Introduction to biology Prakash Pokharel Science (Scientia: knowledge or to know) is the methodology of knowledge about the material in universe that can be tested or verified. Biology (Gr.bios: life; logos: study) is a branch of science that deals with the study of life and living organisms. And life is that special things which differentiates the living organisms from non-living things. Branches of Biology Anatomy: Study of internal structure Anthropology: Study of Human evolution and culture. Anthology: Study of flowers Arthrology: Study of Joints of bones Araenology: Study of spiders Aphidology: Study of aphids Bacteriology: Study of Bacteria Batrecology: Study of frogs Biochemistry: Study of Chemical of organism Biotechnology: Technique of using organisms to modify the organisms and their products for human benefit. Biogeography: Study of Distribution of plants and animals Bryology: Study of bryophytes. Carcinomalogy: Study of Cancer Cardiology: Study of Heart Cell Biology: Study of Cell Concology: Study of shell of molluscs Craniology: Study of Skull Crybiology: Study of Life at low temperature Dermatology: Study of Skin Embryology: Study of Embryonic development of organisms Entomology: Study of Insects Epidemiology: Study of Epidemic diseases Ethology: Study of Animal behavior Etiology: Study of Causes of diseases Eugenics: Study of Improvement of human race by altering its genetic composition Euthenics:It is the study of the improvement of human functioning and well-being by improvement of living conditions. Evolution: Study of Origin and evolution of life Exobiology: Study of Life on other planets Floriculture: Study of cultivation of plants for flowers. Genetic: Study of Heredity and variations Genetic Engineering: Study for producing desirable genotype by synthesis and combination of different genes. Gynaecology: Study of Treatment of women’s diseases Haematology: Study of Blood Helminthology: Study of Helminthes or worms Hepatology: Study of Liver Herpetology: Study of reptiles Ichthyology: Study of Fishes Karyology: Study of Nucleus Limnology: Study of Fresh water Malacology: Study of Snail Mammalogy: Study of mammals. Mastology: Study of Mammary glands Morphology: Study of Form and structure Mycology: Study of Fungi Nematology: Study of Nematodes Nephrology: Study of Kidneys Neurology: Study of brain and nerve functions Oology: Study of Eggs Ophiology: Study of Snakes Ophthalmology: Study of Eyes Ornithology: Study of Birds Osteology: Study of Bones Paleontology: Study of Fossils Parasitology: Study of Parasites Pathology: Study of diseases Phycology: Study of algae Physiology: Study of Life processes and functions of organisms. Pomology: Study of fruits and fruit yielding plants. Protozoology: Study of protozoa Parazoology: Study of porifera or sponges Pteridology: Study of pteridophytes. Saurology: Study of Lizards Serology: Study of Blood. Synecology: Study of Community in environment Taxanomy: Study of Identification, nomenclature and classification of organisms Who did what in Biology Lamarck and Treviranus: Coined the term biology. Aristotle(384-322BC): First study the organisms (Father of Biology /Zoology). Z. Jansen and H. Jansen(1590): Invented microscope. Robert Hooke(1665): First to see cells and gave the term cell. Anton Von Leuwenhoek(1674): First person to see living organisms. Carolous Linnaeus (1753): Introduced binomial system of nomenclature (Father of taxonomy). Lamark (1809): Proposed theory of Lamarkism. M. J. Schleiden and T. Schwann(1838): Proposed cell theory. Hugo de Vries(1840): Proposed theory of mutation. Rudolf Virchow (1859): Stated that all cells arise from pre-existing cells. Charles Darwin(1858): Gave the theory of natural selection. Louis Pasteur (1864): Proposed germ theory of disease, worked on fermentation. Ernst Haeckel(1864): Coined the term plastid and Protista for unicellular plants and animals. Alexander Fleming (1929): Discovered penicillin from Penicillium notatum. T.Morgan (1930): Discovered Linkage & crossing over and the role of chromosomes. A.G. Tansley (1935):Coined the term Ecosystem. Landsteiner and Weiner(1940): Discovered Rh factor in blood. Watson and Crick(1953): Proposed double helical structure of DNA. Palade (1974): Discovered of ribosome. Name of Contributers in Biology Father of Biology: Aristotle Father of Botany: Theophrastus Father of Zoology: Aristotle Father of Taxonomy: Carolous Linnaeus Father of Genetics: Mendel Father of Microscopy: Marcello Malpighii Father of Ayurveda: Charaka Father of Paleontology: L.daVinci Father of Medicine: Hippocrate Father of concept of organic evolution: Ampedocles Father of Histology: Marie Francois Xavier Bichat Father of Bacteriology: Robert Koch Father of Microbiology: Louis Pasteur Father of Mutation: Hugo de Vries Father of Immunology: Edward Jenner Father of Modern Genetics: Bateson Father of Blood Groups: C.Landsteiner Father of Cytology: Robert Hooke Father of Virology: Stanley Father of Ecology: Reiter Relation of biology with other sciences 1. Relation with chemistry Biology is related with chemistry because of the following reasons. All living organisms have organic and inorganic compounds. These influences the life processes. All the metabolic pathways such as photosynthesis, respiration, metabolism etc involve chemical changes. The genetic materials such as DNA and RNA are formed by the chemicals. The enzymes, hormones etc secreted in animals are exclusively chemicals. Relation with physics Biology is related with physics because of the following reasons. Certain life processes such as ascent of sap, diffusion, movement of minerals etc are dependent on the physical phenomenon. Many biological instruments or techniques such as a microscope, chromatography, X-ray diffraction etc follow the physical applications. Various physiological activities of plants are dependent on the intensity of light as well as energy. 3. Relation with sociology Biology is related with sociology because of the following reasons Animal behaviour and social relationship are dependent on the social activities. Due to social nature, many animals follows the pattern of the social customs. 2. Relation with Geography Biology is related with geography because of the following reasons Distribution of animals and plants vary with different geographical factors such as temperature, climate, topography, altitude etc. 4.