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Constellations: Observing Stars Through the Year

MELC 5: Show which constellation may be
observed at different times of the year
using models. (S9ES-IIIj35)
I. Describe why we see some constellations all year round
(circumpolar) while others we can only see at certain times of
the year (seasonal);
II. Draw models of seasonal and circumpolar constellations; and
III.Recognize how early people used the constellations in relation
to their agriculture.
 Constellations – groups of visible stars that forms a perceived
outline or pattern typically pictures of animals, inanimate objects
and mythological person or creature.
 Apparent Brightness – depends on how far a star is from the
 Absolute Brightness – the brightness the star would have if all
stars were the same standard distance from Earth.
 The rotation of the Earth on its axis causes the apparent nightly
movement of the stars from East to West across the sky.
 The revolution of the Earth is responsible why we see different
parts of the sky at different parts of the year.
There are
400 billion
stars in our
galaxy, and
there are about
170 billion
A person can see
only about 3,000
stars on the
The brightness
of the star as
seen from the
Earth depends on
two factors –
brightness and
the actual
brightness (or
brightness) of
the star.
Apparent brightness
depends on how far
a star is from the
Earth while absolute
brightness is the
brightness the star
would have if all
stars were the same
standard distance
from Earth.
Have you ever
looked up at the
night sky and
noticed any
patterns or
shapes in the
Are groups of
visible stars
that forms a
outline or
pictures of
Many of these
have names that
can be traced
back to early
Babylonians and
but nearly all
cultures have
different names
for the
For example,
the Greeks
called the
Orion, which
means hunter
and is
prominent in
the night sky
all over the
world during
Tres Marias
Early Filipinos
visualized the same
group of stars as
Balatik, a trap used
in hunting wild pigs.
Christian Filipinos
named the three stars
(Orion’s belt)Tatlong
Maria or Tres Marias.
“Supot ni Hudas”,
“Mapolon” in Tagalog,
“San Apon” in Ibaloi,
and “Kufukufu” in
Teduray. In western,
it is known as the
star cluster Pleiades
(The Seven Sisters)
located in the
constellation of
Taurus. The Tagalogs
consulted this star
cluster to know the
shifting of time and
season. Start of the
planting season.
“Lepu”, by the
Manobo” of
Bukidnon. In the
equivalent, it is
known as the
constellation of
Aquila. It
signifies the time
to clean or clear
the fields while
waiting for
harvest time.
Tagalogs had a
called “Talang
Batugan” (Lazy),
named for its
characteristic of
slow motion,
large size, and
low brightness
and usually known
as a guiding star
for shepherds.
At night
stars are
used to
tell the
time, just
like the
sun, stars
also seem
to move
from east
 Constellations
that never set
below the horizon
when seen from a
location on
 They can be seen
in the night sky
throughout the
year, while other
are seasonal,
visible only at
certain times of
The rotation of the
Earth on its axis
causes the apparent
nightly movement of the
stars across the sky,
the revolution is
responsible for the
fact that we can see
different parts of the
sky at different parts
of the year. An
observer from Earth
will be able to see the
 The stars on the same
side as the sun cannot
be seen because
sunlight overpowers all
the starlight.
 During summer, in the
Philippines, the
constellation of Orion
and Taurus are not
visible at night.
 They will be visible
again as the cold
season begins. During
this time Scorpius will
not be seen in the
As the Earth revolves
around its orbit, the
stars that were
concealed by the
bright light of the
Sun in the previous
months will appear in
the night sky.
The Earth revolves
around its orbit, the
stars that were
concealed by the
bright light of the
Sun in the previous
The Polaris
 Commonly known as North
Star, is the brightest star
in the constellation Ursa
Minor (Little Dipper).
 It is very close to the
north celestial pole, making
it the current northern pole
star. Because it lies nearly
in a direct line with the
axis of the Earth's rotation
"above" the North Pole,
 Polaris stands almost
motionless in the sky, and
all the stars of the
Northern sky appear to
rotate around it.
The Polaris is widely
used in navigation
because it does not
change its position at
any time of the night
or year
 In Metro
Manila, when
you face North,
Polaris, which
is 11.3o from
the horizon, is
seen at around
15° due to
To locate the
Polaris, face
north and locate
the Big Dipper.
Two stars (Merak
and Dubhe) in
the Big Dipper
are called
Pointer stars
because they
seem to point to
 It’s been very
difficult to
locate Polaris
since starlight
near the horizon
are washed out
by lights lit by
men, and /or
obstructed by
man-made or
and/or trees.
Star Trail
Star trail is a
type of photograph
that utilizes long
exposure times to
capture the
apparent motion of
stars in the night
sky due to the
rotation of the
What is the difference
between a
constellation and a
zodiac sign?
• Are defined as a group of
stars which form a
particular pattern and are
name and identified by
their traditional
mythological figures.
• Used for the study of
• Are also constellations but all constellations
are not zodiac constellation.
• The specific 12 constellations which are passed
by the sun once a year. Zodiac constellations
are the constellations which give the zodiac
signs to people.
• The path along which the sun moves through
the zodiacs is called the ecliptic which has
been divided into 12 zones.
• The term zodiac derives from Latin zodiacus,
which in its turn comes from the Greek
zodiakos kuklos, meaning “circle of animal”.
How is zodiac related to astrology?
•Is the art of studying
the relative positions
of the sun, moon,
planets and
constellations in the
zodiac to explain and
predict events in
Significance of North Star
• Anchor of the northern sky
• A landmark or sky marker that helps those who follow it
determine direction as it glows brightly to guide and lead toward
a purposeful destination.
• Depicts a beacon of inspiration and hope to many
• Some interpretation and meanings:
Guidance and Direction
Life’s Purpose and Passion
Constancy or Inconstancy
Freedom, Inspiration and Hope
Good Luck
When we look at the
night sky, we see
thousands of stars.
These stars differ in
many ways. We see stars
of different sizes,
brightness, and color.
Star color ranges from
red to blue. The Sun is
the closest star to
Earth as compared to
some other stars that
we see at night, and we
can see it as color
Every March, you visited the
same place in the Philippines
to see your favorite
constellation. What is the best
explanation for why you have
been able to see the same
constellation at the exact
location for many years?
• The movement of earth around
the sun explains why certain
constellations are only
visible during certain times
of the year, as the Earth's
orbit around the sun changes
our position in relation to
the stars.
Why do some constellations
change position during the
The reason why some
constellations appear to
change position in the
night sky is due to Earth's
rotation. As our planet
spins on its axis, we are
constantly moving through
space and our perspective
of the stars changes.
4 groups of zodiac
•Fire Signs: Aries, Sagittarius, Leo
•Water Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
•Air Signs: Libra, Aquarius, Gemini
•Earth Signs: Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo
Aries (March21-April 19)
• Symbol: Ram
• Lovers to be number one
• Bold and ambitious, energetic and
• Dives into the most challenging
situations – they make sure to
come out on top.
• Quick to anger but also just as
eager to laugh and move on.
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
• Symbol: Bull
• Spirit animal – bull
• Enjoys relaxing in serene
• Wants to be surrounded by soft
• Sensual, determined and loyal
• Especially hard working and like to
take a practical approach to life
• Romantics who seek long term love
and pleasant relationship
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
• Symbol: The Twins
• Spontaneous, playful, insatiable
• Ready to learn about everything
and everyone
• Flexible and versatile in
connecting with others.
• Twins: one they show the world
and one they keep hidden
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
• Symbol: The Crab
• Highly intuitive and psychic abilities
manifest in tangible spaces
• willing to do whatever it takes to protect
itself emotionally
• To get to know this sign, you need to
establish trust, the crab: they have a hard
shell to crack before you can get to their
softest side.
• Sensitive, emotional and receptive
• Put their hearts fully into anything they
believe in.
• Moody and temperamental, heavily
impacted by the people
Leo (July 23-August 22)
• Symbol: Lion
• Passionate, loyal, creative,
romantic and infamously
• Loves to bask in the spotlight
and celebrate themselves
• Live life to the fullest
• They can also be quite generous
to those who they deem worthy
of their affections
Virgo (August 23-September 22)
• Symbol: The Virgin
• Logical, practical, hardworking and
systematic in their approach to life.
• Historically represented by the goddess
of wheat and agriculture.
• Perfectionist at heart
• They invest very much of themselves
into their goals and plans but can
become very critical if things do not
develop as they had originally expected
Libra (September 23-October 22)
Symbol: The Scale
Balance, harmony and justice
Charming, social and diplomatic
value peace and balance above all.
They strive for fairness in life and in
their relationships.
• Gifted in communication
• They tend to process their feelings
intellectually but are also deeply
sensitive people.
Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
Symbol: Scorpion
Elusive and mysterious
Uses emotional energy as fuel
Derives its extraordinary courage from its
psychic abilities
Intense, passionate and cunning
Deeply emotional, they can brood in the
extremes of their feelings.
Craving intimacy and psychological depth above
all, they navigate the world like a game in order
to win and conquer whatever they set their
sights upon.
value transformation and rebirth through their
heart regardless if a situation proceeds for
better or for worse.
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)
Symbol: The Archer
Always on a quest for knowledge
Adventurous, spontaneous and optimistic.
They tend to be sojourners, seeking new
ideas, relationships and experiences that
will teach them more about themselves and
the world.
• with such an impulsive and restless nature,
they may find that it is hard to focus on one
thing or that they fear commitment or
• Sagittarians were born to be free, and this
cheerful energy often brings them a natural
form of luck.
Capricorn (December 22-January 19)
Symbol: Goat
Patient, perseverance and dedicated
Ambitious, reserved and patient
desire to build a life that has a solid
foundation. This most often leads them to
become especially hardworking, focused
on creating career and financial success.
• value strong long-term relationships and a
domestic life that also feel like personal
• have a solid sense of humor in order to
better connect with others.
Aquarius (January 20-February 18)
• Symbol: The Water Bearer
• Innovative, progressive and shamelessly
• Intellectual, independent and
• deeply focused on their beliefs and ideas.
• They are hungry for knowledge in order to
better establish their firm perception on
how the universe and society operate
around them.
• stubborn and close-minded in the end.
Aquarian people are especially social. They
like to present themselves as unique,
eccentric and inventive — different from
the crowd.
Pisces (February 19-March 20)
Symbol: The Fish
Intuitive, sensitive and emphatic
Imaginative, intuitive and emotional
drawn to deeply romantic, creative or
transformative experiences. They are
especially compassionate and sensitive
• often putting the needs of others
before themselves. They are excellent
friends, enjoying a vivid social life filled
with many unique people.
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