAN COOP - PRO 10 Regional Director and Party
during his scheduled Command Visit in Bukidnon.
This pertains to the command visit of PBGEN LAWRENCE BALDAN COOP,
Regional Director, PRO 10 and party in Bukidnon scheduled on August 20, 2022 on his
first Command Visit and to attend various activities. RD and party will be expected to travel
by land on 10:00 AM of August 20, 2022 from Camp Alagar, CDO to Malaybalay City.
Buk PPO, concurrent with its missions and functions, and in coordination with
other concerned law enforcement agencies, shall intensify its public safety and security
operations, sustain law enforcement as well as other administrative and operational
activities to ensure the peaceful and successful command visit of RD PRO 10 and Party.
a. Concept of Operations:
The security operations for the command visit of PBGEN LAWRENCE BALDAN
COOP - Regional Director, PRO 10 will be under the overall supervision of the Deputy
Provincial Director for Operations (DPDO) and will be assisted by OIC, POU. Tasked
Offices/Units from the PHQ, PMFCs, NSUs and Police Stations are hereby activated to
provide security during the travel of RD PRO 10 and Party to ensure their safety while in
the AOR.
b. Tasks:
1) DPDA – OTSIC Team Supervisor.
2) DPDO – Over-all Supervisor.
a) Office Primary Responsible for the RD’s Command Visit at Buk PPO;
b) Prepare a program for the Talk to Men during the visit of RD in
Bukidnon PPO;
c) Prepare a list of deserving personnel/units as awardees;
d) Issue order to the personnel for Arrival Honor for PBGEN LAWRENCE
BALDAN COOP, Regional Director, PRO 10 on August 20, 2022;
e) Detail Emcees and Usherettes during the Arrival Honors Ceremony and
the Talk to Men program;
f) Detail and issue order for Protocol Officer for RD;
g) Detail and issue order for Convoy Commander for RD;
h) Detail SHU Personnel and sanitation kits during the activity;
i) Advise Command Group, Provincial Staffs, All COPs, FCs, Chiefs of
NSU inside camp and other officers to be at the reception line to be
introduced by the host;
j) Prepare Guest Book with table and in charge at the back of the PHQ
k) Shall be in-charge of the attendance of personnel and participants
during RD’s Talk to Men;
l) Direct all Police Stations/Units to ensure the readiness and
preparedness for the possible Command Inspection of RD;
m) Issue appropriate orders and awards to the PNP personnel
involved/detailed on the said activity; and
n) Perform other tasks as directed.
a) Office Primary Responsible for the covert security of the whole duration
of RDs visit;
b) Provide Cowboy Hat as a token for RD;
c) Monitor the activities of various threat groups;
d) Intensify intelligence, counter-intelligence and police operations to
preempt/prevent terrorist and other threat group activities especially
within Bukidnon area;
e) Provide timely intelligence and counter-intelligence information to
support all tasked units in coordination with intelligence community; and
other concerned law enforcement agencies; and
f) Perform other tasks as directed.
a) Designated as Assistant Supervisor of the execution of this IMPLAN;
b) Office Primary Responsible on the Safety and Security of RD and Party
for the whole duration of their activities in AOR;
c) Coordinate with the Aide-de-camp of RD for finalization of the itinerary
and create Security Plan for RDs travel to and from all places of
engagement in AOR;
d) Create a program for the Command Conference;
e) Prepare PowerPoint Presentation for the Command Conference with
RD and prepare the venue in coordination with finance (Loiza’s or
f) Direct COPs/FCs to strengthen the target hardening of every Police
Station/Units, border controls and conduct law enforcement operations;
g) Responsible in the monitoring on the implementation of the Security
h) Monitor the progress of this activity province wide thru PTOC. Likewise,
PTOC shall closely coordinate with the Police Station for situation
update/SITREP to Provincial Director, Command Group and RTOC;
i) Issue/disseminate appropriate alert level status to all PNP offices/units
based on the prevailing situation;
j) Submit Security Plan with Deployment Plan to ROD (Attn: SOS) or
through e-mail address: pro10.ropd.pnp@gmail.com; and
k) Perform other tasks as directed.
6) OIC, Prov’l Logistic Unit
a) Create a request letter for the availability of PRO 10 Band;
b) Coordinate with R4 for the availability of Coaster to be utilized by PRO
10 Band;
c) Prepare daises with markings;
d) Provide logistical support and other requirements for the activity; and
e) Perform other tasks as directed.
a) Office Primary Responsible on the documentation of the visit and
activities of RD;
b) Assist the Provincial Director for the courtesy call to Malaybalay City
Mayor, Congressman, Provincial Governor and Bishop of Malaybalay
c) Prepare token for RD in coordination with finance;
d) Create request for the availability of IPs for the Tribal Welcome Dance;
e) Provide tarpaulins for the activity;
f) Provide D-Day Picture in frame to be given to RD with background logo
of Buk PPO;
g) Provide video and photo coverage during the activity; and
h) Perform other tasks as directed.
8) OIC, Prov’l Finance Unit
a) Provide fund support to all tasked offices/units;
b) Prepare foods for RD and party during his arrival;
c) OPR of the preparation of Lunch;
d) Prepare the availability of the Command Conference;
e) Prepare leis for RD; and
f) Perform other tasks as directed.
a) Supervise the investigation and filing of cases regarding incidents that
may transpire during the activity;
b) Conduct administrative investigation against personnel who neglects to
carry-out his assigned task; and
c) Perform other tasks as directed.
a) Create composition of Arrival Honor Ceremony and coordinate with
PARMU for the issuance of order;
b) Conduct practice/rehearsal for the Arrival Honor Ceremony for the visit
of RD;
c) Coordinate with the RHQ for the Introductory of RD;
d) Create composition of dancers if incase the IPs are not available for the
Tribal Welcome Dance;
e) Brief/Orient usherettes on their respective tasks; and
f) Perform other tasks as directed.
11) FC, Buk 1st PMFCs
a) Must be present during the arrival of RD and to be at the reception line
to be introduced by the host;
b) Ensure the readiness and preparedness of the possible Command
Inspection of RD;
c) Provide one marked vehicle with eight personnel on board led by PCO
to act as security convoy of Regional Director and party from Alae
QCP, Manolo Fortich, Bukidnon until completion of their activity;
d) Organize QRF/Standby Force ready for deployment as the need arises;
e) Strengthen police checkpoints of subordinate units in the province to
prevent entrance of terrorist groups at the aforesaid places of
engagement of RD and party;
f) Intensify intelligence, counter-intelligence and Police Operations to
preempt/prevent terroristic/criminal activities especially during the visit
of Regional Director and party;
g) Detail personnel to serve as route security (especially in critical and
ambush areas) during the travel of the Regional Director and party if
h) Submit the list of personnel involve in this activity to POU for the
Security Plan; and
i) Perform other tasks as directed.
12) FC, Buk 2nd PMFC
a) Must be present during the arrival of RD and to be at the reception line
to be introduced by the host;
b) Ensure the readiness and preparedness of the possible Command
Inspection of RD;
c) Organize QRF/Standby Force ready for deployment as the need arises;
d) Strengthen police checkpoints of subordinate units in the province to
prevent entry of terrorist groups at the aforesaid places of engagement
of RD and party;
e) Intensify intelligence, counter-intelligence and Police Operations to
preempt/prevent terroristic/criminal activities especially during the visit
of Regional Director and the Command Staff;
f) Detail personnel to serve as route security (especially in critical and
ambush areas) during the travel of the Regional Director and the party
if possible;
g) Submit the list of personnel involve in this activity to POU for the
Security Plan; and
h) Perform other tasks as directed.
13) COP of Malaybalay CPS
a) Act as Ground Commander;
b) Must be present during the arrival of RD and to be at the reception line
to be introduced by the host;
c) Assist the Provincial Director in coordination with PCADU for the
courtesy call to Malaybalay City Mayor, Congressman Flores and
Bishop of Malaybalay City;
d) Ensure the readiness and preparedness of the possible Command
Inspection of RD;
e) Conduct Area Security to all places of engagement of RD in
coordination with C, POU;
f) Detail personnel to serve as route security (especially in critical and
ambush areas) and traffic assistance during the travel of the Regional
Director and party while in AOR of Malaybalay City;
g) Alert all personnel and be ready for deployment upon order from POU
in case of any untoward incident;
h) Intensify intelligence, counter-intelligence and Police Operations to
preempt/prevent terroristic/criminal activities especially during the visit
of Regional Director and party;
i) Submit the list of personnel involve in this activity to POU for the
Security Plan; and
j) Perform other tasks as directed.
14) All COPs of Police Station
a) Must be present during the arrival of RD and to be at the reception line
to be introduced by the host;
b) Ensure the readiness and preparedness of the possible Command
Inspection of RD;
c) Alert all personnel and be ready for deployment upon order from POU
in case of any untoward incident;
d) Intensify intelligence, counter-intelligence and Police Operations to
preempt/prevent terroristic/criminal activities especially during the visit
of Regional Director and party;
e) Detail personnel to serve as route security (especially in critical and
ambush areas) and traffic assistance during the travel of the Regional
Director and party if possible;
f) Submit the list of personnel involve in this activity to POU for the
Security Plan; and
g) Perform other tasks as directed.
15) C, NSUs and Units/Offices inside Camp
a) Must be present during the arrival of RD and to be at the reception line
to be introduced by the host;
b) Ensure the readiness and preparedness of respective offices for the
possible Command Inspection of RD; and
c) Perform other tasks as directed
16) TL, Buk PECU
a) Alert and standby for instruction of C, POU for paneling/bomb
clearing/disposal operations if necessary; and
b) Perform other tasks as directed.
a) Ensure that all personnel are present ready for the RDs talk to men;
b) Responsible for the physical arrangement and cleanliness of the whole
camp and functionality of comfort rooms;
c) Ensure the smooth passage/travel of the convoy package of RD and
Party inside camp;
d) Provide parking plan/parking areas for the guest/visitors;
e) Detail personnel to act as Traffic Marshalls; and
f) Perform other tasks as directed.
18) Prov’l COMMEL
a) Ensure the good condition of the sound system and installation during
the activities; and
b) Perform other tasks as directed.
19) SHU
a) Ensure the minimum health protocols inside camp;(Facemask, Infrared
Thermal Scanner and Physical Distance is a must)
b) Prepare footbath at the main gate entrance and PHQ Building and
detail personnel to assist the personnel entering the Camp; and
c) Perform other tasks as directed.
a. Strictly observed the Police Operational Procedures;
b. Ensure Cleanliness of the offices and surroundings of the camps ready and
prepared for inspection of RD;
c. Convoy Commander shall brief the security convoy package of RD and Party
and ensure the proper coordination and arrangement of the convoy;
d. Convoy Commander shall determine the speed of the vehicles involved in the
security convoy package, depending on his threat level assessment of the
area and the VIP, but should not be lowered than 20 KPH when moving;
e. Convoy Commander shall submit situation update to PTOC;
f. All tasked unit shall be at their respective area of deployment one hour
before the arrival/passage of RD and party;
g. All tasked units shall pull-out from their respective area of jurisdiction upon
instruction of POU;
h. All tasked units and Team Leaders shall submit situation update on the
movement of the transport and progress of the activity to POU thru PTOC
09175429526-Globe and 09985986851-Smart;
i. Submit names and contact numbers of personnel involved in the security
operations to POU NLT August 19, 2022;
j. No firearms allowed inside the venue;
k. Observe minimum health standard protocols (wearing of facemask, etc.);
l. Attendance will be conducted one hour before the start of the activity;
m. All tasked units shall submit to POU After Activity Report with clear action
pictures immediately after the termination of the security coverage; and
p. Uniform for the entire activity:
 All PCOs
- PNP GOA Type “A” (Bush Coat)
 PHQ Personnel
- PNP GOA Type “B”
 Police Station/PMFC - PNP GOA Type “C”
(with KN95 facemask for Bushcoat/GOA and Black Facemask for FSU
n. Uniform of the Day for NUP.
This IMPLAN shall take effect upon approval.
Police Colonel
Provincial Director