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Resolution example (1)

Modelo Virtual Estudiantil de las Naciones Unidas
Sample of Operative Clauses
Committee: General Assembly ​(Committee will be either General Assembly or Joint Crisis)
Topic: Coronavirus epidemic ​(What the committee is discussing)
Sponsors: China, Russia, Germany ​(Number of sponsors will be decided by chairs and
based on amount of resolutions and delegates present)
Co-Sponsors: Kazakhstan, Vietnam, South Korea, Portugal, Nicaragua, Poland ​(Co-sponsors
is any other delegation that assisted in the making of the resolution and there will be a
minimum number for the resolution to be valid) (One enter to begin the preambulatory
Believing​ that the epidemic is a serious issue that needs to be solved for the safety of humanity,
(Ending every preambulatory clause with a comma except the last one)
Declaring​ the need for all nations to provide financial support to stop this pandemic,
(There are four preambulatory clauses as a minimum and maximum)
Recalling​ the thousands of people’s lives that this pandemic took,
(The ​pretty word​ at the start is underlined)
Keeping in mind​ the large amounts of people who have been negatively affected by government
measures to prevent the spread of the disease;
(The last preambulatory clause before the operative clauses requires a semicolon) (One
enter to begin the operative clauses)
A. Encourages​ nations present in this working group to work with international
organizations such as the World Health Organization; ​(Every operative clause must
end with a semicolon)
a. To provide greater accessibility for these countries to receive treatments, ​(Every
sub-clause ends with a comma except the last one)
b. So that nations who lack facilities to treat people with COVID-19 may have
secure locations to treat these people,
c. Which will provide valuable information about who to limit the spread of the
disease to the citizens of these nations; ​(In order to separate two operative
clauses, it is necessary to write a semicolon in between the last sub-clause
or sub-sub clause and the next clause)
B. Declaring​ the need to establish a universal center for disease and prevention institution
under the abbreviation ECN (End COVID-19 Now); ​(Every operative clause must have
the operative ​pretty word ​underlined)
a. In order to have one central authority that can readily utilize its resources in all
Whereby all countries must adhere to, ​(Sub-sub clauses end with
commas except the last one) (There can be no sub-sub-sub clauses)
Including money, vaccines, and information; ​(When it transitions from a
sub-sub clause to a sub-clause, it will end with a semicolon)
b. Which will be allowed to take unoccupied land in countries,
In order to be able to have a place to attend the citizens of that country;
C. Expresses its hope​ that nations across the world seek to prevent future pandemics,
(There are no enters between clauses)
a. By having a representative of the World Health Organization have an observer
role in making sure that a lethal disease gets identified before it spreads;
D. Further invites​ all nations to to join their technology in the pursuit of ​crispr cas9
a. In order to modify the genetics of humans in order to make them have certain
genes of the bat,
In order for us to produce their biological defenses too in order to make
humans immune to COVID-19 for all the years to come. ​(Last clause
whether being a clause, sub-clause, or sub-sub clause ends with a
period if it is the end of the resolution) (There is a minimum of four
operative clauses and a maximum of six operative clauses)
Resolution without any parenthesis for rules:
Committee: General Assembly
Topic: Coronavirus epidemic
Sponsors: China, Russia, Germany
Co-Sponsors: Kazakhstan, Vietnam, South Korea, Portugal, Nicaragua, Poland
Believing​ that the epidemic is a serious issue that needs to be solved for the safety of humanity,
Declaring​ the need for all nations to provide financial support to stop this pandemic,
Recalling​ the thousands of people’s lives that this pandemic took,
Keeping in mind​ the large amounts of people who have been negatively affected by government
measures to prevent the spread of the disease;
A. Encourages​ nations present in this working group to work with international
organizations such as the World Health Organization;
a. To provide greater accessibility for these countries to receive treatments,
b. So that nations who lack facilities to treat people with COVID-19 may have
secure locations to treat these people,
c. Which will provide valuable information about who to limit the spread of the
disease to the citizens of these nations;
B. Declaring​ the need to establish a universal center for disease and prevention institution
under the abbreviation ECN (End COVID-19 Now);
a. In order to have one central authority that can readily utilize its resources in all
Whereby all countries must adhere to,
Including money, vaccines, and information;
b. Which will be allowed to take unoccupied land in countries,
In order to be able to have a place to attend the citizens of that country;
C. Expresses its hope​ that nations across the world seek to prevent future pandemics,
a. By having a representative of the World Health Organization have an observer
role in making sure that a lethal disease gets identified before it spreads;
D. Further invites​ all nations to to join their technology in the pursuit of ​crispr cas9
a. In order to modify the genetics of humans in order to make them have certain
genes of the bat,
In order for us to produce their biological defenses too in order to make
humans immune to COVID-19 for all the years to come.
Following format ​2pts
Correct grammar usage​ 3pts
Resolution makes sense based on
the delegations presenting ​2pts
Resolution is based on factual
evidence ​2pts
Sponsors make sense ​2pts
Viability of the resolution for the
committee​ 4pts