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Physical Development & Functional Tests Exam Questions

1. Physical development
1. Complex medical examination of sportsman and athletes include:
A. Visual examination, evaluation of physical development and level fitness of the
B. Visual examination, assessment of the functional state of the motor system.
C. Collection of general and sports anamnesis, somatoskopy, anthropometry, examination
of systems, assessment of physical development.
D. Assessment of functional state of the body during exercise and during recovery.
E. All answers are correct.
2. During somatoskopy you can estimate:
A. The weight and height, thickness of subcutaneous fat, strength of the muscle.
B. The skin condition, the degree of muscle development and thickness of subcutaneous
fat, posture and form of chest, leg shape, state of arch of the foot and the type of body
C. Height, body weight, diameter of shoulder, chest and hips, joint mobility, body posture.
D. Relief and strength of muscle, shape of the chest, posture, feet shape, mobility in the
joints, weight.
E. Type of body constitution, the circumference of the neck, chest, waist, vital capacity
and strength of the muscle.
3. Normally the thickness of subcutaneous fat around the belly button in men are:
A. 0-0,5 cm.
B. 0,8 -1,0 cm.
C. 1,5 -2,0 cm.
D. 2,0 -2,5 cm.
E. 2,5 -3,0 cm.
4. Methods for assessing the physical development are:
A. Methods of standards, profile of anthropometry, indices and method of correlation.
B. Visual examination, palpation, percussion, auscultation and dynamometry.
C. General medical examination of organs and systems and somatoskopy.
D. Collection of general and sports anamnesis, somatoskopy, anthropometry.
E. All answers are correct.
5. The type of body constitution are:
A. Normotonic , atonic, hypertonic.
B. Normotonic, hipotrophyc, hypertrophyc.
C. Asthenic , hypertonic, piknic.
D. Kyphotic , scoliotic, hypertensive.
E. Normostenic, asthenic, hyperstenic.
6. Posture shows the following:
A. Proportionality of the trunk and extremities.
B. Normal ratio of height and weight.
С. The shape of the body and spine into the upright position.
D. The degree of muscle development.
E. Length of extremities.
7. Normal forms of the chest are:
A. Cylindrical, conical, chicken.
B. Round, flat, conical.
C. Normostenic, asthenic, hyperstenic.
D. Cylindrical, flat, tubby.
E. Cylindrical, conical, flat.
8. For examination the physical development are used:
A. Biometry and bicycle ergometry.
B. Bicycle ergometry and anthropometry.
C. Steperhometry and dynamometry.
D. Somatoskopy and anthropometry.
E. Electrocardiography .
9. Which of the following methods we use to determine the strength of back muscles?
A. Phyziometry.
B. Miohraphy.
C. Kalipometry.
D. Morfomiometry.
E. Dynamometry.
10. What are the main indicators we are use for anthropometry?
A. Strength and relief of muscle and, forms of the chest, back shape, mobility in the
B. Type of constitution, mobility in the joints, waist and chest circumference.
C. Posture, legs shape, state arch of the foot, vital capacity.
D. The weight and height, chest and waist circumference, strength of muscle, vital
E. The skin condition, the degree of muscle development, posture and form of chest, legs
shape, state of arch of the foot.
11. What shows physical development:
A. Maturity and gender.
B. Health and maturity.
C. Power and agility.
D. Body shape and endurance.
E. All answers are correct.
12. What main aim of primary medical examinations for athletes and sportsman:
A. Determine of ability for athletics.
B. Allow for admission to the competition.
C. Set the level of physical development and health.
D. For control the impact of athletics on health.
E. Check endurance of organism.
13. The special features of the primary medical examination of athletes include:
A. Overview on systems and somatoscopy.
B. Laboratory and additional methods of examination.
C. Sports anamnesis and anthropometry.
D. Examination by ​ ​ sports cardiologist.
E. Use laboratory and functional tests.
14. Body Mass Index are the following ratio:
A. The ratio of vital capacity (ml) and body weight (kg).
B. The ratio of height (cm) for the thorax volume (liter).
C. The ratio of body weight (g) to height (cm.).
D. The ratio of body weight (kg) to height (m2).
E. The ratio of vital capacity (ml) to the strength of the back muscles (kg).
15. Which curves of the spine related as physiological:
A. Lateral lordosis and kyphosis.
B. Cervical and lumbar lordosis .
C. Cervical and lumbar kyphosis.
D. Thoracic and sacral kyphosis.
E. Thoracic scoliosis.
16. What influence on physical development?
A. Sport and stile of life.
B. Diet.
C. Lifestyle and social conditions.
D. Genotype and state of the health.
E. All answers are correct.
17. What are the options posture of man?
A. Normostenic.
B. Slouching.
C. Flat.
D. Hypersthenic.
E. Round.
18. What is scoliosis?
A. This is spine bends forward.
B. This is lateral bending of the spine.
C. This is flat spine.
D. It’s bends the spine backwards.
E. It’s bends the spine backwards and forwards.
19. Which anthropometric indices may affect the value of vital capacity?
A. Circumference of chest and indicators of dynamometry.
B. Circumference of chest and its mobility.
C. Ribs mobility and body weight.
D. Chest circumference and abdominal muscles.
E. All answers are correct.
20. What determines the physical development?
A. Nutrition and health.
B. Genetics, gender, health and age.
C. Environmental and social conditions.
D. All answers are correct.
E. There are wrong answers.
21. On what grounds is determined by the shape of the foot:
A. The presence and severity of transverse and longitudinal arch.
B. The ratio of the length and width of the foot at the toes.
C. The ratio of the total width of the foot to the width of the isthmus.
D. There are wrong answers.
E. All answers are correct.
22. A hand strength index is for men:
A. 60-70
B. 70-75
C. 80-85
D. 90-95
E. 40-55
23. A hand strength index is for women:
A. 45-50
B. 50-55
C. 50-65
D. 60-70
E. 70-75
24. What is the main task of primary medical examination of athletes and sportsmen?
A. Testing of physical work capacity.
B. Testing of body structure and posture.
C. Evaluation of body structure and posture.
D. Doping control.
E. Evaluation of the functional state and health.
2. Functional tests.
1. Types of reactions cardiovascular system to physical loadings are:
A. Normotonic, tahitonic, hypotonic, hypertonic, dystonic.
B. Normotonic, hypotonic, hypertonic, dystonic, stepped.
C. Normotonic, hypotonic, hypertonic, apertonic.
D. Normostenic, asthenic, hyperstenic, stepped, dystonic.
E. Normotonic, asthenic, hypertonic, dystonic, stepped.
2. What medical actions relate to the functional tests?
A. Overview on systems and anthropometry.
B. Measurement of BP and ECG.
C. Conduction orthostatic and clinostatic tests.
D. Measurement of heart rate and vital capacity.
E. All answers are correct.
3. What characterized for dystonic reaction of the cardiovascular system?
A. Moderate acceleration heart rate and increased systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood
pressure decreased to 30-40 mm.
B. All data are reduced.
C. Significant acceleration of heart rate, systolic blood pressure decreases, diastolic
pressure reaches 10 mm.
D. All parameters increased proportionally.
E. Significant acceleration of heart rate, systolic pressure is increasing, diastolic pressure
is reduced to 0 mm.
4. "20 sit-ups in 30 seconds" test for trained men is carried out after rest:
A. 2-3 minutes.
B. 3 minutes.
C. 1-2 minutes.
D. 5-6 minutes.
E. Without rest.
5. After performing test “20 sit-ups in 30 seconds” observed increased heart rate from 12
beats to 20 beats for 10 sec., BP changed from 120/80 to 140/70 mm. Identify the type of
reaction of the cardiovascular system:
A. Hypotonic.
B. Normotonic.
C. Hypertonic.
D. Dystonic.
E. Stepped.
6. Healthy but untrained women can hold breath during exhalation (Genchi test) till:
A. 10-20 sec.
B. 30-40 sec.
C. 50-60 sec.
D. 15-30 sec.
E. 40-50 sec.
7. The normal response to orthostatic test is:
A. Increased heart rate to 18-20 beats/min after raising.
B. Increased heart rate to 8-12 beats/min. after raising.
C. Increased heart rate to 10-16 beats/min. immediately after raising.
D. Increased heart rate to 2-6 beats/min. immediately after raising.
E. Increased heart rate to 6-8 beats/min. immediately after raising.
8. What physical loads should be used during mass examinations to determine the
functional state of the cardiovascular system?
A. Harvard step test.
B. 20 sit-ups in 30 seconds.
C. Orthostatic test
D. Jogging in place.
E. Combined test Letunova.
9. Which parameters determined the type of reaction of cardiovascular system by
standard exercise?
A. Changes in heart rate and BP.
B. Changes in systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
C. Changes in heart rate, systolic, diastolic and pulse BP and recovery time.
D. Changes in heart, breathing rate and recovery time.
E. Changes in heart rate, pulse pressure and recovery time.
10. Clinostatic test used to assess functional status of:
A. Parasympathetic nervous system.
B. Central nervous system.
C. Autonomic nervous system.
D. Sympathetic nervous system.
E. Cardiovascular system.
11. Healthy but untrained men can hold breath during inhalation (Schtange test) till:
A. 20-40 sec.
B. 50-90 sec.
C. 20-30 sec.
D. 40-80 sec.
E. 40-60 sec.
12. Tests with changing body position shows reaction of:
A. Central nervous system.
B. Autonomic nervous system.
C. Respiratory system.
D. Cardiovascular system.
E. Peripheral nervous system.
13. Minute volume of blood flow during exercise in normally increases due to:
A. Heart rate and deeper breathing.
B. Heart rate and cardiac output.
C. Heart rate and increased blood volume.
D. Heart rate and increased BP.
E. Increased heart rate and pulse pressure.
14. Orthostatic test used to assess functional status of:
A. Cardiovascular system.
B. Sympathetic nervous system.
C. State of the autonomic nervous system.
D. Central nervous system.
E. Parasympathetic nervous system.
15. After performing test “20 sit-ups in 30 seconds” observed increasing heart rate from
14 beats to 28 beats for 10 sec., BP changed from 130/80 to 180/90 mm. Identify the type
of reaction of the cardiovascular system:
A. Normotonic.
B. Dystonic.
C. Hypertonic.
D. Hypotonic.
E. Stepped.
16. What characterized for normotonic reaction of cardio-vascular system on physical
A. Increased heart rate of over 100%, a significant increased systolic BP, a significant
reduction diastolic BP.
B. Increased heart rate to 60-80%, a moderate reduction systolic, diastolic and pulse BP.
C. Increased heart rate of 120 %, a significant increase systolic, diastolic and pulse BP.
D. Increased rate of over 100 %, a slight increase systolic, diastolic, pulse BP.
E. Increased heart rate to 60-80%, a moderate increase systolic BP, reduction diastolic
BP, increasing pulse BP.
17. Which group of tests belongs Schtange test:
A. Tests with physical activity.
B. With the changing of body position.
C. Breath holding tests.
D. With force tests.
E. Tests with definition of lungs capacity.
18. What characterized for hypertonic. reaction of cardio-vascular system on physical
A. Increase heart rate ↑40%, systolic BP ↑ 50%, diastolic pressure does not change.
B. Increased heart rate more than 60%, systolic ↑ BP 180 mm., diastolic ↑ 10-20 mm.
Recovery time more than 3 min.
C. Increased heart rate by 40%, increases systolic and pulse pressure, diastolic blood
pressure - does not change.
D. All answers are correct.
19. By principle of activity functional tests are divided on:
A. With the dosed or maximal physical work
B. Submaximal tests
C. Maximal tests
D. All answers are right
E. There is not a right answer.
20. What are the types of functional tests?
A. One-, two-, three momentional
B. Basic and additional
C. Primary and repeated
D. All right
E. All not right.
21. To the respiratory tests belongs:
A. Test of Elizarov, Shtange
B. Schtange, Genchi
C. Marshov, Genchy
D. Shtange, Letunov
E. Rufye, Letunov
22. After performing test “20 sit-ups in 30 seconds” sportsman had in increased heart rate
from 11 beats to 28 beats for 10 sec., BP changed from 120/80 to 130/95 mm. Identify
the type of reaction of the cardiovascular system:
A. Normotonic.
B. Dystonic.
C. Hypertonic.
D. Hypotonic.
E. Stepped.
23. After performing test “20 sit-ups in 30 seconds” sportsman had in increased heart rate
from 10 beats to 30 beats for 10 sec., BP changed from 110/70 to 160/0 mm. Identify the
type of reaction of the cardiovascular system:
A. Normotonic.
B. Dystonic.
C. Hypertonic.
D. Hypotonic.
E. Stepped.
24. What characterized for hypotonic reaction of cardio-vascular system on physical
A. Increased heart rate of over 100%, a significant increased systolic BP, a significant
reduction diastolic BP.
B. Increased heart rate to 60-80%, a moderate reduction systolic, diastolic and pulse BP.
C. Increased heart rate to 120 %, moderate increase in systolic and diastolic BP, pulse
pressure decreases.
D. Increased rate of over 100 %, a slight increase systolic, diastolic, pulse BP.
E. Increased heart rate to 60-80%, a moderate increase systolic BP, reduction diastolic
BP, increasing pulse BP.
25. The normal response to clinostatic test is:
A. Decreased heart rate to 18-20 beats/min after lying on a couch
B. Decreased heart rate to 8-14 beats/min. after lying on a couch
C. Decreased heart rate to 10-16 beats/min. immediately after lying on a couch
D. Decreased heart rate to 2-6 beats/min. immediately after lying on a couch
E. Decreased heart rate to 6-8 beats/min. immediately after lying on a couch
26. Healthy but untrained men can hold breath during exhalation (Genchi test) till:
A. 10-20 sec.
B. 25-40 sec.
C. 50-60 sec.
D. 15-30 sec.
E. 40-50 sec.
27. Healthy but untrained women can hold breath during inhalation (Shtange test) till:
A. 30-40 sec.
B. 50-90 sec.
C. 20-30 sec.
D. 40-80 sec.
E. 40-60 sec.
28. Which group of tests belongs Genchi test?
A. Tests with physical activity.
B. With the changing of body position.
C. Breath holding tests.
D. With force tests.
E. Tests with definition of lungs capacity.
29. The phenomenon of “endless tone” is detected in the case of:
A. Hypotonic type of CVS reaction.
B. Normotonic type of CVS reaction.
C. Hypertonic type of CVS reaction.
D. Dystonic type of CVS reaction.
E. Stepped type of CVS reaction.
3. Physical work capacity
1. The main features of long-term adaptation of the cardiovascular system to physical
loadings are:
A. Sinus tachycardia, physiological hypotension, hypertrophy of the myocardium.
B. Respiratory arrhythmia, myogenic dilatation of the heart, left ventricular hypertrophy.
C. Sinus bradycardia, physiological hypotension, moderate left ventricular hypertrophy
with corresponding development of coronary blood flow.
D. Sinus bradycardia, hypertension, left ventricular hypertrophy.
E. Physiological hypertension, myocardial hypertrophy and moderate myogenic
dilatation of the heart.
2. To determine the physical capacity was proposed 12-minute Cooper test. What
exercise should be performed?
A. Lifting and descent on step platform for 12 minutes.
B. Running on the spot at a fast pace for 12 minutes.
C. Veloergometer test.
D. Jogging at the rate of 180 steps per minute.
E. Walking or running on some distance over time.
3. Severe fatigue during exercise has the following features:
A. Hardness of breathing especially during expiration.
B. Inaccuracy performance of command, slowness of movement.
C. Significant redness or paleness of skin, excessive sweating.
D. All answers are correct.
E. There are wrong answers.
4. For Harvard step test calculating the power of exercise use all indicators, except one:
A. Height.
B. Weight.
C. Height of the step.
D. Temp of climbing.
E. The correction factor.
5. During the PWC170 test athlete should perform the following loads:
A. Two identical loads on step platform.
B. Two different loads on veloergometr.
C. One load on step platform.
D. One load on veloergometr.
E. Two identical loads on veloergometr.
6. What causes of endurance during physical performance?
A. Average level of physical development and health.
B. Level of physical development, health and fitness.
C. State of cardiovascular system, level of development motor skills and respiratory
D. The set of factors that ensure a high level of energy production.
E. All answers are correct.
7. What are compensatory changes in the cardio-vascular system indicating on good
fitness of the athletes:
A. The hypertrophy of skeletal muscle.
B. The hypertrophy of the myocardium.
C. Moderate hypotension and tachycardia.
D. Left ventricular hypertrophy and bradycardia.
E. All answers are correct.
8. Fatigue is caused by the following processes except:
A. Redistribution of blood due to exercise.
B. Exhaustion peripheral nervous system.
C. Exhaustion of energy resources.
D. The accumulation of metabolic products in the tissues.
E. Exhaustion of CNS.
9. The main manifestation of the economization of the heart at rest in trained sportsmen
A. The increase minute volume of blood flow.
B. Sinus respiratory arrhythmia.
C. Physiological hypertension.
D. Reduction of diastolic phase.
E. Sinus bradycardia.
10. What kind of sport had better improve physical performance and state of cardiovascular system?
A. Running on medium and long distances.
B. Football and other sports games.
C. Acrobatics and gymnastics.
D. Cycling and skiing.
E. All answers are correct.
11. How defined index of Harvard step test?
A. Compares the value of heart rate after run 5-minute with the initial pulse.
B. Identify changes in systolic and pulse pressure after running.
C. Determine the time of recovery heart rate after the step test.
D. Estimated levels of fatigue and complaints during step test.
E. All answers are correct.
12. To determine the tolerance of the organism to physical activity we should:
A. Gradually increase the intensity of loads by controlling the condition of the body.
B. Gradually decrease the intensity of loads by controlling the condition of the body.
C. Harshly reduce the intensity of activity, controlling the condition of the body.
D. Harshly increase the intensity of loads by controlling the condition of the body.
E. Alternately reduce and increase the intensity of loads by controlling the condition of
the body.
13. Physical capacity determined by the following tests:
A. The method indexes and standards.
B. Test Letunova.
C. Harvard step test.
D. Dynamometry.
E. All answers are correct.
14. From what depends physical capacity?
A. Physical strength.
B. Dexterity.
C. Endurance.
D. Speed.
E. Flexibility
15. The value of maximum oxygen consumption (MOC), shows the following:
A. The high functionality of the cardiorespiratory system.
B. Ability to provide of a high level of aerobic processes for all systems.
C. High capacity ventilation system.
D. Lever of heart and breathing rate.
E. Minute volume of blood flow and the size of the heart.
16. What parameters are estimated during PWC170 test?
A. Pulse.
B. Breathing rate.
C. Endurance.
D. Cardiac output.
E. Blood pressure.
17. What happens with blood volume per minute as a result of the regular training?
A. Diminishes
B. Increased.
C. Does not change.
D. Deviates.
E. There is not a right answer.
18. Bradycardia it’s when pulse less then:
A. 70 per min.
B. 60 per min.
C. 50 per min.
D. 20 per min.
E. There is not a right answer.
19. Factors which reduce the level of arterial pressure during physical work:
A. Decline of common peripheral resistance of vessels.
B. Increase the retractive function of myocardium.
C. Increase heart rate.
D. Increase of stroke volume of heart.
E. There is not a right answer.
20. In the first phase of myogenic leucocytoses number of leucocytes of peripheral blood:
A. Diminishes.
B. Does not change.
C. Increased.
D. Deviates.
E. There is not a right answer.
21. Absolute contra-indication is for performing test PWC170:
A. Anaemia.
B. Unstable angina.
C. Moderate aortic stenosis.
D. Violation of electrolyte balance.
E. All answers are correct.
22. What is aerobic capacity?
A. A border of increasing the consumption of oxygen during muscular activity.
B. A border of capability of the cardiorespiratory system during muscular activity.
C. Ability lasted to work in the aerobic mode.
D. A border of increasing the consumption of oxygen is after muscular activity.
E. A border of capability of the cardiorespiratory system is after muscular activity.
23. Index Harvard step-test equal 90. How you interpreted this reaction?
A. A good reaction.
B. Satisfactory reaction.
C. Unsatisfactory reaction.
D. All answers are faithful.
E. All answers are not faithful.
24. Which test determined physical work capacity?
A. Test of PWC170.
B. Harvard stepp-test.
C. Test of Navakki.
D. Test of Kuper.
E. All answers are faithful.
25. Duration of the second physical work in the test of PWC170 is evened:
A. 1 min.
B. 3 min.
C. 5 min.
D. 7 min.
E. 8 min.
26. Which tests include indirect methods of determination of physical capacity?
A. Ortostatic and clinostatic tests.
B. Martine test.
C. Harvard step test.
D. PWC170.
E. All answers are correct.
27. Using PWC170 test we can evaluate:
A. Submaximal physical work capacity of a person.
B. Functional state of CVS.
C. Exercise tolerance.
D. Maximal oxygen consumption.
E. Maximal physical work capacity of a person.
28. Positive cumulative effect from the training process using physical activity is shown
A. Increasing of the tonicity of the parasympathetic NS.
B. Absence of response of autonomic NS on physical loadings.
C. Increasing of the tonicity of the sympathetic NS.
D. Decreasing of the tonicity of the sympathetic NS.
E. Decreasing of the tonicity of the parasympathetic NS.
4. Pre-pathological conditions.
1. What happens with functional systolic murmur after exercise?
A. Getting weaker or disappear.
B. Do not change.
C. Getting stronger on apex of the heart.
D. Getting stronger on all auscultation area.
E. All answers are correct.
2. Temporary decreasing work capacity in normal physiological state can happen in the
case of:
A. Fatigue.
B. The sharp rise systolic BP.
C. Exhaustion.
D. Violation of coordination.
E. The sharp increasing of heart rate.
3. Over-training syndrome can often lead to violation:
A. Musculoskeletal system.
B. CNS, cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, liver and kidneys.
C. Endocrine system.
D. Cardiovascular system.
E. Digestive system.
4. When an athlete has complaints about heartache, which investigations is necessary to
A. Somatoscopy.
B. Just check pulse rate.
C. Ultrasonography and antropometry.
D. Auscultation.
E. Echocardiography and ECG.
5. What apply to acute overstress?
A. Liver pain syndrome.
B. Fatigue.
C. Myocardial infarction.
D. Spontaneous pneumothorax.
E. All answers are correct.
6. What happen with organic systolic murmur after exercise?
A. Disappears.
B. Increasing.
C. Doesn’t change.
D. Decreasing.
E. Gets weak.
7. Which the most common cause of sudden death in athletes?
A. Over-stress as result of excessive loads.
B. Wrong methods of medical and pedagogical observations.
C. Training and competition in the disease state.
D. Over-fatigue.
E. All answers are correct.
8. The main task of medical and pedagogical observations are:
A. Assessment of sanitary conditions.
B. Determination of physical capacity.
C. Assessment condition of organism, organization and methods of training during
training process.
D. Determination of physical development.
E. Conduct functional tests.
9. Acute over-stress occurs:
A. Training for speed.
B. During the competitions.
C. During performance of dynamic exercise.
D. Competition in the disease state.
E. In the less trained athletes.
10. Among the various manifestations of disease in athletes is most common:
A. Diseases of the respiratory system.
B. Diseases of the upper respiratory system.
C. Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract.
D. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
E. Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
11. Acute vascular insufficiency in athletes can appear as:
A. Increasing of systolic blood pressure.
B. Reduction of pulse pressure.
C. Fainting, collapse, shock.
D. Increasing of pulse pressure and reduction of diastolic blood pressure.
E. All answers are correct.
12. CNS lesions in the case of over-fatigue can appear as:
A. Autonomic disorders.
B. Development of neurosis.
C. Cerebrovascular accident.
D. Traumatic brain injury.
E. Violation of coordination.
13. What can be cause of myogenic leukocytosis?
A. Renal ischemia during prolonged training.
B. Exacerbation of chronic inflammation.
C. Doping intoxication.
D. Long-term loads.
E. Exacerbation of chronic myocarditis.
14. Muffled heart sounds in athletes during auscultation considered as physiological if it
is caused by:
A. Myocardial hypertrophy.
B. Increased tonicity of parasympathetic system.
C. Significant development of the muscles in places of auscultation.
D. Decreased tonicity of sympathetic system.
E. Reduction stroke volume of the heart and bradycardia.
5. General Principles of Rehabilitation
1. Contraindications for physical rehabilitation are:
A. Normal temperature.
B. Intoxication syndrome.
C. Chronic diseases.
D. Muscle atrophy.
E. Satisfactory clinical status.
2. What relates to physical rehabilitation?
A. Medical therapy.
B. Nutrition therapy (diet).
C. Massage.
D. Psychotherapy.
E. All answers are correct.
3. Basic effects of exercise on organism are:
A. Tonic effect.
B. Trophic effect.
C. Compensatory effect.
D. Normalization of functions.
E. All answers are correct.
4. Contraindications for physical rehabilitation are:
A. Muscle atrophy.
B. Immobilization after fracture.
C. Postoperative period before removal of sutures.
D. Subacute period of the disease.
E. Insufficiency at the decompensation stage.
5. Which of the following regimes doesn’t belong to the hospital?
A. Strong bed-rest regimen.
B. Extended bed-rest regimen.
C. Ward regimen.
D. Training regimen.
E. Hospital (general) regimen.
6. What is the main difference of therapeutic physical training from other therapeutic
A. There are no complications.
B. There are no criteria of it’s efficiency.
C. There are no contraindications.
D. There is no allergy and sensitizing.
E. There is no therapeutic effect
7. Which of the following does not belong to extracardial factors of circulation?
A. Changes of pressure inside of thorax cavity.
B. Tonicity of smooth muscles in vessels walls.
C. Veins valves.
D. Contractive activity of skeletal muscles.
E. Contractive activity of the cardiac muscles.
8. Which of the following doesn’t belong to the physical methods of rehabilitation?
A. Thalassotherapy.
B. Therapeutic physical training.
C. Massage.
D. Pharmacotherapy.
E. Heliotherapy.
9. There are four main mechanisms of therapeutic action of physical exercises. Which of
the following is not?
A. Hypostatic action.
B. Trophic action.
C. Tonic action.
D. Normalization of functions.
E. Compensatory effect.
10. Depending on amount of patients, what is the main method of physical rehabilitation
in the hospital?
A. Team.
B. Consultative.
C. Crowd.
D. Individual.
E. Group.
11. Which methods of physical rehabilitation could prevent the syndrome of
hypodynamia on strict bed-rest regimen?
A. Mechanotherapy.
B. Active and passive exercise and massage.
C. Dosed walking.
D. Jogging.
E. All answers are correct.
12. How controlled physical loading on the patient?
A. Assessment of general condition of the patient.
B. Complaints and appearance of the patient during the procedure.
C. Objective, subjective symptoms of fatigue and presence of complications.
D. Data of ECG and hemodynamics.
E. All answers are correct.
13. What exercise used in strict bed-rest regimen?
A. Exercises for relaxation and hydrotherapy.
B. Passive exercises.
C. Massage and hydrotherapy.
D. Dosed walking.
E. Dynamic breathing exercises.
14. According to muscle contraction exercise divided into the following groups:
A. Active-passive.
B. Dynamic and static.
C. Active and static.
D. Passive and dynamic.
E. Tonogenic and myogenic.
15. The main purpose of rehabilitation is:
A. Improving the quality of life.
B. Restoring health after illness and prevention disability.
C. Restore the ability to self-care.
D. Prevention of psycho emotional stress.
E. Restoration of adaptive properties of the organism to physical activity.
16. What exercise is used in hospital (general) regimen?
A. Ideomotor exercises.
B. Passive exercises.
C. Dosed walking and massage.
D. Static breathing exercises.
E. All answers are correct.
6. Cardiac Rehabilitation
1. Which principle of physical rehabilitation will stimulate faster recovering of the patient
with cardio-vascular disease?
A. Fast increasing of intensity in program of exercises.
B. Systematic performance of exercises.
C. Using of standard programs for each patient.
D. Using of free regimen during the whole period of rehabilitation.
E. Slow decreasing of intensity in program of exercises.
2. When we start physical rehabilitation to patients with myocardial infarction?
A. During transportation the patient to the hospital.
B. In intensive care unit.
C. On 5-th day of hospitalization.
D. After 2-3 weeks of treatment.
E. On 8-10-th day of hospitalization.
3. In what day of hospitalization patient can change his position on the bed with
myocardial infarction (I–st severity class)?
A. On the first day.
B. On the third day.
C. After 5-6 days.
D. At the request of the patient.
E. Immediately.
4. Rehabilitation’s diagnosis: large-focal myocardial infarction IIIrd severity class,
prescribed 5-week rehabilitation program. When patient can start to eat in the cafeteria?
A. At 7-th day of treatment.
B. When all complaints disappear.
C. On 18-20 day of treatment.
D. When stabilized hemodynamics.
E. On 22-24 day of treatment.
5. What response to physical loadings isn’t considered as adequate (patient with
myocardial infarction)?
A. The appearance of tachycardia and mild fatigue.
B. Mild fatigue.
C. No complaints and ECG changes.
D. Increasing BP on 10-15 mm.
E. No changes in heart rate and BP, appearing of angina.
6. What refers to objective criteria of adequacy during physical loading?
A. Puls and complaints.
B. Appearance of the patient, fatigue, ECG, heart rate.
C. Heart and breathing rate.
D. Complaints during performing exercises.
E. All answers are correct.
7. Pulmonary rehabilitation.
1. What forms of therapeutic physical training are assigned to patient on bed-rest regimen
with manifestations of pulmonary insufficiency III stage?
A. Active exercises.
B. Dosed walking.
C. Mechanotherapy.
D. Massage.
E. Jogging.
2. Specific effects of exercise in pulmonary rehabilitation are:
A. Prevention of complications.
B. Increasing pulmonary ventilation.
C. Improving emotional state of patients.
D. Improving blood flow.
E. All answers are correct.
3. Optimal drainage position for patient with lower lobe pneumonia:
A. Sitting with upraised legs.
B. Lying with upraised head.
C. Lying on the healthy side, with lowered head.
D. Lying where is pathological process side, with lowered head.
E. Sitting with upraised hands.
4. Patient did maximum inhalation. How called amount of air that is in his lungs?
A. Vital lung capacity.
B. Breathing reserve.
C. Functional residual capacity
D. Total lung capacity.
E. Forced vital lung capacity.
5. After status asthmaticus patient must perform:
A. Active exercises.
B. Deep breathing with pauses on inhalation and exhalation.
C. Deep breathing with forced inhalation.
D. Deep breathing with forced inhalation and exhalation.
E. Breathing exercises with prolonged exhalation and pronunciation of sounds.
6. Which exercises are contraindicated for patients with acute peptic ulcer disease?
A. Dosed slow walking.
B. Dynamic and static breathing exercises.
C. Exercises for abdominal muscles.
D. Special relaxation exercises.
E. All are contraindicated.
7. Contraindications to therapeutic physical training for peptic ulcer are:
A. Severe pain, nausea, and diarrhea.
B. Feeling of heaviness in the liver.
C. General weakness.
D. Disorders of appetite.
E. All are contraindicated.
8. Physical rehabilitation in surgery and
1. Which of the following isn’t absolute contraindication for therapeutic physical training
in thoracic surgery?
A. Intrathoracic bleeding.
B. Acute period of postoperative pneumonia.
C. Intestinal and urinary bladder atony.
D. Spontaneous pneumothorax.
E. Phlebothrombosis.
2. From which day patient must start curative gymnastics after appendectomy?
A. Forth day.
B. Fifth day.
C. First day.
D. Second day.
E. Third day.
3. Choose the tonic action of physical exercises after surgical operation:
A. Improvement of immune system activity.
B. Stimulation of breathing.
C. Activation of language function.
D. Decreasing of hypoxia.
E. Activation of motor-visceral reflexes.
4. Which of the following isn’t contraindication for therapeutic physical training in
A. Fever.
B. Severe pain.
C. Foreign bodies near main arterial vessels or nerve trunks.
D. Second day after immobilization.
E. Risk of secondary bleeding.
5. What is the duration of immobilization period after fracture of big tubular bone?
A. Two weeks.
B. Two months.
C. One month.
D. Till the formation of primary callus.
E. Till the normalization of limb function.
6. Course of therapeutic physical training for traumatological patients divides into such
A. Immobilization, postimmobilization, recovery.
B. Early, late immobilization, postimmobilization.
C. Immobilization, early, late postimmobilization.
D. Early, late postimmobilization, recovery.
E. Preoperative, immobilization, postimmobilization.
7. Choose the symptomatic action of physical exercises after operation on abdominal
A. Improvement of bronchi’s drainage.
B. Improvement of intestinal absorption.
C. Improvement of physiological stool.
D. Improvement of patient’s mood.
E. Improvement of bile synthesis in the liver.
8. Which exercises are contraindicated for the patient with fracture of pelvic bones and
damage of the structure of pelvic ring?
A. Flexion and extension in ankles joints.
B. External leg rotation.
C. Breathing exercises.
D. Abduction and adduction of legs.
E. Internal leg rotation.
9. Which of the following states is contraindication for physical rehabilitation in
abdominal surgery?
A. Subfebrile temperature.
B. Atony of urinary bladder.
C. Intestinal paresis.
D. Risk of bleedings.
E. Drainage in abdominal cavity.
10. Course of therapeutic physical training for surgical patients divides into such periods:
A. Early, late preoperative, postoperative.
B. Postoperative, early, late recovery.
C. Prehospital, hospital, postoperative.
D. Hospital, ambulant.
E. Preoperative, early, late postoperative.
11. When we can prescribe therapeutic physical training for patient with compression
fractures of the spine?
A. On 3-5 day without complaints.
B. On 6-7 days after injury.
C. On 10-14 days after injury.
D. At the end of 1-st month after injury.
E. When the patient will be able to walk.
12. In immobilization period is not allowed to perform the following exercises:
A. Static muscle tension.
B. Restoration of mobility in immobilized joints.
C. Ideomotor exercises for injured limb.
D. Breathing exercises.
E. All answers are correct.
13. In order to prevent hypostatic pneumonia on the early postoperative period in
abdominal surgery appropriate to apply the following exercises:
A. Dosed walking.
B. Static and dynamic breathing exercises with coughing.
C. Static exercises for distal extremities.
D. General exercises.
E. Ideomotor exercises.
9. Physical rehabilitation in neurology.
1. Therapeutic physical training for rehabilitation of patients with neurological disease
used to:
A. Restoration of sensitivity.
B. Movement restoration.
C. Removal of autonomic disorders.
D. Prevention of contractures and pressure sores.
E. All answers are correct.
2. For patients with central paralysis therapeutic physical training most of all used to:
A. Increase muscle tone.
B. Increase efferent impulses.
C. Prevent hypostatic pneumonia.
D. Reduce muscle spasm.
E. Improving extracardiac factors hemodynamics.
3. The main contraindications for therapeutic physical training in neurological practice
A. Ataxia.
B. Speech disorders.
C. Acute disorders of cerebral circulation.
D. Trophic disorders.
E. All answers are correct.
4. Which methods of therapeutic physical training we can use for decreasing muscle
A. Ideomotor training.
B. Massage.
C. Dynamic exercises.
D. Passive exercises.
E. Breathing exercises.
5. Contraindications for therapeutic physical training in the case of hemorrhagic stroke
A. Numbness.
B. Neurological and hemodynamic deterioration.
C. Ataxia.
D. Speech disorders.
E. All answers are correct.
6. For the prevention of pressure sores patient's position should be changed:
A. 1-2 times a day.
B. 2-3 - times a day.
C. 4-6 times a day.
D. The first 10 days it’s impossible.
E. Each day.
7. Contraindications for therapeutic physical training in the case of closed head injury are:
A. Fever.
B. Red blood cells in CSF (cerebrospinal fluid).
C. Headaches.
D. Seizures
E. All answers are correct.
Physical rehabilitation in obstetrics,
gynecology and pediatrics.
1. Kegel exercises are performed during pregnancy and in postpartum period to:
A. Strengthen a woman’s abdominal muscles.
B. Strengthen a woman’s respiratory muscles.
C. Relax a woman’s abdominal muscles.
D. Strengthen a woman’s pelvic floor muscles.
E. Strengthen a woman’s head and neck muscles.
2. Choose the aim of physical rehabilitation in case of congenital muscular torticollis:
A. Decrease range of motion in cervical spine.
B. Stimulate non-specific resistance of the body.
C. Increase stamina of a child.
D. Correct sternocleidomastoid muscles imbalance.
E. Relax sternocleidomastoid muscles.
3. Pregnant women are advised to perform pregnancy exercises:
A. Traditionally.
B. Periodically.
C. Regularly.
D. At least one time for a week.
E. Only in first trimester of pregnancy.
4. Two-month-old boy with congenital muscular torticollis needs program of physical
rehabilitation. After physical examination we found pathological changes in right
sternocleidomastoid muscle. Which physical exercises will you recommend in this case?
A. Passive bends of child’s head to the left side.
B. Active bends of child’s head to the right side.
C. Ideomotor exercises.
D. Passive bends of child’s head to the right side.
E. Active bends of child’s head to the left side.
5. Pregnant woman can do physical exercises lying on her back only:
A. In second trimester.
B. In fourth trimester.
C. In postpartum period.
D. In third trimester.
E. In first trimester.
6. Which of the following activities isn’t contraindicated during pregnancy?
A. Gymnastics.
B. Skating.
C. Long-distance walking.
D. Running.
E. Jumping.
7. What is the main aim of physical rehabilitation of a woman in postpartum period?
A. To reduce size of uterus to norm.
B. To recover pelvic muscles functioning.
C. To resume to normal life as soon as possible.
D. To strengthen abdominal muscles.
E. To adapt her to new parental duties.
8. 10-years old boy with scoliotic posture (right side thoracic scoliosis, I stage) came to
rehabilitologist with his mother. She is interested, what can give the best effect from the
following list of recommendations?
A. 10-15 procedurea of massage for back muscles.
B. Constant wearing of orthopedic footwear.
C. Everyday morning gymnastics during 10-15 minutes each time.
D. Long-term program of swimming.
E. Constant wearing of orthopedic corset.