Iliyan Ali 19530 Write down the emotions you experience frequently. Explain with examples Happiness: A healing emotion that always comes in for the shortest time and helps to digest every misleading emotion. i.e, the happiness of opening my eyes every morning, feeling happy about getting my wants fulfilled having smiles on my loved ones. Fear: Fear of not doing enough and that something is missing to achieve my goals, and telling myself always do I’ve all knowledge to accomplish my later life dreams and goals? Sadness: Sadness when I don’t understand anything example: I was learning a new programming language and I got stuck at a place and that thing stopped me to learn further, losing my loved ones Surprise: This is also a rare emotion that I did not face on regular bases, but I do feel it while watching any web series or anime. Disgust: This is the only emotion that rarely comes ahead of me and when it comes I know how to handle it. i.e If I got rejected by someone physically, mentally, or emotionally I try sorting out it with them, and parallelly with that, I start to work on myself to identify where I was wrong but if I was not the one who created those mess then this makes me disgust that why the whole situation got created and why my closed one does it.