acceptance of a string a string is accepted by a FA if upon scanning the entire string we rests at a final state. acceptance of a language a language is accepted by a FA if all the strings in the language are accepted and all strings not in the language are rejected by it. DFA construction Prob 1 The lang is infinite Prob 2 The lang is finite This is minimal automata 1 Given a language ,It is possible to draw many DFA, but a lang will only have one minimal DFA. Important trick Prob 3 This is not minimal To make it minimal it will look like this If we divide any no. by 3 the possible remainder is either: - 2 0,1,2 :- therefore we should at least have three states which distinguish the remainder. Question What does this mean? Length of string is congruent to 1 mod 3 Means take length of string divide by 3 the remainder should be 1 Prob 3 More The transition table 4