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Barbosa and Leal Earth Captor 2017

Barbosa and Leal Earth Captor
An attempt to summarize and promote successful replications using schematics, etc.
Friday, July 21, 2017
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Referenced post at Energetic Forum
Posted by Vinyasi at 9:45 AM
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
This is NOT the Secret for Aerial Electricity by Sangulani
Maxwell Chikumbutso of Saith Technologies
Ambient Power Collector
Parametric Metamaterial
Posted by Vinyasi at 7:30 PM
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Saturday, May 6, 2017
Reverse Engineering Secret Method for Amplifying Aerial
Electricity by Sangulani Maxwell Chikumbutso
Trapezoidal approximations were accidentally allowed within the following simulations ...
No trapezoidal approximations were allowed to occur within these two simulations ...
These four simulations are my attempt to understand the secret to Saith Technologies' Aerial
Extraction of Energy invented by Sangulani Maxwell Chikumbutso of Zimbabwe, Africa.
I believe that a gas discharge tube provides a pathway of ions not unlike that which precedes a
thunderbolt. A simple neon bulb, plus the judicious use of transformers, may be at the heart of his
amplification of aerial reception of electrical power resident all around us. My simulations in this
video exemplify this possibility. I am certain of it.
As for his inability to patent his technology, I find shame in the patent system who espouses physics.
Yet, it is within physics that Conservation of Energy must bow in humility before time before
commanding anyone to adhere to its short-sided principles of limiting our use of Immortal Energy.
This is self-evident to anyone who has invoked the theorem of Emmy Noether.
It is my wish that no one disgrace physics ever again by decrying the hope which all well wishers of
free energy may aspire to. This is my quest now that I have solved other riddles: the riddle of argyria
and the riddle of infinite golden ratios.
There is no reason - no good reason - why we should continue to suffer for lack of free energy or
lack of good, affordable, homegrown health care. Name me a price and I'll name you a greater one:
the cost of ignorance and slavery to superstition.
Posted by Vinyasi at 5:28 PM
1 comment:
Aerial Energy
Downloaded and saved onto your computer and then loaded into ...
Not much different from my latest simulations of free energy. Instead of an initial kickstart to the
simulation using the nose (the front end; the positive pole) of a battery, I use an aerial. But most of
the energy for running this simulation is supplied by the circuit itself.
There's one caveat, though...
My simulations are not being taken seriously since they appear to be violating the politically correct
version of physics, namely: ignore time shifts (dilations) and ignore Emmy Noether ...
Consequently, trapezoidal approximations within the simulator's calculations is being blamed as just
one of many reasons not to take these simulations of mine seriously. They're to be considered a
novelty at best.
Yet, they've taught me the physics behind these simulations by providing a training ground to help
me know what to look for in science to help explain these phenomena. So, I don't take my critiques
too seriously. Yet, I'm starting to use Spice for all of my future simulations as you'll get to see in a
little while after today, the 6th of May 2017.
For a synopsis of how these simulations can create energy without violating the laws of physics, see
Posted by Vinyasi at 5:23 PM
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Time equals Energy - Synopsis
The reversibility of phase conjugation makes it possible to make more time from time and more
energy from energy provided you have some time, or energy, to make time/energy from. I don't know
how to make time or energy from nothing. But if you have some of either, more can be made from
those fixed amounts with the judicious use of phase conjugation, wave discontinuity, magnetic
hysteresis, inductive kickback and dissonant timing in a closed loop.
Dissonant timing results from time lags imposed by the ultra-low capacitors and the mass of iron in
the coil of wire (transformer core). These two influences of electric and magnetic time lag incur an
out-of-phase relationship among the parent and their daughter waves. This state of asynchronicity is
ideal for boosting surges within the confines of these simulations. Oddly enough, nice neat and clean
tidy sine waves resulting from tank circuit methodologies don't work, here. The oscilliscope should
look like a wash of color as if someone had brushed a broad paint brush across the scope's window.
The ultra-thin dielectric of the capacitors causes waves transmitted through them to slow down just
as light passing through denser material slows down and refracts. By comparison to the reflected
portion of the split parent wave, the transmitted portion will lag behind the reflected portion to return
to this same position a little late as both traverse around the confines of the closed loop
encapsulating their travels.
The magnetic field of the iron cored, coil of wire also maintains a time lag for slowing down the
magnetic component of a wave as it passes through its adjoining coil. And the more massive is the
core, the more the wave will get slowed down. In the words of the Master - Nikola Tesla, "for every
two hundred pounds of iron added to the device, one horsepower is increased" -- William Lyne, from
his book: "Pentagon Aliens" in the chapter concerning Tesla's Special Generator, ...
... also known as his Tri-Metal Generator for its use of aluminum, copper and iron.
These are my bullet points upon which is based my theory of infinite time, and for that matter infinite energy, from a finite quantity of both as they are derived from my simulations.
Forget E = MC squared. That's a distraction to lull you into submitting to the sole authority of free
energy derived from high powered physics, alone. We can do it from electricity; from the voltage
difference between my nose and my toe. It doesn't take much - energy or intelligence - to "get it". It's
really quite simple.
We don't have to invoke zero point energy from the vacuum, or the aether, or fraud, or whatever.
If you want to invoke anything, invoke Emmy Noether - not her whole theorem; ...
... just a tiny portion of it ...
... having to do with the exception to the rule of Conservation of Energy. The exemption that time
shifts - time dilation - takes when it comes to balancing out the accounting of time in equals time out;
or, energy in equals energy out. Time and energy are exempt from conservation of either whenever
either are shifted in time.
That's it.
Posted by Vinyasi at 5:13 PM
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Free Energy from only one Transformer driving Air Core
Coils, v. 2
This is the 2nd corrected version of this video predicated on the following simulation ...
And is a further development of ...
... and ...
Whose instructions for execution are ...
... and ...
... respectively.
Unlike the prior simulations, though, this one only uses one transformer and exhibits a slower
escalation rate towards infinity more similar to this earlier simulation ...
Which, of course, is not actual perpetual stability, but is very very slow at rising towards infinite
All of my best simulations are zipped up at ...
And the videos on trying to analyze why these simulations work at all, using standard conventional
wisdom, are ...
Pt.1 ...
Pt.2 ...
Pt.3 ...
Posted by Vinyasi at 5:10 PM
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Free Energy from only one Transformer driving Air-Core
Coils, v. 1
This simulation is predicated on ...
And is a further development of ...
... and ...
Whose instructions for execution are ...
... and ...
... respectively.
Unlike the prior simulations, though, this one only uses one transformer and exhibits a slower
escalation rate towards infinity more similar to this earlier simulation ...
Which, of course, is not actual perpetual stability, but is very very slow at rising towards infinite
All of my best simulations are zipped up at ...
And the videos on trying to analyze why these simulations work at all, using standard conventional
wisdom, are ...
Pt.1 ...
Pt.2 ...
Pt.3 ...
Posted by Vinyasi at 5:08 PM
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Electrical Immortality Defines Free Energy, pt. 3
I've finally got this ideology shortened down a bit in this video despite my rambling. My next video,
pt.4, will be even more succinct with slides and kept short.
Pt.1 was ...
Pt.2 was ...
What is Free Energy?
Free energy emanates out of a condition of phase conjugation. One of the additional benefits is
limited immortality: we've managed to buy a block of time to semi-immortalize the electrical energy
within our circuit. So naturally, it's going to have a little bit more energy to spend as well.
Three main points:
1. Wave Discontinuity and
2. Acceleration, Amplification
3. Within two Closed Loops
3a. An electrical loop composed of two weak capacitors and at least one toroidal iron core coils.
3b. At least one magnetic sub-loop composed of the iron cored coils whose magnetic fields
remember the original torque of its parent wave and puts the torque back into its daughter waves at
a value nearly equal to its parent's if we do this right with minimal losses due to inefficiencies.
Terse definition of free energy ...
Physics must be obeyed. Allowance is made for non-conservation of energy via Noether's theorem.
Phase conjugation alters time for a wave of energy caught in a closed loop of discontinuity imposed
by low-level capacitors and accelerated by toroidal iron core inductors.
Fleshed out at Scribd ...
Zipped repository for these free energy simulations ...
Stills and citations used in my presentations ...
Posted by Vinyasi at 5:04 PM
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Electrical Immortality Defines Free Energy, pt. 2
Energy cannot be created nor destroyed. Who says energy is not immortal?
An Intuitive Explanation of Phase Conjugation
These presentations are predicated on these simple experiments ...
... which exhibits discontinuity by splitting waves by way of reflection and transmitance using very
low-level capacitors, then accelerating these shortened wave lengths by way of inductance, and
adding surges via mechanical switching within the following simulations ...
... loaded into this simulator ...
These surges add an element of randomness rendering the overall electrical picture into a sea of
controlled chaos.
Immortality is a function of frequency. Energy is the benefit of life. Mortality from lack of energy does
not negate frequency. Rather, it is the other way around: a lowered frequency hastens the death of a
circuit by reduction of its energy, because frequency equals energy. The higher the frequency, the
more energy a wave contains. The lower the frequency, the less energy a wave contains. By raising
frequency, each wave packs more energy at the expense of speed (also known as: amperage).
That's where the two transformers enter the picture in these simulations. They re-accelerate sluggish
waves which have been split by low-level capacitors of one pico Farad, or less, exercising the
principle of Discontinuity of transmission lines (look it up on Wikipedia) ...
What's the value of chaos? A tank circuit has a predetermined point at which it will run itself down,
because the waves are all uniform and predictable as to what they will do next. Predictable waves
have phase relations which are uniform, thus limiting their split clones into exclusively discrete,
shorter wave lengths rather than a multitude of possible lengths as the result of chaotic surges. So
long as all waves are harmonics (even divisors or even multiples) of each other, so long can these
simulations either run themselves up to a meltdown, or just as easily lose all of their momentum to
internal resistance and satisfy the Conservation Law of Thermodynamics by running themselves
down to zero. But with the help of surges, chaos insures the existence of discrete plateaus at which
these simulations can hang out at should the operator guide them there ...
... thus immortalizing these simulations to last forever and avoid either meltdown or rundown
resulting from over-abundance or depletion of energy! Although surges are by their very nature
chaotic, the reaction (on the part of electrical dynamics to the presence of surging chaos) is to
respond with discrete plateaus at which energy can either gradually dissipate or gradually increase.
These plateaus could be considered phase transitions in which the tendency for energy values to
rapidly change (either up or down) is retarded rather than allowed to wildly fluctuate. This allows a
little breathing room in which the operator can take a break. For without these plateaus, these
simulations tend to alter their output rather quickly - too quickly to manage without the help of chaos
retarding their acceleration to spontaneous combustion.
Ultimately, it is time which determines energy. For it is frequency which determines the rate at which
a wave of energy will decay to zero. But by constantly adding more waves of shorter wave lengths of
mixed polarities using the discontinuity of extremely low-level capacitors of 1pF or less, and by
accelerating shortened waves by improving their amperage with a pair of transformers in a closed
loop, and by adding surges of chaos, the collective death of all waves within these simulations can
be put off, indefinitely.
BTW, the persistent overshoot tendency for these simulations to rise to infinite output (especially, in:
is-this-realistic) is accumulative due to the discontinuity resulting from the use of low-level capacitors
boxed into a closed loop between two transformers. Conventionally, overshoots would die down. But
not here. Each overshoot is layered upon the prior before the prior has a chance to completely
decay, thus insuring immortality for the accumulation of overshoots ...
Repository for all of the simulation files, posted above, in one zip file ...
Stills and citations ...
... used in pt.1 of my presentation ...
Posted by Vinyasi at 5:01 PM
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Electrical Immortality Defines Free Energy, pt. 1
Energy cannot be created nor destroyed. Who says energy is not immortal?
An Intuitive Explanation of Phase Conjugation
These presentations are predicated on these simple experiments ...
... and attempts to explain, in electrodynamic conventional terms, how it could be possible that my
examples of free energy production cited below could produce infinite energy from a finite quantity of
energy in which the power source acts as a mere spur rather than as a continuous supply. This
redefines a power source as a permission to initiate activity. Once initiated, permission is no longer
needed to maintain the circuit examples, below. They flourish very well on their own independent of
any source including the source which initiated their active state.
If this doesn't violate the Conservation Law of Physics, then maybe it's because the Conservation
Law only pertains to certain conditions to which the examples, below, do not apply? Namely, the
conventional condition of Wave Continuity within the context of capacitors exclusively acting as
agents for the reflection of a wave and never for both reflection and transmission - especially within a
closed loop transmission line between two transformers.
The Delayed Lenz Effect is the result of this Wave Discontinuity, because the split waves never
resolve and, instead, amplify between two juxtaposed transformers magnifying their continuous
breakdown. Continuity is a byproduct of consistency over time. Repeated breakdowns of each wave
- as they pass through each capacitor - worsens their discontinuity and delays resolution, indefinitely.
If resolution is never allowed to occur, then power within these simulations can magnify to infinity!
Stills and citations used in this presentation ...
Examples of this presentation ...
Loaded into this simulator ...
Zipped simulation files ...
“Renormalization specifies relationships between parameters in the theory when the parameters
describing large distance scales differ from the parameters describing small distances. Physically,
the pileup of contributions from an infinity of scales involved in a problem may then result in
infinities.” - Wikipedia
Multiplication of frequency, within these simulations, is the domain of 'pileup of contributions from an
infinity of scales' resulting in an infinity of time for the existence of this circuit's energy. With an infinity
of time with which to exist, this circuit has all of the energy it needs to spend in a potentially immortal
All circuits expend energy during the course of their lifespan. This circuit's lifespan is no exception to
this rule.
This circuit manufactures its own time by the adroit manipulation of frequency and thus could live
It does not make energy; it makes time. Energy is its body existing in time. That's why a little energy
has to be initially given to it at the user's cost to give it some life.
But time is its existence.
Time is increased within the domain of this circuit's consciousness. This domain is bounded by its
Energy is its manifestation of consciousness just as water is our physical consciousness since our
bodies are mostly made of water. But electrical energy is this circuit's primary substance for the
construction of its body. This circuit's simulation is merely its skeletal structure fleshed out by the
addition of electrical energy which is its muscle and bloodstream and nervous system, etc.
More energy is the result of more time to exist; not its cause. Free energy is the result while time is
the cause. Without time, nothing could exist - not even an idea.
Internalized Time Reference Created by the Frequencies of its Waves?
I suspect that these simulations have their own time frame based - not on the simulator's clock, but on the composition of frequencies undergoing constant alteration which effectively shifts time for the
dynamics of these simulations giving the illusion (to the observer) of the creation of free energy when
in reality the simulation may merely be speeding up its internal reference for time! If this is true, then
a new variable enters the Laws of Physics: this being the primary alteration of time altering
everything else including the alteration of energy as a secondary consequence.
Reassessment of 'Classification scheme held for perpetual motion machines of the first kind' is the
distinction that they purport to do work without the *continuous* input of energy. Exceptions to this
class are perpetual motion machines of the first kind who purport to do work without an *initial* input
of energy.
Pt. 2 of this video series ...
Posted by Vinyasi at 4:57 PM
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Saturday, April 15, 2017
The Simplest Way to Create Free Energy for Ourselves is to
Make our own Capacitors.
Posted by Vinyasi at 9:32 PM
Free Energy, v.2 - Simulator Instructions
I was prompted by two individuals to renovate my free energy simulation to include instructions for its
operation not unlike the need to seek Driver's Ed whenever wanting to learn to drive a car. A
potentiometer is included which allows for adjustment of resistance down or up which translates into
the output of the simulation likewise going up or down. By playing with these modulations, it is
possible to get a solid output to any degree of infinity desirable.
Posted by Vinyasi at 3:09 PM
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Philip Nelson and analysis of public address systems.
Anything can be made out of anything.
The Theory of Infinite Anything is no different than Einstein's Theory of Relativity. If Ee equals Em
times Cee squared for fusion and fission reactions at the nuclear level, then why not something
similar for electrical and magnetic dynamics as well?
Electrical and magnetic dynamics comes out of the copper and iron and dielectric plastic and glass
and ceramic and what not within our electrical circuits. It does not come from the power source
alone. That plays a significant role, but is only one player in this drama. Ultimately, the symphonic
performance won't get played without its players. In other words, the orchestral conductor is not
enough to make music. It is these copper and iron and ceramic (dielectrics within capacitors) who
perform the electrical and magnetic presentation. The power source is the role of a symphonic
conductor giving his/her own interpretation of the composer's work - but not creating it. So, although
the power company bills us for its delivery of our appliances' daily performances, it is our appliances
who are the real celebrities. Without them, electrical dynamics would never flourish.
I say this because surges can arise from within a circuit resulting in oscillations which could escalate
towards infinite values of wattage and amperage, etc. This requalifies the role of the material
substances within the circuit as being more significant than the power source.
Posted by Vinyasi at 3:08 PM
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Surges and Oscillations : that's what my investigation into
Free Energy is all about.
Posted by Vinyasi at 3:06 PM
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Lamentations of a Free Energy Rock Hound
What would happen to the American work force stuck in rush hour parking lot traffic if EVs got their
lunch for free? They'd quit their job and become an EV or else retire early as an American worker.
Posted by Vinyasi at 3:05 PM
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Free Energy from Momentary Contact with the Positive
Terminal of a 1.5V ...
Posted by Vinyasi at 3:00 PM
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Sunburst Simulation of Free Energy from a Twelve Volt
Battery giving Tens of Volts and Micro Watts
Posted by Vinyasi at 2:56 PM
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Monday, April 10, 2017
More Amps with Less Volts at an Extremely Slow, Slow,
Slow Rate of Escalation towards Infinity
A little bit preloaded by having saved a fresh version after it had run for 10 kilo seconds...
Posted by Vinyasi at 9:29 AM
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Sunday, April 9, 2017
The Slowest 'Burn Rate' Escalating Upwards Towards
Infinity That I've Ever Seen in any of These Simulations!
This is the slowest spontaneous combustion escalating upwards towards infinity that I've ever seen
simulated based on Eric Dollard's analog computer in LMD mode - Longitudinal Magneto-Dielectric;
a Tesla coil in miniature; intended to highlight one aspect of a transmission line: its capacitance.
Thus, high voltage is born, at the sacrifice of amperage, from a very very small supply at this circuit's
DC source. In fact, the DC source herein is so small, I'd have a hard time finding it! Yet, this circuit
wouldn't work without the battery rated at 12 volts. One volt less and the circuit won't work. It's that
delicately balanced that just about every variable in this setup is necessary to succeed at producing
a very slow escalation towards an infinitely combustible outcome.
Posted by Vinyasi at 9:08 PM
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High Voltage, Low Amperage without any cost from a
Battery - a Perpetual Simulation!
This simulation uses next to no watts from a 12 volt DC battery. In fact, it charges the battery at a
rate of negative 1.4 nano watts to be precise. Its output is over 1 kV and around 26 micro amps
(approximately 20 milli watts of power), continually, without much variation by comparison to my
earlier attempts at simulating overunity.
"Overall, higher voltage systems will actually be more efficient and more cost-effective, whether DC
or AC. Losses in electrical circuits are based on the amperage (electron flow). You can move more
energy (kWh) with lower amperage by running it at higher voltage. This is why utility transmission
lines run in the thousands of volts, and homes at 120/240 volts. Higher voltage means lower losses
with the same size wire, or the same losses with much smaller wire. Copper wire is costly, so higher
voltage saves you dollars up front, as well as energy losses throughout the life of the system."
Posted by Vinyasi at 6:26 AM
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Friday, April 7, 2017
Is this a realistic EV? Powered by nano watts from a 10
volt, open path, DC source.
Posted by Vinyasi at 12:04 AM
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Wednesday, April 5, 2017
Economical EV or economical Tesla Coil using an open
path 10 volt DC power supply.
Posted by Vinyasi at 5:19 PM
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Sunday, April 2, 2017
Regenerating Dead, Dry Cell Batteries with Radiant Energy
- aka Cold Electricity
This is the beginning of an experiment in which I will see if I can regenerate - not recharge - two
dead batteries starting out at a voltage of 480mV for the top left battery and 387.9mV for the bottom
right battery using only one wire to connect each to its positive terminal. I will be periodically
updating the photo above with additional voltage readings. This experiment is inspired by my having
stumbled upon an accidental recharging/regeneration of a brand new battery in the course of
successfully healing my deep wound using Dr. Robert Otto Becker, MD's, knowledge from chapter
seven of his book, entitled: "The Body Electric".
This experiment merely resulted in depleting one of these two batteries - the one on the lower left by a few millivolts due to that side of the circuit not being grounded as compared to the top side
being grounded. So, this experiment is temporarily, or permanently, on hold until I can figure out what
next to try.
Posted by Vinyasi at 5:22 PM
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Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Electrostatic Power Source from Eric Dollard's LMD
analog computer emulating a Tesla Coil.
The binary text files listed above are each loaded into this simulator...
Posted by Vinyasi at 2:45 AM
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Simulating my pleasant dreams of electrical overunity as a
Posted by Vinyasi at 2:43 AM
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Put the source adjacent to the load in an overunity device to
moderately clamp its infinite output.
Posted by Vinyasi at 2:42 AM
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Friday, March 24, 2017
Gabriel Kron, Negative Resistance and the Open Path.
Infinite output powering two EV motor loads in under 3 milliseconds!
Posted by Vinyasi at 7:22 AM
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Jurassic Park's Chaos Theory - Life Wants to Break Free Explains Negative Resistance & Free Energy
Posted by Vinyasi at 7:21 AM
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Is this realistic? Killer Amps!
Posted by Vinyasi at 7:18 AM
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Monday, March 20, 2017
Maintaining two ammeters above 200 Amps, averaged,
using Eric Dollard's analog computer: TEM & LMD.
I got better results doubling my EV motors and taking the arithmetic average between them to guide
my manually toggling, back and forth, between self-runner mode as distinguished from being
powered by the DC battery source of 250 volts. And I think the TEM stack of LMD modules may be
helping to equalize the two ammeter readouts?
Although the four central capacitors are under strain, and they're amperage and voltage are 180
degrees out of phase, ...
... the inductors representing the two motors only have their voltage waves undulating wide and
narrow and completely in phase with each other while their amperage waves are a flat line of very
gradual deescalation.
And of course, the voltage across the motors are exceedingly high at around several Mega volts.
a YouTube video...
Posted by Vinyasi at 9:46 PM
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Rock-Steady Filtration of Undulating Oscillations is my
Simple Analysis of Barbosa and Leal.
Barbosa and Leal effectively create oscillations within the Earth between two sets of grounding rods,
and then transfers this contribution upwards, above ground, to the circuitry of the Captor Loop's two
transformers whose job is to clean up the undulating values of the Earth's oscillations into rocksteady power for our appliances (which we've come to expect of our power source). So, we could
have used Eric Dollard's LMD module to bypass any need for utilizing the Earth by just powering up
at least one LMD module. But not without passing that energy through the circuitry of B&L to clean it
up and stabilize it for a load.
Posted by Vinyasi at 6:36 PM
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Sunday, March 19, 2017
Successful production of targeted amperage for an EV
Motor = ~200 Amps.
Posted by Vinyasi at 9:15 PM
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Saturday, March 18, 2017
KaBoom ! !
Here's a way to blow up a power supply for an electric motor: use this circuit and toggle the switch
twice to produce amperage overload...
As with many of my simulations, first download this small binary text file and save it onto your device:
https://is.gd/kaboom, then load it into this simulator: https://is.gd/blankcanvas.
Posted by Vinyasi at 11:14 PM
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Perpetual Motion? Nope. Close to Perpetual Overunity.
Slow Spontaneous Combustion.
One of my simulations of free energy in the confines of a simulator. Not very realistic since it fries
itself within fifty minutes. But a lot better than some of my other versions of Eric Dollard's LMD
module which fried themselves in a fraction of a second.
LMD = Longitudinal Magneto-Dielectric; acronym for an analog computer of an AC transmission line;
in contradistinction to TEM = Transverse Electro-Magnetic or standard transmission line.
The technical term appropriate for this situation, instead of using the word: 'fry' is to use the term:
'spontaneous combustion' resulting from a parasitic oscillation. These latter phenomena plagued DC
transmission lines of the Edison Power Company in New York city a century ago before they called
in a specialist by the name of Steinmetz to fix the problem. Well, I'm trying to harness it!
Posted by Vinyasi at 11:54 AM
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Recharging batteries is the sole useful purpose of a
spontaneously combustible, free energy LMD, ...
... , because this circuit does not self-run at anything less than Mega or Giga Amps. So, it must
always be pulsed between alternate phases of drawing voltage from its DC source versus selfrunning disconnected from that source in such a manner as to regulate its ability to fry itself with too
much amperage. Amperage is what this device freely manifests at any fixed voltage. And amperage
is what will toast every component connected to this circuit.
Actually, the battery pack on my 2002, first generation, RAV4 EV recharges at a rate of one tenth the
amperage to which it spends during driving. So, I cannot focus my efforts on merely charging the
batteries as I drive. I have to focus on powering the motor's needs instead.
Posted by Vinyasi at 11:51 AM
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From where does Free Energy come? Wrong question!
Intelligence travels down the wire if allowed to.
Posted by Vinyasi at 11:48 AM
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Updates on completing my first series of simulations of Eric
Dollard's LMD with Filament Lamps.
I'm at the point, now, in my research that it's beginning to look like a circuit which undergoes phases
between a few alternate switching states in order to mimic balance between overunity and
conventional underunity since neither of these two states can linger forever without killing the circuit
either through lack of energy or spontaneous combustion resulting from too much energy. Since my
goal was always to see if I can simulate a free energy device which could extend the range per
charge on my electric car, or else make the range infinite, it's starting to look like I will also have to
pulse the motor since the circuit won't be available, continuously, to provide power without switching
the connection between the motor and the circuit ON and OFF while I alternate the circuit's internal
switching arrangements. Thus, it's also starting to look like an EV Gray motor. For this, I am indebted
to the analysis of Mark McKay...
Posted by Vinyasi at 11:46 AM
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Tuesday, March 14, 2017
Curbing vagrant out-of-control overunity oscillations with
high frequency pulses.
Funnily enough, the best way to control and put the brakes on free energy is by applying a frequency
higher than the oscillations themselves. Continuous D.C. is worse! It allows for auto-induced
oscillations and their rapid escalation. And allowing a device to self-run, by connecting the output
with the input, is just as bad as applying continuous DC, because in both situations, liberty to
oscillate becomes the norm rather than the exception.
Posted by Vinyasi at 11:19 AM
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Parasitic oscillators have their own rule of thumb for
transferring or moving energy unrelated to...
... the Conservation of Energy Law in physics.
Also covered in this video is the illusion of energy transfer or conversion or movement based on a
transverse wave pattern that we recognize making movement or transfer or conversion irrelevant to
what has actually happened.
Posted by Vinyasi at 11:16 AM
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From where does Free Energy come? Wrong question! How
can we conserve the energy that we spend?
By segregating energy into a hierarchy of some energy being central to other energy happily
performing all the grunge work, and by reserving the privilege of allowing only the central aristocratic
energy to have most of the liability for feeding the grunge workers. This occurs as a two step process
of accumulating energy among the aristocrats (a whirlpool of energy situated in the center of the
LMD module of the circuit which I'm studying) and distributing among the aristocrats and the grunge
workers. By distributing energy is this manner, energy is conserved. It takes less energy to serve
one's self up as a role model than it takes to dissipate the performance of grunge work.
We all enjoy hearing physicists describe the discrete energy states of an electron, but do we ever
hear about the influence the neutron has in determining the energy states of an electron? And is the
expense of the neutron's job equivalent to the expense of the electron's job? Yet, if the neutron uses
only one unit of influence to commandeer the electron into performing ten units of service, that's a
gain of ten to one - a coefficient of performance of 1,000%!
Posted by Vinyasi at 11:13 AM
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Color Index = Kinetic Frequency = A Filament Bulb is a
new type of Energy Storage and Reactance.
Just like a capacitor will discharge with a surge of reversed electric polarity, and just like a coiled
inductor will discharge with a surge of reversed magnetic polarity, a filament bulb releases what?
Heat? Or, thermionic induction to the circuit? There's something about a lamp, a filament bulb - not a
gas discharge tube, that retains memory of its prior state and also has the ability to respond to
change of state with the memory of its former state, namely: it hasn't stopped illuminating. The rest
of the circuit's oscillations may be momentarily slowing down, but just when I think the circuit will die
it surprises me and renews itself with another surge of abundance. From where did that renewal
arise? From the lamp taking a very long time spending its kinetic frequency by reducing its color
index (rated in Kelvins of all things!). Instead of losing - dissipating - that kinetic frequency, instead, it
retained it for a long enough duration so that it might have it to share with the rest of the circuit when
the circuit would be most receptive to assistance: when the circuit is about to die from having
exhausted all of its other electric and magnetic resources.
Posted by Vinyasi at 11:11 AM
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How does my free energy device induce a force without
expending it? By dividing up a circuit ....
... into multiple forces in which at least one force need not interact with anything other than another
force - but not with the inertia of matter. Thus, these multiple forces can specialize themselves : one
force can specialize on harboring the speed of amperage while another force can specialize on
harboring the pressure of voltage. Thus, the "speedster's" job (positioned near the power source) will
be to resist any attempt made by the power source to spend any amperage when it contributes
voltage to the circuit by engulfing (smothering) the power source with a tremendous surge of its own
accumulated amperage. The "torquester's" job will be to resist any attempt made by the load to lose
any voltage to the circuit by engulfing (smothering) the load with a tremendous surge of its own
accumulated voltage. These two separate tasks are created (subdivided) by the central whirlpool of
electricity circulating within the confines of the Electric Keeper. This Electric Keeper is the analog
computer in longitudinal magneto-dielectric mode of Eric Dollard composed of two toroidal
transformers facing each other with two capacitors situated between them. By orienting the
transformer's primary and secondary windings in such a way as to induce a step up of voltage away
from the power source towards the load, the load is prevented from expending any voltage while the
power source is prevented from expending any amperage. Thus, there's no appearance of any
wattage at the source despite the pervasive presence of amperage throughout the circuit soliciting
the appearance of wattage at the load. It's much easier to fight voltage than it is to fight amperage in this special case, because the load is not contributing any voltage of its own. The load must
merely conserve its voltage by transferring it away from the circuit - not towards it.
Editor's note - this last statement reads confused. And my video keeps repeating the notion that I
need to pulse a dc source. I have learned a lot since two days ago when I taped this. Pulses are not
needed. The initial kick off turning off the power is sufficient to initiate oscillations. And oscillations
are sufficient to maintain themselves under the right circumstances. And the kinetic frequency of the
filament within a glowing light bulb is sufficient to drive an overunity device to infinity and selfdestruction from meltdown or explosion.
Posted by Vinyasi at 11:08 AM
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Monday, March 13, 2017
From where does Free Energy come?
Whirlpools of Oscilla ng Power Create their own Rules.
A load is a resistor; it creates voltage as a consequence of its resistance. A power source is a
negative resistor; it creates amperage as a consequence of its negative resistance.
A load is a resistor only so long as it resists. It ceases to be a load the instant it stops resisting.
A source of power is a negative resistor so long as it negatively resists. It ceases to be a source of
power the instant it stops negatively resisting.
A battery is not a source of power, because it is not a negative resistor. It is a load with an internal
resistance based on its change of state. It cannot supply amperage; the wire connecting its two
terminals supplies that.
A battery is like a capacitor in that it is capable of storing energy - not supplying it. The difference
between the two is that the dielectric material between the two capacitor plates is equivalent to the
electrolyte within the battery; both store energy - they do not supply it. Ultimately, energy has to
come from somewhere else.
From where does it come? It comes from negative resistance.
What is a negative resistor? A negative resistor is a situation in which it takes less energy to maintain
its status as a negative resistor than it takes to induce a change of state within another resistor.
Resistors possess inertia; they don't like to have their status as a resistor altered without a definitive
cost. This cost - we have come to know - is the cost of supplying power to its resistance acting as a
load. And if we make the mistake of supplying too much power to a load, the load retaliates with heat
or - worse – sudden breakdown.
But in the case of an LMD module acting as an intermediate source of power for a load, it merely
intermediates its supply of power to a load through other whirlpools of reactive power who have to
interact with loads directly. Yet, if merely one whirlpool stands aloof from having to deal with the real
world of positive resistors, and merely induce kinetic motion to other whirlpools who directly deal with
positively resistive loads, then its own kinetic inertia is preserved while periodically boosting the
waning inertia of other whirlpools.
Amperage knows no resistance. That's the job of voltage. Voltage knows no motion. That's the job of
amperage. Whirlpools of reactive power can specialize in whether they want to focus on setting
forces to move in the real world of matter, heat and light, or else they can remain aloof and
exclusively deal with other whirlpools of reactive power at very little – if any – cost to themselves,
because it takes very little – if any – energy to transfer its own reactive power to another whirlpool
wanting more reactive power. The funny thing about isolated whirlpools is that they get a kick out of
demands made upon themselves to serve up more energy to other whirlpools whose task is to lose
that power by way of dissipation. This kick amplifies the aloof whirlpool, rather than slowing it down,
since it knows no resistance – hence, it knows no voltage, either. Without a voltage drop, amperage
can wildly escalate itself; heal itself of having spent itself in service towards other whirlpools who
can't possibly heal themselves who have been wound down in direct service towards the outside
world of non-reactive power.
Posted by Vinyasi at 9:03 PM
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Sunday, March 12, 2017
Continuous and Manually Pulsed DC in Eric Dollard's
When I first began to experiment with Eric Dollard's analog computer in Longitudinal MagnetoDielectric mode using only one module powered by a DC source, I tried manually pulsing the DC
source ON and OFF to induce overunity...
But I also tried leaving the switch ON without pulsing it for a milder gain in overunity...
Download this binary text file and save it onto your computer, iPhone, whatever...
And load it into this JavaScripted Simulator...
Posted by Vinyasi at 11:08 AM
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Capping Overunity of Giga Amperage Appearing at the
Output of the 555 Timer
Despite the claim that a shorter duty cycle results in greater overunity, I discovered this is not true for
higher voltages feeding the 555 timer chip. A 50/50 duty cycle gives greater overunity over a wider
range of voltages by comparison to a shorter duty cycle.
Yet, I still had a problem with giga amps appearing at the output of the 555 timer and climbing to
apparent infinity without limit! So, I put a 4 nano Ohm resistor between the 555 timer's output and the
switch separating it from the LMD circuit. {LMD - Longitudinal Magneto-Dielectric of Eric Dollard's
analog computer. See, his Borderland video.} This froze the over-amperage at a steady state and at
a maximal value for the two central lamps of the LMD module to light up - and remain lit - at a
minimum temperature for white brilliance. By raising the resistance of this little resistor ever so
slightly can effectively snub the magical appearance of giga, or mega, amperage at the 555 timer's
I removed one lamp (that I had been using for dumping excess buildup of energy from within the
LMD whenever the switch is opened after running the circuit for any length of time), because it
wasn't doing much good (where it was positioned) while the switch is closed (or, at least this seemed
to me). So, I added two more lamps in a different position in parallel flanking the overall design
(where the spark gaps - neon bulbs - used to be in prior designs; see earlier posts).
BTW, the ten volt lamps and power source is arbitrary. It can be anything; yet, the outcome will
remain the same! Just be sure and match the lamp's Nominal Voltage with the voltage of the power
source to prevent irregularities from arising (which I have been steadfastly trying my best to
Including the two central capacitors within the LMD loop (what would have been the Electric Keeper
of B&L) makes the grounding rods and neon bulb (GDT: gas discharge tube) of Barbosa and Leal
obsolete. But it introduces a new problem of regulating this device's abundant overunity.
Download this binary text file and save it onto your computer, or other device (Android, iPhone, et
Then load it into this JavaScript Simulator for designing and bench testing electronic circuits...
Posted by Vinyasi at 3:03 AM
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Friday, March 10, 2017
Off Duty Cycle equals OverUnity for Pulsed DC
Lewis Carrol's "Through the Looking Glass" comes to mind whenever I think about how to describe
my study of electrical overunity - nothing is as it seems. I turn a circuit off thinking how I'll stop it from
continuing to climb upwards toward infinity of putting out far more watts than it takes into itself, and
all I've managed to do is accelerate its ascension. If I add more resistance to the load - thinking that
this will slow down overunity, all I've managed to do is speed it up yet again. Weird.
Posted by Vinyasi at 9:14 PM
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Thursday, March 9, 2017
The next step in developing a free energy device is a pulsed
D.C. version.
But before that happens, I've managed to convert one output to DC using a full bridge rectifier...
Posted by Vinyasi at 11:45 PM
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Energy IN vs Energy OUT does not tell the whole story
whenever Electrical Recycling is involved.
Electricity is not the same as force, nor the same as substance. Once spent, force - like mass - is
gone. But electricity is not a force; nor is it mass - yet, it is a property of mass. Since the mass of
wire is not consumed upon the use of the electrical phenomena within the wire, that electricity can be
reused again and again as an oscillating phenomenon. The only caveat is the loss due to inefficiency
of the wire (in this example).
No negative resistance need be invoked. No energy from the vacuum. Recycling limited resources is
a sign of maturity, not a sign of depravity.
Posted by Vinyasi at 4:51 PM
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Results of Charting 19 Possible Switching Combinations
Here is the circuit I used for these experiments...
And here is its slight modification based on these experiments...
But before I finished my chart...
...I played around with this little circuit...
Here is my simple LMD with shunt circuit...
I added a snubber circuit across each switch to protect against potential surges...
Before attempting to swap out the AC Power Source with a pulsed DC, I managed to convert one of
the two Inner Lamps (acting as Load) to output DC using a full bridge rectifier...
Download any of these simulator files and save them to your computer, then load them into this
Posted by Vinyasi at 4:55 AM
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How do we explain the manifestation of free energy? By
separating voltage from an AC sine wave and take its square
root only when the voltage is most negative.
How do we explain the manifestation of free energy? By separating voltage from an AC sine wave
and take its square root only when the voltage is most negative. Mother Nature will counter-balance
that action by squaring a preexisting imaginary component of a complex value of aetheric amperage.
The net result, for all intents and purposes, will appear as if the amperage materialized from out of
nowhere! Voila! Free Energy!
And where do we find examples of this? In the characteristics of a neon bulb. Its ON state of
resistance is the square root of its OFF state of resistance.
For example,
To simulate a neon bulb in the simulator of Paul Falstad and Iain Sharp, I enter the following values:
Strike Voltage = 65 volts
Holding Current = 3m Amps
ON Resistance = 3k Ohms
OFF Resistance = 10M Ohms
10M = 10,000,000
3k = 3,000
3,162 x 3,162 = 9,998,244
3k is the approximate square root of 10M. Hence, I suspect this is how the neon bulb dematerializes
negative voltage: by taking its square root. Mother Nature, then, makes up the difference by
manifesting an equivalent value of amperage from the complex world of counter-space. {See the
works of Eric Dollard.}
Posted by Vinyasi at 4:29 AM
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Monday, March 6, 2017
Negative Resistance of a Gas Discharge Tube is Explained
by Nascent Arc Welders - William Lyne
William Lyne has an explanation for the operation of a hydrogen arc welder that is directly relevant to
why a little bitty neon bulb should give more amperage per additional resistance applied to a fixed
voltage via leveraging from somewhere else other than the gas inside the neon bulb and other than
the electric arc jumping across the two electrodes: energy from the environment.
If B&L can induce this characteristic in its entire circuit via oscillating voltage accumulation
(conforming the entire circuit to the neon bulb's behavior under its pressure of coercion), including
the volume of Earth between the two sets of grounding rods, then the additional energy is not
coming from the Earth - according to Mr. Lyne, but because of it.
So, I guess there's no way around Eric Dollard's counter-space, complex numbers, version of
explaining this overunity phenomenon involving negative resistors? In other words, there's no
conventional explanation possible.
Atomic Hydrogen (Arc Welding)
Energy in Air
Posted by Vinyasi at 3:26 PM
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Friday, March 3, 2017
Negative Resistance = The more you get closer, the more
you slip-slidin'...
Posted by Vinyasi at 3:38 AM
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Thursday, March 2, 2017
Neon Bulb Placement is Predicated on its Role as a
Negative Resistor.
This applies to any overunity circuit whose behavior depends on the contribution which a gas
discharge tube can impart to some or another part of the circuit to which this component is included.
I'm thinking of the Earth Captor of Barbosa and Leal. We want the Earth to become one gigantic
negative resistor so that it will yield more amperage per increased resistance arising from additional
demands made by a load (of appliances ;-). This, the neon bulb, or other appropriate sparking gap,
can induce somehow within other components of the circuit to which it is attached including the load
as well. But in the case of B&L, we especially want the volume of Earth in between the two sets of
grounding rods to behave as a negative resistor so that whenever the load induces an increased
resistance upon the Electric Keeper, in turn a demand for more amperage is imposed upon the Earth
provided that the Earth can respond with a greater supply of amperage to the grounding rods. This
will not happen if there is not enough grounding rods among the greater set of rods directly
connected to the Captor Loop. But also if there is not enough geomagnetism in the area, or both. For
we want the Earth to behave like the gas inside of the neon bulb. And we want the two sets of
grounding rods to behave like the two electrodes inside of the neon bulb. The neon bulb can't
provide abundant free energy on its own. Neither can the Earth. But the two together make for a
splendid team work. And if the Lenz effect is neutralized between the two toroidal transformers
flanking both sides of the Electric Keeper and loosely coupled to it, then only amperage will flow
inside of the Electric Keeper. And since only amperage is being collected by the greater of the two
sets of grounding rods, this whole system of enhancing a tiny input of power is very well designed by
two excellent inventors, Nilson Barbosa and Cleriston Leal as successfully replicated by Clarence of
Carolina, USA.
Posted by Vinyasi at 7:10 PM
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Wednesday, March 1, 2017
Oscillating Power is a Hysteresis of Duty Cycle imparting
an Illusion of Free Energy
I don't think that my little simulation of Eric Dollard's LMD (analog computer in Longitudinal MagnetoDielectric mode) actually produces power inside the LMD module when the AC power source is shut
OFF. Actually, I think that each cycle of oscillation begins before the last one ends building upon the
prior and gaining a little more amplitude with each successive cycle giving the appearance of energy
from the vacuum - energy created from nowhere. But it sure does look - for all intents and purposes as if that is what has occurred whenever certain switches are engaged and others are not. I don't
remember which ones. You'll have to play around with it...
Version One with Switches
Blank Canvass
I hope to do a chart of all eight possible combinations of switchings and their outcomes. In the
meantime, I'd like to share with you what I went through the very first time I simulated free energy in
disastrously humongous proportions...
Extreme OverUnity!
Blank Canvass
Extreme OverUnity with Two Loads!
Blank Canvass
In both of these two varieties of Extreme Overunity, a strange anomaly occurs. You think you're
being dandy by shutting OFF the AC power to prevent any further mischief, but what happens? The
amps, volts, and watts skyrocket even faster than when the AC power had been ON! No fooling!
And where does this escalation occur? EVERYWHERE in the circuit!!!! Now, that's indiscreet
Here is a very simple version of this basic concept with only four switches and a modest, rock solid
output hanging around the kilo-volt range. Two additional loads are added to the inside of the LMD
Four Switches
And here is a very long video describing my inspired thinking on why some of us are convinced that
free energy arises from out of nowhere – whenever it occurs as the result of oscillating power, but
actually comes from hysteresis originating in the NEGATIVE RESISTANCE of a GAS DISCHARGE
TUBE, or SPARK GAP, and then spreads throughout the circuit infecting everything including the
load due to HYSTERESIS becoming applied to all of the components of the circuit (including the
load - which is attached and must be included). This pervasive hysteresis is the byproduct of severe
stress shocking the whole circuit to sustain the belief among all of the circuit's various components
that they, too, are NEGATIVE RESISTORS just like the spark gap.
Posted by Vinyasi at 10:45 PM
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Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Negative Resistance is the Reality of Free Energy and
Overunity. Look it up at Wikipedia.
A gas discharge tube is a negative resistor. Find them in every neon bulb and every fluorescent tube
(without its ballast).
Don't allow Wikipedia to tie us up in knots of confusion involving circular reasoning to obfuscate the
truth of negative resistance. Ignore Wikipedia's confusing analogy that amperage drops as a
consequence of voltage, and confusingly vice versa. Focus, instead, on the truth of negative
resistance neatly tucked away in a simple math relation: the speed of amperage increases as the
friction of resistance increases. And since the speed of amperage times the pressure of voltage
equals the power of watts, then an increase in friction results in an increase of power. Overunity and
free energy is this simple!
My simulation of negative resistance...
Posted by Vinyasi at 12:55 AM
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