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G2S v2.1 EGM Certification Requirements

G2S v2.1 EGM Cert ificat ion Requir em ent s – Release 2
include deprecat ed funct ionalit y. How ev er, t o m aint ain backwards com pat ibilit y ,
im plem ent at ions MAY include deprecat ed funct ionalit y .
Funct ionalit y m ay also be ident ified as deprecat ed in subsequent r eleased v ersions of t he
G2S Message Prot ocol specificat ion, it s ex t ensions, and it s err at a. I m plem ent at ions MAY
om it any such deprecat ed funct ionalit y. How ev er, before doing so, m anufact urers SHOULD
verify t hat t he funct ionalit y is not needed for int er operabilit y wit h ot her end - point s.
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G2S v2.1 EGM Cert ificat ion Requir em ent s – Release 2
2 EGM Certification Requirements Checklist
How to Use Checklist
To indicat e t hat a specific Funct ional Group is t o be cert ified, check t he box next t o t hat
Funct ional Group. Funct ional Groups t hat ar e required for cert ificat ion are pre- checked.
Classes m ay include a “ Core” Funct ional Group as well as opt ional Funct ional Groups. Wh en
a “ Core” Funct ional Group exist s for a class, if an opt ional Funct ional Group is t o be cert ified,
t he “ Core” Funct ional Group MUST also be cert ified. I n such cases, cert ificat ion of t he
opt ional Funct ional Group is dependent on cert ificat ion of t he “ Core” Funct ional Group.
Wit hin t he checklist , “ Cor e” Funct ional Groups are ident ified by a large checkbox on t he left
side of t he “ Cert ify” colum n. Opt ional Funct ional Groups are ident ified by a sm all checkbox
on t he right side of t he “ Cert ify” colum n.
When cert ificat ion of one opt ional Funct ional Group is dependent on cert ificat ion of anot her
opt ional Funct ional Group, t he dependency will be not ed wit h t he opt ional Funct ional Groups.
I n such cases, bot h t he opt ional Funct ional Group and t he Funct ional Group upon which it is
dependent MUST be cert ified.
For each “ Core” Funct ional Group t hat is select ed, indicat e t he m axim um num ber of devices
wit hin t hat class t hat m ay be concurrent ly act ive and owned by G2S host s. Devices t hat
m ay only be owned by t he EGM are not included in t his count . A m inim um of one device is
required for each “ Core” Funct ional Group t hat is select ed. Oper at ional and/ or j urisdict ional
requirem ent s m ay specify a value great er t han one.
The num ber of devices m ay be “ t heoret ically unlim it ed” , indicat ing t hat t here is no set fixed
upper lim it t o t he num ber of devices t hat can be act ive concurrent ly – t he only const raint on
t he num ber of devices is t he physical lim it s of t he EGM.
For exam ple, if an EGM can support up t o sev en com m unicat ions devices, t he “ Dev ices”
colum n should indicat e “ 7” . I f an EGM can support a t heoret ically unlim it ed num ber of gam e
play devices, t he “ Devices” colum n should indicat e “ unlim it ed” or “ ∞ ” . I f an EGM only
support s one device wit hin a “ Core” Funct ional Group, t h e “ Dev ices” colum n should indicat e
“ 1” .
Provided t hat an EGM support s a part icular host - orient ed class, t he EGM is required t o
support one device w it hin t hat class for each host t hat it support s. Thus, provided t hat t he
EGM support s such a “ Core” Funct ional Gr oup, t he num ber of devices specified for t he Core
Event Report ing Funct ionalit y, Core Met er Report ing Funct ionalit y, Core Opt ion
Configurat ion Funct ionalit y, and Cor e Gam e Aut hent icat ion Funct ionalit y MUST be t he sam e
as t he num ber of devices specified for t he Core Com m unicat ions Funct ionalit y .
To be cert ified for a “ Core” Funct ional Group, t he Test ing Laborat or y MUST v erify t hat t he
num ber of devices specified can be concurrent ly act ive and assigned t o G2S host s, and t hat
all devices com ply w it h t he requirem ent s of t he prot ocol under t est . When t he num ber of
devices is “ unlim it ed” , t he Test ing Laborat ory MUST v erify t hat all support ed devices, up t o
a reasonable num ber of dev ices, com ply wit h t he requirem ent s of t he prot ocol under t est .
Not e t hat t he “ Devices” colum n MUST only include devices which can be owned by a G2S
host . Devices t hat can only be EGM- owned MUST NOT be included in t he count . Any EGMowned devices t hat can perform t he int ended funct ionalit y of t he class MUST be not ed on
t he im plem ent at ion’s Cert ificat ion Record.
Wit hin t his docum ent , checkboxes can be t oggled by clicking on t he checkbox es.
Alt ernat ively , t he list m ay be print ed out and com plet ed by hand.
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G2S v2.1 EGM Cert ificat ion Requir em ent s – Release 2
set Com m sSt at e
com m sSt at us
get Com m sSt at us
get Descript or
descript orList
set KeepAlive
set KeepAliveAck
Mult icast Message Support
get Mcast KeyUpdat e
m cast KeyUpdat e
j oinMcast
j oinMcast Ack
leaveMcast Ack
get Mcast List
m cast List
m cast KeyAck
cabinet Class
Fu n ct i o n a l Gr o u p
As so ci at e d Co m m an d s
Core Cabinet Funct ionalit y
get Cabinet St at us
cabinet St at us
get Cabinet Profile
cabinet Profile
set Cabinet St at e
set Cabinet LockOut
set Dat eTim e
cabinet Dat eTim e
get Dat eTim e
Rem ot e Reset Support
reset Processor
reset St art ed
Operat ing Hours Support
set Operat ingHours
get Operat ingHours
oper t aingHoursList
Mast er Reset Support
m ast erReset
aut horizeMast erReset
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cancelMast erReset
get Mast erReset St at us
m ast erReset St at us
m ast erReset St at usAck
Tim e Zone Offset Support
set Tim eZoneOffset s
get Tim eZoneOffset s
t im eZoneOffset List
Occupancy Met er Support
eventHandler Class
Fu n ct i o n a l Gr o u p
As so ci at e d Co m m an d s
Core Event Report ing Funct ionalit y
ev ent Report
ev ent Ack
get Ev ent HandlerPr ofile
ev ent Handler Profile
set Event Sub
set Event SubAck
get Ev ent Sub
ev ent SubList
clearEvent Sub
clearEvent SubAck
get Ev ent HandlerSt at us
ev ent Handler St at us
get Ev ent HandlerLogSt at us
ev ent Handler LogSt at us
get Ev ent HandlerLog
ev ent Handler LogList
get Support edEvent s
support edEvent s
meters Class
Fu n ct i o n a l Gr o u p
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As so ci at e d Co m m an d s
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Core Met er Report ing Funct ionalit y
m et er I nfo
m et erI nfoAck
get Met erI nfo
m et erI nfo
set Met erSub
m et erSubList
get Met erSub
clearMet erSub
Audit Met er Support
gamePlay Class
Fu n ct i o n a l Gr o u p
As so ci at e d Co m m an d s
Core Gam e Play Funct ionalit y
set Gam ePlaySt at e
gam ePlaySt at us
get Gam ePlaySt at us
get Gam ePlayPr ofile
gam ePlayProfile
set Act iv eDenom s
gam eDenom List
get Gam eDenom s
get RecallLogSt at us
recallLogSt at us
get RecallLog
Configure Accessible Gam es &
Denom inat ions
Gam e Out com e Support
get Out com eLogSt at us
out com eLogSt at us
get Out com eLog
out com eLogList
gameTheme Class
Fu n ct i o n a l Gr o u p
As so ci at e d Co m m an d s
Core Gam e Them e Funct ionalit y
get Gam eThem eProfile
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gam eThem eProfile
deviceConfig Class
Fu n ct i o n a l Gr o u p
As so ci at e d Co m m an d s
Core Device Configurat ion Funct ionalit y
deviceChangeSt at us
deviceChangeSt at usAck
ent erDeviceConfigMode
deviceConfigModeSt at us
get DeviceConfigModeSt at us
get DeviceConfigPr ofile
get DeviceList
set Dev iceChange
get DeviceChangeSt at us
aut horizeDeviceChan ge
get DeviceChangeLogSt at us
deviceChangeLogSt at us
get DeviceChangeLog
commConfig Class
Fu n ct i o n a l Gr o u p
As so ci at e d Co m m an d s
Core Com m unicat ions Configurat ion
Funct ionalit y
com m Host List
com m Host List Ack
com m ChangeSt at us
com m ChangeSt at usAck
ent erCom m ConfigMode
com m ConfigModeSt at us
get Com m ConfigModeSt at us
get Com m ConfigProfile
com m ConfigProfile
get Com m Host List
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set Com m Change
cancelCom m Change
aut horizeCom m Change
get Com m ChangeLogSt at us
com m ChangeLogSt at us
get Com m ChangeLog
com m ChangeLogList
optionConfig Class
Fu n ct i o n a l Gr o u p
As so ci at e d Co m m an d s
Core Opt ion Configurat ion Funct ionalit y
opt ionList
opt ionList Ack
opt ionChangeSt at us
opt ionChangeSt at usAck
ent erOpt ionConfigMode
opt ionConfigModeSt at us
get Opt ionConfigModeSt at us
get Opt ionConfigProfile
opt ionConfigProfile
get Opt ionList
get Opt ionSeries
opt ionList
set Opt ionChange
cancelOpt ionChange
aut horizeOpt ionChange
get Opt ionChangeLogSt at us
opt ionChangeLogSt at us
get Opt ionChangeLog
opt ionChangeLogList
3.10 download Class
Fu n ct i o n a l Gr o u p
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As so ci at e d Co m m an d s
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Core Soft ware Download Funct ionalit y
packageSt at us
packageSt at usAck
script St at us
script St at usAck
set DownloadSt at e
downloadSt at us
get DownloadSt at us
get DownloadProfile
delet ePackage
get Pack ageSt at us
readPackageCont ent s
packageCont ent s
get Pack ageList
get Pack ageLogSt at us
packageLogSt at us
get Pack ageLog
set Script
script St at us
get Script St at us
aut horizeScript
get Script List
script List
get Script LogSt at us
script LogSt at us
get Script Log
script LogList
get ModuleList
m oduleList
get Support edProt ocols
support edProt ocolList
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Soft ware Upload Suppor t
creat ePackage
Pause/ Resum e/ Abort Support
abort PackageTransfer
pausePackageTran sfer
resum ePackageTransfer
3.11 handpay Class
Fu n ct i o n a l Gr o u p
As so ci at e d Co m m an d s
Core Handpay Funct ionalit y
key edOff
key edOffAck
get HandpayProfile
set HandpaySt at e
handpaySt at us
get HandpaySt at us
set Rem ot eKey Off
rem ot eKeyOffAck
get HandpayLogSt at us
handpayLogSt at us
get HandpayLog
3.12 coinAcceptor Class
Fu n ct i o n a l Gr o u p
As so ci at e d Co m m an d s
Core Coin Accept or Funct ionalit y
set CoinAccept orSt at e
coinAccept orSt at us
get CoinAccept orSt at us
get CoinAccept orProfile
coinAccept orProfile
3.13 noteAcceptor Class
Fu n ct i o n a l Gr o u p
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Core Not e Accept or Funct ionalit y
set Not eAccept orSt at e
not eAccept orSt at us
get Not eAccept orSt at us
get Not esAccept edSt at us
not esAccept edSt at us
get Not esAccept ed
not esAccept edList
get Not eAccept orProfile
not eAccept orProfile
3.14 hopper Class
Fu n ct i o n a l Gr o u p
As so ci at e d Co m m an d s
Core Coin Hopper Funct ionalit y
set HopperSt at e
hopperSt at us
get HopperSt at us
get HopperProfile
hopper Profile
3.15 noteDispenser Class
Fu n ct i o n a l Gr o u p
As so ci at e d Co m m an d s
Core Not e Dispenser Funct ionalit y
set Not eDispenserSt at e
not eDispenser St at us
get Not eDispenserSt at us
get Not esDispensedSt at us
not esDispensedSt at us
get Not esDispensed
not esDispensedList
get Not eDispenser Profile
not eDispenser Profile
3.16 printer Class
Fu n ct i o n a l Gr o u p
As so ci at e d Co m m an d s
Core Print er Funct ionalit y
get Print erProfile
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print erProfile
set Print erSt at e
print erSt at us
get Print erSt at us
get Print erTem plat es
print erTem plat eList
get Print LogSt at us
print LogSt at us
get Print Log
print LogList
Host - I nit iat ed Print ing Support
print Tick et
print Com plet e
Rest rict Print ing t o Specific Play ers
3.17 progressive Class
Fu n ct i o n a l Gr o u p
As so ci at e d Co m m an d s
Core Progressive Funct ionalit y
progressiv eHit
set ProgressiveWin
progressiveCom m it
progressiveCom m it Ack
set ProgressiveSt at e
progressiveSt at us
set ProgressiveValue
set ProgressiveLockOut
get Progr essiveProfile
get Progr essiveSt at us
get Progr essiveLogSt at us
progressiveLogSt at us
get Progr essiveLog
EGM Discovery of Host Progressive
Configurat ion
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get Progr essiveHost I nfo
progressiveHost I nfo
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3.18 idReader Class
Fu n ct i o n a l Gr o u p
As so ci at e d Co m m an d s
Core I D Reader Funct ionalit y
set I dReaderSt at e
idReaderSt at us
get I dReaderSt at us
get I dReaderProfile
idReaderPr ofile
Host - Cont rolled I D Reader
set I dValidat ion
EGM- Cont r olled I D Reader
get I dValidat ion
set I dValidat ion
Mult i- Lingual Support
get I dReader Locales
3.19 bonus Class
Fu n ct i o n a l Gr o u p
As so ci at e d Co m m an d s
Core Bonus Funct ionalit y
com m it Bonus
com m it BonusAck
set BonusSt at e
bonusSt at us
set BonusLockOut
set Gam eDelay
get BonusSt at us
get BonusProfile
bonusAct ivit y
set BonusAward
bonusAw ardAck
set BonusMessage
get BonusLogSt at us
bonusLogSt at us
get BonusLog
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skipGam eDelay
Bonus Aw ard Lim it s
Wager Mat ch Bonus Support
Mult iple Jackpot Tim e Bonus Support
3.20 player Class
Fu n ct i o n a l Gr o u p
As so ci at e d Co m m an d s
Core Player Tracking Funct ionalit y
get Count downOverride
set Count downOverride
playerSessionSt art
playerSessionSt art Ack
set PlayerSt at e
playerSt at us
get PlayerSt at us
get PlayerProfile
playerPr ofile
set Count downOverride
set Carry Over
carry OverAck
set Point Balance
set PlayerOverride
set Host Point s
host Point sAck
set PlayerMessage
get PlayerLogSt at us
playerLogSt at us
get PlayerLog
Display Lim it Support
Wager Mat ch Player Suppor t
Mult i- Lingual Support
get PlayerLocales
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3.21 voucher Class
Fu n ct i o n a l Gr o u p
As so ci at e d Co m m an d s
Core Voucher Funct ionalit y
set VoucherSt at e
voucherSt at us
set VoucherLockOut
get VoucherSt at us
get VoucherProfile
get VoucherLogSt at us
voucherLogSt at us
get VoucherLog
I ssue Voucher Support
get Validat ionDat a
validat ionDat a
Redeem Voucher Support
redeem Voucher
aut horizeVoucher
com m it Voucher
com m it VoucherAck
3.22 wat Class
Fu n ct i o n a l Gr o u p
As so ci at e d Co m m an d s
Core Wagering Account Funct ionalit y
init iat eTransfer
aut horizeTransfer
com m it Transfer
com m it TransferAck
set Wat St at e
wat St at us
set Wat Lock Out
get Wat St at us
get Wat Profile
wat Profile
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set Wat CashOut
init iat eRequest
request Pending
cancelRequest Ack
get Wat LogSt at us
wat LogSt at us
get Wat Log
wat LogList
EGM- Cont r olled User I nt er face
get Wat Account s
wat Account List
get Wat Balance
wat Balance
get KeyPair
key Pair
3.23 gat Class
Fu n ct i o n a l Gr o u p
As so ci at e d Co m m an d s
Core Gam e Aut hent icat ion Funct ionalit y
verificat ionResult
verificat ionResult Ack
get Gat Profile
gat Profile
get Com ponent List
com ponent List
doVerificat ion
verificat ionSt at us
get Verificat ionSt at us
verificat ionSt at us
get Gat LogSt at us
gat LogSt at us
get Gat Log
gat LogList
get SpecialFunct ions
specialFunct ions
runSpecialFunct ion
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specialFunct ionResult
3.24 central Class
Fu n ct i o n a l Gr o u p
As so ci at e d Co m m an d s
Core Cent ral Det erm inat ion Funct ionalit y
get Cent ralOut com e
cent ralOut com e
com m it Out com e
com m it Out com eAck
get Cent ralProfile
cent ralProfile
set Cent ralSt at e
cent ralSt at us
get Cent ralSt at us
get Cent ralLogSt at us
cent ralLogSt at us
get Cent ralLog
cent ralLogList
3.25 mediaDisplay Class
Fu n ct i o n a l Gr o u p
As so ci at e d Co m m an d s
Core Media Display ( PUI ) Funct ionalit y
get MediaDisplayProfile
m ediaDisplayProfile
set MediaDisplaySt at e
get MediaDisplaySt at us
set MediaDisplayLockOut
m ediaDisplaySt at us
loadCont ent
releaseCont ent
set Act iv eCont ent
get Cont ent St at us
cont ent St at us
m ediaDisplayAck
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get Cont ent LogSt at us
cont ent LogSt at us
get Cont ent Log
cont ent LogList
3.26 storage Class
Fu n ct i o n a l Gr o u p
As so ci at e d Co m m an d s
Core St orage Requirem ent s Funct ionalit y
get St orageI nfo
st orageI nfoList
3.27 cashout Class
Fu n ct i o n a l Gr o u p
As so ci at e d Co m m an d s
Core Rem ot e Cash- Out Funct ionalit y
set Cashout St at e
get Cashout St at us
cashout St at us
get Cashout Profile
cashout Profile
init iat eCashout Request
cashout Request Pending
cancelCashout Request
cancelCashout Request Ack
get Host Cashout LogSt at us
host Cashout LogSt at us
get Host Cashout Log
host Cashout LogList
com m it Cashout Request
com m it Cashout Request Ack
3.28 informedPlayer Class
Fu n ct i o n a l Gr o u p
As so ci at e d Co m m an d s
Core I nform ed Player Funct ionalit y
set I pSt at e
get I pSt at us
ipSt at us
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get I pProfile
set I pMessage
set I pGam eDelay
ipSt at usAck
Player Aut hent icat ion Using PI Ns
get I pPinI nfo
ipPinI nfo
validat eI pPin
validat eI pAck
get I pKeyPair
3.29 smartCard Class
Fu n ct i o n a l Gr o u p
As so ci at e d Co m m an d s
Core Sm art Card Funct ionalit y
set Sm art Car dSt at e
set Sm art CardLockOut
get Sm art cardSt at us
sm art CardSt at us
get Sm art CardProfile
sm art CardPr ofile
get Sm art CardLogSt at us
sm art CardLogSt at us
get Sm art CardLog
sm art CardLogList
host Msg
sm art CardMsg
t ransact ionReport
t ransact ionReport Ack
3.30 hardware Class
Fu n ct i o n a l Gr o u p
As so ci at e d Co m m an d s
Core Har dwar e I nv ent ory Funct ionalit y
get HardwareSt at us
hardwareSt at us
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get HardwareDev ices
3.31 employee Class
Fu n ct i o n a l Gr o u p
As so ci at e d Co m m an d s
Core Em ployee Tracking Funct ionalit y
set Em ploy eeSt at e
get Em ployeeSt at us
em ployeeSt at us
get Em ployeeProfile
em ployeeProfile
get Em ployeeLogSt at us
em ployeeLogSt at us
get Em ployeeLog
em ployeeLogList
em ployeeSessionSt art
em ployeeSessionSt art Ack
em ployeeSessionEnd
em ployeeSessionEndAck
Em ployee Act iv it y Code Report ing
get Act ivit y LogSt at us
act ivit yLogSt at us
get Act iv it yLog
act ivit yLogList
get Em ployeeAct ivit ies
em ployeeAct ivit yList
em ployeeAct ivit y
em ployeeAct ivit yAck
get Em ployeeKeyPair
em ployeeKey Pair
get Em ployeeDev ices
em ployeeDeviceList
validat eEm ploy eePI N
validat eEm ploy eeAck
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3.32 tournament Class
Fu n ct i o n a l Gr o u p
As so ci at e d Co m m an d s
Core Tournam ent Funct ionalit y
set Tournam ent St at e
ent erTou rnam ent Mode
get Tou rnam ent St at us
t ournam ent St at us
get Tou rnam ent Profile
t ournam ent Profile
get Tou rnam ent Gam es
t ournam ent Gam eList
ent erTou rnam ent
ent erTou rnam ent Ack
act ivat eTournam ent
act ivat eTournam ent Ack
cancelTournam ent
cancelTournam ent Ack
closeTournam ent
closeTournam ent Ack
get Tou rnam ent LogSt at us
t ournam ent LogSt at us
get Tou rnam ent Log
t ournam ent LogList
t ournam ent St art ed
t ournam ent St art edAck
t ournam ent Ended
t ournam ent EndedAck
t ournam ent Sync
t ournam ent SyncAck
EGM- Cont r olled Tournam ent Regist rat ion
get Tou rnam ent s
t ournam ent List
regist erTou rnam ent
regist erTou rnam ent Ack
Tournam ent St andings Support
t ournam ent St andingList
t ournam ent St andingAck
t ournam ent Sum m ar yList
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t ournam ent Sum m aryAck
get PlayerList
playerList Ack
3.33 dft Class
Fu n ct i o n a l Gr o u p
As so ci at e d Co m m an d s
Core Direct Funds Transfer Funct ionalit y
set Dft St at e
set Dft Lock Out
get Dft St at us
dft St at us
get Dft Profile
dft Profile
request Dft Tr ansfer
dft Request Pending
cancelDft Request
cancelDft Request Ack
get Dft LogSt at us
dft LogSt at us
get Dft Log
dft LogList
init iat eDft Transfer
aut horizeDft Transfer
com m it Dft Transfer
com m it Dft TransferAck
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G2S v2.1 EGM Cert ificat ion Requir em ent s – Release 2
m achineNum
m achineI d
currency I d
report Denom I d
localeI d
areaI d
zoneI d
bankI d
egm Posit ion
m achineLoc
cabinet St yle
largeWinLim it
m axCr edit Met er
m axHopperPay Out
idleTim ePeriod
Condit ional; required when Core Coin
Hopper Funct ionalit y is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed when Core Coin Hopper
Funct ionalit y is not im plem ent ed.
Condit ional; required when Core Coin
Hopper Funct ionalit y is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed when Cor e Coin Hopper
Funct ionalit y is not im plem ent ed.
t im eZoneOffset
accept NonCashAm t s
configDat eTim e
Opt ional.
configCom plet e
Opt ional.
g2sReset Support ed
Prohibit ed.
Prohibit ed; MUST be set t o t ru e when
Player- I nit iat ed Configurat ion Changes is
t o be cert ified; MUST be set t o false
when Player- I nit iat ed Configurat ion
Changes is not im plem ent ed.
rest art St at usMode
Prohibit ed; MUST be set t o t ru e.
cashOut OnDisable
fault sSupport ed
Prohibit ed; MUST be set t o G2S_t rue.
t im eZoneSupport ed
Prohibit ed; MUST be set t o G2S_t rue
when Tim e Zone Offset Support is t o be
cert ified; MUST be set t o G2S_false when
Tim e Zone Offset Support is not
split PayOut
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G2S v2.1 EGM Cert ificat ion Requir em ent s – Release 2
propert y I d
im plem ent ed.
m axEnabledThem es
Prohibit ed.
m axAct iveDenom s
Prohibit ed.
occupancyTim eOut
Condit ional; required when Occupancy
Met er Support is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed, and MUST NOT be report ed,
when Occupancy Met er Support is not
im plem ent ed.
m ast erReset Allowed
Prohibit ed; MUST be set t o t ru e when
Mast er Reset Support is t o be cert ified;
MUST NOT be report ed when Mast er
Reset Support is not im plem ent ed.
eventHandler Class Options
El e m e n t
Op t i o n
Co n f i g u r a t i o n
ev ent HandlerProfile
configurat ionI d
rest art St at us
useDefault Config
Opt ional.
m inLogEnt ries
Opt ional.
t im eToLive
configDat eTim e
Opt ional.
configCom plet e
Opt ional.
deviceI d
ev ent Code
forceDev iceSt at us
forceTransact ion
forceClassMet er s
forceDev iceMet er s
forceUpdat ableMet ers
forcedSubscript ion
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gamePlay Class Options
El e m e n t
Op t i o n
Co n f i g u r a t i o n
gam ePlayProfile
configurat ionI d
rest art St at us
useDefault Config
Opt ional.
m inLogEnt ries
Opt ional.
t hem eI d
Prohibit ed.
payt ableI d
Prohibit ed.
m axWagerCredit s
Prohibit ed.
Prohibit ed.
cent ralAllowed
Prohibit ed.
set AccessViaConfig
Condit ional; required when Configure
Accessible Gam es & Denom inat ions is t o
be cert ified; prohibit ed, and MUST NOT
be report ed, when Configure Accessible
Gam es & Denom inat ions is not
im plem ent ed.
accessibleGam e
Condit ional; required when Configure
Accessible Gam es & Denom inat ions is t o
be cert ified; prohibit ed, and MUST NOT
be report ed, when Configure Accessible
Gam es & Denom inat ions is not
im plem ent ed.
m axPaybackPct
Prohibit ed.
m inPaybackPct
Prohibit ed.
configDat eTim e
Opt ional.
configCom plet e
Opt ional.
denom Met erType
Opt ional.
t hem eNam e
Prohibit ed.
payt ableNam e
Prohibit ed.
t hem eType
Prohibit ed.
m inOut com eLogEnt ries
Opt ional.
wagerCat egory
Prohibit ed.
t heoPaybackPct
Prohibit ed.
m inWagerCr edit s
Prohibit ed.
m axWagerCredit s
Prohibit ed.
wagerCat egoryI t em
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winLevelI t em
gam eDenom
winLevelI ndex
Prohibit ed.
winLevelCom bo
Prohibit ed.
Prohibit ed.
denom I d
Condit ional; required when Configure
Accessible Gam es & Denom inat ions is t o
be cert ified; prohibit ed, and MUST NOT
be report ed, when Configure Accessible
Gam es & Denom inat ions is not
im plem ent ed.
denom Act ive
Condit ional; required when Configure
Accessible Gam es & Denom inat ions is t o
be cert ified; prohibit ed, and MUST NOT
be report ed, when Configure Accessible
Gam es & Denom inat ions is not
im plem ent ed.
gameTheme Class Option
El e m e n t
Op t i o n
Co n f i g u r a t i o n
gam eThem eProfile
configurat ionI d
configDat eTim e
Opt ional.
configCom plet e
Opt ional.
t hem eI d
Prohibit ed.
t hem eNam e
Prohibit ed.
deviceConfig Class Option
El e m e n t
Op t i o n
Co n f i g u r a t i o n
configurat ionI d
configDat eTim e
Opt ional.
configCom plet e
Opt ional.
m inLogEnt ries
Opt ional.
commConfig Class Option
El e m e n t
Op t i o n
Co n f i g u r a t i o n
com m ConfigProfile
configurat ionI d
m inLogEnt ries
Opt ional.
noResponseTim er
configDat eTim e
Opt ional.
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configCom plet e
Opt ional.
optionConfig Class Options
El e m e n t
Op t i o n
Co n f i g u r a t i o n
opt ionConfigProfile
configurat ionI d
m inLogEnt ries
Opt ional.
noResponseTim er
configDat eTim e
Opt ional.
configCom plet e
Opt ional.
5.10 download Class Options
El e m e n t
Op t i o n
Co n f i g u r a t i o n
configurat ionI d
rest art St at us
useDefault Config
Opt ional.
t im eToLive
noResponseTim er
noMessageTim er
Opt ional.
m inPackageLogEnt ries
Opt ional.
m inScript LogEnt ries
Opt ional.
m inPackageList Ent ries
Opt ional.
m inScript List Ent ries
Opt ional.
aut hWait Tim eOut
aut hWait Ret ries
Condit ional; required w hen Soft w are
Upload Support is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed, and MUST be set false, when
Soft w are Upload Support is not
im plem ent ed.
script ingEnabled
configDat eTim e
Opt ional.
configCom plet e
Opt ional.
prot ocolList Support
Prohibit ed; MUST be set t o t ru e.
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t ransferProgressFreq
Condit ional; required when Pause /
Resum e / Abort Support is t o be
cert ified; pr ohibit ed, and MUST NOT be
report ed, when Pause / Resum e / Abort
Support is not im plem ent ed.
pauseSupport ed
Condit ional; required when Pause /
Resum e / Abort Support is t o be
cert ified; pr ohibit ed, and MUST NOT be
report ed, when Pause / Resum e / Abort
Support is not im plem ent ed
abort TransferSupport ed
Condit ional; required w hen Pause /
Resum e / Abort Support is t o be
cert ified; pr ohibit ed, and MUST NOT be
report ed, when Pause/ Resum e/ Abort
Support is not im plem ent ed
5.11 handpay Class Options
El e m e n t
Op t i o n
Co n f i g u r a t i o n
configurat ionI d
rest art St at us
useDefault Config
Opt ional.
m inLogEnt ries
Opt ional.
t im eToLive
m ixCredit Types
Opt ional; if not support ed, MUST be set
t o t rue.
request NonCash
Opt ional; if not support ed, MUST be set
t o false.
com bineCashableOut
Opt ional; if not support ed, MUST be set
t o t rue.
idReaderI d
Condit ional; required w hen Core Voucher
Funct ionalit y is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed, and MUST be set false, when
Core Voucher Funct ionalit y is not
im plem ent ed.
Condit ional; required w hen Core
Wagering Account Funct ionalit y is t o be
cert ified; prohibit ed, and MUST be set
false, when Core Wagering Account
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Funct ionalit y is not im plem ent ed.
2014/ 7/ 29
enabledRem ot eHandpay
enabledRem ot eCredit
enabledRem ot eVoucher
Condit ional; required w hen Core Voucher
Funct ionalit y is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed, and MUST be set false, wh en
Core Voucher Funct ionalit y is not
im plem ent ed.
enabledRem ot eWat
Condit ional; required w hen Core
Wagering Account Funct ionalit y is t o be
cert ified; pr ohibit ed, and MUST be set
false, when Core Wagering Account
Funct ionalit y is not im plem ent ed.
Condit ional; required w hen Core Voucher
Funct ionalit y is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed, and MUST be set false, wh en
Core Voucher Funct ionalit y is not
im plem ent ed.
Condit ional; required w hen Core
Wagering Account Funct ionalit y is t o be
cert ified; pr ohibit ed, and MUST be set
false, when Core Wagering Account
Funct ionalit y is not im plem ent ed.
disabledRem ot eHandpay
disabledRem ot eCr edit
disabledRem ot eVoucher
Condit ional; required w hen Core Voucher
Funct ionalit y is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed, and MUST be set false, wh en
Core Voucher Funct ionalit y is not
im plem ent ed.
disabledRem ot eWat
Condit ional; required w hen Core
Wagering Account Funct ionalit y is t o be
cert ified; pr ohibit ed, and MUST be set
false, when Core Wagering Account
Funct ionalit y is not im plem ent ed.
configDat eTim e
Opt ional.
configCom plet e
Opt ional.
part ialHandpays
Prohibit ed; MUST be set t o t ru e when t he
EGM support s part ial handpays; MUST be
set t o false when t he EGM does not
support part ial handpays.
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5.12 coinAcceptor Class Options
El e m e n t
Op t i o n
Co n f i g u r a t i o n
coinAccept orProfile
configurat ionI d
rest art St at us
useDefault Config
Opt ional.
configDat eTim e
Opt ional.
configCom plet e
Opt ional.
prom oSupport ed
Prohibit ed.
currencyI d
Prohibit ed.
denom I d
Prohibit ed.
t oken
Prohibit ed.
baseCashableAm t
Required; MAY be rest rict ed wh en t he
currency of t he coin/ t ok en is t he sam e as
t he base cu rrency of t he EGM.
coinAct ive
Required; MAY be rest rict ed due t o t h e
operat ional capabilit ies of t he physical
baseProm oAm t
Condit ional; required when Prom ot ional
and Non- Cashable Coin/ Tok en Support is
t o be cert ified; prohibit ed, and MUST be
set t o 0 ( zero) , when Prom ot ional and
Non- Cashable Coin/ Tok en Support is not
im plem ent ed.
baseNonCashAm t
Condit ional; required when Prom ot ional
and Non- Cashable Coin/ Tok en Support is
t o be cert ified; prohibit ed, and MUST be
set t o 0 ( zero) , when Prom ot ional and
Non- Cashable Coin/ Tok en Support is not
im plem ent ed.
coinDat a
5.13 noteAcceptor Class Options
El e m e n t
Op t i o n
Co n f i g u r a t i o n
not eAccept orProfile
configurat ionI d
rest art St at us
useDefault Config
Opt ional.
m inLogEnt ries
Opt ional.
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not eAccept orDat a
not eEnabled
noMessageTim er
configDat eTim e
Opt ional; if not support ed, MUST be set
t o 0 ( zero) .
Opt ional.
configCom plet e
Opt ional.
prom oSupport ed
Prohibit ed.
currencyI d
Prohibit ed.
denom I d
Prohibit ed.
baseCashableAm t
Required; MAY be rest rict ed wh en t he
currency of t he not e is t he sam e as t he
base currency of t he EGM.
not eAct ive
t oken
Prohibit ed.
baseProm oAm t
Condit ional; required when Prom ot ional
and Non- Cashable Not e Support is t o be
cert ified; pr ohibit ed, and MUST be set t o
0 ( zero) , when Prom ot ional and NonCashable Not e Support is not
im plem ent ed.
baseNonCashAm t
Condit ional; required when Prom ot ional
and Non- Cashable Not e Support is t o be
cert ified; pr ohibit ed, and MUST be set t o
0 ( zero) , when Prom ot ional and NonCashable Not e Support is not
im plem ent ed.
5.14 hopper Class Options
El e m e n t
Op t i o n
Co n f i g u r a t i o n
hopper Profile
configurat ionI d
rest art St at us
useDefault Config
Opt ional.
currency I d
Prohibit ed.
denom I d
Prohibit ed.
t oken
Prohibit ed.
baseCashableAm t
Required; MAY be rest rict ed wh en t he
currency of t he coin/ t ok en is t he sam e as
t he base cu rrency of t he EGM.
configDat eTim e
Opt ional.
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configCom plet e
Opt ional.
baseProm oAm t
Condit ional; required when Prom ot ional
and Non- Cashable Coin/ Tok en Support is
t o be cert ified; prohibit ed, and MUST be
set t o 0 ( zero) , when Prom ot ional and
Non- Cashable Coin/ Tok en Support is not
im plem ent ed.
baseNonCashAm t
Condit ional; required when Prom ot ional
and Non- Cashable Coin/ Tok en Support is
t o be cert ified; prohibit ed, and MUST be
set t o 0 ( zero) , when Prom ot ional and
Non- Cashable Coin/ Tok en Support is not
im plem ent ed.
hopper Lim it
prom oSupport ed
Prohibit ed.
5.15 noteDispenser Class Options
El e m e n t
Op t i o n
Co n f i g u r a t i o n
not eDispenser Profile
configurat ionI d
rest art St at us
useDefault Config
Opt ional.
m inLogEnt ries
Opt ional.
configDat eTim e
Opt ional.
configCom plet e
Opt ional.
prom oSupport ed
Prohibit ed.
currencyI d
Prohibit ed.
denom I d
Prohibit ed.
baseCashableAm t
Required; MAY be rest rict ed wh en t he
currency of t he not e is t he sam e as t he
base currency of t he EGM.
not eAct ive
t oken
Prohibit ed.
baseProm oAm t
Condit ional; required when Prom ot ional
and Non- Cashable Not e Support is t o be
cert ified; pr ohibit ed, and MUST be set t o
0 ( zero) , when Prom ot ional and NonCashable Not e Support is not
not eDispenser Dat a
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im plem ent ed.
baseNonCashAm t
Condit ional; required when Prom ot ional
and Non- Cashable Not e Support is t o be
cert ified; pr ohibit ed, and MUST be set t o
0 ( zero) , when Prom ot ional and NonCashable Not e Support is not
im plem ent ed.
5.16 printer Class Options
El e m e n t
Op t i o n
Co n f i g u r a t i o n
print erProfile
configurat ionI d
rest art St at us
useDefault Config
Opt ional.
m inLogEnt ries
Opt ional.
configDat eTim e
Opt ional.
configCom plet e
Opt ional.
idReaderI d
Condit ional; required w hen Rest rict
Print ing t o Specific Players is t o be
cert ified; prohibit ed, and MUST NOT be
report ed, when Rest rict Print ing t o
Specific Player s is not im plem ent ed.
host I nit iat ed
Prohibit ed.
cust om Tem plat es
Prohibit ed.
t em plat eI ndex
Condit ional; required when Host - I nit iat ed
Print ing Support is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed, and MUST NOT be report ed,
when Host - I nit iat ed Print ing Support is
not im plem ent ed; MAY be rest rict ed due
t o t he operat ional capabilit ies of t he
physical device.
t em plat eConfig
Condit ional; required when Host - I nit iat ed
Print ing Support is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed, and MUST NOT be report ed,
when Host - I nit iat ed Print ing Support is
not im plem ent ed; MAY be rest rict ed due
t o t he operat ional capabilit ies of t he
physical device.
regionI ndex
Condit ional; required when Host - I nit iat ed
Print ing Support is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed, and MUST NOT be report ed,
when Host - I nit iat ed Print ing Support is
not im plem ent ed; MAY be rest rict ed due
print erTem plat eProfile
print erRegionProfile
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t o t he operat ional capabilit ies of t he
physical device.
Condit ional; required w hen Host - I nit iat ed
Print ing Support is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed, and MUST NOT be report ed,
when Host - I nit iat ed Print ing Support is
not im plem ent ed; MAY be rest rict ed due
t o t he operat ional capabilit ies of t he
physical device.
5.17 progressive Class Options
El e m e n t
Op t i o n
Co n f i g u r a t i o n
configurat ionI d
rest art St at us
useDefault Config
Opt ional.
progI d
m inLogEnt ries
Opt ional.
t im eToLive
noResponseTim er
noProgI nfo
configDat eTim e
Opt ional.
configCom plet e
Opt ional.
cont ribut ionMet hod
Opt ional.
allowMult icast
Prohibit ed.
progHost I nfo
Prohibit ed.
levelI d
gam eLevelConfig
gam ePlayI d
payt ableI d
Required; MUST be set t o t he correct
value for t he corresponding gam ePlayI d.
Required; MUST be set t o t he correct
value for t he corresponding gam ePlayI d.
t hem eI d
2014/ 7/ 29
denom I d
winLevelI ndex
winLevelCom bo
Prohibit ed.
Prohibit ed.
num berOfCredit s
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5.18 idReader Class Options
El e m e n t
Op t i o n
Co n f i g u r a t i o n
idReaderPr ofile
configurat ionI d
rest art St at us
useDefault Config
Opt ional.
egm PhysicallyCont rols
Condit ional; opt ional when bot h Host Cont rolled I D Reader and EGM- Cont rolled
I D Reader are t o be cert ified; prohibit ed,
and MUST be set t o t rue, when EGMCont rolled I D Reader is im plem ent ed but
Host - Cont rolled I D Reader is not
im plem ent ed; prohibit ed, and MUST be
set t o false, when Host - Cont rolled I D
Reader is im plem ent ed but EGMCont rolled I D Reader is not im plem ent ed.
Prohibit ed.
Required; MAY be rest rict ed due t o t h e
operat ional capabilit ies of t he physical
idValidMet hod
Required; MAY be rest rict ed due t o t he
operat ional capabilit ies of t he physical
t im eToLive
wait Tim eOut
Condit ional; required w hen EGMCont rolled I D Reader is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed when EGM- Cont rolled I D
Reader is not im plem ent ed.
Condit ional; required w hen EGMCont rolled I D Reader is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed when EGM- Cont rolled I D
Reader is not im plem ent ed.
validTim eOut
Condit ional; required w hen EGMCont rolled I D Reader is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed, and MUST be set t o a valid
value, when EGM- Cont r olled I D Reader is
not im plem ent ed.
rem ov alDelay
Condit ional; required w hen EGMCont rolled I D Reader is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed when EGM- Cont rolled I D
Reader is not im plem ent ed.
at t ract Msg
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wait Msg
Condit ional; required w hen EGMCont rolled I D Reader is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed when EGM- Cont rolled I D
Reader is not im plem ent ed.
lost Msg
Condit ional; required w hen EGMCont rolled I D Reader is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed when EGM- Cont rolled I D
Reader is not im plem ent ed.
m sgDurat ion
lim it Losses
Opt ional.
configDat eTim e
Opt ional.
configCom plet e
Opt ional.
Opt ional.
Condit ional; required when Enable /
Disable Market ing- Orient ed Messages for
Specific Players is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed, and MUST be set t o false,
when Enable / Disable Mark et ingOrient ed Messages for Specific Players is
not im plem ent ed.
m ult iLingualSupport
Prohibit ed; MUST be set t o t ru e when
Mult i- Lingual Support is t o be cert ified;
MUST be set t o false when Mult i- Lingual
Support is not im plem ent ed.
Condit ional; required when EGMCont rolled I D Reader is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed, and MUST NOT be report ed,
when EGM- Cont r olled I D Reader is not
im plem ent ed.
offLinePat t ern
Condit ional; required w hen EGMCont rolled I D Reader is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed, and MUST NOT be report ed,
when EGM- Cont r olled I D Reader is not
im plem ent ed.
localeI d
Condit ional; required Mult i- Lingual
Support is t o be cert ified; prohibit ed, and
MUST NOT be report ed, w hen Mult iLingual Support is not im plem ent ed.
© 2014 Gam ing St andards Associat ion
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localeNam e
Condit ional; required Mult i- Lingual
Support is t o be cert ified; prohibit ed, and
MUST NOT be report ed, w hen Mult iLingual Support is not im plem ent ed.
at t ract Msg
Condit ional; required Mult i- Lingual
Support is t o be cert ified; prohibit ed, and
MUST NOT be report ed, w hen Mult iLingual Support is not im plem ent ed.
wait Msg
Condit ional; required Mult i- Lingual
Support is t o be cert ified; prohibit ed, and
MUST NOT be report ed, when Mult iLingual Support is not im plem ent ed.
Condit ional; required Mult i- Lingual
Support is t o be cert ified; prohibit ed, and
MUST NOT be report ed, w hen Mult iLingual Support is not im plem ent ed.
Condit ional; required Mult i- Lingual
Support is t o be cert ified; prohibit ed, and
MUST NOT be report ed, w hen Mult iLingual Support is not im plem ent ed.
lost Msg
Condit ional; required Mult i- Lingual
Support is t o be cert ified; prohibit ed, and
MUST NOT be report ed, w hen Mult iLingual Support is not im plem ent ed.
Condit ional; required Mult i- Lingual
Support is t o be cert ified; prohibit ed, and
MUST NOT be report ed, w hen Mult iLingual Support is not im plem ent ed.
Condit ional; required Mult i- Lingual
Support is t o be cert ified; prohibit ed, and
MUST NOT be report ed, w hen Mult iLingual Support is not im plem ent ed.
5.19 bonus Class Options
El e m e n t
Op t i o n
Co n f i g u r a t i o n
bonusPr ofile
configurat ionI d
rest art St at us
useDefault Config
Opt ional.
m inLogEnt ries
Opt ional.
t im eToLive
noMessageTim er
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noHost Text
idReaderI d
m axPendingBonus
Opt ional.
configDat eTim e
Opt ional.
configCom plet e
Opt ional.
eligibleTim er
Condit ional; required when Bonus Award
Lim it s are t o be cert ified; prohibit ed, and
MUST NOT be report ed, when Bonus
Award Lim it s are n ot im plem ent ed.
displayLim it
Condit ional; required when Bonus Award
Lim it s are t o be cert ified; prohibit ed, and
MUST NOT be report ed, when Bonus
Award Lim it s are n ot im plem ent ed.
displayLim it Text
Condit ional; required when Bonus Award
Lim it s are t o be cert ified; prohibit ed, and
MUST NOT be report ed, when Bonus
Award Lim it s are n ot im plem ent ed.
displayLim it Durat ion
Condit ional; required when Bonus Award
Lim it s are t o be cert ified; prohibit ed, and
MUST NOT be report ed, when Bonus
Award Lim it s are not im plem ent ed.
wm CardRequired
Condit ional; required when Wager Mat ch
Bonus Support is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed, and MUST NOT be report ed,
when Wager Mat ch Bonus Support is not
im plem ent ed.
wm Lim it
Condit ional; required when Wager Mat ch
Bonus Support is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed, and MUST NOT be report ed,
when Wager Mat ch Bonus Support is not
im plem ent ed.
wm Lim it Text
Condit ional; required when Wager Mat ch
Bonus Support is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed, and MUST NOT be report ed,
when Wager Mat ch Bonus Support is not
im plem ent ed.
wm Lim it Durat ion
Condit ional; required when Wager Mat ch
Bonus Support is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed, and MUST NOT be report ed,
when Wager Mat ch Bonus Support is not
im plem ent ed.
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G2S v2.1 EGM Cert ificat ion Requir em ent s – Release 2
wm Exit Text
Condit ional; required when Wager Mat ch
Bonus Support is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed, and MUST NOT be report ed,
when Wager Mat ch Bonus Support is not
im plem ent ed.
wm Exit Durat ion
Condit ional; required when Wager Mat ch
Bonus Support is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed, and MUST NOT be report ed,
when Wager Mat ch Bonus Support is not
im plem ent ed.
allowMult icast
Prohibit ed.
m ult iLingualSupport
Prohibit ed; MUST be set t o t ru e when
Mult i- Lingual Support is t o be cert ified;
MUST be set t o false when Mult i- Lingual
Support is not im plem ent ed.
5.20 player Class Options
El e m e n t
Op t i o n
Co n f i g u r a t i o n
playerPr ofile
configurat ionI d
rest art St at us
useDefault Config
Opt ional.
m inLogEnt ries
Opt ional.
t im eToLive
Prohibit ed.
idReaderI d
m inTheoHoldPct
decim alPoint s
inact iveSessionEnd
int ervalPeriod
gam ePlayI nt erv al
m sgDurat ion
welcom eMessage
goodby eMessage
count Basis
count Direct ion
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baseI ncrem ent
baseAw ard
hot Play erBasis
hot Play erPeriod
hot Play erLim it 1
hot Play erLim it 2
hot Play erLim it 3
hot Play erLim it 4
hot Play erLim it 5
configDat eTim e
Opt ional.
configCom plet e
Opt ional.
allowMult icast
Prohibit ed.
m ult iLingualSupport
Prohibit ed; MUST be set t o t ru e when
Mult i- Lingual Support is t o be cert ified;
MUST be set t o false when Mult i- Lingual
Support is not im plem ent ed.
pt DisplayLim it
Condit ional; required when Display Lim it
Support is t o be cert ified; prohibit ed, and
MUST NOT be report ed, when Display
Lim it Support is not im plem ent ed.
pt OverLim it Msg
Condit ional; required when Display Lim it
Support is t o be cert ified; prohibit ed, and
MUST NOT be report ed, when Display
Lim it Support is not im plem ent ed.
pt EarnedLim it
Condit ional; required when Display Lim it
Support is t o be cert ified; prohibit ed, and
MUST NOT be report ed, when Display
Lim it Support is not im plem ent ed.
uncardedSessionTim er
Condit ional; required when Display Lim it
Support is t o be cert ified; prohibit ed, and
MUST NOT be report ed, when Display
Lim it Support is not im plem ent ed.
wm EarnPoint s
Condit ional; required when Wager Mat ch
Player Support is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed, and MUST NOT be report ed,
when Wager Mat ch Play er Support is not
im plem ent ed.
localeI d
Condit ional; required Mult i- Lingual
Support is t o be cert ified; prohibit ed, and
MUST NOT be report ed, w hen Mult iLingual Support is not im plem ent ed.
© 2014 Gam ing St andards Associat ion
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G2S v2.1 EGM Cert ificat ion Requir em ent s – Release 2
localeNam e
Condit ional; required Mult i- Lingual
Support is t o be cert ified; prohibit ed, and
MUST NOT be report ed, w hen Mult iLingual Support is not im plem ent ed.
welcom eMessage
Condit ional; required Mult i- Lingual
Support is t o be cert ified; prohibit ed, and
MUST NOT be report ed, w hen Mult iLingual Support is not im plem ent ed.
Condit ional; required Mult i- Lingual
Support is t o be cert ified; prohibit ed, and
MUST NOT be report ed, when Mult iLingual Support is not im plem ent ed.
Condit ional; required Mult i- Lingual
Support is t o be cert ified; prohibit ed, and
MUST NOT be report ed, w hen Mult iLingual Support is not im plem ent ed.
goodby eMessage
Condit ional; required Mult i- Lingual
Support is t o be cert ified; prohibit ed, and
MUST NOT be report ed, w hen Mult iLingual Support is not im plem ent ed.
pt OverLim it Msg
Condit ional; required Mult i- Lingual
Support is t o be cert ified; prohibit ed, and
MUST NOT be report ed, when Mult iLingual Support is not im plem ent ed.
5.21 voucher Class Options
El e m e n t
Op t i o n
Co n f i g u r a t i o n
configurat ionI d
rest art St at us
useDefault Config
Opt ional.
m inLogEnt ries
Opt ional.
t im eToLive
idReaderI d
com bineCashableOut
Condit ional; required w hen I ssue
Voucher Support is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed when I ssue Voucher Support
is not im plem ent ed.
Condit ional; required w hen I ssue
Voucher Support is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed when I ssue Voucher Support
is not im plem ent ed.
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m axValI ds
Condit ional; required w hen I ssue
Voucher Support is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed when I ssue Voucher Support
is not im plem ent ed.
m inLevelValI ds
Condit ional; required w hen I ssue
Voucher Support is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed when I ssue Voucher Support
is not im plem ent ed.
valI dList Refresh
Condit ional; required w hen I ssue
Voucher Support is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed when I ssue Voucher Support
is not im plem ent ed.
valI dList Life
Condit ional; required w hen I ssue
Voucher Support is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed when I ssue Voucher Support
is not im plem ent ed.
voucherHoldTim e
Condit ional; required w hen I ssue
Voucher Support is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed when I ssue Voucher Support
is not im plem ent ed.
print OffLine
Condit ional; required w hen I ssue
Voucher Support is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed when I ssue Voucher Support
is not im plem ent ed.
ex pireCashProm o
Condit ional; required w hen I ssue
Voucher Support is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed when I ssue Voucher Support
is not im plem ent ed.
print ExpCashProm o
Condit ional; required w hen I ssue
Voucher Support is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed when I ssue Voucher Support
is not im plem ent ed.
ex pireNonCash
Condit ional; required w hen I ssue
Voucher Support is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed when I ssue Voucher Support
is not im plem ent ed.
print ExpNonCash
Condit ional; required w hen I ssue
Voucher Support is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed when I ssue Voucher Support
is not im plem ent ed.
propNam e
Condit ional; required w hen I ssue
Voucher Support is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed when I ssue Voucher Support
is not im plem ent ed.
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Condit ional; required w hen I ssue
Voucher Support is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed when I ssue Voucher Support
is not im plem ent ed.
Condit ional; required w hen I ssue
Voucher Support is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed when I ssue Voucher Support
is not im plem ent ed.
t it leCash
Condit ional; required w hen I ssue
Voucher Support is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed when I ssue Voucher Support
is not im plem ent ed.
t it leProm o
Condit ional; required w hen I ssue
Voucher Support is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed when I ssue Voucher Support
is not im plem ent ed.
t it leNonCash
Condit ional; required w hen I ssue
Voucher Support is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed when I ssue Voucher Support
is not im plem ent ed.
t it leLargeWin
Condit ional; required w hen I ssue
Voucher Support is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed when I ssue Voucher Support
is not im plem ent ed.
t it leBonusCash
Condit ional; required w hen I ssue
Voucher Support and Core Bonus
Funct ionalit y are t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed when I ssue Voucher Support
or Core Bonus Funct ionalit y are not
im plem ent ed.
t it leBonusProm o
Condit ional; required w hen I ssue
Voucher Support and Core Bonus
Funct ionalit y are t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed when I ssue Voucher Support
or Core Bonus Funct ionalit y are not
im plem ent ed.
t it leBonusNonCash
Condit ional; required w hen I ssue
Voucher Support and Core Bonus
Funct ionalit y are t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed when I ssue Voucher Support
or Core Bonus Funct ionalit y are not
im plem ent ed.
© 2014 Gam ing St andards Associat ion
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t it leWat Cash
Condit ional; required w hen I ssue
Voucher Support and Core Wagering
Account Funct ionalit y are t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed when I ssue Voucher Support
or Core Wager ing Account Funct ionalit y
are not im plem ent ed.
t it leWat Prom o
Condit ional; required w hen I ssue
Voucher Support and Core Wagering
Account Funct ionalit y are t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed when I ssue Voucher Support
or Core Wager ing Account Funct ionalit y
are not im plem ent ed.
t it leWat NonCash
Condit ional; required w hen I ssue
Voucher Support and Core Wagering
Account Funct ionalit y are t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed when I ssue Voucher Support
or Core Wager ing Account Funct ionalit y
are not im plem ent ed.
configDat eTim e
Opt ional.
configCom plet e
Opt ional.
allowVoucherI ssue
Condit ional; required when I ssue
Voucher Support is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed, and MUST be set t o false,
when I ssue Voucher Support is not
im plem ent ed.
Condit ional; required when Redeem
Voucher Support is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed, and MUST be set t o false,
when Redeem Voucher Support is not
im plem ent ed.
m axOnLinePayOut
Condit ional; required when I ssue
Voucher Support is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed when I ssue Voucher Support
is not im plem ent ed.
m axOffLinePayOut
Condit ional; required when I ssue
Voucher Support is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed when I ssue Voucher Support
is not im plem ent ed.
print NonCashOffLine
Condit ional; required when I ssue
Voucher Support is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed when I ssue Voucher Support
is not im plem ent ed.
cashOut ToVouch er
Opt ional.
redeem Prefix
Opt ional.
© 2014 Gam ing St andards Associat ion
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G2S v2.1 EGM Cert ificat ion Requir em ent s – Release 2
5.22 wat Class Options
El e m e n t
Op t i o n
Co n f i g u r a t i o n
wat Profile
configurat ionI d
rest art St at us
useDefault Config
Opt ional.
m inLogEnt ries
Opt ional.
t im eToLive
idReaderI D
int erfaceMode
cashOut Mode
Condit ional; required w hen EGMCont rolled User I nt erface is t o be
cert ified; prohibit ed, and MUST be set t o
G2S_host Cont rol, when EGM- Cont r olled
User I nt erface is not im plem ent ed.
cashOut Delay
aut hRequired
Condit ional; required w hen EGMCont rolled User I nt erface is t o be
cert ified; prohibit ed w hen EGMCont rolled User I nt erface is not
im plem ent ed.
m ixCredit Types
Opt ional; if not support ed, MUST be set
t o t rue.
Condit ional; required w hen EGMCont rolled User I nt erface is t o be
cert ified; prohibit ed w hen EGMCont rolled User I nt erface is not
im plem ent ed; MAY be rest rict ed t o due
t o operat ional capabilit ies.
configDat eTim e
Opt ional.
configCom plet e
Opt ional.
Opt ional.
allowFrom Egm
Opt ional..
5.23 gat Class Options
El e m e n t
Op t i o n
Co n f i g u r a t i o n
gat Profile
configurat ionI d
useDefault Config
Opt ional.
m inLogEnt ries
Opt ional.
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G2S v2.1 EGM Cert ificat ion Requir em ent s – Release 2
t im eToLive
idReaderI d
m inQueuedCom ps
Opt ional.
configDat eTim e
Opt ional.
configCom plet e
Opt ional.
specialFunct ions
Prohibit ed.
5.24 central Class Options
El e m e n t
Op t i o n
Co n f i g u r a t i o n
cent ralProfile
configurat ionI d
rest art St at us
useDefault Config
Opt ional.
m inLogEnt ries
Opt ional.
t im eToLive
noResponseTim er
configDat eTim e
Opt ional.
configCom plet e
Opt ional.
gam ePlayI d
t hem eI d
Required; MUST be set t o t he correct
value for t he corresponding gam ePlayI d.
payt ableI d
Required; MUST be set t o t he correct
value for t he corresponding gam ePlayI d.
denom I d
wagerCat egory
cent ralGam ePlay
5.25 mediaDisplay Class Options
El e m e n t
Op t i o n
Co n f i g u r a t i o n
m ediaDisplayProfile
configurat ionI d
configDat eTim e
Opt ional.
configCom plet e
Opt ional.
rest art St at us
useDefault Config
Opt ional.
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G2S v2.1 EGM Cert ificat ion Requir em ent s – Release 2
capabilit yI t em
localEvent I t em
localCom m andI t em
scr eenI t em
m inLogEnt ries
Opt ional.
t im eToLive
m ediaDisplayPriorit y
Opt ional.
Opt ional.
screenDescript ion
Opt ional.
m ediaDisplayType
Opt ional.
m ediaDisplayPosit ion
Opt ional.
m ediaDisplayDescript ion
Opt ional.
m axCont ent Loaded
Opt ional.
xPosit ion
Opt ional.
yPosit ion
Opt ional.
cont ent Height
Opt ional.
cont ent Widt h
Opt ional.
m ediaDisplayHeight
Opt ional.
m ediaDisplayWidt h
Opt ional.
t ouchscreenCapable
Prohibit ed.
localConnect ionPort
Opt ional.
Prohibit ed.
soft wareType
Prohibit ed.
soft wareVersion
Prohibit ed.
fileEx t ension
Prohibit ed.
event Code
Prohibit ed.
ev ent Tex t
Prohibit ed.
funct ionalGroup
Prohibit ed.
com m andElem ent
Prohibit ed.
Prohibit ed.
screenDescript ion
Prohibit ed.
screenWidt h
Prohibit ed.
Prohibit ed.
5.26 cashout Class Options
El e m e n t
Op t i o n
Co n f i g u r a t i o n
cashout Profile
configurat ionI d
configDat eTim e
Opt ional.
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G2S v2.1 EGM Cert ificat ion Requir em ent s – Release 2
configCom plet e
Opt ional.
rest art St at us
useDefault Config
Opt ional.
m inLogEnt ries
Opt ional.
t im eToLive
5.27 informedPlayer Class Options
El e m e n t
Op t i o n
Co n f i g u r a t i o n
configurat ionI d
configDat eTim e
Opt ional.
configCom plet e
Opt ional.
rest art St at us
useDefault Config
Opt ional.
t im eToLive
noMessageTim er
noHost Text
uncardedMoneyI n
uncardedGam ePlay
sessionSt art Money I n
sessionSt art Gam ePlay
sessionSt art CashOut
sessionSt art PinEnt ry
Condit ional; required w hen Player
Aut hent icat ion Using PI Ns is t o be
cert ified; pr ohibit ed, and MUST be set t o
false, when Player Aut hent icat ion Using
PI Ns is not im plem ent ed.
sessionSt art Lim it
idReaderI d
Required; MAY be rest rict ed due t o
operat ional capabilit ies.
aut hent icat ionDevice
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G2S v2.1 EGM Cert ificat ion Requir em ent s – Release 2
5.28 smartCard Class Options
El e m e n t
Op t i o n
Co n f i g u r a t i o n
sm art CardPr ofile
configurat ionI d
configDat eTim e
Opt ional.
configCom plet e
Opt ional.
rest art St at us
useDefault Config
Opt ional.
m inLogEnt ries
Opt ional.
t im eToLive
idReaderI d
Prohibit ed.
sm art CardAppProt ocol
Prohibit ed.
cashOut ToSm art Card
cashOut Mode
cashOut PendingMsg
noCardMoney I nDisable
m sgDurat ion
cashOut I nit iat edMsg
aut oTransferMsg
t ransferToCardMsg
t ransferToEgm Msg
t ransact ionFailedMsg
5.29 employee Class Options
El e m e n t
Op t i o n
Co n f i g u r a t i o n
em ployeeProfile
configurat ionI d
configDat eTim e
Opt ional.
configCom plet e
Opt ional.
rest art St at us
useDefault Config
Opt ional.
m inEm ployeeEnt ries
Opt ional.
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G2S v2.1 EGM Cert ificat ion Requir em ent s – Release 2
m inAct ivit yEnt ries
Opt ional.
t im eToLive
Prohibit ed.
inact iveSessionEnd
m sgDurat ion
welcom eMessage
goodby eMessage
act ivit ySupport ed
Condit ional; required w hen Em ployee
Act ivit y Code Support is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed, and MUST be set t o false,
when Em ployee Act ivit y Code Support is
not im plem ent ed.
Condit ional; required w hen Em ployee
Act ivit y Code Support is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed, and MUST be set t o
G2S_none, when Em ploy ee Act ivit y Code
Support is not im plem ent ed.
Condit ional; required when Em ployee
Act ivit y Code Support is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed, and MUST NOT be report ed,
when Em ployee Act ivit y Code Support is
not im plem ent ed.
Condit ional; required w hen Em ployee
Act ivit y Code Support is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed, and MUST NOT be report ed,
when Em ployee Act ivit y Code Support is
not im plem ent ed.
Condit ional; required w hen Em ployee
Act ivit y Code Support is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed, and MUST NOT be report ed,
when Em ployee Act ivit y Code Support is
not im plem ent ed.
Condit ional; required w hen Em ployee
Act ivit y Code Support is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed, and MUST NOT be report ed,
when Em ployee Act ivit y Code Support is
not im plem ent ed.
idReaderI d
Condit ional; required when Em ployee
Act ivit y Code Support is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed, and MUST NOT be report ed,
when Em ployee Act ivit y Code Support is
not im plem ent ed.
act ivit yProt ect ion
act ivit yCode
act ivit yGroup
act ivit yCode
act ivit yDescript ion
act ivit yOrder
validat ionDevice
aut hent icat ionDevice
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idReaderI d
Condit ional; required w hen Em ployee
Act ivit y Code Support is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed, and MUST NOT be report ed,
when Em ployee Act ivit y Code Support is
not im plem ent ed.
Condit ional; required w hen Em ployee
Act ivit y Code Support is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed, and MUST NOT be report ed,
when Em ployee Act ivit y Code Support is
not im plem ent ed; MAY be rest rict ed t o
due t o operat ional capabilit ies.
5.30 tournament Class Options
El e m e n t
Op t i o n
Co n f i g u r a t i o n
t ournam ent Profile
configurat ionI d
configDat eTim e
Opt ional.
configCom plet e
Opt ional.
rest art St at us
useDefault Config
Opt ional.
m inLogEnt r ies
Opt ional.
t im eToLive
idReaderI d
offerTim er
Condit ional; required w hen EGMCont rolled Tour nam ent Regist rat ion is t o
be cert ified; prohibit ed, and MUST be set
t o 0 ( zero) , when EGM- Cont rolled
Tournam ent Regist rat ion is not
im plem ent ed.
closeTim er
regist rat ionSupport ed
regsit erPlayers
st andingsSupport ed
2014/ 7/ 29
Prohibit ed; MUST be set t o t ru e when
EGM- Cont rolled Tournam ent Regist rat ion
is t o be cert ified; MUST be set t o false
when EGM- Cont r olled Tournam ent
Regist rat ion is not im plem ent ed.
Condit ional; required w hen EGMCont rolled Tour nam ent Regist rat ion is t o
be cert ified; prohibit ed, and MUST be set
t o false, when EGM- Cont rolled
Tournam ent Regist rat ion is not
im plem ent ed.
Prohibit ed; MUST be set t o t rue when
Tournam ent St andings Support is t o be
cert ified; MUST be set t o false when
© 2014 Gam ing St andards Associat ion
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G2S v2.1 EGM Cert ificat ion Requir em ent s – Release 2
displaySt andings
allowMult icast
Tournam ent St andings Support is not
im plem ent ed.
Condit ional; required w hen Tournam ent
St andings Support is t o be cert ified;
prohibit ed, and MUST be set t o false,
when Tournam ent St andings Support is
not im plem ent ed.
Prohibit ed; MUST be set t o t ru e when
Mult icast Message Support is t o be
cert ified; MUST be set t o false when
Mult icast Message Support is not
im plem ent ed.
5.31 dft Class Options
El e m e n t
Op t i o n
Co n f i g u r a t i o n
dft Profile
configurat ionI d
configDat eTim e
Opt ional.
configCom plet e
Opt ional.
rest art St at us
useDefault Config
Opt ional.
m inLogEnt ries
Opt ional.
t im eToLive
idReaderI D
allowFrom Egm
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