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KapaNoDrawBack Circuit: Free Energy Discussion

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Free Energy | searching for free energy and discussing free energy » Community » Solid States Devices » Kapanadze devices and replications » KapaNoDrawBack circuit from a German friend
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Topic: KapaNoDrawBack circuit from a German friend (Read 49589 times)
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March 10, 2023,
10:41:02 pm
Hero Member
« on: May 13, 2014, 05:01:18 AM »
Hi Guys,
here are the 2 drawings and circuit diagram my friend has tried.
Cause he uses the load between these coils thereis no DC current flowing in the output load,
just only resonance currents.
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KapaNoDrawBack circuit from a German friend
Posts: 8047
Here is the video to it;
More to come...
Regards, Stefan.
KAPACoil_Rev_13_Overview_v2.PNG (1234.09 kB, 1143x2399 - viewed 8404 times.)
KAPACoil_Rev_13.JPG (293.89 kB, 1824x1368 - viewed 8049 times.)
Re: KapaNoDrawBack circuit from a German friend
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2014, 05:20:29 AM »
Hero Member
Many thanks to Stefan and his friend and special thanks for meticulously documented drawings, photo's and data.
Posts: 518
It is work like this that makes accurate replication possible.
Kind Regards, Vortex1
Re: KapaNoDrawBack circuit from a German friend
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2014, 10:01:33 AM »
@ Vortex: Thanks, goes down like oil, but takes some time, so always be patient...
Posts: 8
@All: Summarized additional information here:
Re: KapaNoDrawBack circuit from a German friend
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2014, 10:44:56 AM »
Hello, I tested this after seeing the video. Yes, the effect exists without the cooper rod as well. You can use two different layer (coil) connected by a wire or load at one end. The circuit will be closed by the capacitance between the two coil. The resonance freq highly depend on the inner
capacitance of the coils as well. It is an LC resonance, like resonance of the Tesla coil. The resonance exists and uses energy when you can not see. Using load you can get from this energy, but there is "no feedback to source" virtually. There is a feedback, and it depends on the
tuning. For example you can achieve decreasing at input side, when you close the circuit by wire or small load and tune correctly.
Posts: 45
« Last Edit: May 13, 2014, 01:58:19 PM by Collapsingfield »
Re: KapaNoDrawBack circuit from a German friend
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2014, 10:55:28 AM »
Hero Member
Like Vortex1 has commented, excellent documentation and thanks Stefan for posting this.
Posts: 4135
Re: KapaNoDrawBack circuit from a German friend
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2014, 04:19:25 PM »
Jr. Member
Posts: 54
1. Apply DC from your power supply of at least 15v to coil L3 (vary voltage and current and see if any effect on output)
2. In a separate test, disconnect the copper rod from the other coils. Apply DC of at least 15v to the copper rod with and without the ferrites to see if there is any effect on the output. (vary voltage and current and see if any effect on output)
Re: KapaNoDrawBack circuit from a German friend
« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2014, 05:40:43 PM »
Thanks, i will give that DC suggestion on L3 a try but:
Posts: 8
>Apply DC of at least 15v to the copper rod
will result in approx 2400 Ampere
(such a DC supply i do not own)
What do you mean?
Jr. Member
Re: KapaNoDrawBack circuit from a German friend
« Reply #7 on: May 13, 2014, 06:41:59 PM »
Limit the current to about 1 ampere. Ideally you want to be able to adjust it if applying it makes a difference.
Posts: 54
Re: KapaNoDrawBack circuit from a German friend
« Reply #8 on: May 14, 2014, 09:18:40 AM »
you wrote:
>1. Apply DC from your power supply of at least 15v to coil L3
- With increasing DC current the output drops down to ZERO at 3A
- By varying frequency i was not able to find another useful resonance point with high output
- The resistance of the input coil increased significantly (Current raised from 0.5A to 3.0A (power supply maximum))
Posts: 8
>2. In a separate test, disconnect the copper rod from the other coils.
>Apply DC of at least 1 Ampere to the copper rod
Result: No difference could be detected, no influence for DC currents (tested 0.1 up to 3A)
Thanks for your suggestions
Hero Member
Re: KapaNoDrawBack circuit from a German friend
« Reply #9 on: May 14, 2014, 01:41:15 PM »
Dear Nodrawback
Posts: 518
Thank you for your excellent work.
I would suggest replacing the thin coil L1, L2 assembly with a copper cylinder to see if it still works. The copper cylinder should have a slot on it's length, or use copper foil formed to a cylinder but do not allow a complete turn or touching of the edges, as this would act as a
single turn shorted winding and absorb all the energy. Leave a few mm between the edges. Then test the potential between the copper rod and slotted cylinder while driving the heavier coil normally.
If it does not work the same, then possibly the induced high voltage due to large number of turns is forming a closed path through the small amount of capacitive coupling between the copper rod and the thin coil L1, L2.
It would be nice to see a video where both bulbs are observed, or the first bulb is eliminated and only the second bulb is energized while observing the amp meters, to be sure there is no energy re-balancing (like squeezing a balloon at one end).
Could it be that RF radiation loss from the thin L1, L2 coil harmonic high frequency energy (ringing) is being shifted to the second bulb instead of radiated to the environment ? What is the frequency of the ringing energy?
Is there any change in the scope waveform or power supply meter current ( not meaning the pointer D'Arsonval meter) when the second bulb is touched?
Thank you in advance for any testing on my request.
Re: KapaNoDrawBack circuit from a German friend
« Reply #10 on: May 14, 2014, 03:06:25 PM »
You wrote:
>I would suggest replacing the thin coil L1, L2 assembly with a copper cylinder
>to see if it still works. The copper cylinder should have a vertical slot
I prepared such a coil already but unwinding/rewindiing has to be done.... time lacks....
Posts: 8
Will reply to your suggestion tomorrow (travelling right now)
Meanwhile some results from yesterday to think about:
StandingWaveOnL1.PNG (37.02 kB, 1066x1149 - viewed 7058 times.)
Re: KapaNoDrawBack circuit from a German friend
« Reply #11 on: May 14, 2014, 03:57:51 PM »
Hero Member
This circuit looks to me as if the main coils are very inefficient and can't even light the small 7 watt bulb to close to full brightness. And the addition of the copper tube adds inductance which enables the bulb to light brighter, and also causing a higher draw.
I don't see anything special about this though. Not self running, and still draining it's source. It's also possible that the meter does read accurately what's really going on, and the additional draw is not showing up on the meter.
More light also normally means a higher draw, which will also drain the battery quicker. The test is to see how long it takes to drain a battery, with or without the copper rod. I suspect the battery will drain much quicker with the rod in place. Unlike what is being shown by the meter.
Posts: 5163
Hero Member
Re: KapaNoDrawBack circuit from a German friend
« Reply #12 on: May 14, 2014, 04:54:13 PM »
Quote from: NoDrawBack on May 14, 2014, 03:06:25 PM
Posts: 518
You wrote:
>I would suggest replacing the thin coil L1, L2 assembly with a copper cylinder
>to see if it still works. The copper cylinder should have a vertical slot
I prepared such a coil already but unwinding/rewindiing has to be done.... time lacks....
Will reply to your suggestion tomorrow (travelling right now)
Meanwhile some results from yesterday to think about:
I'm not suggesting that you unwind or rewind, L1, L2, rather remove the entire tube containing L1, L2 and replace it with the slotted copper cylinder.
I will think about your new results.
Enjoy your travel, no hurry.
Regards, Vortex1
Jr. Member
Re: KapaNoDrawBack circuit from a German friend
« Reply #13 on: May 14, 2014, 08:03:50 PM »
Quote from: NoDrawBack on May 14, 2014, 09:18:40 AM
Posts: 54
you wrote:
>1. Apply DC from your power supply of at least 15v to coil L3
- With increasing DC current the output drops down to ZERO at 3A
- By varying frequency i was not able to find another useful resonance point with high output
- The resistance of the input coil increased significantly (Current raised from 0.5A to 3.0A (power supply maximum))
thanks for your test
Can you repeat this test with the polarity reversed? Does the output drop to ZERO regardless of the polarity of DC to L3?
thanks much
Hero Member
Re: KapaNoDrawBack circuit from a German friend
« Reply #14 on: May 15, 2014, 12:27:20 AM »
Quote from: NickZ on May 14, 2014, 03:57:51 PM
Posts: 1168
This circuit looks to me as if the main coils are very inefficient and can't even light the small 7 watt bulb to close to full brightness. And the addition of the copper tube adds inductance which enables the bulb to light brighter, and also causing a higher draw.
I don't see anything special about this though. Not self running, and still draining it's source. It's also possible that the meter does read accurately what's really going on, and the additional draw is not showing up on the meter.
More light also normally means a higher draw, which will also drain the battery quicker. The test is to see how long it takes to drain a battery, with or without the copper rod. I suspect the battery will drain much quicker with the rod in place. Unlike what is being shown by the meter.
hi NickZ,
The suspicion on high current draw which doesn't allow the meter to reveal the current spikes can be quelled easily by using a large capacitor around 1000uf...4700uf at the circuit input.
I have previously created a youtube "HV to current convertor 2.0" where current draw do not surge upon shorting 5 turns windings.There isn't any increase in current drawn via 1000uf capacitor at input.
The above experiment for this topic is valid.Quite similar concept to the "E-stress" device
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